Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e10 Episode Script


Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
Never do that again, Seo-jeong.
Never disappear again
without telling me anything.
You're acting up again.
That's enough. Seriously!
What's wrong? What happened?
Hey. Wake up.
-Can you walk?
-Be careful.
-Is this 911?
There's been a traffic accident
on Route 38.
It's a rear-end collision of six vehicles.
Hang on a second.
-Are you okay?
-It wasn't me.
I wasn't speeding at all.
-It's not my fault!
-Calm down.
I get it. Just calm down.
Oh, my gosh.
Hang on a second.
Are you hurt?
Are you experiencing any pain
in your back or your neck?
I'm just a chauffeur. It's not my fault.
Can you stand or walk?
I really didn't do anything wrong.
Hey. Can you help this person?
Being on the road can be dangerous.
Please move to the shoulder.
Let's get you on your feet.
Get up.
We should check other vehicles as well.
I'll check that side.
I'll check the other side.
Look at you.
Did you hit me?
Did you just hit me?
Call the police.
Call the police!
How dare you lay your hands on me?
Do you know who I am?
Can't you see this is an urgent situation?
You'd like to blame the patients,
wouldn't you?
I've been investigating hospitals
for 12 years now.
I know everything that's going on
in your little minds.
How dare you?
I said, call the police!
Yes, sir.
Is this the police? This is
the emergency room of Doldam Hospital.
You need to come here right now.
There's been an assault.
You picked the wrong day to mess with me.
I will never settle this out of court.
Teacher Kim, we have a problem.
I got a call from Dr. Kang.
There was a six-car rear-end collision.
Oh, my gosh.
Tell me what's happening.
A patient with carotid artery
injuries is expired.
Four patients with minor injuries
are evacuated out of the cars.
There are at least more than
10 patients including unconscious ones
remaining in the cars.
What about Seo-jeong? Is she with you?
Yes. She's looking for more patients
just to be sure.
Ms. Oh, what's the temperature outside?
Minus one degree.
And it will drop
two or three degrees more in an hour.
Bring kids, pregnant women,
and those with excessive bleeding first.
Send them to the hospital in that order.
Make sure to keep up
the patients' body temperature.
You have to maintain
the unconscious patients' body temperature
no matter what. Okay?
Do you have a blanket
or anything in your car?
Hold on.
Sir, let me see your wound, please.
Do you feel any pain anywhere?
Are you all right?
What about you?
Excuse me.
I'm cold. It's too cold.
Did he drink and drive?
Hey, lady. Why is it so cold?
I don't see any bleeding.
Hey, don't move and stay in the car.
Please close the door. I'm cold.
It's blood.
Eun-seol. Open your eyes.
Please help!
Please save my daughter.
Take these!
Cover yourselves with them.
Put this on, ma'am.
Please wait here for a moment.
We can't handle this ourselves.
Call the control room for support.
-Get the equipment.
Help my daughter!
Are you all right?
Please save Eun-seol.
-Please save her.
My poor baby.
How old is your daughter?
How old is she?
She is 38 months old.
Where is the car seat?
How could you put your kid in a car
without a car seat?
-What should I do?
Excuse me. Do you hear me?
You have seriously injured your legs.
I will bring something to splint your legs
and someone to help you.
Please wait a second.
I will be right back.
Just a moment.
There is one more patient.
Honey, are you all right?
Can you please bring a doctor?
My husband has
chronic obstructive lung disease.
Please tell the doctors about that.
-Chronic what?
Oh, no.
She seems to have hemoperitoneum.
Move her to Doldam Hospital now.
Okay. Ma'am, come with us.
Eun-seol, are you all right?
Are you okay?
Can you move your neck?
Do you feel pain in your back,
legs, or anywhere?
No, I don't.
Look over there.
There is a patient in the thicket.
He has an open fracture on his right leg.
Please go check him
with a splint and a stretcher.
Bring a splint and a stretcher to him now.
-Yes, sir.
What do you think that is?
Is it a person?
Inhale on the count of three.
One, two, three.
I will give you oxygen.
Breathe slowly through your nose.
Excuse me. Lean backwards.
It's done.
One, two, three.
One more time. One, two, three.
He has crushing injuries
in both lower legs.
He's bleeding a lot.
We need to apply a tourniquet.
-Would this work?
-Yes. I need one more.
One more?
I have one.
Here you are.
Give him hydration.
And I need splints and fluid.
I need a lot of warm saline.
I need the C-line, Foley catheters,
and intubation tubes, five each.
Empty the hybrid room entirely.
-Where should I go?
-Empty all these beds here.
Move the existing patients inside.
-Teacher Kim.
The first patient is coming
in three minutes. A four-year-old girl.
Dr. Kang says she has muscle guarding,
so it might be a seat belt injury.
Have Seo-jeong take care of
the patients at the scene
and call Dong-ju now.
-Mr. Park.
What about the
Boerhaave's syndrome patient?
Dr. Nam is getting ready for that.
Call Dr. Yang at Jeongil Hospital
and send the patient to him.
And have Dr. Nam
treat the four-year-old girl.
Do you really want to take it this far?
Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
-I can't stand it anymore.
-Stop it.
There was a six-car rear-end collision.
Didn't you hear that?
Do you really want to do this
while people are dying?
We are just following the instructions.
That's what I'm getting paid for.
An instruction disregarding reality
is no different from a tyranny.
What if people die?
Will you take the responsibility?
This wouldn't have happened
if you followed the rules.
You're the one who did you wrong.
You can't blame us.
What an ignorant little brat.
We have a patient.
She's a four-year-old,
currently unconscious,
and her capillary refill time is dropping.
-Move her to the hybrid room.
Doctor, please save Eun-seol.
They need an orthopedic surgeon.
-Please take them to a big hospital.
Surgeons, you can return to the hospital.
I'll take care of the rest of the wounded.
See you at the hospital.
Okay. See you.
What's wrong? Is it bad?
He is so drunk
that he's throwing up right now.
I need water.
Water, please.
Miss, do you have water?
What's his blood alcohol content?
He refuses to be tested.
He wants a blood test
at the police station.
I'll go.
Let's go, man.
I will let you take my blood
at the police station.
If that's what you want.
What's she doing?
You're pretty.
-Wow, that was fast.
-It's done.
You just need to get
an ex post facto warrant.
Don't put your drunk ass behind the wheel.
That's an attempted murder. You asshole.
Hey, lady.
Who are you?
Who are you
to talk to me like that?
I'm Crazy Whale of Doldam Hospital,
Dr. Yun Seo-jeong.
He wants to see you.
Her spleen seems damaged.
It looks like her capsule is broken.
-Teacher Kim.
Her CT scans are in. Come here.
This is her spleen.
Do you see how it's spotted?
That means internal bleeding.
Is this fatal?
She's a little girl.
So general anesthesia itself
may be dangerous to her.
However, if she doesn't get an operation,
the worst may happen
due to excessive bleeding.
Oh, no.
Pediatric surgeries are
different from that of adults.
I'm the only one who can operate on her.
Will you stop me now?
Rules are
I know she's my daughter,
but I can't bend the rules.
You idiot.
I'll do my thing,
and you can do your thing.
I don't care what you do.
I have to operate on her.
You still don't have any idea.
There's only one rule for me.
I will make them live. No matter what.
-Get her to the operating room.
-Yes, sir.
-Will you come and sign a consent form?
We have a patient.
This way, please.
This way.
Use that bed.
This way.
She was hanging upside down
from a small car.
-Please take a C-spine X-ray first.
I heard we have an open fracture case.
Two patients with lower leg open fracture.
One injured both legs,
the other injured the right.
We sent them
to a different hospital for OS.
Seo-jeong will be back as soon as
she takes care of the wounded.
We have two operations.
One is Boerhaave's syndrome,
and the other is a pediatric splenectomy.
I'm taking the kid.
Did any of you ever deal with a case of
Boerhaave's syndrome?
I have. Once.
-With a laparoscope?
In-beom, you're the main surgeon,
and Dong-ju will assist.
We'll get ready.
What do you mean
you haven't found a hospital?
We've searched everywhere
through Gangneung and Sokcho.
I called every single hospital,
and they are all fully booked.
There are no beds
at their emergency rooms. What do we do?
His blood pressure is dropping,
and his bleeding continues.
My goodness.
You said you've done it before.
I'm just practicing one last time.
-Is that bad?
I'll get ready then, Dr. Do.
Dr. Nam, are we ready?
Dr. Nam.
Yes, begin.
We're opening her peritoneum.
Keep your eyes on her vital signs.
Eun-seol wanted to see you.
You said it was a day trip.
When we heard you are
staying for a few more days,
we packed her clothes
and went to see you.
Why did you remove the car seat?
She hated sitting there.
I didn't know this would happen.
Please move aside.
Patient coming in.
You can't bring OS patients in here.
Was I supposed to leave him
on the streets and let him die?
Watch your words, Seo-jeong.
The ambulance wasn't well-equipped,
and the bleeding was too excessive.
I'll see if I can transfer him
while doing transfusion.
Can't you see this place is
already packed?
Which one do you want?
-The one with right leg injury.
Can you hear me, sir?
The BP is 90 over 60, pulse 120.
Please give him warm fluid.
Set one more IV line
and give him 2L of hydration.
-Yes, Doctor.
Hang in there.
I'm going to cut the bandages now.
Bring me elastic bandages
and pad splints, please.
Yes, Doctor.
This looks like the spot.
There isn't a clear vision.
Can you pull the scope back?
Pull the scope back!
Should we call Teacher Kim?
Hey, Dr. Do.
I got this.
I found it.
Here is the tear site.
Give me 3-0 Vicryl.
I got it.
Commencing fundoplication.
One more 3-0 Vicryl, please.
How's the other patient?
I think he needs amputation
below both of his knees.
Lacerated wounds on his scalp
and severe abrasion on his back.
-How big is it?
-About 10 palms.
So is the other patient.
There's no pulse on his foot.
Did you find a hospital available?
I'm looking into it,
but it's hard to find.
Please ask Manager Jang as well.
He has friends in other hospitals.
I will.
Let's return to the customers
who are waiting for us.
To the left?
Or to the right?
-I'll go to the left.
-I'll take the right side.
What are you talking about?
Why would she bring OS patients
to our hospital?
We couldn't transfer them elsewhere.
They're in critical conditions.
My goodness.
Dr. Yun has done it again.
Are you still having difficulty breathing?
It's gotten a lot better now.
tomorrow is our 54th anniversary.
Really? You have been married
for 54 years?
My wife married me when she was 19.
-Stop it.
-She's done--
The doctor is trying to examine you.
Take a deep breath for me.
Let's get you some more oxygen
through respiratory treatment.
How about you?
Are you experiencing any pain, ma'am?
-Did you hit hard into anywhere?
-Not that,
but my heart is beating really fast.
I think it's because I'm in shock.
My wife always had a weak heart.
May I see your hand?
You do have a rapid pulse.
Do you feel heavy in the chest or pain
in any other body parts?
It's probably because I'm in shock.
I'm really fine.
Please look after my husband first.
You have to tell me right away
if you start feeling any pain.
By the way, Doctor.
How old are you?
There you go again.
She looks about the same age
as our youngest child.
Please get some rest.
Did you call the kids?
I told them to drive slowly
because the road is slippery.
Get some sleep until they get here.
I will.
It hurts.
Come out with it.
You've never done it, have you?
You were lying when you said
you've done it once, right?
It wasn't that difficult of an operation.
The operation was a success anyway.
Isn't that what matters?
Do you think it's kind of a joke?
Of course it's not.
But it's not something
I'll risk my life for, either.
He got you there.
I think so.
That's how you have it, right?
Coffee, cream, and sugar.
It is.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Excuse me, Doctor.
Have you, by any chance,
ever thought of
quitting your job?
Why do you ask me that all of a sudden?
I was wondering
how you kept yourself going
whenever you wanted to quit.
I was just curious.
Let me think.
Sometimes I felt like
I didn't want all my hard work
to go to waste.
I also didn't have the courage
to be good at something else
other than this.
Is that all?
What about your beliefs as a doctor
or the sense of duty?
I think
I need at least 10 years
of experience to know those things.
Speaking about it and knowing it
in your head are different things.
The emergency room is paging me.
I have to go. Thanks for the coffee.
What happened?
The bleeding got severe
from the increased BP.
Reduce the amount of fluid.
Bring me the C-line and Foley.
Yes, Doctor.
I'll set up the C-line.
I need a Foley catheter.
Doctor. The patient on bed number five
went into arrest.
-Set up the C-line for me.
Doctor? My wife isn't breathing!
Can you hear me, ma'am?
-I need the monitor.
-Yes, Doctor.
No breathing and unresponsive.
I need her on a bed.
-Honey! Honey!
-Excuse me.
One, two, three.
Connect her to a monitor
and prepare for an intubation.
His central venous pressure is very low.
No urine, either.
He needs more blood,
but he's losing it when the BP goes up.
Let's put more elastic bandages.
Target blood pressure
on the systole is 100.
-Tell me if it goes over.
Bring the defibrillator immediately!
You can stop.
Stop doing that!
We have
decided not to do this, Doctor.
We already signed the papers
that we don't want CPR performed on us.
I think he means
the Do Not Resuscitate Order.
It's fine.
You may stop, Doctor.
You have been
through so much.
You've done so much
as my partner in life.
-Monitor her input and output.
And let me know if her Hemovac darkens.
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
Her spleen was damaged,
so I removed some parts.
But thankfully,
her prognosis isn't so bad.
We'll monitor her for a day
and move her to the general ward tomorrow.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
-You can go see her for a second.
should I do?
I'm not sure what you wanted
in return for my kid's operation.
Tell me.
What do you want from me?
You should go see your kid.
I know that you are
trying hard to do your job.
But let's not live like a fool.
At the very least,
we shouldn't forget what we live for.
What are you talking about?
Why do they want our orthopedic surgeon
at Doldam Hospital?
-I am not sure why.
I heard it was the decision
of Internal Affairs.
-Get him on the phone.
There are two patients severely injured
from a car accident.
Things are really bad,
so I asked for the orthopedic surgeons.
Mr. Choi.
What do you think you're doing?
I'll report on the details once I'm back.
Yes, President Do.
What on earth are you doing?
Do you even know
what's happening at Doldam Hospital?
What's going on?
You are absurd.
Should you be asking me?
Where are you?
Are you out getting drunk?
No, drinking? No way.
Never, President Do.
President Do.
President Do.
Bu Yong-ju.
Is Seo-jeong back?
But a patient died just now
due to a cardiac arrest.
Are you feeling better?
I should be.
It's not like this is my first time.
But I never get used to it.
You did your best.
That's what counts.
Did I do my best?
I'm not so sure.
Am I doing this right?
Is the best I'm doing
the best for my patient?
A doctor is only human.
You're only human.
Would that work
as a viable excuse for my dead patient?
Teacher Kim.
Follow me.
Should I come with you?
No, it's fine.
I'm sorry about what I did earlier.
Go in.
In there?
Do you want everyone
to see you get kicked in the shins?
No. I'll go in.
Honey, look.
She's the doctor who saved you.
There is
only one way to see
if a doctor is doing the job right.
You can see that through the patient.
That's the only way.
Don't try to take responsibility
for the patient's unfortunate death.
All you have to do is
doing your best as you learned.
Just focus on that.
As of today, you're no longer an orderly.
I'll train you hard from now on,
so brace yourself.
Yes, I'll brace myself.
Don't cry. It makes me emotional.
Why are you still standing here?
Go in there.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
Doctor, thank you so much.
Doctor, thank you very much.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You've been up to something interesting.
How long have you been there?
I got here quite long ago.
I found something interesting,
so I've been reading it.
Is this
the plan you said you had in mind?
You came into my office
without my permission,
and you touched my belongings.
This is a very bad habit of yours.
Chairman Shin wants to know.
You seem to have a specific plan.
Isn't that good enough to reveal now?
This is just a rough sketch.
Have you found the people
to be in your rough sketch?
May I ask who they are?
Teacher Kim.
I'm sorry to interrupt.
It's okay. What is it?
An orthopedic surgeon
from the main hospital is coming.
I think Mr. Choi pulled some strings.
What should we do?
Please call Dr. Nam from Anesthesiology.
Dong-ju and In-beom.
Let them assist the surgery.
Please prepare for the surgery
with Mr. Park.
Please call Seo-jeong as well.
Although she's from another department,
she'll learn a lot
from assisting surgeries.
Yes, Doctor. I'll let everyone know.
I'll leave you two alone.
-Are you going in, too?
-Yes, I received a call.
The patient's vital signs are unstable.
We need to give him enough
blood transfusion during the surgery.
Please prepare 10 packed RBCs and 10 FFPs.
Yes, Doctor.
Let's move the patient
with both leg injuries to the OR first.
-Yes, Doctor.
-Yes, Doctor.
What is it?
Nothing. You go ahead.
We'll begin the surgery.
The BP is 100 over 60. It remains stable.
Tourniquet on.
Set it up at 280 for 90 minutes.
Are all of them going to be
on the same boat?
I'm not sure.
I will have to look into that.
-Shall I wake her up?
-No, that's okay.
I guess she worked all night again.
Yes, she finished a surgery
less than an hour ago.
Oh, I see.
Everyone worked so hard.
It was
the best night ever.
I finally came up with the main characters
for my new webtoon.
I'll give you this to celebrate it.
It looks great.
It's nice.
What brings you here this early?
I'm surprised you came to see me.
I'm here to apologize
for what happened the other day,
and to report to you
that Dr. Yun's incident
has been resolved well.
Has it been resolved well?
-Her test result says she's normal.
Also, the patient she was accused
of overtreating
recovered his consciousness.
You didn't come here to apologize.
You are here to just show off.
You were right,
and I was wrong.
Is that what you want to say?
You might have gotten away
with it this time,
but President Do won't give up.
He is a man of tenacity.
I think you know that.
He will
take away things
that matter to you
one by one.
Pick up your phone, gosh.
Answer it.
Damn it.
He will try to mess with you
by using your weaknesses against you.
Are you sure you can handle it?
Drink it.
Why did you want to see me
so early in the morning?
How do you like the car?
Do you like it?
I heard your car was scrapped.
So I
bought you a new one.
Didn't you hear that?
It's cold.
What time is it?
Manager Jang, what are you doing here?
I was emptying the trash can.
Were you?
-Where is Yeon-hwa?
-She quit.
It must have been hard for her.
She just left without saying goodbye.
I'm sorry that you have to
take over her job.
There is nothing I wouldn't do
if it's for Doldam Hospital.
I'm done
cleaning the office.
I should go, then.
This is nice.
"Geosan University,
College of Medicine,
Jang Hyeon-ju"?
What are you doing in there?
Teacher Kim.
I'm sorry. The door was open,
so I--
What do you think of Dr. Bu?
Do you think he is a good person
a genius with an eventful life?
What do you think?
I want to know
why you are asking this question.
I will need your answer
before getting you on my side.
Get out.
Teacher Kim.
What do you think?
Do you want to join hands with me?
Get out.
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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