Familiar Wife (2018) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Let's say goodbye.
-Let's just go.
-What do you mean?
She helped us yesterday.
-What brings you here?
-My mother got discharged today.
-I see.
-Please get well soon.
-I will.
Come over later, okay?
We'll play another round of Go-Stop.
Okay, let's do that.
And you too.
Thank you.
Have a good day, Mr. Cha.
Take care. Goodbye.
-See you later, Mr. Cha.
I feel bad for her mom.
And she's so nice.
Can't you just let me in the lane?
I'm a beginner driver.
Why won't you let me in?
I have to turn left!
Can I just take a taxi?
What, Mom?
That scared me.
What's wrong with him?
Is he crazy?
Why isn't he using his blinker?
Cars have blinkers for a reason!
-I want to take a taxi.
-Don't distract me!
That scared me.
Driving feels strangely satisfying.
It's invigorating
when I go fast like this.
I guess I'm built for speed.
I feel refreshed.
Now, shall I step on it?
I'm so excited!
Mom, I'm a good driver, right?
Please don't kill me.
Please don't kill me.
I told you to put the sofa
in the master bedroom.
Mom's recovering.
She'll need a lot of space.
Move the table to the kitchen.
How's Joon?
Is he crying?
Does he have a fever again?
He had medicine.
-Where are you? Still at the hospital?
Why are you still there?
Aren't you coming to the event?
My parents are already here.
I had to get painkillers
and get Mom discharged.
She's in pain.
Let Ju-eun do it.
Hurry, you'll be late.
Put the clothes in the dryer.
I'll go check on Joon later.
Yes, Ju-hyuk's doing it now.
I'll take a taxi.
I can take a taxi.
What for? I have a car.
Let me at least do this for you.
The number you have dialed
cannot be reached…
What does he think he's doing?
When did you get back?
How was the book launch?
Are you even curious?
I bet you wished it was ruined.
How could you say that?
I said it's over if you didn't come.
Why did you ignore what I said?
Do you know how embarrassed I was
every time people asked for you?
But shouldn't you ask
if Mom's surgery went well
or if she got discharged?
I'm sure it went well.
It's a procedure
with very little chance of failure.
What are you so upset about?
If you feel guilty,
why don't you give Ju-eun money
so she can take care of her?
What are you doing?
Do you hear yourself right now?
Why do you always
try to solve your problems with money?
That's what money is for. Am I wrong?
I really don't understand how you think.
How is everything always about you?
You never do anything you dislike.
You only do what you want to do.
You don't consider others.
You don't care if it hurts them
or if they lose their jobs.
You just take it out on them.
How is everything
so easy and simple for you?
What are you talking about?
Other people's jobs…
You know, don't you?
Is that what you're talking about?
Yes, I posted about Seo Woo-jin. So?
It was only natural for me to do that.
You're at fault, and she's at fault too.
I didn't say I wasn't at fault.
Still, how could you--
Because I was offended.
She offended me,
so she deserves to be punished.
Forget it. Let's stop.
You've changed.
You're no longer the person
who did everything I said.
What about the old me?
The one who'd be at your beck and call?
You don't want to be with me, do you?
I hear you…
loud and clear.
Where should we go?
As far away from here as possible.
Far away?
How far can we go?
How far can you go?
Would you go to the ends of the earth
if I told you to?
To the ends of the universe.
Did she…
sleep well?
She couldn't sleep because of the pain.
She finally fell asleep in the morning.
But Joon kept crying,
so I'm going to ask
for a stronger painkiller.
Is that so?
I should be the one
taking her to the hospital.
I'm sorry.
Forget it.
It's up to whoever has the time.
By the way,
did you fight with Hye-won?
No, we didn't.
I should go to work.
Thanks for doing this.
Call me if anything comes up.
It's not his friend.
He's seeing someone, right?
Well, if it's a close friend,
it's not weird to use a heart emoji.
No, I'm right. Mr. Yoon has a girlfriend.
I'm sure of it.
Let's have lunch together later.
Take the first shift.
We'll see.
-Shift one.
-I need to prepare the cash balance.
See? Did you see that?
I don't know.
Maybe his lips were dry,
so he smacked them.
No, I'm 100% sure.
He was talking to a woman.
Why don't you get it?
Whatever. I can't help myself.
What are you doing? Are you crazy?
-What are you doing?
- Be quiet.
Mr. Yoon isn't stupid.
I'm sure it's locked.
-What are you trying to do?
-I don't know.
-She picked up.
-What is it this time?
What are you doing with my phone?
-Are you two dating?
-Are you two dating?
I recently got a new phone,
and I was too lazy to set a passcode.
I'm sorry.
I'll keep my hands up for five minutes.
Well, in my defense,
I didn't know
anyone would look at my phone.
How could people be so rude?
You shouldn't have done
anything suspicious.
You can't call me from there.
We can text or use the company messenger.
-You're right. Why did I do that?
Why didn't you tell me
about the text to Hye-jeong?
That's because…
I thought she forgot about it.
Since it's come to this,
why don't we just keep seeing each other?
If we tell them we agreed to date
for just a month,
they'll call you crazy.
Even though they already think I'm crazy?
Thanks for worrying about me,
but I think you should worry
about yourself.
-Hyang-suk and Hye-jeong.
They're a bit hostile.
They were giving you dirty looks.
They were?
How would I know?
Maybe it's because you flirted with them.
Flirt with them?
I'm a man
who has nothing to be ashamed of.
So you were just
showing your flirting skills?
How could he be so sneaky?
I didn't think Mr. Yoon was so fake.
How could he act
like nothing was going on?
-I didn't know he liked someone else.
I really thought
Mr. Yoon had feelings for you.
I thought he liked you.
He was so flirtatious with you.
Mr. Yoon?
He was? I didn't notice at all.
You're so slow-witted.
Do you even know what flirting is?
He doesn't know anything. Let him be.
By the way,
how long have they been together?
-Since the training?
That's enough.
What's the point?
Are you sick?
You don't look well.
I don't know. I feel weak for some reason.
I feel like
I'm the only lonely one in this world.
I feel like I've lived my life in vain.
What's wrong? Come on.
We don't have anyone either.
At least you're young.
I'm getting old.
That's not true. Not at all.
Not at all. Age is just…
Not at all.
You don't have to console me.
You can't stop time.
It's all meaningless.
She's totally depressed.
It's scarier than her whining.
-This is all because of them.
-That's right.
This is so annoying.
I think I should go on
that blind date you mentioned.
-That accountant guy?
Okay, do it. I'll call him right now.
An accountant?
An accountant is totally not your type.
Why not?
I don't know.
I think Hyang-suk should be
with a free-spirited and relaxed…
I have a friend
who runs a restaurant in Gangnam.
Should I introduce you to him?
He's really handsome.
Really? Is he?
When? When can you do that?
Speaking of which, today?
He's always there.
I had no idea the two of them were dating.
And I'm pretty observant too.
You already knew, didn't you?
Yes, I guess.
The training, right?
You knew, so you switched spots.
Am I right?
Yes, I knew they liked each other.
Ju-hyuk, you really are Cupid.
What about Woo-jin?
When did she start liking him?
How would I know that?
Let's see.
Hello there, Ms. Jang.
How was gossiping about the couple?
What's wrong?
You would've said
a scathing comeback by now.
Are you doing
a silent meditation or something?
Are you depressed
now that there's a couple?
Don't talk to me. I'm annoyed.
What's wrong with you?
This isn't like you.
You're no fun at all.
Say whatever you want to me.
What's the point?
I'm wasting my breath.
It's all meaningless.
I can't get used to this.
-May I help you?
-For Mr. Cha.
Mr. Cha Ju-hyuk.
-Mr. Cha Ju-hyuk?
It's from Ms. Lee Hye-won.
Please sign here.
Thank you.
-And this too.
-Thank you.
Did you get the delivery?
What are you doing?
It's as it looks.
I already signed it,
so you just need to sign it.
Do you really have to do this?
Cha Ju-hyuk.
I'm not doing this out of anger.
You're no longer who I want you to be.
And I can't live the way you want me to.
I need someone who puts me first.
Hye-won, please.
You'll only tire yourself out
if you keep stalling.
Call me when you sign.
Come on.
I can't believe she'd want a divorce
over something like this!
My gosh.
I didn't know she'd be like this.
She's divorcing you
just because
you didn't go to the launch party?
It's not just because of that.
It's all my fault.
What do you mean, divorce?
What are you talking about?
We should share
both the good news and the bad news.
And we need a countermeasure.
Divorce papers delivered by courier?
I knew she wasn't normal,
but this is a bit much.
Of course. It's completely absurd.
I've never even seen anything like this
on Marriage Clinic.
So what are you going to do?
You're not going to get divorced, are you?
I'm not sure.
What are you talking about?
You have to hang on to her.
You're JK Group's son-in-law.
You'll lose unlimited funds
and an amazing retirement
all in one fell swoop.
Stop talking nonsense.
I'm for it.
You should get a divorce.
Just do it.
What are you talking about?
We should stop him.
To be honest, I wasn't sure about you two.
You have very different backgrounds.
And there's only so much one can do
to conform to that.
It's not about who's a better person.
You two just aren't right for each other.
Just break up.
What do you mean?
-You shouldn't get divorced.
I think
you should just follow your heart.
How would we understand
other's marital problems?
Don't you agree?
-What are you thinking?
I've already told them.
I'm sorry.
He didn't come to work today.
You said he was always here.
You said you didn't even have to call.
He really is always here,
but he happened to go out of town today.
It can't be helped.
I'll buy you a meal instead.
Let's eat something good.
What a bummer.
Just order anything.
-I'm going to the bathroom.
Do you want to go bowling after we eat?
Why? It'll only make me sweat.
The air conditioning is strong there.
Then let's watch a movie.
It'll be my treat.
There's a new movie out.
I heard it's good.
-You're here, Hye-jeong.
It's so nice here.
The atmosphere is great.
Hi, Hwan. You were already eating?
I called her.
She was out with her friends.
I heard you were buying?
You made her get stood up.
Since you're guilty,
you have to treat me too.
Let me tell you in advance. I eat a lot.
Sure, go ahead. Order a lot.
Let's go watch a movie after we eat.
It's all on Hwan.
Really? That's awesome.
Let's choose the couple's seat.
Those seats are comfy.
The popcorn is on me.
You don't have to glare at me.
Isn't it good?
Mr. Byeon.
What is life?
What is love?
And what's up with men?
Keep going.
What's wrong with me?
Everyone else is dating
or getting married.
Why don't I have someone
like everyone else?
Even you've been married once.
My goodness.
You just haven't met the right person yet.
It's okay, Ms. Jang. You're not dead yet.
Yes, I am. Don't console me.
You know how at the supermarket,
they discount the items
that are close to expiring?
Surprisingly, people don't buy those.
They pay more to buy the fresher ones.
What are you saying?
Why are you belittling yourself?
You're not some discount fruit.
What's the difference?
My expiration date is almost up.
That's not true.
There's something
that comes with experience.
I'm telling you, you're charming.
Even if it was just for a short while
a long time ago,
I was slightly interested in you.
-Of course.
So cheer up.
You're making me feel down too.
You're so cold to men.
That's why they can't approach you.
No, I'm not blocking them out.
-Is that what men think?
If that's how you felt,
you should've let me know.
I mean…
I see.
-The eel is burning.
-Eat up.
I'm suddenly hungry.
Eat everything.
Age isn't important.
-Let's eat and cheer up!
-It's not important.
-Let's eat and die!
Let's die!
I'm so full. I'm full of energy.
-Coffee is on me.
-No worries.
I guess this is what you call
workplace camaraderie.
It's exhausting.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
Goodness, we ate a lot.
Why is this so heavy?
It's been ages, right?
You look awkward.
Why so shy? It's not your first time here.
You're right. I feel awkward today.
You have more stuff now.
I just bought some stuff.
Hey, put your bag down and wash up first.
Wait. Did that sound weird?
You wash up first.
This is weird too.
Wash up.
Just wash up.
You're crazy.
You've changed.
You're no longer the person
who did everything I said.
I'm so pathetic.
The number you have dialed
cannot be reached.
Please leave a voicemail after the tone.
See? It's cramped.
I told you I'll sleep on the floor.
Forget it. You'll hurt your back.
I'll have to hold you tight
so you don't fall.
Stop it.
I'll think of you as Woo-jin.
Just thinking about it makes me happy.
Right. I didn't text her.
I was so out of it because of you.
Did you get home safely?
Hope you dream of me.
I got home safely.
What about Mr. Cha…
Mom, what are you drawing?
Let me see what you're drawing.
Who is this?
Who do you think, dummy?
This is you, Mr. Cha, and your kids.
Mom, seriously.
I thought you just made up stories,
but now drawings too?
Do you want your daughter
to become a married woman?
-That tickles.
-I'm not getting married yet.
Ms. Jang and Mr. Byeon,
I want a performance review of Q1 and Q2
by the end of the week.
-Yes, sir.
You know there's a company-wide
marathon this weekend, right?
Since we're doing this, let's do it right.
The first-place branch
gets its summer vacation fund doubled.
Just keep your eyes on the prize. Got it?
Everyone has to attend, okay?
-That's not…
Why do we have to go to this on a weekend?
I hate running in the summer.
Just do it, you punk.
Why do you complain so much?
Hey, did you check
the equipment in the pantry?
-You don't even do what I say.
So what if I'm a newbie?
It's not like you give me less work.
And I didn't come to work here
to organize the pantry.
How dare you?
Why the sudden rebellion?
It doesn't suit you.
I'm just angry all of a sudden.
Everyone thinks I'm a pushover.
Who thinks you're a pushover?
I'm walking on eggshells here.
Don't you talk to Mr. Byeon like that.
Thank you, my colleague.
What are you looking at?
Stay and organize
all the equipment before you go.
-Joo Hyang-suk.
You should stay and organize with him.
It's for not handing over
the pantry duties properly.
I'm Han Yeong-jin from Useong Company.
I heard a lot about you from Mr. Lee.
I was going to introduce you to him
at the launch party,
but my son-in-law is very busy.
He's a subcontractor of our company.
He needs a loan for his business expansion
in Southeast Asia.
How much?
About six billion won.
-I see. Six billion won.
He's a go-getter,
and he has good ideas too.
You can see why I work with him
even though he's a newbie.
I figured that doing it at your branch
would help with its performance review.
Of course, we can do that.
If we do it as soon as possible,
it'll be done
by early next week at the latest.
Then I'll leave it to you.
Don't worry.
Let's have a drink
with Mr. Lee and Mr. Cha next time.
I'll take you somewhere nice.
That'd be great.
I'll call you once it's approved.
Mr. Cha.
Our Mr. Cha.
Thanks to you, we've reached
our quarterly performance goals in one go.
Do we really not have to do an inspection?
I could do it this evening--
No need.
He said it was urgent.
This is Chairman Lee we're talking about.
What better guarantee could there be?
Thank you, Mr. Cha.
We're indebted to JK Group
many times over.
It's nothing.
Mr. Cha.
I ate too much for lunch. I'm sleepy.
Do you want some coffee?
-I'm sorry. You don't drink coffee, right?
-Mr. Cha.
About your wife…
I was wondering
if you helping me last time
had anything to do with it.
-If that's the case, I'll tell her--
It has nothing to do with you.
It's my fault.
I'm serious. Don't worry about it.
Go ahead.
Hey, Hye-won.
Why haven't you responded?
Do it by today. I told you not to stall.
-Let's take some time.
-Or should I go to the bank?
Should I ask the branch manager
to make the time?
Lee Hye-won.
Give it another thought.
What's there to think about?
I've thought about it,
and I don't want to waste my emotions.
I'll tell my parents later.
You can tell your own parents.
We could've just eaten udon.
Aren't you sick of udon?
Let's eat at a place like this
from time to time.
The steak here is amazing.
Let's have dinner. Please?
Fine, let go.
Or how about shaved ice?
-This is bad. What do we do?
-What now?
-I just talked to Ju-hyuk.
He went to court today.
It's pretty heavy. Did I buy too much?
I told you we could carry it together.
-Hey, Ju-hyuk.
What is it?
We were going to get dinner,
but I thought you'd be alone.
Look at you. Cup noodles again?
You call this dinner?
Bet you didn't know
that I make amazing spaghetti.
I'll make you the best spaghetti ever.
Look forward to it.
Then I'll be your sous chef.
You'll be no help.
You should get some rest.
Or take a look around.
I've got this.
Come on.
How is work going?
Have you adjusted to it?
Of course.
Everyone is so nice to me.
How is your mother doing?
Is her back better?
Yes, she's recovering.
That's good.
We should watch TV.
It's Sang-shik.
-Oh no.
You poor thing.
I can't believe this happened so suddenly.
Why is this happening?
All right.
-Don't cry.
You're suffocating me.
All right. Calm down.
What are we doing here
when everyone's gone home?
Hey, this doesn't go here.
Why are you putting the labels
in the first aid kit?
Okay, sorry.
Then do it yourself.
Whose fault do you think it is
that I'm here?
Don't you feel sorry for me?
I don't. Not at all.
I knew this would happen.
That's why I treated you.
My goodness.
That jerk.
Are you mad because
you bought us dinner yesterday?
No. It's not like that.
Yes, it is.
You've been grumpy all day.
I said it's not.
Then what is it?
Give me the receipt for yesterday.
I'll pay you back.
It's not that.
What do you take me for?
Then what's the reason?
You're especially mean to me.
We're only a year apart,
but I'm still your senior.
What's the reason?
Because I like you. So what?
I like you.
That's why I'm annoyed.
Are you happy?
Stop joking around.
I'm not joking.
What's wrong with you?
You've watched too many dramas.
I don't watch dramas.
I read webtoons.
I'm going to kiss you in three seconds.
You can avoid it if you want.
I don't like to chase women, you know.
No problem.
I got the message.
I'll see you tomorrow.
It's not what you think.
It worked so well in dramas.
This is embarrassing.
What is this?
Damn it.
Life is so unpredictable.
It feels like the trip was yesterday.
How could she
abandon her husband like that?
It's heartless.
Enough. It's not Hye-won's fault.
Yes, it is.
How can you take her side
when she divorced you?
Stop it. You have no idea.
It's all my fault.
I'm the one to blame.
Let's eat first.
It's rude not to eat
when food is set out in front of us.
-Shall we?
-Let's eat first.
I'm starving.
-Thank you for the food.
What are you doing?
It's not like the world has ended.
When tomorrow comes,
the sun will rise again.
If you're no longer JK Group's son-in-law,
that would be a shame,
but your life isn't over.
Eat up.
You need energy at a time like this.
Forget it. I'll eat it.
Just eat it.
Come on. It's because I'm upset.
I'll eat it myself.
Don't force him.
You'll make him sick.
Please eat. I'm upset.
Eat up.
You need to keep eating
in times like this.
I'll keep eating on my own.
I'll feed you. I'm upset.
What are you doing?
Why did you touch my butt?
Did anyone see me touch your butt?
-Tell them to speak up if they did.
-I saw it.
I saw it.
You were touching her butt like this.
Whose voice is that?
I've heard that voice before.
I told them
that everyone would be here today.
Hwan, you're not pretending
to be sick, are you?
Okay, I'm hanging up.
Gosh, he's driving me crazy.
He finally caused trouble.
-He can't come today.
He has a cold.
He's really something.
How can he not care
about what others think?
I'm jealous, though.
Honestly, it was annoying
to have to come out on the weekend.
But now that we're here, isn't it nice?
Hey, Jang. Stop talking and warm up.
You'll get hurt.
Are you worried I might get hurt?
Why aren't Mr. Yoon and Mr. Cha here?
Didn't you come with them, Woo-jin?
No, not today.
-There they are.
Are you okay, Mr. Cha?
Don't get me started.
He couldn't sleep and threw up all night.
You should've stayed in.
I don't think you should run.
It's okay, I'll just walk slowly.
The branch manager
wanted everyone to attend.
He wouldn't have accepted
indigestion as an excuse.
You shouldn't run.
Just pretend to run at the start, okay?
Hey, everyone's here!
Are you warmed up?
I ran here from home.
Who will win first place?
-It's us!
-It's us!
-Let's do this!
-Let's go!
Let's do this!
-Let's do this!
-Let's do this!
Let's do our best.
It's better to die running
than to die from being overworked.
-Got it? Let's go!
Are you ready?
Let's go!
Let's go!
-I got a cramp.
-Mr. Cha!
-Are you okay?
-Mr. Cha, are you okay?
-Go on without me!
-Should we go?
Go! Hurry!
We have to win!
-Are you okay?
-Are you okay?
Can you stand up?
Are you okay?
Tell me if you're tired.
I'll carry you.
Are you sure?
I don't know if that's possible.
I'm doing fine.
I'm already tired.
You can do it.
You can go first.
-Don't talk too much. Let's go.
-I'm tired.
Hi, Mom.
I'm going to the luxury department store.
This is the only place
that has this season's new arrivals.
This weekend?
I don't think I can this weekend.
No, it's not that.
I'll tell you later.
Okay. Bye.
I was just thinking about you.
We must have telepathy.
Where are you? Can I see you?
I'm busy today.
I have classes back to back.
Really? Okay, call me after class.
I'll skip class if I have to.
Forget it. Focus on your classes.
You're basically her boyfriend now.
Of course. Who do you think I am?
I told you I could do it.
Since she's the daughter of JK Group,
I thought you couldn't do it.
But she's not very bright, is she?
You don't look like a college student
from a rich family.
You're so ignorant and poor.
Hey, watch it.
I totally won her over.
I said my dad cut me off after a fight,
and she wrote me a check.
That's how we paid our rent.
I know.
I appreciate it,
but if you get caught, it's over.
Be careful.
Don't worry.
I'll play with her
and get some more money from her.
And when I'm done with her,
I'll end things.
I'll say I'm going on a trip abroad.
You loser.
You come to this gym?
I like you.
Would you go to the ends of the earth
if I told you to?
To the ends of the universe.
Was this all part of your plan?
You scumbag.
Is this the department store?
I'd like to file a report.
There's a valet guy named Jung Hyeon-su.
He routinely drives a customer's car.
You can check if it's true or not.
Take care of it right away. Okay?
-Are you okay?
We have to get ahead!
We have to get ahead of them
so we can win.
-I want to run with Woo-jin!
Forget Woo-jin. We have to win.
You guys go ahead.
Take your time.
We'll win first place!
Hey, we should be at home.
What the heck are we doing here?
I know, right?
It's also the middle of summer.
A man passed out behind us.
He had a cardiac arrest,
and an ambulance came.
-It's a mess.
-Let me see.
The group chat is going crazy.
Mr. Cha.
Excuse me.
Ms. Seo.
What's wrong? Do you know him?
What happened?
Mr. Cha.
You all did a good job.
Still, it's good that we came third.
Well done, Min-su.
It's nothing.
It's good to be young, isn't it?
Of course. Youth is a weapon.
It's because he's so tall.
You looked like Usain Bolt
when you were running.
We should call you Jung Bolt from now on.
No, sir.
Thanks for coming out
and giving your all on a weekend.
Let's eat.
You all need to recover.
-Thank you for the food.
-Thank you.
The more I think about it,
the more I feel bummed.
We lost our vacation money
right in front of our eyes.
I wouldn't be this disappointed
if there was no chance at all.
I'm so upset.
I know.
Min-su did really well,
but it would've been nice
if he did a little bit better.
That's too bad.
I know.
He could've been faster at the end.
-That's too bad.
-I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
Third place is still good.
Let's eat up.
Good job.
By the way,
there's no prize money for third place.
All we got was a box of beverages.
Well, it's still something.
Did the Songsan branch win first place?
Their branch manager
was smiling ear to ear.
They have a good track record too.
If you think about it,
stamina is our country's power.
There's a direct connection
between stamina and a branch's success.
What are you doing? Dig in.
Dig in.
-Thank you for the food.
-You need to eat well to gain stamina.
Mr. Cha.
What's the rush?
Drink slowly. You should eat first.
Don't you know
how much I can drink? I'm fine.
You're a bit strange today.
Did something happen?
You're right.
I am a bit strange.
Slow down.
How's your back?
You're not going
back to work already, are you?
You need to be careful.
I'll call you again.
Okay. Get some rest, Mom.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
You're drunk.
I'm not drunk.
You can go inside.
Do you feel better now?
Why did you drink so much?
Did you really think
you can drink that much?
When I was young,
whenever I'd ride the seesaw,
every time
I would fall on my bottom like this,
my heart would sink along with it.
It felt really weird.
Can you sit there?
I think I'm going to throw up.
Let me down.
-I'm sorry.
Are you okay? We should go now.
Everyone will be looking for us.
I think I'm ready.
Let's go.
-Are you okay?
-I'm okay.
You don't look it.
Not yet.
Hold on.
I can go on my own.
I can do it.
I'll really go.
Push harder!
Push harder!
Are you okay?
You told me to push harder.
Let me see if you're okay.
I'm not okay.
I'm not okay at all.
I know it's wrong.
And I know I shouldn't.
But I couldn't control myself
from the start.
I couldn't stop staring at you,
like a part of me was broken.
I wanted to joke around you.
I felt comfortable with you.
I could rely on you.
I don't know anything anymore.
A conscience?
I don't know about those things.
But I'm sure of one thing.
It's that…
I like you a lot.
We can't.
We can't.
What do you know?
I guess I'm unlucky.
I make my life and the lives
of everyone around me miserable.
My heart
keeps looking in the wrong direction.
Can I apply for a branch transfer
to another city?
Don't blame Mr. Cha.
I feel bad for both of you.
You still have a chance.
A chance to turn everything back.
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