Extinct (2017) s01e10 Episode Script

The Ancestor

We must defend the Ancestor and this is all you bring? You leave to take the other settlement, and this is all you come back with? Are you certain Silas gave the reborns this location? I'm certain Silas betrayed us Because of you.
Your drone didn't do as you ordered, Jax.
All your reprogramming It didn't strengthen Silas' Companion.
It killed it.
You have endangered the Ancestor.
There is no greater offense.
Were you born this stupid, Duncan? Or did you inherit your ignorance from your human? You think you can stop the reborns without me? You'd kill your best fighter when you need him the most? Brilliant.
Excellent strategy, yeah.
Except if you attack me, I will kill every one of you and leave you here to rot in the sun.
Then I'll have to defend this site alone.
Is that how you intend to protect the Ancestor? As a corpse? [WEAPON POWERS DOWN.]
Your actions will not be forgotten, Jax.
Nor will yours.
What would you have us do? The four of you will defend this water with your life.
If anyone approaches, close in and kill.
And me? You and I are going for a swim.
What do we say to her? She was protecting you.
She did the right thing.
She killed her fiancé, Ezra.
I doubt she cares if it was justified or not.
She has to be devastated, in shock.
Done? Did you want to say anything at the grave? No.
We keep moving.
EZRA: Kylie.
Look, I feel like more experienced parents would know what to say right now.
Your mom and I love you.
We don't know how this must feel, but We both wish we could take it all away.
You're the priest, shouldn't we say something? I'm no priest.
Three heat signatures! Heading this direction from the north.
Skin Riders? I cannot identify at this distance, but I do not think so.
One of them is a youth.
FEENA: Ezra? EZRA: Feena, Abram.
I'd like to introduce you to our daughter, Kylie.
FEENA: You found her.
Identity confirmed.
Hello, Kylie.
EZRA: Give us some space, will ya? Found the other settlers? It's a long story.
I'll tell you inside.
Kylie needs to be vaccinated.
Where's Yellow? There's something you need to know, Ezra.
Silas is dead.
He came to us free of the parasite, dying.
There was nothing we could do.
I'm so sorry.
You and Kylie should go inside.
I'll be along.
He wasn't in pain.
Not in the end.
I thought you should know that.
Thank you for tending to him.
I removed the crystal from the back of his neck after he died.
Why? He asked me to.
Silas' work isn't done, Ezra.
He came here to help us destroy the Ancestor.
With his crystal, we can.
I've just been reunited with my daughter.
I'm not in any hurry to endanger her, Lynn, or myself.
You don't have to come.
I'm not expecting you to.
I just wanted you to know that your brother was fighting for us in the end.
That this is what he died for.
The last thing he said was that he loved you.
I could tell that he meant it.
I thought Army Rangers weren't afraid of anything.
I'm out now.
And fear is reinstated.
Getting your tux wet before the ceremony is bad luck.
You got the rings? Right here.
Um Every best man tells that joke and it's never funny.
You ready? I don't know.
Am I? You love Lynn.
More than you've loved anyone.
And she, despite my best advice, loves you.
You have to do this.
It gives hope to every ugly man in America because hey, if Ezra can get Lynn, maybe I can get a pretty girl.
There's nobody I'd rather have at my side today.
Shall we? Let's do it.
She needs the cure for the virus.
Please extend your hand, Kylie.
This should take effect immediately, but I'd wait a few hours before coming inside.
Who made this? Sparks, using organics from a nearby lake.
It's safe.
It saved my life.
This is what Dad went back for.
Sparks said they could make a cure at the lake.
We never saw him again.
Why don't I make us some soup? - You've got to be starving.
- Yeah.
I'll start a fire.
KYLIE: Thank you.
Come on.
Sorry about your uncle Silas.
He was a slave to the parasite.
I'm happy it's over, for his sake.
Is it strange to be back here? This used to be the only home I remembered.
It was a lot noisier then.
Well, I'm happy you're safe now.
I'm not entirely safe.
What happened to the forcefield? A Skin Rider named Duncan turned off the Obelisk.
- Do you remember him? - Duncan? Sure.
But how did he get inside? That was mostly my fault.
But it won't happen again.
So, you say you remember Duncan.
Were you here when he became a Skin Rider? It happened after you died and he lost the baby.
Duncan wasn't himself.
He volunteered for every mission after that.
Sometimes he'd leave the settlement for no reason at all.
I think he just wanted to be alone.
What happened? No one knows.
Right before they started the virus, someone saw him as a Skin Rider.
I've upset you.
Thank you for telling me.
You two were a great match.
You think so? Everybody thought so.
I used to tell my friend Maya that you two had the best relationship.
That when I got married, I wanted it to be just like that.
Maya said there wasn't anyone in the world that was as handsome as Duncan and that I'd have to settle for Bernard or Milos or Nicholas.
Well, they don't sound so bad.
Nicolas wasn't.
Is he with the other settlers? Not anymore.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
You didn't have to wait.
It's not safe to be out here alone.
It's not safe to be anywhere.
Not as long as the Ancestor exists.
You're saying that because that's what the Obelisk believes.
I don't take orders from the Obelisk anymore.
Then why do it? Because I believe Silas.
He said that as long as the Ancestor exists, there's no hope for the human race.
Maybe he was wrong.
He would know better than us.
I'm tired of fighting, Abram.
That's how I lost my wife and daughter.
I nearly lost them again.
You know why the previous settlers are still alive? Because they run.
And I'm thinking we should do the same.
The world's a big place.
Plenty of places to run.
Yeah But you won't.
I'm sorry I couldn't do more for Silas.
What do you know of this weapon? I know it's destroyed Ancestors on other worlds.
Who told you that? Eleanor.
She never mentioned it in the settlement.
Nor did you.
There was a lot we didn't mention.
Secrets have no place among us.
The Ancestor's a vault of secrets.
It chooses what it divulges.
As do I.
So when the reborns dug up this weapon, you knew what it was, but you said nothing? No.
I told Silas.
But not me? Silas was the priest of the Ancestor, Jax.
Not you.
You will tell me everything you know of this weapon.
Including how to destroy it, or you are a traitor to your people.
EZRA: So the incinerator is two weapons? ABRAM: Top and bottom pieces.
The top piece is the nuclear option.
FEENA: Well, not technically nuclear, but Yeah.
If we use that one, we die too.
The bottom piece destroys the Ancestor from within.
Can we just whack it with a hammer and call it good? ABRAM: The Ancestor is near indestructable.
These weapons were designed to do what others can't.
If we have this weapon, then why did you need Silas' crystal? The inside of the Ancestor is like a giant maze.
And we need someone familiar with the landscape to create a space for the weapon and guide us to it.
Only a Skin Rider can do that.
You go inside the Ancestor? Our brain states do.
That's what the middle piece does.
And Silas helps you? A portion of Silas is in this crystal.
We attach it to the middle piece, it filters out the parasite, but maintains the data about the Ancestor.
How do we trigger this thing? We don't know.
Yellow doesn't know either.
I don't mean to be blunt, but this is suicide.
There are too many unknowns, too many pieces.
You only half-understand this weapon.
Your only contigency will kill you.
You have little awareness of your adversary or of the terrain.
You have a sharp stick as a weapon.
Look, I applaud your courage, but if you do this, - you are going to lose.
- Gee, Ezra.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? If we don't do this, we lose.
How are we going to grow crops, raise children if we have to lock ourselves in here? - We'll starve.
- FEENA: This is why they sent us.
I DON'T CARE why they sent us.
We are the human race, not them.
We decide how we grow, how we live.
Not them.
We want the same thing, Ezra.
For all our sake, I hope one of us is right.
See you in a few days.
Be careful.
FEENA: From a biological perspective, it's good Ezra didn't join us.
You're talking biology now? If we all go and we all die, no more human race.
Extinction again.
At least this way the species will continue.
We're not doing this to die, Feena.
- It'll work.
- Without Ezra? - The one soldier among us? - You were a soldier.
I was a barely-trained resistance fighter.
Who lived longer than he did in the war.
That doesn't mean anything.
And then I had a platoon and a gun.
Now I have you and a crossbow, no offense.
ABRAM: This isn't a suicide mission, Feena.
I have no intention of dying.
But you're ready to.
Why else would you bring the top piece of that weapon? [DRAMATIC MUSIC.]
Abram and Feena said they would move into another room and give this space to our family.
You don't like it? This used to be where we lived.
This room, the three of us.
I never thought I'd see this place again.
Especially with you and Dad in it.
You think your father made the wrong choice.
Not going with Abram and Feena.
I didn't say that.
You didn't have to.
He doesn't know what it was like.
He didn't see the Skin Riders take our people or kill you.
I did.
Your father just wants us to be a family again.
How? Abram's right.
We grow crops or we die.
Do you really think the Skin Riders are going to leave us alone? I don't have the answers, Kylie.
But I do know that I want us to be together right now.
And safe.
Then you're not my mother.
She never stopped fighting.
SILAS: Come on.
Focus, people.
What about Arden? It means "eager.
" Arden? That sounds like a tree.
You're thinking of "arbor.
" Like "Arbor Day.
" It doesn't sound feminine.
Liliana? Meh - Too girly.
- She just said she wanted feminine! - I don't like it.
- All right.
Rebekah? Traditional.
It's feminine, not too girly.
He dated a Rebekah.
What about Zoe? - It means "life.
" - EZRA: I like that.
- LYNN: Yeah.
- No way.
- What's wrong with Zoe? - SILAS: Z-name! She'll be last in every alphabetized list.
No z's.
Everything after "r" should be thrown out, really.
Olivia! - Eh.
- Adolin.
It's too close to "Lynn.
" And that is why I like it.
- Oh.
Guys, I'm sitting right here! I say we make out and drive him from the room.
Uh, what about Marshene? Do you want your child to get beat up every day? What's wrong with Marshene? It sounds like "Martian," for starters.
Or car wax.
You guys, I'm pregnant.
Which means I'm fragile.
Yeah, punk.
Don't tease my wife.
I'm not teasing your wife.
I'm saving your child.
A name is an identity.
It's a flag in the ground.
- It's a statement.
- Okay, what you got? Kylie.
In Hawaiian, it means "beautiful spirit.
" - I kind of like that.
- I kind of do too.
And in aboriginal Australian, it means "boomerang.
"Boomerang"? Okay, well, forget the boomerang part.
Is that your name, little girl? - Are you a Kylie? - [GASPS.]
She just kicked! So is that a yes or a no? I think that's a yes.
Kylie Rose Meyers.
I dig it.
Nice going, Uncle Silas.
LYNN: This is the last place I expected to find you.
I know that face.
You're having second thoughts.
Abram said we were chosen for this Ancestor business.
You think he's right? The leader of the Skin Riders and the key to their destruction just happens to be my brother.
I would obviously feel great personal obligation.
You can't save Silas, Ezra.
He's already gone.
So many times I should've given him the benefit of the doubt.
I didn't.
I was critical.
Or judgmental, or both.
When he needed someone to believe in him I couldn't.
Silas knew you loved him.
I didn't love him enough.
What will you accomplish by going to the Ancestor? They knew I felt this way, Lynn.
That I wanted to fix things with Silas.
Who would be more motivated to help than me? I think you give these Originators too much credit.
Or maybe they're smarter than we think.
And your mission is this family.
Me and Kylie.
Keeping us together.
That's why you're alive.
Speaking of family unity, our daughter is annoyed with us right now.
She's a teenager.
If she's not annoyed, we're not doing something right.
She's lost everyone she loves, Ezra.
You, me, your mother, Nicholas.
And her parents aren't doing anything about it.
Her parents are trying to keep this family intact for once.
You made a good point.
I know.
I'm just telling you what's in her mind right now.
What should we tell her? That we love her.
That she's not alone anymore.
I'm not sure she'll hear that.
EZRA: Then we tell her until she does.
This is quite the romantic getaway.
Rusting walls, broken tiles This strange alien sculpture thing.
I'm starting to feel a little twitterpated.
Well, I thought I'd top the evening off with a bottle of captured rainwater and maybe a little weed soup.
My, my.
You know the way to a woman's heart.
We have to get married.
What? Silas pointed out that we were married "'til death do us part," which it did, so technically we're not married.
That's ridiculous.
Of course we're married.
No, we're not.
There's no system of government, Lynn.
It doesn't matter.
Of course it matters! Propose.
Seriously? All right, all right.
I don't even have a ring.
We'll find one later.
Lynn Elizabeth Cannon, would you do me the great honor of being my wife? Again? Your wife? Goodness, I don't know what to say.
This is so sudden.
Um, I'm going to have to think about my prospects and Can I think about it? [LAUGHS.]
RED: Forgive the intrusion Yes? You should be aware I cannot find Kylie anywhere in the facility.
What if she didn't even come this way? What if she went north to be with the other settlers? They've been more family to her than we have.
She would never find them.
Not easily.
She knows that.
She was angry we weren't taking action, so this is her taking action.
Just keep your cool when we find her.
My cool? She's grounded for the rest of her life! We're not on the best terms with her yet.
Just keep that in mind.
We're her parents, Lynn.
Our job is to be her parents.
That doesn't mean being angry.
ABRAM: Are you sure it's safe to have a fire? Either that or we freeze to death.
We're surrounded by thick bush.
Nobody is going to find us [FOOTSTEPS.]
KYLIE: What's with the fire? Do you want Skin Riders to kill you? Told you.
Hey, it took me an hour to build that.
And if you die because of it, you will have wasted a lot more than an hour.
I'm guessing your parents don't know you're here.
I don't need their permission.
Kylie, where we're going is dangerous.
- It's no place for - Children? I know this world better than you do.
I've trained more, I've survived longer.
I have a way better chance of doing this than you do.
She has her father's tact.
I understand that you're angry, Kylie, that you want to help, but Out of respect for your parent, we can't let you come with us.
So respect for my parents is a greater priority than the safety and survival of the human race? She makes her point.
It's not that simple, Kylie.
Actually, yes, it is.
If this fails, we all fail.
And my parents might not want to accept that as a fact, but it's a fact.
Your chances improve with me helping.
I'll give her that.
If you want to stay warm, we should keep moving.
It's best to travel at night.
Well, then.
If we survive this, your parents will kill us.
So, either way, Abram and I are dead.
What have we got to lose? LYNN: We should have caught up with her by now.
Or maybe she's lost.
Well, we are.
She knows these woods better than we do.
LYNN: Should we double back? If we do and she's ahead, we'll never catch her.
LYNN: And if we pass her, or she veered off, then we'll only increase the distance between us.
And it's only going to get colder.
I'm not going back until we find her.
We did this too many times during the resistance, Lynn.
Ops in the cold, lost, half-frozen.
These don't end well.
This will.
If I give you an order, you obey! - What's your problem? - My problem? I told you to hold that wall! That was your job, not this flank, not the front.
- The wall! - I pushed up.
There was no resistance there.
You don't evaluate.
- You obey! - We were breaking here.
- Jack called for support! - You go where I tell you to go! I'll go where I'm needed.
You're all I have left, Silas.
You're giving me preferential treatment? I can't lose you.
I can't fight that way.
And you can't lead that way.
I'll do us both a favor and find a new platoon.
I know you're angry, but just let me explain.
I had to come because if I hadn't [SOFT MUSIC.]
Well, they haven't killed her yet.
That's a good sign.
Can you hear what they're saying? It's a private conversation, Feena.
Well, you're eavesdropping, aren't you? Perhaps.
Didn't your makers teach you manners? My makers taught me how to use my enhanced audio capabilities.
The conversation is winding down, in case you're wondering.
All right.
We all go.
But only if the way is clear.
And once we reach the hot springs, I swim down alone and assess what's there.
And then you'll come back up and ask for help.
'Cause I know you - You won't.
- We don't all need to endanger ourselves if it's not necessary.
Yeah, but that's my point.
Even if it is necessary, you'd rather die alone than ask for help and risk us dying too.
I'm not that noble.
And anyway, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be me.
Because Silas is your brother? Because it feels right.
A feeling, huh? The Obelisk is off, if that's what you're thinking.
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
Either way, I feel the same.
Then let's do it.
ABRAM: You want to walk through this again? EZRA: The bottom piece is the weapon.
It goes on first.
Middle piece holds Silas' crystal and our brain states.
Top piece, last resort.
How do I find Silas once I'm inside? No idea.
You still don't know how to activate this weapon, right? No idea.
You know, there's an acronym in the military for this type of mission.
Colorful language, I'm sure.
Yellow, circle behind! [ZAPS.]
ABRAM: Come on, Lynn.
A good nurse is supposed to keep a poker face not reveal how bad it is.
We need to get him in the water.
Why? You brought Sparks? Good girl! Hold on, Abram.
Lynn! Sparks.
Get Kylie first.
EZRA: Kylie! Dad.
You hold on, okay? [GROANS.]
Feena! [GASPING.]
You're bleeding.
Don't move.
Just let them work.
I don't know if there's enough of them.
Listen to me.
It's down there.
The Ancestor.
I saw it.
He's protecting it.
Duncan? Jax.
You have to destroy it.
Go, Dad.
Swim straight down until you see a light.
ABRAM: Here.
Take the weapon.
You can do this.
I I tried to fight it, but it was too strong and they're all going to die because of me.
What? You're the real Duncan now? Feena broke my crystal.
It snapped so easily.
That's all it took.
You're dying.
I would die a thousand times to undo what I've done.
It wasn't you, Duncan.
I know who you really are.
Feena does too.
I can help.
I can help destroy it.
It's all right.
I can do this.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry for everything.
If you want a crystal to fit that you'll need to get past me Human.
Duncan was supposed to kill you.
But I suspected that wouldn't work.
I know you too well.
Duncan's dead.
Do you see the corner of my eye? That's where a tear would be if I cared.
You don't remember the settlement.
But my human remembers you.
He calls you his friend.
He hates that I hurt you and those you love.
You don't seem to mind.
I relish it.
My human is a great frustration to me.
I enjoy reminding him of his place.
Which is why I killed you.
When I went back for you.
You came looking for Jax at the lake, but I had already taken him and the Sparks.
So you returned to the settlement to give the last OF THE SICK THE BAD NEWS: no cure, no Sparks, no hope.
You should have left then.
But you pitied them so deeply that you stayed behind to bury every last one.
I could have killed you many times.
Instead, I watched you dig graves from the woods.
It was excrutiating for my human.
But that's why it was so delightful for me.
When it was over and you readied yourself to return to your family That's when I killed you.
And gave me a proper burial? I find that hard to believe.
Oh, that wasn't me.
I suspect the girl in the forest buried you.
She was quite fond of your family.
Or Silas.
There's no telling with him.
And now, Ezra, I will kill you again.
Stupid pride.
You could have killed me when I first came in here.
But you couldn't miss the chance to gloat.
To prove how much stronger you are than humans.
Who are you trying to convince, Jax? Me? Or yourself? [SHOUTS.]
SILAS: I knew you'd come.
Silas? What's happening? You're inside the Ancestor.
The middle piece inserted your brain state and mine, via the crystal.
But without all the bad parasite stuff.
Neat, huh? What about the real me? Still out there.
In the cave.
Only nanoseconds have passed out there.
You're supposed to guide me to the bottom piece.
The weapon.
Ta-da! The cabin? Do you like it? It's how I remember it.
I don't understand.
Only Skin Riders can create space within the Ancestor from memories.
That's why you needed me.
Only I could have brought this here.
Don't you see? No, I don't see.
The cabin, Ezra.
It's a Trojan horse.
I bring it from my memory so you can bring the detonator from yours.
You're not making sense.
I found this here.
Mom must have dropped it.
Mom never does anything unintentionally.
EZRA: The knowlege glyph.
The detonator.
Knowledge is the greatest weapon.
What would you have done if it hadn't been me? If it had been Feena or Abram? - Or Lynn? - It wasn't them.
It was you.
What happens to you if this works? I die.
You die.
But the you out there will keep going.
There are things that I need to say to you.
That you wish you'd been kinder, more supportive, less judgmental.
You said all that already in the settlement.
Well, I'm saying them again.
He's found us.
- Who? - Jax.
Get on with it.
Push it.
We're good, brother.
We've always been good.
Silas I love you, too.
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? We have to get out of here! - Don't touch me! - It's over! - Let us help you.
- This isn't over.
You're alive.
The arrows Your wounds? We're healing.
Silas? I saw him.
He's gone.
And Duncan? He saved my life and he was free when he died.
What about the Ancestor? Destroyed.
I don't know about Jax.
We're not out of the woods yet.
Even if we heal, we're soaking wet and it's freezing out.
EZRA: There are dry clothes on the Skin Riders.
I'll build us a fire.
You all heal and we go home.
So it's done.
Thank you, Gray.
They're alive.
Are you ready? I've been ready for a long time.

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