Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e10 Episode Script

The Mask of Doom: Part III

Let me tell you what happened
in the first two parts
of Doctor Doom's story
in case you foolishly missed them.
Doom kidnapped Sue
and then after trapping
Reed, Johnny and The Thing
he carried them off to his
castle deep in the Black Forest.
Reed now knows that their captor
is the same Victor Von Doom
who had been his classmate
in college.
He was an evil scientific genius
who had survived
a dangerous experiment
to menace the worid years later
as the dreaded Doctor Doom.
Doom captured the Fantastic Four
to force them to carry out
a deadly, mysterious missión.
Sue tried to keep him
talking long enough
to give Reed, Johnny and Ben
enough time to escape.
the power-mad tyrant was willing
to tell her his life story.
It was a story he had
kept locked within him
all those tortured years.
With the tale concluded at last
Doom tricked our heroes
into entering the room
where Sue was held captive.
A room that grew smaller
with each passing minute.
They only had 48 hours
to travel to Ancient Greece
in Doctor Doom's time machine
to bring him back
the mysterious coffin of Argos.
And now let the wonderment begin.
Your room grows smaller, my dear.
If your husband and his friends
are not successful
you have less than 47 hours
before you are considerably
smaller as well.
Reed will return, Doctor Doom,
and when he does
He will make me more powerful
than you could possibly imagine.
Look! The coffin of Argos
is more than
an archeological trinket.
It holds an alien power
generator of incalculable force.
The Ancients feared it,
and with good reason.
I shall use it to dominate the Earth!
Reed will never put
such power in your hands.
He may soon be lost
in the mists of time
in which case I will be rid of him,
your fiery brother
and that grotesque
orange brute forever!
Either way, I win.
Amazing. Doom's device
penetrated the space-time continuum
by accessing
a fourth-dimensional wormhole.
Yeah, Doom's just the kind
of worm who'd do something like that.
The time machine, it's gone.
How the Sam Hill
are we gonna get back now?
We don't need to worry about that, Ben.
Yeah? How come?
Because they'll probably kill us first.
It's a Persian invasión force.
I don't want to jump to no conclusions
but it looks like they ain't
too crazy about us.
We don't want to affect
the course of history.
But the Persians were merciless tyrants
and the Greeks gave birth
to the ideals of democracy.
- So
- So?
- So? So?
- So we'd better punt.
Stick around! I'm just warming up!
Good work, Johnny.
Ben, now we can start searching
for the coffin of Argos.
- What did he say?
- A salutation in Ancient Greek.
Luckily, I still have a supply
of those translingual patches
we used in fighting the Skrull invaders.
Greetings, men of Athens.
- We come in peace.
- By all the gods, stranger!
We owe you our lives. Ask what
you will and it shall be yours.
I, Xanthus, swear it.
Okay, we're looking
for the coffin of Argos.
What? Not the coffin?
- You can't be serious?
- Do we look like we're kidding?
- Come on, we got things to do.
- The coffin of Argos is cursed.
Our legends tell us great Zeus
cast it into the underworid
when it brought dissensión
to the gods.
To seek it is to seek death.
So we got a lousy hobby. Where is it?
Yes, we must find it,
no matter the risk.
Then you must look there
on the slopes of Mount Olympus.
Home of the gods.
The Temple of the Oracle.
If anyone knows its whereabouts
it will be she.
But the road is dangerous. I wish
I could do more to help you
but we must go
to warn the countryside.
The Persians will return.
And if we must die
to preserve our freedom
we shall do so willingly. Farewell!
Wait! There is something you can do.
We may have less trouble
if we don't look quite so Foreign.
Can you give us something
more appropriate to wear?
Yeah, they lost our bags at the airport.
Man! I look like the keyboards guy
in a heavy-metal retro band.
Nonetheless, these clothes
should enable us to move about
without attracting undue attention.
Ha! Look at Big Brain.
Guess you're gonna need
a head transplant, huh?
We've got to reach the Oracle.
The clock is ticking. Hurry.
Sue's life depends on us
fulfilling this missión.
Steady, Hauptmann.
Begin the fusión process. Carefully.
The energy demands of a time
machine strain even my resources
but I must maintain its effectiveness
until Richards returns.
With my prize.
Come on, Susan.
You can't power yourself out
of this but you can still think.
Johnny would melt himself free.
Reed would thin down and slip out.
And Ben, well, he would just
flex his muscles and pop these.
Wait, I can flex the capsule
with my invisible shield.
Now get going, girl! Agh!
Maintain constant quark flow.
I'll be seeing you, Doctor
but you won't be seeing me.
I cannot leave the energizing
process to pursue her.
Send the Creeper.
At once, Excellency!
Search and recover.
Search and recover.
Search And recover.
Temple of the Oracle.
I've read about it, of course.
But I never dreamed
I'd actually see it as it was.
Who seeks the Oracle this day?
Speak or be gone.
Strangers from another land.
Phew! Hey, smells like rotten eggs.
Didn't these Grecians
never hear about air fresheners?
It's hydrogen sulphide from
the mineral spring in the crevice.
The Ancients believed
such things had magical powers.
This is no place for non-believers.
We need to find the coffin of Argos.
You lie!
Only fools and conjurers
seek that which does not exist.
But you, you're neither.
- You're young.
- You are, too.
And incredibly gorgeous.
I am Oracle. My destiny is to sit
before a crack in the worid
and look into the dark face
of the unknown.
It is for you to question me.
More than that is not to be.
- My name is Johnny.
- I know all.
You must go to the River Styx.
If the coffin of Argos truly exists
would it not have come to rest
where the mighty Zeus
cast it down from Olympus?
Look to the River of Death.
Farewell, Johnny.
- Gone
- Fat lot of good she done us.
All that gobbledygook
about some dumb river
ain't gonna do us diddly-squat.
That waterfall.
If the coffin of Argos traveled
down from this mountain into a river
this stream could've carried it.
But the Oracle said the god Zeus
threw it into the underworid.
You see, Johnny,
Greek myths, like all legends
are often based on actual events
poetically retold.
Let's just hope that's true
in this instance.
Now get on board.
- Hey, easy!
- Hang on!
- We're gonna shoot the rapids!
- Oh!
Jeez Louise!
Look out, Reed.
Wow! The myth was right.
Over the centuries, treasures
washed down Mount Olympus
and accumulated in this natural grotto
which was converted
into a shrine to the gods.
The what-you-call-it of Whose-is.
Let's see what's inside.
No! If Doctor Doom wants it so badly
the contents are undoubtedly
powerful and dangerous.
But we found what he sent us for.
Come on, we gotta get back.
Back Before Sue
gets Squished
I can't keep my baby blues open.
The brazier.
It emits a form of Sleep gas
when it's lit.
Can't lose the coffin now.
The invincible threesome who drove
our ground forces off yesterday
defeated by a simple ancient trap
set to thwart thieves.
Haul them on board.
I'll use them as galley slaves
when we attack the Greek fleet
at Salamis tomorrow.
And should they survive the battle,
I'll hang them.
Heave! Heave!
Stroke! Stroke! Faster!
Faster! Our invasión fleet awaits.
Ugh My head.
Auntie Em Auntie Em
Feels like a weasel died in my mouth.
Oh, we've been out for hours.
And now we're at sea. And
That promontory and coastline
look strangely familiar.
Watch it, Curly.
You could hurt somebody.
I could and I will, slave.
Now, put your back into your oars.
Today mighty Persia
shall bring Greece to her knees.
Who're you calling slaves, sleazeball?
Let's 86 these chains.
Bondage makes me nervous.
Flay the dogs. Put them to the lash.
I guess them sailor guys
forgot to eat their spinach.
Now I know why I recognize
that coastline.
I studied it in college.
We are about to enter
the Battle of Salamis.
Look, in 480B.C.,
the Persian king Xerxes
assembled the largest invasión armada
in the history of the Ancient Worid.
Contemporary accounts say the Greeks
could only muster a small defense force.
Ben, where's the coffin of Argos?
- Here, but it shrunk.
- Must be molecular compressión.
This is one time we must make sure
history comes out right.
One of the strangers
who saved us yesterday.
Ben! Johnny! Hurry!
Attack! Attack!
Again you find us in unequal battle
to defend our freedom.
When I lower my sword,
ram the Persian flagship.
- Agh!
- Wait, there's a better way.
The gooey substance you burn
for torchlight, what is it?
A foul-smelling gift from the sea
which washes up on our beaches
in globules.
Once lit, water cannot put it out.
By any chance, is it called Greek fire?
Yes, but I do not understand.
That gunk is crude petroleum.
Precisely. It washes ashore
from a sub-oceanic oilfield.
Oil schmoil!
We're gonna be sub-oceanic
if you don't stop gassing
about torch fire,
water that don't put out, and
The Persian ships are made of
- Wood!
- What's he doing?
- Stop him!
- It's incredible.
Batter up!
Water will not extinguish the flames.
It's Greek fire!
Abandon ship!
My invisible shield!
It's my only chance!
Prisoner Recovered.
Bring her to me.
Again have you rescued us
and preserved our democracy.
Stay and be our honored brothers.
Thank you, Xanthus, but we must
return to our own time at once.
My wife's life depends on it.
- We're waiting, Ben.
- I ain't going.
- What?
- You have to!
Well, I ain't a freak here.
They like me just the way I am.
- But we'll never see you again.
- No time to reason with him.
Goodbye, Ben. We'll miss you.
I'll never forget you, big guy.
Yeah, well I'll miss you too.
Jeez, the wind must've gotten
into my eyeball, or something.
Hey, what's happening?
Water spout!
Look out, Reed!
The coffin of Argos,
its contents are lost.
- Johnny?
- I'm okay, Reed.
But the water spout sank all the ships.
- That means that Ben
- Yes.
Doom's time machine!
- We must go.
- No, no, no, not without Ben.
Sue wouldn't want us to leave him behind
if he drowned.
Your friend survived, Johnny.
Wait for me!
Thank you, Oracle.
Remember me.
So I made a mistake.
- Sue me!
- What?
Reed, darling! Johnny! Ben!
- Are you all right?
- Yes, sweetheart, we're fine.
I never lost hope
I'd see you again, darling.
I knew you'd come back. You had to.
Your touching reunion must wait.
You found it!
The coffin of Argos in exchange for Sue
or I'll have Ben squash it.
You heard him, Fender Face.
Release her.
The coffin of Argos!
Fools! The power
this contains will enable me
to dominate the Earth.
You and all mankind
shall be helpless to resist me.
Greek fire! You tricked me!
Not at all. You asked
for the coffin of Argos
and we delivered it.
Just as I intend to deliver you
to the proper authorities.
I used the energy
in your own time machine
to summon the Fantasticar!
- Grab him, Ben!
- Hope you like stripes, creepo.
I'm afraid I have a previous engagement.
But never fear! We shall meet again!
And when we do, we'll be ready.
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