Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e10 Episode Script

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.

Mrs. Shea, it's Samantha.
Good morning!
Mrs. Shea?
It's Samantha.
Mrs. Shea, you didn't
forget about all of your
Oh, my God.
Mrs. Shea?
Oh, God!
(alarm bell ringing)
Stay away from me.
Get away!
Oh, God!
(alarm continues)
REPORTER: This was the scene
18 months ago, when Samantha,
working here as a physical
therapist, surprised an intruder
who had murdered wealthy
West Side socialite Eileen Shea.
Samantha escaped with her life,
but she paid a terrible
price for the encounter
Her eyesight.
Samantha, when we
first broadcast your story,
viewer response was enormous.
SAMANTHA: And I want to thank
everyone for their cards and messages.
They really helped me through.
REPORTER: This is Alan
Shea, the man who lost his wife
in this terrible tragedy,
but out of their
mutual misfortune,
Alan and Samantha
found each other.
Less than six months
ago, they were married.
They found an eye
specialist in Europe,
where they'll be
returning in a few days.
Samantha, will you tell us why?
I'm going to have an operation.
It's a new technique.
The doctor thinks that
there's an 80% to 90% chance
that my vision will be restored.
Damn it to hell.
She's got a chance to see again.
Derek, sometimes you
positively amaze me.
We still have Eileen Shea's
murderer, Kyle Rankin,
running around out there.
The only person in the
world who can identify him
is about not to be blind.
If fairy tales do come true,
then with a little help
from modern science,
a happy ending may indeed
be in sight for Samantha.
This is Rita Lee from KKD-TV.
Get me Jake Styles.
(door opens)
Hi. Jake Styles. I'm expected.
Oh, yes. Come in, Mr. Styles.
Thank you very much.
Right this way.
Good. She, she's here?
Yes, she is.
It's Mr. Styles.
Oh, Jake.
How are you?
I'm good. How are you?
Look at you. You look great.
You're not gonna tell me
you spent your
entire time in Europe
in doctors' offices, are you?
You look terrific.
Well, I did manage a day or
two in St. Tropez. Well, good.
And I even tried
skiing in the Alps.
That's pretty gutsy,
don't you think?
It was a total disaster.
I must've fallen
a thousand times.
Alan talked me into it
just to boost my confidence,
and it nearly killed me, Jake.
Don't listen to her.
She was terrific.
Hello, Jake. Good to see you.
Hi, Alan. How are you?
Good to see you, too.
Have you met my dog, Sarge?
No, I haven't.
Now this guy here, is
he a seeing eye dog?
No, he's the biggest
puppy in the world.
Yeah, twice
he's led Samantha
straight into the pool.
(all laugh)
So how's Mr. McCabe?
He's good. He's good.
Uh, matter of fact,
that's why I'm here.
He's, um, he's a little
worried about you.
He saw you on television
and he's afraid that
maybe Rankin did, too.
Well, as soon as I
get my sight back,
he'll be able to
get his conviction.
Well, Rankin knows that, too.
If he saw you on TV, he
might try to come after you.
Well, you got him once, Jake.
Yeah, well, we couldn't hold him
without your
positive identification.
We leave for Europe in 48 hours.
We'll send him a postcard.
Okay, I'll tell you what.
Uh, I'm going to have
some extra patrols
on this place until then.
How about that, okay? Good.
All right.
Thanks for worrying, Jake.
Listen, you have a
real nice trip, okay?
All right, you be safe, hear?
I'll see you when I get back.
Okay. All right, it's a deal.
Alan, take care. Thanks. Okay.
All right, bye-bye.
Is he as handsome as he sounds?
Well, on a scale of one
to ten, myself being a ten,
Jake's about a two.
And Max will have a junior
porterhouse medium rare,
singed around the edges
with a sprig of
parsley right on the top.
Max loves parsley.
Let me get this straight.
You want a junior
porterhouse steak medium rare,
singed around the edges,
a little sprig of
parsley on the top,
served in this restaurant
at this table to that dog?
Don't worry, Max.
Uncle Ollie's gonna
get your dinner for you.
Don't worry about it,
or I'll close Uncle
Ollie down so hard
that all his soufflés will fall.
There you are.
I've been looking for you.
What's all the shouting about?
Who was shouting?!
Oh. Was I shouting?
I was just ordering dinner.
Well, I tried to pay a
visit to Carl Rankin today.
And? He's gone.
The neighbors think he
might have moved back East.
They think?
You believe that?
We can't take any chances.
I've got the boys
in robbery-homicide
checking around.
I think I may run down a
few of his friends myself.
Good. I'm not gonna rest
easy until we know where he is.
Don't sweat it. We'll find him.
Look, I got to get
out of here, all right?
Don't go, Jake.
Let me order you
something in here, huh?
No, that's all right.
Last time I ate here,
I got sick as a dog.
Sick as a dog?
Alan, shall I bring the
gray or the maroon?
I like the gray.
How can you tell them apart?
By the buttons.
Come on, honey, the time.
Why? What's the rush?
I got a game with George.
Aw, Alan, you're not gonna
play tennis tonight, are you?
I'll be back early, I promise.
Look, it's the last
tennis before our trip.
(sighs): You got
a package today.
A package?
It's from New York.
It's from the hotel
that you stayed in.
It's a woman's slip.
They presumed that Mrs. Shea
had left it behind.
Come on, honey.
You're not jealous, are you?
Steve and Paula Decurtis
stayed in my suite overnight.
They're lawyers
on a new project.
It's worse, when you lie, Alan.
No. I know we haven't
been together much lately.
It's my operation.
I've been so
wrapped up in myself.
I know that it's my fault.
Come on.
No, Just let me say it.
I never wanted to
be a burden on you.
Maybe marriage was a mistake.
I was always afraid that
maybe you did it out of pity.
I hate to think that,
Why don't we take
things one day at a time,
Anything before we
leave, Mrs. Shea?
You're out for tonight?
Don't you remember?
You gave us tickets
for the Music Center.
Would you prefer that we stay?
Oh, no, no, no.
Enjoy the show,
Charles. I'll be fine.
Thank you.
(dog whines)
Hey, Sarge.
It's his wife.
He should be on
the tennis courts.
Yes, I'll hold.
Did you try the bar?
Okay, thank you.
(dog barks)
What is it, Sarge?
Want to go out?
Come on, boy.
(barking continues)
Want to go out?
Okay. Come on.
(phone rings)
It's me, heading back
early like I promised.
How was tennis?
I let George win
a couple of games.
Would've lost his
account if I didn't.
Are you okay?
Sarge is acting funny, but I
guess he just wanted to go out.
(wood creaking)
(phone hand set clicking)
Who is that?
An old friend.
Oh, my God!
My God
No, no, no.
No alarm this time.
If I remember, the
bedroom's upstairs.
(clucks tongue)
You missed by a country mile.
I'm still here.
Now, I'm here.

The fun's over.
You've got good ears.
And good eyes.
I have for a couple of months
now, as a matter of fact.
Don't touch it.
(car door closing)
Hey, wait a minute.
You set this up.
I'm in here.
Oh, my God.
What happened?
Sam, are you all right?
Sam, wha what are you doing?
Taking things one day at a time.
(alarm blaring)
How's Samantha?
Is she all right?
Yeah. She's all right. Good.
But this whole thing
could've been avoided, Jake.
It should never have happened.
If somebody wants
to kill somebody else,
all the security in the
world's not going to stop him.
It's a fact of life, you know?
Yeah, but it stinks.
Samantha, Jake's here.
Jake. I'm right here, honey.
Oh, Jake, I was just
telling Mr. McCabe.
It was so awful.
He broke in and then
he started going after me
and then Alan came home
and then the gunshots started.
Everything happened so fast.
I got a pulse.
We've got to get this
guy to emergency.
JAKE: Hustle up, guys.
Get him out of here.
PARAMEDIC: Come on, let's move.
Samantha hey, it's Alan.
He's alive, all right?
Look, don't get your hopes up,
but maybe he's
got a chance, okay?
In here.
Lucky Mrs. Shea wasn't
caught in the crossfire.
What the hell is that?
A glove.
Yes, I know.
But why did he take it off?
It's thick.
Maybe it's easier to
use the gun without it?
Each man took a single bullet?
Mm-hmm, and there
were two more wild shots.
What caliber?
Both from Shea's gun?
Rankin's was a .22.
Yeah, but that would mean
Shea got off three shots
to Rankin's one, wouldn't it?
Well, Rankin heard him coming.
He was ready for him.
Yet Shea got off three shots.
Yeah, I see what you mean.
That .38 slug you
just took out of there.
How did Shea
fire in that direction
and have it end up
over here behind him?
Can I get you
anything else, huh?
I really appreciate this, Jake.
(phone ringing)
Lieutenant Styles?
Yeah. Phone.
Thank you.
Yeah, it's Jake.
Anything yet?
He's he's still in surgery.
Is Samantha there?
Yeah, she's here.
She's doing all right.
Look, I want you to find
out something for me, okay?
Yeah, sure. What's up?
I'll get back to you.
I know this is bad timing,
but, uh, I got to ask you
a couple of questions.
Do you mind?
I guess not.
J.L. is confused
about a couple things.
You told him that
Alan called your name
as soon as he got there, right?
Yeah, that's right.
What happened next?
Okay, when Alan came
in, Rankin shoved me away,
and then that's when
the gunshots started.
Are you sure they both started
firing right away?
Yeah. I mean, I think so.
I Jake, what is it?
Well, it just
it just doesn't seem to
be very logical, you know?
It doesn't make a lot of sense.
Why not?
Why did Rankin wait
till Alan fired three times
before he started to fire back?
Jake, this was all
such a nightmare.
I mean, it happened really fast.
I'm not sure exactly the order.
You know, if Alan
fired right away,
how would one of his bullets
end up in the wall behind him?
Well, maybe Alan Alan
started around the room first
and then Rankin
Rankin went behind me.
Yeah, that must be it.
That's right.
He Rankin went behind me.
Here's the doctor.
Your husband's off the
table, but it's touch and go.
If he makes it through
the next 24 hours,
we've got a chance.
That's good news. That's great.
He's He's being taken to ICU,
so why don't you go home
and get some rest, Mrs. Shea.
We'll call you if there's
any change. Thank you.
Look, why don't I take
you home, all right?
Oh, Jake, I can't face
going back to that house.
Not tonight.
You, uh
You got any friends
you could call?
I don't know.
What time is it?
It's about 1:00.
Is there any chance I could
stay at your place tonight?
Oh, come on, Jake.
Just the couch, anything.
I'm just not quite
ready to be alone yet.
Come on.
Do you, uh
Do you mind sleeping
in a football jersey?
No pajamas?
I don't believe in 'em.
I should've guessed.
The bathroom?
Bathroom. It's right behind you.
I'll wake you if the
hospital calls, okay?
Sleep tight.
Wait, wait, Jake.
I've wondered for a long
time what you look like.
Just as I pictured.
Strong and handsome.
You better get
some sleep, all right?
I'll talk to you in the morning.
Good night.
(door closes)
(Samantha yelling): Oh! No!
Oh, no!
Samantha, are you okay?
Oh, Jake, Jake.
Just hold me.
Just hold me.
Hold me. Okay.
All right.
Hold me. It was just
a nightmare, honey.
You all right? Oh, yeah.
It's gonna be all right. Okay.
Okay. It's just a nightmare.
It's all right.
Everything's gonna
be okay. Shh, shh.
Okay. See,
everything's all right.
Everything's okay.
That's it. That's it.
Ohh It's all right.
Hi, Jake. Hi. Good morning.
Come on in.
Oh. Is this bad timing?
No. She's in the shower.
We'd better talk, Jake.
She needed a friend, all right?
How good a friend?
Just a friend, okay?
Okay. All right.
You had breakfast?
Well, I-I'd like to,
Jake, but I have a bet
with that miserable
secretary of mine
as to who can lose
five pounds first,
and I know, as sure as
I'm sitting on this stool,
that somehow that old bag
is gonna figure a
way to cheat me.
How about some coffee, hmm?
You want some coffee?
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Thank you, thank you.
Jake? Yeah.
I've still got some problems
with Samantha's
version of all this.
Yeah, you know, I asked her
about that.
You know, she
says that she thinks
maybe things
did go a little fast.
I don't know. I, uh
I just think she's
confused, that's all.
Well, that TV reporter
showed up last night.
Yeah, coming back
for the kill. That's great.
She says she didn't instigate
the story, that Samantha
called to tell her
about the operation.
Well, naturally, the reporter
jumped at the follow-up.
She should've
known better than that.
So, what's on your mind?
The household staff was
out last night at a concert,
tickets courtesy
of Samantha Shea.
Why, that house couldn't
have looked more inviting
if Samantha had sent
Rankin a gold-plated invitation.
You saying she set a trap?
Yeah, and maybe not just
for the man who blinded her.
The house man hinted that Shea
may have been
seeing another woman.
Well, it's a motive.
Anyone check for powder burns?
Yes, of course. Both
of them had them.
We should've checked her.
Look, J.L., we're talking
about a blind person here, right?
So we are.
So we are.
J.L.: Okay, see you later, Jake.
(door closes)
Good morning.
Have you spoken
with the hospital yet?
Yeah. Uh about
a half hour ago.
No change.
I should really be there.
Well, look. First of all,
we're gonna have us
a little breakfast, okay?
Oh, I'll do that.
To repay you for last night.
I-I think you'd better let
me do it, all right? Jake,
just because I'm not sighted
does not mean that
I am totally helpless.
Now, set me up.
Okay. The kitchen's
straight ahead.
Coming up on the kitchen.
Now, we're in the kitchen.
Okay. Okay?
Now, stop right there.
Okay, now,
about five steps to your right
is the refrigerator, okay?
Right in front of
you is the sink.
There you go
And the countertop.
Okay? Got it.
All right. Now, to
your left is the stove.
Uh-huh. And about
ten o'clock high
behind the stove
is the omelet pan.
Twelve o'clock low
on the bottom of the
Jake, Jake, Jake, this is
not a bombing mission, okay?
I'm gonna be fine. All right.
Don't worry.
(kettle whistling)
(water running)
Was that Mr. McCabe's voice?
Yeah. He, uh
he really drives me crazy
sometimes, you know.
Was it about last night?
Well, he just gets real hung
up on details, you know?
Listen, I'm gonna
go change, okay?
You gonna be all right?
I'll be fine.
If you fall in the
sink, will you call me?
Jake, I'll be fine.
Okay. (laughing)
Okay. The sink
(plates rattling)
Okay. Stove.
Ow! Samantha.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know that
the flame was on.
Okay. All right.
Here, put it under some water.
Okay. Come on.
Okay, easy.
Oh, I know, I know,
honey (cries out)
I know.
I'm so sorry.
Look, keep it under the water.
Okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna
go get something to put on that.
I'll be right back.
Stay right here.
Okay. Okay.
Uh, Mr. Shea, please?
In there. Room two.
Great. Thank you very much.
Straight ahead.
Okay, right over here.
Be careful.
It's to your left. To your left.
Could you?
Yeah, sure. I'll
be right outside.
You missed a spot right there.
Would you quit
it? I'm undercover.
Any other visitors?
Nope, just the lady.
I think you missed your calling.
You're doing a
hell of a job here.
You should see me do windows.
His hand is so warm.
Look, I've gotta
hit the road, okay?
You gonna be all right?
Okay. I'll check in
with you later, okay?
(children playing)
J.L.: Come on, Max.
Come on, Max.
What the hell do you think
I brought you out here for?
Hi. What are you doing? Oh.
Gertrude said you'd be here.
What's up? Yeah.
I was out at the house and I
talked to Charles and Mary.
Oh, yeah? Yeah.
They worked there.
They didn't paint a
very pretty picture,
let me tell you.
Come on, Max.
All those months she was coming
to take care of
the first Mrs. Shea,
it seems that Samantha was
also taking care of Mr. Shea.
You think she had motive
to set up a double murder.
You know, I decided to test her.
I didn't know what
else to do, right,
so I left the stove burner on.
She burned her hand.
Boy, I felt so stupid.
I mean, I felt so bad.
She didn't sense the heat?
Or hear the gas jets?
You know, unsighted people
compensate with
their other senses.
Samantha didn't.
Her eyesight could've
returned on its own,
like the doctor said it might.
Yeah, and that's when
she started planning this.
Yeah, we have
about four feet now,
and then to the
right, there is a chair.
Thank you.
That's it.
Are you comfortable?
What did you want
to see me about?
May I be direct with you?
You know, people accuse me
of being suspicious
all the time.
It's an outright
lie. Really it is.
But I did happen to be
at Alan's tennis club, and I
I talked to some people.
I'm sorry to be the
one to tell you this, but
Alan was seeing someone.
Well, I had always
suspected that.
Alan didn't have a tennis
match that night like he told you.
He was at her apartment
before leaving for home,
and the interesting thing is
that the lady's certain
that he did not have a gun.
Well, maybe it was in
his car, Mr. McCabe.
Charles said Mr. Shea
always kept his gun
in the top drawer of his desk.
You knew that's where
he kept it, didn't you?
What are you saying?
I'm saying a suspicious
man would have to wonder
if you weren't
waiting with the gun
in that empty house.
If you weren't waiting
for Rankin to come after you.
I can't believe what
you're saying, Mr. McCabe.
I want to go now.
Very good. Here.
I'll help you out.
Now I have to open the door.
Samantha? It's Jake.
I, uh, I rang the front door
there, and nobody answered.
It's Charles' and
Mary's day off.
Oh. Oh, I brought your cane.
Oh, I don't need that.
I know every step around here.
What happened
in McCabe's office?
I don't like him. He's
mean and insulting.
I'm sorry.
Jake, keep him away from me.
Well, McCabe does what
McCabe does, you know?
But he doesn't understand
what I'm going through.
This is all so
frightening for me.
I'm alone here
in this big house.
Oh, Jake, I am
so grateful to you.
I don't know what I would
have done without you, Jake.
(phone rings)
I'll get it.
Hello. Yeah.
She's right here.
I'll tell her. Thank you.
It's the hospital.
There's been a change
in Alan's condition.
Oh Oh, no.
(siren wailing in distance)
Here we go.
Your boss is here.
He smokes a very
offensive-smelling cigar, Jake.
Hello, Samantha.
Well, is he?
No, no, no, no.
As a matter of fact,
your husband's life signs
have somewhat improved.
Yeah. I think he's
turning the corner.
At this point, they
rate his chances
as guardedly optimistic.
He keeps trying
to say your name.
Oh. Oh, that's great.
That's wonderful news.
They said it'll be a couple
of hours before they know more.
Jake? Yeah?
Will you call me a cab?
Sure. Where are you going?
Home. I want to change.
I want to look perfect for Alan.
Thank you.
You're right.
This is the last thing
you're going to need.
White canes are for cripples.
And I was one for a year.
Lady, you're more handicapped
now than you ever were.
I think
I've going to give
this to somebody
who'll get some use out of it.
What are you doing in my house?
Alan's very alert.
He'd like to see you.
I guess I won't be
needing this anymore.

I know every inch of this house.
(Samantha groans)
Get up.
If only Alan had died.
He did.
This afternoon.
No, he didn't.
I saw his life signs.
Not Alan's.
The guy in the next bed.
(siren wailing)
Don't always
believe what you see.
Get her out of here.
You all right, Jake?
Yeah. I'm fine.
Book her.
Murder one. Two counts.
That doesn't look good.
Come on, I'll drive
you to the hospital.
No, no, I'm okay.
It's just a scratch.
Oh, come on.
All right. Okay.
Look, I'd just as soon you
not bleed in my automobile
like you did the last time.
Is that all right with you?
Have you seen your
car? Your car's filthy.
I had it washed last month.
I'll believe that when I see it.
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