Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

The Black Death

Marseirre It's been a while.
This isn't how I imagined
our next visit would be.
The threat that raged through Nederland's
colony might be hiding within those ships.
Let's go, Elen.
Let's finish inspecting all the
ships before the fair begins.
The thing we must absolutely prevent
is Yersinia pestis making landfall!
Parallel World Pharmacy
Episode 10
The Black Death
Master! Lord Farma!
We've been awaiting your arrival!
Good work, all of you.
How is progress?
You have all ships from foreign
nations anchored at sea, right?
Yes, Master. Just as instructed.
Here are the cargo manifests
and crew health check results
for ships that arrived as of yesterday.
I'll check them.
Ships that passed inspection
have had their cargoes purified
with wind Divine Arts before unloading.
In cases of suspected infection
despite negative results,
quarantine and cabin isolation continue.
Got it. Thank you very much.
Time for us to get started as well.
How long are ya gonna make us wait?
Let us unload already!
I am very sorry, but this is
to prevent a serious epidemic.
Who is your ship's physician?
That would be me.
This is my report on the required matters.
Thank you very much.
To be safe, might I question
you in detail on each item?
There were never inspections
like this before.
At present, there appear to be no issues.
Now then, allow me to begin my inspection.
The crew and cargo were without issue.
Good grief. Can we finally dock now?
Please present these documents once on land.
And also,
here are some prescriptions.
Oh? Didn't you say the
inspection showed no issues?
Several crewmen were exhibiting
early symptoms of scurvy.
Vitamins will be provided at the
quarantine stations in Marseirre port.
My word
Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank goodness there were no infections.
But there's still a long way to go.
We just have to be persistent.
Onto the next one.
What are you doing?! That's dangerous!
How long do we gotta wait? Let us unload!
I need to finish today.
I have a carriage waiting!
My costs are rising here!
We're first! Wait your turn!
Our cargo is perishable!
If we wait any longer, it'll rot!
We've been waiting two whole days!
And why do we have to take
orders from a kid, anyway?
Yeah! It's ridiculous! I won't stand for it!
If my cargo goes bad, is the
Empire gonna pay compensation?
It looks like
I'll have to shut their mouths for them!
Elen, hold your—
Ah! What's going on?!
I haven't done anything yet!
You fools!
If you mean to enter the Empire's port,
you'll follow the Empire's rules!
Th-They're flying the Empire's banner
and a fleet flag with a charter symbol!
Could it be Saint Fleuve's Scarlet Fleet?!
Commodore Jean Alain Gabin of
the Empire's East Inida Company?!
Mr. Jean?!
What?! The regular at our pharmacy?
Some candies, please.
All right, scallywags!
Clean out your ears and listen up!
This boy is both a Royal Pharmaceutist
and a son of Marseirre's governor,
and he has come to conduct
these inspections personally!
I'm happy to toss anybody who has a problem
into the sea, so if you do, come forward!
W-We're very sorry!
Mr. Jean!
Thank you so much!
Don't mention it!
When it comes to matters at sea,
I can't help but get involved.
More importantly, Mr. Proprietor.
How long is your shop going to be closed?
I miss going there.
Mr. Jean
His Excellency the Commodore has taken a
great liking to your shop's "Sailor's Candy."
And so have we!
Thanks to those, we have fewer
sailors coming down with scurvy.
I'm planning to make a bulk order next time
for the boys on the other ships as well.
Great! We'll be looking forward
to your visit after the fair ends!
I see. Thank you for your hard work.
You know, even now, it's hard to believe.
You mean, what happened
to Nederland's colony?
Yes. I had thought the Black Death
was only in books and legends.
We're truly fortunate that we have Farma.
If we didn't, maybe our nation would've
Just the thought of it is frightening.
Let's keep pushing forward
so that doesn't happen!
Yes, sir!
That's the right mindset. All right,
let's get to today's regular report.
Master Farma!
I have an urgent report!
Multiple people in the village of L'Estacque
have died after developing high fevers!
L'Estacque, you say?
Yes. It's a small fishing village
to the west of here.
It appears there was a vessel that felt
the proper procedures at Marseirre
would take too long,
and they chose instead to enter
illegally through that village.
They did what?! Where are those people now?
I don't know. They've already left.
What's the situation in the village?
At first they believed it to just be a fever,
but after the first death, it spread rapidly.
Oh, no
You mean the Black
Death has made landfall?
I'll go at once!
Wh Hold on, Farma!
Do you mean to go there alone?
To a village that may be
infected with the Black Death?
There have already been deaths!
We can't afford a moment's delay!
Sorry. Bring me my protective gear.
Wait, Farma!
You're the only one who can accurately
identify the Black Death!
You're the only one who can do
the inspections at this port!
So, please
You can do the inspections, too.
Elen, you're fully capable.
So please stay here and oversee the process.
The port has the facilities,
supplies, and personnel it needs.
If you all work together,
you'll be able to keep the port safe!
See you, Master.
I know you'll take care of things.
The source of the infection was
probably rats hidden among the cargo.
But at this stage, it wouldn't
be possible to identify them.
Where did their ship disappear to?
I need to purify the ship and save the crew,
or it'll end up as a ghost ship—
Oh, no!
This wand
According to the ancient texts, the Panac-
rhabdos is said to hold numerous abilities.
Right now, I need to concentrate on reaching
L'Estacque before anyone else dies!
Hurry up!
We have to go now!
Come on.
Come with us.
Let's go.
Hey! Hurry it up!
If we stay in this cursed village,
we'll all be killed by the evil spirit!
Huh? Who's that kid?
Everyone, please turn back!
You must not leave the village!
Huh? What nonsense are you spoutin', kid?
Outta the way! People are
dyin' left and right!
How could anyone stay here?
I promise I'll explain!
But first, please go back to the village!
Move it! Our lives are on the line!
He's right!
We gotta go now!
Who the hell are you, anyway?
Why are you dressed so strangely?
Wait. This kid appeared out of nowhere
Are you the evil spirit
that cursed our village?!
Even if you flee now, you won't survive
unless the evil is eliminated.
Go back!
Don't be ridiculous!
Nobody would go back there!
That's right!
return to the village!
The reason I enclosed the village in ice
is to contain the illness.
I am a pharmaceutist from the capital!
I have come to save you all
from the Black Death!
A Royal Pharmaceutist
I have brought medicine!
It eliminates the tiny, invisible creatures
that cause the Black Death.
S-So then none of us will die?
I cannot promise you that I can
save everyone for certain.
Let us fight together to keep
the deaths to a minimum!
You have every right to be scared.
But please stay and receive treatment.
If you don't,
I won't be able to save you.
Before I begin diagnosis and treatment,
allow me to explain the process we'll use.
First, I'll divide the village
into three broad sections.
One for severe symptoms,
Severe Symptoms
one for the infected,
and one for the uninfected.
I see. We'll segregate
those who are infected.
Segregate? You don't mean
Don't worry.
It's for triage—
prioritizing who to treat first.
It's only a measure to prevent
the infection from spreading.
O-Oh I see.
That's all.
In order to protect the lives of
everyone, I ask for your cooperation.
What is it?
I spotted a suspicious vessel
at port side, ten o'clock.
It is far off of any normal course,
and it isn't responding to our hails.
Could it be the renegade ship
we've been searching for?
Yes. Without a doubt.
A series of three signal flags,
starting with a flag for medical care.
The message reads: "Requesting
emergency medical aid."
And that single flag
Contagion! That's not good.
Bring us a little closer.
Do you see anything?
Yeah, I see people on the deck!
What's wrong?
Th-They're dead!
The ship's deck is littered with corpses!
Commodore, should we send
someone to search the ship?
No. We mustn't send anyone.
That would risk the disease
spreading to our ship.
But then
Judging from the situation,
there should be no survivors left.
And if there were, we wouldn't
be able to help them.
It's a pity, but our only option
is to scuttle that ship
and send it, along with its cargo,
into the depths of the ocean.
All hands, to your stations!
We're going to sink that ship!
Prepare to fire cannons!
Yes, sir!
That ship carries a disease more
dangerous than any pirates.
We'll sink it completely so that no
contaminated fragments drift ashore.
Aim true, and treat it like a funeral.
These inspections aren't to rob merchants
of their freedom or restrict them.
They're meant to save people's lives.
I want everyone to return
to their homelands alive.
And I don't want them to become
a source of infection once there.
You poor fools.
If you had just undergone the inspections,
some of you could have survived.
By taking the Black Death lightly,
they lost their chance at treatment!
We can't thank you enough, Lord Farma.
The first round of medicine
distribution is complete.
Everyone was overjoyed!
Thank you for all your hard work.
That just leaves the final section.
I'll handle the rest of this alone.
We'll join you!
As pharmaceutists of this vill—
Medical workers need to prioritize
their own safety as well.
I have protective gear.
Please stay here and let me handle it.
The seriously ill await in this hospital.
Here goes.
The critical part begins now.
Episode 11
The Miracle at L'Estacque
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