Doctor Odyssey (2024) s01e10 Episode Script
Shark Attack! Part 2: Orca!
He needs a hospital.
Even the smallest crisis
could be life threatening.
- Mayday, sharks.
- We're on our way.
- Hey! Hey!
- Help!
I'm Dr. Brooke Lane,
medic from the sunken boat.
This morning, you said you wanted kids
and then I saw you flirting
with Hot Shark Doctor.
Not just one orca, a whole pod.
Now they got us surrounded.
We're dead in the water.
Hold on.
Can't see a thing. Can you?
How are you gonna close with no light?
Everything's done. Still
got vitals. Hey, I need light.
Pass sponge.
I need light.
We need to get him closed up.
Let's start right in here.
- Do we have vitals?
- Monitor's rebooting
on battery backup.
- Okay.
- Vitals coming up.
Thank you.
Okay, we'll have to throw
some more sutures into this.
- The vent's down.
- Unhook it and bag him.
All right.
Unhooking the distal clamp now.
- Oh. Okay.
- Active bleeder at the site.
I see that. Okay. You got the sutures?
- Yes.
- Sutures there. Got that?
- Yes, I do.
- I need help.
I got this. You go.
What's going on?
I found Josie unresponsive.
Pulse is weak.
BP is 62/39, she's crashing.
I need oxygen and one of epi.
On it.
Last suture in, all clamps off.
How's the arterial flow?
It's looking good.
No leaking or bleeders.
Moment of truth.
Foot's perfusing well.
Pulse is a little better,
but BP is still low. Epi's not working.
Maybe she has a pneumothorax
from the shark bite
or hypothermia caused a clot
that embolized.
There's no fluid or air in her chest.
No swelling. I don't think
a clot is causing this.
Her skin is clammy, it could be shock.
We can't know for sure
without running a CVP.
Respiratory acidosis?
Can't confirm without labs.
Screw it, we'll treat her for both.
Continue giving her oxygen.
I'll get her more fluids
and get her on pressors.
Yep, on it.
Okay, folks, here's the sitrep.
A great white shark
took out our propeller
and subsequently the propulsion
system and electrical systems.
We can't move, we can't steer,
we can't send a distress signal.
But the good news is
Rosie's the best
damn engineer I've ever worked with
and if there's any way to get us
out of this situation, she'll find it.
You hear that?
That sound.
Munroe's graft is holding
no signs of early rejection.
Josie is stable. We still
don't know why she crashed.
Delayed pulmonary edema from
aspiration, before the rescue?
Well, no obvious tachycardia
and her lungs sound clear.
Blood loss explains all the symptoms.
From where? There's no bleeding
sites on her arms, legs, or chest.
- Her belly isn't distended.
- An occult bleed from someplace else,
but we can't know without an ultrasound,
it's just a theory for now.
But it is the best one we have.
She'll need blood, fluids,
- IV vancomycin.
- And so do Munroe and Brody,
and we're running low on everything.
There's only one thing for us to do.
Captain, we've got
three critically ill patients
and a shortage of supplies. We
need to get them on a tender right aw
What is that noise?
That's an orca's teeth
grinding on our rudder.
Can't hurt The Odyssey, but, u,
it could swamp a rescue tender
with a flick of its tail.
You see, right now we're
surrounded by a pod of orcas,
and they are pissed.
The last time I encountered angry orcas,
we used fog horns to scare them off.
Loud noises have been known to
trigger instinctual fright responses
from certain species,
including killer whales.
I think we have some fireworks
left over from the 4th of July cruise.
Might do the trick, or if we could
break out the sound cannons.
This is a cruise ship.
Why do you have acoustic
weaponry designed for crowd control?
No, it's just precautionary
deterrent for pirates
in case we ever encounter them.
Sound cannons are very loud.
Don't you also have sandbags?
Yeah, in cases of flooding.
Sand is the deterrent.
We'll dump it in the water
and the particles will affect
the orca's echolocation.
They'll get confused and swim away.
It's low-tech, but effective
and much quieter.
I love it. Let's do it.
Our patients need to be ready for evac
the second the captain gives us
the all clear.
Let's redress
their wounds, grab their meds,
and be ready to strap them to
backboards for transportation.
I'll pack up IV antibiotics,
three units of O neg, and pain meds,
and I'll save the rest of the supplies
for everyone else who's staying behind.
Avery Uh
I've been thinking, and I think
the best course of action
is to have Tristan
take the tender with Brooke.
The best course of action is to
send your most experienced nurse,
which just so happens to be me.
Who just so happens to be pregnant.
I'm well aware.
Aves, it could get rough out there.
I just think it's safer
if you stay on The Ody
This is starting to sound a little
bit like my body, your choice.
Listen, Max.
Tristan is a terrific nurse,
but I'm a nurse practitioner
with far more experience
in treating post-op patients.
It's a two-hour boat ride, plenty
of time for things to go sideways,
and if they do,
I should be the one out there.
Okay. Just be careful, please.
Hey. Hey, how's Munroe doing?
Uh, well, he's groggy
from the anesthesia,
but grateful that he still
has all ten of his toes.
You guys did an amazing job.
Max is a hell of a doctor.
Odyssey's lucky to have him.
- Yeah.
- Frankly,
he's lucky to have you.
You just saved Josie's life,
in the dark,
with limited medical supplies.
As her doctor,
I owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
And, um, an apology for blowing
up at you earlier about Ray.
I wouldn't classify that
as a blow-up, per se.
It was more
of a sternly worded smackdown.
He's lucky to have you in his corner.
Pleasure working with you, Tristan.
You're a great nurse with
an impeccable bedside manner.
Thank you.
- I'm not abandoning ship.
- Spence. You just had major surgery.
And we're running out of ways
to treat you.
I appreciate everything
you've done for me,
but I'm not leaving my post.
Your post? You are not
first mate right now.
You are a patient and in
dire need of medical care.
If we do not get you to a hospital soon,
you could run the risk of an infection.
Your body might reject
the arterial graft.
You could lose your foot. Or worse.
I'm aware of the risk, but
I'm responsible for the safety
of the people onboard this ship.
They are my family,
and The Odyssey is my home.
I'm staying.
We should pour the sand
directly over the rudder.
It exponentially increases our ch
Do you hear that?
- I don't hear anything.
- The scraping stopped.
- The orcas left.
- Why would they do that?
Well, orcas often engage in
behavior that's similar to humans.
They could be playful or,
uh, get bored and distracted.
Maybe they found another ship
or a food supply
The point, Ray.
The point is we can move
the patients off The Odyssey.
Captain, the orcas are gone.
I repeat, the orcas are gone.
Let's get that tender loaded right away.
On three. One two three.
Okay. When you get them down to the
strap them both to the front.
You come with me. Let's make
sure you've got all the supplies.
I wasn't planning on being
back on the waves so soon.
We're gonna get you to a hospital
and they're gonna fix you up.
And I promise, next vacation,
it's just margaritas on the beach.
Yeah, as long as I'm with you,
it's all good. It's all good.
Hey. I, uh I just
I brought you something.
Dramamine, uh, Bonine.
Scopolamine, those those, uh,
little bracelets with the beads.
Small boats are never great, so
in your situation
- That's very sweet.
- Yeah.
Um I shouldn't be worried, right?
It's gonna be fine.
I'll drop off Brooke
and the patients and
Never have to see her again.
I gotta say, it takes guts
getting back out on the water
after what happened to your charter.
Well, statistically speaking,
this ride has to be better.
I'm a trauma surgeon, Max.
Crisis first, emotions later.
What about goodbyes?
Oh, the ocean's not that big. We're
bound to run into each other again.
Hopefully just
with less sharks and orcas.
Thank you again for saving me from
that one that tried to bite my face off.
Well, with that face.
We're all set.
Are you shaking your head at me?
It's nothing. Forget about it.
It's clearly not nothing 'cause I
haven't had a headshake like that
since the 4th grade with Mrs. Berenson.
I don't like
how you've been treating Avery.
Excuse me?
I mean, piece of advice, man,
if you're gonna flirt with another
at least have some tact about it.
There's nothing going on
between Brooke and me.
Yeah, right.
Do you realize how selfish you're being?
And you really want it all,
Max Bankman. Avery.
The woman on the side. The baby too.
Ray says it's about two hours to port.
Listen, about Max,
- I think I stepped in
- No, no, we don't have to.
It's just not my thing,
crossing other women.
You didn't.
Then you and Tristan?
Is that something?
Or how about I just
mind my own business?
Sorry, it's just, uh complicated.
What I would like to know
is if you have any advice
about medical school.
Any tips, tricks?
Okay. As a woman, they'll
push you into gyno or pediatrics.
Which is great, if that's
what you wanna do.
If not, say so. Often.
Lectures are crap.
You already know everything
you're gonna learn in the classroom.
But find one professor that you love.
Someone who looks
at medicine the way that you do.
You know? Go to office hours,
bring them coffee,
get one-on-one time any way you can.
Because the really good, helpful stuff
is what they'll never say
in front of a whole class.
That's, uh
Bottom line is you're gonna
wipe the floor with those first years.
- Oh, I don't know
- How many of them
have assisted an arterial graft or
double amputation in the same day?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, and every residency
and med school interview,
they'll ask you
if you plan on having kids.
They're not allowed to, but they will
because they think that
every woman doctor who has kids
is going to clock out early
for school bake sales.
Which is ignorant and insane.
I mean, who's more productive
than a working mom?
Can I ask how you handled it
when they asked you?
I said no.
Way before that was really the answer.
My advice: lie.
Figure out what you want
in your own timeline.
You don't owe them anything.
We have to stop.
You hear that?
- What's going on?
- Listen.
What is that?
The orcas weren't bored,
they were hiding.
Now they're back.
The pod is back.
Let's get out of here.
Why is the engine off?
It's orca protocol, so they swim away.
- What do we do?
- Get the light.
- Okay.
- Hurry.
- See anything?
- No, nothing.
Oh, my God.
They're swimming away. We need to go.
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Okay. Hey.
Tell me every step of how you're
getting us back to The Odyssey.
The Odysseyis five miles away.
At a speed of 24 clicks, we can
get back to the ship in 11 minutes.
Come in. It's tender 312. It's Avery.
We checked the oil and cooling pumps,
the emergency switchboard
replaced every circuit and wire.
- We're moving on to
- Odyssey , can you hear me?
Tender 312. It's Avery.
You got Captain Massey at the bridge.
Go 312, tender 312.
- Avery, come back.
- Odyssey On way back
tender 3
Get to the bow. Prep the sound cannons.
I can't do this again.
Ray is pushing speed so we
can get back to the ship safely.
Just breathe.
- How do we get off the boat if
- Tender 312.
Avery, do you hear me?
We're being trailed by orcas.
We're heading back.
Avery, we're gonna use
the sound cannons.
That should buy you enough time
to get aboard.
Make sure you protect
everyone's ears.
Ray, I'm gonna put cotton
in your ears to block the sound.
Tell me why. Tell me the plan.
It's gonna be a very, very loud noise.
Some of you might get nauseous or dizzy.
I'll hold on to the wheel very tight
to make sure everybody stays safe.
Tender 312.
Launching the sound cannons
in five
- Here we go!
- four
- three
- Brace yourselves!
Avery, all clear.
No orcas in sight.
The disembarking and boat
turbulence put stress on both.
Yeah, he re-traumatized this wound.
He's gonna need more blood
and broad-spec antibiotics.
On it!
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no.
Damn it, the antibiotics!
That was half our supply.
Yeah, I'm glad everybody's back
safe and sound.
But I've just been handed
some rather difficult news.
The wind has shifted and we're
drifting towards a massive reef.
My guess is we got about
90 minutes before we hit it.
The anchor has a manual
drop option. That could slow our speed.
At 15 tons, that baby goes down.
She does not come back up.
If we tied all the bed sheets
together to create a trolling sock
- No, no, no.
- would it give us enough
The only thing that's gonna
get us out of this situation
is to get the power back up.
Where the hell are we with that?
This engine's electrical system
is a little like one of those
old-school strings of Christmas lights.
Finding the problem
could be harder than fixing it,
although I think we've isolated
the problem
to the aft section of the ship.
Well, you and Ray
head down there right now
and start testing each and every
one of those lights one by one.
Aye, aye, Captain.
We're getting to a critical
point with our blood supply.
Josie's hypertension and
weakness remains a mystery
and she still
needs antibiotics and presses.
Munroe still needs meds as well.
We could raid every first aid kit and
medicine cabinet,
scavenge for meds,
but the blood and the
antibiotics in the fridges
are almost going
to reach room temperature.
So they'll be useless
in about four hours.
What about the freezers in the kitchen?
How are they holding up?
I checked. They're already
below optimum levels,
and the ice machines
aren't doing much better.
The guest rooms
all have mini fridges, right?
- Yeah.
- I have an idea.
How you doing?
I mean, I thought we might face
rough waters, but that was
Yeah, yeah.
Have you checked your vitals?
I'm sure your BP's elevated.
I mean,
the turbulence out there probably
Oh, my God. You're doing it again.
- I'm sorry, I
- I'm gonna go check on Munroe,
make sure he's still stable. Okay?
Hey, was Munroe moved to another room?
No, why?
He's gone.
Hey, hey.
Aves, wait up.
You okay?
I would be if everyone
would stop asking me that.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, it's just everything has gotten
so complicated all of a sudden, you know?
Yeah, I know.
Avery, stop for a second.
All right.
I'm here for you. Full stop.
And I know that everything
seems complicated,
but how about you just let me
be one simple thing in your life?
Is that blood?
It's fresh.
I wish I could say, "I love what
you've done with the place."
Hey, I had crew help dry these in.
Tenders have batteries
like cars have batteries.
Once I wire the battery to these
fridges, I can get them working.
How can I help?
Wire strippers.
So you're a surgeon and an engineer.
My dad was a navy construction mechanic.
Some people speak French,
he spoke machine.
We moved all over the place,
so I didn't meet a lot of other kids.
I made him my best friend and
got good at his stuff. Wrench.
You didn't want to follow
in his footsteps.
Sign up, Semper Fortis.
One day, when I was nine,
this girl was climbing
on the roof of the PX.
She fell, landed on her arm,
full on compound break.
Radius and ulna shot through her skin.
Every other kid screamed and ran away,
but I was in awe.
That was the machine
that I wanted to fix.
Tender batteries aren't strong
enough to power CT or X-ray, but
Son of a bitch.
They'll keep remaining blood
at storage temperature.
So, let's clean these out,
make some room.
In the meantime,
you can answer the burning question.
Snacks, sweet or salty?
- Spencer.
- Spence.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Spence.
- Spencer, what are you doing?
- Going back to the bridge?
- What?
Turn him around. Dude, are you insane?
You just got out of major surgery, man.
And the ship is headed for a reef.
- I can help. I can do my job
- By making yourself worse?
It's not like we have extra blood or
or another severed leg.
My leg is busted, but my brain is fine.
I have to help.
Too bad.
That does not look good.
Jeez, the entire
electrical board is charred.
We're gonna have to replace
at least a dozen fuses
along with all the high speed cables.
It could take hours.
According to the captain's
latest calculations,
we've only got 64 minutes
until we're on that reef.
Then we had better work fast.
- We talking tear or rupture?
- Complete rupture
with stomach contents all over
the chest cavity and the road.
Oh, my God. Seriously?
Yeah, with traffic racing by both ways.
Internal decapitation in the jungle.
- No. What did you do?
- Mm-hmm.
I jerry-rigged a halo
out of twigs and vines.
Of course you did. You save him?
Absolutely. Got him to the hospital.
Successful procedure,
regained full mobility.
- Happy endings are the best.
- Yeah, yeah.
I reattached a woman's face and
scalp after they'd been ripped off.
Come on, now you're just
making stuff up.
- I can show you pictures.
- Not while I'm eating.
See, these are the moments
I miss other surgeons, right?
- Civilians are always like "Ew! Stop."
- "Gross, that's disgusting."
Okay, I gotta know.
Clearly, you love surgery
and you're decent at it.
And I'm just gonna go out on a limb
here and say, today,
notwithstanding, there's not a
lot of cutting in being a surf doctor.
So how did you end up here?
Three years ago,
I was a trauma surgeon at MassGen,
on track to run the department.
And my brother had
a heart attack at 35 and died.
I lost the thread.
Then a few intense things
went down at the hospital and
I went surfing.
You pulled the rip cord.
I pulled the rip cord.
Like you.
- Mmm.
- Max,
you got time for show and tell?
- Back in at the deep end.
- Yep.
Crew did a raid.
Every first aid kit, bathroom cabinet,
even the lost and found.
What are we looking at?
Well, essentially some expired ibuprofen
and a lot,
I mean a lot, of Viagra.
- So nothing that can help.
- Not currently.
Which means we're still dangerously low
if Brody or Munroe
develop new infections,
not to mention
our dwindling blood supply.
We could ask the crew to donate.
No way to type it or test for infection.
And Josie's still a mystery.
We have no idea what meds
or how much blood she'll need.
I know you're running out of supplies,
and if it comes down
to me or Josie, save her.
We can't do that.
Josie wouldn't want us to either.
I'm serious, okay?
I know you might have
to make that choice.
That's how much I love her. Pick her.
Have you considered if Josie
loves you as much as you love her?
She'd ask the same thing.
We're doing everything we can
to save you both.
Oh, no. Munroe.
Not again. Excuse me.
Tristan. Hey, what are you doing?
Why are you helping him escape?
Just in time for the surprise.
And a hearty welcome back
to First Mate Munroe.
Your new post, sir.
Adjusted temporarily.
Now, you get to be here
on two conditions.
One, no overexerting.
No getting up and running around
or jumping up and down,
no crawling, no nothing.
You do what nurses Silva
and Morgan tell you to do.
- Clear?
- Yes, sir.
Okay. And number two,
no more surfing on your days off.
Sir. Yes, sir. How can I help?
All right, I want you to study
these schematics.
You've got to help me find a way
to reroute the power
from the aft generator,
once Rosie and Ray get it
back up and running.
And whatever you find,
write it down in this book on paper
because if I have one
more tablet that dies on me,
I'm gonna lose my mind.
I'm on it, sir.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hmm? Hey.
That was totally amazing
what you did for Munroe.
No, I just I think
he needed to be back home, so
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
And I guess sometimes you just
can't see
the thing that's right in front of you.
Oh, my God.
I just made things complicated.
Avery, Tristan, come in?
Need you back at
the infirmary for Josie.
- BP is 72 over 49.
- Heart rate 121, temp 101.7.
We've been pumping her
full of fluids and pressors,
and she's still hypotensive.
- So this isn't an occult bleed.
- What's going on?
- Please help her.
- Her temperature keeps climbing, sepsis?
It's gonna be okay. She'll be fine.
The wound is clean.
No induration, redness or drainage.
- Does this hurt?
- No, not there. More here.
Where? Show me with your hand.
- Away from the bite. That's weird.
- Yeah.
Bit of broken rib.
Broken rib wouldn't cause
that drastic drop in BP.
This is localized. There's some firmness
I think there's a foreign object
that must have jostled loose
and migrated on the tender.
Well, we need imaging, a CT scan,
and without electricity,
what do we do?
We get our image the old fashioned way.
Open her up? Max,
without power, that is a crazy risk.
We've got to get this infection
out of her somehow.
What else are we gonna do?
Wait, wait, wait.
Hey. These guys are rock stars.
They're gonna figure out what's wrong,
and you're gonna be okay,
and have your whole life
With you.
Your whole life.
That's all that's important.
I'm so sorry, but we
really need to get Josie into surgery.
Wait, wait. Marry me.
- What?
- Promise that you'll marry me.
I don't know what the point
of any of this is without you.
You're my person and I love you.
So say that you'll marry me.
Yeah, yes, yes.
I will.
When we're on the other side of this,
I'm sure Captain Massey would be
happy to perform your marriage vows.
Tell him to be ready.
Okay, 16 AWG wire, and fuses in place.
Okay, try it now.
Cap, you got power up there?
Negative. Keep trying.
Captain, this is Ray.
The only remaining area of the
ship that we haven't checked yet
is the auxiliary engine room.
Well, then that's where the problem is.
Rosie. It's not far.
I can guide you.
The reason we haven't checked it
is because we can't get into it.
The ship's fire suppression system
locked down all the safety hatches.
We can't open them without power.
Well, that means the
corridor to the auxiliary engine room
is locked too.
Along with our chances
of getting out of this mess.
Unless Rosie can find
another way through it.
Like through this bulkhead
right here. It's a direct route.
Dude, that bulkhead right there
is six inches of US steel.
Good thing Rosie knows
how to use an acetylene torch.
Rosie, Munroe has come up
with a crazy idea.
You want to hear it?
I think we should start with
a standard exploratory laparotomy.
- That'll leave a pretty gnarly scar.
- That's the least of my worries.
Understood, but we know from
the exam that the thing is most likely
in her left upper quadrant.
So start with an upper midline incision.
Smaller cut mitigates risk
of infection, scarring.
Yeah, that's smart. That's good.
All right, let's make sure that
we have plenty of vascular clips,
so we can cinch off any bleeders,
sponges to
Max, I know.
We've already been through this.
Avery has it all ready.
Hey. You okay?
Exploratory surgeries
are a Hail Mary at the best of times,
but with this we're literally searching
around in the dark,
in the dark.
We have plenty of flashlights.
That's not what I mean.
I know.
And I get it. It's a big risk.
But you're a gifted surgeon, Max.
And I'll be there with you
every step of the way.
We got this.
How's it going down there?
Just cut through the outer layer.
Retractors are in, let's
examine the quadrants, Brooke.
Thank you. Starting with the lower left.
Left lower quadrant is clear.
No active bleeds or signs of infection.
Moving to the left upper quadrant.
Yeah, get in there.
Can I get some more light?
There. See it?
Must have been caused by
whatever's floating
around in her abdomen.
Yeah, maybe.
If I can just get under here,
maybe I can find the source.
I just need more light.
Whatever it is,
it's tucked right behind her spleen.
Can you extract it?
No, not without more light.
It's just, it's still too dark.
- I see the other side.
- Almost through. Keep going.
Max, BP is dropping 64 over 32.
That's the blood loss.
Hang another bag of O neg.
That's our last bag.
If Brody's sutures rip again,
or Munroe's graft pops a leak
What other choice do we have?
Stop the surgery, close her up.
Then she'll die.
But if one of our other patients
start to hemorrhage
Hang the bag.
- Tell me you got this.
- We're breaking through now, Captain.
She's in.
All right, let's see
what we're dealing with.
BP is still dropping, 61 over 29.
I can't see the field. Can you see?
Rosie? You okay?
She's losing blood
faster than we can replace it.
We have to close her up
while she's still alive.
- We'll find another way.
- It's too late for that.
Well, whatever you find in there,
be extracting it from a dead body.
Cross your fingers.
I'm throwing the switch in three
- I need light in here.
- two one.
I can find it. I just need some more
Oh, hallelujah. Okay, we're in business.
- Putting on a vent.
- Yep.
- How about some real suction?
- Yeah.
We've got a fighting chance now.
Right in here.
- Got it. I see it, I see it.
- Yep.
Rosie, you did it!
Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Munroe, you reckless genius.
All right, let's build up
the thrusters. Set a course.
Captain, but we're still
surrounded by orcas.
Yeah, well, I got one more
surprise for them.
You've got to be kidding me.
A shark's tooth?
How did we miss that?
Must have migrated deep
into the abdominal cavity.
There's no way we were going
to find this without opening her up.
Okay, let's finish up.
I know we have reason to celebrate, Cap.
But why the fireworks?
Well, it'll keep the pod
from following us back to port
where they could wreak havoc
on a whole bunch of smaller ships.
I, Brody, take thee, Josie.
I, Brody, take thee Josie.
For better Well,
I guess we can skip
that part about for better or for worse,
and sickness and health,
since she just went through
a major disaster.
- All that's left is
- Till death do us part.
And no more surf trips. To tempt fate.
And no more surf trips
just to tempt fate.
I, Josie, take thee, Brody.
I, Josie,
promise to do the same thing
forever and ever till death do us part.
Amen. Can I kiss him now?
- This one's a keeper.
- Don't I know it?
By the powers vested in me,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Knock yourselves out, kids.
- Many blessings to both of you.
- Thank you, Captain.
It's a pleasure serving with you, sir.
Young man, the pleasure was all mine.
Oh. In fact,
an application for The Odyssey
when you're considering your next post.
Sir. Yes, sir.
- You did good.
- Thank you, sir.
- Just doing my job.
- And it'll still be here for you
when you get back.
Listen to me,
your father would've been
so proud of you.
Thank you.
Three major surgeries
in less than 36 hours.
- It might be a new ship's record.
- You deserve a trophy.
Mmm. I would settle for a cheeseburger.
Well, I know this open air café
not too far from here.
Best burgers
this side of the Panama Canal.
What do you say? You, me
half a pound of Wagyu beef,
melted Gruyère and caramelized onions.
It's a date.
I guess this is actually goodbye.
Well, thank you again for everything.
- We make a good team.
- Yes, we do.
Shame I'll never see you again.
Yeah. Well, as you said,
the ocean's not that big.
Okay, folks.
Seventy-eight hours until the
next group of cruisers come aboard.
If I were you, I'd make the most of it.
He needs a hospital.
Even the smallest crisis
could be life threatening.
- Mayday, sharks.
- We're on our way.
- Hey! Hey!
- Help!
I'm Dr. Brooke Lane,
medic from the sunken boat.
This morning, you said you wanted kids
and then I saw you flirting
with Hot Shark Doctor.
Not just one orca, a whole pod.
Now they got us surrounded.
We're dead in the water.
Hold on.
Can't see a thing. Can you?
How are you gonna close with no light?
Everything's done. Still
got vitals. Hey, I need light.
Pass sponge.
I need light.
We need to get him closed up.
Let's start right in here.
- Do we have vitals?
- Monitor's rebooting
on battery backup.
- Okay.
- Vitals coming up.
Thank you.
Okay, we'll have to throw
some more sutures into this.
- The vent's down.
- Unhook it and bag him.
All right.
Unhooking the distal clamp now.
- Oh. Okay.
- Active bleeder at the site.
I see that. Okay. You got the sutures?
- Yes.
- Sutures there. Got that?
- Yes, I do.
- I need help.
I got this. You go.
What's going on?
I found Josie unresponsive.
Pulse is weak.
BP is 62/39, she's crashing.
I need oxygen and one of epi.
On it.
Last suture in, all clamps off.
How's the arterial flow?
It's looking good.
No leaking or bleeders.
Moment of truth.
Foot's perfusing well.
Pulse is a little better,
but BP is still low. Epi's not working.
Maybe she has a pneumothorax
from the shark bite
or hypothermia caused a clot
that embolized.
There's no fluid or air in her chest.
No swelling. I don't think
a clot is causing this.
Her skin is clammy, it could be shock.
We can't know for sure
without running a CVP.
Respiratory acidosis?
Can't confirm without labs.
Screw it, we'll treat her for both.
Continue giving her oxygen.
I'll get her more fluids
and get her on pressors.
Yep, on it.
Okay, folks, here's the sitrep.
A great white shark
took out our propeller
and subsequently the propulsion
system and electrical systems.
We can't move, we can't steer,
we can't send a distress signal.
But the good news is
Rosie's the best
damn engineer I've ever worked with
and if there's any way to get us
out of this situation, she'll find it.
You hear that?
That sound.
Munroe's graft is holding
no signs of early rejection.
Josie is stable. We still
don't know why she crashed.
Delayed pulmonary edema from
aspiration, before the rescue?
Well, no obvious tachycardia
and her lungs sound clear.
Blood loss explains all the symptoms.
From where? There's no bleeding
sites on her arms, legs, or chest.
- Her belly isn't distended.
- An occult bleed from someplace else,
but we can't know without an ultrasound,
it's just a theory for now.
But it is the best one we have.
She'll need blood, fluids,
- IV vancomycin.
- And so do Munroe and Brody,
and we're running low on everything.
There's only one thing for us to do.
Captain, we've got
three critically ill patients
and a shortage of supplies. We
need to get them on a tender right aw
What is that noise?
That's an orca's teeth
grinding on our rudder.
Can't hurt The Odyssey, but, u,
it could swamp a rescue tender
with a flick of its tail.
You see, right now we're
surrounded by a pod of orcas,
and they are pissed.
The last time I encountered angry orcas,
we used fog horns to scare them off.
Loud noises have been known to
trigger instinctual fright responses
from certain species,
including killer whales.
I think we have some fireworks
left over from the 4th of July cruise.
Might do the trick, or if we could
break out the sound cannons.
This is a cruise ship.
Why do you have acoustic
weaponry designed for crowd control?
No, it's just precautionary
deterrent for pirates
in case we ever encounter them.
Sound cannons are very loud.
Don't you also have sandbags?
Yeah, in cases of flooding.
Sand is the deterrent.
We'll dump it in the water
and the particles will affect
the orca's echolocation.
They'll get confused and swim away.
It's low-tech, but effective
and much quieter.
I love it. Let's do it.
Our patients need to be ready for evac
the second the captain gives us
the all clear.
Let's redress
their wounds, grab their meds,
and be ready to strap them to
backboards for transportation.
I'll pack up IV antibiotics,
three units of O neg, and pain meds,
and I'll save the rest of the supplies
for everyone else who's staying behind.
Avery Uh
I've been thinking, and I think
the best course of action
is to have Tristan
take the tender with Brooke.
The best course of action is to
send your most experienced nurse,
which just so happens to be me.
Who just so happens to be pregnant.
I'm well aware.
Aves, it could get rough out there.
I just think it's safer
if you stay on The Ody
This is starting to sound a little
bit like my body, your choice.
Listen, Max.
Tristan is a terrific nurse,
but I'm a nurse practitioner
with far more experience
in treating post-op patients.
It's a two-hour boat ride, plenty
of time for things to go sideways,
and if they do,
I should be the one out there.
Okay. Just be careful, please.
Hey. Hey, how's Munroe doing?
Uh, well, he's groggy
from the anesthesia,
but grateful that he still
has all ten of his toes.
You guys did an amazing job.
Max is a hell of a doctor.
Odyssey's lucky to have him.
- Yeah.
- Frankly,
he's lucky to have you.
You just saved Josie's life,
in the dark,
with limited medical supplies.
As her doctor,
I owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
And, um, an apology for blowing
up at you earlier about Ray.
I wouldn't classify that
as a blow-up, per se.
It was more
of a sternly worded smackdown.
He's lucky to have you in his corner.
Pleasure working with you, Tristan.
You're a great nurse with
an impeccable bedside manner.
Thank you.
- I'm not abandoning ship.
- Spence. You just had major surgery.
And we're running out of ways
to treat you.
I appreciate everything
you've done for me,
but I'm not leaving my post.
Your post? You are not
first mate right now.
You are a patient and in
dire need of medical care.
If we do not get you to a hospital soon,
you could run the risk of an infection.
Your body might reject
the arterial graft.
You could lose your foot. Or worse.
I'm aware of the risk, but
I'm responsible for the safety
of the people onboard this ship.
They are my family,
and The Odyssey is my home.
I'm staying.
We should pour the sand
directly over the rudder.
It exponentially increases our ch
Do you hear that?
- I don't hear anything.
- The scraping stopped.
- The orcas left.
- Why would they do that?
Well, orcas often engage in
behavior that's similar to humans.
They could be playful or,
uh, get bored and distracted.
Maybe they found another ship
or a food supply
The point, Ray.
The point is we can move
the patients off The Odyssey.
Captain, the orcas are gone.
I repeat, the orcas are gone.
Let's get that tender loaded right away.
On three. One two three.
Okay. When you get them down to the
strap them both to the front.
You come with me. Let's make
sure you've got all the supplies.
I wasn't planning on being
back on the waves so soon.
We're gonna get you to a hospital
and they're gonna fix you up.
And I promise, next vacation,
it's just margaritas on the beach.
Yeah, as long as I'm with you,
it's all good. It's all good.
Hey. I, uh I just
I brought you something.
Dramamine, uh, Bonine.
Scopolamine, those those, uh,
little bracelets with the beads.
Small boats are never great, so
in your situation
- That's very sweet.
- Yeah.
Um I shouldn't be worried, right?
It's gonna be fine.
I'll drop off Brooke
and the patients and
Never have to see her again.
I gotta say, it takes guts
getting back out on the water
after what happened to your charter.
Well, statistically speaking,
this ride has to be better.
I'm a trauma surgeon, Max.
Crisis first, emotions later.
What about goodbyes?
Oh, the ocean's not that big. We're
bound to run into each other again.
Hopefully just
with less sharks and orcas.
Thank you again for saving me from
that one that tried to bite my face off.
Well, with that face.
We're all set.
Are you shaking your head at me?
It's nothing. Forget about it.
It's clearly not nothing 'cause I
haven't had a headshake like that
since the 4th grade with Mrs. Berenson.
I don't like
how you've been treating Avery.
Excuse me?
I mean, piece of advice, man,
if you're gonna flirt with another
at least have some tact about it.
There's nothing going on
between Brooke and me.
Yeah, right.
Do you realize how selfish you're being?
And you really want it all,
Max Bankman. Avery.
The woman on the side. The baby too.
Ray says it's about two hours to port.
Listen, about Max,
- I think I stepped in
- No, no, we don't have to.
It's just not my thing,
crossing other women.
You didn't.
Then you and Tristan?
Is that something?
Or how about I just
mind my own business?
Sorry, it's just, uh complicated.
What I would like to know
is if you have any advice
about medical school.
Any tips, tricks?
Okay. As a woman, they'll
push you into gyno or pediatrics.
Which is great, if that's
what you wanna do.
If not, say so. Often.
Lectures are crap.
You already know everything
you're gonna learn in the classroom.
But find one professor that you love.
Someone who looks
at medicine the way that you do.
You know? Go to office hours,
bring them coffee,
get one-on-one time any way you can.
Because the really good, helpful stuff
is what they'll never say
in front of a whole class.
That's, uh
Bottom line is you're gonna
wipe the floor with those first years.
- Oh, I don't know
- How many of them
have assisted an arterial graft or
double amputation in the same day?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, and every residency
and med school interview,
they'll ask you
if you plan on having kids.
They're not allowed to, but they will
because they think that
every woman doctor who has kids
is going to clock out early
for school bake sales.
Which is ignorant and insane.
I mean, who's more productive
than a working mom?
Can I ask how you handled it
when they asked you?
I said no.
Way before that was really the answer.
My advice: lie.
Figure out what you want
in your own timeline.
You don't owe them anything.
We have to stop.
You hear that?
- What's going on?
- Listen.
What is that?
The orcas weren't bored,
they were hiding.
Now they're back.
The pod is back.
Let's get out of here.
Why is the engine off?
It's orca protocol, so they swim away.
- What do we do?
- Get the light.
- Okay.
- Hurry.
- See anything?
- No, nothing.
Oh, my God.
They're swimming away. We need to go.
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Okay. Hey.
Tell me every step of how you're
getting us back to The Odyssey.
The Odysseyis five miles away.
At a speed of 24 clicks, we can
get back to the ship in 11 minutes.
Come in. It's tender 312. It's Avery.
We checked the oil and cooling pumps,
the emergency switchboard
replaced every circuit and wire.
- We're moving on to
- Odyssey , can you hear me?
Tender 312. It's Avery.
You got Captain Massey at the bridge.
Go 312, tender 312.
- Avery, come back.
- Odyssey On way back
tender 3
Get to the bow. Prep the sound cannons.
I can't do this again.
Ray is pushing speed so we
can get back to the ship safely.
Just breathe.
- How do we get off the boat if
- Tender 312.
Avery, do you hear me?
We're being trailed by orcas.
We're heading back.
Avery, we're gonna use
the sound cannons.
That should buy you enough time
to get aboard.
Make sure you protect
everyone's ears.
Ray, I'm gonna put cotton
in your ears to block the sound.
Tell me why. Tell me the plan.
It's gonna be a very, very loud noise.
Some of you might get nauseous or dizzy.
I'll hold on to the wheel very tight
to make sure everybody stays safe.
Tender 312.
Launching the sound cannons
in five
- Here we go!
- four
- three
- Brace yourselves!
Avery, all clear.
No orcas in sight.
The disembarking and boat
turbulence put stress on both.
Yeah, he re-traumatized this wound.
He's gonna need more blood
and broad-spec antibiotics.
On it!
Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no.
Damn it, the antibiotics!
That was half our supply.
Yeah, I'm glad everybody's back
safe and sound.
But I've just been handed
some rather difficult news.
The wind has shifted and we're
drifting towards a massive reef.
My guess is we got about
90 minutes before we hit it.
The anchor has a manual
drop option. That could slow our speed.
At 15 tons, that baby goes down.
She does not come back up.
If we tied all the bed sheets
together to create a trolling sock
- No, no, no.
- would it give us enough
The only thing that's gonna
get us out of this situation
is to get the power back up.
Where the hell are we with that?
This engine's electrical system
is a little like one of those
old-school strings of Christmas lights.
Finding the problem
could be harder than fixing it,
although I think we've isolated
the problem
to the aft section of the ship.
Well, you and Ray
head down there right now
and start testing each and every
one of those lights one by one.
Aye, aye, Captain.
We're getting to a critical
point with our blood supply.
Josie's hypertension and
weakness remains a mystery
and she still
needs antibiotics and presses.
Munroe still needs meds as well.
We could raid every first aid kit and
medicine cabinet,
scavenge for meds,
but the blood and the
antibiotics in the fridges
are almost going
to reach room temperature.
So they'll be useless
in about four hours.
What about the freezers in the kitchen?
How are they holding up?
I checked. They're already
below optimum levels,
and the ice machines
aren't doing much better.
The guest rooms
all have mini fridges, right?
- Yeah.
- I have an idea.
How you doing?
I mean, I thought we might face
rough waters, but that was
Yeah, yeah.
Have you checked your vitals?
I'm sure your BP's elevated.
I mean,
the turbulence out there probably
Oh, my God. You're doing it again.
- I'm sorry, I
- I'm gonna go check on Munroe,
make sure he's still stable. Okay?
Hey, was Munroe moved to another room?
No, why?
He's gone.
Hey, hey.
Aves, wait up.
You okay?
I would be if everyone
would stop asking me that.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, it's just everything has gotten
so complicated all of a sudden, you know?
Yeah, I know.
Avery, stop for a second.
All right.
I'm here for you. Full stop.
And I know that everything
seems complicated,
but how about you just let me
be one simple thing in your life?
Is that blood?
It's fresh.
I wish I could say, "I love what
you've done with the place."
Hey, I had crew help dry these in.
Tenders have batteries
like cars have batteries.
Once I wire the battery to these
fridges, I can get them working.
How can I help?
Wire strippers.
So you're a surgeon and an engineer.
My dad was a navy construction mechanic.
Some people speak French,
he spoke machine.
We moved all over the place,
so I didn't meet a lot of other kids.
I made him my best friend and
got good at his stuff. Wrench.
You didn't want to follow
in his footsteps.
Sign up, Semper Fortis.
One day, when I was nine,
this girl was climbing
on the roof of the PX.
She fell, landed on her arm,
full on compound break.
Radius and ulna shot through her skin.
Every other kid screamed and ran away,
but I was in awe.
That was the machine
that I wanted to fix.
Tender batteries aren't strong
enough to power CT or X-ray, but
Son of a bitch.
They'll keep remaining blood
at storage temperature.
So, let's clean these out,
make some room.
In the meantime,
you can answer the burning question.
Snacks, sweet or salty?
- Spencer.
- Spence.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Spence.
- Spencer, what are you doing?
- Going back to the bridge?
- What?
Turn him around. Dude, are you insane?
You just got out of major surgery, man.
And the ship is headed for a reef.
- I can help. I can do my job
- By making yourself worse?
It's not like we have extra blood or
or another severed leg.
My leg is busted, but my brain is fine.
I have to help.
Too bad.
That does not look good.
Jeez, the entire
electrical board is charred.
We're gonna have to replace
at least a dozen fuses
along with all the high speed cables.
It could take hours.
According to the captain's
latest calculations,
we've only got 64 minutes
until we're on that reef.
Then we had better work fast.
- We talking tear or rupture?
- Complete rupture
with stomach contents all over
the chest cavity and the road.
Oh, my God. Seriously?
Yeah, with traffic racing by both ways.
Internal decapitation in the jungle.
- No. What did you do?
- Mm-hmm.
I jerry-rigged a halo
out of twigs and vines.
Of course you did. You save him?
Absolutely. Got him to the hospital.
Successful procedure,
regained full mobility.
- Happy endings are the best.
- Yeah, yeah.
I reattached a woman's face and
scalp after they'd been ripped off.
Come on, now you're just
making stuff up.
- I can show you pictures.
- Not while I'm eating.
See, these are the moments
I miss other surgeons, right?
- Civilians are always like "Ew! Stop."
- "Gross, that's disgusting."
Okay, I gotta know.
Clearly, you love surgery
and you're decent at it.
And I'm just gonna go out on a limb
here and say, today,
notwithstanding, there's not a
lot of cutting in being a surf doctor.
So how did you end up here?
Three years ago,
I was a trauma surgeon at MassGen,
on track to run the department.
And my brother had
a heart attack at 35 and died.
I lost the thread.
Then a few intense things
went down at the hospital and
I went surfing.
You pulled the rip cord.
I pulled the rip cord.
Like you.
- Mmm.
- Max,
you got time for show and tell?
- Back in at the deep end.
- Yep.
Crew did a raid.
Every first aid kit, bathroom cabinet,
even the lost and found.
What are we looking at?
Well, essentially some expired ibuprofen
and a lot,
I mean a lot, of Viagra.
- So nothing that can help.
- Not currently.
Which means we're still dangerously low
if Brody or Munroe
develop new infections,
not to mention
our dwindling blood supply.
We could ask the crew to donate.
No way to type it or test for infection.
And Josie's still a mystery.
We have no idea what meds
or how much blood she'll need.
I know you're running out of supplies,
and if it comes down
to me or Josie, save her.
We can't do that.
Josie wouldn't want us to either.
I'm serious, okay?
I know you might have
to make that choice.
That's how much I love her. Pick her.
Have you considered if Josie
loves you as much as you love her?
She'd ask the same thing.
We're doing everything we can
to save you both.
Oh, no. Munroe.
Not again. Excuse me.
Tristan. Hey, what are you doing?
Why are you helping him escape?
Just in time for the surprise.
And a hearty welcome back
to First Mate Munroe.
Your new post, sir.
Adjusted temporarily.
Now, you get to be here
on two conditions.
One, no overexerting.
No getting up and running around
or jumping up and down,
no crawling, no nothing.
You do what nurses Silva
and Morgan tell you to do.
- Clear?
- Yes, sir.
Okay. And number two,
no more surfing on your days off.
Sir. Yes, sir. How can I help?
All right, I want you to study
these schematics.
You've got to help me find a way
to reroute the power
from the aft generator,
once Rosie and Ray get it
back up and running.
And whatever you find,
write it down in this book on paper
because if I have one
more tablet that dies on me,
I'm gonna lose my mind.
I'm on it, sir.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hmm? Hey.
That was totally amazing
what you did for Munroe.
No, I just I think
he needed to be back home, so
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
And I guess sometimes you just
can't see
the thing that's right in front of you.
Oh, my God.
I just made things complicated.
Avery, Tristan, come in?
Need you back at
the infirmary for Josie.
- BP is 72 over 49.
- Heart rate 121, temp 101.7.
We've been pumping her
full of fluids and pressors,
and she's still hypotensive.
- So this isn't an occult bleed.
- What's going on?
- Please help her.
- Her temperature keeps climbing, sepsis?
It's gonna be okay. She'll be fine.
The wound is clean.
No induration, redness or drainage.
- Does this hurt?
- No, not there. More here.
Where? Show me with your hand.
- Away from the bite. That's weird.
- Yeah.
Bit of broken rib.
Broken rib wouldn't cause
that drastic drop in BP.
This is localized. There's some firmness
I think there's a foreign object
that must have jostled loose
and migrated on the tender.
Well, we need imaging, a CT scan,
and without electricity,
what do we do?
We get our image the old fashioned way.
Open her up? Max,
without power, that is a crazy risk.
We've got to get this infection
out of her somehow.
What else are we gonna do?
Wait, wait, wait.
Hey. These guys are rock stars.
They're gonna figure out what's wrong,
and you're gonna be okay,
and have your whole life
With you.
Your whole life.
That's all that's important.
I'm so sorry, but we
really need to get Josie into surgery.
Wait, wait. Marry me.
- What?
- Promise that you'll marry me.
I don't know what the point
of any of this is without you.
You're my person and I love you.
So say that you'll marry me.
Yeah, yes, yes.
I will.
When we're on the other side of this,
I'm sure Captain Massey would be
happy to perform your marriage vows.
Tell him to be ready.
Okay, 16 AWG wire, and fuses in place.
Okay, try it now.
Cap, you got power up there?
Negative. Keep trying.
Captain, this is Ray.
The only remaining area of the
ship that we haven't checked yet
is the auxiliary engine room.
Well, then that's where the problem is.
Rosie. It's not far.
I can guide you.
The reason we haven't checked it
is because we can't get into it.
The ship's fire suppression system
locked down all the safety hatches.
We can't open them without power.
Well, that means the
corridor to the auxiliary engine room
is locked too.
Along with our chances
of getting out of this mess.
Unless Rosie can find
another way through it.
Like through this bulkhead
right here. It's a direct route.
Dude, that bulkhead right there
is six inches of US steel.
Good thing Rosie knows
how to use an acetylene torch.
Rosie, Munroe has come up
with a crazy idea.
You want to hear it?
I think we should start with
a standard exploratory laparotomy.
- That'll leave a pretty gnarly scar.
- That's the least of my worries.
Understood, but we know from
the exam that the thing is most likely
in her left upper quadrant.
So start with an upper midline incision.
Smaller cut mitigates risk
of infection, scarring.
Yeah, that's smart. That's good.
All right, let's make sure that
we have plenty of vascular clips,
so we can cinch off any bleeders,
sponges to
Max, I know.
We've already been through this.
Avery has it all ready.
Hey. You okay?
Exploratory surgeries
are a Hail Mary at the best of times,
but with this we're literally searching
around in the dark,
in the dark.
We have plenty of flashlights.
That's not what I mean.
I know.
And I get it. It's a big risk.
But you're a gifted surgeon, Max.
And I'll be there with you
every step of the way.
We got this.
How's it going down there?
Just cut through the outer layer.
Retractors are in, let's
examine the quadrants, Brooke.
Thank you. Starting with the lower left.
Left lower quadrant is clear.
No active bleeds or signs of infection.
Moving to the left upper quadrant.
Yeah, get in there.
Can I get some more light?
There. See it?
Must have been caused by
whatever's floating
around in her abdomen.
Yeah, maybe.
If I can just get under here,
maybe I can find the source.
I just need more light.
Whatever it is,
it's tucked right behind her spleen.
Can you extract it?
No, not without more light.
It's just, it's still too dark.
- I see the other side.
- Almost through. Keep going.
Max, BP is dropping 64 over 32.
That's the blood loss.
Hang another bag of O neg.
That's our last bag.
If Brody's sutures rip again,
or Munroe's graft pops a leak
What other choice do we have?
Stop the surgery, close her up.
Then she'll die.
But if one of our other patients
start to hemorrhage
Hang the bag.
- Tell me you got this.
- We're breaking through now, Captain.
She's in.
All right, let's see
what we're dealing with.
BP is still dropping, 61 over 29.
I can't see the field. Can you see?
Rosie? You okay?
She's losing blood
faster than we can replace it.
We have to close her up
while she's still alive.
- We'll find another way.
- It's too late for that.
Well, whatever you find in there,
be extracting it from a dead body.
Cross your fingers.
I'm throwing the switch in three
- I need light in here.
- two one.
I can find it. I just need some more
Oh, hallelujah. Okay, we're in business.
- Putting on a vent.
- Yep.
- How about some real suction?
- Yeah.
We've got a fighting chance now.
Right in here.
- Got it. I see it, I see it.
- Yep.
Rosie, you did it!
Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Munroe, you reckless genius.
All right, let's build up
the thrusters. Set a course.
Captain, but we're still
surrounded by orcas.
Yeah, well, I got one more
surprise for them.
You've got to be kidding me.
A shark's tooth?
How did we miss that?
Must have migrated deep
into the abdominal cavity.
There's no way we were going
to find this without opening her up.
Okay, let's finish up.
I know we have reason to celebrate, Cap.
But why the fireworks?
Well, it'll keep the pod
from following us back to port
where they could wreak havoc
on a whole bunch of smaller ships.
I, Brody, take thee, Josie.
I, Brody, take thee Josie.
For better Well,
I guess we can skip
that part about for better or for worse,
and sickness and health,
since she just went through
a major disaster.
- All that's left is
- Till death do us part.
And no more surf trips. To tempt fate.
And no more surf trips
just to tempt fate.
I, Josie, take thee, Brody.
I, Josie,
promise to do the same thing
forever and ever till death do us part.
Amen. Can I kiss him now?
- This one's a keeper.
- Don't I know it?
By the powers vested in me,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Knock yourselves out, kids.
- Many blessings to both of you.
- Thank you, Captain.
It's a pleasure serving with you, sir.
Young man, the pleasure was all mine.
Oh. In fact,
an application for The Odyssey
when you're considering your next post.
Sir. Yes, sir.
- You did good.
- Thank you, sir.
- Just doing my job.
- And it'll still be here for you
when you get back.
Listen to me,
your father would've been
so proud of you.
Thank you.
Three major surgeries
in less than 36 hours.
- It might be a new ship's record.
- You deserve a trophy.
Mmm. I would settle for a cheeseburger.
Well, I know this open air café
not too far from here.
Best burgers
this side of the Panama Canal.
What do you say? You, me
half a pound of Wagyu beef,
melted Gruyère and caramelized onions.
It's a date.
I guess this is actually goodbye.
Well, thank you again for everything.
- We make a good team.
- Yes, we do.
Shame I'll never see you again.
Yeah. Well, as you said,
the ocean's not that big.
Okay, folks.
Seventy-eight hours until the
next group of cruisers come aboard.
If I were you, I'd make the most of it.