Gargoyles (1994) s01e10 Episode Script

The Edge

Any time, Owen.
You've been practicing.
This is the first time l've ever lost a match to you.
Would you rather l pretend to lose? l'd fire you if you did.
- Are you all right, Mr.
Xanatos? - Of course.
Let's move to the next item on the agenda.
That would be the meeting with the emir at two.
Tell him to be here at one.
Need some help? Worried about missing the Late Show tonight? lt's a gift.
l'm just stashing it here till l'm off shift.
Captain, this is a joke, right? No joke.
l'm assigning you a partner.
Now that you're back on duty, we're gonna make sure you stay there.
You think l need protection? Getting shot, l mean, that was an accident.
This isn't open to discussion.
This is Detective Matt Bluestone.
He worked with me to close the Dracon business.
- You dropped this.
- Thanks.
No offense, l'm sure you're a great cop.
But l don't need a partner.
And l don't want a partner.
Hey, l understand.
Problem is, you have a partner.
Guess we have to just make the best of it.
There must be some kind of conspiracy going on to make my life difficult.
Wouldn't surprise me.
Look, l have something to take care of.
l'll meet you outside in 20 minutes.
You guys better appreciate this.
- Let me help you, Elisa.
- Thanks, Broadway.
Hey! - Neat toy, huh? - Yeah, slow it down or l'll give you a ticket.
- Where's Goliath? - Down in the library.
- You staying for breakfast? - No, thanks.
l gotta get back to work soon.
(Elisa) Goliath? - What are you reading? - Dostoevsky.
Yeah? Who's it by? Kidding.
(helicopter) - What's wrong? - Xanatos.
He stole our ancestral home, drove us into hiding here and l was unable to prevent it.
Hey, look on the bright side.
You didn't lose a castle, you gained a library.
This is his century, his world.
We are outcasts, strangers in a strange land.
We have no hope of regaining what is rightfully ours.
You're right, it's a lousy deal.
But Xanatos won't stay on top forever.
What goes around, comes around, Goliath.
l wouldn't want his karma.
lf only l could make him feel what l feel now.
(Elisa) Well, it's not a six-foot screen, but l hope it'll do.
lt's a grand gift, lass.
Thank you.
Xanatos! This is Travis Marshall at the Museum of Modern Art, where one of the world's most priceless jewels, the Eye of Odin, is being donated by David Xanatos from his private collection.
This is quite a philanthropic act, Mr.
The Eye is worth millions.
To just give it away? Well, Travis, I just felt that the Eye should be shared with the world, instead of locked away in my personal museum.
Besides, it's a great tax write-off.
A grand gesture from a man known for grand gestures.
(roars) A few more donations like this, and New York might even forget about your prison record.
l made a mistake, Mr.
l paid my debt to society.
All l'm trying to do now is give something to benefit others.
Would you rather l kept the Eye? Your limo is ready, Mr.
Perfect timing, Owen.
As always.
lt appears l'm not appreciated around here.
You and me both, pal.
- (glass breaks followed by alarm) - Huh? They're called the llluminati.
Way l hear it, they run everything.
Even the president works for them.
Look, Matt.
You need to know something about me.
l don't care about UFOs, Loch Ness or secret societies.
Believe me, the world's strange enough as it is.
(radio) All units, all units.
10-3 1 at Museum of Modern Art.
(siren) (alarm) (whirring) Wait for backup.
We don't know how many there might be.
Police! Freeze! No! (clang) Why'd you try to stop me? Hey, who knows what that thing was? lt might have blown up when you hit it.
Yeah, OK.
Maybe you're right.
So, any idea what l was shooting at? Not a clue.
According to sightings all over town, there are at least three of these things.
Well, they're not shy about being seen.
This doesn't make sense.
What's that, Maza? Check this out.
This station has acquired the security camera coverage of the robbery last night.
According to witnesses, this gargoyle-like creature attacked a guard and then flew away from the scene.
You two saw that thing.
Care to speculate? All l know is, l hit it with a .
38 slug and didn't even slow it down.
- Maza, any ideas? - Not yet.
So there you have it.
Someone's impersonating you, Goliath.
Do you think it's possible there are other gargoyles alive out there? You guys are tough, but you're not bulletproof.
l heard Matt's slugs bounce off metal.
Xanatos' robots.
The Steel Clan? But l thought we destroyed them all.
We did.
He must have made more.
lt makes no sense.
Why would Xanatos donate the jewel to the museum and then have it stolen? No doubt he has some sort of devious plan in mind.
Hudson, you and Bronx guard our new home.
The rest of you, come with me.
Where are you going? To deal with Xanatos.
Hold on, Goliath.
l wouldn't take the chance of being seen if l were you.
You're not rating very high in the public opinion polls right now.
No, Elisa.
No more hiding.
Xanatos will answer to me for this.
Goliath, wait.
(Matt) Yo, partner.
No offense, Matt, but this is something l have to handle alone.
No way.
Not with those stainless steel monsters out there.
Look, this is one time l don't want a partner.
Yeah? Well, that's usually the time you need one the most.
Come on, get in.
Xanatos! You have gone too far.
First you steal our home, and now you steal our very identities.
You've got it all wrong.
l'm the best friend you have in this world.
(growls then roars) l'm sorry, Detective Maza, Mr.
Xanatos is in an important meeting.
l've always been welcome before.
Things change, Detective.
l don't suppose you have a warrant? You see, soon everybody in the Big Apple will be hunting gargoyles.
Because of you.
lf you want to be picky, we won't get anywhere.
Let's try to focus on the big picture, Goliath.
l've got a research facility upstate, where you and your friends could be comfortable and protected.
- What? - Doesn't seem a difficult choice to me.
Stay here in the city and be hunted down like animals, or be my guests in a safe haven.
What do you say? (growls then roars) Let's go.
You're taking this much too personally.
Well, that was spectacularly unsuccessful.
Come on, hurry.
l can tell working with you is gonna be good aerobics.
So what happened? Did Xanatos admit he was l don't want to talk about it.
Goliath! lt's the Steel Clan.
We've beaten them before.
We can do it again.
- lt's those gargoyles.
- Hey, call the cops.
Broadway! Hey! Ow.
We're still alive.
How come? lt's it's like they're waiting for something.
No doubt for us to lead them back to our new sanctuary.
But why? Why not just kill us? Because Xanatos doesn't want to destroy us.
He wants to dominate us.
He's probably controlling them by radio, like that toy car l have.
Yeah, so what do we do now? (siren) What's going on up there? Looks like that urban myth about gargoyles just became urban reality.
We can't lead them back to the clock tower, and we can't stay here.
lt's not long till sunrise.
We could tackle 'em again.
Yeah, l'm really looking forward to that.
They're a lot tougher than the last batch we fought.
(Lexington) Yeah, particularly that one.
We must continue the fight someplace isolated.
- That's them.
- Look, there they are.
- Those are the gargoyles.
- Look out, a gargoyle! They're heading south.
- Where are we going, Goliath? - There.
You take the others.
l'll handle the leader.
OK, tin man.
Let's play follow-the-leader.
Argh! No, machine.
You'll not get rid of me that easily.
Aah! Give it up, Dumpster face.
We must go, quickly.
- Thanks for the exclusive.
- You owe me one.
The public's been reassured that the gargoyles were robots.
Who created them is still under investigation.
Xanatos tried to force us to reveal our new home.
We defeated him.
And, if we did it once, we can do it again.
And we will.
Don't tell me ''robots.
'' What l saw through those binoculars was no robot.
lt was a flesh and blood something.
Look, it was dark.
They were a long way off.
You believe whatever you want.
But l know what l saw.
And l'm gonna find out what it was.
lt would appear that your plan to learn the gargoyles' hiding place has gone awry, sir.
Not really.
l have the Eye of Odin back in my private collection, and the city owes me a favor for donating it.
l successfully tested this prototype battle exoframe.
And the most important thing Yes, sir? l was a little worried that l might be getting soft.
But l was able to stand up against Goliath, the greatest warrior alive.
l'd say l've still got the edge.

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