InSecurity (2011) s01e10 Episode Script

The Ghost

- Good morning.
- ID, please.
Come on, you know me.
I come through here every day.
There's 300 employees in this building, sir.
I don't know anybody until I see their ID.
Um, could you just flip over the badge over for me, please? I'm not allowed to touch you, sir, unless it's with my stun gun.
Ah! Petit avorton! < Little Runt! > I speak French.
Bapteme! Claude, we got a tip.
The Ghost has been spotted.
- The Ghost? In Ottawa? - Ready to catch your old partner? Number 3 on NISA's Most Wanted, right here in our own backyard.
But why would he show up now? Can't be him.
Just because you didn't catch him doesn't mean we can't.
He's a master of escape.
Yes, but I'm a master of capture.
I am a master of let's go get him.
Guys, come on.
I can catch The Ghost.
Tear gas canisters.
Tranquilizer darts.
Rubber bullets.
- Net gun.
- I call net gun.
You don't know what a net gun is.
I'm team leader.
I get the net gun.
- You take the water bottle.
- Seems like a lotta gear for one guy.
Not with The Ghost.
You can't take any chances.
Only person to escape from Tadmore Prison in Syria and Alcatraz.
He was part of a tour, but still.
This is the last picture we have.
So that's Joshua Crane.
Yep, this is The Ghost.
He is facially gifted.
He's handsome.
People say we look alike.
I wouldn't mind being locked in a Turkish prison with that guy.
Me neither.
Let's move.
Hah! NISA agents! Freeze! Joshua Crane.
Where's Joshua Crane? Claude? I said where's Joshua Joshua? My old friend.
We meet again.
Yeah, he's all yours.
InSecurity SO1E10 The Ghost Well now the sun ain't shinin' no more I don't know why but I've seen it before Ain't got no joy No man to lean on He leaves my soul on the floor like a doll Yeah, yeah, yeah! Ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo FBI, CIA, MI6 Everyone wants to question The Ghost.
I hope there's enough of this guy to go around.
Oh, there's enough.
Trust me.
Anybody die taking him down? The SUV burst a tire when he got in.
Have you seen this guy? No one's laid eyes on Crane since he betrayed NISA eight years ago.
Cruller? Coffee? I have one of those, they go straight to my man boobs.
- Alex? Want one? - Yes.
Thank you.
And congrats, Claude.
This guy was making NISA look bad.
He got away from you, what, eight times? - Twice.
Mm, yeah, pretty bad.
Well, Claude got him this time.
Want first crack at your old partner? Second time wasn't my fault.
Threw a baby at me.
Won't be long before I bust outta here.
These are yummy, by the way.
Hey, look.
We're twins.
Huh? Oh.
Okay, okay.
Come on.
The shot I took of him won't fit on the screen.
Can you send me a copy of that? Aw, come on.
You still think this guy's hot? Oh, there's something about him.
His brains, his skill.
I get it.
He denies himself nothing while I choke down this fat-free probiotic strawberry yogurt.
Who is truly alive here? Who? I don't want us to be enemies.
What do you say we go to the cafeteria and get ourselves a hot dog, like old times? I don't think so.
- You could use the walk.
- I could? Look at you, Joshua, all of you, so much of you.
- What happened? - I lived.
My folds are like the rings of a tree.
This is my winter in Monte Carlo.
This is a year in Aruba.
I'm a citizen of the world, Claude.
But I'm also very hungry.
So am I.
Come on.
- After you.
- Merci.
Hey! You couldn't catch me then and you won't catch me now! Oh! Oh, ah, ow! Ow, my ankle! Come on.
Let's help you up, here.
Come on.
You're okay, huh? Thanks, old partner.
Oh! Ha.
Oh! Ow! Ah, oo-ow.
Stop this, Joshua.
This-this is embarrassing.
Ow, my other ankle.
Ow! Well, well, well.
Who do we have here? Alex Cranston, Unit Chief.
Unit Chief.
And a formidable one at that, I'm sure.
Who could resist such a deadly combination of brains and beauty? Um, better save your energy for the questions.
Thanks for the advice.
Don't leave me alone with her, Claude.
Everyone knows I'm powerless in the hands of a beautiful woman.
The warehouse you were in, we've connected it to an ex-leader of the Somali Tigers.
Tell ya what.
Why don't you give me a pen and I'll write down all of their names for a kiss.
- Okay, okay.
- Just give me the pen.
Ow! What? Nobody stops The Ghost, my dear.
Aaa-aaah! Take that, you Aaa-aaaah! So long, sucker.
I'm just saying, physically it could be very dangerous for you.
Oh, I can make it work.
So long, NISA fools! When will you learn? You'll never cage The Ghost! - Watch it! - Oh, oh, oh! Ow! Ow! Come on, Joshua.
Let's go.
One, two, three.
I want immunity.
Let me speak to the director.
What? I can't do this anymore.
You were right.
It's over.
, I'll give you all the names you want.
The Somalis: Ayed Anjara, Sabad Ambola, Nadif Sukhar.
Are you getting these? JoJo! I'll give you all the names for a deal.
And taffy.
What? They confiscated my taffy when they brought me in here.
And I use it as a- an appetite suppressant.
We'll see what we can do.
And I want a big boat.
We're not getting you a boat.
Okay, then, a cruise, with a buffet and a good live show.
We're a government agency.
And a blonde who doesn't get seasick.
Or buffet sick.
We'll start with the taffy.
A deal's not gonna be easy to get.
The Ghost has made a lot of enemies.
Anything on these Somalis? The names aren't appearing on our database, but they're probably pretty high up.
Cross-reference with the Foreign Affairs database.
I don't have clearance for that.
Use yours.
I don't have clearance for that either, actually.
So you guys don't know about the pool on Level 6? What pool? Pretend I didn't say anything.
It's more of a spa, anyway.
- Sure.
- Can we? Peter McNeil.
FEMALE VOICE: Welcome, Peter McNeil.
Bio scan required.
See? Pretty cool.
They also have these amazing smoothies.
My sciatica.
That's-that's what's slowing me down.
Sciatica? Right.
Don't make the same mistake Claude did.
There's a life outside these NISA walls.
I've skinny dipped with Hugo Chavez.
I've eaten a McSquid off the back of a Shanghai prostitute.
Where is this going? I'll cut you in on my deal.
I like it here.
But I'd like to hear a little bit more about this McSquid.
Ghost, you want to talk deal? Now's your chance.
Anything you say, gorgeous.
- Joshua.
- Yes.
And who do we have here? - Peter McNeil.
- A pleasure, sir.
But I said I wanted to speak to the Director.
I am the Director.
You want a deal, you talk to me.
Funny, I'm usually up on who's who, but I've never heard of you.
Paul Whatey-What? Peter.
Peter McNeil.
Number 3 in Espionage magazine's top 40 Spies under 40.
Wasn't that like five years ago? It still happened.
If you're the guy, you're the guy.
Put 'er there, partner.
- Eeeuw.
- Oh, sorry.
I can't find a thing on any of these Somali guys: Ayed Anjara, Sabad Ambola - Something's not right, here.
- I know.
How can a man of his intelligence and physical magnetism still be single? No.
I mean the names.
Try translating them to English.
Ayed Anjara is a large, spongy cake.
Sabad Ambola's red beans with rice.
- Oh my God, they're appetizers.
- That's why I'm hungry.
I can't believe I let my animal lust get in the way of rational thinking.
- It happens to the best of us.
- I'm an emotional wreck.
- Take your time.
- Why would he jerk us around if he's cutting a deal? Maybe he doesn't want a deal.
Look, I'm coming clean now.
That's what you wanted.
But no more until you keep up your end of the bargain.
We'll arrange the paperwork.
I need to rest now.
Do you have any more of those, uh, pillows? Where do we keep the pillows? - The Ghost is playing us.
- What? - Where is he now? - Detention.
He's fine.
I brought him a couple pillows.
He's in a lot of pain.
You brought him pillows, too? He's trying to escape again.
Burt's down there.
I'll call him.
Where's my phone? We're out of pillows.
I gave the last two to The Ghost.
Damn it! I think you mean "Thank you.
" Aw, pillows! Ah, I should have known.
He used to use this trick to get out of staff meetings.
I'm locking down the building.
Code Red.
And where's my phone? Okay.
Like taking candy from a baby.
This is like the 10th time you've let this guy get away.
- Second.
Well, third.
Fourth if you include Alex this morning.
So this will be the fifth.
Is that a vanilla-peach smoothie? No.
I'd let you try it, but it's an unwritten rule on Level 6.
Attention, Security.
Be on the lookout for The Ghost, who's still at large in the building.
Also, he is large, likely sweaty, shouldn't be hard to miss.
Though I guess in fairness, we have a few times.
I mean he sucks you in and then you think, how could this guy get away? I get the picture.
Did he just mute me? Nobody mutes me.
Damn it, where is my phone? Peter McNeil.
FEMALE VOICE: Welcome, Peter McNeil.
Bio scan required.
Coming right up, sweetheart.
Thanks for the fingerprint, Petey.
Someone just started downloading a huge amount - of data fromServer Room 14.
- Who? It says it's Peter.
It can't be me.
I never touch computers.
Staring at screens all day gives me crow's feet.
It's The Ghost.
JoJo, give me your phone.
You have a picture of The Ghost as your wallpaper.
Know your enemy? Burt, N'udu, The Ghost is in server room 14.
Meet us there.
- Let's go.
- Yeah.
Oof! Freeze! Back up.
Back up.
Back it up.
- What was that? - What was what? You just swallowed something.
Did I? - Eeeurraaah! - Oo-oh! I apologize for being too close too soon.
A woman like you deserves to be romanced a little.
I feel like I'm trapped in a feather bed.
I'm a Sagittarius.
What are you? Freeze! Time's up, big guy! Net gun.
If I had known swallowing sensitive information would get me shirtless in front of a beautiful woman, I would have done it a lot sooner.
Someone else is gonna have to do this.
I can't be trusted.
He downloaded over 25 gigs of information from our server.
He had access to everything.
What's that? The Ghost tried to smush me with his paunch.
You're really lucky you got out alive.
They say in a fat fold, no one can hear you scream.
- I think I found something.
- Is that a digital camera? I stole plans from the Israeli Consulate last week.
How did you even swallow it? I have a very supple throat.
And I used butter, lots of butter.
Next to that is a USB memory stick.
I'll take care of this.
We'll gut him like a fish.
Da-da-ta-ta! No cutting! Geneva Convention.
It's against human rights.
, We'll load him with laxatives and saltwater.
He can't keep it in forever.
Sounds painful.
I like it.
Don't be so confident.
I've never been regular.
Well, I guess you and I have something in common, then.
So, to be clear, we're all just waiting for this guy to poop? Yep.
We studied you in the Academy.
I actually tried your Argentinean Double Switch in the field.
It's Peruvian, but the legend grows and changes.
How did you get the snake into the top hat? I used an eel in a sun visor.
- Run away with me.
- I don't think so.
Me with my brains, you with your gazelle-like legs, cruising the Caribbean.
Okay, let's get this over with.
You could be my buffet blonde.
Let's go.
Okay? Quickly.
Nothing can stop me! Oo-oooh! Oh, dear.
You okay? How you doing in there? Ghost, you okay? Son of a How the hell did he even I am totally gonna let N'udu gut you! Ow! Supple, supple throat.
Give up, Ghost.
There's no escape.
You're just making it worse for yourself.
When I catch that smug sack of fat lumps, I'm gonna beat him into a paste! in a red dress.
I'm gonna open the casket and take a big old - Alex? - Guys? What are you doing up there? The Ghost escaped and trapped me in a vent.
- Oh, sacrifice! - How'd he do that? Never mind.
Just cover the exits! If you see a green HackySack up there, it's mine.
Cover the exits! I'm sorry, Mr.
Lesage, we're on lockdown.
Nobody gets in or out.
Look, young minion, I'm after The Ghost.
- He just came through here.
- I didn't see anybody.
Of course you didn't.
He's The Ghost.
He's a master of escape.
You can't catch him; he's like the wind.
Let me call my supervisor.
- No! No time! - I'm really not supposed to If The Ghost gets away, it'll be on your head.
Stop that man! That's The Ghost! Stop him! He's lying.
That's The Ghost! I- I don't know what to do.
Well, it's been fun, mon ami.
But did you really think I'd be caught so easily? I let you catch me, so I could get this.
I plan to start a bidding war, retire in style and pay for my gastric bypass.
So, adios, amigo.
Wait, wait! Wait.
Let me come with you, Joshua.
- What? - You're right.
You know, I've wasted too many years playing by the rules, punching NISA's timecard.
And for what? The security guard doesn't even know who I am.
It's Carl.
Finally I'm gonna do what I should have done 20 years ago.
- Gotcha! - Now! Ooh-aaaah-aah! Ow.
Nothing personal, mon ami.
You okay? Whooo.
I'm good.
Don't shoot.
A cop fired one of those things at me in Prague last year and I still can't find the electrodes.
Thanks for the assist.
No, no, Claude, it was all you.
I just fell out of a vent.
He's not bad.
He's only 228.
The guy's a stick.
What about him? His thighs look mighty.
Nah, he's got weak chins.
The anonymous tip, the warehouse, the Somalis.
The Ghost had it planned from the beginning.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
He had us all fooled.
But you did good work.
Here's your clearance card.
Is there really a pool? - Saltwater.
- Oh, sweet.
So where are they keeping The Ghost now? Maximum Security at Millhaven.
He's not going anywhere.
Did you come here to gloat? Yes.
But I won't stay long.
I got a nice bonus for catching you.
I'm going on a cruise with Helene.
So, while you rot in here, I'm going to live.
You see, mon ami, these are like the rings of a tree.
This is free parking at work.
This is a comfortable pension.
And this is the love of a good woman.
Well, I don't want to keep you from dinner.
I hear it's powdered eggs.
Now you're just being cruel.
So long, Joshua.
Ressync: Rafael UPD
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