Doctor Slump (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

I was the top-ranked student
at our school 47 times.
I was the top-ranked student
in the country after acing a mock test.
I graduated at the top of my class
from Seoul's most prestigious med school.
And I even received a Minister's Award.
But now,
I'm just the best Pump It Up player.
I authored articles in BJA,
the world's leading journal on anesthesia.
I won Best Dissertation of the Year
and Best Young Researcher
of the Year awards.
But now,
I just win at the arcade.
Let's begin.
Hold this.
This surgery won't be easy at all.
The blue scrubs
I used to wear for surgeries
became pajamas and work clothes
because they were comfortable.
This patient has severe AS,
so prepare general anesthesia.
Let's start with the A-line and C-line.
Prepare norepinephrine
and phenylephrine as well.
Yes, doctor.
Isn't this for a hip fracture?
Do spinal anesthesia instead.
It used to be
an absolute contraindication.
But now, it's a relative contraindication.
But isn't general anesthesia easier
to control if the patient's BP drops?
Their BP will drop
with general anesthesia as well.
If we keep the dosage down,
it'll be easier to manage.
I used to challenge colleagues
about our patients.
- When are you going to be done?
- What in the world?
We've been waiting for ages.
Why? You should go home and study instead.
I already get good grades.
My teacher said I could become
a judge, a prosecutor, or a doctor.
I already grew up and became a doctor.
Now, I challenge kids.
My life is like soju.
It's so bitter.
Then, my life is like…
spicy chicken feet.
It makes me tear up.
Goodness. Here's your rolled omelette.
I'll clear this.
Okay. Thank you.
Should I reheat this for you?
- Ma'am!
- Yes?
The wounds on your heels are pretty bad.
Didn't you say
you took medicine for your diabetes?
- Yes.
- That's it.
You see, diabetes patients
lose sensation in their feet.
You'll suffer a lot
from foot ulcers if you don't treat that.
Don't wear your shoes too tightly.
Next time you go for your prescription,
don't forget to show
the doctor your feet. Okay?
All right, I will.
People might think
he's a doctor or something.
How did you know?
I am a doctor.
Call me Dr. Yeo from now on.
- Dr. Yeo?
- What?
Not Mr. Yeo?
I'm Dr. Nam.
I'm also a doctor.
So you two are doctors.
So they call you Dr. Yeo and Dr. Nam.
Is this correct?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Don't drink too much, okay?
Make sure you pay. We have cameras.
People like them always forget to pay.
But we are doctors.
No one believed our profession.
Even we had forgotten about it.
But we are doctors.
Were there any issues
during the induction of anesthesia?
No, there weren't.
Both her BP and pulse are stable.
We are…
starting again.
Dr. Yeo, you may begin now.
She's our anesthesiologist for the day.
- Her name is Dr. Nam Ha-neul.
- I see.
- My surgical gown.
- Yes, sir.
I'll begin now.
Have it focused.
Thank you.
I'll start with her nose. I need
local anesthesia with the dental syringe.
Number 15 scalpel.
Dr. Yeo, the patient
is bleeding quite a bit.
Her BP is 110 over 79. Should I lower it?
Number 15 scalpel.
We're done. Remove the headlight.
We can wrap up after irrigation.
I'll be done with dressing
the wound in 20 minutes.
Okay. Take your time.
Jeong-woo, how did it go?
I heard it was a tricky secondary case.
What's going on?
Oh, you mean Ha-neul?
You see…
I heard about how Jeong-woo
had a panic attack during surgery.
He did.
I think I made him
return to work too soon.
I knew he would be struggling,
but I had no idea it was that bad.
Were you aware of this?
To be honest, I was worried
when I heard he was going back to work.
"Will he be able to hold a scalpel?"
"Will he be okay with blood?"
"Will he be afraid of his colleagues?"
Did you know that a colleague he trusted
was also in on the medical accident?
Right. She helped secretly mix heparin
into the IV to cause excessive bleeding.
That's why he may still doubt
doing surgery in the OR
and those in the room with him.
So I was wondering…
if I could be in the OR with him.
I wanted to tell you in advance,
but she said you'd refuse.
She begged me not to tell you.
- Did I do something wrong again?
- No, you didn't.
I just don't think… I can do it anymore.
What do you mean?
I kept telling myself
it was okay and I could do it.
- But I don't think I'm ready yet.
- Come on.
The surgery went well. What's the problem?
I get chills whenever I grab a scalpel.
Just like the first time as a med student,
it feels foreign and scary.
I think continuing to insist
that I'm fine is unfair to everyone.
What are you talking about?
- "Unfair"? Why would you say that?
- It's true.
And how could I possibly
receive your help?
Why not?
You told me to come back.
You said I could come back whenever.
I didn't mean in this way.
Dr. Yeo, you have a guest.
How have you been?
- Remember me?
- Of course, sir.
What brings you here?
What do you think?
I heard you were back at work,
so I decided to get a consultation.
Hello, Mr. Han. Do you remember me?
Of course, I do.
- How have you been?
- Good.
Goodness, I can't believe
two of my former students are here.
I brought some tea for you.
Goodness, thank you.
You didn't have to, doctor.
It's my pleasure.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Are you also working here
as an anesthesiologist?
- No.
- Yes.
So you're not working here?
- No, she's not.
- Yes, I am.
What's with you two?
Why are your answers different?
You see…
We still haven't finalized it.
By the way, are you really here
to get some work done?
To be honest,
I've been watching the news
to see what you've been doing.
I knew you'd never do such a thing.
It shattered my heart. I hoped everything
would be quickly resolved.
So after hearing you were back at work,
I decided to visit
and help your business out.
Don't be absurd, sir.
So tell me. What do I need?
I heard people get facelifts these days.
Should I do that? Or maybe a nose job?
You look the nicest
and most natural right now. Or…
No, don't ruin your face.
Nice one, Jeong-woo.
It's lunchtime anyway.
Let's go grab some food.
I wanted to treat you
to something nice, but why tteokbokki?
Gosh, you both became successful doctors,
but you still look
like high school seniors to me.
What about me?
Do I look like one too?
You look like you'd have
a son who's a senior.
That's a bit harsh, Mr. Han.
- A son who's a senior?
- I mean…
- Well--
- I have a daughter who's in seventh grade.
Gosh, you startled me.
He's a witty one.
By the way, why are you here?
Why not? I like tteokbokki too.
And I noticed all our nurses
had already gone out to eat.
You want me to eat alone then?
Mr. Han, should I eat lunch by myself?
Eat up.
Thank you.
By the way, you must've really cared
about Jeong-woo
to have come all the way here.
Of course.
He was the perfect student
back in the day.
He was kind, studious, and mature.
Of course, that was until Ha-neul
joined our school. He was so mature.
What do you mean?
How did he change after she came?
Don't get me started.
These two were the only ones
in the country who aced their mock tests.
Imagine how things were
having both in the same class.
Ha-neul, do you remember packing
Cheongyang chili peppers to school?
What? I did?
You said it helped you
stay awake at school,
so you ate them for lunch
all the time while studying.
Goodness, you were
so strict with yourself.
She sure was.
Why does the air smell so spicy?
What is she eating?
Ttaengcho. That's what Busan natives
call Cheongyang chili peppers.
But why?
- Coffee doesn't cut it for her anymore.
- What?
To help her stay awake…
she's been bringing them lately.
Why would she go to such lengths?
My stomach hurts.
Ma'am, could I get some medicine?
For what?
I have a stomachache.
- A stomachache?
- Yes.
- Hey, our teacher told me to take this.
- Why?
It's obvious.
You said these kept you awake,
so I ate some and had to see the nurse.
My insides were in pain!
Guys, they said Cheongyang chili peppers
are banned from now on.
So don't bring any.
Let's go to the teachers' office.
You're dead meat now.
Jeong-woo was really something else too.
No wonder.
I saw them bickering earlier,
and they did it so naturally.
They still bicker?
All the time.
Do you really?
Gosh, the sauce has reduced down a lot.
Can I have this egg?
Hey, that's mine.
I've been rolling it
and cooking it in the sauce.
You can't say it's yours.
I was watching it get rolled too.
That's not the same as actually doing it.
It's always so hard
being stuck between these two.
I can totally relate.
You've been through so much.
I know I didn't call dibs, but--
You're such an evil boy!
Sure, I might as well be one! Okay.
- They are evil.
- Give it to me.
- Come on!
- Come on! Here it is.
Don't you dare touch it, you thug.
Stop it, you two.
- Thank you for the meal.
- Thank you.
I'll treat you to something
even better next time.
I appreciate the gesture.
By the way, sir.
You have lines when you smile.
Let me give you some Botox.
But Jeong-woo said
I looked natural and nice.
He's just saying that.
You really need some.
All right. Next time.
You must be busy. Go on then.
- Take care, sir.
- Goodbye.
- I'll see you again.
- Bye, Mr. Han.
Sir, give me a call.
I'll get it done nicely for you.
And… you should get it done soon.
Thank you for your advice.
You should go home.
Come on.
Who are you to order me around?
I'm going to work.
Just give in, will you?
I get that you guys have been rivals
for years and naturally bicker.
But she wants to help--
That little…
- We need to talk.
- What's wrong with you? Let me go.
What is it?
I lied.
I never ate chili peppers like you.
That was a lie.
- What?
- I had to stop you somehow.
I didn't even like you then,
but I couldn't bear to see you in pain.
So imagine how I feel right now.
Let me ask you one thing.
Have you ever thought about working
at a plastic surgery clinic?
- What?
- You never considered it before.
Plus, you were taking a break
because things were tough.
Did it cross your mind that it'd hurt me
to see you work just because of me?
It did. But…
I had no choice.
I couldn't let you be alone.
You're hurting, so how could I?
Then, what about you?
I didn't want to leave you alone
when you were in pain.
I asked you to struggle by my side
and go through it together.
I held onto you and begged.
But you just let go.
I still don't know why we broke up.
You never gave me a clear reason.
No matter how hard things got,
I was prepared to endure it and love you.
But you let go of my hand.
But you can't see how it hurts me?
You have to be by my side?
For your own sake?
- Jeong-woo--
- Just go.
To me right now,
you're just being selfish.
Ha-neul, I have big news!
Jeong-woo's on the rooftop.
I went to get our blankets
and the light was on.
I wonder why he's here.
Maybe because he missed you.
Walk, don't run. Ha-neul!
You have to play hard to get!
Looking so openly anxious
isn't attractive!
Hello, Ha-neul. What brings you here?
I came up and saw the light was on.
Why are you here?
Jeong-woo wanted me to pick up a book.
You left this behind,
so I was going to drop this off.
- Thank you.
- It's my pleasure.
I was going to call you anyway.
I'm glad I ran into you.
I'll get going then.
- Good night.
- Take care.
Hey, Mom.
What? She did?
Where are you now? The hospital?
Where's Jin-woo?
Okay, I'll pick him up. Wait for me. Bye.
Su-min, it's me.
Sorry for calling so early.
I have a favor to ask.
Hold on, please!
I'm sorry.
My aunt slipped and fell in the bathroom.
She has broken bones,
so she's in surgery right now.
My mom needs to be there,
so no one's available to watch Jin-woo.
I have to go into surgery right now.
You're on vacation? Jeju Island?
Lucky you.
Have fun then. Bye.
No. I told you not to
fool around in the elevator.
What do I do?
Right, Ha-neul.
Excuse me.
- Do you need my help?
- With what?
Well, I also raise a kid by myself.
I think I could look after him
for a few hours.
I'm right here, so I thought
I could babysit if it's okay with you.
I love you!
I mean, thank you.
Was your name Jin-woo?
- Do you still wear diapers?
- I'm six. I stopped wearing them at four.
Really? I didn't know.
"Really? I didn't know."
- Why are you copying me?
- "Why are you copying me?"
Keep the Hemovac drain in place
and close the skin carefully.
Dress the wound well, and keep an eye
on the drainage color change.
Yes, I won!
I want to go to my mom.
Jin-woo, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have done that.
I won't be able to face your mom
if you leave like this.
Hey, how did the surgery go?
That's a relief.
Don't worry about Jin-woo.
A doctor I know's watching him.
I'm on the rooftop to pick him up.
- But why the rooftop--
- What's your favorite insect?
The praying mantis? Ants?
See? I told you the ant hill was here.
Wasn't I right?
Yes, there are tons of ants!
How many do we have?
Mom, let me call you back. Bye.
- Six.
- We caught six?
Jin-woo, did you have fun?
It was tough, wasn't it?
He's such a rascal.
Not at all. He's very obedient.
Jin-woo, we had a lot of fun, right?
- Yes.
- When are you coming again?
You better play with me again.
- Okay.
- "Okay."
- Why are you smiling so much?
- I am?
Just now. You were smiling like this.
When did I ever smile like that?
When did I ever do that?
So where is he going to go?
My cousin in Ilsan will take care of him
until my aunt gets discharged.
I'm going to pick him up after work.
Excuse me.
Hey, Yeong-ok.
Yeah, I heard about Kyung-min's wedding.
Sure, we should meet up before then.
Let's pick a date.
I'll come with Ha-neul.
What do you mean?
She did what to Kyung-min?
Ha-neul hit rock bottom
because of Min Kyung-min?
What do you mean?
All right. Bye.
Excuse me.
May I ask
what you were just talking about?
Well, I…
I'm confused as well.
Ha-neul suddenly went
to his goodbye party not too long ago
and threw beer in his face.
They said it was a total mess.
It turns out he'd used her
by stealing her dissertation
and taking credit for her work.
Then, he spread rumors
and turned her into a laughingstock.
It was so bad
she can't go back there anymore.
Professor Min.
Are you going to start work
in Hannam-dong next week?
You could've taken today off
and let us do this work.
You didn't have to come.
I just wanted to.
I wanted to see the professor
and look around for one last time.
Come in.
What brings you here?
I did everything I could
to help with your case,
but you didn't pick up
my calls after it ended.
I've been waiting.
Can we talk for a minute?
Can you give us some privacy?
I'll wrap up here.
Yes, Professor.
Sit down.
It's quite hectic. Goodness.
I'm not the type to beat around the bush,
so I'll just ask you.
What happened between you and Ha-neul?
To be exact…
What did you do to her?
What did I do? Are you accusing me
after blindly believing what she said?
We were just fighting
for a position like we all do here.
It was a fierce competition
over one professor spot.
She ignored her own incompetence,
and now she's blaming me?
There are always people like her!
They always blame others.
She's one of them!
Gosh, Jeong-woo.
I told you not to like her.
It might been fine to rely on her
when struggling, but keep your distance.
She's useless.
You bastard!
Damn it!
- Please stop.
- Are you okay?
Let go of me!
Damn it!
There so much cabbage.
I want beef bulgogi though.
Just eat.
Who are you, Hwang Jung-min?
All you do is eat and not contribute.
So stop complaining.
Who's Hwang Jung-min? Ba-da's friend?
Does he not earn his keep either?
He's selfish like someone else I know.
What are you talking about?
Don't you know his famous speech?
- What?
- Of course not.
Just eat.
I heard you planted
the cabbages on the rooftop garden
since they're good for me.
Well, I heard calcium helps
calm your nerves or something like that.
I'll make sure to eat them
and recover quickly.
What is this?
Why are you suddenly so kind?
I'm just finally starting to understand
how it feels to want to help someone.
Gosh, you've become mature.
Yeah, Mom has tried really hard.
She heard looking at plants helped
with depression, so she bought some.
You noticed your curtains changed, right?
She bought them herself
to freshen up your room.
You did?
You should've told me.
I didn't know anything at first,
so all I did was pour out encouragement.
But I thought about it,
and if someone's exhausted
and on the floor,
holding out my hand
and always telling them to get up
wouldn't be of any help.
It felt like I was rushing
and forcing you.
It must've been so burdensome.
Have some cabbage.
It's good.
Really? Isn't it spicy?
It's delicious.
At times, receiving quiet
and subtle comfort can be more helpful.
You see…
I have something to say.
Can we meet after work today?
I'm here.
I came to see you.
It's still working hours for you.
Have you decided to quit?
- What happened?
- It's nothing.
Don't lie. You're hurt all over.
What happened?
Did you get in a fight? Tell me.
My goodness.
I'm sorry, Ha-neul.
I had no idea.
You're not going to tell me what happened?
It's okay. You don't have to
if you don't want to.
I really missed you a lot.
when I first saw you in the OR,
I was so happy and grateful
that I got emotional.
On the day I dropped the scalpel
and messed up the surgery,
I actually had a nightmare.
In the early morning,
I woke up all alone
in that unfamiliar house.
And I missed you so much.
I almost texted
"Are you asleep?" like you did.
Why would you bring that up?
If you missed me that much,
why did you speak so coldly to me?
When you said
that you were in no position to date
and wanted to break up,
it was actually… extremely painful.
"I see."
"I'm of no help to her."
"She can't rely on me."
And I blamed myself a lot.
- Jeong-woo--
- So I tried to become stronger.
I wanted to become someone reliable
who you could lean on,
and I tried really hard.
But when my hands
trembled in front of you…
I really wanted to impress you.
I'm sorry I was so harsh yesterday.
I've recovered a lot thanks to you.
When I first quit the hospital,
I thought my life was over.
But thanks to you,
I've had so many happy moments.
We ate tteokbokki, went to the arcade,
and watched movies together.
You showed me life existed
outside the hospital too.
The same goes for you.
You still exist outside the clinic.
Whether you're a doctor or not…
you'll always be incredible.
It must've hurt a lot.
Right, you wanted to tell me something.
What was it?
Oh, that…
I wanted you to check
my homework that was overdue.
Check your homework?
After hearing me sing
"Oh My Darling, Clementine",
you told me to memorize a K-pop song.
Don't tell me
you're going to sing right now.
No, I'm going to do something better.
What's your best outfit?
Let's get dressed up and go out.
Let's go!
Look at me. Aren't I so trendy?
Where did you get those clothes?
Did you steal them?
Of course not. I bought them after I got
my license to go clubbing with Hong-ran.
- But we never went.
- Why not?
When I was about to go,
it felt like a waste of time.
But I don't feel that way today.
Let's have a blast.
This is new.
Do you want some beer?
- I'll bring some over.
- Okay.
I'll come with--
I'm sorry.
Are you here alone?
- No, I--
- She's with me.
- Are you her boyfriend?
- What?
I can't hear you well.
Are you her boyfriend?
Yes, I'm her boyfriend.
I'm her ex… boyfriend.
- Okay.
- Okay.
The "ex" part was a little quiet.
I mean, there wasn't any need
to say I was your ex.
But I can't say "boyfriend" either
since you dumped me.
Anyway, I did my best.
Let's dance.
- You said you're getting beer.
- What?
I'll go get it.
Excuse me.
I had loads of fun at the club.
What should we do now?
We're not done?
I want to have fun with you today.
Come to think of it,
when I was struggling,
you said it was okay to be how I was
and allowed me to enjoy the day.
But I only kept urging you to overcome it.
I felt bad.
At some point,
I think I started seeing myself in you.
We were both hurt by others
and our lives fell apart.
So I thought if you recovered,
I would too.
It's true that I wanted to help you,
but I mainly wanted us to get better
while working together.
If we were together,
I thought we could do it.
That's why I went to your clinic.
But I'll quit if you want.
- Take care.
- Bye.
- Jeong-woo.
- Yes?
I didn't want to ask
since you could feel uncomfortable.
But I thought maybe I could join in
on our teacher's surgery.
Our teacher?
My goodness!
- I'm okay. Sorry.
- Sorry.
Mr. Han, are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
There's something on your back though.
It feels like a big lump.
It's nothing.
Dr. Bin. I felt a lump on Mr. Han's back.
Can you take a look?
- Sure.
- I'm okay.
Don't bother.
It's really nothing. Let's go.
Please, sir.
It won't take long. Where is it?
- Over here.
- But…
- I'm really fine.
- Excuse me.
Gosh, it's a big one.
Just a moment.
At first glance,
it doesn't seem malignant.
It just seems like a lipoma.
Does it hurt when I press down on it?
No, it's not painful at all.
It just bothers me a bit when I lie down.
Was this why you came by today?
Why didn't you tell us?
Thank you.
Would you like some tea?
Yes, thank you.
Do you think Dr. Yeo will be okay today?
His anesthesiologist friend
is here too, so probably.
I was so shocked when I heard
he dropped his scalpel and backed away.
Me too.
I guess the medical accident
traumatized him.
Even that once-successful doctor
had a panic attack.
I happened to overhear them.
Don't tell Jeong-woo, okay?
I'd appreciate it.
- Let's go and finish our food.
- Sir.
If you're okay with it,
may I do the surgery instead?
No, I don't want to burden Jeong-woo.
- But still.
- I'm okay.
To be honest,
he came by to ask for your help.
Dr. Bin and I will do his surgery.
He came for help,
so it's weighed on my mind.
Would that put you in a bind?
Let's just pretend you didn't hear.
I'll go in now.
I'll do it.
I'll do his surgery.
No, you don't have to push yourself.
I want to.
You told me
that you thought if I got better,
you could too.
If I need a reason
to overcome this trauma,
there's no better reason than you.
Let's do this together.
Help me.
Mr. Han.
That tube in your nose will provide you
with oxygen, so you can breathe freely.
This isn't a major surgery,
but we'll put you to sleep
for your convenience.
I'm sure you'll do well.
Let's start with two liters of O2.
Yes, doctor.
I'll start the anesthesia now.
We'll keep an eye on your pulse,
BP, and breathing.
We'll give you more drugs
if you feel yourself waking up.
Even if you do wake up, it won't hurt
since you'll be under anesthesia.
Okay. I'll leave you to it.
- Administer the propofol.
- Yes, doctor.
Gosh, I'm so blessed.
You're putting me to sleep,
and Jeong-woo's doing the surgery.
Both of my former students are doctors.
You're both doctors.
Both of you…
Just remember
all the fun we had yesterday.
You'll forget your fears
one step at a time.
Dr. Nam, is the patient asleep?
Yes, he is.
I'll administer 0.5 mg of ketamine.
Okay. Thank you.
Gauze and Bovie.
Hold it in place.
Senn retractor.
Tissue forceps and scissors.
Hold it in place.
Get the mosquito forceps ready
and keep wiping if he bleeds.
Yes, doctor.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Clap and focus!
Everyone, look at him.
Look at his cutting skills.
He finally overcame
his fear of scalpels. Give him a hand!
Don't be absurd. It's not something
that easy to overcome.
And this is different from a scalpel.
I don't care. I'm just proud of you.
Let's make this a lasting partnership!
This is their welcome party tonight,
so we're going barhopping. Okay?
- Okay!
- Sounds great!
What gives? Why are you all
looking at him and not me?
Hold on.
Dr. Yeo, have some of this.
It's really good.
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- Excuse me!
- Excuse me!
Another glass of beer, please!
Dr. Yeo.
You were almost out,
so I ordered another beer for you.
I see. Thank you.
Come on, Nurse Do.
I was so touched since I thought
you were ordering it for me.
You're all so mean.
Hey, you. Get out.
If you're going to make me
look pathetic, then go.
Take me with you then.
I want to work at your clinic.
- Me too.
- Where's my letter of resignation?
You're all so mean.
Seeing everyone like Jeong-woo more is
like going back in time to my intern days.
Even back then, all our classmates,
senior doctors, and nurses liked him more.
And one time,
one patient of ours was an old lady,
and she gave me her favorite pastry.
So I happily ate it.
But she slapped my back. Why?
"It's for Jeong-woo.
Why'd you shove it in your mouth?"
Yeah, why did you shove it--
Why did you eat it?
Did you just say "shove it"?
You said it first.
When did I ever say that?
You just said it.
I did? I said that?
That's enough. Please.
I'm so upset.
Uncle Tae-seon.
You're really not going to hire anyone?
I'm not cut out for restaurant work.
- Then, what are you cut out for?
- Me?
Being a property owner.
You all think I'm not doing anything,
but I'm actually training
to take over this building.
I check for broken windows
and issues with the fuse box.
I'm doing my best
to become a great property owner.
You should become
a decent human being first.
Is Ha-neul still out?
Yeah, she's having a drink
before coming in.
Goodness, she probably needs
alcohol to get by right now.
She seems to have
really liked Jeong-woo, but he left.
It was so heartbreaking
to see her eat that cabbage.
I hope she's not drunk
and sobbing somewhere.
- Do you know how tough it was?
- So refreshing.
I worked so hard
to give you your paychecks.
Have some peanuts first.
- What's encouraging is Jeong-woo came and…
- Have some.
Where is she?
- What was that for?
- How could you do this to me?
What did I do?
I know you don't talk
about what's troubling you.
It's true that I liked you
for not being loose-tongued like I am.
But still, how could you
not tell me anything?
I heard you're helping
Jeong-woo at the clinic.
And before that, I heard you had
a falling-out with Kyung-min.
I heard that bastard tormented you.
That's why you quit and need medication.
How did you know?
Does that matter? I wanted to
go find him and rip his hair out.
But I've had to watch Jin-woo,
so it's on the back burner.
Forget it. What are you, a cook?
It must've been tough.
You should just loosen up
and tell others how you feel. Okay?
It doesn't have to be me either.
Don't carry all that burden alone.
At least Jeong-woo gave him
a good beating for me, so that felt good.
Who gave a beating to who?
Who did you meet?
Are your wounds okay now?
Of course. Don't worry.
Tell me you hit him more than he hit you.
Of course, I did.
You better send it to us this time.
All right.
Why don't we try this?
They had a lot of fun board games,
so I brought one.
This is the one where you spin
and answer the question that pops out.
You're right.
If anyone refuses to answer,
they drink. Deal?
- Deal!
- All right. Then…
Whoever this lands on goes first.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
It's Dr. Nam! Congratulations!
This is really fun.
- Here.
- Pick one.
Why are you so flustered?
"Are you in a relationship right now?"
No, I don't have a boyfriend.
- Come on.
- Come on.
- I bet you do.
- No, I don't.
I spin for the next person, right?
- Jeong-woo!
- It's me?
I'll spin it.
I got it.
What is it?
- Is it a weird one?
- What is it?
- What?
- What's with that face?
"When was your most recent kiss?"
My goodness!
When was it?
- Just answer it.
- I'm not sure. About…
About ten years ago?
I'll just drink.
- You're no fun.
- Seriously.
When was that then?
- Come on.
- Seriously.
Was today's surgery tough on you?
It was fine thanks to you.
By the way,
aren't you curious
about why I really quit the hospital?
You saw the photo in my room.
The one Kyung-min and I took.
Don't you want to hear
about what happened?
Not anymore.
Seeing how you asked me
if I had hit him more,
it seemed like you knew
that I confronted him.
I got a rough idea of what happened.
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner.
No. I'm the one who's sorry.
Why would you be sorry?
No reason.
That's how I feel when I look at you.
- I have a question.
- What is it?
Why did you say earlier
that you didn't have a boyfriend?
Am I still
your ex?
You lied too.
The same goes for you.
You still exist outside the clinic.
Whether you're a doctor or not…
you'll always be incredible.
It must've hurt a lot.
You don't have a boyfriend right now?
I do.
Don't go back on your word again.
You too.
Don't get hurt again.
You're the cutest person I've ever met.
Someone might see us!
You're so cute!
I'm so dumbfounded right now!
Jeong-woo finally visited again.
But he wasn't alone.
He was with some girl.
Was she pretty?
You don't have a girlfriend?
A girlfriend? That's ridiculous.
I thought you were the devoted type.
- Ms. Kong!
- Back then, I had no idea.
Ms. Kong!
All the most trivial things
feel so tremendous.
Where are you, Ha-neul?
Since I'm in love, even little things
in life shine as bright as stars.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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