Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Tropical Night

-Hold on.
Doors closing.
Doors opening.
Thank you. Hey.
-You just got home?
What is that?
It's a faucet for my sink.
-It's leaking.
-I see.
Your landlord could…
Right. You're the landlord.
Mr. Landlord.
I'm still paying back the loan.
But it's registered under your name.
That's big.
You have a decent job and a house.
Lucky her.
-Your future wife.
Twelfth floor.
Doors closing.
Who are you?
Then who are you, lady?
My daughter lives here.
-Hey. What?
-Say yes.
-Say yes.
-Say yes.
-Say yes.
He's so cool.
Why is he taking such a risk?
"The end of love is marriage."
Such an obvious conclusion
isn't the only answer.
I'm still at work--
I think you should hurry home.
Let me get this straight.
You two are living with my daughter?
-Yes. That's correct, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
Until when?
Until we return to our homes--
No, until the end of
the summer disaster prevention period.
That's correct.
The end of summer disaster prevention…
It's still a ways off.
What woman in her right mind
invites two men to live
with her when she lives alone?
The disaster prevention period
often requires spontaneous meetings, so…
-Yes. He's right.
In any case,
we're sorry to have worried you.
You're right.
Considering my daughter's age,
I am truly worried
about this living situation.
What does she mean?
She's past the age of getting married.
By the way,
was that man we met in the elevator
your colleague as well?
Yes, he's also on our team.
Yes. We're on the same team.
Is he married?
-No, not yet.
-He's single.
-How old is he?
How old is that man?
He and Director Jin
are probably the same age.
He just looks very young.
He's actually much older than her.
He's seven years her senior.
I see.
Seven years? That's not a problem.
Why did you come without telling me?
You're unbelievable.
How could you invite strangers
into your house
without discussing it with me?
They're not strangers.
They're forecasters on my team.
So this was why
you rushed back home
when I said I was coming over.
I thought you had treasure
stashed somewhere.
Good grief.
It's work-related.
It's the disaster prevention period,
and I'm still a rookie director.
I needed their help, so I invited them.
You're not the type
to ask others for help.
You don't even ask for help
when you're very sick.
That's enough. Let's talk outside.
-Talk here. It's hot out.
-Come with me.
But I--
-Goodbye, ma'am.
Hey, Mom.
I know.
Something urgent came up,
so I couldn't make it.
I'm sorry for not making it
to your birthday.
What? What handbag?
-Did you go shopping again?
-That's not--
You're so carefree.
Are you saying that
I'm spending thoughtlessly?
If you aren't,
you wouldn't have bought
something that expensive.
Oh, that.
I see.
No, Yu-jin was the one who picked it.
I told you.
She has good taste
and she's a good person.
But you always nitpick
and compare her to Ha-kyung.
My Yu-jin has a lot of strengths.
Call her some time
and treat her to a meal.
Damn it. Are you an idiot?
-Lee Dong-gook shoots!
They box each other out!
Will he pass or shoot?
He sinks the three-pointer!
Here comes Yang Hui-seung.
He misses. And misses again.
Ahn Jung-hwan!
Yoon Gyeong-sin with the rebound.
They go on a fast break!
Ahn Jung-hwan scores!
That's good.
You should have told me.
About the handbag.
Her friends loved it
when she carried it with her today.
She called me and said she was so happy.
They commented on how she had
such a wonderful daughter-in-law.
I'm sorry for what I said
that day.
It's fine.
By the way,
where did you get the money?
I'm sure it exceeded
the maximum limit of our credit card.
I used my summer bonus
and some money I had on the side.
I knew we'd be too busy
to go on a summer vacation.
So I decided
to just spend it on your mother.
Thank you, Yu-jin.
I was being extremely inconsiderate.
Can you please forgive me this once?
I'm so sorry. I was wrong.
Do you want a massage?
I'm really sorry. I'll treat you better.
I bet the bills are much higher
now that you live with two other people.
Are they paying their share?
I invited them to live with me.
Make sure they pay
their share for all the bills.
Mom, I'm their director.
I know you're a halfwit.
Director Jin's mother
must have taken a liking
to Assistant Director Shin.
Still, Director Jin's opinions matter too.
She shouldn't be so forceful.
Seok-ho tends
to give off an indifferent vibe.
He may not be perfect
and seem unfriendly,
but he'd be a decent husband.
Don't you think so?
I'm telling you.
They don't suit each other.
Seok-ho and Director Jin
have absolutely nothing in common.
They have different hobbies and tastes.
They just can't get along.
Come on.
You never know.
At times, even the most impossible
becomes possible.
Especially when it comes to men and women.
You never know. You're so naive.
By the way,
I heard there's another colleague
who lives above you.
-Who? Assistant Director Shin?
-That's his position?
He was dressed so neatly.
He seemed like a nice guy.
-Mind your own business.
-The cab is here.
-Come on.
It's only natural for me to be interested.
Don't be so cold to him.
Take your time and get to know him.
Who knows what'll happen, right?
You can go, sir. Get home safe, Mom.
Assistant Director Shin?
A seven-year age gap is nothing.
Did your mother go home?
doesn't believe in marriage.
He doesn't want to marry anyone.
Ha-kyung doesn't sincerely date anyone
if they're not a marriage prospect.
You knew that, right?
-How about a beer?
-Do you want a beer?
-Let's have a drink.
I met with Reporter Chae.
She said you're not interested
in getting married.
Can I ask why?
I don't think marriage suits me.
And I wonder if marriage has to be
the next step when in love.
Being tied to each other as a family
makes me uncomfortable.
And I don't want the person I love
to carry my burdens either.
So for you, having a family is a burden.
You know why.
That's why I decided
that I would never get married.
Are you disappointed?
It's just…
I've never thought about a relationship
that didn't lead to marriage.
But you see,
that doesn't mean
I'm not sincere toward you.
I don't consider what we have a fling.
-My feelings are very genuine.
-I know.
I'm just curious.
What could be
at the end of our relationship?
If it's not marriage,
what could be awaiting us at the end?
Sleep is heavily affected by temperature.
High temperature
stimulates our central nervous system
and hinders deep sleep.
On such nights, we become lost in thought.
When that happens,
we end up having complicated feelings
and that leads to more thoughts.
And eventually, we become
even more lost in thought.
It's hot.
Gosh, it's hot.
Last night, the lowest temperature
in Seoul was 25°C.
It was our first tropical night this year.
The weather is hot this morning as well.
-Many areas will be 31°C or higher today.
-Good morning.
-It'll be sweltering hot today too.
-I can't take it.
The monsoon rain
should have cooled down the heat.
Tonight will be hot as well.
It's very humid too.
-Sensible temperature will be even higher.
-Take care of yourselves.
-That concludes the weather forecast.
-Are you that worried?
It looks like you didn't
sleep much last night.
It was pretty hot.
We're an inconvenience, aren't we?
You can't even open your door freely.
I don't sleep with the door open
no matter how hot it gets.
Don't worry about me.
Anyway, I'm sorry.
I'll go back home as soon as possible.
You don't have to rush.
Goodness. Look at him.
He must have not gotten any sleep either.
The tropical nights
will worsen for the time being.
You're going to have a bumpy ride.
I'm going to get ready first.
Did you not sleep well?
It was pretty hot.
It was.
Let's see.
You've all been waiting for this.
We brought the top three items
for newlyweds.
It's really hot these days.
An AC, a fridge, and a washing machine.
-This set is only available on our--
-I wonder what's on the news.
Statistics Korea has analyzed
the marriage rate and birth rate to--
-Do you want some coffee?
-I'll make toast.
Doors opening.
You never know.
At times, even the most impossible
becomes possible.
Especially when it comes to men and women.
You never know.
-Hey, did you have breakfast?
Doors closing.
It's too hot to make kimchi.
Mom, why are you buying
so many young radishes?
Don't you know how tasty it is
if you make kimchi with this
and have it with cold noodles?
So exactly why
are you making so much of it?
I have my reasons.
-Okay. Thank you.
Hey, we need to hurry.
We're short on time
if we want to make this all today.
What reasons?
You terrify me
whenever you say that.
What's up your sleeve?
You see…
It's about the guy
who lives above Ha-kyung.
You know,
-the one who kept those side dishes.
-Apartment number 1302?
He works with Ha-kyung on her team.
Then why didn't he say anything?
-Do you know him well?
-Of course not.
We just ran into each other
a couple of times.
He seemed like a decent guy.
There you go,
trying to hook Ha-kyung up again.
How about you help me out
and look into him for me?
-Look into what?
-What else?
Find out if he's
a good match with Ha-kyung.
Seoul's aerological observation data is…
Assistant Director Oh.
-Assistant Director Oh!
What? What is it?
It's about Taebaek's AWS levels.
Is this right?
Yes, it is.
What's wrong?
Did you not sleep well last night?
It was way too hot.
Our youngest kid was tossing and turning,
so I couldn't sleep either.
I'm so out of it today.
We can't leave the AC on all night long.
And your husband?
Well, he's busy studying.
Since he wanted to try it out,
I told him to just go to town.
This won't do.
I'll go splash some cold water on my face.
It'd be quicker if she took
the Grade Five exam instead.
She had the best grade
among Grade Seven test-takers
when she came here.
She was clever, quick,
and had great leadership skills.
Everyone thought
she'd become the next director.
But then came housework and raising kids.
She overworked herself.
Now, she's stuck in her position.
Plus, her husband quit
to prepare for the state exam.
She has a lot on her plate.
I'm impressed
that she's still going strong.
Don't you think so?
She has no choice. She's the breadwinner.
Right. You're right.
Did you not sleep well either?
Yes. The tropical nights.
Let's get back to work.
Even those who analyze
the weather can't beat the heat.
Hey, Yu-jin.
What? Wait.
What's a senior writer doing here?
There's nothing interesting
to report nowadays.
That's why you're here?
You know what they say.
"When in need of a scoop, go to the KMA."
I'm sure I'll get something
if I stay here long enough.
By the way,
how's the cafeteria food here?
It's not bad.
Okay. See you around.
I heard Heo Ju-yeong is there.
-How did you know?
-Damn it. That's not important.
Don't think about coming back
if he steals your scoop.
There's no scoop to begin with.
You don't know
what that leech is capable of.
During his time there,
he will find something to write about.
Keep an eye on him.
Everyone knows that's your home ground.
You'll lose face if he steals your scoop.
-Think of your hardworking colleagues.
-It's all on you.
-I get it.
Hello, I'm from Munmin Daily.
As of now, we cannot locate
the stationary front.
Due to the expansion
of the North Pacific's anticyclone,
our peninsula is suffering
from high temperature and humidity.
The heatwave will continue at this rate,
and the tropical nights
will be 25°C or higher.
If the tropical nights continue,
people will use more electricity.
Then a blackout could occur.
That's true,
but the media is also a problem.
Using strong words
such as "steaming hot",
"the hottest", and "deadly heat"
will only provoke people.
We've sent out materials
explaining the heat waves to the media.
We will do our best
in dealing with the media.
-Hurry up.
-Next time.
What is it? Is there a problem?
Not at all.
That will be all
for the forecast discussion.
Good work, guys.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
We need to talk.
What's going on?
Let's sit down.
Never in my wildest dreams
did I think I'd ask you this.
But how's married life?
Are you talking to me?
-Were you asking me?
-Be serious.
I'm genuinely curious.
What is it?
Did Si-woo propose to you?
Forget that I asked.
Fine. I'll be serious.
Let's see. How is married life?
It's not easy
to define it as good,
bad, or anything else.
It's hard to explain.
Is that so?
I thought everything would be peachy
if we just loved each other.
But it turned out I was wrong.
There's so much
we need to look out for and take care of.
I thought it'd just double
since there were two of us.
But rather, it increased tenfold.
As you know,
it wasn't easy for us to get married.
I think I feel pressured
to maintain a happy married life.
I become quite irritable
with the smallest things.
And in the past,
I wasn't too concerned about others.
But once we got married,
I became aware of those
around us whom I didn't think much of.
And on the other hand,
those with whom I used to be close
make me feel uncomfortable now.
Anyway, you see each other's flaws better
when you start living together.
Understanding and accepting them
aren't easy either.
Isn't that nuisance from Munmin Daily?
What's with you guys these days?
I get that you're in need of a scoop,
but that's just not right.
One minute.
Can we talk?
Here's your strawberry smoothie.
I'm busy.
I just wanted to treat you to something.
Then you could have just
bought me some drinks.
You've become prettier
after getting married.
Is that so?
I heard your husband works here.
He does.
Do you have any juicy information?
Rumors are fine too.
Or perhaps,
an intense rivalry among the teams.
Even bullying or
sexual harassment cases would work
since they're civil servants.
Speaking of which…
What is it?
Recently, I heard that
the higher-ups were having a power grab.
Hold on. Who are?
What kind of a power grab?
Wait. By higher-ups…
The Vice Administrator and Administrator?
Higher. Even higher.
Even higher than them.
The mT and mP.
The mT…
and mP?
-What are you doing?
That's Yu-jin.
Isn't that Reporter Heo Ju-yeong
from Munmin Daily?
I don't know.
His nickname is Butcher Heo.
Is that so?
If he puts his mind to it,
he could get anyone fired.
But why is a society journalist here?
And why is Reporter Chae with him?
What's mT?
What is that?
Is it short for someone's name? Who is it?
Well, mT stands for
"Maritime Tropical air mass."
And mP stands
for "Maritime Polar air mass."
During summertime,
these two air masses have a power grab.
You can't get a scoop here
when you don't even know the basics.
Will you really stay here?
Simply put,
you want me to leave your turf, right?
I'm just saying that
it'll be hard for me to do my job
if someone as great as you
steals such trivial scoops.
What if I refuse to leave?
Then I'll write up an article
that would cause a stir in society.
I'd rather be an idiot
who can't think straight
than an incompetent person
who can't even do her job right.
You've gotten good at this.
I'll take that as a compliment, sir.
I can't believe he's my senior.
What kind of a journalist is--
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Can we talk for a minute?
Time sure flies.
I still remember
my first day here in my winter jacket.
It feels like it's been ages
since I got married.
Why did you want to talk?
How did you feel
when I told you that I wasn't interested
in getting married?
Simply put,
I was speechless.
"What's his deal?"
"Then why is he dating me?"
All sorts of thoughts
went through my head.
And then?
I knew that we weren't dating
with marriage in mind.
But in the end,
we were looking
at different paths in life.
I realized that
we didn't share the same future.
I think that's when it all began.
I thought,
"We're going to break up one day."
Then I slowly began falling out of love.
And that's when I met Ki-jun.
I think that's when it all began.
I thought,
"We're going to break up one day."
Then I slowly began falling out of love.
What's with Yeouido's current temperature?
Is something wrong?
It's 36.7°C.
That's seven degrees higher
than neighboring areas.
Did you do proper MQC?
Well, I did look at it but…
You looked at it, but what?
Wait. One minute, sir.
Remove the information
from the prevention portal site.
-Do it before it causes more confusion.
-Yes, ma'am. One second.
-Hold on. This is…
-I'll do it.
What? What's wrong with this?
Is something wrong?
Something's wrong
with Yeouido's temperature.
I think it's just an error.
An error?
Let me see.
what will happen to Assistant Director Oh?
Her MQC mistake on
the AWS is considered neglect of duty.
They'll go by the rules
and she'll be warned or disciplined.
That's too harsh. It was just a mistake.
-You tend to be really naive at times.
We're civil servants.
We're not allowed to make mistakes.
Where are you going?
To the toilet.
What should we do?
You need to report this
to the Director General, right?
How long was the error up for?
Probably less than five minutes.
I'll take care of it.
You can get back to work.
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
I don't usually make
such trivial mistakes.
I know.
This was a first.
I'm sorry.
I haven't been getting any sleep lately.
Goodness, I know I shouldn't make excuses.
I'm sorry.
Why don't you go to the night-duty room
and nap for an hour?
-Don't I need to report this?
-I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
Look, Director Jin.
You shouldn't get married.
You may be offended to hear this.
But when I heard
that you had called off your marriage,
I actually envied you.
Only those who are lucky can do that.
Those of us who got married and had kids
because we thought we were obliged to…
There's not much we can do.
You should enjoy
a carefree and comfortable life.
Doing whatever you want
and enjoying all the free time you have.
-That's you.
-Don't be absurd.
-Are we late?
-Students, please follow me.
Did Bo-mi not go to school today?
She's on a field trip.
Why do you ask?
She's here.
-The KMA.
Anyway, I'll call you back.
Why would she…
You should have called me
when you arrived here.
Then I would have given you
and your friends
a complete tour of this place.
But you're a civil servant.
You shouldn't abuse
your authority like that.
Right. You're right.
So where did you visit?
The Forecast and
Earthquake and Volcano Bureaus.
I see.
How does it feel to see us?
Don't you think we work hard?
I already knew that.
Mom once said
only those who are smart
appreciate the KMA's hard work.
That's right.
Of course. Since you know that as well,
that makes you smart too.
Are you coming tomorrow too?
No, next week. Why?
You see, the cafeteria here
has really tasty food.
I'll buy you a meal.
Okay? So call me.
I can abuse that much authority, right?
Well, I'll think about it.
Give it some thought. In a good light.
Why did you go there out of the blue?
I told you. It was a field trip.
But why the KMA of all places?
The teacher said
I needed to leave a record of visiting
a science-related place
if I wanted to go to my dream school.
That's why.
Then you could have told me beforehand.
You would have dissuaded me from going.
You're always like that.
You don't call Dad
even when it's important
since you don't want to bother him.
You keep everything bottled up.
I deserve to know.
What do you need to know?
Exactly how important his job is.
How important was it
that he neglected us
and devoted his life to it?
Don't I deserve to know?
So what did you find out?
I've only been there once.
So you'll go again?
Once more next week.
Did something good happen?
You know what?
My daughter came
to the KMA on a field trip.
Do you know what's really fascinating?
My daughter…
takes after me.
But isn't that a given?
It is.
Your children always amaze you.
Dealing with my daughter is
the hardest thing.
But then again, she's the one
who makes me smile the most.
-Do you love her that much?
Get married and have a baby yourself.
It's an indescribable feeling.
You have to experience it firsthand
to know how it feels.
But you even ran away from home.
Do you still love your family that much?
Still, family is all I have.
Don't jump from one office
to another like I did.
Try to stay with your family.
Living apart from your family
for a long time
doesn't do you any good.
You see… What?
Stop by after you clock out.
What's going on?
Hey, my wife…
-Go in first.
-I need to stop by my house.
-Sure. See you.
-Okay. Bye.
Hello. What is it this time?
-Please take this.
-What is this?
It's kimchi.
My mom wanted to thank you for
holding on to the side dishes last time.
She didn't have to.
Please. I'm sorry,
but may I go inside and wash my hands?
I think I spilled some on my way here.
-My hands smell like kimchi.
Hold on.
-Thank you.
-What? Wait.
Excuse me? Ma'am?
Doors opening.
What are you doing there?
What? Well…
You see…
Come inside.
No, it's okay.
By the way, take this.
Take this inside.
But you came all the way here. Come in.
But I…
Then I'll just stop by.
Why are you back here again?
Am I not allowed to?
I brought some side dishes.
Don't barge in like this
when I'm not living alone.
All the more reason why
I should come more often.
You're living with two grown men.
Why would you be worried?
Get married and have a daughter first.
Then we'll talk.
Anyway, you should leave soon.
Senior Forecaster Um will arrive soon.
He'll be uncomfortable.
I was going to leave even if
you begged me not to, so don't worry.
-Good grief.
Have some of this before you go.
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.
But what's taking her so long?
You see, I…
Thank you.
You must be very well-versed.
I'm just reading the bare minimum.
So cocky.
Oh, I just said you were incredible.
I see.
Your mother didn't need to give me this.
Our family's motto is to repay kindness.
And who doesn't need side dishes?
Don't you need to eat too?
I cook single servings.
You're the neat type.
An only child? Or are you the eldest son?
-I'm an only child.
-Where's your hometown?
Suwon. Why do you ask?
I just want to get to know
my sister's colleague.
I see. Well, anyway…
Please tell your mother I said thank you.
-But next time--
-Same team, same apartment, and neighbors.
Don't you think
you two were destined to meet?
Many KMA people live around here.
I know six colleagues
who live in this same apartment.
That's a lot.
You see…
It may have lacked research,
but the plot wasn't too bad.
Which part did you like?
You made her do what?
Look. Hear me out first.
-What's your problem?
Was I not clear enough?
Assistant Director Shin is my subordinate.
I'm upset, but what about him?
What would he think of me?
If you want someone to rely on,
you should find a man for yourself!
How dare you say that?
That's no way to talk to your mom.
Do you know how it feels
to lose sleep worrying about your kid?
I'm doing this for you.
What a rude brat. What did you say?
I should find a man?
That's not right.
See? Even he disagrees.
No, ma'am.
I disagree with you, not Director Jin.
Rarely do people feel happy
when their parents force them to do things
on the pretext of doing it for their kids.
Hold on. Then tell me.
Should I just sit back
and watch as she gets older?
Should I let her
give up her opportunities,
decent men, and her youth?
Even if it's a great opportunity,
wouldn't it be useless
if she doesn't want it?
You don't know what you're talking about.
-When it comes to marriage--
-I'm not getting married.
I'm not getting married, Mom.
Goodness. It's getting late.
You should rest up.
We'll talk again tomorrow.
I'm serious.
I've made up my mind. I'm not going to.
Hey, Ha-kyung.
You didn't have to
say something so extreme.
I get it. I was way out of line today.
Let's just say
I crossed the line a little.
I won't get married.
I've decided I don't want to get married.
So don't mention marriage, blind dates,
or men to me ever again.
I can't see you out today. Go home safely.
That's why crocodiles' hind feet
have four toes.
You're a scientist.
No, this is nothing impressive.
Of course, it is.
You know so much about animals.
It's not that I'm a scientist.
I just have a lot of interest in animals.
I see.
What about penguins?
Do you know much about them?
Actually, I'm planning my next story,
and the main character is a penguin.
So I was wondering if you knew anything.
Penguins are my favorite animal.
No way. Are you serious?
-That's great!
Then can you help me?
Goodness. Well…
You tell her.
What do you mean?
Tell Bo-mi yourself.
Tell her what?
Tell her not to visit the KMA next week.
You're busy.
It's fine. She won't take up my time.
We've always offered
that field trip program.
And it makes me happy to see her there.
Not me.
I don't want to see you and Bo-mi
at the KMA together.
Why are you following me?
I'll help you get a cab. It's hot out.
Back in the day,
it never got this sweltering.
But the weather now is similar
to how people are these days.
It's mercilessly hot.
Despite that,
everyone works hard in this heat.
They're all incredible.
Incredible, my foot. They're merciless.
But you need to be merciless and tough
to survive in this dog-eat-dog world.
Was I that harsh?
No, ma'am. That's not what I meant.
Just forecast accurately.
We're trying our best.
Oh, right. Ma'am.
Don't worry too much about Director Jin.
She was probably in a fit of anger.
The decision to never get married
is never made overnight.
No one knows her better than I do.
She's not the type to say
such a thing in a fit of anger.
Maybe I pushed her over the edge.
She took a cab.
She's a bit peculiar, isn't she?
A bit.
Actually, a lot.
They're all like that
with their daughters.
If you knew that,
why did you say that to her?
Say what?
About not getting married.
I heard it's pretty shocking to hear
when you're on the receiving end.
I know you didn't mean it,
but that was wrong.
I did mean it.
I'm seriously debating.
I agree with you. Dating with marriage
in mind can feel suffocating.
And I don't want us
to be a burden to each other.
I'm tired. Let's go to bed.
Due to the high temperature and humidity
of the North Pacific's anticyclone,
the highest daytime temperature
will be 32°C.
And the tropical nights will continue.
Here's the issue.
Due to the ongoing tropical nights,
people will become exhausted.
This will lead to lack of focus
at work and more accidents.
If you look at the chart…
The Administrator wants to see you.
We're having a meeting. Tell me.
Director Jin.
Did you upload
incorrect information
on the portal site yesterday?
Yes, it was very brief.
We corrected it right away.
And you're telling me now?
You should have reported it
to me right away!
We're labeled as "erroneous" and "liars."
And now what? "Faulty"?
What have you done?
Good grief.
-Where is the Administrator?
-He's in his office.
Hello, sir.
Yes, sir.
May I look at that?
Damn it. When did they see this?
Those reporters are all insane!
Did they seriously write
an article about this?
We're not machines.
It's not like we always make mistakes.
I mean, this was a first.
How could they nitpick about this?
But why is a society journalist here?
And why is Reporter Chae with him?
Come on.
He didn't steal it.
I just chose not to write about it.
I mean…
If the media nitpicks
about such trivial issues,
how will these people work?
Yes. Of course.
Thank you for understanding.
We need to talk.
What's this about?
The incorrect information
on the portal site.
You told him, didn't you?
It wasn't me.
I already saw everything.
I saw you chatting
with that guy, Butcher Heo.
It wasn't me.
What's wrong with you?
You've been here for a while,
so you know how things are.
Couldn't you have turned a blind eye?
How about you guys?
Don't you make typos?
You're not interested
in hearing me out, are you?
Why bother
when you're always denying everything?
How did you even marry me?
Why did you even marry me
if you won't believe me
or even hear me out?
Yu-jin, why are you suddenly
dragging us into this?
I was talking about the article.
And I'm talking
about the trust between us.
Seeing how much you're doubting me,
I should be worried
not just as a journalist
but also as your wife.
Am I wrong?
Director Jin.
Why can't you manage your team properly?
I'm sorry, sir.
Why does this keep happening? Tell me.
Your team is causing headaches
every single day.
Do you think you'll be able to hold out
during the disaster prevention period?
Do you?
If you can't, let me know.
Then I'll send you more people
or come up with something.
I'll work harder.
Teamwork is crucial
once the typhoon hits.
Keep that in mind.
Yes, sir. I'll keep that in mind.
Go on.
Who will be going to Jeju Island?
The typhoon is slowly advancing.
Someone needs to go to the typhoon center.
-Have you not chosen someone yet?
-Not yet, sir.
Oh, no.
I'm sorry,
but I need to go first.
I need to pick up my kids.
Sure. Go on. It's okay.
Okay. Soo-jin.
Could you update
Assistant Director Cho for me?
I'll deliver important details via phone.
Okay. I'll do that.
Thank you.
I can't believe she left
when Director Jin is getting an earful.
She was the one who made the mistake,
but Director Jin chose not to report it.
Where's Assistant Director Oh?
She just left.
She had to pick up her kids,
so I told her to go first.
It's already time.
You should all go home.
Pick someone and tell them right away.
They will have to be there
for at least two months.
Is something wrong?
No. Why?
There seems to be something
on your mind ever since you talked
to the Director General.
Oh, it's because of the typhoon center.
Soon, it'll be typhoon season.
Someone from our team
needs to go to Jeju Island.
I see.
Can you go?
You should go, Forecaster Lee.
Let's spend some time apart.
What are you talking about?
I want some time apart.
I think that's best for both of us.
We need some time to think.
Let's evaluate our relationship.
Be honest. You need some time alone too.
Do you mean that?
I'm never half-hearted
when it comes to work.
That means
you've already made up your mind.
Yes. If it's all right with you.
Is this because
of what happened today?
Anyone would have
misunderstood that situation.
You would have been mad if you were me.
I would have heard
your side of the story first.
Okay. So?
You're really going to leave?
I want to breathe.
Whenever I see you frown at home,
I wonder if it's because of me again.
Do you know how suffocating it is?
I never suffocated you.
You're doing it right now.
You can't understand me.
Do you know how frustrating
and suffocating that is?
Can you say that you understand me?
I abandoned a relationship of ten years
because I wanted to marry you.
Can you please stop telling me
about how you left her?
Can you please stop?
I only said that
because you didn't think I loved you.
That's why you won't register our marriage
and are worried about the future.
So can we please have
some alone time and think about this?
Let's figure out
what's best for both of us.
On such nights, we become lost in thought.
Ha-kyung doesn't sincerely date anyone
if they're not a marriage prospect.
You knew that, right?
If it's not marriage,
what could be
awaiting us at the end?
When that happens,
we end up having complicated feelings
and that leads
to more thoughts.
And eventually,
we become even more lost in thought.
In this way,
our sleepless tropical night wore on.
If you leave like this,
it's really over between us.
Have you thought about that?
Who's going to the typhoon center?
I'm going.
I know you want to draw clear lines
between the KMA, me, work, and dating.
You compare me to him every time,
and it really bothers me.
I want things to work out between us.
Why do you keep confusing me?
Help! A student is down on the floor!
What? An accident?
Lee Si-woo.
He works at the KMA.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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