Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e10 Episode Script

Mellow Maromi

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Sora ni migoto na kinoko no kumo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komichi de e wo
hamu kotori no gogo wa
Komorebi no
shiba ni te wo furete
Kimi to katarou
Hora ranchi no benchi no ue de
Yume wa hana saku
Nami no oto wo sono mune ni
Yuutsu wa shizumete
Hashi wo asu ni nobashi
Tsunami nado anzuru kotonaku
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Sora ni migoto
na kinoko no kumo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komichi de e wo
hamu kotori no gogo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Ranchi no benchi de sodateta yume
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komorebi no hi ni umareta gogo yo
Batter out!
I'm a nothing!
A monster!
Thanks a lot.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's OK.
I was going to throw it away anyway.
It's no good to me any more.
Why not?
You need a bat to play
baseball, don't you?
I don't have any talent.
That's not true!
I think you're just tired.
Yeah, that's it!
You should take a rest!
Take a rest.
Take a rest.
Take a rest.
Take a rest.
Take a rest.
Take a rest.
Take a rest.
OK, stop right there.
Please wait while
we check the picture.
You can't make it out.
Production Manager
Naoyuki Saruta
Production Manager
Naoyuki Saruta
The Production Manager's job is to
manage the schedule and staff
Production Manager
Naoyuki Saruta
so that the production
moves forward smoothly.
If he's dull-witted and blunder-prone,
he could get fired!
Episode 1
Episode 1
Hey, Hiranuma.
This is out of the question.
We have a lot of new
voice talent this time.
They can't dub to this!
We have what, two weeks
until the deadline?
Sound Director
Akihiro Takamine
Sound Director
Akihiro Takamine
Sound Director is the person who's in
charge of everything related to sound
Sound Director
Akihiro Takamine
such as music, sound effects,
and voice actors.
He gets to know many voice actors!
This isn't good, is it?
And right on the very first
episode, you know.
It should be in color from Episode 5
Yoshio Hiranuma
Yoshio Hiranuma
The Producer is the highest position
on a production team.
He's the one who raises the money,
compiles the budget
and decides the staff's salaries.
He's also responsible for dealing
with any complicated problems
so he seems to suffer from
constant stomachaches.
Things are picking
up little by little
So we should be able to
There's nothing we can do about
the director running away.
But we can't dub with this.
I can't do anything about the effects.
To bring in a completely new
director on such short notice isn't
With so many shows out there,
it's not easy
With the large-scale, low atmospheric
pressure system approaching
heavy rain and flood warnings
have been issued
for the inner-city districts of Tokyo.
The heavy rain is affecting
road traffic and railways.
Hello, this is Saruta.
Where are you now?!
It's already seven o'clock!
Oh, I'm on the way!
We have less than 30 minutes
before it goes on the air
are you sure you'll make it?
Yes, no problem!
Trust me!
I'll be in the lobby.
Oh, OK!
I'll see you soon.
Mellow Maromi
The entire world is counting on me.
I hold its fate in my hands.
The writer is hospitalized?!
Why? Is he ill?
Can he still write the scripts?!
Scripts are changed according
to the storyboards anyway.
He'll be fine as long as
his brain isn't affected.
If he can at least move his fingers,
he should be able to work.
How many more scripts
do we have left?
We still have 10.
He's paralyzed from the arms down?!
Including his 10 fingers?
Give me a break!
Oh, all right.
Tell him to take care.
Maybe he's trying to run away.
Director of Photography
Shinichiro Tatsuta
Director of Photography
Shinichiro Tatsuta
The Director of Photography is in
charge of the process
Director of Photography
Shinichiro Tatsuta
where many single pictures
comprised of stacked cels
Director of Photography
Shinichiro Tatsuta
and backgrounds are made to look
like they're moving continuously.
Special processing of the
pictures and CG work are
also done during this process.
Since this is the last phase
of the production
the staff in this section suffer the
most from delays of the schedule!
Maybe I should run away too.
Oh, come on,
I'll try to find a replacement.
Production Manager
Nobunaga Oda
Production Manager
Nobunaga Oda
The Production Manager is the person
who sets an overall schedule
Production Manager
Nobunaga Oda
and manages all the episodes
so that the deadlines can be met.
If he's incompetent,
the schedule will get messed up
and it'll lead to a total
disaster in the production.
I know some people who'd definitely
do it as long as the schedule works out.
That's our man!
You're the pillar of our team!
Oh, but you said the other day
that you already tried to find someone
but every single person said no.
Eh, what?
Good morning!
I'm Hatomura from M&F!
We just wanted to say how much
we all appreciate your work.
How's it going?
It's been chaotic in our office!
We're all so busy now that Maromi
is being made into animation!
But Tsukiko and the
entire staff are very ecstatic!
We hope you'll be interested
in our next project as well.
Oh, before I forget, I brought the
latest Maromi character-goods today.
Here they are!
Maromi huggable pillows!
I heard that you people in the anime
industry often stay late in office
working overnight.
So I got them for you as soon as
the factory finished making them!
I hope you'll adore them!
OK, then.
Thank you all for your hard work!
How is he going to pay
if something happens to me?
I'm the one who has the
industry's future in his hands!
Ah, yes!
Not even an
Episode Director
Yoshihiro Wanibuchi
Episode Director
Yoshihiro Wanibuchi
The Episode Director is the person
responsible for individual episodes.
Episode Director
Yoshihiro Wanibuchi
He adjusts the timings for movements,
connections between cuts
Episode Director
Yoshihiro Wanibuchi
and overall balance.
Since he spends longer hours
with the show than anyone else
he seems the most likely
to end up with beard stubble.
I'm asking if you don't
even know how to apologize!
Oh, but you're the one to blame since
you layed the cable across the floor.
Why do you think
I'm doing Cut 250 again?
Because you lost it!
Well, hey, you can't take it out on me.
You shouldn't do that.
You scum!
Can't that brain of yours
even understand that
I'm cleaning up your mess?!
What's the matter?
You again?!
You're completely useless!
Always causing nothing but trouble!
Try putting a plug into
your head for a change!
You trying to resist?!
You've got pride of a human being,
but the brain of a monkey!
You monkey head!
I'm not a monkey!
What did you say?!
Hello, Oda here.
Hiranuma had an accident?
GA #9 Key Frames
It's not my fault!
This comes from a boy who wishes
to remain anonymous.
"At the cram school I go to,
everyone's talking about Shonen bat.
Especially those who are troubled
Especially those who are troubled
Filthy maggots being attacked
by that stupid Shonen Bat.
Because their grades haven't
improved as they hoped
Filthy maggots being attacked
by that stupid Shonen Bat.
Because their grades haven't
improved as they hoped
because their grades haven't
improved as they hoped
I am invincible!
Earlier this evening
a murder took place at an animation
production company in Suginami Ward
which is believed to be the work
of Shonen Bat. The victim is
Well, but
The replacement show
has already started.
It's not my fault.
Of course not!
Creating a hole in the
programming schedule is a disaster!
A person like yourself couldn't
possibly take responsibility for it!
It's not my fault.
It's not my fault!
I don't make blunders.
He was attacked by Shonen Bat?
Producer Hiranuma
Episode Director Wanibuchi
Animation Director Kanie
He was attacked by Shonen Bat?
It's a big loss that Episode Director
Wanibuchi is gone.
This will hurt the production a lot.
If Shonen Bat had
to attack someone
I wish he'd attacked
someone more incompetent.
Well, that's true.
Color Coordinator
Satoko Kayama
Color Coordinator
Satoko Kayama
The Color Coordinator's job is to decide
the colors used for characters, props
Color Coordinator
Satoko Kayama
and other objects in the cells.
Very few women work
in the anime industry
so if she's somewhat pretty,
it's easy for her to become an idol.
Oh, I just remembered.
What happened to
the cuts Wanibuchi had?
I passed them all to Kanie,
the Animation Director.
If they're past the Episode Director,
can I have them first?
I won't have the time if I have to
wait for the Animation Director.
Especially if they come to
me all at once.
You mean the Animation Director
checked material hasn't?
I haven't received anything.
What did you do that for?
Where are the materials that
the Animation Director checked?
Oh, she said she was working at home,
so she'll bring them in tomorrow
Why haven't you gone to pick them up?!
Oh, well, but
Stop making excuses!
What's your job?
It's to run around like a horse
so that things get done
according to the schedule!
You're always just slacking off!
Go pick them up, right now!
If you can't even do that,
I'll fire you!
That swaggering scumbag!
Who does he think he is, a lord?
Morning, Kanie!
They're done!
Let's see, Cut 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Director of Animation
Hitomi Kanie
Director of Animation
Hitomi Kanie
She is the Director of Animation.
Usually, drawings used
in animation are done
by several animators.
Therefore, these drawings are
not always drawn in the same style.
The Animation Director's
job is to correct them
so that they look consistent.
After all, the face is the
most important part of the character.
Kanie, you've done a nice job!
Well, see you!
Oda you scumbag.
Anyone would've thought
that she was sleeping!
I'm not so dumb that I can't tell
a dead person from a living one!
I'll get him back.
Oh no!
Hey, Kumakura, how's it going?
Director of Art
Takenori Kumakura
Director of Art
Takenori Kumakura
He is the Director of Art.
He's the one responsible
for the backgrounds.
His section is so important, that it
could determine the quality of the show.
Oh, it looks good.
Don't touch it!
You'll scratch it!
It's raining outside,
don't get it wet, OK?
Be careful!
Oh, sure, no worries!
I'll get going, then
Look, Saruta, I won't ask
you to quit any more. Die!
Just die!
I'm begging you.
You're hurting me.
Damn it!
Please do not look for me.
That's not the schedule I heard!
Oh, but if it's not done today,
we won't make the deadline.
There's no way!
Can't you tell just
by looking at all of this?
Oh, but if you don't finish
it today, we'll miss the deadline.
You're not even worth talking to.
Get Oda for me.
Oh, no.
It has to be today, or
Just get him!
Oh, no.
Anything but that.
What is it?
I just heard that today is the due day.
And I heard about this schedule
for the first time only a minute ago!
Why didn't you tell her?
Episode Director Wanibushi
Animation Director Kanie
Art Director Kumakura
Color Coordinator Kayama
You're fired.
It's all done!
The only thing left is to
deliver this Betacam tape
Hello, this is Sato from the station,
how are things going?
I'm the one who gets the last laugh.
Is it OK?
Yes, it is!
I don't have any talent.
That's not true!
I think you're just tired.
Yeah, that's it!
You should take a rest!
Take a rest.
Take a rest.
Take a rest. Take a rest.
Take a rest. Take a rest.
Take a rest. Take a rest.
Take a rest. Take a rest.
Take a rest. Take a rest.
To begin
A rumor that is going around
Of what has become
of the golden shoes.
A pair of defeated
wild boars face each other
Who no longer have
a place in the world.
A labyrinth from which
once entered, no one can return.
A beckoning dog
stands in his native land.
Healing, bamboozled,
a beauty all its own.
And then
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