Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e10 Episode Script

A Escobar se le facilita su incursión en la política

A question, Mr. Escobar.
How do you feel being a Congress member?
What are your plans for Medellin?
Well, at this time we aren't answering
questions to the press.
Are you willing to tell us
what the origin of your wealth is?
Estimates show you're one
of the richest men in the country.
Did you really make your fortune
through land selling and cattle business?
Yes, and I'd like to know if someone
in this country can state otherwise.
- Boss, let's go.
- Answer me.
What's your name?
Niki Polania from El Espectador.
Are you going to answer?
Once I take office as Congressman,
I'll be pleased to answer
all your questions.
All right, we'll wait until then.
Yes, wait for me, Niki.
Wait for me.
May I know where are you going?
I'm Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria,
and I'm here to take office
as member of the Chamber
of Representatives of Colombia.
I'll let you in, but not like that.
- What do you mean?
- Without a tie.
Oh, no, but I don't
- Do you have a tie?
- A tie.
Put it in here, Chili.
Chili, I need
I need to look good.
- Does it look right?
- Yes, sir.
- The hair?
- Excellent.
- Looks good?
- Yes, sir.
Give it to me, thanks.
Thank you very much, my friend.
We invoke the protection of God.
Do you solemnly swear to abide
by the Constitution and the laws
of the Republic of Colombia
and to faithfully perform your duties?
Yes, I swear.
Look at the boss!
Quite elegant, isn't he?
- Good one, boss!
- So nice!
How are things going, Niki?
Don Guillermo, there is not a trace
of a trial in that court.
But that's impossible.
Courts keep files, evidence.
It is in any other country,
Don Guillermo, but in Colombia?
Are you suggesting that if Pablo Escobar
has money to keep a private zoo
he has money to pay an officer
to make papers disappear?
If that's so, we're back
to the beginning, Niki.
No, Don Guillermo.
We know he was on trial in Medellin
and was transferred to Pasto.
A trial without evidence.
Yes, only testimonies.
Yes, testimonies from people
who are afraid to talk.
They fear for their lives, Niki.
No, Don Guillermo.
Having the information and not being able
to publish it is frustrating.
Yes, it's frustrating.
But we're talking about finishing
with the career of a Congressman.
We know Pablo Escobar
is a drug trafficker,
but don't forget, Niki,
that while we don't have evidence,
we can't publish anything
in the newspaper.
So, we'll have to let Pablo Escobar be.
Posing as an honorable Congressman.
We'll meet tomorrow, at the same time
and on the same channel.
Tell the driver to start the car.
Excuse me, miss.
I want to see the clothes for tomorrow,
and bring my bag so I can change.
Excuse me, miss.
I have a message from the boss.
Pardon me? The boss?
- What did she say?
- She sent this.
"I don't like messengers."
- Shall we follow her, boss?
- No.
Let's have something
to eat instead.
May I take the car
No, Marino, please close your mouth
while you're chewing gum. It's disgusting!
What's this?
It got here this morning.
Without a card?
The pink one came with a card.
That was close!
Come on, you can do it!
Pass it, pass the ball, guys!
What a goal!
The phone!
I'll call later, take a message!
No! Honey, come here! It's important!
Honey, tell Luis Carlos
I'll call him back.
Here it goes!
Oh, bad luck!
Honey! Come!
It isn't Luis Carlos, it's the President!
- The President?
- Yes!
I'll be back!
Mr. President, what a surprise!
How are you?
Yes, yes, I'm listening.
Well, first of all, I'm honored,
but I'd like to know
if you discussed it with Luis Carlos.
You know that this means New Liberalism
would be part of the Government.
Well, Mr. President, if you think this
is the way I can serve the country,
my answer is yes. It's an honor.
What was it?
Couldn't you find a less crowded place?
I like this one better, don't you?
- I like it.
- Yeah?
- What would you like to drink?
- A martini.
Bring her the bottle and half a glass
of beer for me, just half.
Do you want me to get drunk?
No, the truth is that I want you
to be at ease, comfortable,
to feel relaxed with me in here.
You look very pretty.
Let's be clear,
so we'll understand each other.
What am I doing here?
- What do you think?
- I asked first.
Regina, you came here tonight
because I want to make a proposal
Watch your words,
or I'll leave you here alone.
Not even the tycoons in this country were
able to get what you want, so watch it.
Do all tycoons in this country
want to get the same from you?
You have to feel quite privileged,
very fortunate. Because all I want
is just an interview.
An interview?
I'm the second most important man
in the world, after the Pope.
You know that,
and half the reporters in this country
want to interview me.
And I chose you to do it.
Are you going to get up and leave?
That's not an intelligent decision.
Don't you think?
I'm such a fool. Yes.
I thought you had other intentions.
Because you're a wrong-minded woman.
What did you think my intention was?
Should I now open a florist's shop
with the 18 thousand flowers you sent me?
Did I send you all those flowers?
I simply wanted us
to get to know each other
before the interview.
It's a way to socialize
and make things easier between
the interviewer and the interviewed.
They do that in journalism, right?
Let me ask you a question.
According to an American magazine,
you are one of the wealthiest
in the world. Is it true?
That's a very good question, Regina.
- Do you like it?
- Yes.
But there are better questions
and better answers.
Look, Regina, I simply want you
to tell the world who I am,
what my history is, where I come from,
what my dreams and expectations
in life are. My fears.
- You get me?
- I'm listening.
Does that mean you're interested
in my proposal?
Or are you not?
I'm not interested. I'm not interested.
Luis Carlos, have you heard
the news about Rodrigo?
Great news!
No, what is it?
Wait, haven't the two of you talked?
We've been busy
and haven't had the chance.
No, but I thought
I thought you two agreed on it
and didn't tell me.
What are you talking about?
Get up. Look, read.
If you thought a congressman had power,
be prepared to see a minister's power.
Rodrigo Lara, new Minister of Justice
God! This is the biggest thing
ever built in history.
Very good, Fabio. Congratulations!
What a fantastic business this is.
- It's coming out good, isn't it?
- Yes!
Guys, say hello to one of the employees.
- The boss, right?
- Holy Mary!
- It's coming out good, right?
- Good, Fabio.
And I challenge
the police force to find us!
They can't see us.
Above us there is a thick green canopy.
Nobody will see us in here.
We'll be able to work with ease.
You do get a feeling of peace
and fun for all.
- Good afternoon, boss.
- Like that.
Thanks, honey.
Tranquility Land, man.
This place will be called
Tranquility Land.
Why are you still reading
that magazine, Regina?
They are just like El Espectador.
All the journalists are attacking me
as if there's no more people in the world.
They have Reagan, the Pope.
Get off my ass!
Listen, Pablo, they are not attacking you.
They are practically saying that
you're rich and give money to the poor.
Oh yeah? Read the cover.
Read what it says!
"The Native Robin Hood"
That's a lack of respect!
I'm no Robin Hood.
Everybody knows that Robin Hood
was a thief who robbed the wealthy
You're completely wrong.
It's a flattery.
What they mean between the lines
is that you are a nouveau riche,
whose wealth comes from who knows where.
Why do they want to know?
That's something very personal,
very intimate. That's my business!
You'll have to talk about it sometime.
What matters is not the question
but your answer.
If I ask you,
Mr. Escobar, where does
your money come from?
What will you say?
My money comes
from my business activities.
No, you have to decorate your answer.
You have to say,
"I'm an industrialist
who generates employment."
"I'm the driving force
of a developing region."
Boss, someone needs you.
Who is it?
Ms. Paty.
Is that Paty calling?
Wait, I'll get it, okay?
Your wife's on the phone!
I almost couldn't find you.
How are you?
My beautiful Paty, I'm so glad you called.
How is everyone at home? How's the boy?
I'm very well. Your mom is fine too,
she is with us most of the time.
Are you too busy?
Yes, yes, love. I'm here
with a group of politicians.
But don't worry, because I'll get back
to Medellin as soon as I can.
And if you want I can pick you
and the boy up and we come to the ranch,
and enjoy the pool. Isn't that great?
Oh yes! Fantastic!
I miss you a lot, dear.
You didn't tell me your new job
would take up so much of your time.
That's politics. It's a very complicated
and difficult world.
These gentlemen will leave soon.
I'll call you tonight.
Wait, I haven't told you why I called!
The politicians are waiting for me
and it's rude to make them wait.
I'll call you later, okay?
Well, the news is
we are having a baby.
What are you saying, Paty?
Is that true? Are you
Are you pregnant with my second child?
Are you going to give me
a little princess, a beautiful princess?
Will you give me a little girl? Say yes!
I want to take this opportunity
to talk about a subject
frequently addressed in private
but seldom in public.
I'm talking about dirty money.
I want to call on the soccer clubs
and their top managers
to absolutely refuse the entry
of this dirty money into their teams.
I can understand it's
particularly difficult
Good luck!
that a sports club in a precarious
financial situation refuse millions.
But I want to remind you that
- Okay, let's go!
- Wait. Let me listen.
they are just another link within
these criminals' money laundering chain.
Jesus! How about this Minister
messing up with soccer teams?
I'm sorry, sir. I can't give you
any names at this moment.
I think that investigating and finding
these names is part of your job.
Don Guillermo?
In here. In here.
But anyway, I think
that's rather clear and evident.
Look, if you want I can give you
those names in private.
I'm sure I don't have to mention them
to let everyone know
who we're talking about.
Are you listening to the radio?
Please turn it on and tune in Caracol.
Darling, will you please turn
the TV off for a minute?
I think this country definitively
needs a criminal law reform.
We can't accept that those crooks
move freely throughout Colombia,
and nothing can be done against them.
They even have the chance to make it
to the Congress of the Republic!
This has to stop.
We just listened
Minister Lara really charged
against them this time, right?
Yes, he was violent, wasn't he?
That's the way it should be,
direct and firm.
There you go.
Your friend the Minister of Justice
is pointing at you in public.
Who told you that man is my friend?
Will you allow them
to accuse you in public?
No one has mentioned your name, Pablo,
but everyone knows he's talking about you.
I know that, you don't have
to explain it to me.
I will only say
a part of the Government and the Ministry,
they aren't doing it for a salary.
They'll have their political campaign
at your expense.
You decide if you want
to let them have their way.
You've seen the power
of a Minister of Justice.
But you have an ace up your sleeve,
and I think it's time for you to use it.
Do you remember what we talked about?
Character assassination.
It's up to you.
I'll be here for half an hour.
I'll be waiting for you, sir.
Look, this is a book on education,
not an adventure novel,
but it is interesting. You'll understand
why I insist so much on education.
Very good!
Congratulations for those statements.
we had to start strong, right?
And it was essential to announce drug
money infiltration in politics and soccer.
Thanks, and I agree with you.
I think you caused a commotion.
You know that anything related to soccer
catches people's attention.
It's great that you said it,
especially now, in the beginning.
So people can see that
we don't have a campaign agenda
and a different one now
that you are the Minister of Justice.
Luis Carlos, the press wants actual names.
Names they perfectly know
but don't want to mention. Pricks!
Knowing it is very different from
hearing it from the Minister of Justice.
Pablo Escobar Gaviria,
Marcos Herbert and Mariachi
are the biggest criminals in this country.
Everyone knows!
Rodrigo, you have to start
gathering evidence right now.
If the information is so conclusive,
I'm sure there must be something.
El Espectador has been of great help
throughout this process.
And the Anti-Drug Department's Director,
told me everything I know.
Very good.
For the time being, the pressure
you're exerting will keep people
away from them, reject them.
Luis Carlos, I know you and I
have a pending conversation.
But, Don Guillermo,
when you said you had found something,
I thought it was something. Something!
These newspapers say a lot.
They have all the information
from the State Security Department.
Many years ago.
Long time ago, we used them
as sources for legal issues.
This is a treasure, Niki!
Can you tell me what
you see and I don't?
We know Pablo Escobar
is accused of drug trafficking
and extortion of two DAI agents.
That report has to be somewhere
in these newspapers.
Don Guillermo,
to find that information
we'd have to read them all.
Mr. Pablo Escobar Gaviria
will start tonight's game
with the presence
of the city's main authorities.
A very special greeting to all players.
Pablo Emilio Escobar
comes from common people.
I rode in buses for 28 years.
Many times I worked the land with peak
and shovel, sweaty and happy.
I also like chicken wings,
therefore I'm one of you.
Today I'm on this side
because the financial
circumstances have changed.
My desire is that together
we do everything we can
to keep our youth from suffering
the horrible scourge
of drug use.
Thank you!
Look how people love you, darling.
I'm very happy!
Thank you for bringing me!
Look, look, Regina is here already.
Is she the TV presenter?
Yes, that was a surprise I had for you.
I'm going to greet her.
When the President called
to offer me the Ministry of Justice,
he wanted an immediate answer.
- But I wanted to talk to you first
- Rodrigo.
Calm down.
I'm sure it was the President's idea.
The fact that he nominated you
as Minister means two things.
they finally consider us to be
a strong political movement.
That's right.
And second,
he should know that you,
with your experience,
are the right one to give people
what they're asking for at the moment.
The end of impunity,
a frontal attack against delinquency.
You've achieved
very important things, Rodrigo.
You have faced many fighting bulls.
Remember the security regulation, the
debate on the nationalization of banks,
the investigation
of dirty money in politics.
Who brought all those issues
in Congress? You did!
Sometimes you think people
aren't aware of that, but you're right.
And you had a very good start by reporting
drug money in politics and soccer.
We won't allow these traffickers to
infiltrate the Colombian political class.
And we can take action now
that you're the Minister of Justice.
You really look beautiful, my panther.
How was the speech?
Good! People were very happy,
very enthusiastic.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, baby.
Darling, shall we leave?
Regina Parejo.
Patricia Escobar, Pablo's wife.
- A pleasure to meet you.
- Me too.
- Okay, I'm going to start now.
- Yes.
While they are all euphoric.
And after that
I want to interview you.
Perfect, Regina,
it will be a pleasure.
Thanks for coming, Regina.
- My pleasure.
- Thank you.
Honey, why don't you go home?
I have a meeting at the ranch
with the boys, okay? Go.
What? Wait a moment!
What do you mean?
If you go now,
what time will you come home?
I'll fly.
- In which plane?
- My plane.
The one I used to bring Miss Regina over.
It's over there.
Did put one of our planes at her service?
Of course. It was one of her requirements
to attend this event.
How could I bring her from Bogota?
In a municipal bus, or what, Paty?
What about airlines?
- Well, yes, airlines
- No, no.
You are too friendly with her!
- Too friendly?
- What was that hug?
I have to be kind even if I don't want to.
Do you think I like a stuck-up like her?
I don't like her.
- She's too complicated.
- Stuck-up.
So complicated
that I had to bring her by plane.
These are campaign strategies.
This woman is important in the news
and TV in Bogota, you get me?
It is very convenient for us
because lots of people admire her.
You know what?
This isn't the life I want for myself!
I miss you a lot.
And I miss you, freckles.
Aren't you afraid to be in Medellin
with all those people you're accusing?
Afraid? Why?
Maybe I'm paranoid.
Forget it.
Listen, freckles.
I'm having all the protection, I have
official bodyguards. I'm going to be okay.
Tell me, how are the boys?
Is Rodrigo doing his homework?
Did one of the kids pick up a phone?
No, they are asleep.
But there's a strange noise, right?
Maybe a short circuit, I don't know.
All right, I love you very much.
See you tomorrow. Kisses.
I have to go.
All right, a big hug. Bye!
While you check the profits,
listen to this.
The hippopotamus is a
I don't know what the hell that is.
It lives in the lakes of Africa,
from which his Greek name, river horse.
That's it, river horse.
Pablo, this Tranquility Land
is a real beauty! A gold mine!
Gonzalo has said we should expand
our frontiers to the Republic of Brazil
to have the possibility of growing more.
He even talked to an architect, and these
are the blueprints they made for us
to start building the new labs.
Fine, partner. Just tell me and I'll send
the money to buy the land.
Zebra, African mammal
Hey jerks!
Are you distributing money without me?
Come on, Herbert.
Because you're the best ones to ask.
- What's up?
- What's up, Herbert?
What are you complaining about?
You are the wealthiest one of us all.
I've spent my money trying to destroy
guerrillas and you won't help me, Pablo.
Why are you insisting on that nonsense?
I told you I have nothing against
guerrillas. Not my business.
Help us in that job
even as a gesture of friendship.
Destroying that mob
will be good for you too.
As your friend I'm going
to give you a piece of advice:
leave things as they are.
You know what, Pablo? Nothing in the world
will change our minds.
We will end them now!
Okay, let's change the subject.
Look at this beauty!
What's this? Is it Tranquility Land?
- Yes, sir.
- What a treasure!
- Oh my!
- With all the capacity you want.
I have a surprise for you.
We have a very special guest
that I want you to meet.
- What?
- Come and meet her.
- Who is she, pal?
- A friend.
You have a lovesick face
and all that.
I can imagine the chick
he's going to show us.
And an ace.
I'm sorry to tell you, gentlemen,
but I won this game.
Gentlemen, gentlemen!
I'm sorry to interrupt, but I want
to introduce you to Miss Regina Parejo.
They are Ramada, Arellano.
Gonzalo, I think you met him, my cousin.
My great friend
Pedro Motoa,
and my brother-in-law, Peluche.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
I'm very glad to meet you.
It feels great to be here.
There is nothing better
for a man than have good friends.
That's very good.
Regina, this way please.
Gonzalo, make room
so we can join the group.
Oh my! What's going on?
Holy Mary!
At what time did the TV get here?
- A pleasure!
- Mine.
And Mariachi.
- How are you?
- Very well, miss.
They are my two main partners.
The only one missing is my brother in law.
My wife's brother.
Exactly, Fabio, you'll meet him
some other day. Let's sit.
What, then?
You all look mesmerized!
I will play too!
I think it's fantastic that
your accusations over the media
have now become a debate.
I agree, Don Guillermo.
But drug trafficking
isn't the only subject
the New Liberalism talks about,
although I think it's good that we are
able to get the country to discuss it.
While we were campaigning,
we sounded like madmen
who kept talking about a subject
that no one wants to talk about,
except you.
The problem is that the ones
who are calling the debate
are Javier Ortiz, whom we already
expelled from the New Liberalism,
and Alonso Santorini, from whom
I have always kept some distance.
Something smells fishy here.
I don't know what's going on.
You know that politics
always involve interests.
We have to find out the interests
of these obscure characters.
I have no doubt that those men's interests
are just the opposite to ours.
Well, all we've done so far is talk
about drug trafficking money
in soccer and politics.
We have just been repeating it.
I don't see how they can attack me
with it if that's what they want to do.
Don Guillermo,
what do you think?
I agree with you, Senator.
You can't expect anything good
from a movement led by Santorini,
much less after having welcomed
a guy like Escobar in his ranks.
I don't think this is a friendly
invitation to a debate.
On the contrary.
I think this is an open
declaration of war.
Look who we have here!
No less than the prominent Congressman
Pablo Escobar Gaviria!
Come here!
Looking good!
What's up, brother-in-law? Gonzalo!
What's up, cousin?
This guy has quite a story.
Why don't you let him get in?
What do you mean? What is it?
What story? What happened?
Nothing, the thing is that
Do you remember the zebras
you ordered for your zoo?
What happened with the zebras?
Pablo, the police seized
the little animals, brother.
What do you mean, Gonzalo?
My zebras?
The zebras, asshole, what else?
No, but where did they take them?
Where are they?
We don't know yet. But we were waiting
for you to see what to do.
The boys are investigating, but
Let's solve this.
Those little animals have to be freed!
Why didn't you wait until he got in?
Come on! The painting
we needed is here already!
You're not painting
those donkeys right, brother.
No, what's that?
Are you sleeping or what, dumbass?
Pay attention to how things are done!
Okay, donkey, don't move.
I will make you famous.
We're going to do a professional
job on this guy.
Okay, okay.
Because to the eyes
and ears of any passerby,
the Minister's accusations
against drug traffickers
and their infiltration power
in sports and national politics
have definitely caused alarm and surprise,
but the Minister chose
not to mention it to the media.
All right, the time has come. Let's go!
Did you talk to your senator friends?
Nobody will want to miss the debate.
It will be crowded.
Who would have thought it of Escobar,
with his millionaire peasant's face,
and the trap he set for the Minister.
- Amazing!
- A quite intelligent guy!
Rich and smart.
What a dangerous combination!
We're lucky he's on our side.
Let's go.
Let's go!
- Are all documents in there?
- Yes, everything.
No, not nervous.
I'm anxious. I'm worried.
We both knew there was something
hidden in this Congress.
That's what worries me, Luis Carlos.
I have nothing to hide.
They have nothing against me.
What are they preparing, then?
Do you remember our talk when
we decided to expel Ortiz and Escobar?
Nobody, no one can question our action.
We made conscientious decisions.
We owe nothing, we fear nothing.
Yes, you're right.
all your actions
have been perfectly legitimate,
within the institutional legal framework.
Everything is going to be okay.
And remember,
if you need anything, I'll be there.
Sure, sir, that's what I'm telling you.
I know that if we put in
a lot of heart and have faith,
this is going to be great,
and we will do just fine.
Thank you.
That man is a pig.
He is a loser and he is using you.
Don't say that to me, Regina.
I'm very sorry,
but that man you're calling a pig
is my link to the political class
of this country, to the armed forces,
to the security bodies.
He's essential for me at this moment.
If you say that, I'll have to choose
and I don't want to choose.
- Don't complicate my life!
- He won't respect anyone.
Don't trust him.
Have you seen the way he looks at me?
- How does he look at you?
- Lustfully.
But he won't do it in front of you.
He wouldn't dare.
- Of course he wouldn't.
- He's a hypocrite.
But what do you want me
to do, Regina?
You have to learn to defend yourself.
I can't do it.
I have to defend my wife,
but you are old enough
to make people respect you.
- Am I right, Chili?
- Yes, sir.
That's the thing with divas.
People look at you.
Really? Are you going to ask Chili?
- Do people look at divas?
- Everyone!
- That's it.
- Stop the car.
- Right, Chili?
- Stop the car.
Yes, sir.
- Tell him to stop.
- Chili, stop.
Stop before this one jumps out!
I can't believe it!
Chili, get out please.
Let's talk in here.
Do you think I have to subject
myself to these humiliations?
- What humiliations? I was just kidding!
- Tell me!
I could be with the wealthiest and
most handsome men in this country
without paying.
And let me tell you that
the day I decide to leave you
isn't going to be for someone
like that pig you work for.
It will be for someone much better
than him and than you.
So you better treat me right.
You better watch your words, Regina.
Don't fish in cloudy waters because
next time I may not get you out.
Are you threatening me?
Next time you want me
to come see you or help you,
be kind and don't bring your wife, okay?
Why are you smiling?
Because you're jealous.
- Oh, please!
- That's jealousy.
- I have no reasons to be jealous.
- You are jealous.
Do you know what's happening?
You're mixing work and pleasure.
- Why?
- This conversation is over.
- Chili! We're leaving!
- Don't be jealous!
What's up, donkey?
Are the artists ready?
Okay boys, hurry up!
This is the last one.
Hurry, I'm exhausted!
With this truckload we are done.
Hurry, hurry!
Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated.
We will begin the debate with
Mr. Lara Bonilla, Minister of Justice,
who has been called to this place
by Congressman Javier Ortiz,
who will be the first speaker,
and also by Senator Alonso Santorini.
The honorable representative
has the floor.
Thank you, Mr. President.
In the past days,
all Colombians
have been able to hear
the Minister of Justice,
Mr. Rodrigo Lara here present,
talking to the media about
illegal money.
Everybody knows
he's referring to drug traffic money
in soccer
and politics.
That's very brave of you, Mr. Minister,
very brave!
And very cynical!
I understand, dear colleagues,
that this adjective may sound too strong
when referring to a Minister.
But I truly
can't think of a better one.
I say cynical
because I can't understand
how you can dare
to talk about drug money
in a political campaign
when that same money financed part of
your campaign for Senate, Mr. Minister!
Mr. Representative,
I imagine you are aware
that for such an accusation
you need evidence.
Don't worry,
although you should.
Contrary to what you do,
we don't come out lashing at everyone,
giving no names
or presenting elements of trial.
Do you want evidence?
That's only fair, Mr. Minister.
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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