Heathers (2018) s01e10 Episode Script

Are We Going to Prom or Hell?

People want my power And they want my station Stormed my winter palace But they couldn't take it Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Trying to pull a full-on, your gas won't go Running, checking out your ass, oh [PHOTO SNAP ECHOES.]
Mom? All grown up and going to prom.
But your, uh [CHUCKLES.]
Little incident? [CHUCKLES SOFTLY.]
You know I did that for you, right? You know that, right? I gave you a gift that day.
Today's the day that you unwrap it.
People want my power And they want my station Stormed my winter palace But they couldn't take it All the way to Paris Run my reputation Try to pull my status But they couldn't fake it Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey [INTENSE POP MUSIC.]
Comin' for you Oh! Comin' for you Bang, bang Oh! [WOMAN VOCALIZING.]
"Dear, diary, "Yesterday's lunchtime poll asked, 'Who at Westerburg will you remember most?'" [CAMERA SHUTTER SNAPPING.]
"I wanna believe the answer is none of these people, "but we all know that's not true.
"Even if I never see any of them again, "they'll all be burned into my brain forever.
"Why is high school - "such a big deal? - [METAL-DETECTOR CHIMES.]
"It's just four years.
"Why is it different than any other four years? "Ms.
Fleming says it's because: 'High school is when we decide who we are.
'" "Are we the jock?" "The nerd?" "The queen?" "Whatever our choice, we better make it quick, "'cause soon it'll be too late.
"The ink is slowly drying.
- "The camera will flash.
"The photo will be taken.
" "And then that's it.
" "That's our last chance, because "no matter what we do in the future, "we will be frozen in these poses forever.
Uh, that skirt length is wrong.
I measured at home.
Oh, no, honey, I meant for your body type.
Enjoy your night, Driffany.
Most of us are still standing! Let's go! Let's get some mix! [PHOTRONIQUE'S "SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE" PLAYING.]
Everyone's saying when they crown Heather Chandler prom queen, she's going to come out to "Amazing Grace.
" - [SIGHS.]
- I love her! She had my favorite attempted suicide this year.
Little star hit the gas race car Crowd jumping up and down space bar Now it's time to take the lead, pace car Now we moving top speed eight bar Whole club moving like a tectonic plate Just do it.
What's the worst that could happen? She could say no.
Well, she'd be missing out on a really great guy.
Okay, I'm gonna go for it.
MVP dancing on the floor like an earthquake - Hey! Hey.
- Hi! I saw your dancing.
It's really cool.
Um so, I was wondering, do you wanna dance with me? Oh, Dylen, you're sweet and all, but I kind of have a thing going with these three guys.
Earthquake make it shake, shake, shake, shake Earthquake make it shake, shake, shake, shake It's my thighs, isn't it? Screw it.
I knew you'd make it, my dear.
What are you doing? What am I doing? I'm about to save Westerburg.
When that little timer goes off, it sends a spark, setting off the fireworks in the cafeteria ceiling.
And when those hit my special balloons Boom.
Good night, Westerburg.
So, this is your big plan? You're an asshole, JD.
Babe! You know that old moral conundrum? If you could go back in time and kill teenage Hitler, would you? Hitler? JD, what are you talking about? Nobody up there deserves to die.
They're all goddamn kids! Now they are, but soon they'll be doctors and lawyers and captains of industry.
And the virus their parents infected them with in the form of good schools and shiny new BMWs will spread and spread and keep spreading, until it smothers the remaining good left in this world.
And so, a mass suicide will finally be the thing that wakes people up from their chain store, mega church, Wi-Fi TV-induced slumber.
How is blowing up a bunch of teenagers supposed to change anything, you psycho? God, babe Don't you get it, Veronica? Society nods its head at any horror the American teenager can bring upon itself.
Our country acts like we don't want any more tragedies, and yet, shock of shocks, they keep happening.
Why? Because we want them to.
We want the tragedy.
We want the death.
I mean a guy walked into a kindergarten and picked off 20 kids, elementary school students.
And what did the land of the free and the home of the brave do then? Nothing because we're Americans, and violence is just who we are.
We drink it.
No matter how hard we land on our fainting couches, every time it happens, we fucking live for it.
But if killing kids doesn't move the needle, then maybe the kids killing themselves will.
In 15 minutes, the tragedy of Westerburg High is going to bring an end to American violence.
And you really believe that don't you? You and I both know the truth, Veronica.
I hear, in Heaven, you can eat as much as you want.
- I wanna die.
- It's not fair.
All the cool kids are in Heaven, and we're stuck here.
All my friends are in Heaven, and I just wanna join them.
Those kids up there, the students of Westerburg, they're already sentenced to a lifetime of meaninglessness.
They're going to grow old get fat and spend their whole lives comatose on the couch, watching an episode of "House Hunters" on HGTV they've already seen three times.
They're already gone.
But we can give their lives meaning.
We can help them.
No one else.
So, what do you say? Grow up, JD.
Babe, where are you going? I'm turning you in.
You piece of shit.
Westerburg, let's burn this dance floor down! [ALL CHEER.]
Veronica, why are you wearing red to prom? - What? Who cares? - Um, I care.
- I told you to wear silver.
- Not now, Heather.
You know, Heather Duke would never wear my color to prom.
What did you say about Heather? I said she would have been smart enough to stay in her lane.
God, why do the good ones always have to die, and the boring, worthless ones are left alive? God, why are you such a mega-bitch? Because I have to be.
Because you have to be? Heather, there are more important things right now than your teenage bullshit.
You saw what happened when I was gone.
Westerburg fell apart.
These people need me, Veronica.
They all wanna fuck with the eagles, and guess what? I teach them how to fly.
Let go of me, Heather! You know the best part, Veronica? Unlike you, they'll never forget me.
I don't care if Dylen Lutz becomes President, or if Driffany Tompkins cures cancer.
No matter where they go, no matter what they do, no matter how high they fly, there will always be a small part of them that worships at the altar of Heather Chandler.
You think too highly of yourself, Heather.
I seem to recall that I got so in your head that you tried to kill me.
Doesn't get more influential than that, does it, Veronica? I made you so angry that you wanted me dead.
I revel in that every day.
And Heather M.
, she spent her entire life longing for my approval.
And in the end, when she couldn't cut it, what was her final swan song? She copied me.
And you two were the most popular kids in school.
Just imagine what these green text messages are capable of.
I'm already inside everyone at Westerburg.
- Like a virus.
- Mm.
Call it what you want, but you and I both know that every moment of every day, every important decision, every relationship, every moral choice they ever make, I will be there, permanently in their heads, guiding them towards the truth that is the Heather Chandler way.
And then their kids and their kids and on and on and on and on, because that is what power is, Veronica.
Even after you and I are both long gone, I will live on forever, pulling the trigger on every decision in their sad, lonely, pathetic lives.
Still beautiful, Heather.
Well, at least I'm not nothing, like you.
"Dear, cruel world " The slut table is over there.
"Everyone thinks I have it so great.
" I still think Heather Chandler's suicide was better.
Heather M.
's felt forced.
"I'm worthless.
" Heather Chandler killing herself is the best thing that's ever happened to us.
"Because I'm nothing.
" She's obsessed with us.
Of course she is, Heather.
We're the only thing that makes her interesting.
Find me in ten minutes and then tell me if I'm nothing, bitch.
You're a murderer and a sociopath, and you see the absolute worst in humanity.
And you know what? You're right.
The whole world is going to remember Westerburg High School.
We're gonna be the first people to finally do some goddamn good in this town.
We still have 11 minutes.
Time for one last high school ritual.
A dance, Ms.
All right, y'all, this next one goes out to all the good kids at Westerburg we lost this year, so let's get up on the dance floor and show them how much we miss them.
Children, behave That's what they say when we're together And watch how you play They don't understand And so we're running just as fast as we can Holding onto one another's hand Trying to get away into the night And then you put your arms around me And we tumble to the ground and then we say I think we're alone now There doesn't seem to be anyone around I think we're alone now The beating of our hearts is the only sound So, like, Heather McNamara, gone.
- Kurt, Ram, gone.
- Right.
Uh, Heather Duke now, right? Did Heather Chandler die? No, that was she didn't she's good, yeah.
- Dude! - Holy shit.
Balance is the name balance is the name Balance is the name balance is the name I'm a beast hog on the beats War in the streets gnaw at your teeth I'ma yawn at your beef you not a problem West coast best I'm evolving Was that Betty Finn? Was that necessary? Fly, fly every time his car ride by, by Girls on the shock so fly, fly Oh my God.
Fly, fly every time his car ride by, by Girls on the shock so fly, fly I can hear his whip pass by, by - Oh, my God.
- Oh, wow.
Betty, you look hot.
- Oh, that hair! - I need those boots.
- Where's JD? - JD? I have spent every moment of military school thinking about what I'm gonna do to that sick freak.
But, Betty, with this new look, you can do way better than him.
Betty Finn? Oh, my God, you look amazing.
Oh, this? I mean [GIGGLES.]
it's not too much? Too much? [SCOFFS.]
This is the first time I've ever looked at you and not been jealous of a blind person.
Thank you.
You really like it? Buck up, Betty.
With this new militia moment you're rocking, everyone at Westerburg is either gonna want you for a friend or a fuck.
- Come on.
Ready to do some good? I'm ready.
Did you hear? Some loser freak just attacked Jefferson High's prom, and they're saying it's the biggest school shooting ever.
What do you mean "shit"? Did you hear? What are you doing, JD? What am I doing? We have to stop the plan.
- What? - Don't you get it, Veronica? If we do it now, we'll be like Farrah Fawcett dying on the same day as Michael Jackson.
No one will care! Some B-list little punk just ruined the one shot the world had at true redemption.
- Listen to me, JD, I thought that this was about us.
I thought that this was about doing some good! Veronica, focus, because we don't have a lot of time.
You're just like them, aren't you? - [MUTTERS.]
Oh, Veronica - [SOFT LAUGH.]
You're not a rebel, JD, and you're not a hero.
You know what you are? You're a Heather.
All you care about is how people see you.
All you care about is optics, just like them.
No, I take that back.
You're worse than a Heather, JD, because at least the Heathers would admit it.
Great idea to put guns in schools, teachers.
Really saved me the hassle of having to go through the metal detector.
You know, I really thought you could handle me, Veronica, but you are just another high school girl.
You know, I have a speech prepared for guys like you, but you don't even deserve my goddamn speech.
What do I deserve, babe? To rot in hell.
Fuck it.
- Ahh! [GASPS, PANTS.]
Not even a warning shot? Our whole relationship was a warning shot.
Restart the timer.
No, think about this, Veronica, okay? So, the timer goes off, the balloons rain hell down from the cafeteria ceiling, and then what? That's that's how it ends now? Sure, we offed the whole school.
We offed Heather Chandler, but what good did it do, okay? There are Heathers everywhere, in every town, every school, every country in the world.
You think you talked me into this, so now you can talk me out of it? [CHUCKLES.]
You know what, JD? I'm tired of being talked out.
My entire life, I've always had someone talking at me, telling me what I'm supposed to think and feel and do.
My parents, little dead Lucy, Heather Chandler.
And now you.
What gives you the right to decide the conversation? Westerburg is going down with or without you.
And now it'll be my choice.
I was gonna return this dress, JD.
I'm I'm sorry, Veronica.
I didn't want it to be this way, okay? You were my equal, but in in order for me to have the impact I needed, in order for society to feel - [GUNSHOT.]
Blah, blah, blah.
Blah, blah, blah, corporations.
Will you shut the hell up for once? - [GROANS.]
- We had it all, JD.
We had it all.
And you threw it all away to be a statistic in "Full of Shit Effing Magazine.
" Babe that really hurt.
Is this the prom night you imagined? [LAUGHS.]
I mean No.
But yeah.
We had, um We had fun while it lasted.
One last kiss? [GRUNTING.]
Our love is God.
Our love was God.
I hear, in Heaven, you can eat as much as you want.
I wanna die.
I guess [GASPS.]
that Veronica Sawyer is no longer nothing.
- Hey, where are the teachers? - Didn't you hear? Heather Chandler did a mid-prom costume change, and Ms.
Fleming told her to leave because her shirt was too short.
You need to get out of here.
Save yourself.
- Oh, okay.
It's just too short.
- No, I mean, I definitely get - what's happening here.
- Too short? [LAUGHS.]
Principal Gowan? This skirt is from Japan.
See, Pauline? They're just a smaller people.
- So, that right there - Yeah.
- Is clothing? - Well, it's - Excuse me excuse me! - Oh, not now, Dylen.
Heather, I'm trying to protect you.
I don't think Heather needs protection.
- She's terrifying.
- Thank you.
- We have a problem! - Dylen, not now.
- Please, this is important.
- Excuse me.
The rule is two inches from the center of the knee.
Obviously you don't teach math.
- Excuse me excuse me - Okay! Now I'm feeling very violated, in addition to being slut-shamed! Coach, please do not violate the students.
The ruler was doing the violating.
Everyone shut up! I just saw Veronica Sawyer go into the boiler room.
I followed her down there, and she and that weird guy, JD, shot each other with guns! They said they were gonna blow up the school! It's rigged! It's rigged, all of it! The balloons! There's a timer! We gotta get everybody out of the cafeteria right now, or we're all gonna be dead as fuck! Language like that is unacceptable, young man.
Dylen, we're dealing with a serious issue and do not need to be interrupted by your coke rants.
We have to find out where these kids are getting the drugs.
Oh, clearly from Japan.
Please, do something.
You guys are the adults.
- Dylen, go back into prom.
- I no, come on, please These kids are out of control.
Heather, your skirt is too short.
You have to leave prom.
Screw you.
Screw who? Who did she say "screw you" to? I think she's on drugs too.
Heather! Westerburg High, are you ready to find out who your prom queen is? - [HORN BLARING.]
We'll find out on my count! Heather, what kind of drugs are you on? Westerburg will pay for this.
I'm supposed to be crowned prom queen, and I'm not even allowed to go back inside? Ten Well, let me tell you something, teachers: - Go back to your Sunday school.
- Eight seven Go back to your community college.
- Go back to your condo.
- Five ALL: Four Because when my wrath comes down on you ALL: Three You will feel it - like the force of 1,000 suns.
- One [BEEPS.]
They will rain down, and I [EXPLOSION, RUBBLE PATTERING.]
All right, ready? I'm here in front of Westerburg High School in Sherwood, Ohio where we have [INDISTINCT CHATTER.]
I just wish there had been a sign, a warning.
Anything so we could've stopped this.
Well, I did my part.
I wrote a musical.
I don't know about the rest of you.
- Excuse me, I held an assembly.
- Well, don't look at me.
I said we should have a bake sale, and you all shot me down.
Let's not beat ourselves up.
There's no sense in being Monday morning quarterbacks.
It's not our fault.
Sometimes, there are just crazy lone wolves in the world.
And sometimes, there's not just one lone wolf.
Sometimes, there are whole groups of lone wolves that decide to commit mass suicide.
We tried everything we possibly could.
Are we sure? Uh, something's just not adding up.
How so? I I I don't know, m maybe we should've listened to the kids? When? Well, just now with Dylen, the one screaming about about the balloons or something? What was he saying again? Oh, you mean that drug addict? Oh, I tuned him right out.
Hold on.
Maybe coach is onto something.
Could he have been trying to warn us? Actually do you think that maybe we could've paid more attention to all of these kids? Well, I guess we'll never know now.
I'm fine.
Channel 17 News.
Can I interview you about the Westerburg High tragedy? You seem to be the only survivor.
Of course.
which is why I'm calling my new campaign "I Am Mass Suicide.
" Now, tell us, survivor, we're getting reports that the mastermind behind the mass suicide was a student named Veronica Sawyer.
Well, I really think we should be focusing on the victims.
- Thank you.
- Veronica Sawyer Shouldn't we get her name? No, we'll just call her a friend of Veronica Sawyer.
Friend of Veronica Sawyer.
- Friend of Veronica Sawyer.
This girl is nothing.
I remember, when I was a little girl, our house caught on fire.
I'll never forget the look on my father's face, as he gathered me up in his arms and raced through the burning building out to the pavement.
And I stood there, shivering in my pajamas, and watched the whole world go up in flames.
And when it was all over, I said to myself, "Is that all there is to a fire?" Is that all there is? Is that all there is? If that's all there is, my friends Then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze And have a ball If that's all There is And then, I fell in love with the most wonderful boy in the world.
We'd take long walks down by the river, or just sit for hours, gazing into each other's eyes.
We were so very much in love.
And then one day, he went away, and I thought I'd die, but I didn't.
And when I didn't, I said to myself, "Is that all there is to love?" Is that all there is? Is that all there is? If that's all there is, my friends Then let's keep dancing - You look great tonight.
- Thank you.
Let's break out the booze Seth, remember when you left the stove on and all your brothers and sisters died? They're here, and they're hot now.
- Oh! Cool! - Yeah.
If that's all Do you wanna dance? - I thought you'd never ask.
And when I was 12 years old, my daddy took me to the circus, the greatest show on earth.
There were clowns and elephants - and dancing bears - May I cut in? And a beautiful lady in pink tights flew high above our heads.
God, Heather.
Why were we so mean to each other down there? I don't know, Heather.
Maybe because being mean was easier than being afraid.
Have you seen Veronica? Is that all there is to the circus? Let's dance.
Is that all there is? If that's all there is, my friends Then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze And have a ball If that's all There is [DISTANT LAUGHTER.]
- Betty.
- And then I fell in love with the most wonderful boy in the world.
We'd take long walks down by the river.
Or just sit for hours gazing into each other's eyes.
We were so very much in [BROODING MUSIC.]
You guys, it's it's me.
Veronica? [VOICE ECHOES.]
Veronica? JD? Veronica? [HIGH-PITCHED RINGING.]
No-no, no-no, no.
No! No, no, no, no, please! Please let me in! [SOBBING.]
Please let me in! I get it! Heather! Heather, please! Heather Please, Heather! Please! Please! Heather! Heather! [WHIMPERING.]
I know what you must be saying to yourselves.
If that's the way she feels about it, why doesn't she just end it all? - Oh, no, not me.
- [SOBS.]
I'm not ready for that final disappointment, 'cause I know just as well as I'm standing here talking to you, that when that final moment comes and I'm breathing my last breath, I'll be saying to myself Is that all there is? Is that all there is? If that's all there is, my friends Then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze [LIGHTS CLANKING.]
If that's all There is [BALL CLACKS.]
Comin' for you Oh! Comin' for you Bang, bang Oh! [WOMAN VOCALIZING.]

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