Enheraf (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

I told you everything.
Let me leave already.
I'll let you leave, uncle Salem.
Look, uncle Salem.
We'll try something new.
Haven't you
Accused Wedad
of strangling Sayyed
And burning his corpse?
I will
Will strangle you.
But I won't burn you.
Yes, dear.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Can you tell me whether if it
were him who booked the room?
Or if someone else
booked it for him?
The one who booked the room
was a reporter called Huda Amer.
This is a copy of her ID.
- Can we go to the camera room?
- Sure. Let's go.
Salam Alikum.
- Hello sir, how are you doing?
- All is good. How are you?
Please be seated.
Show the videos that you have.
Sure, sir.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. There are
new updates in the case.
Goodbye, sir. Goodbye.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
How unlucky!
- Wake up, Sayyed.
- What's the matter?
It's your father, he's dead.
What do you mean?
They found him strangled
to death in a hotel room.
How unlucky How unlucky.
How sad How sad.
-Why haven't you turned yourself in?
-I was scared.
My mom and dad would've been
locked up, I'd have been locked up.
And none of this was my
fault. I was a ring in their fingers.
Why would I kill my aunt?
She's the one who raised me.
I've been good to
her my entire life.
She's been better
than my mom to me.
She was better than my dad.
Please, no.
Please don't kill me.
I swear I didn't do anything.
You're not the one
who's gonna get killed.
Not you.
Get off! Get off!
Can you close your
eyes for a second?
Now open them.
I know you love these things.
Oh. So you're trying to make
up for what happened yesterday.
Was it necessary for this to
happen on our wedding night?
I don't know, I swear.
I'm a regular at this hotel.
This has never happened.
It's the first time.
What do you mean?
I jinxed the place?
No no.
I'll have to get this.
Hello. Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Appreciate it, sir.
Yes, sir. This incident happened
in the hotel where I'm staying.
How come, sir
It's not my domain
of specialty.
Secondly, I'm on vacation, sir.
Investigate how?
No, sir, I can't object.
I'm at your command.
At your command, sir.
Ok, sir.
It's OK, goodbye, sir.
What's the matter, dear?
They want me to investigate
yesterday's incident.
It's fine.
I'll head home and wait for you.
Yo, lighter.
I need a lighter, man.
Come here.
Get over here. Are you trying
to run away from me, girl?
What do you want from me?
Excuse me, miss.
Excuse me.
I need a lighter.
Yo, bring me a lighter.
Bring me a lighter, man.
You need to finish your plate.
This is too much, Hor. I can't.
You've been studying
and you need to eat well.
How are you, doctor?
I needed to talk to you.
What's the matter, Mrs. Soa'ad?
Where is he?
Where's the electricity thief?
I pay for the electricity bill.
And then he'd steal it.
This son of a bitch.
How I wish to see you.
I want you all to be witnesses.
So you wouldn't say that
I have been cruel to him.
I'm explaining to y'all.
Who threw away my clothes?
So I'd tear him limb by limb?
I did, momma's boy.
Listen up, you jackal.
You're talking about
your aunt, you scumbag.
Electricity thief.
You're only entitled
to the rent each month.
Aside from that,
you can shut up.
You'll grown up and
can talk, you cockroach.
I've been a grown
up all my life.
Don't make me come
down to you, boy.
I'll come down to
you and beat you up.
Get down here, jackal. Show me.
- Calm down.
- Shut up. Go sit down somewhere.
Get the hell out of here.
Come on, Mr. Badawy.
Get away, everyone.
Come on, y'all.
Come on.
Get away, everyone.
Stop staring and get lost.
Come on.
Why don't you listen to him
It's blood.
- Oh, so you have that.
- It's blood, for real.
She's injured me, everyone.
- I hope you suffer.
- Shut up boy.
I hope you get
paralyzed, God willing.
Look, a couple of guys found
her sleeping in the street.
Thankfully, they
brought her here.
This is not the problem.
We know nothing about this girl.
Her identity, her family, everything.
She doesn't have an ID.
And even when we
try speaking to her.
She doesn't say
anything coherent.
This girl has probably
been kidnapped.
From my experience.
There are signs of
torture all over her body.
There's also one more
thing I need you to know.
Her eyesight is really weak.
Touch wood.
His head was severely
injured. He got 7 stitches.
Oh my God.
Just 7?
No, no no.
I don't like the number 7.
I wish they were 15.
All with interest.
What's with the hate? He crossed the
line and he was punished. End of story.
No, Galal.
No one crosses me.
Stealing electricity.
Why do I do? Pat
him on the back?
This can't stand.
Calm down.
- Badawy.
- At your command, boss.
- A cup of Hibiscus.
- Sure thing.
Get us the best cup of hibiscus.
You're funny, Galal.
Are you being hospitable
at my own coffee shop, man?
What hospitality? I'm
blessed by your presence.
Thank you.
Let's get this over with as I have
other arrangements to attend to.
Give me the rent.
Dabur stopped by
yesterday and got the rent.
Haven't I told you not to
give him a penny of the rent?
Since when, brother?
You giving the rent
without a proof of receival?
No, no. I received
proof. Here it is.
Don't raise your voice.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Here's the proof of receival. I
paid the rent and received it.
God damn it, Sabteya rat.
Excuse me, Galal.
I forgot I gave the proof
of receival to Dabur.
To have him get me the rent.
Don't be angry.
No, I am.
I wasn't hoping for
this treatment, ma.
I don't like being called that.
What's the matter?
Am I in dentures?
Or did I do a facelift?
Or walking around with a cane?
My name is Fawzeya!
- What's my name?
- Fawzeya
Not just Fawzeya.
Mrs. Fawzeya.
- Mrs. Fawzeya, of course.
- How disgusting.
- How many times should I repeat myself?
- I'm sorry.
Goddamn it.
I don't like this.
I don't you to call
me ma ever again.
- Do I need to repeat myself?
- No need.
Get me the bag.
I'm sorry, ma I
mean, I'm sorry, Mrs.
- Again?
- No, I'm sorry.
I told you I don't like
giving just 7 stitches.
OK, ok, ok.
- Remove this.
- Sorry.
- May lightning strike you.
- You've been delightful.
- Give it a rest already.
- You've been delightful.
Gather all these things. Come on!
- Yes, boss. Sure.
At night.
I don't understand anything.
Who's they?
Are you stealing from
me, you scumbag?
Taking the proof of
receival of the coffee shop?
And you took the rent
To buy the crap you're smoking?
It's my money, Fawzeya.
Haven't you told me you'll write
the coffee shop in my name?
Or is it women talk?
Straighten up.
My word is worth a
1000 men like you.
I told you to get me the house.
And I'd give you the
coffee shop in return.
Fawzeya, boy
Doesn't buy promises.
Wake up, boy.
Did I not do my best, Fawzeya?
I just needed to smoke
a couple of joints
To lighten up a little after
Looking everywhere
for this cursed girl
No more drugs.
See? No more drugs.
No more drugs.
Do you understand?
Not until you find the girl
and bring her in.
I've looked everywhere
for her but couldn't find her.
Even beggars at traffic
lights couldn't find her.
She's gone with the wind.
What wind are you talking about?
She's got no one.
Did the earth swallow her whole?
Maybe she was hit by a
truck or something like that.
Get me the girl, no matter what.
I shouldn't have to look for
something I already have.
Do you understand?
- God damn it.
- OK.
Consider it done.
Don't worry about it.
But give me a joint instead
of the one you shredded.
Boy Get the hell out of here
or I'll have you disfigured.
Come on!
God damn it What kind
of people am I dealing with?
Work for food and
shelter, man, do anything.
I drowned my kids.
Who drowned your kids?
They did.
Who are they?
I drowned them.
You drowned them?
They did.
They have no mercy?
A person who tortures
a woman like that
Is a monster.
- Hadir, can you hear me?
- Dabur.
Who are those? Your mom
and dad or your siblings?
Dabur is my husband.
- Who's Fawzeya?
- His wife.
How come she's his wife?
Isn't he your husband?
He's my husband
and she's his wife.
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