Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 10]
Yan Nanxing!
Yan Nanxing!
Stay back.
Leave me alone.
Don't talk to me.
What's wrong with you?
Go out.
Leave me alone.
Yan Nanxing.
Tell me what's wrong
so I can help you.
Stay back. Don't follow me.
Stay back.
Yan Nanxing.
Stay back. Stay back.
Go out. Go out.
I found this batch of Zornia.
Yan Nanxing,
have you known it's here
all this time
and deliberately lured me here?
Yan Nanxing.
Yan Nanxing, what's wrong with you?
Are you feeling unwell?
Go away. Don't look at me.
I know.
You're still blaming me
for using you at Heman.
I won't do it again.
Let me get you out of here.
Then we can talk.
My lord, are you safe in there?
Come in.
I-I can't let others
see me like this.
Even her voice has changed.
Yan Nanxing?
I'm begging you.
Don't worry.
I got you.
Don't be afraid.
Let's go.
I'll take you out.
My lord,
are you alright?
I'm fine.
The registrar of State Ceremonial,
Mr. Hong, is here.
Mr. Jiang.
Mr. Jiang.
I'll just cut to the chase.
You got into a brawl in the Ghost Market
and searched every inch of it.
If the people here complain about it,
the Court of State Ceremonial
will be held accountable.
the paperwork…
The Zornia is inside.
the Ghost Market.
Let's go.
I told you he's fine.
♫Everything was so sudden♫
♫You caught a glimpse of his first bloom♫
♫Please allow me♫
♫To feel this way about you♫
♫Every feeling has a reason♫
♫It took you long to discover it♫
♫But you're too shy to bring it up♫
♫I aspired to explore the world♫
♫But now I want to settle down for you♫
♫If there is a chance to return♫
♫Can we just follow our hearts?♫
♫If you could be generous♫
♫And give me a bit of warmth♫
♫I wouldn't have♫
♫Waited in frustration and despair♫
♫If there was no need to hide our feelings♫
♫How bold could we be?♫
♫Like you and me♫
We're out of the Ghost Market.
♫By each other's side♫
Where do you want to go?
♫We won't escape again♫
Need me to escort you?
Yan Nanxing!
♫I wish♫
Who is that woman?
Do you know her?
Why did you let her go?
Mr. Cao ran away,
but I'm not done
with you yet.
Mr. Shang.
Take my advice.
You're a public servant.
You have to know
what you should
and shouldn't do.
Mind your own business.
How much do you know about Shang Bieli?
I want to remind you
that some people
are not what they appear to be.
Then how much do you know about me?
If you want me out of your way,
just say so.
Don't speak ill of my friend.
are you stopping by or checking in?
It's me…
Do we know each other?
Checking in.
We're full today.
Then why did you ask me if I wanted to check in?
Why did I?
What do I look like now?
Yan Nanxing?
Even I was scared by this face.
Jiang Xinbai's reaction didn't make sense.
He looked at this face
and called me Yan Nanxing?
Stop thinking about him.
I have nothing to do with him
and never will.
The priority now
is to find the boy who saved me.
But going to the Ghost Market is useless now.
Looks like I have to stay in the capital
and play the long game.
This way.
What do you think?
This is the house!
[Mrs. Bao]
It is a bit old,
but it meets your request:
remote and quiet.
I'll have it
cleaned up for you.
You'll also need some decent furniture.
Trust me.
You'll find it
very cozy after moving in.
Come in, please.
What do you think?
Isn't it nice? Look at this big yard.
You call this nice?
Of course.
But I'm curious about
why your niece, a young girl,
wants to live
in such a remote place.
This place is in the southern slum area.
and brawls
happen every day.
Once the constables
get here,
they can get straight to work.
It's a breeding ground for crime.
So she works for the government?
How have I never heard of
any female military officer?
My niece is a doctor.
But because of this house,
I should persuade her to be a thief.
Madam, what are you implying?
Just be frank.
Give me a discount.
10% off.
You drive a hard bargain.
Isn't your niece a doctor?
Doctors are highly paid.
I hope so,
but she's just started her career and has no resources at all.
If she likes it here,
she'll let you raise the rent next year.
Six is a lucky number.
60% off, please.
Four is even luckier.
So 40% off it is.
Actually, I want to ask you,
which area of the capital
is the most densely populated
and most suitable for business?
You want to help your niece
start a business, don't you?
Land, housing, and goods are all expensive in the capital.
To find my young sir,
I have to make a living first.
[Ruyi District]
Ruyi District has the best stores in the capital.
I'm familiar with it.
Mrs. Bao, you're a jack of all trades.
"Bao" means comprehensive.
So my family's services
cover renting, errand running, and information gathering.
You're new here.
Whether you rent or buy a house,
open a shop, or transfer its ownership,
you have to come to me.
I've sorted everything out for you.
You won't be disappointed.
You're amazing.
You flatter me.
Does your niece
want to be an apprentice
or open her own shop?
Is she planning for a big business
or a small one?
A big business.
Super big.
But the stores in Ruyi District
are expensive.
To open a store…
You can't dither about expenses.
Money's no problem.
Then leave it to me.
You won't be disappointed.
My lord.
We searched every corner
within a 7-mile radius of the Ghost Market.
We looked all night
but still didn't find Cao Wenquan.
Cao Wenquan is in charge of the Ghost Market.
Of course he knows better than us
the intricate lanes there.
It's not surprising that he's escaped for now.
Just bring him back.
Now that the handler has died
and the holder has escaped,
does that mean
we've sweated over nothing?
we deterred the outlaws.
Cao Wenquan didn't kill himself
last night at the Ghost Market.
It means
he's not a man of sacrifice.
I've looked into it.
He has no wife, children,
or siblings.
Someone like him is hard to control.
Once we catch Cao Wenquan,
we can knock holes in this case.
Yes, my lord.
Why did Ms. Yan
take you hostage last night?
Something urgent came up.
I have to
leave now.
I can't let others
see me like this.
Since Ms. Yan found out
your identity,
her attitude towards you
has changed a lot.
She's indeed changed a lot.
Young Sir, wait for me.
I'll roll with the punches.
After I make a lot of money
and find my footing here,
we can go have fun
wherever we want.
Where's my sketchbook?
Did I lose it at the Ghost Market?
Where on earth is my sketchbook?
Forget it.
These people couldn't understand it
even if they had picked it up.
Could it be…
In the middle of every month,
around the full moon?
My lord,
what's in your hands?
We haven't found Cao Wenquan yet.
Nothing unusual at the city gates
and downtown streets
in various districts.
So we plan
to expand the search.
Keep looking.
One more thing.
Go find out
if Yan Nanxing is still in the capital.
[Longxin Teahouse]
Your Grace.
Here's this month's fee.
Tell me when you're running out of stock.
How do you like the tea?
It's good.
Top-notch Moon River.
I only supply it to Longxin Teahouse.
No wonder the owner of Longxin Teahouse
gave you high commissions.
You're an official and a tea merchant.
You have to be careful
lest the wrong people
hear the gossip.
Do you mean Jiang Xinbai?
You think I'm afraid of him?
I asked you here today
to talk about
him and that woman.
You're still thinking about the woman at the Ghost Market?
I've looked her up.
She's not from the Ghost Market.
Before that day,
I had met her at a Persian witch's shop.
What did you talk about?
just small talk.
But I find it
more and more confusing.
I thought they were acquainted,
but when I searched her that day,
they didn't seem
to know each other.
Later, that woman
held Jiang Xinbai hostage.
They must've pretended to be strangers,
which gives us more reason
to think they have a special relationship.
have you tried to find out
where she is now?
Interesting question.
I had someone look for her the other day,
but she disappeared.
Has she left the capital?
I'll find her
by all means.
I can use her
to get something on Jiang Xinbai.
Actually, there's a question
I've always wanted to ask you.
Why are you so sure
that Jiang Xinbai caused
your sister-in-law's death?
It's a very serious matter.
Shouldn't you
have asked your brother about it?
He sent me an urgent letter from afar,
saying that my sister-in-law died of illness.
But she had always
been very healthy.
There was no way she'd die so suddenly.
And as it happens,
Jiang Xinbai came back from Heman.
I thought
he had something to do with this,
so I asked him about it.
Guess what?
He didn't deny it.
That's all?
That's all.
But what you said
is not evidence.
Don't defend him!
I still think you shouldn't have
jumped to that conclusion.
Even if he didn't
kill her himself,
he was definitely involved!
Otherwise, why didn't he deny it?
Sorry, Suoluo.
I shouldn't have yelled at you.
If it weren't for my duties
keeping me in the capital,
I would've gone to Heman myself
to find out the truth.
I wrote a letter to my brother,
asking him
if it was what I thought.
He still hasn't replied to me yet.
I understand
how you felt
about Lady Gaya.
Maybe it's those feelings
you can't tell anyone about
that have clouded your judgment.
I'm not
defending Jiang Xinbai.
I just don't want to see you in so much pain.
My lord.
I've got something.
Someone rented a detached house
in Tongshan District in Yan Nanxing's name.
She didn't rent it herself?
The person who checked the house and paid the rent
claimed to be Yan Nanxing's aunt.
It's been five days.
Why haven't I changed back?
Could it be that
my sketchbook was taken
by Jiang Xinbai?
I can't be that unlucky.
The odds are low.
Am I drunk?
No one's home.
I told you so many times!
No one's
Yan Nanxing.
I knew you were here.
What did he call me?
You have poor eyesight?
You got the wrong person.
What do you want?
I can't let others
see me like this.
It's the voice that day.
I'm from the Inspection Office.
I'm here to check on the new tenants in the capital.
I didn't break any laws
or cause any trouble.
What's wrong with me drinking alone at home,
Mr. Chief Constable?
I only said
I'm from the Inspection Office.
I never said I'm the chief constable.
How did you know that?
I can tell that
from your extraordinary temperament.
It makes sense.
The registered tenant of this house
is Yan Nanxing.
Where is she?
I was about to tell you
my niece went out.
She's out?
Will she come back tonight?
maybe not.
Where did she go?
Somewhere far away.
Can't see it from here.
Then I'll wait for her
here tonight
until she comes back.
I walk very fast.
It's not that far away.
I'll go get her for you.
Can you find her?
Of course.
He came uninvited.
He must have come prepared.
He called me Yan Nanxing at the Ghost Market
and called me Yan Nanxing again here.
I haven't changed back.
I knew it.
My room.
What are you doing?
Without my permission,
you broke into my house
and went through my stuff.
Is this how the Inspection Office
treats ordinary people?
Yan Nanxing?
It's your voice.
But why are you dressed
the same as the woman
just now?
What does it have to do with you?
She's my aunt.
We're close.
We like to wear the same clothes.
Then where is your aunt now?
She went out.
That's none of your business.
You smell like alcohol.
I'm right.
It's you.
Now I understand
why you were so afraid
of being seen by others that night
at the Ghost Market.
What you were afraid of
was a shocking secret.
That's total nonsense!
I'm done talking with you.
Yan Nanxing.
Who on earth are you?
What does the real you look like?
You're so weird!
You asked a stranger
if she was Yan Nanxing
and then asked me
who I was.
I see. You have face blindness.
Young man,
go rest somewhere else.
I don't trust you
because I can't see you clearly.
Kill me once you're done using me?
How could you?
It's you.
Pretending not to know me?
I got you there, right?
Jiang Xinbai, you have face blindness!
Yan Nanxing, listen.
You held me hostage at the Ghost Market that day.
It was a serious crime.
You'd better honestly
answer my questions here,
or I'll take you back to the Inspection Office
for interrogation.
Who are you to interrogate me?
It should be me interrogating you.
Come with me.
Come out!
What are you doing?
Yan Nanxing!
This is my sketchbook.
My self-portrait is in it.
Take a look.
Which one is me?
I've drawn a few portraits from memory lately.
They come in handy now.
Can't recognize me?
You do have face blindness.
This one is you.
Yan Nanxing.
I've seen
your other sketchbook.
In it,
you're on the first page too.
It's your habit,
You have that sketchbook?
Why did you come to the capital?
Why did you
go to the Ghost Market?
I don't mean to push you.
I know,
you still haven't gotten over
what happened at Heman.
If you're really
in some kind of trouble,
I hope I can help you.
I hope you can tell me
what I should do
to make it up to you.
Make it up to me?
One can only make up for mistakes.
Jiang Xinbai.
Do you think you were wrong?
You don't,
So you don't want to make up for anything.
You're doing all this
just to make yourself
feel better.
Get out!
Get out.
I don't want to talk to you.
-This is my house.
-Yan Nanxing.
Don't come to me again!
Yan Nanxing.
I want this one.
I'll buy it.
Hello, Mrs. Bao.
Mrs. Bao, you
Not now.
Tomorrow. We settled on tomorrow.
Tomorrow it is.
Mrs. Bao.
You look great.
Ms. Yan.
You didn't sleep well last night, did you?
You have dark circles under your eyes.
I saw someone off yesterday.
I was upset.
Your aunt?
You two are very close.
You must want her to stay.
This is the best store for rent
in Ruyi District.
It's a prime site
at the intersection.
You can go anywhere from here.
Its feng shui
is exceptional.
It absorbs the vibrant energy
from the bustling crowds
while avoiding any negative forces.
Except for the high rent,
it has no shortcomings.
Mrs. Bao.
What kinds of stores are there in Ruyi District?
There are tea houses,
restaurants, bars,
antique stores, art shops,
and shops for fortune-telling.
Oh, there's also a pharmacy.
Doctor Zhang there
charges a lot
for treatment and consultation.
Only rich people with ailments go to him.
Mrs. Bao,
is there a cosmetics store in the capital?
What store?
Cosmetics store.
I've never heard of it.
No, right?
Then if I open one,
it'll be the only cosmetics store in the capital.
By that time, the money
is gonna come pouring in.
Mrs. Bao.
This store
The rent is not negotiable.
Many people want to rent it.
I'll rent it.
Ms. Yan,
you're so generous.
You're much better than your aunt.
Jiang Xinbai.
Do you think you were wrong?
You don't,
So you don't want to make up for anything.
You're doing all this
just to make yourself
feel better!
Tell me.
Was I doing all that just for myself?
how can I
put myself in her shoes?
Answer me.
You don't know either?
Do you know, Daimao?
I like how you decorated the house.
You even got a swing over there.
Girls all like such things.
It looks good, right?
Mrs. Bao, have some tea.
This place looks great.
You just said
you won't stay in the capital for long.
Where are you going?
Mrs. Bao,
is this how you know everything?
After asking about my plan today,
you want to know
my plan for the future.
You know me.
Gathering information is what I do.
Mrs. Bao,
there's something
I want to ask you about.
the soldiers in the capital
sometimes bring back patients
and criminals from outside.
Where are they usually kept?
Why are you asking about that?
I'm a traveling doctor.
I'm looking for a patient.
All the outsiders in the capital
have to get registered
at the Inspection Office.
what about someone
brought back personally by a soldier?
They still have to
be interrogated at the Inspection Office.
What if he's special?
What do you mean?
For example,
he's different from other people
or has psychic abilities.
everyone in the capital
is on the registry
of the Inspection Office.
go to the Inspection Office if you're looking for someone.
Trust me.
The Inspection Office.
It's in my way again.
I know a secret about the Inspection Office.
Do you want to hear it?
What secret?
The chief constable of the Inspection Office,
Jiang Xinbai,
is the Duke of Yuejiang.
Have you heard of
the Duke of Yuejiang?
He's the only duke in the capital who's not from the royal family.
So Mr. Jiang is the kind of man
who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
His sister is a duchess.
It's not surprising that he's a duke.
No wonder
he's spoiled
and overbearing.
That's not true.
The Duke of Yuejiang
is quite a character.
Although he's from a rich family,
he lives in a frugal manner.
He lives outside
Yuejiang's Residence
in a small house.
He doesn't even have personal guards
or servants.
Mrs. Bao,
I'm impressed.
You even know where he lives.
That I don't know.
If you want to know,
I'll ask around for you.
N-No need.
I want nothing to do
with him.
Yan Nanxing came to the capital to look for someone.
Is it related to her shapeshifting?
Is there anything else you want to know?
No, no.
Have some tea.
I've asked everything I want to ask.
Have some nuts
and candied fruits.
[Inspection Office]
My lord,
let me take you to a place.
You've found Cao Wenquan?
Not yet.
I’m not interested in other things.
It's about Yan Nanxing.
Great! Great!
[Blossom Beauty]
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