El marginal (2016) s01e10 Episode Script

Capítulo 10

MARIO: Watch how
he tears him apart,
vicious son of a bitch.
Did you see Andy?
DIOS: Who's Andy?
Your nephew,
Osvaldo's youngest son.
Oh, yeah.
MARIO: He's about five or six
and it seems his mother
is raising him like a pussy
because she doesn't
want him to become
a good-for-nothing
like Osvaldo.
So what if he turns out
like his old man?
How long has Osvaldo
been in jail now?
I don't know.
Gladys said
he's a savage.
He likes programs
where animals
devour other animals.
I don't like those shows.
MARIO: But he loves them.
When his mother
isn't looking,
he changes the channel
to watch those programs.
He's some little bastard!
I'm going to replace
Pastor in the patio.
I knew it! I was the one
to suggest assigning
that job to my friend,
but because he's not
friends with Yame
That's not why,
don't get worked up.
Pastor doesn't care
about the patio,
he's not interested in sales
and he doesn't want
to work there.
Don't you realize that?
Those pieces of shit
made a mess of things
but what's done is done.
I don't like Pastor! Get it?
I don't like his arrogance.
I don't trust him.
You don't know him,
that's why you
don't trust him.
You don't want to get to
know him either.
I don't owe him anything,
why should I suck up to him?
He should be making an effort
to get to know me
and show some respect.
That's fine, Marito.
Why don't you go find
another Morcilla?
That's what you need,
another flunky
to kiss your ass!
You could have escaped
but you didn't.
You came back,
you were true to your word.
But I don't trust anyone,
and when someone
keeps their promise,
I think to myself,
"He wants to fuck me.
He's up to something."
Emma, come.
Are you leaving?
Yes, that was enough
for today.
ANTIN: I want to
ask you something.
Tell me. Based on
your vast experience
with prisoners,
isn't it true
that when an inmate
leaves prison,
he wants to escape,
never to return again?
In the majority of cases, yes.
But some are afraid
of leaving.
See? Are you okay?
Yes, everything is fine.
How are you, Triste?
Don't strain yourself,
put him to work.
Did you see Emma's face?
She looked bad.
If what my brother
said is true, now she's
starting to show symptoms
like nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea.
Are you an idiot?
Pregnant women
don't have diarrhea.
You don't know
anything about women.
Haven't you ever
been with a chick?
Why do you think
they call me "Blue"?
Excuse me, have you
seen Mrs. Molinari?
She left.
I see.
Pastor is too good to you.
MARIO: Why do you defend
Pastor so much?
Does he fuck you?
Do you fuck him? Which is it?
Go to hell!
I'm not saying
you need to stop.
Listen to me!
I told you a thousand times,
don't walk away when
I'm talking to you!
You son of a bitch!
She's the same bitch
that gave birth to you.
Fucking idiot.
ANTIN: What's going on here?
(LAUGHS) What's going on?
Is there a problem?
If you came to fight,
you picked the wrong day.
You want to fight?
No, I come in peace, Mario.
You came at
the right time then.
Come, sit down.
They brought me this salami,
it's a delicacy.
You should try some.
DIOS: Come on, hurry up.
We're going to
be here all day.
Stop splashing me!
What do you think
you're doing?
Can't you see
I'm standing here?
INMATE 1: Motherfucker,
this water is shit.
It's making me lose my hair.
There's more acid each time.
I don't know what's going on.
Those bastards are
clogging up the pipes.
No, it's Sandro.
INMATE 2: Why don't you ask
jail authorities to get you
a hair transplant?
That would be awesome.
DIOS: What's taking you
so long down there?
INMATE 3: This is
the last time I'm doing this.
Stop throwing
my things around!
Did you lose something?
Are you talking to me?
It's none of your business.
Why don't you tell me
so that I can help you?
Yes, piece of
Stop! Pastor!
Are you crazy?
You can't even
defend yourself,
you piece of shit.
What's wrong with you?
He's a friend.
Whose friend?
Ours, a friend of the gang.
Go on.
Now I know your face.
Come on, Pastor!
Stop! What are you doing?
Calm down.
What's wrong with you?
What are you looking at?
So you came down
to see what hell
is like, is that it?
I'm in hell, Mario!
I don't have a home,
my woman doesn't care
about me.
She doesn't let me
into the house.
I sleep in the office,
all twisted and bent
out of shape, in a chair.
I'm fucked.
If this isn't about making
your rounds to check up
on your wild prisoners,
then why the fuck
did you come?
I had a serious problem
and I wanted to thank you
for reconnecting
the monitors.
You did well.
I just did my job.
You disconnected them
in the first place,
it was the least
you could do to repair
your damage.
I'd like to invite you
to dinner as a sign
of my appreciation.
To your office?
No, to Puerto Madero, idiot.
Where do you think?
We can't go
to Puerto Madero because
we have a problem.
Oh, now I remember.
You're a prisoner, idiot.
You're a prisoner too, Antin.
Yes, but I can leave
whenever I want.
Are you inviting me to your
office because you want to
beat me up again?
Or are you
inviting me so that
I can beat you again?
What? Are you going to
punch me on the nose?
No, when I'm really
mad at a friend
I like to beat
the shit out of him,
get it all out.
Clean slate, Mario.
Everything is fine.
Good, we're friends again.
Raw fish is for fags.
They brought me sushi
the other day
and I almost choked
on the chopsticks.
If you want to
make it up to me,
bring me a nice thick steak
and I'll be happy!
All right, a nice steak.
I'll bring the wine.
I have a Malbec that's over
1,000 pesos. When you try it
you'll have multiple orgasms.
No, thank you.
Multiple orgasms next to you
isn't pleasant.
Stop fucking around.
Speaking of
multiple orgasms
The other day,
when we conducted a search
and confiscated
some of your things,
the guys found a cell phone.
That's a violation
of privacy.
No. They were doing
a routine search.
And they found some
very interesting things.
Tits, ass, cunts, clits.
Those sons of bitches!
They were jacking off
while looking
at pictures of my wife.
No. They weren't jacking off
and this wasn't your wife.
Don't be an idiot.
How do you know?
You can't see her face.
You can see her tits
and those
aren't your wife's.
This chick is hot,
your wife is a dog.
And this slut is from here.
You're fucking a chick
from here, one of ours.
In one of the pictures
you can see the change rooms
in the background.
I'm telling you,
it's my wife.
If you don't believe me,
that's your problem.
You're trying to
be a gentleman.
You steal my phone
and I need to explain
myself to you?
Stop busting my balls.
You want to protect the slut,
but it's not going to work
because I'm going
to find her.
You know that when
I look for something
I find it.
All right?
Is dinner still on?
Yes, I'll send
my limousine at 8:00 p.m.
Send the red one.
Arias Clinic, good evening.
EMMA: Good evening.
I'd like to inquire
about a patient,
Elida Garibaldi.
The helpline is open
from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Who's calling?
I'm a neighbor.
I found out about her son.
I wanted to know
how she was doing.
What did you say
your name was?
How is she doing?
Give me your number,
one of our clinicians
will get back to you.
I can't give you
more information.
Yes, my number is four
Who is it?
GASTON: It's me.
What do you want, Gaston?
GASTON: I have my keys,
can I come in?
No, I don't want you
to come in.
I want you to leave.
(EXHALES) Open the door.
I need to talk to you
and return your keys.
I want you to leave, Gaston.
I was about to go to bed.
Emma, please.
Open the door.
I feel bad. Open the door!
I don't care
if you feel bad. Leave!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Have you lost your mind?
Who are you with?
EMMA: I'm not with anyone.
What's wrong with you?
What do you want?
I want to know
how you're doing.
How are you?
Give me the keys?
How are you?
What do you think?
Because of what
happened today?
Emma, it was stupid,
it didn't mean anything.
It was stupid of me.
I made a mistake.
It was stupid.
Can you give me
my house keys?
Because we were arguing.
Honestly, I wish
I had an explanation
but I don't.
I'm stressed, Emma. I'm
I'm just under
so much pressure
with this audit.
I don't care.
I want you to finish
the audit and go to hell.
Go fuck your colleagues
from work.
Why do you say that?
I want you to leave!
I don't want you to
fuck around anymore.
I love you! I miss you!
You've got some nerve.
Why do you say that?
You're disgusting.
What are you saying?
I want you to leave my house.
Please go.
That's enough. Go.
We'll talk another day.
Did you fix things
with the big guy?
Yes, everything's fine.
We paid them in powder,
they'll have enough
drugs for a few days.
It's all good.
Did they just give him
a beating or did they
fuck him up as well?
They fucked him up
all right,
they made
a real pussy out of him.
They're all scared
shitless now.
Big Arevalo is fine.
But Gusano is an idiot.
During the fight,
he lost a medal
with his initials.
Maybe the idiot left it
as a souvenir
to mark the occasion
of his first beating.
(LAUGHS) We need
to watch those guys.
We don't know what
they're going to do.
They're not going
to do anything.
They know the rules.
When you hit someone high up,
the lower ranks
get hit twice as hard.
They're not morons.
When I came here,
many years ago,
they broke your ass.
It was their way
of welcoming you.
If you didn't
stand up for yourself,
they fucked you up.
And if you were good-looking,
you wouldn't make it
to the cell a virgin.
The guards would
beat you up.
They didn't do that
to you, did they?
Do I look like
a broken ass?
You're not a virgin
because you're macho,
it's because you're ugly.
Have you looked at
yourself in the mirror,
pretty boy?
Let's stay alert
over the next few days,
we need to stick together
and have friendly guards
around as backup.
Did you hear me,
GUARD: Mario.
Your wife is here.
I'm coming.
Can you guys leave me
alone for a bit?
I need to make a call.
You're a son of a bitch!
You too, go.
Stand guard.
I don't want them
spying on me.
Go on.
Excuse me, ma'am?
Who are you looking for?
My grandma, she's in room 17.
One second.
Sara. Yes, down the hall
to the left.
Not a problem.
Go on.
I'll speak to the family.
Excuse me,
are you a relative?
Are you a relative
of Mr. Hector?
Hector? No.
Who are you looking for?
Elida? Follow me.
Here she is.
Elida, you have a visitor.
Elida. It's Emma,
your daughter-in-law.
I was just in
the dining room.
Everything's fine.
No one knows anything yet.
What's up?
How's it going?
What's with the paunch?
Come on, show some respect!
Are you celebrating?
We're preparing
a surprise for Borges.
What are you up to?
You'll see.
All right.
And you? What are you
doing with that?
I'm leaving.
I asked for a transfer.
I'm going to General Pinto.
To be closer to my family.
San Onofre is
far away from home.
I'll be closer to them there.
We'll miss you, won't we?
INMATE: Yes, we'll miss you.
I won't. (CHUCKLES)
Some friend you are!
Take care of yourself.
Don't fuck things up.
Stay alert.
Don't move into my cell.
They're sending someone else,
I was exchanged.
See you around.
He thinks
we're his servants!
We rule this cell block
We're tired of all
this repression ♪
GLADYS: How are you?
How are you?
Fine, and you?
I'm surviving.
What was all that outside?
Fireworks in the courtyard.
Why? What are
they celebrating?
I don't have a fucking clue.
It's calmed down now.
It sounded like a riot.
I don't understand
how they let
fireworks in here.
It's terrible,
authorities have no control.
Gladys, you smuggled in
a plasma TV.
That's different,
that's entertainment,
it doesn't
hurt anyone, Mario.
Here, count it,
I just grabbed it quickly.
It's all there.
And? How's Diosito?
Is he back with
the psychologist?
Yes, things are back
to normal. He busts
my balls every day.
I don't know whether
I should be happy
to have him around or not.
You can't imagine
the girl we brought him.
They were at it
even in the car.
And Claudia?
She seems so modest.
But it turns out
she's a slut.
She's telling everyone.
The bitch is
bragging about it!
Yes, it's me.
My brother-in-law?
MAN: They found him dead
this morning.
The first thing I noticed
were knife wounds
They electrocuted him.
We need your wife,
or a close relative
to come to the morgue.
It seems to be
a gang retaliation.
They left a message
to claim responsibility
for the death.
I suppose so.
GLADYS: What do you mean
they killed Osvaldo?
Is this some kind of a joke?
What the fuck is this?
Who the fuck called you?
This can't be.
The director of
the Torcuato penitentiary.
He knew we were related.
But why?
Why did they kill him?
I don't know, sweetheart.
This happens in jail,
it's common.
What do you want me to do?
But he never bothered
or hurt anyone.
He wasn't
like you or Diosito,
you're fighters,
but he wasn't like that
at all.
He must have crossed
some son of a bitch.
I don't know.
The quiet ones have
the hardest time here.
You know that.
Listen to me, Mario.
I want you to find out
who killed my brother.
I want you to find out
and I want you to give them
what they deserve.
Do you hear me?
Did you hear me or not?
Calm down.
Just relax.
Calm down.
(SOBS) He was good.
You know?
Everything all right?
More or less.
Not great.
I'm fighting with Marito
because of you.
I'm not saying it's your fault
but it's because of you.
I guess you can't control
other people, right?
The problem is
he's taking it out on me.
I'm in the middle
and that's what's
pissing me off.
You're both the same,
neither one of you
ever tries to help the other.
Make an effort, my friend.
Like I do.
They want to split us up
and we can't let that happen.
What do you mean?
DIOS: We can't let them
split us up,
we can't let them
destroy our friendship.
We can't let anyone
come between us.
Do you understand?
Everything is fine.
I'm cool.
You don't have to ask
your brother's permission
for everything.
He thinks you're siding
with the other gang.
That's why
he doesn't want you
in the courtyard anymore
or anything.
He can go and fuck himself.
Your brother wants me
to take their money.
I don't want to do that.
Do you understand?
Tell him that.
Hold on. One thing.
Did you tell anyone about
what happened the other day?
The little party we had,
What happened
between the two of us,
when we were drunk.
No I didn't say anything.
Nothing happened between us.
Are you talking about
when you kissed me?
You threw yourself
at me and kissed me.
I didn't do anything.
Do you understand that?
I was really high,
I was out of it,
really fucked up.
Yes, but I don't want you
to think I'm gay.
No, it's fine.
Don't worry about it.
I don't want you
to think of me like that.
It's fine. And don't worry
about the problem
with your brother,
it's fine.
I'll take care of it.
The way I see it,
there are two gangs.
And there's like
this crack in the middle.
What we need to do
is try to stay out
of that crack.
What crack?
For our love.
What the fuck are you doing?
It was a joke.
A joke?
I was just joking.
It's not funny.
Next time, I'll kill you.
Where's your sense
of humor, my friend?
I'm not your friend.
What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?
What do you want with me?
Nothing's wrong.
See what I'm saying?
Every time we get close,
something gets in the way.
It's the crack
Like the crack
in your ass, idiot!
If you're a fag and
trying to get with me,
forget it!
Not with me!
What? Me a fag?
Fucking cunt!
If you're in a bad mood,
we'll talk later.
How are you?
Excuse me, one minute.
Elida, I'm going to steal
your visitor for a minute
and I'll bring her back.
Come with me, please.
I'll be right back.
Excuse me, but
Whose wife are you?
Well, we're not married,
but we've been together
for a long time.
We've been looking
to find one of Elida's
relatives for a long time
and we haven't found anyone.
We don't live
in the country.
We're here to take care
of some business
for my brother-in-law
and I wanted to visit Elida
to see how she's doing.
She's not too bad.
Her sickness helps
her endure the pain.
She sometimes has
moments of lucidity,
the poor woman.
Do you know anything
about the boy?
Watch what you say,
Elida doesn't know
he's missing.
Don't worry.
No, we don't know anything.
We're very worried.
So she's still lucid?
She has her moments,
but they're shorter
each time.
Can I take her for a walk?
Yes, of course.
She loves going for walks.
Go on.
Thank you. Excuse me.
It's Emma, Miguel's wife.
Miguel, your son.
Little Miguel?
Do you want to go
for a walk in the park?
Have you heard
of Judge Lunati?
The one that was killed?
The judge? Yes.
That was horrible,
he was so viciously attacked!
His daughter
made a statement.
What's her testimony?
She swears that
she was kidnapped
and held in San Onofre
by Borges' gang.
That's funny.
Honestly, that's very funny.
It sounded ridiculous
to me too
and so I looked
at your visitors' log.
It turns out that Judge Lunati
was here, in this prison
on November 23rd,
the date of his
daughter's kidnapping.
I don't understand.
What does that have
to do with anything?
There's nothing unusual
about a criminal judge
visiting a prison.
What's interesting is that
he visited Borges.
That's preposterous,
it's absolutely impossible.
I know everything
that goes on here
in San Onofre,
nothing escapes me
in this prison.
I'm on top
of everything here.
You can see for yourself.
I've got cameras everywhere.
This is Big Brother
without a script,
and I manage the whole thing.
I know everything
that goes on here.
consider this, Doctor.
If a judge's son or daughter
is kidnapped in a prison,
think about this,
his own child!
Is he going to come
and visit? No! He'd come
with a search order,
with the Special Forces,
he'd kick everyone's ass,
lock everyone up
and rescue his child.
Yes. We don't know
if the judge knew
that his daughter
was kidnapped here,
but she provided details
of being held captive
in a cell.
What details?
Yes, she shared details
of speaking to a few inmates.
But she's unable to specify
exactly where she was held.
It's impossible.
It's totally ridiculous.
It's absurd.
Fucking cunt!
Son of a bitch!
Come here, piece of shit!
What's wrong?
Come here if you have
the balls, fucking cunt.
CESAR: Is the noise
bothering you?
I'm going to kill you,
You went for my family,
son of a bitch!
I'm going to kill you!
Fucking cunt!
I'm going to kill you!
Son of a bitch!
Piece of shit!
You went after my family,
son of a bitch!
You don't follow the code,
you're a piece of shit.
What code?
You broke it first.
What's wrong?
Does your ass hurt?
Does your ass hurt?
Did you tell the guys
that they broke your ass?
And you enjoyed it?
Fag. Broken ass!
What are you going
to do with him?
Will you mourn him
or eat him in a sandwich?
I'm going to set this
courtyard on fire with
all of you fuckers inside.
Blah, blah
You're stuck in here, too.
The fire will be so hot,
you'll all be charred
and black as coal.
I'm going to set
those sons of bitches
on fire.
As I always say,
our prison here is
like a pressure cooker.
If you don't pay attention
to the internal temperature,
if you don't manage it,
it'll blow up in your face
and you'll have
shit everywhere.
I don't know
why this happened.
Was there a fight
in the dining room?
I don't know.
I think Rico would know.
Right, Rico?
No, I don't know.
You never know anything.
But a little bird told me
that the attack started
in the showers,
and the person responsible
for monitoring
the showers is you.
No, I didn't see anything.
You never see anything.
It doesn't matter.
Starting tomorrow,
we'll tighten security
and controls in San Onofre.
We'll focus special attention
on the Borges guys
because they're always
involved in some way.
We'll conduct searches
almost every day
and more thorough searches
of the common areas.
The courtyard,
the dining room
We'll have to work
extra hours and get paid
You're not getting
paid for anything,
you're suspended.
I have nothing
to do with this!
It's in your file,
don't play dumb with me.
I know very well
that you cleared the zone,
it's a common practice
in jails.
Boys, that's it for today.
You, stay.
I want to talk to you.
ELIDA: He was very handsome.
EMMA: He was a very sweet boy.
ELIDA: He's handsome here,
too, when he's older.
What was his father like?
A very good guy.
He also worked
as a police officer.
But at some point he
He started to drink, a lot.
And one day he left.
We didn't know how
How to fix the family.
We couldn't.
It forced Miguel
to grow up too quickly.
That's what happened.
Let's talk
about something nice.
Let's change the topic, okay?
Yes, of course.
Forgive me for asking,
but are you pregnant?
Did I just say
something wrong?
I'm sorry.
No, you didn't.
Isn't that wonderful?
But I don't want
to lie to you.
The baby isn't Miguel's.
Well, it doesn't matter.
As long as
you're a happy mother.
Thank you.
Rico, why do you
have to argue with me
in front of others?
I'm doing you a favor.
Don't you realize that
if I don't fire you,
you're going to die?
Is my file also a favor?
If you tell me
who was involved,
I'll go easier on you.
Okay? Think about it.
I know you'll think
about it. Mario!
Dear Mario, I'm sorry.
I heard, they called me from
Don Torcuato penitentiary.
It's fucked up.
The guys in Sub-21
are responsible.
I've been telling you
to stop them.
Don't underestimate them.
You have to give them
some space.
I need you to grant me
special leave.
I need to attend the wake
with my wife
and take care
of my family's security.
A leave?
Yes, this isn't a hotel.
Yes, I need to go home.
I can't right now,
that won't be possible.
But you let any idiot leave.
I never let just anyone leave.
And when I do it's because
I thought you were
the boss around here,
not some flunky.
What do I have to do?
Go through my lawyer
and a judge?
For once,
do things the right way.
Just say, "Mr. Judge,
my name is Mario Borges"
They'll give you your
leave and that's it.
Don't you realize
that things are fucked up?
What are you
talking about, Antin?
The girl, Lunati's daughter
testified claiming
that you kidnapped her
and held her here.
Your neighbors went too far.
What do you want?
Stop it.
Don't come so close. What?
What's wrong with you?
What do you want?
Those faggots killed
Marito's brother-in-law.
Did you hear about it?
No, I didn't know.
Send my condolences.
Some guys from Sub-21 did it,
they have people over there.
They went
too far this time.
This means war, Pastor.
I want to know
whose side you're on.
I'm on my side,
I'm independent.
There's no such thing
as independence.
Not in this place,
there are two gangs here
fighting against each other.
I'm in one of them.
And you?
Me what?
Like my brother says,
you never know
with you.
Don't you trust me?
Weren't we friends?
You're listening to
other people's nonsense.
You said
we'd always be friends,
no matter what.
Isn't that right?
Mario's going to be
seriously pissed off.
I don't care about Marito.
I have nothing to do with
your brother or with the guys.
Do you get it?
I just wanted to know
which side you were on.
So I know whether
or not to defend you.
Now you know
which side I'm on.
You can think for yourself,
you're not your
brother's puppet.
You're a big boy now,
aren't you?
I'm going
to the courtyard.
Everything's fine,
we're good.
How are you?
What's up?
I have news for you.
Come see me later, okay?
Do you have a cigarette?
You're late today.
Yes, I had errands to run.
Is everything okay here?
I thought you were mad.
Mad? Why?
Because of
the awkward situation,
because I got carried away,
you saw us.
You must think
I'm some kind of hussy,
I feel awful.
No, it's fine.
Don't worry.
He got really upset
when he saw you.
I wouldn't know.
Are you here for long?
I need to conduct
a few interviews here.
No, I was leaving.
Everything is fine then.
Yes, don't be paranoid.
Go on.
Take care.
You too.
Pastor! Come in.
Close the door.
Come, sit down.
I visited your mom.
Yes, she's doing well. Look.
Did you talk to her?
Was she able to engage
in conversation?
Could you speak with her?
Yes, I spoke
with the therapist.
She said that some times,
she's fully present
and some times, not.
But with me,
she was engaged
the whole time.
We talked a lot
and had lunch together.
She showed me pictures.
She told me things about you.
Who did you say you were?
Your wife. I'm sorry,
I couldn't think
of anything else.
No, that's fine.
Thank you so much,
it means a lot to me
to know that
my mother is fine
and that somebody went to
see her, while I'm in here.
Yes, of course.
It's important to me.
And the boy?
Did she say anything
about Lucas?
No, she doesn't
know anything.
She doesn't even know
he's missing.
It's better that way.
Look at her smile.
The place is very nice.
She looks really well.
Thanks again,
I really appreciate it.
You're welcome.
INMATE 1: Where are
the rest of the girls?
INMATE 2: Even the gunman
is acting like a pussy.
INMATE 3: You're so funny.
I know you like to
play with a gun.
INMATE 1: Go on.
I'll remember you said that.
I won't forget either.
Where are you taking us?
Relax. You haven't
done it here yet.
What did you want?
To fuck in the stairwell?
I don't like any of this.
I don't like this.
It's the old part.
No one can hear us here.
We can do whatever we
What? Why are you
looking at me?
See? It's quiet here.
No one can hear us.
(CLEARS THROAT) How sweet.
Look at him suck your cock.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing?
I've got a good memory.
Don't you remember what you
did to me two years ago?
But you liked it, fag.
We had nothing
to do with that.
Stop it.
They sent us.
Close your ass, fag.
CESAR: Stop it.
What's wrong with you?
So you're the kingpin
around here?
You like it when
they suck your cock?
You're the biggest
prick of them all.
Do you remember me?
Get on your knees,
Calm down, it wasn't me.
Get on your knees
and apologize!
Come on, motherfucker,
get on your knees.
Tell me you're sorry!
I'm sorry!
Come on!
Come on! Let's go!
Get it!
Come on!
Go on! Let's go!
You think that
if we gain a foothold
in Borges' sector,
prisoners from
the other wings will be
on our side?
I think so.
I doubt anyone will
abandon Borges' gang.
But you need
support from inside.
We have to be
smart about it
or else we'll be carrying
out dead bodies alone.
I don't want
any more fights.
I've done my share.
What did you do
to those guys?
What we needed to do.
We buried them all,
except one.
Except one?
What did you do?
You'll find out.
PASTOR: What are
they doing over there?
That's a passage
that connects
to the old jail.
They're covering it up
to keep it hidden.
Then we can come
and go as we please.
How are you, sweetheart?
Be strong.
The guys who did this,
I promise
the sons of bitches
are going to pay.
Yes. Listen to me.
Put the phone on speaker
and put it somewhere
where everyone can hear me.
Okay. We can all hear you.
Hello, friends.
Family, brothers.
Thank you for your support
during this difficult time.
From the bottom of
my heart, I thank you.
I'd like to be there
with you but
They didn't let me leave.
We're going to miss him,
we loved him a lot.
Osvaldo was
my brother-in-law, but
He was like my brother.
I'm going to repeat
what I said to Gladys.
Those sons of a bitch
who killed Osvaldo like a dog
are going to pay
with their blood.
I promise you
that from my heart.
I'm sorry. I can't continue.
I love you all, thank you.
Ah, God.
Today, members
of the Borges gang are
going to discover
that they can't hide
from Sub-21,
we're everywhere.
What's going on?
Why are you
being so mysterious?
Why don't you go
to the dining room
with the Borges gang?
You'll find out.
I can't go to the dining room.
They don't want
to see me anymore.
That's messed up.
We need you over there.
We need a spy.
We need you for
information, understand?
What is it?
What are your intentions?
With the Borges gang?
Pedro, what's up?
Cesar, that shit's solid
as a rock now.
Perfect, thanks.
You're welcome.
You know what?
I don't believe you.
I think you want to
escape from here.
Are you tired?
Did I wear you out?
Are you finished
playing now?
He's cute.
What's his name?
He's old.
His name is Pocho.
Can I?
Yes, go ahead.
He doesn't bite.
Hello, Pocho.
He's really tired.
Was he playing?
Yes, he's been
playing all day.
Hello, Pocho.
It won't be long
before he'll want you
to throw him a stick.
You're Rogelio, right?
And who are you?
I'm that girl, remember?
Come on. Let's go.
Hurry. Move it.
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