Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Gaydle and Yamanaka

We met a new debugger, Akira-san,
and left Bayle with her.
But just as we made it into the next country,
we were attacked by giants.
Following after them was Gaydle,
an NPC fighter from a nearby village.
It appears a debugger named Yamanaka
granted him power via his debugger stone.
Just what did Yamanaka do?
While trying to investigate,
I discovered that the village's other
fighters intended to assassinate Gaydle.
It's time to kill Gaydle! Let's go!
Please wait, everyone!
Gaydle and Yamanaka
The King's Seeker
Are you allied with Gaydle?
If you are, I'll show no mercy!
Y-You've got the wrong idea!
U-Um, Gaydle says he's a Seeker,
so as a fellow Seeker,
I want to help work things out.
Can you tell me what's happened here?
We found Gaydle when he was but a babe.
He'd been kidnapped by giants,
so we took him in and raised him.
But Gaydle lacked the blood of a fighter.
As such, in our village,
he couldn't become one.
Yet, in spite of that,
he worked hard for the settlement.
Until one day
We're doomed! They've surrounded us!
And while most of the fighters are away, too!
W-We're saved.
Hey, is that
Who is that?
He must be a Seeker!
I've never seen one before!
There, everything's fine now.
Nothing to be scared of.
U-Um, what's your name?
Maybe I'll stay in this village for a bit.
Gaydle saw himself in the Seeker,
who'd come from the outside.
He wanted to be just like him.
And Yamanaka-sama took a shine to the boy.
So Yamanaka trained him to be
stronger here in the village?
No, it was a far stranger affair.
The two of them disappeared one day.
Yamanaka-sama had taken Gaydle
with him on his journey, I'd assumed.
But the night after we gave up the search
Is it a giant?!
Who the hell are you?
Stop, everyone! It's me, Gaydle!
See, Yamanaka-sama made me a Seeker!
I'm a fighter now!
And Yamanaka was no longer with him?
Gaydle said he'd used peculiar
magic to turn him into a fighter
before disappearing suddenly.
A peculiar magic? Sounds like
it must've been debug mode.
Following that,
Gaydle has been hunting down giants,
as if taking out years
of frustration on them.
He's so strong that our village
fighters can do nothing.
Finishing blow!
Some have even perished after
getting caught in his attacks.
All who've tried to stop him
have been defeated.
We can't take this anymore!
So, basically, they're fighting
over an accident,
and with pride on the line,
things have spiraled out of control.
We've got to kill him before he kills us.
Let's go!
Just give me a little time.
And that's about the size of it.
So just kill Gaydle.
Kill Gaydle and Yamanaka.
That'll set things right.
Erm, what? Aren't you all Seekers?
Akira-san, we should resolve this peacefully.
Huh? Why?
E-Either way, we can't kill him!
Akira's keeping this simple:
eliminate all anomalies.
Haga wants to find and fix
any bugs there might be.
And Nikola sees herself in Gaydle,
but I guess we can ignore her.
You can't do that to Gaydle-san
after he finally became a Seeker!
Haga, the fact is that we can't
spend too much time on this.
We're advancing the story, right?
Y-Yes, but I
Well, we may be too late.
What do you mean?
I hear the sounds of combat.
Seems the fighters couldn't wait.
Jose Paul Joseph
Why were you so mean to me?!
Come on! I'm finally a fighter, aren't I?
Am I still just an orphan,
even if I'm a fighter?
I got so strong, for everyone's sake
I just want to protect the village!
That's enough, right?
I'm killing him.
Akira-san, wait!
Hey, he's getting away!
We need to find Yamanaka!
We need to figure out exactly
what caused this first!
He's so big that it'll be easy
to follow his tracks.
That does it.
Oh, Gaydle?
What are you doing here, Yamanaka-sama?
Just looking into something.
Were they bullying you again?
I can't help it. It's my fault
for not being a fighter.
You never get bullied, do you?
No, I got bullied a lot when I was a kid.
What? I don't believe it!
I see If I was as strong
as you, I'd get them back.
That's not how it works, Gaydle.
The strong have to protect people.
You can't do the same thing they did to you.
Got it!
If I get strong, I won't bully the weak!
I'll protect others!
Want to try being a fighter, then?
Yeah. I'll do it for you.
Stay put for a second, Gaydle.
I can raise your HP, of course
What about your attack?
Wow, look how high it can go!
What about the other parameters?
I'll max this out, turn this up too, then
Wow! I'm so strong! I have so much power!
Please help me!
I'm a fighter now, but they still bully me!
What do I do?
I don't want to be a fighter anymore!
Before, it was awful just doing
chores instead of fighting
But I was still a part of the village.
And now they treat me like a monster!
I'm all alone!
This place
Don't take another step, you guys!
The floor seems okay, but
That wall's texture map never got set, did it?
I saw this once in another game.
Texture Map
When we report this, let's be sure we
say "texture" and not "texture map."
Who cares?
Look at me, Yamanaka-sama!
Why are you ignoring me?!
Wait, is that Yamanaka? Is he frozen?
Freezing from a texture bug?
That's hard to imagine.
He's not frozen. I can see
him breathing softly.
Seriously? I'm shocked you can see that far.
You're right.
It makes more sense to assume
he can't control his avatar.
The real question is why.
I can't tell from here.
Hey, it's dangerous! Get back here!
Is that Tesla?
Yamanaka-sama, why aren't
you saying anything?
Common in the Kingdoms of Stamao on Clayborne Island.
They often come down from the mountains and attack villages
to capture humans for food or slaves. There are said to be greater
races of giants that are highly intelligent.
Dragon God's Waterfall\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h
There are many waterfalls in the Stamao Mountains.
Some of them draw adventurers because they are rumored
to contain secret treasures from an ancient civilization.
I knew it.
Overlapping it doesn't help.
How long have I been locked out
of my own body now?
I just wanted to check up on Gaydle discreetly
so the villagers wouldn't complain
I only meant to turn on free
camera mode for a second.
Free camera
Maybe this "FC" command is it?
Oh, there we go.
Hey, wait. Huh?
Seriously, why didn't
I think this through?
You have to be able to move
to get out of free camera mode.
I was screwed the second
I turned it on, wasn't I?
It looks like I'm alive,
so at least I'm not dead, but
I can't touch or do anything.
I can move, but
There's diddly-squat
outside of these cave walls.
I'm so bored.
I've tried everything I can think of, too.
Find something touchable
Touch it from different angles
I can't imagine anybody coming
to this secret dungeon, either.
I'll just have to wait for another
debugger to show up by chance.
Somebody's coming!
Please help me!
I'm a fighter now, but they still bully me!
What do I do?
Gaydle! Hey! Can you see me?
I don't want to be a fighter anymore!
What happened? Damn it
I should've known you couldn't hear me.
Don't cry, Gaydle!
I want to cry, too! I do
Damn it all!
Who are you? When did you get here?
Y-You there! Can you see me?
You're stuck in free camera mode, huh?
Th-Th-Th That's right!
And nobody but you can
use your debugger stone.
"Debugger stone"? Is she a debugger?!
I'm saved!
I-I-Is there anything you can do?
L-Like maybe hold my hand?
Nikola-san, what are you saying?
Hey! What are you doing to my stone?!
Haga-chan, you're going to tell me
all about her later, you hear me?
H-H-H-H-Hey! My stone!
G-G-Give it back!
Hey! Spit it out! I said spit it out!
Shut up.
Nikola-san, what are you doing?
Are you talking to Yamanaka-sama?
Yamanaka is here but not.
He can't talk to you.
What are you saying? He's right here
You'll stay as you are.
You won't be going back.
Give up.
Give up?
Hey, hey, hey!
Haga? You're the one who
said not to go in there!
What are you doing?!
I finally met someone I could talk to!
Did you come to bully me, too?!
Who's this guy?
Stay back! Stay! Back!
What strength!
Haga, she's breathing! She's not dead!
I can kill him now, right?!
Be careful! We have no way of knowing
how strong he's become!
You're kidding me! That did nothing?
Hey! Leave my body out of this!
If I fight him head-on, one hit will kill me!
You monster!
I'm not a monster!
I'm not a monster I'm I'm
Damn it! How do we fight this guy?
I'll buy some time!
Haga! Get down!
What is this thing?
Here! Drink this!
What was that weapon?
Just drink it!
I'm so glad I bought that!
Talk about incredible power.
I didn't think it'd be this strong.
Is it
Is it fun to bully me?
Wh-What do we do?
We get out of here!
When you don't know
what's going on, fall back!
Then think!
That's rule number one!
I can't even die?
What did you do to me, Yamanaka-sama?
I'm sorry. I was trying to be kind.
This shouldn't have happened.
Somebody tell me what to do.
I can't take any more.
Turn me back! Somebody!
Somebody help me!
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