Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Back to Square One

(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 10)
I heard from your mom
that she has been arranging blind dates for you lately.
How's it going?
Any progress?
can't I find someone I like?
you're saying you already have someone you like?
I don't want to live a life
that's arranged for me.
I don't want a life where I know exactly how it will end.
All parents are like this.
We don't want our children to go down the wrong path.
Our generation has gone
through hardships,
so we've developed some bad habits.
We tend to calculate gains and losses
in everything we do.
That's why we believe matching family backgrounds is important.
We believe that love and marriage
should be based on equal conditions
and economic compatibility.
Your mother wants the best for you,
and she's not wrong.
I'm not going against Mom on purpose.
I just want to have freedom
in deciding my life.
Qin Qin,
will you
be honest with me?
Do you
still like
that boy surnamed Song?
No wonder your mom is so angry.
She will never approve of it.
What about you?
Do you also disapprove of us?
To be honest,
I'm a bit worried.
You know your mom's temper.
She will do whatever it takes
to prevent you two from being together.
Qin Qin,
I really don't want our family
to fall apart because of this.
I was just wondering why you applied to the local university.
Turns out you stayed here
for that little thug because he failed to get into college.
You want to stay and date him in secret.
You have disappointed me.
You are deceiving your parents
for that punk,
that thug.
You are giving up your future for him.
Mom, he's not like what you said.
Someone who skipped classes, got into fights,
and can't even get into college,
what can he amount to?
Qin Qin,
listen here,
I will never allow
you two to be together.
If you don't listen to me,
if you think he is more important than your family,
then make a choice.
Either choose this family
or choose that little thug.
When you eat, there are dining etiquette rules to follow.
sit up straight.
Hold the bowl properly.
Eat spoon by spoon without making any noise.
After finishing the soup,
place the rice here.
When taking a dish,
your chopsticks shouldn't go back and forth more than three times.
Only take the dish in front of you.
Don't stir the dish with chopsticks.
Got it?
What did I tell you?
Girls should be demure
and poised.
Always listen to your parents.
Be well-behaved.
It's so windy out here.
Why didn't you wait inside?
It's okay. I just got here too.
Let's go.
When you take leave,
you usually have to return
to the team within two hours, right?
That's about right.
Every time I tried to asked you out before,
you would make excuses to turn me down.
But this time, you agreed quickly.
Xu Qin,
just cut to the chase.
You saved me
a few times before.
After this,
let's call it square.
Call it square?
All right.
We will call it square then.
Enough talking.
-Let's dig in. -Xu Qin.
You want to say
you were considering
reconciling with me these past few days,
but now you're afraid and changing your mind.
Is it so difficult to confess just that?
-I -No need to say it anymore.
I understand.
Whatever you say, I'll accept it.
We are done.
All right.
It's all because I took a glance at you in the hallway back then,
I brought this upon myself.
Is there a fire?
There's a fire!
Fire! Hurry!
People are already evacuating.
-Fire! -Stand back.
Stand back! Stand back!
Stand back, everyone!
Careful. Stand back.
I'm a firefighter. Are there still people inside?
-Are there still people inside? -Our head chef is still inside.
Please save him.
Everyone, move back.
Move back, move back.
Get down first!
Get down!
Come on!
Help! Is there anyone
-Go out. -Someone, help!
-There is another one. -He's out.
Take him to the hospital now!
Take him to the hospital now! Hurry!
Come with me!
Come with me!
The fire brigade is on its way.
Please make way for the firefighting access.
Is there anyone inside?
Is there still someone inside?
Turn on the water!
Turn the valve!
Xu Qin, do you know him well or not?
Please tell me.
Please, Xu Qin.
Please tell me.
I don't actually know him that well.
It's okay. I can approach him myself.
Give me his number. WeChat ID is fine too.
What are you trying to do?
He's such a hot firefighter.
And he saved my life. I have to court him, of course.
Give me his number now. Please.
Pretty please.
The last number in my contacts.
You're the best. When he becomes my boyfriend,
I'll treat you to a really nice meal.
-Which one is it? -This one.
The last number in your contacts.
Hold on. Let me call him now.
-(Hello.) -Hello. Hi.
I'm the girl with long hair
and wearing a black dress whom you just saved, remember me?
It's okay. Next time we meet,
you'll remember me.
You saved my life. I'd like to treat you to a meal.
(No need.)
How about we grab a drink then?
This guy is pretty interesting.
-Are you still going to pursue him? -Of course.
My gut feeling tells me that he must be a good man.
I was just young and foolish to be attracted to Xiao Yi Xiao that scumbag.
Just wait and see. He will be my boyfriend.
Get ready.
Spread out the water bags.
Pay attention to the connection point.
Don't make any mistakes.
Where is Yang Chi?
Yang Chi is in
He's in the gym room.
-All right. Carry on. -Yes, sir.
Come on, let's do it again.
Couldn't sleep?
I mean, this guy,
his son was
abducted by human traffickers when he was four years old.
His wife got sick two months ago
and passed away.
This couple
works tirelessly to save up.
They managed to save up some money by selling buns,
but then they got caught up in an online lending scam.
They lost everything they had invested.
maybe for him,
death might seem easier than living.
I mean, did I do
Everyone has a different definition of life.
They make different choices.
You fulfilled your duty.
don't feel guilty.
Some people
just got trapped in that moment.
And what we need to do
is to provide those trapped individuals
with another choice.
The choice to live.
After all, some people,
once they get past that predicament,
will choose to live.
I really envy you.
You never seem lost.
I've experienced it too.
No one is made of steel.
How can one not feel lost
or confused?
Song Yan,
let's get back together.
After this,
let's call it square.
What's up, Qin Qin?
Your brother isn't around,
so, you want to talk about life with me?
Come here then. Tonight, I'll be your companion.
-All right. -Ye Zi.
Ye Zi.
Take these two bottles over there.
Reserve this room for me.
I got a friend coming later. Just bring her here.
What are you doing here?
Ms. Zhan,
it's a bit inappropriate for you to occupy
such a big room alone.
Let me get you another room.
I'll also arrange a few companions for you to heat things up.
Get lost.
You can't get me the hot guy I want.
Are you underestimating me?
Whatever type of hot guys you want, I can find them for you.
Are you getting involved in some shady business now, Mr. Xiao?
What's shady with introducing potential boyfriends for you?
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
Why did you also come here without telling me?
I didn't know you were here.
And I can't even send you both away.
Waitress, bring us some water.
Where is Qin Qin?
I saw her car downstairs.
She isn't here.
She probably hasn't arrived yet.
What a day.
Let me explain.
This is a coincidence.
I didn't invite them.
You're here, Qin Qin.
Have a seat.
Xiao Rao, what are you doing?
Asking someone out.
She has been texting someone this whole time.
Who are you texting?
You are so attached to each other.
It's one-sided.
I invited him for supper, but he rejected me.
I sent him so many messages. He doesn't reply at all.
This guy is so heartless.
Do you know how difficult it was to find out when he has time off?
If I miss this chance, I'll have to wait again.
What kind of guy is he?
Making you chase after him like this.
I'm happy to.
What's wrong with pursuing someone you like?
You guys do the same, why can't we women? Right?
All right, all right. No one says you can't.
He agreed to see me!
You're being dramatic.
What are you doing now?
I have a date. No time to hang out with you guys anymore.
Who is this guy? You're so invested in him.
He's a firefighter.
He saved my life.
And he's got a really nice name,
Song Yan.
I'm going to wash my hands.
Are you okay?
What on earth is that smell?
-Come here. -What are you doing? It's stinky.
Come. The Internet said to marinate it for a week.
It's not a week yet. How did it become so smelly?
Did you put too little salt?
Put the lid back first. Close it.
Maybe it's already stinky before I marinated it.
That's nonsense.
This mandarin fish is quite expensive. You just wasted it.
I definitely won't eat it.
It's too smelly.
Too smelly? Who said durian was so stinky
she'd never eat it?
Who later became addicted to it and enjoyed it more the stronger it smelled?
You are so annoying!
All right now. Cut it out.
So, what is Yan doing?
He's upstairs.
He went to see Qin Qin yesterday, didn't he?
Why did he have to
He can't keep doing this.
We must be stricter with him.
What does that mean?
We should reprimand him.
We need to set strict rules for him.
He is not allowed to see Qin Qin anymore.
Every time he sees her, he gets hurt.
What's the point of seeing her?
-You're right. -Let's talk to him now.
-I will come with you. -Okay.
Yan, you're going out?
-You want to talk to me? -Your uncle wants to talk to you.
-Go on. -Hang on.
What's the matter?
What stinks so bad?
Yes, I was just about to tell you this.
It's this stinky mandarin fish, it really stinks.
It's so stinky that it has a pungent odor.
That's all?
Where are you going?
I'm going out for a walk.
Yes, go and get some fresh air. The night is beautiful.
The air is fresh too.
did you drink?
A little bit.
Come home early.
Why didn't you tell him?
I'm a guy. I shouldn't be the one bringing that up.
Commander Miao, you should talk to him. I taught you.
You taught me? We agreed that you would talk to him.
-What's wrong with you? -I concealed it quite well, didn't I?
-Let's go in. -You're useless.
-Let's go in. -No, it's stinky in there.
Let's get changed and go out for a stroll. Let the smell dissipate.
One more.
Give me Boss's Ardbeg Scorch.
Boss, here's your wine.
I got this from an auction.
You should try it.
Drink it yourself.
Why isn't Qin Qin back yet?
She didn't leave again, did she?
Let's find out.
-Ye Zi. -Yes, Boss?
Can you go to the women's restroom and see if our friend is there?
She was just at the bar drinking alone.
She has already left.
She just left.
Qin Qin,
let me take you home.
No need. I can go by myself.
Sir, Lanxuan Apartment, please.
Drive slowly.
Was Qin Qin drinking
to drown her sorrows?
it was to boost her courage.
Come with me.
Sir, Wufang Street, please.
Didn't that mister say Lanxuan Apartment?
I want to go to Wufang Street. Thank you.
All right.
This is not the direction to her house.
You got it right.
Song Yan!
Song Yan!
Song Yan!
-Who is it? -Song Yan!
Song Yan!
It's you.
What are you doing?
Do you know how late it is now?
Stop right there!
Do you know how late it is now?
Song Yan?
Song Yan, are you in bed?
Song Yan?
It's me.
Stop knocking.
My brother isn't home.
Where is he?
He's on a date with someone.
He isn't coming home tonight. You should go.
I feel like dying.
There is no point in living.
What's wrong?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Why don't you sit down for a while?
These are my brother's shoes. He forgot to put them away.
What are you doing?
Have you lost your mind?
Yan, look at her!
She's drunk and acting crazy here.
What are you doing here?
Sorry about this.
She drank too much. She's wasted.
Let's go.
Let's go home.
Stop there.
Where were you?
I went out with a girl.
You know her.
What's her name again?
Her surname is Zhan,
her name is Xiao Rao.
Xu Qin,
what are you doing?
What gives you the right to make a scene here?
Let's go.
There's nothing to say to someone like this.
He doesn't deserve you.
Let's go home. Come on.
You are right.
You don't deserve me. You do not deserve me.
Because I like you
more than you like me.
I'm not good at socializing
and I don't like making friends.
Professions like finance,
and management
aren't suitable for me.
Only being a doctor works for me.
I just need to master the profession.
And I won't have to worry about unemployment.
I can support myself.
When I returned to China,
I moved out from my parents' house.
I am planning
to gradually
stop relying on the money
and things my parents provide.
I'm thinking about
what I can do
to make my parents not angry,
not opposed us,
and not disown me as their daughter.
Maybe if I study my profession well
and quickly become a top-notch
and renowned surgeon,
they will accept me from other aspects.
If I can make them feel a little proud,
maybe they will indulge me a little more.
But what about you?
What have you done, Song Yan?
What have you done for me?
Let me ask you,
have you made any effort for me?
I keep trying to get closer to you.
I keep hesitating.
I go back and forth.
I'm hesitant and weak.
I can't see any hope, and I'm afraid.
You have never made
even the slightest effort
to make things work for us.
Am I right?
I am right, am I?
Song Yan,
am I right?
You don't like me that much, do you?
Do you not like me enough?
Why else wouldn't you have made any effort at all?
You haven't even tried to get closer to me.
Someone like you,
why should I be the one who walks towards you?
You would only stay where you are
and wait for me to come to you.
Even when you see me fall,
you won't come over to help me up.
Someone like you,
why should I
Why should I walk towards you?
I'm selfish.
I'm very selfish.
Even when it comes to the person I like, I'm selfish.
I want to see you make an effort
before I am willing to walk towards you.
Otherwise, if I lose everything,
and you are still standing in the same place,
what am I supposed to do then?
My intention isn't pure.
I'm being calculative.
I want you to make an effort too.
I also want you
to take a step towards me.
But why won't you walk over?
Song Yan, why won't you walk towards me?
I can't feel your affection at all.
You definitely don't like me that much.
You don't like me that much, do you?
You don't like me that much, do you?
You definitely don't like me that much.
If you don't,
why did you say that to me?
Why did you say
you liked me with your life?
I believed you!
I believed you, Song Yan!
I believed you!
-I believed you! -Let's go home!
Get up.
Let me tell you,
I won't walk towards you anymore.
I won't.
It's not what you think!
-It's not what you think! -Zhai Miao!
Yan! Yan!
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