Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The Battle of the Second Monastery

[Dr. LaRow] Ugh. Such a waste, Ana.
You were the brightest student
I'd ever seen.
[soft grunt]
Uh, you've got your wires crossed,
scientist lady.
That's Sora.
We named the dragon Sora.
-My birth name was "Ana."
Now I'm embarrassed.
[scoffs] Maybe you don't know your friend
as well as you thought.
Oh, you won't get your elemental spark
through the impenetrable walls
of that cage.
I know you get your energy
off that dragon.
Seems you and I aren't that different,
both using these beasts for power.
No. You drain them. You hurt them.
Riyu shares his power.
His choice.
You use that dragon when you need him,
just as I use mine.
Maybe you learned more
in my lab than you realized.
But not enough to know
how to pick the winning side.
-[Dr. LaRow] That's right.
I'm going to make you two
watch as your friends
-[all grunt]
What's happening, Doctor?
I I don't know.
Another Merge-Quake?
Feels different.
Maybe it's hope.
[rumbling continues]
[all grunt]
[all] Ninja never quits!
Hello, hope. Welcome to the party.
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah! ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[lightning crackles]
[ominous music]
Kai? Nya? Zane?
How'd any of you get here?
If I had any idea, I'd tell you.
Do not ask me.
I was only activated moments ago.
What are you waiting for?
Get them!
[all yell]
[Kai] Uh, didn't you come here
to stop the Photacs?
'Cause now there's a lot more!
Yeah, quick update.
Fight the beasts, help the dragons.
Oh, and the wild kid is on our side.
What wild kid?
[intense music]
Is she doing fire?
Uh, she can't do fire.
Fire's my thing!
[Nya yells, groans]
Whoa, these beasts are tough.
[Zane grunts]
[Lloyd] What is that thing?
[Zane] When I interfaced with it,
it self-identified
as the "Monastery of Imperium."
It shares similarities
with our own Monastery of Spinjitzu.
[Nya grunts, pants]
Any tips you're not sharing
on how to bust these things up?
You can't. They're indestructible.
Oh. That's an important detail.
You were going to mention that when?
[Lloyd] We're buying time.
Sora and Arin still have a plan, I think.
[grunts] No. I detest physical brutality.
I surrender!
That was easier than I thought.
You'll never escape the vengeance
of your lifelong nemesis, Ana!
Who even are you?
Ana, this is already far more advanced
than any of the other
science fair projects.
Is this some kind of, uh, hard light?
How did you do this?
Your indestructible hard light technology
is more than deserving of this.
[Mr. Koenig] Ana?
Ana? Ana?
Oh, right, she's been excused
to work in the lab
of the great Dr. LaRow. [chuckles]
Since then, I've devoted myself
to achieving more than you.
I even took your spot
at the Advanced Systems Lab
and everyone says
I'm way better than you'd have been.
Wait, I think I remember you.
Was your hair a different color, maybe?
No! It was always this color!
Not bad fire, but don't worry,
I'll give you some pointers later.
[Kai] What?
There can't be two Elemental Masters
of Fire at the same time.
It's impossible. Also, it's rude.
I can't make sense of it either,
which is pretty much
how everything's been going for me lately.
I have calculated our odds
of winning this battle.
Oh, fun.
I'm guessing they're pretty solid.
Retreat is our only option.
Retreat to where?
We're trapped in the middle of Imperium.
[Zane] The Second Monastery.
Its fortified walls
will keep the Photacs out.
At least temporarily.
No retreat!
No surrender!
The impossible kid's right.
We're in this to fight, so let's fight.
[Lloyd] I still can't raise
Arin and Sora on the comms,
and our only hope is to give them time
for their plan.
Barricading ourselves in the Monastery
could buy us that time.
Fine. Let's do your cowardly plan.
Dragons, attack!
[dragons growling]
Dragons, go!
Oh, no, you don't.
[Nya grunts]
You can't hide from us, Ninja!
Even in there!
[Dr. LaRow] Lord Ras! Lord Ras!
I I come bearing bad news.
Uh, the prisoners we had?
Not exactly imprisoned anymore.
[grunts] Free?
All you had to do was babysit them!
Remember the obstacle course?
The dodges Lloyd taught us?
How could I forget?
We practiced that
for, like, infinity hours.
You won't be able to forget me now, Ana!
Oh, come on!
[Jordana groans]
Seriously, I still don't remember her.
Let's get Riyu.
[grunts, growls]
You'll go no further.
I gave you those beasts for a reason.
Those doors will crumble
under their indestructible force.
I like the way you think, Empress.
If we line up in alternating
Just smash the doors, Rapton!
[loud thudding]
[Lloyd] Sora? Arin?
Their comms are still down.
-Or worse.
I didn't like running away anyway.
Hard agree.
We could fight the Empress all day,
but these dragons
can't get caught in the crossfire.
We need Sora to shut down those Photacs.
Or we get the dragons out of here.
That portal is how Kai and I came here.
If we could activate it again,
we could send all these dragons
somewhere safe.
Would that work?
[Zane] This gate appears
to be linked to our Monastery.
But it is designed for smaller transports.
Based on its power readings,
it could not handle the transfer
of this many dragons.
[loud thudding]
Can we increase the power
of that Portal Gate?
It would need to be
an extraordinarily large increase.
We're right outside the Palace.
I bet there's something in there
that could power the gate up.
I do detect a tremendous energy source.
It is not in the Palace.
It is beneath us.
I have never seen
such a singular reserve of energy.
It's probably a giant battery
that runs this whole kingdom.
[loud thud]
Whatever you're gonna do, do it now.
These things are gonna break through
any minute.
If this weird version
of a monastery is anything
like our home,
then under these four plates
should be an old obstacle
Ah! [grunting]
Don't worry, I'm fine!
And I found a way out!
Come on, Zane!
Give up, and we will spare your lives.
The alternative is,
I will crush the life out of both of you.
Either way, that dragon will belong to me.
Never! [grunts]
[intense music]
[both grunting]
[grunts, yells]
Someone's got anger issues.
Up here, ugly!
[Lord Ras groans]
I can't believe you looked.
Did we win? Did that stop him?
As impressive as that was,
I don't think all his strength
is in his right knee.
[Lloyd] That's gotta be
the power source up there.
What is that?
You are nothing but feeble gnats!
Feeble gnats?
As opposed to
those really strong gnats, I guess?
[laughs] Nice, Arin.
You cannot comprehend
the enormity of my plans!
You are insignificant. [grunts]
[grunts, groans]
Arin, no!
[grunts, groans]
You should have taken the first option.
This place
I feel strange.
This sphere itself
is not the energy source.
But my scans indicate the immense power
is inside of it.
Is that a dragon?
If it is,
it is larger than any dragon
previously recorded.
These machines
are how they are attempting to drain
this dragon's power.
I thought we freed all the dragons.
I had no idea Imperium imprisoned
something like this.
We have to get this dragon free.
If we do, I am uncertain
how we will get it
and the other dragons out of Imperium.
We do not have the power source we need.
We're Ninja, we'll find a way.
This dragon is coming with us.
Let's see if we can unlock this thing.
[Source Dragon] Do not free me.
The dragon appears
to be speaking telepathically.
Yeah. Some of them do that.
You get used to it.
You're imprisoned.
We can help you.
[Source Dragon]
The capture of a Source Dragon
is not a simple process.
In their act of confining me,
the Imperium has threatened
the very fabric of existence.
The realm world has tentatively stabilized
since my capture.
To free me now, at this moment,
could destabilize it once again
and result in total destruction.
But we can't just leave you here.
[Source Dragon] Can you
not comprehend the damage
that would do to your world?
He appears determined not to be free.
Yeah, I'm getting that feeling too.
And without a power source,
we can't get the other dragons
out of Imperium either.
[Source Dragon] As an Elemental Master,
you have contained
and transferred dragon power before.
You've missed a lot.
How do you know that?
[Source Dragon] I am a Source Dragon.
Yeah, sorry, we, uh,
haven't heard of you before.
[Source Dragon] I have
enough power in a single claw
to shatter Imperium into pieces.
But mystically imprisoned,
I can do no such thing.
However, Elemental Master,
I can give you power to act as my conduit.
Like I did with the Matriarch Dragon?
Then I could power up the portal
and free the others.
[Source Dragon]
But taking my power is dangerous.
Your life may change forever.
If it will save those dragons,
that's a risk I'm willing to take.
[Source Dragon] And that is exactly why
you are capable of being a conduit.
Approach the sphere.
[suspenseful music]
[foreboding music]
You didn't really think
you had a chance, did you?
You didn't really pay attention
to where you punched me to, did you?
[epic music]
Hmm? [growls, gasps]
Always great to see you, Ras.
[pants, whimpers]
[soft growl]
-[whimpers, exclaims]
I have questions.
Come on, we got work to do.
[loud thud]
[all growl]
Any time, Lloyd and Zane.
We've faced worse, Nya.
Uh, maybe not.
[Wyldfyre] Could he always do that?
[Kai] Not that I'm aware of.
[epic music]
-[Zane grunts]
-[Kai sighs]
Where are they?
Where are the dragons?
I don't see any dragons.
Huh! You must have the wrong place.
We will crush you!
Claws of Imperium, tear this Ninja apart
[yelps] Whoa!
What the
[gasps] My Photacs!
My beautiful Photacs!
[Riyu shrieks]
[all grunt]
[grunting] Oh, not the face!
-Ugh, my back! [pants]
-[bone cracks]
[Arin] Where are all the dragons?
They went that way,
where we should be going right now!
[grunting, breathes heavily]
No one escapes from Rapton!
At least no one saw that.
No one?
The dragons are gone.
The Ninja have insulted me.
And I am surrounded
by nothing but incompetence!
-[Rapton] Oh, no.
[intimidating music]
[grunts] What? Where am
Back in the Monastery?
Our Monastery?
[groans] How long was I out?
[soft growl]
[Sora] Lloyd! You're awake!
And you're training
on your own?
Uh, yeah.
Uh, look,
I still don't know
if these are my powers or Riyu's,
but I realize now I have
a responsibility to use them.
Not sure where this is going to take me,
but I'm excited to find out.
Where is everyone else?
Probably in the new dragon stables.
New dragon stables?
You sleep for days, a lot changes.
Some of the freed dragons
want to stay here.
Even that fire child,
who may or may not have burned up
Master Wu's old carpet.
Look who decided to rejoin the living.
Welcome back.
We got a lot to catch up on.
Uh, you hovered
and your eyes were all white
and and you had powers
like I've never seen.
Zane told us what happened,
but really, what happened?
I'm still trying to figure it out myself.
I saw things.
And they weren't all good.
But could you hold on a second?
Hey, Arin.
You okay?
I'm fine. [sighs]
Glad to see you're awake.
You don't seem fine.
I knew when all this started,
it was probably temporary.
'Cause the other Ninja were gone.
What was temporary?
Training. Learning.
Me becoming a Ninja. I get it.
If you have all of them,
you don't need me anymore.
Arin, you could be
a better Ninja than any of us.
You taught yourself Spinjitzu.
You have the potential
to be the greatest Ninja
that's ever existed.
This really isn't about training, is it?
I lost my parents in the Merge.
I guess I've been trying to find
a new family ever since.
And you have, Arin.
You, Sora, Riyu and Wyldfyre.
One thing I know about family
is that it's just like being a Ninja,
there's always room to grow.
[soft growl]
All hail the Good Empress.
We are preparing
more dragon hunting squads.
I don't care about dragons.
Those Ninja humiliated me.
They need to be destroyed!
You're losing sight of the big picture.
-With one Source Dragon
[Empress grunts]
I have no time
for more of your failures, Ras.
What do you
The plan will not work without me.
The dragons are gone.
So my holding cells are empty.
I have plenty of room for you, Lord Ras.
It's time to enter this battle myself.
[tense music]
[closing theme music]
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