Pretty Smart (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

I mean... just watch!

That was amazing.
Yeah, it really was.
Grant, I have to admit
I have been dreaming about this moment.
Me too. Can't believe it finally happened.
Are you ready for a Monday muffin
morning? Oh, my God!
- I can explain.
- Yeah. We can explain.
I didn't know you liked each other.
It was unplanned. It just happened.
We were in the gym.
Grant fixed my writer's block.
- And we had sex.
- Not helping Grant.
We were finally SBFFs, and now
you're having sex with my ex-boyfriend?
- How could you?
- I am so sorry.
Please believe me.
I never wanted to hurt you.
I stress-wrote about it in my journal.
Why can't I open this?
- It's locked. I need the key.
- You mean this key?
How do you? Why do you?
I have the key. Don't you see?
Did you just change?
You're the one that changed
from a good sister to a bad sister.
Et tu, Brute?
Now you're referencing Shakespeare?
Who's Brootay?
Me Brute!
How could you do this to your sister?
How could you lie
about not being on Instagram?
I can't believe you would do this,
Chelsea. Chelsea.
- [all] Chelsea. Chelsea. Chelsea.
- [Claire] Chels.
Who's ready for a Monday muffin morning?
[theme music playing]
- Oh, good, you're up.
- No. No, no.
[knocking on door]
- Who is it?
- It's Grant. From one second ago?
Can I come in?
Okay, fine.
- I wanted to talk about last night.
- Nothing happened.
Yeah, but something almost happened.
What did I say about making
promises you can't keep?
[Gary] Is anybody still here?
Hey, guys. What time is it?
I fell asleep in the sauna again.
- Gary, are you okay?
- Oh, please, don't worry about me.
I'll be fine.
And the towel's off.
Okay, something almost happened.
But thankfully we were interrupted.
- Thankfully?
- I mean, yes, thankfully.
It was an uncontrolled,
ill-thought-out moment of passion.
I let my emotions get the best of me.
It would have been bad if we kissed.
It's good it didn't happen.
I don't understand.
Grant, Claire and I have gotten
our relationship to a good place.
We eat muffins in bed together
every Monday morning.
And I look forward to it.
I eat chili dogs in bed.
What's the problem?
The problem is
you used to date my sister.
This can't happen, okay? I'm sorry.
Can't we at least talk about it?
Last night felt like more than
I'm sorry. I have to get to work.
I still don't quite understand
how Backgammon works.
And yet you're kicking my ass.
- Have you seen my left sock?
- Aren't both the same?
Yeah, but there's one I prefer on my left,
and the other I prefer to wear
on my right.
Is that weird?
I don't wanna talk about this anymore.
Ah. There's Lefty.
Oh, got something under here.
What is this?
Oh. Um
Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
It's all good.
I don't think that's gonna work.
Probably not.
I'm Grant.
It's just, uh
Dirty laundry. It must have
slipped under there by accident.
The stain is bad. Hate to break it
to you, but you need to let this one go.
I get it. I'm trying to get a stain out
of a shirt from a night at Red Lobster.
Those bibs don't protect everything.
Yeah, totally.
- Morning, Jayden. How are you?
- I know, right?
Any plans today?
Don't listen to them.
You look great, babe.
- That's not what I asked.
- I'm good with anything but sushi.
Oh, hey, Solana.
Jayden. Put your phone down.
You look like me when I took ayahuasca
and stared at the microwave
for three days.
You need a break.
I'm taking a break right now.
Yeah, having a smoothie.
Anyway, Claire, gotta run.
Jayden, are you okay?
Has that chair always been there?
- Jayden, this is getting out of hand.
- I know. You're right.
I walked into a glass door last night.
Not a clear one.
A stained glass door at a cathedral-themed
bar called Sinners and Taints.
I'm putting you on a digital cleanse.
No more phone for the day.
I can't do that.
Being on my phone is my job and my life.
It's why I keep chargers hidden
throughout the city
from bushes to Porta Potties.
Plus, what about my followers?
I have to keep them engaged
or I'll lose them to Logan Paul.
He's not dead like we were hoping.
I can handle your accounts for the day.
I'll thumbs-up the encouraging
comments, heart the flirty messages,
and screengrab the racist ones.
You know my system.
I don't know. Are you sure?
Jayden, I think I can handle
an influencer's socials.
I passed the bar on two hours' sleep
and cured LeBron James' fear
of public speaking through Reiki.
But I'm warning you.
This thing, this life that I live,
it sucks you in.
I'll be fine.
Well, it does feel really good to put
my arms down at my sides.
They're so long.
Can you take a picture of me like this?
Actually, I'll take it myself.
Give me my phone.
- No. [shouting]
- Give me my phone!
I'm taking this out of the house.
You can't be trusted.
- Hey, Jayden.
- Have these walls always been this color?
I don't know.
You think something is one color,
and then someone says it's different.
Even though you're sure it was the first.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Dave.
What's going on?
I don't know, Dave.
Could be hot goss
on the Stranger Things kids.
Could be nuclear war.
I have no way to find out!
[cell phone chimes]
A text from my parents.
Their flights got all messed up,
and they'll be in L.A. for the night.
Your parents are here?
Hey, Claire, I know it's last-minute,
but would you go to dinner with my folks?
I'd love to introduce you.
Your parents?
- Yeah, that'd be great.
- Awesome.
I've told my mom all about you.
She'll be so excited.
My dad will order the salmon
and immediately regret it.
Meeting the parents. Big step.
This is good news. I gotta head out.
Oh, me too.
- See you tonight.
- Okay, great.
Don't worry. Everyone gets nervous
to meet the parents.
They made a movie series about it.
I haven't seen the movies, but I'm sure
they get along and nothing goes wrong.
You're right. I just
- I don't know what to wear.
- I'll help you.
And not just because Solana took my phone
and I'm bored out of my mind,
but also 'cause I love you.
It's like an 80-20 situation.
You're not on the schedule today.
Oh, no, am I dreaming?
Please keep your clothes on.
What? No. I'm just here to talk to you.
Okay. Well, I'm really busy.
The lost and found is bonkers today.
Somebody lost their grandfather.
They didn't lose me. I'm just waiting
for my grandson to finish working out.
My mistake. Sorry, sir.
Look, for me, Chelsea, last night
wasn't just a flash in the pants.
What I'm trying to say is
I like you.
It's that simple.
I can't make those feelings go away.
I thought you liked me too.
Was I wrong about that?
No, you're right. I do like you.
- Nice.
- Okay, but there's more to it than just
I know you have concerns
about us being together,
but Claire and I are ancient history.
Like the 1990s.
She's so happy with Dave.
She made plans to meet his parents.
- Wow, that's huge for Claire.
- Exactly.
But it doesn't change the fact that
you guys dated, and she's my sister,
and that just feels kind of wrong, right?
She does have a point.
If one of my brothers told me they liked
someone I dated three years ago
and no longer had feelings for,
I'd say, "Go for it,
Stephen or Lance or Jericho."
It seems like
such an awkward conversation.
If it's okay with you,
I can talk to Claire.
No, no.
Oh, come on. Let him do it.
I should be the one that talks to her.
And we're back, baby. Hell yes!
I guess I gotta just rip off
the Band-Aid and be honest with her.
So you're gonna do it?
Yeah, I just need to figure out
what I'm gonna say.
Between the romance and all the butts,
I'm never leaving this gym.
Thanks for using
the @JadenJayJMichaelJiang offer code,
and post.
You're really great at this.
Jayden never responds to my comments,
but you were right on it.
Now, if Jayden would only follow me back?
I'm not sure why Jayden
gets so sucked into his socials.
It's pretty easy to manage.
[cell phone chimes]
Okay, you see, this is a comment
calling Jayden shallow.
That's a little hurtful
but no problem, I just won't engage.
It's so great having you here, Solana.
Jayden usually ignores me
whenever I talk
Can't pull off a romper? How dare they?
This one's not right either.
Claire, you're crazy. It's amazing.
As were the five other
Little House on the Prairie
but make it sexy sundresses before it.
I would be showing you pictures of them
in the digital look-book I would've
created by this point if I had my phone!
I'm sorry.
Oh, none of these are right!
Okay, babe, stop.
You never freak out about what you're
going to wear, even when you should.
Like that time we were background drinkers
on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
and you wore untorn denim.
What's going on?
This is clearly not about the outfit.
I I did something bad today.
Again, Claire, the other Skittles don't
know that you like the red ones best.
It's not that.
Everything was fine
until Dave looked for his left sock.
Aren't they the same?
Yeah, but there's one he prefers
on his left and one on his right.
- That's adorable.
- I know,
but when he found Lefty under my bed,
he also found something else.
Grant's coffee-stained shirt.
- This is the shirt?
- Mm-hm.
Huh. I always imagined it
So what's the issue?
When he asked me what it was,
I said it was my dirty laundry.
You lied? Why would you lie?
I don't know, but when he asked me,
I suddenly felt guilty.
Claire, when Grant gave you this shirt,
you said you just wanted to be friends.
I know, but
I think I still have feelings for Grant.
Oh, my God, what am I gonna do?
- Calm down, you're freaking out.
- I'm freaking out.
- I need to go someplace to think alone.
- Great. I'm coming with you.
- Have you seen Claire?
- I know, right?
Huh? Wait, so you have seen Claire?
Don't listen to them,
you look great, babe.
Is this one of those things
where you talk to my inner child?
Because she's not here right now.
I'm good with anything but sushi.
Hey, Chelsea, what's up?
Hi, I need to talk to Claire.
Have you seen her?
No, I haven't.
Okay. Um
I need some advice.
You know how you told me
- to let go of my crush on Grant?
- Yeah.
Well, the opposite kind of happened.
There's just something between us.
And he feels it too?
Yeah, it's electric. We're like
a modern-day Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.
- That's from
- Pride and Prejudice, I get it, you read.
I just have to talk to Claire,
you know, to get her blessing.
Good. It's the right thing to do.
What are you gonna say?
I have a thousand ideas
flying back and forth in my head,
they're all kind of jumbled together.
Well, when I'm prepping a legal case,
I like to role-play the debate beforehand.
That way,
when it comes to the actual moment,
I'm prepared for anything.
- Would that help?
- That would be great.
- Okay, go ahead.
- Okay.
Claire, I need to talk to you
about something. Grant and I have
You and Grant? You like Grant?
How could you?
Do you think
that's how she's gonna respond?
No, but you have to be prepared
for anything.
Like, what if there's an earthquake
while you're talking
Okay, you know what? That's enough.
I'm just gonna write down
what I need to say to Claire,
and then I'm gonna put together
an earthquake kit,
because now I'm stressed about that too.
Suit yourself.
I gotta get back to Jayden's socials.
But I'm here
Has that chair always been there?
This is what it feels like
to be in the wild without a phone.
It's the plant store.
It's where I come to think.
I know. It's just Ooh!
The leaves are so leafy.
And the flowers are so flowery.
And the smells are so
But still very beautiful.
Jayden, focus.
Right, sorry. Okay.
You're going through a massive crisis.
So you still have feelings for Grant
even though you told him you didn't.
Well, I told myself that too. I just
I was scared, I
Okay, it's okay. This stuff is hard.
Yeah. Because I made it hard.
Grant was there! He was practically
on one knee and I turned him down.
And then I met Dave,
and Dave is so wonderful.
He's funny and sweet and sexy.
Really sexy.
I've been with him
longer than I've been with anyone.
I'm supposed to meet his parents tonight.
What are you gonna do?
What can I do?
Go back to Grant and tell him how I feel?
I don't even know if he has feelings
for me anymore.
After all I put him through,
it wouldn't be fair.
And I'd never want to do anything
to hurt Dave.
So I think it's best
if I just let sleeping dogs cry.
Look, Claire.
You can't just be with someone
because you don't want to hurt them.
I mean, right?
- This is all just such a mess.
- I know.
And you know what,
it's gonna be a mess either way,
so I think the only thing you can do is
be honest with yourself
and go with how you feel.
You're right.
Like right now, I feel like I should
cut all ties with my former life
and become a full-time plant daddy.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So have you talked to Claire yet?
No, I can't get hold of her.
But I wrote down six different versions
of what I wanna say about you and me,
and how much she means to me,
and I used the word sister so many times,
I started referring to us
as women siblings.
I'm still kind of nervous about it.
Well, it's gonna be fine, Chelsea.
In fact, I think it's gonna be great.
- You do?
- Yeah. I really do.
But, you know, until then,
we just have to wait.
Here we are
I'll make a reservation
at that Mexican place
I've been wanting to take you to.
- That's not really waiting.
- I know but
if I sit here any longer
I'm gonna kiss you.
[door opens]
- Hey, girl.
- Oh, thank God you're home.
I can't take this anymore!
The encouraging comments
are mixing with the flirty messages,
and as far as I can tell,
all of them are at least slightly racist.
Oh, shush, shush, shush.
Be still, my little one, and fret not.
For I have emerged from my digital cleanse
united with the magical wonders of nature
in the form of a plant store on Melrose.
The world, my sweet Solallison,
is so much bigger than us.
There's earth and wind and fire!
The Commodores!
I no longer have to react
to every little thing on the Internet.
That's a relief because
Timothée Chalamet just shaved his head
and I had no idea how to comment.
What now?
- Hey, Jayden. Have you seen Claire?
- You look great, babe.
Claire, you're home.
I just broke up with Dave.
[Chelsea] Oh, good.
Hey, Claire. You're home.
Can we talk?
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