Get Even (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Get Justice

I didn't kill anyone.
Butyou are DGM?
Sort of.
Christopher wanted to do something
about the way people at Bannerman
were being treated,
so I went along with it.
At first.
And then he took things too far.
You know, we both agreed that Ronny
should be the next target.
But not like that, not by
That was all him, OK?
I had nothing to do with that.
I didn't kill anyone.
Can you please just say something?
I just need to know
that you believe me.
I believe you.
But I don't understand -
why don't you trust me?
I do trust you.
Of course I trust you.
If you trusted me,
you'd have told me sooner.
Margot, I wouldn't run away
with someone I didn't trust.
About that
You want to go home?
It's not like we thought
this thing through anyway.
I mean, where are we even
going to sleep tonight?
Well, this car is comfier than it looks.
And after that?
What, we just drive forever?
No, I just
I got caught up with how much
I want to be with you.
I'll stop being an idiot.
I'll drive us home.
Meet me tomorrow? After school.
We have the play tomorrow.
Before that?
Yeah, OK. Um
You pick the place,
I'll bring the pretzels. Cool.
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
Oh, what smells so good?
Er, tomato soup.
Finally figured out how to make it
without the lumpy bits.
Aw, shame. I was just getting
used to the lumpy bits.
That's not the top-of-the-range
phone I paid for.
No, this is retro.
It's a thing. Everyone has one.
I'm going to go run a bath. I'm so tired.
Too tired to talk?
Well, it depends.
What are we talking about?
I can do that.
You're one of my favourite subjects,
after Stevie Nicks.
Go on, then. Shoot.
This was a lot easier in my head.
So start at the end.
Don't know. People always say
start at the beginning, don't they?
Just thought I'd mix it up a bit.
Well, if I'm starting at the end
..I'm sorry.
I want to be honest
and I haven't been,
with you or with anyone.
I'm just
I'm done with the lying and
the acting like I'm someone I'm not
and pretending like I'm one
of the rich kids
I already know.
Seen your social media.
When your gran offered to pay,
I knew that school would help you
..but I also knew it might turn you
into one of them.
I'm not like them.
I don't even know what I'm like.
Sometimes I feel like
..I don't know who I am.
Well, that's because
you're still growing.
Yeah, but the right direction
or just like
..a plant that spent too long
in the sun?
Definitely in the right direction.
And, every day, you are
getting braver and stronger
..and more you.
Thank you.
That was really cheesy but
..thank you.
You know, this tastes much better
without those lumpy bits.
-Do we have to do this today?
-Yep. Totally essential.
If anything, you look less cool.
-Wait. Where are you going?
Is you going to PE
a permanent thing? Because
-..I haven't said what I wanted to say.
-Then say it.
OK. Er I spoke to Shane last night.
After you took off.
And I think he's right.
I think you're my soulmate.
Soulmate is a disgusting word.
OK. Then
..I love you.
Shane doesn't know anything.
He thinks I'm named after a cheese.
-Did you hear what I said?
I said I love you.
I think you're having
a momentary lapse of sanity.
No, I'm having a momentary lapse
of honesty.
Well, don't.
You want me to pretend
I didn't say anything?
So much.
-See, I think you're scared.
-Of you?
Of feelings in general.
Congratulations, you have me nailed.
I hope the satisfaction of that
keeps you warm at night,
because I never will.
-Do you have a minute?
I just want to know the chances of getting
my scholarship renewed next term.
It's that bad?
We really shouldn't have this
conversation without your parents.
Well, can you tell me
if I did something wrong?
There isn't any one specific thing.
You're an excellent student, Kitty
What if I spoke to them?
..but you're competing with
so many other excellent students.
Thanks for telling me straight.
Do your calves.
Are you OK?
Are you OK?
Had better days.
Well, we have a job to do.
Yeah. Well, I'm ready when you are.
Admittedly, these have cooled since lunch,
however, still amazing.
I'm not hungry.
Not even for pretzels?
-Are you all right?
I keep thinking about what
you told me and I wish it added up.
It does, I swear it does.
-What can I do?
-Maybe answer some questions.
-OK. Yeah, go ahead.
Why did you stay in DGM
after what Christopher did to Ronny?
Coach Creed and Cam
We had to expose that.
And how exactly did you expose that?
Well, it wasn't easy.
I mean, we started
with the phone messages
and then we made them public by
You know, I'm not
I'm not sure. I mean, I
I'm not
I'm not DGM.
I had the cards because
..Christopher wanted to set up DGM
for Ronny's murder,
to take the attention away from him,
so I made the cards and
..and I lied for him.
-That's the truth.
-No, it's not.
I wish it was. Then what happened?
I know that Ronny tricked
Christopher and broke his heart.
I know that you felt bad
so you went to Ronny's house.
No, you need to just stop now.
Things must have gotten
pretty out of hand
because it ended with you pushing
Ronny out of his bedroom window.
Have I got anything wrong so far?
No, so far you've everything exactly right.
-I'm not a bad person.
-You're a murderer.
That's the definition of a bad person.
-I love you.
-Don't say that now.
-But it's true!
-It's irrelevant.
No, not if you understand.
I mean
So help me. Help me understand
so that I can love you back.
It was an accident!
I didn't mean to kill Ronny.
I wanted him to realise what he'd done
and when I pushed him, I was just angry.
I get that.
But Mika? Mika is harder to forgive.
Yeah, well, Mika was an accident too!
I wanted to find out what she knew
and when she wouldn't tell me,
I got scared and
..things just spiralled out of control.
I didn't mean it but I just
I couldn't
..I couldn't stop it.
Are we OK now?
But I've told you everything I know.
I did what you wanted.
You have to forgive me now.
You have to.
I don't.
What's going on?
You look like you've had a lobotomy.
There is no sign of Olivia
and we're on in less than a minute.
Right, I guess I'd better
A prince's court is like
a common fountain
..whence should flow
pure silver drops in general
..but if by chance some cursed
example poison near the head
..deaths and diseases
through the whole land spread.
..and diseases
..through the
-Oh, what smells so good?
-Er, tomato soup.
That's not the top-of-the-range
phone I paid for.
I didn't reply for a reason.
Learn to take a hint.
I don't want to sound overdramatic
but this is actual life and death.
We need you.
-Do you have a minute?
I just want to know the chances of getting
my scholarship renewed next term.
We really shouldn't have this
conversation without your parents.
Well, can you tell me
if I did something wrong?
There isn't any one specific thing.
Thanks for telling me straight.
Well, we have a job to do.
Yeah. Well, I'm ready when you are.
Argh! You two! Off the field.
Care to explain what you're doing
out of class?
-We fell.
-We're on our way to the nurse.
You, I believe, but this one
has a history of skipping PE.
Can you prove that Coach Evans
gave you permission?
Believe us now?
Exactly like we planned.
He won't actually hurt you, though.
I'm not taking any chances.
See you on the other side.
It was an accident!
I didn't mean to kill Ronny.
I wanted him to realise what he'd done
and when I pushed him, I was just angry.
Mika was an accident too!
I've told you everything I know.
I did what you wanted.
You have to forgive me now.
I don't.
Come here.
He didn't even try to save me.
You did good.
Careful, careful.
Please tell me you got that.
Every word.
Though some of the court
hold it presumption instruct princes
what they ought to do is a noble duty to do so.
I'm not DGM.
I didn't mean to kill Ronny.
I wanted him to realise what he'd done
and when I pushed him
..I was just angry.
Mika was an accident too!
I didn't mean to kill Ronny.
Mika was an accident too!
You look smart ♪
But I don't care ♪
I'm not looking for no love affair ♪
I'd sell you my soul
just to get me somewhere ♪
He got away.
One's for sorrow ♪
Two's for joy ♪
Three's for a girl
and four's for a boy ♪
Five's for silver, six for gold ♪
Seven's for a secret never told ♪
Devil, devil, I defy thee ♪
Devil, devil, I defy thee. ♪
-Margot. You're in danger.
If you're connected to DGM,
you need to hear this.
There's this society my family are part of
and they're after DGM.
You thought I'd meet you
for any other reason?
You just tell me one thing.
Did you ever love me?
I guess you'll never know.
So, Logan, hard way or easy way?
Thanks for the tip.
I know it's too festive,
considering, but we did it, right?
And another bonus - I'm not dead!
Good point!
What was that one for?
Classes tomorrow have been cancelled,
so job well done, guys.
Successful co-working,
and DGM says a secret.
We still doing that, then?
The whole co-workers thing.
I'm alive because of you guys.
As far as I'm concerned,
you're all way more than co-workers.
Even me?
-Even after?
-That was a lifetime ago.
You were there for me today.
You, er, want to weigh in here, Kitty?
You still part of the DGM band?
Er, it depends whether I'm going to
be back at Bannerman next term.
-My scholarship isn't being renewed.
-Wait What?
But you worked so hard,
that is totally unfair.
And unjust.
Hey, I know this group of girls
who try and do something
about unfair and unjust things
at Bannerman.
Our next mission decided?
What, get Kitty's scholarship back?
You in?
I'm Kitty Wei and I don't get mad.
I am Margot Rivers and I don't get mad.
I am Bree Deringer and I don't get mad.
I'm Olivia Hayes and I don't get mad.
We are DGM and we don't get mad.
We get even!
I ask a shaman, ask a priest ♪
I'm learning, I'm learning ♪
I'm learning that I know the least ♪
Alpha female. ♪
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