Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

[Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact]
[Episode 10]
It's you.
I've planted the Mother Talisman in your body.
If you dare escape again,
I will burn the Mother Talisman
and make you
die a painful death.
It's not true.
I must be dreaming.
I'm dreaming.
This place
is my nightmare.
All these years,
I still haven't
let it go.
Because you
are still alive.
What are you doing?
Don't Don't Don't!
Spirit Lord, calm down.
We have tried our best.
But rumours are spreading all over the city
that the Mother Talisman has been taken back by the Princess.
No spirit dares to leave the city anymore.
Spirit Lord,
has our talisman
been taken back by the human race?
Get lost!
He hasn't go meet Chi Shan yet
This is the divine power in Xu Yi's body.
He's dead?
Darn it.
Not enough
Damned humans
With only Xu Yi dead
is far from enough.
Here, take the medicine.
This medicine is too bitter.
No one in the Spirit-Master Kingdom raises chicken.
I painstakingly captured this from outside the city.
I added natural spices and honey.
It must be delicious.
It smells so good.
Half a bowl.
Who would have thought
the top spirit in the six realms Tushan Honghong
is afraid of taking medicine.
How funny.
The chicken smells so good. Even I want to try it.
All right.
Did you see Shi Kuan on your way back?
Princess chased him away.
But he was reluctant
so he could only wander around here.
I thought of what Bu Tai asked us to do.
If we don't solve this,
she and Shi Kuan can't be together.
The crisis of the Spirit-Master Kingdom can't be solved either.
The spirits in Spirit-Master Kingdom
have been bullied by the human race for hundreds of years.
If the Mother Talisman
can be unbound one day,
it's difficult to tell what will happen next.
It would be great if the spirits'
actions and words can be restricted like in Tushan.
Actually, I've thought about this long ago.
I want to unite the spirit clan
like Yiqi Alliance.
That can be a long-term plan.
Staying in Tushan for just a few days,
you've forgotten who you are?
I dare not.
I was seriously injured
and was hunted down by Xu Yi's men.
If you hadn't saved me,
I would have been killed by the human clan.
I will never forget
your kindness.
Is this how you repay me?
I ordered you to stay in Tushan
to cooperate with Chi Shan.
How dare you come to the Spirit-Master Kingdom and ruin my plan on your own accord?
Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?
I know you won't kill me.
know that the Mother Talisman was stolen.
I have a strategy.
You have a strategy?
Go ahead.
Normal spirits would be of no use
no matter how many of them come to us.
Why don't we fight to make
some powerful spirits to be used by us?
Since you've come up with this idea,
you must have a candidate.
Tell me about it.
Last night,
Shi Kuan who saved Bu Tai
has amazing spirit power.
I heard he is the top warrior of Beishan.
He's the most powerful spirit in the Spirit-Master Kingdom.
[Spirit-Master Kingdom]
Shi Kuan.
You are?
Spirit Lord.
You look dull
but you are quite agile.
If I were Princess,
I wouldn't want to kick you out.
What do you want?
Don't be nervous.
Now you should know
the human race will never
treat spirits as their own.
Instead of being a slave to the human race for your whole life,
why don't you come with me to save your own people
and overthrow Spirit-Master Kingdom?
Dream on!
If you really care about the spirits,
you should unbind the Mother Talisman for us
and solve this crisis peacefully.
Why are you in a hurry to refuse?
With your ability,
if you work with me,
you will achieve great things.
Don't you like the Princess?
By then,
you will no longer a slave,
and she will no longer be a princess.
Your status will be above her.
Wouldn't it easy to get her?
Do you want to be a master
or a slave?
Whether you can be with the woman you love
depends on you.
won't betray the Princess.
Then you're forcing me to do it the hard way.
What a righteous warrior.
Since you are not willing to hurt your people,
how can you watch your people
be bullied by the human race?
If you work with me,
you can protect your people
and get your beauty.
Why not?
will never
betray Princess!
I always cherish talents.
I won't burn your Mother Talisman for the time being.
Go back and think about it.
I’m waiting for your answer.
You kicked Guard Shi out.
I’m worried that he’ll join the evil spirits
and betray you.
If so,
it would be better.
In that case,
he won't be in danger anymore.
How dare you, spirit slave!
How dare you hurt the disciples of Yiqi Alliance?
Jin Mian Flame Immortal
It’s Jin Mian Flame Immortal!
Greetings, Jin Mian Flame Immortal.
Thank you for saving my life.
You’re welcome.
I'm from the same alliance as you.
We should help each other.
I heard that the spirit slaves of the Spirit-Master Kingdom rebelled
and killed Elder Xu.
So I came here to help.
Good timing, Master Jin.
After Elder Xu died,
the disciples lost their leader.
We don't know what to do.
For ordinary humans,
it takes at least three to five years
for the cultivation of this magic for it to take effect.
How can we improve humans' defense
in a short time?
Mr. Yuechu.
What can I do for you?
I heard that
spirit slaves attacked disciples of Yiqi Alliance outside the city.
Now that Chief is not around,
I would like to ask you
to go to the scene with me to find out the truth.
All disciples of the Yiqi Alliance have cultivation
and have magic tools.
Why are the spirit slaves from the city suddenly so bold?
I also think it's strange.
I'll go with you.
It's Spirit Lord.
She came to me last night
and forced me to work with her.
I wanted to reject her,
but I'm afraid she'll harm the princess
and harm the Spirit-Master Kingdom.
After thinking about it,
I can only discuss it with you.
Are you worried
she'll threaten you with Princess's life?
Princess is with Yaya and Lai.
You can rest assured.
On the other hand.
they have your Mother Talisman.
Don’t worry, Chief.
I will never betray Princess
even if it costs my life.
I know you are loyal to her.
But now loyalty
can't protect the princess,
nor your people.
Since the Mother Talisman was stolen,
the human race in the city dared not go out again,
afraid of getting revenge by the spirits.
That's true
Although half of the talismans were retrieved,
we can't use them to
force the spirits in the city
to fight against spirits outside the city
and make them kill each other.
So the current situation
is not optimistic.
I want to hunt spirits!
I want to catch spirits!
Come in!
I want to hunt spirits!
I want to catch spirits!
I want to hunt spirits!
Stop shouting!
If humans
have magical tools that are sufficient to fight against spirits
Humans and spirits can be at a level playing field.
Not everyone can cultivate magic tools.
Not even all of the disciples of Yiqi Alliance
have a magic tool.
How can we shorten the time to cultivate it?
A letter from the human race.
The spirit slaves outside the city who attacked the disciples of Yiqi Alliance
is Jin Renfeng's doing.
Fu Cheng?
The spirits who attacked the Yiqi Alliance in the city
were arranged by Jin Renfeng.
The master of Divine Flame Villa?
Why would he do that?
What master?
He’s just an ungrateful traitor.
I didn't expect him to win over Yiqi Alliance disciples' hearts
in such a despicable way.
It seems
it's time for Wangquan Villa
to know about this.
You mean
you want me to join forces with
the spirits whose talismans were stolen
to guard Spirit-Master Kingdom together.
I know
you have a great reputation among the spirits in the city.
They will believe you.
Protecting the Spirit-Master Kingdom is protecting themselves.
Otherwise, given what Spirit Lord would do,
once Spirit-Master Kingdom falls,
it will be a catastrophe for both
the humans and spirits.
If I can make a magic tool,
the evil spirits won't be of any threat.
With the magic tool,
the human race can not only protect themselves,
but also help you
to fight against the evil spirits from Spirit-Master Kingdom.
After we defeat these evil spirits,
Kuan and you
can be together.
Do you think
that day will come?
Everyone is working hard.
Including Kuan.
I believe
he is the one who hopes that
humans and spirits can live in harmony the most in Spirit-Master Kingdom.
Kuan is here.
Mr. Yuechu.
Where is Lady Fairy?
She's at the gate tower.
I shan't disturb you.
I shall go look for her.
I will send you back.
I hope Princess Bu Tai won't push Shi Kuan away anymore.
No matter how much she wants to keep a distance,
Shi Kuan still loves her very much.
exactly because you love each other too much,
you'd do everything to protect them
so that they won't get hurt.
Are you the same?
Lady Fairy.
This time,
we saw the sunset of the Spirit-Master Kingdom together.
Next time, let's go to the peak of a snow mountain together,
as well as forest as dense as sea,
rivers that reflect the bright moon,
and many beautiful sceneries in the world.
Let's go and see them together.
You've always been talking about this wish since you were a child.
Aren't you tired of it?
That was when I was young.
When I first met you,
I tried everything
to chum up to you.
I was afraid that I would be
eaten by a spirit like you.
Although I said this all the time back then,
I didn't actually mean it.
No wonder Elder always says you are cunning.
You finally admit it.
You're double-faced
and honey-lipped.
I told you that was when I was young.
What about now?
I'm saying it sincerely now.
Lady Fairy,
I want to spend four seasons with you,
in the shadows of the mountains,
watching the moon.
You just said
you thought of a way to protect the human race.
What is it?
To make magic tools
for ordinary people with no cultivation to defend themselves.
My mother once said
Purest Sun Flame changes endlessly.
Besides transforming power
to refine the magic to control the Divine Fire,
it can also transmute ordinary weapons
into magic tools.
If Purest Sun Flame
can reduce the difficulty of making magic tools,
the human race of the Spirit-Master Kingdom
can also protect themselves after Mother Talisman is unbound.
What your mother said is true.
I once saw someone from the Dongfang family
make a magic tool with Purest Sun Flame.
But that person's Purest Sun Flame
was already at the third tier.
In that case,
whether the human race can protect themselves in Spirit-Master Kingdom
is now on me, Dongfang Yuechu.
I finally know how quickly people can change when things haven't.
A month ago,
and my father
were enjoying the flowers here together.
But now this place is so unfamiliar.
Now outside the palace,
the evil spirits are putting pressure on everything,
and humans and spirits are killing each other.
Please wait a little longer, Princess.
Everything will eventually pass.
What about you?
The Spirit Lord has her eyes on you.
You escaped this time.
But there will be a next time.
As long as you are fine,
won't be afraid of death.
Don't say that!
So many people and spirits have died in Spirit-Master Kingdom.
The rest must live on.
you are no longer my spirit guard.
You don't have to risk your life for me.
It's not for you,
but for myself.
In the past,
I only practiced martial arts
and protected you.
Now I understand.
It's not enough
to just practice martial arts well.
What do you mean?
I want to be a real warrior
and protect the people I want to protect.
Please grant my wish.
Since we took back half of the Mother Talisman last time,
the spirits in the city have been watching.
There are fewer spirits leaving the city.
I'm afraid that's why Shi Ji
targeted Kuan.
No matter the reason,
since they have targeted Kuan,
they won't stop easily.
Unfortunately, after what happened last time,
these guys are very vigilant.
I'm afraid it's hard to steal the Mother Talisman again.
Now they have Shi Kuan's Mother Talisman.
Why don't we let Shi Kuan pretend to surrender?
When we fight again,
we'll catch her off guard.
-Good idea!
-Good idea!
I said it first.
I said it first.
I said it first.
I said it first.
I said it first!
-I was the one who said it first.
-All right, both of you shut up.
What do you think, Shi Kuan?
I agree.
No, I don't agree.
They are ruthless.
Xu Yi was killed immediately
after failing last time.
If you fail,
they won't let you go.
Since the first day I was bound to a Mother Talisman,
my fate is to obey.
This time the Mother Talisman fell into the hands of the evil spirits,
don't want to give in to the talisman anymore.
As for the Mother Talisman,
I want to return them to the spirit slaves as soon as possible.
You want to unbind them from the Mother Talisman?
In the past, I lived a carefree life
staying in the palace all day long.
All I knew was that the human race
controlled the spirits with the Mother Talisman.
But I never thought
the desperation and sadness of those spirits.
As the head of the kingdom,
as someone who can decide their fate,
I don't want to ignore these people anymore.
Aren't you worried that
once the spirits regain their freedom,
they may take revenge on the humans
who can't protect themselves?
I've thought about that.
With you and the people of Tushan to protect,
I think even if those spirit slaves are free,
they won't take revenge on the human race immediately.
Your decision
will be really helpful
to the current situation.
The power Shi Ji and Jin Renfeng have now
are about the same as you.
If one day we fight,
we can't tell who would win just yet.
If you unbind the Mother Talisman,
it will destroy
the morale of Shi Ji’s forces.
Chief, please follow me.
can you change
your habit of sneaking around?
How many times have I caught you?
Who's sneaking around?
I'm helping Yaya pick flowers to help with her sleep.
Stop thinking everyone's suspicious.
You're quite good at using human lingo.
Did you live with humans in the past?
Do you want to learn?
Given your talents,
you can also learn pretty well
after a few quarrels with the darned humans.
No matter
whether you are really out here to pick flowers or not tonight,
if it happens again,
don't blame me for taking action.
Excuse me.
A good dog doesn't block the way.
A good dog?
Hurry up!
-Do you hear that?
-Are you slacking off?
You're quite busy.
Since you entered Spirit-Master Kingdom,
you kept going missing.
What are you doing?
w-was looking for you.
Looking for me?
What is this?
I know you love drinking alcohol.
I thought Spirit-Master Kingdom
is different from Tushan
so maybe the wine is different.
So I asked around
and finally found this grape wine.
You looked for this for me?
That's very nice of you.
Oh right,
the situation of Spirit-Master Kingdom is complicated.
Don't walk around in the dark at night.
If the evil spirits catch you,
you won't have a chance to return to Tushan anymore.
Do you hear me?
What are you thinking?
I got it.
I'm heading off then.
[Spirit-Master Kingdom]
We're free!
We're free!
The news has been released?
Don't worry.
This is something that hasn't happened for centuries in Spirit-Master Kingdom.
Within half a day,
the news will definitely get to Shi Ji.
-Let’s go.
-Let’s go.
Who said they wanted to have their Mother Talisman unbound?
It's me!
You kept saying that the human race's Princess is horrible
and asked us to overthrow her.
But she has unbound the Mother Talisman for everyone.
Those who dare to escape
will end up like this!
In a few days,
I will take over the Spirit-Master Kingdom with you.
In the future, there will be no human race
in the Spirit-Master Kingdom.
What is it?
Shi Kuan.
Have you thought about
what I mentioned to you previously?
I told you.
I would never betray Princess.
Should I call you a fool?
Or that you're a hopeless romantic?
If you work with me,
you can have the beauty,
If you don't,
you two can only be lovers in your afterlife.
As expected of the top warrior of Beishan.
You have some guts.
Have you thought about it?
If you die,
what will happen to your delicate princess?
After invading the city,
I will kill her first.
If you work with me,
for your sake,
I will spare her life.
Will you keep your promise?
That depends on how useful you are to me.
I heard that you've been
quite close to the spirit slaves in the city recently.
Help me draw them over.
When we invade the city,
you will be my vanguard of the city.
I have your Mother Talisman.
If you dare to play any tricks,
I'll kill you anytime.
Lady Fairy.
This is
Chicken soup.
There are some herbs in it.
Although your wound has recovered,
it's not a small matter that your soul is unstable.
It's good to have more nutrition.
How is it?
Not bad.
Why didn't I notice that you can do
so many other things other than roast chicken?
Why don't you work in the canteen in the future?
You get paid well there.
That won't do too.
I'll only cook for you.
I'm not interested in cooking for others.
Why aren't you drinking?
It smells so good.
I smelled it from afar.
It's really chicken soup.
You must've made this for me
knowing that I've been so tired that
I've lost weight from hunger, right?
Brat, serve it to me.
Why are you still here?
Are you going to stay to wash the dishes?
No. Do it yourself.
Don't forget,
after Lady Fairy finishes it,
do her dishes too.
I don't need you to remind me that.
Lady Fairy,
I'll take my leave now.
Can you see me off?
This is
Supper, your favorite roast chicken.
I wanted to give it to you after you finish the soup.
Don't let Yaya know.
I'm leaving.
What's going on?
Why does my heart suddenly feel like
it was bitten by snakes and insects?
Yuechu, why did you do that?
Do you know
although human breath can protect the soul,
as time passes,
the soul will consume the Qi and blood,
and damage the body of the person who is naturing it.
Could it be
the soul of Dongfang Luo is starting to attack?
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