Frikjent (2015) s01e10 Episode Script


I will surrender myself to the police.
I must have killed her.
You can take your team and go.
PWG doesn't own your ideas.
If we do something like this, we need you.
He killed her! He beat her head against the stone until it burst! -AseI love you.
-It's too late.
You have to be careful who you let into your life.
-You can't, Tim.
-You don't want to be seen with me? Do you regret it? -I don't want to create more conflict.
-I can't support something I don't believe in.
There's always been two of us.
Is Mai-Britt here? We're here to arrest her.
How did you get her to do this? What lies did you tell her? Your own mother! -I didn't ask her to do this.
-Don't lie to me.
I don't believe for a moment about your memory loss.
I don't want to hear this.
It's you and your friend who arranged this.
-I know she's innocent.
-Then you confess, right? -It's as simple as that.
-If you had to hate what would you do then? -You know what you've done - I agree.
DamnHey! Come on.
No, stop it.
Stop! I'll take this off Sois it okay? -Satan! It's fucking cold.
-It's good for you.
-It's fine.
-Sure? Oh.
It's so fucking sick.
No wonder that she's absolutely crazy.
All the time"Erik, they're coming now.
Erik, they're here now.
Help me, Erik.
" She'd grip on something and get completely confused.
It was bad concience and shit.
I could've been in Chamonix.
But I let it go.
For that psycho killer's sake.
You don't really believe she did it? She's very peculiar, but she hasn't murdered anyone.
We'll get her out.
-It'll be alright, okay? -Okay.
Nasty Do you remember this? I thought the pictures were so unpleasant.
I had to hide it before she would fold.
As he stood there and asked for forgiveness, I felt no relief.
Nothing But when you grabbed him I wished only that you would - that you would That was all I wanted.
Forgiveness It's just a word.
Everyone is talking about reconciliation.
They do not know what it is like to lose a child.
Hi, Angie No, it's okay.
No, it's just You know -What was that? -She's coming here.
I can't forbid her.
You know there's two of us.
Tonje Does she know about us? Hallo Wow Can you open the wine? -Hi.
-Do you remember me? -Yes, you were Aksel's lawyer.
It was he that sent me here.
Yes, you know why I'm here? Yes, I must sign the confession, he said.
-It's a matter of accountability.
-We follow procedures, Sigrid.
-Is it going well? -I sleep so poorly at night.
I didn't sleep last night.
But there's no danger.
Maybe we should talk alone.
She had an attack, but she's recovered.
-What did you do to her? -We got the results of the DNA analysis.
Then she realized it was serious.
It was her.
The skin under Karine's nails came from your mother.
It was her that Karine fought with.
-It can't be.
-It's over, Aksel.
It was your mother who murdered Karine.
I surely could have handled the case more professionally.
I'm sorry.
You don't believe this yourself, Finn.
-If you have any questions -Questions? 20 years we worked on this.
So you just give up now! Maybe you didn't understand what I said, but it's over.
How nice for you.
Then you can sit in the office and drinki your sour coffee.
- And hope to retire.
Is that how you want your life? Technical evidence - that's what you've been hoping for all this time.
-It can't be! -It's not the answer you wanted.
Mai-Britt ! William Little Mai-Britt.
It's not true.
Mai-Britt She'd never have sacrificed herself like that.
It's always been only Erik.
It's nothing new.
She didn't even let me in when I came home after 20 years.
WellNow you can think ahead.
It's feasible.
But companies and labs must be clear when they say ourselves.
-Lars! -Yes The new company can't hire, but we'll take an option on the whole team.
Non-compete for 3 months - enough time to reconstruct our experiments.
-We'll be accused of industrial espionage.
-The lawyer's looking into it.
You promised He still works for PWG.
Well then, should I start? How much time do we have? It was your idea, William.
You left in the lurch? I'll go out of business? -Can you help me pay the wages? -Obviously.
You seeI must be considerate.
I'm concerned about her.
Is it because of me? Is it something I did? -She's so against Helene's mother? -No, she's not as strong.
You are more like Eva.
You are strong.
No doubt because she's on you.
I just wanted to become part of the family.
I know it's not so easy, but it's the same in all families.
You just have to persevere.
I've missed you.
~ Sorry.
Everyone says I should stay away from you.
And yet, you're here.
-What does your dad say? -He doesn't care.
-You mom, then? -She only cares about him.
Maybe we should've left anyway.
-Let's go to grandmother's.
So you get can meet.
Come on.
I've lied so much and for so long to them.
now that it's all over I want to give it a chance.
I should make an effort.
I can't just think of myself now.
-Tonje -Me, then? I'd also had been able to have children.
I'd also been able to have a life.
-I waited for you.
-I never asked you to wait for me.
I love you.
If it weren't fo ryou, I wouldn't have known what happened.
I know.
You would've been in prison.
That's what would've happened.
Now you'll be so damn angry, you'll begin to admit it.
I never saw you.
-You know I lied.
-What? Every trick - you've known about it all the time.
I never saw you, I said! -What are you talking about? -You could've been anywhere.
Maybe it was Mai-Britt I saw.
Maybe it was she who run by the Rasmus house.
Does that make her innocent? No You know nothing.
How can you be so sure? What if it's not her, then! She can get out in 18 years.
Mother murdered Karine.
She's raving mad.
-She was almost afraid of Karine.
-Not that night.
Mom found the photos.
She was suddenly in the doorway with them.
I thought I would die, but Karine -When was Karin here? -She was waiting for you.
Karine wanted the photos.
Mom refused.
I've never seen her so angry.
She walked out and Karine followed, yelling and screaming.
-They fought? -Don't know, I didn't go after them.
-It sounds like they fought? -I don't know! Why? Perhaps some of her skin got under Karine's fingernail.
She might have scratched her.
Maybe that's how the DNA sample ended up under her nails.
It's more likely than mom killing her.
It's just me, grandma.
Can you come here? This is Tim, my boyfriend.
But do not you understand ?! I never want to ever see you here with him! Go! Go away.
Go! NoI can assure you that it is It was only once.
I don't know what I was thinking.
Him? He's a fucking joke.
We sat right here and laughed at him.
I don't know what I was thinking.
The fucking hotel And this looks like a fucking hospital in your designer kitchen.
Who the hell can thrive here? I left Anne Marie for this?! And that Helene will have to live in a knapsack because of you.
You got everything! You've ruined my entire fucking life.
-Grandma's crazy.
She hates us -What's he doing here? I want him gone.
Can't you talk to her? She can't behave like that.
You are 16 years old and I won't do anything.
I've tried to talk to you, Helene You do want you want.
Everyone does what they want.
What are you doing? Go.
-What do you want me to do? -Go away, I don't want to see you anymore.
-How are you? -Good.
Was it really you? Did you kill Karine? I knew it was you as soon as I saw the police.
I'm not angry with you anymore.
It wasn't your fault.
If Eva had listened to me, it wouldn't have happened.
She didn't believe me.
They didn't want to believe something like that about their daughter.
But I saw it - I saw how she was.
She wasn't good for you, you completely changed.
When she started with Erik too, I was so angry.
I went to Eva and told her everything, but she didn't believe me.
-You went to their house? -When I found the photos.
That evening? Yes, I had to.
Afterwards, when Karine was dead, Eve said I shouldn't say anything to the police.
You implicated Erik too.
Consider that! MomEva knew about the photos all this time? Yes.
Everyone's in.
Except me.
I've tried to be professional, but it's not.
It won't work with Aksel as manager.
I think we have it.
-Have you double-checked? Repeatedly.
It's more than we ever expected.
It hasn't happened.
Not yet.
You understand what I mean? Going far? I'm going to Chamonix.
There's room for one more.
Take care of yourself.
You always sat there in the evenings and talked, you and William You seem to have so much to talk about.
I sat by the window in Karine's room and watched you.
I wanted to go down and be with you, but I didn't dare.
I didn't want to spoil it.
You laughed so much.
Where you in when Mom came here? You sat there and she said she stomped into the lawn in her cheap green dress.
-and she started rambling, like she does when she's stressed.
She said nasty things? Nasty things about Karine? Mom's not very good at expressing herself.
It was not match to make her feel insecure.
-But you knew it was true.
-Go away.
I'll call the police.
You know what she was like.
Karine was reckless and you knew about it.
She stole your bank card.
Crashed the car on her 16th birthday - stoned.
Remember? She stripped at a party in the 9th grade, remember? -You're lying! -I know you saw it.
You're not as naive as himWilliam.
He believed only in her goodness.
You scolded him? You wanted him to fetch her.
But he didn't listen, so you had to do it yourself.
Was that it? You sat in the car, even though you were drunk.
You just wanted to talk to her.
She laughed? That laugh that wasn't her own.
She could laugh her face off.
She laughed that laugh? You grabbed her and shook her.
Just to get her to stop - but no.
-Karine never gave.
-Dear God!What have I done? I liked you so much.
I wished you were my mother.
I didn't understand why you hated me so suddenly.
-I didn't understand anything.
Pardon me -Oh no! -What's going on? You were so angry when you left.
I had never seen you like that before.
-What are you talking about? -I said we'd wait! -We would wait until we had calmed down! -I couldn't find her, I told you! Oh my God! As you were when you came home I heard it in your voice, the tone.
You were gone, too As another, which was empty.
Well How could you? Your own daughter.
All years How could you? How could you? It wan't my intention that she would fall so badly.
The rocks were slippery.
It had been raining.
I couldn't lose you too.
I couldn't lose you! How have you been able to live with yourself? -That's why you were so sure.
-I didn't mean to hurt you.
You sat there You sat in court and watched as I was sentenced.
You let them chase me.
-I tried to the right thing.
-For 20 years? 20 years! -It went well for you.
-Went well for me? Give it to me.
So Please RIFLE THUD the floor ONE SHO
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