Pact of Silence (2023) s01e10 Episode Script


- [birds singing]
- [dog barking in distance]
- [gun fires]
- [Adriano] Well done.
Very good, my man.
- Right?
- You're a quick learner.
All in all, a pretty good first day.
I brought you a little something.
- What?
- Look.
- [chuckles]
- [Tomás] Are you kidding?
[both laugh]
But to begin with, we gotta talk
about something really important.
Look. When they were younger, our mothers
got themselves into a pretty big mess.
They abandoned a baby.
[tense music playing]
- A baby?
- [Adriano] Mm-hmm.
Whose was it?
Don't know.
None of them have ever said,
but one of them gave birth to a girl.
No way it was my mother's.
She would've said so.
Besides, she couldn't have done that.
No way. You're wrong.
I'm not wrong.
The little girl died, and they tried
to move on with their lives.
The problem is that now, out of nowhere,
there's a woman posing as that child.
[tense music playing]
[woman hushes, echoes] Silence.
I'm sorry, but
I think we should talk
about what happened.
- I know you're looking for your mother
- [Brenda sobs, sniffles]
But you mentioned "they."
Who are "they"?
It's just better if you don't know.
I don't want you to end up hurt.
- Brenda
- [Brenda sniffles]
I already know too much about this.
I was there, in the valley.
I saw what happened to your friend.
I know things are tense with Martina,
the woman that my brother raped.
[somber music playing]
Is Martina one of "them"?
Do you think she's your mother?
I don't know.
please let me help you.
Talk to me. It's obvious you're in danger.
Besides, I have a right to know
if my brother is somehow involved.
Martina and
three of her friends
abandoned me.
[music fades]
[Fer] Now I know why he ran away.
He must have been high on drugs.
I don't understand
why you didn't tell us, Samantha.
[Rodrigo] Don't you dare blame this
on Samantha.
If anyone's to blame here, it's you!
Tomás got home and saw you so drunk,
you fell on the floor.
[Sam] Stop fighting!
Neither of you understand anything
because all you do is argue!
[Rodrigo] Please, my love. Please think.
Where could your brother
be right now? Please.
When he got into that fight,
he sent me this location.
What location?
[Rodrigo] Who knows? He's lied to us.
He didn't get into a fight
with his friends.
He got his ass kicked over drugs.
You're saying he owed money for drugs?
He could've been killed!
But you didn't think
you should say anything?
He asked me not to.
Which is why I had to ask Brenda
to pay off his debt.
And Brenda knew this as well?
- This is insane. Where are you going?
- I'm going to find Tomás.
Maybe he went back there
to buy more drugs.
- I'm coming with you.
- [Rodrigo] No. You should stay here.
We don't know if Tomás will call us
or come back.
You're crazy, Rodrigo!
It's not safe to go alone!
Let's call the police!
[scoffs] Please.
Fernanda, he's 18 years old.
You know how the police work here.
It'll take them four days
before they even show up at the door.
You can't go alone.
I'll call Sofía.
Maybe Manuel's available to go with you.
[tense music playing]
This is the address Sam gave us.
Listen, man. Put that away.
Take off your watch.
- Let's go in.
- Good idea.
- Stay together. Don't let your guard down.
- You're right.
[suspenseful music playing]
[water dripping]
[man 1 coughs]
[man 1 spits]
No, no, no. That's not him.
Let's go.
Excuse me.
Do you know a Tomás?
- [man 2] Who the fuck are you?
- [gun cocks]
Easy, man. Take it easy, okay?
We were just, uh looking for someone.
[man 2] Tomás. Yeah, I heard.
That son of a bitch owes us money.
That's why we came looking for him.
He hasn't been here.
All right, then.
Guess there's no reason to stick around.
I don't wanna see you here again.
Take your problems and go somewhere else.
- Let's go, man.
- Way ahead of you.
Come on.
- All right.
- Move.
This is so fucked up, Manuel.
Yeah, I know.
I can't believe Tomás spent time here.
- [doorbell rings]
- [door unlocks]
- Hello.
- How are you?
Any news from Tomás?
[Fer] No. Nothing.
[Martina] Let's try
to put our differences aside.
I really need to be here for you.
[Irene sighs]
[Fer] I'm so sorry, Martina.
Rodrigo and Manuel
are out looking for him.
They got into
a really dangerous situation last night
at the same place Tomás got beat up.
[Sofía] Brenda saved him.
- Wait, Brenda?
- Yes.
She paid off Tomás's drug debt.
[tense music playing]
Is that true?
No. No, no. [sighs]
I'm so confused.
I don't know what's going on anymore.
Tomás actually hates me.
He told me
he never wanted to see me again.
No. Brenda knew Tomás had a drug problem,
and that's why she bailed him out.
She's turning him against you.
Just like she did with Sam.
[Fer] But why?
She has no reason
to do something like that to me.
[Irene] Explain it, then!
This is what I've been telling you.
Brenda is out to destroy us.
What if Tomás is with Brenda?
[Irene] There's only one way to find out.
I can use my contacts with the police.
- [Sofía] Report Brenda?
- [Irene] Of course not.
I'll ask them to begin a search for Tomás.
I'll have them search her house
and other locations. Is that all right?
- My son is 18.
- [Irene] It doesn't matter.
I'll ask them to do me a personal favor.
- Only if you agree.
- [Fer] Of course.
- Please, make the call.
- [Irene] Okay.
Good morning, Sergeant.
It's Irene Bustamante speaking. Yes.
[tense music playing]
Okay. Thank you so much for the help.
- [call disconnects]
- Nothing yet.
The hospital hasn't admitted anyone
named Tomás.
[clicks tongue] He has to be
in the neighborhood.
I'll go ask them.
See if they know anything.
No, no. You wait here.
I can go. Don't worry.
[Rodrigo] Listen, Manuel. He's my kid.
[cell phone ringing]
- It's Fernanda.
- [call connects]
Did you hear from Tomás?
[Fer] No, but come home, Rodrigo.
The police are out looking for him.
[somber music playing]
[Rodrigo] You know what, man?
I think my life is falling apart.
- [Manuel] Nah, man.
- No, I messed it up.
I fucked it all up.
As a father, as a spouse
[Manuel] We're gonna fix this.
And as far as marriages go,
don't get me started with Sofía.
- [Rodrigo] What happened?
- [clicks tongue] Nothing, it's just
We started growing apart when she began
writing that book about Brenda, and
Look, if you still love Sofía,
you've got to talk things through
before it's too late.
I can't locate Itzel's phone.
It's either been turned off or
it's been destroyed.
You're leaving, Brenda?
[Brenda] I have to pick Itzel up
at the morgue.
[Alex] But why would they give her to us?
It's not like we're family.
I told you already. There's only me.
She has no other relatives.
Let me take care of it.
They'll know who you are.
Personally, I don't think
you'll be allowed to take her.
They need to do an autopsy, so
[Brenda] You think
they'll go through that trouble, César?
To the police,
she's just another homeless junkie.
- I gotta go.
- [Sam] Brenda, it's me, Samantha.
I need a moment with Sam.
- [door opens]
- [Brenda] Sam. Come in.
Why aren't you at school?
I'm so sorry, Brenda,
but I had to tell my parents
that you helped Tomás pay his debt.
My mom told her friends
that she thinks you're responsible.
Responsible for what?
Yesterday Tomás ran away.
We came home and found our mom
drinking booze with the new housekeeper.
Then my mom fell, and Tomás disappeared.
[tense music playing]
The new employee.
Does she know where Tomás is?
No. We haven't seen her since.
Listen to me, Sam.
If you hear from your brother,
let me know.
Okay? Don't tell your parents.
Why not?
[Brenda] Because your mom fought with him.
I wanna make sure she doesn't scare him
or say something she might regret.
[Adriano] Why did you take off?
What's Brenda gonna think
when she finds out you left
right after you killed her friend?
- It's your fault I killed her.
- No.
- No, no, no.
- [sniffles]
I didn't tell you to kill her.
You did that all on your own.
[Tomás crying]
All right. Tomás, Tomás, Tomás.
Calm down. Calm down.
Before I dumped her body,
I made it look like it was an overdose.
Brenda's gonna go to the police, man.
Brenda won't involve the police.
I promise you.
Tell me where you are. I'll come get you.
[Tomás] No!
You wanna track me down.
You're afraid I'll tell the truth!
You wanna kill me too!
You think I'm an idiot?
[Adriano] Jesus, man.
Are those fuckin' drugs
making you paranoid, or what?
[Tomás] I'm not on drugs!
[sniffles] I can't believe I trusted you!
And now it's over because of you, asshole!
I killed an innocent girl,
and my life's totally fucked,
and I'm gonna fuck yours, you shit!
Motherfucker! [sighs]
[Alex] You think Tomás killed Itzel?
I don't know.
I don't know anything.
All I know is Sam can help us find him.
[César] So, what you're saying is that
that guy, Tomás, is related
to the woman who abandoned you?
César, there's no time for questions.
Go home and start looking
for your brother.
[clicks tongue] But if, um
you need anything, please call.
Thank you, César.
Anything at all.
[knocking on door]
- [tense music playing]
- [knocking continues]
- Brenda Rey?
- [Brenda] Yes, that's me.
We're looking for a Tomás Alarcón.
And what does that have to do with me?
Can we search inside?
[César] Do you have a warrant?
You can't just come
into people's houses without one.
[Brenda] It's okay. Come in.
I'm not hiding anything.
Thank you.
[officer on radio] We have a 10-74
reported five minutes ago in sector 34,
close to the main road. Dispatch
Did Fernanda rat you out?
[whispering] They killed Itzel,
but I'm being investigated?
I'm sorry, but am I a suspect?
Miss, I just need you
to answer a few questions
regarding your relationship
with Tomás Alarcón.
[tense music swells]
- [music playing on stereo]
- What's up?
All right.
[unsettling music playing]
[gun fires]
Do you know a Brenda Rey?
[Adriano] I need you to help me
make her life a living hell.
[Tomás] No, man.
She'd get the cops involved.
[Adriano] Do you know how much trouble
we could be in if we involved the cops?
Look, man. Now, I know
that you've always looked at your mother
as someone who's perfect.
But your mom is very fragile.
I'm not sure
she can handle this on her own.
No, but we could tell my dad.
Maybe he could help us.
Do you think he'll forgive her,
after abandoning a baby, bro?
Just imagine what people
will do to them when they find out.
They could end up in jail.
I'll do anything to help my mom.
[tense music continues]
[speaking inaudibly]
[tense music continues]
[helicopter blades whirring overhead]
- [siren wails]
- [García] We've started dividing the area.
This is the place you mentioned
in your report?
Yeah. This is
the last place I saw my brother.
[tense music continues]
[tense music fades]
Is it possible
for you to verify that information?
This is my son's life we're talking about.
Why are you searching here?
You won't find anything.
We should be there.
[García] These are
the two most probable areas.
We should be focusing
on this area instead.
- We already have. Nothing there.
- Easy.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Adriano] You can't find a teenager?
I don't understand why I have to do this
without your mother knowing, sir.
- I lied to her once about Brenda Rey.
- Don't ever mention that again.
Stop making excuses and find Tomás.
[suspenseful music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Gustavo] It's been a week, César.
The police want to conclude the operation.
No, no. You have to insist, Gustavo.
We're so close, man.
I know my brother's body
is here somewhere.
He has to be. Come on.
You have to ask them to keep looking.
[music fades]
[somber music playing]
[line ringing]
Hello, Brenda.
Listen, I'm really sorry
that I can't be with you today.
Don't worry about it, César.
You have a lot going on right now.
Yeah, but I know
exactly how you're feeling.
When this is all over,
maybe we can sit and talk?
To tell you the truth, I think
I'd like that very much. Thank you.
[call disconnects]
[priest] As we remember our sister Itzel,
we are reminded that, in the eyes of God,
we are all created equal.
And she will continue to live
in the hearts and the memories
of those who loved her.
It's been a week without Itzel
and a week since Tomás left home
and went into hiding.
There has to be a correlation.
He definitely has
something to do with this.
There's no way
that kid is still in Mexico.
Those women could be hiding him, though.
I know they're involved somehow.
[sighs] Brenda, we've spent
a whole week following Fernanda.
You can see she's suffering.
She doesn't know what suffering is.
Trust me.
[tense music playing]
I don't care if Fernanda spends
her whole life suffering.
Or if Martina was raped.
If Sofía has a daughter,
or if Irene has a dying husband.
They're all gonna pay.
Not for me, but for Itzel.
I swear they will.
[cell phone ringing]
No, Martina's not here yet.
[Brenda] I gave you everything, Omar.
I rented that doctor's office
for you to trick Martina.
I keep on losing time and money.
But everything is working great, Brenda.
There's no need to worry.
I wanna make sure.
We have to advance the plan.
The next step is the most important.
[Martina] Hello.
Hello, my love.
[Martina] What's wrong? What're you doing?
I'm sorry that I didn't call
to cancel our lunch,
but with everything that's happening,
it totally slipped my mind.
But I don't understand.
Why are you packing your things?
There's a problem with Immigration.
My office needs to close down.
Oh no. What do you mean by "problem"?
My visa was granted by the group
of doctors I was partnering with.
But they screwed me over.
Yeah. Apparently, they were laundering
money through their new clinics.
[Martina] Are you serious?
So now, Immigration
wants to revoke all of our visas.
- [Martina] Oh no, Omar.
- I'm being deported.
No, no. Wait.
There must be another solution.
- I mean, it can't end like this.
- No, no.
Three lawyers said the same thing to me.
The only way to solve this problem
is in Venezuela.
- What?
- And that could take months. Years.
My colleagues
aren't even allowed to return.
Even for a visit.
No, no. No, listen. I'm, uh
Let me think of something.
I don't know. Maybe Irene can help you.
There's no way. You can't just leave.
- [footsteps approaching]
- [voicemail] We're sorry.
The person you are trying
to reach is not available
or is outside the area of
[phone beeps]
- [phone clatters]
- Hello, my love.
[Adriano chuckles]
You brought us dinner?
[Brenda] From the taco place.
Ah, look at that.
I missed you so much.
- [Brenda] Mm. Me too.
- [chuckles]
We've both been so busy lately.
It's so late.
What are you still doing here?
Tomorrow is the debate.
Ah, yes.
Against her strongest opponent, right?
Yeah. Tomorrow, winner takes all.
Oh. You got them.
You never told me who took
these amazing photographs of your father.
They're so good.
Maybe I'll hire the photographer
to take pictures of me.
Well, if you want photos,
I can arrange that.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [both panting]
You sure there are no cameras?
[Adriano] Wouldn't be a good idea.
This is my mom's office.
- What are you doing?
- I wanna see you.
[breathing heavily]
[Brenda gasps softly]
[dramatic music subsides]
[both panting]
[Adriano] Do you love me?
[Brenda] I do.
Enough to leave the past behind?
[scoffs] What do you mean?
My mother.
[Brenda clicks tongue]
Are you willing to forget
what happened with her?
[tense music playing]
[Brenda scoffs]
This is probably not the best time
to bring up your mother, Adriano.
[clears throat]
You are the two most important women
in my life.
Babe, I think you're overreacting.
You talk as if I hate your mom
or something.
I just want you guys to get along.
[Brenda] One day, we will.
It's pretty common for mothers-in-law
to be a pain in the ass.
[tense music playing]
May I have a glass of water?
Yeah, sure.
[Irene] You're gonna make yourself sick.
Right now, stay strong and healthy.
Just remember, you're doing everything
you can for Tomás.
It's the only thing I can think about.
Why don't we change the subject?
To get your mind off of it for a while.
[Irene] Yes.
- Go ahead.
- [Martina] Okay? I'll start.
They wanna deport Omar.
What? What will you do?
I don't know.
Irene, do you know anyone
that we could contact?
No. Sorry, but I can't take the risk
of being accused
of using my influence right now.
Especially for someone I don't even know.
I'm sorry, but my campaign
isn't over quite yet.
No, it's okay. I understand.
Okay. I did think of something else.
And please don't think
that I've gone crazy.
What if we get married?
That way, he can stay in the country.
You're crazy. You hardly know him.
Of course I know him.
I mean, things
happened really fast, but I
[sighs] I feel
like I've known him forever.
- [Irene sighs]
- He's a good man.
I trust him.
[Irene] All right.
I'm sure that you trust him
and he's a real sweet guy,
but I would take things a bit slower
if I were you,
[Martina] No, Irene.
It wasn't his suggestion. It was mine.
I came up with the idea.
This is only allowed
if I'm in complete control.
Martina, your heart
will give you direction.
- [Martina sighs]
- Love is a passport.
It lets you go anywhere.
Thank you.
[Martina] Are things still bad
with Manuel?
Hey, what's wrong?
No, you know how it is.
The routine.
It's the cornerstone of every marriage.
You know, the more I think about things,
the more convinced I am
that all this trouble is
because our past is coming back
to haunt us.
- For God's sake. Don't start.
- It's true.
What's the point
in bringing up old ghosts?
What happened wasn't our fault.
[Fer scoffs]
Listen. We were just little girls.
We did the best we could.
We didn't abandon her.
We left her with Carmen.
We were going to go back for her
as soon as we had the chance.
[Irene] The baby girl died,
and that's a tragedy.
But the same thing would've happened
if she had stayed with us.
So, do me a favor and stop making excuses.
[birds calling]
I'm gonna miss this place.
Ah, don't say that.
It's the truth.
I wish I didn't have to leave.
The situation in my country,
it's total chaos.
But over here, I can work in peace.
Live in peace.
You by my side.
I brought you here
because I have something to ask you.
- Ah, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
What if we got married?
[tender music playing]
[chuckles] What? Are you being serious?
[giggles] Yes.
Never in a million years
did I think I'd say this, but
[Omar chuckles]
I want everything with you.
I can't lose you.
I didn't want it to be like this.
I mean, obviously, I wanted to marry you.
[laughs] Yes.
It's been my dream for a long time.
You won't believe me when I tell you this,
but I already chose the ring.
- [scoffs]
- I did.
I couldn't bring myself
to give it to you, though.
Because I thought well
That I wouldn't say yes?
Not a chance.
I'll be waiting for that ring.
One ring, coming up.
I wanna make sure I do this right.
- [laughs]
- Let's see.
Will you marry me, Martina?
[Martina laughs]
[softly] Yes.
I couldn't get Adriano to tell me
who his dad's photographer was,
but this might be the guy.
[Alex] He's a talented photographer.
[Brenda] And they went to school together.
- What do you think?
- For sure.
Adriano needed to hire someone
that he could totally trust
for this kind of job.
Is it possible to hack him?
I'm positive the photos are doctored,
and I'm sure the originals are
on his computer.
Ah, Brenda.
I don't know.
It's such a cheap shot.
And besides that, I thought
the father was off-limits. Wasn't he?
That was before they killed Itzel.
I'm tired of playing games.
[tense music playing]
- What's up?
- [vendor] Hey.
I'll take one of those.
And two of those instant noodles.
Two beers.
And one of those.
[vendor] You got it.
Quickly. I'm in a hurry.
How much is it?
Um, 198, please.
[Tomás mutters]
You know what?
Leave this here.
I'll just take this.
[vendor] That'll be 85.
[Irene] I need the numbers
from last month.
[Rafaela] I'll get them right away, ma'am.
[Irene sighs]
[mutters under breath]
[tense music playing]
[Irene] Is this yours?
[Rafaela] No, ma'am.
Doesn't belong to me,
and I wasn't here yesterday.
I locked up, and the only ones who have
a key, besides me, are you and your son.
Should I call security?
No. I'll handle this.
Any idea who this belongs to?
So very irresponsible.
How could you?
I have confidential information
in there, Adriano.
I'm so sorry.
First off, as your mother,
I find this offensive.
But as your boss, this is unacceptable.
I don't know.
I wasn't thinking.
[Irene] Of course you weren't thinking.
Ever since you started dating that girl,
your mind has been somewhere else.
I assume she was the one
you were with in my office.
I don't understand
why you like her. She's so
Are we done?
You have no idea
what I have to do to protect us.
[Irene] Protect us?
Us? Protect us?
How do you do that?
Oh, I know. You bring a stranger
into our workplace, right?
And fuck her in my office.
Is that what you mean by protecting?
Don't go silent on me! Speak! Huh?
Tell me how you're protecting this family!
- Go on!
- I'm sorry, but we have to go now.
We can't be late for the debate.
This is not over, Adriano.
We're not finished with this.
I need my earrings.
[Rafaela] I'll get them.
[music fades]
I will lead with full transparency,
which is what this country needs.
I will proceed with honesty,
facing each problem up front!
Without hiding.
Unlike what you and your party members
have been doing now for many years.
[Ramírez] You're serious?
I love how you talk of transparency
when you've been keeping
one big secret from the voters.
I don't know what you're referring to,
Candidate Ramírez.
What I do know
is the truth is evident in the polls.
Which have my party ahead
by a wide margin.
Please put up the first slide.
Seventy-nine percent of citizens
want Irene Bustamante as their new leader
of government in Mexico City.
[Ramírez] No, Irene.
This is another matter.
I'm referring to the way you
so cavalierly lied to all of us
by telling the press
that your husband was in good health,
when you knew perfectly well he was sick.
The photos of Ricardo looking vigorous
and healthy are nothing but a farce.
Manipulated by none other
than Irene Bustamante.
Please go ahead
and put up the first slide.
You deceive us by manipulating the image
of one of the most beloved figures
in Mexican politics
solely to satisfy your thirst for power.
How did you obtain these photographs, sir?
[Ramírez] They were delivered
to my office anonymously.
But I will assure you,
they were verified for authenticity.
[Irene] This has nothing to do
with my political career.
You're trying to divert people's attention
away from the campaign
to my personal life.
- Not true.
- Shame on you!
It is you who has blurred the lines
between personal and private, Irene,
when you boasted
about poor Ricardo's health,
knowing full well
how much the voters loved him.
[woman 1] Liar!
- [woman 2] You'll never be Ricardo!
- [man] Be better!
[woman 3] This isn't the United States!
[audience clamoring]
Please, I have the right to reply.
- Don't I?
- Are you worried Adriano can be seen?
I'll just say
that the whole idea came from Irene.
He was just being
a loyal son to his mother.
[shouting continues on debate]
- [music fades]
- [sirens wailing]
[tense music playing]
[Tomás grunts]
[breathing shakily]
[cell phone ringing]
[call connects]
- Tomás?
- [Tomás] Shut up, Sam.
- Don't say my name.
- It's okay. Nobody's listening to us.
Are the cops gone?
[Sam] Yes.
Mom and Dad filed a report when you left.
Yeah? You sure that's all?
You're sure they're not framing me?
Framing you? For what?
[Tomás] I can't tell you right now.
I don't know
if my calls are being recorded.
But I'm fine.
I just need you to lend me
a little bit of money, okay?
Mm. You have to tell me
where you are first.
[Tomás] Swear you won't say a word
to Mom and Dad.
I swear, Tomás. Believe me.
I'm your sister. Trust me, okay?
All right.
But I'm not gonna send you the location.
You're gonna have to memorize it.
I warned you about this.
I also warned your father.
The truth always comes out in time.
Everything will work out.
You say it was my idea.
- No one will ever believe that.
- [tense music playing]
What you have to do is talk to Miguel.
He was the only one who had those photos.
[cell phone chimes]
[Adriano] Mom, I, um
I need to jump out here.
To do what?
I need to deal with something important.
What can be more important
than this, Adriano?
Do you realize
that I could lose this election?
Because that's what could happen.
[Adriano] I need a ride.
[menacing music playing]
So, when's Brenda getting here?
Would you like a drink?
A juice or a soda?
No, Alex.
I was supposed to meet with Brenda here,
and she was going
to come to the factory with me.
[sighs] Don't worry.
Uh, she'll be here any minute.
[voicemail] Sorry, the person you
Where's my sister?
[Brenda] Why don't you tell me
why you left home, Tomás?
Why you've been hiding for a week.
What are you running from?
I can do you a favor and call the police.
Maybe you'll talk to them.
[Tomás] Call if you want.
There's no evidence against me.
But I'm sure they'd love
to speak to you about a lot of things.
You'd be surprised at what I know.
[tense music playing]
That was you?
The photos? The messages?
[Tomás laughs]
You know, Brenda.
Being washed up
must be a hard pill to swallow.
I know exactly what game
it is you're playing.
You wanna scam my mother and her friends
by pretending to be a fucking baby
who doesn't even exist.
I'm not pretending
to be anyone, you asshole!
I am the baby girl they abandoned,
and you know what? We could be related.
But I will never love you
the way I loved Itzel.
I know you murdered her.
[Tomás breathing shakily]
It's your fault.
If you loved her, really loved her,
you would've taken better care of her.
But you know what? You didn't.
You forced her into my house,
with my family, to spy on us.
Why the hell did you do it, Tomás?
[crying] I didn't kill her!
[Tomás grunts]
[gun cocks]
[Brenda] How the hell
do you know who I am?
Who told you the whole story?
Who turned you into a fucking killer?
[Tomás grunts]
[both strain]
[suspenseful music playing]
[brakes screech]
[Brenda panting]
[suspenseful music swells]
[music fades]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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