Geek Girl (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

[birds chirping]
["Start Again" by Bleeding Fingers plays]
[Harriet] From now on, I'm gonna hold on
tighter to the things that bring me joy.
So that I don't lose them
like I did my necklace.
Give me nothing ♪
Don't spend money just your time,
tell me everything's all right ♪
[Harriet] I will also try
to be more true to myself.
No matter what anyone else
thinks about me.
♪Saying things we can't take back ♪
[phone ringing]
Don't know why we're doing that ♪
Let's stop ♪
And start again ♪
Stop and start again. ♪
Saying things we can't take back ♪
- Don't know why we're doing that ♪
- [elevator dings]
Baby I'm just trying to wrap ♪
My head around it. My head around ♪♪
Why do people keep letting themselves
into my apartment?
Who even let you in?
Shortly it won't be your apartment.
I've resigned from Infinity.
Hope you don't mind,
but I resigned you too.
Which means, my little Nicky-pop,
you will be evicted from this
soulless abode rather quickly.
But, Nicky-pops please
can we stay on topic?
Your present homelessness-ness,
it's for another time.
We're on a mission.
Obviously, Harriet
should be walking for Yuji tonight.
So how do we make that happen?
Jude already has Poppy lined up
in her place.
I know.
So nasty and so rude.
Are we gonna let them
get away with that?
Well, I talked to Harriet.
I tried calling Yuji but
Oh, you my heroic bedazzler on a quest.
Perhaps it's time to pay
your aunt Yuji a visit.
Uh, persuade her
to let Harriet walk for her tonight.
I'll go play fairy godmother.
Get Cinderella to the ball.
Sorry, I can't stand a DIY nail.
Tooddles, my little bun and cheese.
Me thinks a quick pit stop in Campbell.
Get these redone.
Mm? Mission, on it.
- I'm on it.
- On it.
[theme music]
[indistinct music on radio]
[Harriet] Morning, Nat.
Morning. Hattie, the bully-slayer.
Uh. Yeah, I guess they are technically.
Thought we'd have a themed breakfast
this morning.
What theme is that? Carbon dating?
Carbon dating?
What do you mean?
Oh, burning!
Right yes very good.
No blueberries.
Yeah? Because you threw
blue paint over Lexi.
Never mind.
Since when have you had
a fried egg muffin?
Thought it wasn't a nutritionally
complete option.
Yes, but your father made me
breakfast in bed so
Well I am a rather good egg, am I?
- [phone ringing]
- Mm-hmm.
But you're right, Harriet,
please pass the fruit salad.
Thank you.
Okay, let's go.
Oh, hang on before you go,
we need to talk about
what happened at the show.
Hm. You haven' t got a lot
to talk about.
I know probably gonna be grounded
for about five years
and I'm gonna spend
every lunchtime in detention
but honestly I think it was worth
any punishment I'm ever gonna get.
I just, I couldn't take any more of Lexi
and the olives and I
We agree.
- [upbeat music]
- What?
Yeah, she really had it coming.
I think the blue is an improvement.
Don't tell anyone I said that.
Have a great day.
Um, try to keep the paint throwing
to a minimum.
Okay. Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
["Bad" by Sohodolls plays]
Hey, ho, watch how I roll ♪
I've got the sugar and the spice, ♪
This I want you to know. ♪
I can be good and sometimes clever ♪
[Harriet] Ah, this in new.
We're really sorry, Harriet.
Sorry, Harriet.
[students chattering indistinctly]
You know, I actually
weirdly feel bad for Lexi.
But maybe it's just because
she looks like a smurf and I like smurfs.
I wouldn't feel too bad.
Underneath I can guarantee she is still
the exactly the same person
she was before.
Changing is harder than it looks.
I wouldn't know, I've always been perfect.
Seriously, why is everyone being so weird?
I don't think you're the only person
Lexi's been tormenting.
I think you're just the first person
who finally did something about it.
♪Prince of the night,
taking command and control. ♪
I wanna kick, to rule with it
Cocky, bossy and all ♪
I can be good ♪♪
[indistinct chatter]
[door keypad beeping]
[cars honking]
Auntie Yuji.
Quite time. Inside voices.
Hey, I tried calling the home phone,
Filipe, I even tried your personal line.
My personal line is a figment
of the fashion cosmos, Nicholas.
You know that.
I see you're busy
so I'll just get straight to the point.
Please forgive Harriet.
I mean, she made a mistake.
Pretty catastrophic mistake.
An entire campaign. Gone.
Yeah, that doesn't mean
she should lose everything.
I appreciate Harriet.
Not as much as you admittedly.
But I'm running a business.
I have investors, a board,
and none of those people
are big fans of Harriet's right now.
Okay, so she leaked the campaign early.
But you know what?
You got a ton of free PR.
Again, because of her.
I'd rather my brand wasn't built
on a series of catastrophes.
Anyway, Harriet quit.
She doesn't want to do it.
She does.
Did she tell you that?
No but
Did she in fact tell you
that she's done with modelling?
Well, then case closed.
Is that everything?
No that's not everything.
You're supposed to be
all about individuality
and strength and self-expression.
Harriet is all of those things.
And yes, she made a bit of
a mistake but she keeps trying and trying.
So maybe you need to decide really
what the essence of Yuji Lee is
because right now,
it's just a nonsense sound bite.
And you're better than that.
Please don't call my mom.
That was quite a speech, Nicholas.
You should have prepared me
so I could make notes.
Loquacious Harriet Manners
has certainly had an impact.
I suggest
you go have a lie down
and recover.
Yeah, okay.
I'll show myself out.
[photographer] Right down here, Nick,
right down here. Thank you.
"The essence of nonsense sound bite,"
coming soon from Yuji Lee.
[upbeat music]
I mean, this is incredible, Nat.
Yeah, well
[students chattering indistinctly]
Can't believe you chose
going on a date with an actual supermodel
over wearing it.
[clicks tongue]
It's a shame.
I'm kidding.
Everything turned out fine anyway,
it's all good. All good.
Well, not really.
Harriet did destroy
an entire perfume campaign.
[both] Toby.
I mean he is right, though.
[phone chiming]
What is it?
Um, it's Nick.
You know the rules.
I'm going to have to confiscate that now.
- But, no.
- But
You can get it back tomorrow morning.
- But, um.
- No!
Phone now, please.
Thank you.
[footsteps receding]
[school bell ringing]
[Toby] Fundamental element that's so often
undisturbed by the general populus
because actually comes from
the Latin word: detinere,
which means to hold back.
See you tomorrow.
Bye Tobes.
[birds chirping]
[gentle music]
Okay, that is not our car.
[keys jingling]
And that is definitely not Dad's jacket.
- Thank you.
- [door opening]
[tearfully] Hummingbird.
Bring it in. Bring it in!
Oh, oh of course, air hugs.
Uh, when did Wilbur become
a resident of La Maison du Chien?
Jude said he didn't want me back
You wound me.
I would never.
Jude Paignton and I are not cut
from the same chiffon. Baby!
I resigned.
Wait, so I'm not exiled
from the world of fashion?
Well, not if a certain
teen icon supermodel
whose name rhymes with Rick Bark
has anything to do with it, no.
[whispering] Nick Park
So ready to dazzle the world?
[stammering] What do I have to do?
Bullet points,
the Bascar event, Yuji catwalk show.
You walking, Jude devastated
by the failure of her powers.
[Wilbur's voice fades]
[tense music]
[breathing erratically]
Breathe. You're okay.
You know this feeling and it's scary
but you are okay.
[echoing] Harriet?
Let yourself breathe.
Let's do it.
Which means, really we need to find you
something to wear rather very quickly.
Let's get her out of these
into something seriously dazzling.
I fear we may have our work
cut out for us on that front.
- Thanks a lot.
- Easy.
You're welcome.
But I haven't washed my hair
in three days.
- Oh.
- And I don't really have anything to wear.
[Wilbur] Oh.
Wait. I have an idea.
Okay we need the Vespa
and Nat.
[upbeat rock music]
Oh. Love you.
- Yup.
- Yass.
Harriet, if you're having second thoughts
it's not too late
No, um It's not that. Um.
Can I show you something?
Is it a new rock
for your ever-growing collection
because I fear Wilbur will self-combust
if we get into that right now.
No, um
[soft guitar music]
It's, um
People who hate Harriet Manners.
I see.
It's hard to see it's not enough ♪
I wanted to change
how all of this started.
But I'm starting to wonder
if people ever really do change.
'Cause as much as I look it,
I don't really feel any different.
May I edit?
How I wish we could start over ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh-ooh ♪
You wear your elastic heart on ♪
My darling,
the only person
that matters on that list is you.
Stop hating yourself
and everyone else suddenly
won't matter very much at all.
♪I know you're there,
I know it's you ♪
The girl inside is breaking through ♪
For the record,
this was exactly why
I was against modelling.
Because I didn't want you to change.
But you've stayed you.
And you are brilliant exactly as you are.
[tearfully] I'm so incredibly proud.
The tears, it must be all the
Pregnancy hormones per chance?
You know?!
Obviously, I know.
All the signs were there.
Contrary to popular belief,
I'm actually a very astute person.
We only wipe our tears dry ♪♪
[Wilbur] How we getting on up there?
The clock is ticking.
I'd hate for you to turn into a pumpkin
before you'd even lost your glass slipper.
I guess Cinderella's always Cinderella,
just temporarily in a prettier dress,
[whispering] Exactly.
[upbeat music]
[Vespa whirring]
["Yeah I'm Fine"
by Jonathan Brook & Lee Russell plays]
That's what I'll tell myself
to make me feel pretty ♪
In the back of my mind
there's a reason ♪
When I cannot seem to talk
when I see him ♪♪
Mais non.
- Mais oui!
- [laughing]
Okay get it up, get it up.
Go, go, go, go.
God, that man. Got me so hard.
Promise me you won't cry?
["Heaven or Las Vegas"
by Cocteau Twins plays]
Who'll ever win? ♪
Gee, you're just so ephemeral ♪♪
[Wilbur] Click.
- [car engine starting]
- Good evening, Pr
["Keep Moving" by Jungle plays]
[boisterous chattering]
[photographers shouting indistinctly]
[cameras clicking]
[crowd gasping]
Thank you!
[indistinct shouting]
Who is that?
[crowd chattering]
[fire display roaring]
We are here on the red carpet
of the fashion event of the season.
We wait all year for it.
- It's Bascar!
- [screaming, giggling]
- That's
- Is that her?
- [Nat] Boo. That must be her.
- Boo.
Retired supermodel and CEO
To be court, I just prefer to be called
one of the original supermodels.
Of course. Jude Paignton, one of
the original supermodels, now retired
Yeah, but there's no need
for the retired bout.
- [reporter] Of course.
- [indistinct whispering]
[Richard] Boo!
We are here with Jude Paignton,
one of the original supermodels
and CEO of Infinity Models London.
So, Jude, who are you wearing
this evening?
- Oh, well, I'm wearing Yuji Lee.
- [both] Of course!
Lee and Infinity have had
an association for years now.
[indistinct chattering]
[Poppy] Nicky,
we're needed in make-up.
What are you doing?
[clears throat]
I was just
Oh, come on.
Stalling. Seriously?
She's not coming.
I'm walking, okay?
Get over it.
Well, it should be Harriet, not you.
This little, "lovesick Romeo" routine
is getting very boring.
Forget about Harriet.
She's finished in fashion.
Swapping pictures
Always hide the shoes.
What was that?
[upbeat music]
[boisterous crowd cheering]
[reporters shouting indistinctly]
Ooh. I gotchu, gotchu.
[gasping] Oh my gosh!
Look at her.
You okay? You good?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Oh. Thank you.
You look great.
[reporter on TV] Harriet!
Harriet Manners, right here
[reporter over TV] There she is,
Harriet Manners.
- [cameras clicking]
- There she is.
[Harriet exhaling deeply]
This is your moment. Go get'em, Tiger.
I'm more of a polar bear, actually.
[Jude] Funny enough,
one of my wonderful clients,
Poppy Hemple-Cartwright,
is walking the red carpet tonight.
Ooh, I can't wait to see her.
Oh my goodness, gracious, me!
What a joy. Harriet Manners.
That doesn't sound like the truth at all.
And who are you wearing?
I'm wearing an original Natalie Grey.
[Nat giggling]
- Oh!
- Oh my God.
I love you.
Anyhow, look,
it is the new jewel in the industry crown.
Why don't you say what you truly mean,
I don't understand.
You don't like me.
And I don't like you.
And that's okay.
I could understand
why you didn't believe in me,
why you don't believe in me
because for a long time,
I didn't believe in me either.
[indistinct chattering]
[Harriet over TV] But I do now.
I'm sick and tired of being told who I am
by people who don't know me.
From now on, the only person
who gets to choose who I am, is me.
And you can go ahead and retweet that.
- Ooh.
- C'mon.
Hashtag Bascar, guys.
[giggling nervously]
Well that was
That was a funny thing to say, wasn't it?
I'm just
I missed you.
I want to apologize.
But I can't, 'cause I meant every word.
[Wilbur clears throat]
You're hired.
And you're fired.
Don't just gawk at me,
gorgeous little goldfish, go.
Won't waste any witty one-liners on you.
You're not worth it.
Tomorrow you have a shiatsu
booked at 9 a.m.
And lunch with Alex
from Mont Clair at Café Sicilia at 1.
It's all in your diary.
Good luck.
Wait Oh, please!
- You'll be back within the week!
- [Wilbur giggling] Bets!
[Betty giggling]
Poppy, with me, now.
All right, darling, there are millions
of designers that would love to dress you.
Don't worry about Yuji,
just forget about her.
Forget about her.
[upbeat music]
You look beautiful, Harriet.
And um, what you said,
it really hit a nerve.
I'm just so all about the truth, you know?
Hm. Humph.
Harriet? I thought you might want this.
You found it.
[woman backstage] Nick?
Can we steal you a moment?
I magicked it out of the fashion cosmos.
Along with my imaginary phone number.
Oh, I thought we weren't allowed
to wear our own jewelry.
Some things are more important
than fashion.
Don't tell anybody I said that.
[tender music]
I know it's more than just a necklace.
It's like a talisman for you,
isn't it?
I need one too from time to time.
Something to hold on to.
So we don't lose ourselves.
["Angel" by Gavin Friday plays]
Angel hold on to me ♪
Love is all I around me ♪
Angel hold on to me ♪
[cameras clicking]
Oh, come closer to me ♪
Don't go don't leave me ♪
Angel hold onto me ♪
Love is all around me ♪
So sad that you love her ♪
- She looks great.
- Yeah.
Like the stars above ♪
[Harriet] This is it.
I know I'm ready this time.
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.
- [gasping]
- Oh, no.
[tense music]
[crowd murmuring]
[Harriet] Why is everyone whispering?
[crowd murmuring]
[cameras clicking]
[Harriet] Geek?
How do they know?
Who put that on her?
I know, I've seen it.
[Harriet] Maybe they're right.
Maybe I don't belong here after all.
- Stay calm.
- Let me just go and
No, she's got this.
[Harriet] I'm different.
But, this is who I am.
And it's about time I own it.
Come on, Harriet just count to three.
and look up.
Come on.
[Harriet] My name is Harriet Manners
and I am a geek.
And you know what?
Maybe that's not so bad after all.
I'll call ♪
Call out to you ♪
It's paradise ♪
You take me to ♪
It's you.
It's just me.
There's no just about it.
There never has been.
You okay?
I'm perfect.
- Go on!
- That's nice.
[Richard] Oh
[Harriet] So that's my story.
But stories don't end
just because we stop watching.
And this is just the start
of a brand new chapter.
[gentle music]
Aw, I'm so proud of you.
[Harriet giggles]
I'll give you all a moment.
["The Sea" by Morcheeba plays]
Crowds of people wait for me ♪
Seagulls scavenge ♪
Steal ice cream ♪
Worries vanish ♪
Within my dream ♪
I left my soul there ♪
Down by the sea ♪
I lost control here ♪
Living free ♪
I left my soul there ♪
Down by the sea ♪
I lost control here ♪
Living free ♪
Fishing boats sail past the shore ♪
No singing may-day anymore ♪
The sun is shining ♪
The water's clear ♪
Just you and I walk along the pier ♪
I left my soul there down by the sea ♪
Lost control, yeah I'm living free ♪
I left my soul there ♪
Down by the sea ♪
I lost control here ♪
Living free ♪
A cool breeze flows but mind the wasp ♪
Some get stung it's worth the cost ♪
I'd love to stay ♪
The city calls me home ♪
More hassles fuss
and lies on the phone ♪♪
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