Eva Lasting (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Las enseñanzas de don Juan

[Salcedo] Luisa!
Luisa, who wrote these to you?
Who are these from?
And don't say they're not yours,
because I found them in your backpack.
Why are you going through my things?
You're being abusive.
Don't create more problems for me now.
Or what? Are you getting mad?
Who wrote this bullshit?
You're never gonna know,
because I'm never gonna tell you.
Do you know why?
I don't have to explain myself to you.
You're not my dad.
You're not moving
until you give me an answer.
Oh, yeah?
What are you gonna do? Hm?
[tense music plays]
What now? Are you gonna beat me up
in front of your friends? Huh?
Go ahead!
You really think you're that macho.
[Salcedo breathes heavily]
Leave me alone, Martín.
[tense music continues]
[funky music plays]
Stop this bullshit, Salcedo.
Don't fuck with me, Arbeláez.
Bring me your notebooks.
- Are you gonna check every notebook?
- If I have to, maybe I will.
But I will find out
who wrote these letters.
- You're wasting your time.
- No, leave it, Granados.
This one's as stubborn as a mule.
Are you done, or are you gonna be
checking all our math notebooks?
Your notebook, Granados.
- [scoffs] Whatever, man.
- Stop looking, Martín.
I'm not like this because of the letters
or because I have a thing with someone.
It's because
I'm not doing well at school
and I was afraid of how Mom might react
when I get home.
Yes, of course. Maybe you think
that I was born yesterday.
Those letters are not Luisa's.
Those letters are mine.
Someone you don't know wrote them to me
and I asked Luisa
if she could save them for me.
Okay. So what do they say?
[Eva sighs]
"I was very happy to receive your letter."
"I didn't want to read it right away,
since I wanted it to be a special moment,
and it was."
"Your words brightened up a night that
I thought would be dedicated to Baldor."
"Today, after we left school,
I couldn't stop thinking about you."
"I tried to imagine what the days
are like for you when I'm not around."
"I wanted to be a god so I could be
in everything, everywhere, all at once."
You can read the rest if you want.
[adult Camilo] Knowing that Eva knew by
heart the content of those words of love,
indirectly addressed to her, impressed me.
Maybe it's better that we
[adult Camilo] That meant either
that she had a prodigious memory
or that my writings had touched her heart.
Do you believe me now?
May I have them back now, please?
[adult Camilo] Eva herself
arranged for Luisa and I
to meet at a coffee shop downtown.
A place where we were in no danger
of anyone seeing us.
Thank you for coming.
And thank you also for not telling Martín
that I wrote those letters.
You were gonna lose a friend
and it wouldn't have helped me.
This'll probably be the last time
we talk to each other.
No, but we'll still be
in the same class, no?
You know what I'm saying to you, Camilo.
You know that I still love you.
And I'll be in love with you
for a very long time.
That's why I wanna tell you something.
Don't waste any more time with Eva.
She has a lot of problems in her life
and she might have to leave José María
the same way she came to us.
How so? What What do you know?
Can't say.
Don't ask me
to tell you any more about this.
Does it have to do with her papa?
Because if you tell me, then, well, I
I could maybe help her out.
Eva's not gonna see you
as more than her main guy friend.
[melancholy music plays]
She won't fall in love with you
the way that you're in love with her.
She told you that?
No. We haven't talked about it.
I don't think we ever will.
But I know it.
[melancholy music continues]
This is the only thing
I wanted to tell you.
[melancholy music continues]
[adult Camilo] Why did Eva tell Luisa
and Guzmán about the mystery of her life,
and not tell me?
What was the problem?
Would she someday disappear
in the same way that she had appeared?
After the sidetrack
that Luisa had represented in my life,
it was time to resume the questions
about the hidden life
of the woman I loved.
- [mother] Where were you?
- [Salcedo clears throat]
[sighs] Out, Mom.
Were you with your guy?
I guess my brother
told you what happened at school.
- [mother] He did.
- He tell you about the scene he caused?
He has to look after you.
Thanks for your interest, but I don't need
a policeman to look after me.
Judging by what your brother
tells me, you do.
[Salcedo] Do you think I bought
Eva's story that the letters were hers?
That one day she was crying her eyes out
over that idiot Guzmán,
another day,
she got letters from a different guy?
It's not important what you think.
That's enough.
Who's the boy you've been seeing?
And who is making you cry?
Are you serious? [chuckles]
So serious that either you say who he is
or tomorrow you'll go to Popayán
and go live with your aunt
and study at the Bethlemitas school.
You know what?
Make the decision that's most convenient.
I don't care.
[tense music plays]
I'm showering.
You see what I'm saying, Mom? Smart alec.
And you are an idiot
who can't even take care of your sister.
But all I've done
[mother] I'm going to send you to Popayán
too. See if you get off your butt.
What have I done to deserve this disgrace?
[adult Camilo] I was so caught up
in my own turmoil
that I hadn't noticed something that was
going to change things in Colombia,
and would also be the cause
of a new discussion between my parents.
Well, I don't think
that a minimal dose will make anyone die.
I don't think it can hurt.
So you agree with that idea?
Minimum dose of what?
The amount of marijuana you can smoke
according to the government.
- It's no longer prohibited? You can just
- [José] Wait.
- Don't get excited. Don't even think.
- No, I'm just
This useless government
does absolutely nothing
and they want the people
to walk around smoking,
but I will not allow that in this house.
It's forbidden here.
Today, tomorrow, always.
But don't overreact, José.
It's the very same thing
as people who go drinking.
It's a fact that the government depends
on the revenue of the liquor stores.
So if people can drink alcohol,
why shouldn't someone
smoke their joint occasionally?
- Why do you say "their joint"?
- They say alcohol is more harmful.
I can't believe you're saying these things
in front of the child.
I can't believe it, Ana.
He is no longer a child.
Stop covering his eyes.
It's better that he learns what is
going on in the world from both of us.
[José] It's incredible
you don't realize what's going on.
What they are deciding is the apocalypse
of this country. That's the reality.
[adult Camilo] Although it had served
to ward off immediate dangers,
Luisa's abrupt departure from school
made me feel sad and guilty.
To Popayán?
Yes. She's going to our aunt,
and she'll study in a convent.
- But why?
- You wanna know why?
Because here she had very bad influences.
Okay, stop it. I've had enough.
Don't start causing trouble again.
No, I have to tell the truth.
You're still convinced
I'm the bad influence?
- [Álvaro coughs]
- That's right.
Before you arrived, until Luisa met you,
she was a good girl.
- Obedient and decent.
- [Eva] Don't underestimate her, Martín.
That's what you and your mother
want to believe.
But Luisa happens to be
an intelligent, independent young woman,
and she'll do whatever she thinks
is right, even if she goes to Popayán.
I assure you that won't come to pass.
Because with my family,
you can't do what you did with this group.
What did I do?
Take us down.
[scoffs] What?
Before you arrived,
we were united in everything.
We never fought.
We always pulled together.
Now we go from battle to battle.
Or haven't you noticed?
- And so then you blame that on me?
- Yes.
Even if none of these fools will admit it.
I don't admit it, 'cause it's not true.
Do you see?
- Now we can't agree on anything.
- [Camilo sighs]
Yeah. Fine. Don't worry.
You made yourself clear.
- Wait. Eva.
- No, no, stay with your friends.
- But I don't even
- I'm serious.
Let her go, bro.
You don't have to beg her.
You're such an idiot.
Come on, man. We all know that she's
delicate, and that's not fair either.
No, bro. You shouldn't
have hurt her feelings, man.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
We're going to end up fighting again
because of her.
[melancholy music plays]
Adding to our complete national shame
and embarrassment
as the number one marijuana producer
in the world,
there's the disgraceful seizure
of 28 kilos of marijuana
from the ARC Gloria,
a flagship of the national navy.
They keep insisting
that nothing is happening here.
That all this is normal.
Look. Now we are news.
Number one producer of marijuana
in the world. Hm. So cool.
[adult Camilo] It was the news of the day.
And it was serious.
But in reality, my head was elsewhere.
It was time to decide between my friends
and the woman
who was transforming my feelings.
And not only my feelings,
but also my surroundings.
After the desk,
the library was the new addition
to my intimate space inspired by Eva.
Another sign of her importance in my life.
But the question was,
how to reconcile friends with love?
[teacher] Cannabis sativa.
That sound familiar?
Yes, of course it does. [chuckles]
Cannabis sativa is a herbaceous species
native to Asia.
Specifically to the Himalayas.
And throughout human history,
as far back as we remember,
it has always been grown and cultivated.
Many cultures around the world
have used it for recreational
and psychotropic purposes over the years.
[adult Camilo] Eva did not
show up at school and I felt real panic
at the thought
that what had happened the day before
had represented
the end of her time at José María.
If she left, good for her.
That girl was nothing but trouble.
[scoffs] Why?
Because she was the only one with the guts
to tell you the truth about your sister?
- Don't mess with Luisa.
- What are you gonna do?
- Guys, don't start fighting. Ease up.
- [Salcedo] See?
Even when she's not with us,
she's a pain in the ass.
Hm. Salcedo is right about that.
[Gustavo] Maybe
you're exaggerating, Granados.
Just because she didn't,
you know, come today
doesn't mean she'll never come back.
If she doesn't come back,
what are you gonna do? it's her decision.
You're all imbeciles.
Don't you realize that's what really
brought us together. Eva's arrival.
Have you forgotten
what happened with Professor Estela?
Or with the choir? Or with the newspaper?
Or with the uniform?
What happened with the dance?
With the bowling, or the kisses,
or the movie, or the books?
Because even if no one talks about it,
or even acknowledges it,
those things have been important
to everyone, assholes.
Eva! Hi.
I knew I'd find you here.
You want company?
Mm. If your friends
are fine with it, well
I don't care what they say.
[scoffs] Eva, Salcedo's been a jerk
his whole life.
But deep down, he's not a bad person.
He doesn't even really know
what he's saying.
Saying we had no problems
before you arrived, that's not true.
We actually fought most of the time,
and all because of him.
He's a firecracker.
In fact, what has brought us close
as friends has been your arrival,
and you've been so cool with us.
Eva, look at me.
Salcedo Salcedo's a fool,
and he never thinks when he speaks,
and he's a big mouth
when he doesn't know anything.
He can't admit that, deep down,
he loves you so much.
He loves you just as much as we do.
Nice try, Camilo.
- Seriously, I do value what you say.
- You don't believe me?
- No.
- Well, hey, guys!
Guys! Wait. Wait.
I told you she didn't believe me.
These fools sent me ahead to talk to you
and convince you to forgive us, and
[chuckles] Look. One, two, three, go.
["Ring My Bell" plays]
I'm glad you're home ♪
Now did you really ♪
So, Eva, I want to apologize
for what I said to you at school.
What I said, not only about my sister,
but that you destroyed
the unity of the group.
I didn't mean it.
I said it because I was angry.
Need more proof?
Are we friends?
[chuckles] Yes.
Come on.
[jaunty music plays]
[adult Camilo] Eva offered her house
for our reconciliation party,
and so we prepared for a big night
that would prove to be full of surprises
and defining moments in our lives.
Especially mine.
[jaunty music continues]
Huh. Look who's here.
- [Camilo] What's up, guys?
- What's up, Granados?
- [Camilo] I didn't know you were invited.
- Yeah. Eva's a girl of quality.
[Camilo] And apparently, she didn't know
who she was bringing into her house.
- Hi. How are you?
- [Édgar] Hi, Eva.
[Eva] I'm so glad you made it.
Come on in. Everyone's here.
- Go ahead.
- How are you?
- Great.
- Good.
Come on.
You can sit over there if you like.
- Hi, Camilo.
- Hi.
Why'd you invite them?
Because Castro screwed up.
He told them who I was,
that I was throwing the party.
They asked me to invite them, and, well,
uh, you know, it wasn't polite to say no.
But it's all good. It's fine by me,
because I like them anyway.
Yeah, well
[chuckles] Whatever.
[disco music plays]
That outfit looks so amazing, Camilo.
- Mm-hm. Thank you.
- Yeah.
It makes you look sexy.
[disco music continues]
[adult Camilo] To make it a really
big party, Eva invited some girlfriends
from some of the schools
where she had studied.
One among these fine and beautiful
young women was Angélica.
[upbeat music plays]
- [in English] Eva has always been crazy.
- [in English] But I adore her.
[in English] Her new friends
are the real crazy ones. Look at them.
[in English] Don't stare.
[in English] They are the same ones
from the 68.
[in English] Definitely weirdos.
[upbeat music continues]
You guys look
like fumigated spiders there. [chuckles]
Do something
or the girls are gonna get bored.
[upbeat music continues]
What? What's the problem?
They're just women, and I assure you
that they won't bite you.
Are you kidding me, bro?
Have you lost your memory or something?
Did you forget that that girl
treated you like you were a nobody?
Stop. I was the only one directly
affected. Besides, I'm over it now.
I'm not. And I can't stand to see her
act like nothing even happened.
Anyway, those girls
think they're better than other people.
That's bullshit. And if the Acuñas can
talk to them, then we can also. [scoffs]
Yeah, but I like that song, because the
lyrics are really incredible, you know?
Listen. We're marching back
and going inside,
and we're gonna show them
that we are the force of José María.
- Okay?
- And what do we say to these girls?
I don't know. Just whatever you want.
I wouldn't be too sure.
Earlier, they were speaking English.
[Camilo sighs]
Yeah, because they don't want us
to know what they're saying.
- [Camilo] Nah.
- And the same thing with the music.
I don't understand it
and you can't dance to it.
[Camilo] It's simple.
We remind them that we are in Colombia,
and here, we speak Spanish. Right?
- I think maybe I wanna go home.
- Gustavo, really?
- [scoffs] No, come on.
- No, no, no.
No one is leaving right now
because I have the solution.
[adult Camilo] As usual, Eva was right.
With two drinks and some good music,
in Spanish of course,
all shyness
and inferiority complexes disappeared.
- Woo!
- [adult Camilo] As if by magic.
[upbeat music plays]
Say, will you play a song for me?
[laughs] As long as it's not in English,
sure, whatever you like.
No. It's a bolero,
and it's called "Cómo fue."
Wasn't that what you were going to sing
for me for your serenade, no?
[upbeat music continues]
- Are we friends?
- Friends.
Can I request a song now?
Sure, whatever you want. Just tell me.
What do you want to listen to?
Eh, eh, eh, eh. That's it! [laughs]
[laughs] What's up?
- Here you go. Salud.
- Thanks.
Listen, the only thing I wanted
was to take care of my sister.
I know, Martín. It's fine.
I've seen my mom cry
so many times about my papa.
- Mm-hm.
- I don't want that to happen to Luisa.
Hey, brother. What's up with her?
[Gustavo] Maybe Granados
scores tonight, right?
[Álvaro] Yeah, he's an idiot.
Such an idiot.
Because I do have a memory. Hm?
And I'm not going around
humiliating myself like you guys.
I do have [scoffs]
- Give me more. Give me more.
- No, no more.
This is mine. This is mine.
No more. No more!
Enough! Yeah. Ugh.
[Rodrigo] How's it going?
We should keep an eye on Castro.
What, the beast is out?
Funky, fresh music.
Ah, what did I tell you?
[Eva] I didn't even know
I had all these records here.
- When you know, you know.
- Mm.
Hey, what was Salcedo saying to you?
That he wasn't going to let any idiot
get with Luisa.
Which is a good thing.
- Ooh.
- [Eva] Mm-hm.
That's painful.
[laughs] Last time I tease you about it.
That issue dies here.
- Salud.
- Salud.
I have to confess that I had my doubts
when you suggested the party.
- But this is really fun.
- That's good.
Nothing better than a good party
to calm the waters. Wanna dance?
- Let's dance.
- Let's go.
Let's dance. Let's dance.
I'm not gonna let that girl
mess up Granados.
Don't be a drunk. Let's go somewhere else.
I'm not drunk, you son of a bitch!
[music stops]
I'm not drunk.
- What are you looking at?
- Hey, what's up?
- Hey, hey, hey, Castro! Calm down!
- [Rodrigo] Stop! Stop it.
Hey, hey. Hey.
Do you think
you can play with my friend's feelings
whenever the fuck you feel like it?
Or is it that we're so beneath you
that we can't even measure up?
- Castro, please. That's enough.
- [Gustavo] You told her. Let's go.
I think it would be better for us
if we go now.
- Yeah, good, That's a good idea.
- No, Angélica, please. Come on.
[Álvaro] Wash your butts.
You might catch the smell of the poor.
[William] Don't leave.
- Are you doing all right?
- Fine. We're good.
Why so much hostility?
Peace and love, brother.
Salcedo, don't fuck with me.
Leave me alone. You're the drunk one.
And if you girls want to leave, get out.
Get out, because you're just
spoiled rich girls
who don't give a shit about anyone.
You can all go to hell!
[Camilo] Okay, okay, enough!
[William] Hey, sweetie, you don't need
to leave. Everything's okay. Don't worry.
Don't leave. The party's good.
Party's good. Let's keep drinking.
[jaunty music plays]
You shouldn't have been
so rude to those girls.
Ah, bro, I was just defending you, man.
My friend, Granados, my brother
Who asked you? You're an asshole.
See? It's none of your business.
Good job, Castro. You're incredible.
We'll keep you in mind
for Douchebag of the Year.
Ah, bro, just leave me alone.
Can't we have a good time without those
chicks who have their noses in the air?
But no offense, Eva.
Well, have a good time then,
because the two of us,
now we're bored with this party.
Excuse me, Eva, but this is
no longer a party without girls.
It looks like a party for little kids.
We're finished with you drunken morons.
You're such annoying people.
You ruined everything.
Hey! That was Castro.
Don't put me in that same box.
Well, anyhow, I wish you luck.
Ah, and also, Eva,
can you get me
the phone number for Valentina,
with the orange sunglasses?
Because if it weren't
for this two-legged bastard,
I would've got lucky.
[scoffs] Isn't he the confident one?
Thank you for having us, Eva.
- What a lovely house. Congratulations.
- [Camilo] Right. See ya.
- [Gustavo scoffs] "Two-legged bastard."
- [Álvaro] Nah.
You have some left?
[Eva laughs]
What happened?
[Eva laughs] No. No.
[Camilo] What? Why are you laughing?
Because [laughs]
The look The look on Angélica's
and the other's faces
when Álvaro insulted them.
[sighs happily] It was hilarious. [sighs]
Seemed funny to me too.
I've never seen them like that.
They're my friends,
and I love them very much, but
it's good that, once in a while,
they hear things
like what Álvaro told them.
[Álvaro] Ah, that's right.
[Eva] Yes. Besides, Álvaro's right.
The party doesn't have to end.
I mean, it's just getting started.
I have a little surprise.
[Gustavo] What is it?
[Eva] This is the door
to another dimension.
[Rodrigo] Is that?
[Eva] Weed.
Yes. Pure Red Point.
Well, it may not be Himalayan,
but it comes directly
from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
[adult Camilo] Our first reaction
was one of intimidation,
because although the idea
of personal marijuana usage
was now accepted in the country,
we had also heard terrible things
about its effects.
That it drove people crazy.
That it led to death.
That it was the eighth deadly sin,
and a direct passage to hell.
[male voice] And all the depraved
will ignite and burn like straw
in the everlasting fire.
[chuckles] Why those faces?
Well, it's just they say
it drives you crazy.
That'd be a mortal sin.
In other traditions, it is the sacred weed
that allows communication with gods.
Um [chuckles]
- Are you serious?
- [Eva] Yes, I'm serious.
And it allows communication
with our inner self.
And who's that?
That is a spirit that lives inside
and sometimes makes us
feel badly about who we are as people.
And weed helps us communicate with him
and settle our differences.
[echoing] Hey.
I wanted to talk to you for ages.
Well, here I am. Ask me whatever you want.
Why haven't we been able
to get anywhere with Eva?
Because we simply don't make
the earth move for that woman.
It's a question of chemistry.
- Do you remember Schopenhauer?
- Yeah, so?
Hm, well?
I'm sorry, but in this case, I'm the one
in charge of telling the truth.
You can think whatever you want,
but I still have hope.
I'm gonna show
that motherfucking Schopenhauer
that he can suck it, okay?
Yeah, but what happens if one
does not agree with one's inner self?
Well, I don't know.
To find out, you have to do the trip.
But believe me, it has liberating effects,
and many other people say that.
For example, there's a writer
named Carlos Castañeda.
I'm going to recommend one of his books
to you. The Teachings of Don Juan.
Anyway, what's the problem when
the government regulates a minimum?
I don't know. I have to think about it.
Well, because if you're afraid,
well, then, that's another story.
Your loss.
But I really thought
you guys would be braver.
[adult Camilo] By now, Eva knew us very
well, and knew just how to challenge us,
so that none of us
would have the courage to refuse.
Our male egos definitely won out
far above any other consideration.
[funky music plays]
I feel nothing.
Yeah, me neither.
Shall we smoke more?
Shall I roll another?
[Rodrigo laughs]
What happened? What are you laughing at?
I don't know. [laughs]
- What an idiot.
- [both laugh]
[Salcedo] What are you laughing at?
I'm your doctor when in need
Want some coke, have some weed ♪
You know me, I'm your friend
Your main boy, thick and thin ♪
I'm your pusherman ♪
[all laugh]
I'm your pusherman ♪
[Álvaro] Are you my inner self?
Ah. [laughs]
Ain't I clean? Bad machine
Super cool, super mean ♪
Dealing good for the man
Super fly, here I stand ♪
Secret stash, heavy bread
Baddest bitches in the bed ♪
I'm your pusherman ♪
I'm your pusherman ♪
Can I ask you something?
Why do you know by heart
all those letters I wrote to Luisa?
I thought they were very beautiful
when she allowed me to read them.
Can I confess something?
[Camilo] I knew you were gonna read them.
- Yeah?
- Yes. So I wrote them thinking about you.
- Really?
- [Camilo] Yeah.
[Eva laughs]
Because [chuckles]
Because I love you.
[gentle music plays]
[Camilo] Eva,
it's you I love completely.
[chuckles] From the first moment
you showed up standing there
in the classroom,
I swear.
In fact, I think
I loved you even before I met you.
I don't know. I imagined it,
so then I was waiting for you
to appear here,
to recognize you. [chuckles]
Or I don't know, maybe,
I probably made it all up in my head,
and you came true for me. [chuckles]
[both chuckle]
And, no, I don't want to be your friend.
- Mm-mm?
- [Camilo] Your best friend.
- No?
- [Camilo] No.
I want to be
the boyfriend
who most loves you in this world.
And the man you
most love for your entire life.
[telephone rings]
[telephone continues ringing]
I have to answer it.
[adult Camilo] Despite the interruption,
I didn't feel bad.
Maybe it was the effect of the weed,
or the result
of finally expressing out loud
the feelings I had repressed for so long,
but I experienced a sense of lightness.
Near total happiness.
I know I can break it
This life just don't make it ♪
Lord, lord, yeah ♪
[Eva] No, Dad. You can't just ask that,
because I don't understand it.
Yes, but
But I I don't wanna do that either.
Well, no, because
No, because I don't know if I wanna leave,
and I don't know if I wanna see you again.
[tense music plays]
Are you okay?
[Eva sniffs]
Yes. Yes, I'm all right.
This is the book I was telling you about.
The Teachings of Don Juan.
You can borrow it.
Oh. Uh
- Eva
- Camilo, I need to be alone for a second.
- Please.
- For sure.
[adult Camilo] Despite being high and not
being able to do what I wanted to do,
I was alarmed by what I had overheard,
and by Eva's reaction.
Faced with the magnitude of the situation,
and certain that Eva
was not coming back to the party,
I felt I had to leave
so that the effect would wear off
and I could clear my head.
However, before leaving,
I was overwhelmed by an almost prehistoric
hunger and thirst,
so I went in search of the kitchen
and it was there I found the last
and most shocking surprise of the night.
[Salcedo panting]
[adult Camilo] What I had seen
in the kitchen of Eva's house
got me thinking
about the liberating effects of weed,
and wondering if it was
a good thing or not.
For if marijuana
was the eighth deadly sin,
homosexuality was
the last sign of the apocalypse.
I didn't dare tell anyone about it.
Not even Eva.
Because I didn't feel I was the right
person to announce the end of time.
Last night, I came home
and finished almost all the food.
So did I. Me too.
My mom woke up this morning
and asked me why I had eaten so late.
I had to make up a story
for her to believe me.
- That stuff really makes you hungry.
- Yeah.
- It made my head ache something terrible.
- Yeah?
- But we definitely had a blast.
- I had a good time.
- You almost ruined it with Eva's friends.
- You're such an idiot.
Oh, do you really miss them that much?
I don't know.
You'd have to ask the Acuñas.
- The Acuñas? Did you see their faces?
- [Álvaro] Look who finally showed up.
- What's up, bro?
- Fuck you.
[tense music plays]
What the fuck's wrong with him now?
[tense music continues]
[adult Camilo] I was very tense
for three reasons.
First, there was the conversation I had
overheard Eva having with her father,
which made it clear that she was in danger
of disappearing at any moment.
Second, the encounter
he'd had with his inner self
had most definitely disturbed Salcedo.
And the third thing
was that Eva wouldn't say anything to me
about the desperate declaration
the night before,
or about what had occurred between us,
and she acted
as if none of it had happened.
Okay, please note this assignment
is going to represent a 25% portion
of your grade for the semester.
- You will work on it in groups of five.
- [Eva clears throat]
Can we form a group of six?
Yes, Eva. You may form a group of six.
What happened, Martín?
Why aren't you going to work with us?
I need to pass Spanish, no matter what.
Are you sure you chose the right group?
I am very good in this class.
Maybe you've noticed?
I don't know, but I'm not risking it.
I need to make up
for the grade in philosophy.
Or have you already forgotten about
Granados's screw-up with Zarathustra?
- Who are you gonna work with?
- With the Acuñas.
Are you serious?
Do you think, with them, you can pass?
They did well with the philosophy, or no?
But only because they bought the paper.
I don't give a damn about your opinions.
- I'm not going to work with you.
- That's definitely a betrayal.
No matter. Good luck with your work.
- [tuts] He's acting weird, right?
- For sure.
Yes. What happened to him?
[rock music plays]
[adult Camilo] Everything got worse
one day
when Salcedo reacted
very aggressively towards Pabón.
- [Salcedo grunts]
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
What's your problem?
Go cry somewhere else.
This sport is for men.
- No, no, no, no. Calm down! Bro, relax.
- You almost broke my leg.
I can't stand that pussy.
He's always crying.
- [Álvaro] Come on, stand up.
- [coach] That's enough, Salcedo.
You're out for the foul.
Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.
- [Álvaro] Sure?
- Salcedo's okay?
- He's fine, yeah. It's all good.
- [coach] Let's go. Let's play.
- [whistle blows]
We need to find out fast
what's going on with Salcedo,
or he's gonna end up killing somebody.
Let's go.
[adult Camilo] Unable to carry the weight
of what I knew any longer,
I talked to Eva and told her everything.
She didn't make
the slightest value judgment,
but she was shocked.
So that must be
why Martín is so aggressive, no?
Yes, especially with Pabón.
- That's terrible. We have to do something.
- But what?
- I don't know. Talk to them?
- What?
- Yeah.
- No, no, no. Eva, look.
Neither Salcedo nor Pabón
realize that I saw.
Who knows what will happen
if they find out there were witnesses?
Yes. Yes, you're right.
It's a very delicate matter.
Well, I only told you, because I trust you
and I need you to help me
come up with a plan,
but you can't tell anyone else,
is that clear?
Yes, yes, don't worry. I get it.
Well, give me some time
to think what we should do about this.
Yeah. But don't take too long, because
I'm afraid this could,
I don't know, end up really bad.
[bell rings]
- Thanks for telling me, hm.
- Thanks.
[Camilo] Let's go.
[tense music plays]
[tense music fades]
It looks weird to me.
[adult Camilo] I felt
exactly the same way.
Like a shapeless, formless blob,
moving around chaotically within itself.
[serene music plays]
[adult Camilo] The silence
and the lack of any sign from Eva
caused an idea to form in my head.
What if I had imagined
everything that had happened that night?
What if they had been hallucinations
caused by the weed?
If they had been hallucinations,
it explained Eva's lack of reaction.
But what about the book?
It was so real.
And Salcedo?
Why had he tried to hit Pabón?
I definitely needed to clear up the doubt
or I was never going to be able to relax.
Yes. According to the book you lent me,
it says you can imagine things
when you're under bad effects of the weed.
But imagine what? What kind of things?
I don't know, things that one
One has said, or
Things one has seen.
- Like Salcedo and Pabón?
- Well, for example.
Granados. Come see this, quickly.
- What?
- What's up?
- Now!
- What happened?
What's so terrible?
[students chatter]
[Quiñones] Welcome, yes.
Very interesting, right?
Don't touch, don't touch.
[Quiñones laughs]
- [Quiñones laughs]
- [student] Oh, oh!
[Quiñones] What's up, Salcedo? [laughs]
[students mock]
So, Salcedo, when's the wedding, bro?
[Quiñones laughs]
Oh, hey, take it easy.
Hey, take it easy, brother.
You know you two
make a beautiful couple, right?
[students mock]
And, please, just let me ask you,
which one of you is on the bottom?
Is it you? Or is it you? Is it you?
[students laugh]
- That's a lie!
- No, no. But it's not.
I mean, please let's ask Granados,
who saw it all.
- [students] Ooh!
- Stop.
- Or do you deny it? Huh?
- What?
Are you gonna deny that, yesterday,
you were in the bathroom with Eva,
telling her everything these two fairies
did at the party she had at her house?
[students] Ooh!
That motherfucker took advantage
when I was asleep.
[students laugh]
[Quiñones] What an idiot.
Yeah? You didn't notice?
No, because I was drunk.
- [Quiñones] Yeah, yeah.
- A-And high.
[students] Ooh!
- You bastard!
- No, no!
[dramatic music plays]
[Quiñones] Hit him hard!
[Eva] That's enough! Hey!
- [Quiñones] Hit him hard!
- [boy] Seriously, that's enough.
- [Gustavo] No, no, no, no!
- Martín!
[Salcedo grunts]
- [boy] Salcedo!
- [Salcedo grunts]
Come on, kill him!
Don't touch me again, you hear?
Don't touch me, you son of a bitch.
Don't touch me again!
Don't touch me again or I'll kill you!
- I'll kill you! You son of a bitch.
- [boy] Are you okay?
I don't know.
Because we can mention
[adult Camilo] It was
a very strange day at school,
and especially in our class.
A day when nobody
wanted to talk about anything.
I guess we were all
just trying to sort out our thoughts.
I didn't even talk to Eva,
and I went home alone.
[melancholy music plays]
We have something to talk about.
[rock music plays]
Doctor, I got a burning ♪
I can't get this fire out of my head ♪
Lover, I got a yearning ♪
Got this steamrolling need
To see you dead ♪
Give me, give me, give me yours ♪
And I take mine ♪
Father, don't forgive me ♪
It's been a while
Since I've walked through these doors ♪
Mother, hail Mary ♪
Ain't got time
To be kneeling on no floor ♪
Give me, give me, give me yours ♪
And I take mine ♪
Give me fire ♪
Give me brimstone ♪
Give me liars ♪
Give me crossbows ♪
Give me blood ♪
Give me fresh tears ♪
Give me love ♪
And I'll give you fear ♪
Brother, just turn around now ♪
Don't worry about the storm in my head ♪
Brother, I ain't your keeper ♪
I'll be fine
With this mark upon my head ♪
Give me, give me, give me mine ♪
And I take yours ♪
Give me fire ♪
Give me brimstone ♪
Give me liars ♪
Give me crossbows ♪
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