Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Mom, Dad, I'm so happy! And so nervous.
I'm not sure which of the two wins.
You'll be wondering why. It's awesome!
Julius signed us up
for the Skate Stars casting.
The famous TV contest.
And the best part is, as he says,
"You've worked hard."
I'm the team captain!
Like when I directed
the penguin choir at Christmas.
It's a huge responsibility.
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
So that's it, guys.
Remember, Skate Star is
a great opportunity.
So focus and teamwork, okay?
Noa? I trust you.
All right.
Okay, guys, you heard him.
We don't have long,
so we'll start with the choreography.
-Any ideas?
Guys. Guys!
I don't understand a word you're saying!
Take turns, please.
Order! Order on the floor, skaters!
We have loads of ideas, and that's great.
But we have to get organized. Okay?
All right, who's first?
That trick is really cool, Minerva.
Your turn, Joel.
All right, we have two cool tricks
for the choreography.
-Now you, Lucas.
-You're such a noob. I always win!
Hold on, bro.
Be quick, Noa, or I'll get killed.
Remember Skate Stars?
Yeah. Whatever you want is cool with me.
Watch out! There are miners in the bushes!
Okay. Whatever.
All right, team, so…
We're done. Any questions?
You got me killed!
Hey, have you seen Lucas?
Sure. Over 200 times.
What about today specifically?
Then no.
What about you, Minerva?
Earth calling Minerva.
Yeah, right.
Half past nine.
You could get yourself a watch.
Weird. He always gets here first.
Start practicing. I'll look for him.
Take that!
That's not fair! Ganging up is cheating.
Lucas, what are you doing?
No way, is he one of the living dead?
A zombie?
-Game over!
Lucas or not, we're a team.
We can overcome any obstacle.
Watch out, you'll…
Minerva, we need help. This is a disaster!
Please let this be a dream
and let the alarm sound now!
So this is the game
your friends are hooked on?
Yeah, can you believe it?
It's like penguins preferring films
about sardines instead of eating them.
-Isn't that ridiculous, Kev?
-Run, get that!
-Point at him, bro!
-This is like a virus.
Wait a second. That's it. Of course!
It's a terrible idea.
How can we introduce a virus
in the school's Wi-Fi? You're dreaming.
Come on, Charlie.
I have to get my team back.
I'm sorry, Noa.
We can't get into the engine room.
If they catch us, they'll suspend us.
Or even worse, they'll tell my mom.
Come on.
If we get in,
I'll mention you in Skate Stars.
Your popularity would soar.
You'd finally leave the red zone.
I'm really sorry, Noa.
Nothing you can say
will convince me otherwise.
What if I gave you a piece of a meteor?
-I have a few.
Hurry, we have work to do!
Come on!
Shoot, it had to be Matías. What a pain.
Yeah, too bad.
We'll leave it for tomorrow.
No way. Today.
We're out of time, and they depend on me.
Have I said you're dreaming?
Sure, 16 times counting this one.
Did you bring the virus?
They'll hear us.
Careful. It's super contagious.
Don't worry, Charlie.
I don't have a USB port.
Go ahead, it's your choice.
But do you know what to do?
You distract Matías,
and I'll find the router.
Hold on, what? No, wait!
Hello. Look…
-Yeah, so…
So, I was doing
a project. A project, yeah.
About people called Matías,
and their importance in society.
Could I ask you a few questions?
Finally, an interesting subject
in this school.
Anybody can be Carlos,
Pedro or Jo Alberto,
but not everyone can be a Matías.
Sit down and I'll explain it.
Around a century and a half ago,
Matías was a name…
Yeah, right. Thank you! No, no.
Two hours talking about his name.
Two hours!
That's it. I can't stand it any longer.
Getting in there is impossible!
Come on, Charlie. There has to be a way.
And don't say I'm dreaming.
What did you just say?
Come on, Charlie?
There has to be a way?
I'm dreaming?
Noa, you're a genius!
See, I told you.
Matías is like a koala.
As soon as he eats, he falls asleep.
Let's go.
Charlie, do you have the USB?
Come on, I'm risking my life!
Come on, team.
-Darn rug rats!
Awful digestion.
Stop playing that game, please.
Noa is alone and in danger.
She needs our help.
They'll kick her out!
Come on, guys, this isn't fair.
She's risking it for you guys,
and you don't help her.
This isn't a team.
A team is united. Where it's all for one.
One for all. Guys?
-Hurry, Matías. The toilet's broken.
-The toilet?
-Is there a lot of water?
-It's all flooded.
-Can you do a lap?
We're a team, aren't we?
How did you do it?
Hypnosis? Regression? Electroshocks?
No. They heard you were in danger.
Awesome. We are a team indeed.
Julius, we have to tell you something.
Leave me alone.
So he already knows?
I think it's a bit heavy.
Heavy? He doesn't eat that much.
It's his build.
Does he think we're stupid?
Let's go, and we can send him an email.
No. I have to tell him in person.
Julius, I guess you already heard,
but we didn't do a great casting.
We're really sorry.
We know you had faith in us.
I said leave me alone.
Leave me, I'm saying.
How can I only cause him
seven damage with a shotgun?
This guy is off his head.
Julius, you were saying?
No, I'm not a camper.
Strategic sniper, dude.
Get yourselves here,
I have shield potions.
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