Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension (1998) s01e10 Episode Script


I do solemnly swear that everything
I am about to tell you is true.
A spill of weirdness from
another dimension turned
my hometown into the center of
weirdness for the entire universe.
Don't believe me?
Just watch.
When Aunt Gladys
called to invite my parents
to stay for the weekend, I knew
we were heading straight for disaster.
As weird as things are
with my parents in the
house, the idea of being left alone
with my sister was even more terrifying.
Now Mitchell, promise me
you won't fight with your sister.
I'll only be gone until Sunday, okay?
And remember, Carrie is in charge, okay?
I'm able to look after myself.
Give your sister some credit.
No matter what you may think,
she is older and more mature.
Carrie, what is it?
I'm mutilated, can't you see?
Are you blind?
I'm blemish.
Is it?
I'm positively disfigured.
I can never be seen in public again.
Honey, you look lovely.
What is the point of living?
That's the cab.
We gotta get going.
I'm gonna lock myself in my
bedroom and never come out again.
Now tell me about the older
and more mature part again.
Carrie will call when
we get to Aunt Gladys'.
Goodbye, son.
They love you.
Take care.
Three days stuck alone with the
curse of the invisible blackhead woman.
Could things get any worse?
In Erie, that's always a safe bet.
Jolie Smith, the Vayne
Glory beauty incorporated,
and the proprietor the
soon-Duke in Vayne Glory's bar.
This is my associate, George Weber.
Are your parents home?
Uh, no.
Isn't that too bad?
Perhaps there's someone
else, a sister, maybe,
who might be interested
in seeing our beauty line.
Mitchell, why didn't you warn me?
You know I can't be seen like this.
There she is.
Oh, George.
Just look at her.
Truly remarkable.
You're her.
Actually, I prefer to call her it.
Oh, eyes.
Two millimeters off.
Oh, my shadow can fix that.
Oh, let's see, chin.
One millimeter, too.
Excuse me?
Oh, my dear.
You are exactly what
I've been searching for.
A young woman to represent
the Vayne Glory beauty I do.
I'll make you famous.
You will be known far and
wide as the most beautiful girl.
In the universe.
Everyone will want to look like you.
They will?
My dear.
You're perfect.
They say beauty is in
the eye of the beholder.
All I know is the look
that I saw in Dolly's
eye that day was
anything but beautiful.
What I saw looked downright weird.
Has Miss Vayne Glory,
you'll get our full treatment.
You'll receive a full makeover.
Hair, tint, makeup, and our
special patented preservative.
By the time we get through it, your
own brother here won't recognize you.
Look, as much as it pains me to say this,
what's wrong with the way she looks now?
Oh, hell, her hair.
It's too dark, right?
See, I knew it.
And these cheekbones.
Too high.
Too low?
I've always felt that.
And then we must do
something about that mouth.
Hey, I say that I've always felt that.
Mitchell, you are so jealous.
Just because I'm going to be a celebrity.
Look, Carrie, don't you think you should
discuss this with Mom and Dad first?
I think your sister is old enough
to make her own decisions.
You see, lots of
people think beauty is
something that's different
to different people.
But we at Vayne Glory beauty have
gone far beyond that kind of imprecision.
In short, we know what's really beautiful.
And what isn't?
Trust me, Dolly knows.
She was Miss Eerie, after all.
Before we're through,
when people think of beauty,
they're going to think
of Miss Vayne Glory.
H'd if I, covering up, concealing?
I don't claim to know
anything about cosmetics.
But this didn't sound
like it was about beauty.
It sounded like it was
about hiding something.
I'm telling you, Stanley.
Lasting my sister needs to
concentrate on is our looks.
Miss Eerie controls the
bathroom most of our waking hours.
Luckily, my bladder control is in top form.
Yep, there it is, the wall of Eerie beauty.
Thirty years of Eerie winners.
1971 Miss Dolly Smith, holy cowfish!
She looks just like Carrie.
Oh, I see you fellas are admiring
the cream of Eerie womanhood.
In a superficial purely
physical consequence.
This Dolly Smith wants my sister
to represent her beauty company.
Dolly Smith.
Now there was a local fellas.
As I recall, she swept
the Eerie crown and rode
it all the way to the Miss
Cosmo's competition.
Did you want that too?
No, lost by one vote.
Brand from the stage and tears.
That was the last ever heard of her.
Well, she's back.
She's got her ultra lacquered
nails deep in my sister.
That's good hurt.
I swear to anybody?
If there's one thing I've
learned living in Eerie, it's this.
What seems normal is probably weird.
And what seems weird
is usually off the scale.
Dolly Smith was setting off
my weirdness meter big time.
Where are you?
Mitchell, it's so wonderful.
What Dolly did to me?
Have you looked in a mirror?
I know.
I'm beautiful.
It's not exactly the
word I was looking for.
Well, Dolly says I am and she should know.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't get so excited.
Dolly says extreme emotion
is bad for the complexion.
Dolly's beauty system
isn't just about makeup.
It's a whole lifestyle.
What else does Dolly say?
Lots of important things.
Like about not going outside
so my skin doesn't dry up
and not smiling too much so I
don't get crinkly lines around my eyes
and not worrying or concentrating too hard
on anything so I don't crease my forehead.
So what are you allowed to do?
I think I'm okay to watch TV.
Carrie, can't you see what this
woman is trying to do to you?
I know she's going to make
me the most beautiful girl in town.
Uh oh.
As my sister proved being a math wiz and
being sensible don't always go together.
No fresh air or sunlight.
No worrying.
No smiling.
How big a jump was it?
No feeling.
Or even worse.
No thinking.
That jump seemed to be getting
smaller with each passing moment.
Something strange was definitely
going on in Dolly Smith's spa.
Something Stanley and me
had to get to the bottom of.
Here at Vayne Gloy we have
a very clear standard of beauty.
A standard that you my
dear are going to exemplify.
You're going to become
the benchmark of beauty
that the world will
measure itself against.
And the fabulous thing is
you're going to stay that way.
For eternity!
Hello Dolly.
You think we're going too far here?
Maybe you're right, George.
I am?
Don't be a sap.
Cautional right.
We've spent the last
seven years searching for
a girl fit to wear the
Miss Vayne Glory crown.
Soon the entire world will agree that
the Vayne Glory girl is the perfect beauty.
What's that?
Looks like the eerie wash and go car wash.
Something's getting the works.
You are even more beautiful
than I imagined you would be.
Shut up, George.
Come along, dear.
My public is waiting.
We've all heard people describe
somebody they love as a living doll.
But I'm sure very few mean it in
the same way that I did that day.
All I knew is that my sister
had become Dolly's dress
up toy and I had to get her
back before the game began.
How much worse could things get?
Dolly had turned my sister
into a walking, talking, marketing
device and was about to unleash
her on an unsuspecting public.
Even in her natural state,
Carrie was a handful.
Who knew what affection
had after Dolly's changes?
Ladies, ladies, I'm here today
to talk to you about dreams.
Now I'm sure some of you have
dreamed about money, travel, men.
But the dream that you all
share is to be more beautiful.
Well, at the brand new Vayne
Glory spa, we can do that for you.
In fact, we can make you perfect.
Well, if the bride of
Lipstick's dine doesn't
throw a wrench in
her plans, nothing will.
She's just like the doll.
That's right, dear.
She's just as beautiful.
If your mommy buys you a
Miss Vayne Glory doll, you'll
know exactly what you want
to look like when you grow up.
Please, mommy, she's beautiful.
And for those of you ladies who
may never know the true vibrant
beauty, the utter perfection
of Miss Vayne Glory herself.
By using our products,
you can dedicate yourselves
to the ultimate dream
of looking like her.
You sure that stuff's in style?
It's always in style.
I reckon it's in style.
Well, ladies and girls, step
right up and take a look.
Get acquainted with what
could be the new, beautiful you.
Start your treatments today at
the brand new Vayne Glory spa.
Come on, Stanley. Let's see if
we can talk some sense into her.
Carrie? Look at you. You come on, I'll go.
You don't even look real.
Don't you see? She's just trying
to turn you into some kind of a
makeup robot just because you look
like she did when she was your age.
Mitchell, I refuse to argue with you.
You refuse to argue
with me? You love to
argue. You're the head
of the debating team.
I used to be the head of the debating team.
Used to be? What about
math? You're going to stop
math student. Are you
going to give that up, too?
I'd give up anything to be perfect.
Next thing you know, you'll
drop out of school entirely.
You want to spend the rest of
your life selling makeup in dolls?
What's happening to my face?
Carrie, you're coming apart.
Help, help me. Please.
Carrie, you're doing great.
You're looking so tired.
You're doing great. You're doing great.
I have to go back to the school.
You can't take her back there.
You've got nothing to say about it, kid.
Carrie, don't let them do this to you.
What are we going to do now?
I'd like to miss it, Stan.
You can't beat them.
Join them.
You want to see join them? Beat them.
For two guys who were
totally baffled by girls,
Stanley and me had landed
right in the middle of it.
For at this terrible moment, we had
become members of the fairer sex.
Hello, young lady.
Are we here for a treatment?
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, that's right.
And what kind of treatment
were we after today?
Oh, well, we were thinking of the
Vinglory comprehensive eye makeover.
The Dead Sea Mud
with the cucumber slices,
or the avocado paste
with chamomile sachets.
We'll take the mud.
Oh, you'll love it.
Follow me, girls.
Remember, Carrie?
I think Mitchell was just trying to help.
How to destroy my perfect beauty, you mean?
Isn't it my beauty?
Oh, of course it is.
Didn't I say that, dear?
We can't risk her cracking
every time she tries to think.
We need extra heart in her.
Well, can't, Dolly.
She'll be sealed in for life.
Did I miss you on a memo, George?
Permanent perfectionist
would Vinglory's about.
Carrie has reached the pinnacle of beauty.
A pinnacle I touched for
one brief, shining moment.
And I will not let her
topple from it like I did.
Now get the hardener, and once of it.
Now just a few hours in this, and your
eyes will be all ready for their new look.
A few hours?
Maybe there's been a mistake.
Of course. We forgot the cucumber.
Now remember, no thinking.
That's what you're saying.
You know, I could get used to this.
This is so cool.
You need to make sure it's right, dear.
It's going to be like this forever.
Oh, if it is, could we do
something about the hair?
I was thinking maybe the bang.
No, no, it's perfect. It's perfect.
You don't mess with perfection.
Is the hardener ready?
Dolly, please. Do it.
It's not right.
I said do it.
Dolly, never carry Dolly.
After the machine runs its
course, you have to remain very
still for a few minutes until
the hardener does its job.
After that, no one will be
able to steal your beauty.
The carrier won!
Come on, Stanley.
He's got it.
We have to turn the sling off.
I don't think so.
Get away from that machine.
I'm not going to let you turn
my sister into Ms. Polymer 1971.
That was Miss Erie, you little saboteur.
And I was beautiful.
Don't work. She's being mean to me.
Oh, look, kid. Give it up.
The machine's finished its cycle.
Forget it, kid.
There's nothing anybody can do.
You want it, Beck?
Carrie, are you in there?
Listen, if you can hear me blink twice.
Come on, you have the thing!
Don't you idiot! Grab them.
She needs time to harden.
No! Let us go!
Look, babe, drive back. Carrie loves, man.
Shut them up.
You have $70 left on your credit card
plus $20 in cash and a 10% discount.
You have three parties to attend.
What a legitimate formal.
Do you want that girl so weird?
Pink spandex!
How much do you spend at
which store and what do you wear?
Oh, no.
I'd buy two skirts at $30 apiece from
the Funky Shack, one red and one black.
Three blouses from Masons at $39.99.
Assorted colors.
I'd mix and match the skirts and
blouses for the first two parties.
And then, and then I'd
buy a retro cocktail dress
blue for the semi-formal
at the bargain bin.
Six dollars for lunch and
spend the rest on CDs.
And that would be how much change?
Look, what you've done, you've
ruined, er, you've ruined me!
Without Miss May and
Gloria, I have nothing.
I'm just an ugly dried up as bin.
No, Dolly. There's nothing ugly about you.
Maybe you should try a more natural look.
Oh, there's an idea.
Well, there goes my chance to be famous.
You've got bigger problems
than that to worry about.
Like what?
Like Mom's coming home in the
whole kitchen's a disaster area.
By the way, nice dresses.
When Mom and Dad got back, they complimented
Carrie on taking such good care of me.
As for Carrie, in the
past week, she's already
gone through two more
fashion makeovers.
She's now trying out something my parents
don't even want to admit is happening.
And as for Dolly, you worked
hard for those gray hairs.
Be proud of them and
show off those extra years
with all natural,
natural beauty products.
Remember, he loves
you for who you really are.
Dolly finally found a way to love herself
for who she is and not who she was.
And in typical area style,
when the going turns
weird, the truly weird
find a way to cash in.
Thanks for watching.
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