Firebuds (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Transmission Impossible/Carkour

[alarm rings]
-[both] Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To all our friends
And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through
Our rescue crew ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll Let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash
Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet and Axl
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our team ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
Let's roll around the bend ♪
Or else you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
"Transmission Impossible"
[Bo] Here we are! Motopolis'
100th Vaniversary party!
I can't believe the city
is a hundred years old.
Hola, muchachos!
Chef Al and I made a cake
for the city's birthday.
-So much cake.
[Carly] So many candles.
Ooh, looks like we need to
fetch more sprinkles.
Do you mind watching
the cake while we're gone?
Not at all, Chef Fernando.
I've never seen a cake
this big before
-You all right, Harry?
-I'm okay. [sighs]
You know me,
always bumping into things.
[both grunt]
-I'm sorry!
-It's all good, Harry.
I'll get the others
to help fix the fence.
[all gasp]
Oh, hello, Firebuds.
Who are they?
Wayne and Wiley Riley!
And Grant and Gauge.
Their vroommates-in-crime.
What are you doing here?
Just pulling off a robbery
so daring, so dreadful,
so delicious
Ugh. We're stealing the cake.
And thanks to whoever knocked
down the fence for us.
You can tell the rest of Motopolis,
when it comes to crime,
Wayne and Wiley
take the caaaake!
And Grant and Gauge.
They're getting away!
I'll get us out of here.
This is all my fault.
We gotta try to stop 'em, Carly!
-Hang on, Harry.
Get closer So I can cut their
tow cable off the cake trailer.
Whoa! Oof!
Oh, no! The cake!
We gotta rescue Harry and Carly.
-And the cake!
-Let's roll, Firebuds!
[siren sounds]
Hit the siren
Turn on the lights ♪
With this whole group
We're gonna make it right ♪
We're gearing up
We're in the groove ♪
Our rescue troop
Is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our resuce crew
Is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew
Is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move! ♪
That door they drove into
looks just like the brick wall.
It must be the entrance to
the Rileys' secret hideout.
[Flash over earbuds]
Harry and Carly are stuck inside!
[Violet] How are we
going to get them out?
Hey, it's Harry.
I think I've got
one of your earbuds.
Bo, Harry has your earbud.
Take this extra.
Harry, it's Bo. Do you see
a way to open the door?
Oh! I see two buttons.
I think it's the green one.
-[buzzer sounds]
[all] Ahh!
Where'd the ground go?
Looks like a job for the J-Catch.
-Are you all right?
-[Bo] We're okay.
We fell through a trap door.
Sorry. I hit the wrong button.
It's okay, Harry.
Let's see if we can
find a way to save them.
Where are we?
[robot voice] Welcome.
You've landed in Wayne
and Wiley's secret lair.
They will be alerted to
your presence.
Please prepare for your
impending doom.
[evil laugh]
-Wayne and Wiley. There are
- Not now, computer.
- I said not now.
-But there are intru
- You can tell me all about it
after we finish celebrating
the perfect crime.
[robot voice sighs]
Uh, so now that
we've got the cake,
what're we gonna do with it?
Eat it, of course!
Now where are those forks?
This must be the control room.
[both] Ooh!
No lights over there.
There's gotta be
a way out of here.
[Harry over earbud]
Bo, we found the control room.
I'm gonna try to find a way
to get you out.
Hmm, according to
this instruction book,
I can open any door
with the right code.
Let's see Aha!
Booby trap room exit.
I can't reach
Uh-oh. I think I opened
the wrong door!
[robot voice] Prepare to meet
Wayne's Rainbow Robots of Doom.
Aww, pretty!
[beeping and whirring]
Not pretty! Not pretty!
Hey Axl. Let's hit 'em with
the Crossfire Zig-Zag.
Oh, yeah. Try and zap us,
evil robots!
[Violet and Axl]
Way to save the day.
Look at that, Carly.
Axl and Violet can take out
a bunch of robots
and I can't even
push buttons right.
Everyone makes
mistakes sometimes.
But I make 'em all the time.
Can you open it for us, Harry?
I can try
Let's see "93-10-4-17."
-[buzzer sounds]
-Oh, no. Not again.
-"Not again" what?
-[robot voice] Hello.
You have switched
on the Hugging Hallway.
Well, that sounds nice.
[robot voice] Prepare to be
hugged and squeezed
into happy little pancakes.
Not nice! Not nice!
Flash, Piston.
Help me stop the walls.
[all grunting]
They're still hugging!
There must be wires controlling
this thing somewhere.
Let's see
I think I just need to pull this wire
Nope. Wrong wire.
[all straining]
We need a new plan!
[gasps] I know!
My spike strip usually
pops bad guys' tires,
but in this case
That's what's poppin', P!
Now I just need to get into
their computer system and
Bam. Open says me.
[Harry over earbud]
Sorry, Buds.
I wish I wasn't so clumsy.
Ah, don't worry bout it, Harry.
We made it out just fine.
[robot voice] If you thought
you made it out just fine,
think again.
You've reached
the Staircase of Surprises.
Ooh, I like surprises!
No more surprises!
No more surprises!
We can get past this stairway, Flash.
Gimme your hose.
Now blast it and go.
Everyone, follow us!
Take that, Surprise Ducky!
Yes, they made it!
-Did you hear that?
What's this doing on the floor?
Wayne, look.
If the cake is here,
the exit must be back that way.
Then all we need to do
is find Harry and Carly
and tow the cake outta here.
Well, what do we have here?
Looks like a bunch of
Firebuds in a trap.
We're not in a trap.
[all] Ahh! Whoa!
Okay, now we're in a trap.
Ha ha! Oh, what a day.
The perfect crime,
the perfect cake
and we caught the Firebuds.
What more could we ask for?
Another slice of perfect cake?
[gasps] To the cake room!
You know, this would be more
fun if we actually ate cake.
You said it.
I'm so so sorry.
I blew it again.
It's okay, Harry.
You can make it up to us!
Just find a way
to shut off the trap.
What's the point?
I'd probably trip or slip
and make things worse.
Let's face it,
I can't do anything right.
Everyone's good at something.
You simply haven't
found your thing yet.
-But you will.
Maybe there's a code in
that manual you were using
that can turn off the trap.
Wayne took the manual with him.
Yeah, but
now that you mention it,
I saw something called the
"laser trap shutoff code."
It was 23, 52, 39, 67.
Whoa! You remembered
all those numbers
-after seeing them once?
-Yeah, so?
I think we just found what
you're good at.
So tap those buttons!
But what if I slip
and hit the wrong ones?
Just tell me the numbers
and I'll press the buttons.
Okay. It's 23, 52, 39, and 67.
-Oh, yeah!
-You did it!
Huh, I guess we did.
I knew we would.
[both groaning]
I don't feel so good.
Too much cake.
Too much crime, if you ask me.
-What? How did you
-Get em, Buds!
-Hop on, Wayne!
-Let's go, Wiley!
It's every car for themselves!
Later, Wayne!
¡Que bueno! You made it
just in time for dessert.
Sorry, Chef Al.
We caught the thieves,
but the cake was ruined.
[gasps] What are we
going to serve everyone?
Well, lucky for us,
Harry remembered the most
important numbers of all.
The phone numbers for all
the ice cream trucks in town.
Harry saved the day
and the party.
Three cheers for Harry!
Hip, hip, hooray!
Hip, hip, hooray!
Hip, hip, hooray!
[both giggle]
[Piston] " Carkour"
Hey, Gearbox Grove!
I'm Vin Voltage,
and this is carkour
the sport where the world
is your playground.
Wanna see more awesome,
revvin' moves?
Come to my live show tonight!
I'll rock your shocks off!
Carkour is for cars only;
humans, do not imitate,
but please buy
tickets to the show.
Vin Voltage is the coolest.
You said it, Piston. [sighs]
I watched a few of Vin's videos
and learned some of his
carkour moves. Check it out.
-Carkour master.
I want Vin to sign my bumper
more than anything
in the world
And if I could impress him
with moves like those,
he would totally sign it.
Will you teach me carkour, Axl?
Ooh, me, too. Teach me, too.
Happy to!
Carkour class is in session.
Right this way
Okay, the first move
we're learning
is the jump-bounce-flip.
Jump bounce flip
Jump bounce flip
Don't write it. Just do it.
You got it, Teacher Axl.
And Flash nails the landing.
[both] Wee-oo.
Nice job.
All right, Piston, your turn.
Okay, here goes
Jump! [strains, grunts]
-This is embarrassing.
-Here ya go, buddy.
That was much harder
than it looked.
Hmm, maybe we should try
some easier moves.
Carzan Swing.
Side Mirror Spin.
Bumper Backroll. Trunk Trapeze.
-And the Wheel Whipper.
-Those are the easier moves?!
-Let me try!
Shock-Vault! Carzan Swing.
Side Mirror Spin,
Bumper Backroll.
Trunk Trapeze
and the Wheel Whipper.
-Aced it.
It's not that hard once
you get into the swing of it.
Really? Okay
[engine revs]
Ooh! Ahh! Oof!
Try it again, P. You got this.
[engine revs]
Shock-Vault! [grunts]
I don't think I got it.
Well, you're just starting out.
It takes time
to learn something new.
Axl and Flash didn't need time.
Why don't we try the
jump-bounceflip again?
Just do what I do.
Yeah, go, P!
Bounce! Flip!
Bounce! No!
[cat yowls]
[Piston] I'm okay!
-The cat is, too.
-[cat meows]
[Axl] Okay, next lesson.
We're going to go
up the rampway
using the carkour moves
we've already learned.
-I'm not sure I've learned any
-Up we go!
Jump, bounce,
flip, shock-vault
All right. [deep breath]
Come on, P! Jump!
Now bounce
[both] and flip!
[tire creaking]
P, that was a kickin' jump
and bounce.
And a terrible flip.
But before,
you could only do the jump.
So you're getting better.
No, they're getting better.
Just look at 'em.
All right, class
Piston?! What happened?
-I fell.
-Oh, well,
maybe carkour
isn't for everyone.
Come on, Flash.
Let's go up to the roof!
Oh, yeah!
Awesome! Yes!
Carkour on the roof?
Let's go watch!
But P's got a flat tire.
It's okay. You go ahead.
I'lI come up
after I change my tire.
-Ya sure?
-Yeah, I'm good.
Going up!
Hit it!
Piston. I don't think
you should give up.
Axl does. And she's right.
Carkour just isn't for me.
I think it is.
Your jumps look great.
-And you just did your first bounce.
[sighs] You know, Piston,
everyone learns
at their own pace.
Sometimes it's quick and easy.
And other times,
it takes longer.
But the important thing
is to know
that it's okay to learn
at your own pace.
Just look at me!
Changing a tire
Wasn't easy to learn ♪
And my friends got it quick
Which made me more concerned ♪
But I didn't quit
I just kept diving in ♪
Till the day my luck
Finally turned ♪
You gotta learn
At your own speed ♪
At your own speed ♪
Take all the time
That you need ♪
The lesson's so slow
Because it is the long haul ♪
You try and then
You will succeed ♪
It isn't a race
Just trust in your pace ♪
And you will learn it ♪
At your own speed ♪
So you really think
there's a chance that I could
-get good at carkour?
-I do!
It just might take
a little longer.
You gotta learn it
At your own speed ♪
At your own speed ♪
Take all the time
That you need ♪
The less you need ♪
You can only improve
To get in the groove ♪
You try it
And you will succeed ♪
If you're crashing some more
Then soon you will soar ♪
You'll get it eventually ♪
If you learn it
At your own speed ♪
Yeah, learn it
At your own speed ♪
At your own speed ♪
You gotta learn it
At your own speed ♪
Piston, you did it!
You flipped!
More or less.
Hey, Gearbox Grove!
Okay, now we do
the Double-Aerial Corkscrew!
[both] Whoa!
-Come on, Flash!
-I don't know, Axl. That looks hard.
I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
[scoffs] You totally are.
It'll be easy-peasy-anti-freezy.
If you say so
[engine revs]
-Hey, Gearbox
-[Jayden] Flash!
-You okay?
Well, I'm better than the billboard.
Don't worry, Flash.
I know just the carkour move
to nudge you free
the Triple-Aerial Corkscrew.
Triple Corkscrew? Whoa.
Have you ever
done that move before, Axl?
No, but I saw it once
in a Vin Voltage video.
It's not as easy-peasy
as it looks, is it?
-[both straining]
-There we go.
-[Jayden] Buds!
-[both gasp]
Flash and Axl crashed!
We need help!
There's only one way to get up
there fast enough to save them.
-[elevator dings]
-[Bo] Yikes.
-[Piston] They are in trouble.
We need to find a way
to pull them loose.
Or bump them loose.
How? They re too high up.
Not if I use some
carkour moves to bounce up
and knock them free.
But I thought you were having
trouble with carkour.
To be honest,
I'm still working on the flip.
But it's an emergency.
I just need to figure out
the right moves.
I can help with that, P.
If you do
the jump-bounce-flip move,
you can jump to Flash,
knock him loose,
then bounce and flip over
to Axl and knock her loose.
[gulps] Did I mention I was still
having trouble with the flip?
I thought you rocked it.
But even if we
knock them loose,
we need something to
cushion their fall.
I can help with that, too.
I call it the J-Catch.
And I've been
itching to try it out.
Then let's save our Buds.
-Is that Flash?
-Is that Axl?
Is that my billboard?
Okay, Piston. You can do this.
What's goin' on?
Piston's gonna jump-bounce
and flip you loose.
But he doesn't know carkour.
-You did it!
That's what's up.
Thanks for saving us, Piston.
I'm sorry I didn't think you
could do carkour before.
-I was wrong.
-[Vin Voltage chuckles] You sure were.
Those were some of the slickest
carkour moves I've ever seen!
-Vin Voltage?!
-I'm your biggest fan.
Sorry about your billboard.
It's such an honor to meet
you, Mr. Voltage.
I was wondering if you could
please sign my bumper.
I'd be happy to.
But there's one thing
we gotta do first.
I thought I'd seen every
carkour move there was,
but today, for the first time,
I saw a carkour rescue!
So give it up for my new
who's revvin' moves
saved the day Piston!
Now your buddies told me
you just started
learning carkour today.
So how'd you
pick it up so fast?
Fast? I thought I was going slow.
Are you kidding?
It took me years
to get my moves down.
I guess everyone
learns at their own pace.
Well, that's some
truth right there, brother.
Now let's rock
their shocks off!
[engines rev]
[closing theme plays]
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