Roswell s01e10 Episode Script

The Balance

- Previously on Roswell.
- I once knew someone like you.
Do you know where I can find him? - Shouldn't we, like, talk or something.
- About what? I have one more thing to show you.
So this has some type of meaning.
It's some kind of message for us.
Alex Max, Michael and Isabel, they aren't from around here.
Where are they from? I'm alone, and that's the way it's gotta be.
Maybe we should've never started this.
- You don't believe me, do you? - I believe that you believe.
- If I don't go right now, things are gonna change.
- Change how? [Liz Narrating.]
There are days when everything seems wrong when little things just irk you for no good reason.
And then there are days like today when the worldjust sings to you from the minute you open your eyes in the morning till the minute you shut them again at night.
Days when you actually enjoy cleaning the milk shake machine.
- God, this day sucks.
- [Bell Rings.]
Table two says their bacon's not crisp enough.
- Isn't anybody ever satisfied? - ## [Humming.]
[Door ChimeJingles.]
Well, if it isn't Prince Charming and Quasimodo.
#[Rock Ballad.]
- #[Continues.]
- Hey, do we have to eat here? I'm, uh, really in the mood for a piece of Men in Blackberry pie.
- Why, is there something wrong? - Compared to nuclear winter, no.
- What are you doing? - Max likes cherry cola.
- What does Michael like? - Cherry cola with arsenic? Can we please leave? I'll buy you a whole one at the House of Pies.
What's your problem, Michael? I thought maybe you'd want to see Maria.
We kind of broke up.
What? Why didn't you tell me? I don't I'm not sure if we did or didn't.
I mean, it's confusing.
Cherry cola, on the house.
Yours is $1.
I guess it's not really confusing anymore, is it? - What's this? - Put that away.
- Now, I know this.
This is from - Not here, Michael.
What are you hiding from me, Max? #[Rock.]
#[Man Singing.]
- Anyone I know? - Alex, where have you been? We've been looking for you the last couple of days.
Oh, well, I've been feeling, you know, a little rocky about things, you know? So I took some time, you know? A little personal reflection, a little research.
So, um, where did you come out in all of this? Well, I've got two theories.
One is that, uh, you and Liz have been brainwashed by a drug cult.
- Yes? - And the other is I'm trapped inside some extremely long, extremely weird nightmare.
Yeah, well, the first couple of days were pretty tough for me too but trust me, they will not hurt you.
I mean, physically.
What actually makes you believe in any of this? Well, I guess when Liz was shot and Max dissolved the bullet into nothingness and then repaired the damages inside of her that would have otherwise left her dead.
I guess that kind of changed my thinking.
Well, I guess maybe I should talk with one of them directly.
- Yeah.
- Maybe Isabel.
One piece of advice, okay? Don't get involved with them.
I mean, look at me and Michael.
Granted, the passion was outrageous but in the end, they're [Chuckles.]
They're pretty heartless.
I just drew it from memory.
It was painted on the wall of the cave that River Dog took us to.
I don't even know if it means anything.
Of course, it means something.
Why else would we all recognize it? Just like the pendant, Max.
It's like our language or something.
It's familiar, but I can't seem to remember how to read it.
What I want to know is how long were you planning on keeping this from us, Max? Too much was happening, Michael.
Topolsky was all over us, and I couldn't risk that I just thought I should wait, that's all.
No, no, no.
Go ahead and finish that.
You couldn't take the risk that, what - I'd go do something stupid? - That's not what I said.
- No, you didn't have to.
- I'm sure Max had his reasons.
Yeah, that he couldn't trust me with that.
But he could trust Liz.
She was there.
I couldn't just Why am I defending myself? This is exactly why I didn't tell you.
Because you would jump to some wild conclusion and go off and do something crazy without even telling us.
I didn't think that was particularly wise with the F.
Following us around.
You should have told us, Max.
Max, honey? Liz is here.
We're just goin' out.
- [Michael.]
You're going out? - What? Like on a date? No, not at all.
We both just kind of felt like Chinese food.
- It's no big deal.
- Why are you changing your shirt? I'm late.
We'll figure out the questions we want to ask and then we'll go back to River Dog together, okay? Please, Michael.
Leave it alone for now.
I'll wait.
We'll talk when I get back.
[Both Sigh.]
Do you ever wonder what else he tells Liz he doesn't tell us? Oh, please.
You're one to talk.
What have you been whispering in Maria's ear lately? - At least I'm smart enough not to get attached.
- [Scoffs.]
I can walk away from anybody if I have to.
- What is that supposed to mean? - It means I'm not gonna let Max's mistakes keep me from finding out what I need to know.
Come on, Michael, you promised.
I promise I'll be as trustworthy as Max.
[Coyote Howling.]
I'm lookin' for somebody named River Dog.
[Drums Beating, Men Chanting.]
- River Dog.
- She's not deaf.
She's just not answering you.
My name's Eddie.
Who are you? Well, Eddie, I'm somebody lookin' for River Dog.
He's busy in the tent.
It's a sacred ritual.
You can't go in unless somebody invites you.
- So invite me.
- It's a sweat.
It's a spiritual cleansing.
It's intense.
If that's where he is, then that's where I want to go.
[Drums, Chanting Continue.]
It doesn't add up.
The human body is the most intricate and complex machine in the universe.
No matter how sophisticated your race is - I mean, how could you possibly just take on human form? - [Sighs.]
I'm not an alien.
Whatever you say.
Okay, then let's just say it were possible, all right? Why on earth would Excuse the phrase.
Why would you be sent here to begin with? I mean, what purpose could you possibly have? To wipe out the world, one annoying teenager at a time.
We don't know.
When we came out of these pods, we looked just like normal kids.
We've never been anything else but what you see.
No green skin, no antennas.
We have emotions.
We feel pain.
We probably have more questions about ourselves than you do.
I mean, haven't you ever felt different from everybody else? Like if you tried to reveal your true self to someone they just would never understand.
- Yeah.
- Well, that's what it's like to be us.
We're just as human as you are, Alex only we can manipulate the molecular structure of things.
What? [Slurping Drink.]
[Drum Beating, Chanting.]
Is that River Dog? Don't worry.
He knows you're here.
No talking right now.
Just follow the chant.
[Coughing Continues.]
Told you it was intense.
- What the hell was that? - [Laughs.]
This is the closest we've ever come to any kind of connection with our - With your home.
- Yeah.
Look, the whole staring thing is making me very uncomfortable.
- What staring thing? - You haven't taken your eyes off me all night.
It's like you're waiting for me to turn into something else.
I'm sorry.
I won't stare at you anymore.
I'll just I'll look at this.
I think you've seen enough for one night.
Very nice.
#[Country Rock.]
I know.
Make sure it's lined up.
Like that? - Okay.
- #[Continues.]
You've got chalk on your face.
This is my favorite part.
It says, "This is the best night of your life.
" Is that really what it says? Well, it's better than "A broken clock is still right twice a day.
" [Giggles.]
- You're right.
I like yours better.
- Okay, let me see yours.
"Ask a girl to dance with you.
" Is that really what it says? - It depends on your answer.
- Yes.
- Then that's really what it says.
- Okay.
My parents are away for the weekend.
They're at a stargazing camp-out something about Venus being in the morning sky.
- I thought she was right in front of me.
- [Giggles.]
You guys have to come back to the Crashdown.
It's Michael.
[Door Chimes Jingling.]
Something's wrong, Max.
He's really sick.
[Man Chanting.]
- Here, drink some more water.
It's helping.
- I feel better.
Maybe he should eat, you know starve a cold, feed a fever? - Echinacea always worked for me.
- I said I was better.
All right? I feel perfectly fine.
- You were burning up a minute ago, Michael.
- Well, it's over now, okay? - I just want to go home.
- I'll drive you.
I wouldn't want to ruin your date.
We're leaving now.
Alex, you need a ride? [Huffs.]
What I really need is a sedative.
Max? So I guess I'm just gonna hit the hay.
- Thank you for, uh, locking up.
- Not so fast.
You know what this calls for.
Nothing even happened.
We kept getting interrupted.
- Nothing happened? - Uh-uh.
Well Yeah, the other night we, um, we kissed.
- And? - [Chuckles.]
I don't think we should talk about it.
Are you kidding? We have to talk about it.
We're the only two people capable of having this conversation.
- That we know of.
- Don't complicate things, okay? Who wants to go first? Fine, I'll start.
I'll start.
It was [Inhales, Exhales.]
Uh - [Giggles.]
that's a really good word.
- Right? - Okay.
- It was like every cell in my body felt the same cell in his and started heating up.
- And I got really dizzy.
Did you get dizzy? - [Giggles.]
- I get dizzy just thinking about it.
- Okay, you know, like all that time I spent with Kyle, I didn't have any of those feelings that I did when I was with Max.
- What about you? - Mmm, Doug Sohn in the eighth grade - Yeah.
- Amateur.
Michael is the real thing.
Here is the big question: Do you think that we feel like this just because of the fact that they're, like - Oh, their nonhuman status.
- Right.
- What if they've, like, ruined it for us with anyone else? - Yeah.
Leave it to Michael to just wreak havoc on the rest of my life - even though he wants no part of it.
- He'll change his mind.
I don't think so.
And besides, I've come to the conclusion that it can never happen.
I mean, human-alien relationships are bound to be disasters.
Just don't think that you can enter into something with Max and expect not to get hurt in the end of it.
I mean, me? I'm Teflon, babe.
Michael starts acting like a total loser I just walk away.
But you and Max, ahh you guys have got that whole Iook-into-my-eyes, soul-mate thing.
Um, yeah, you know, this this whole thing is just, it's gonna work out.
We just have to be prepared for anything that comes our way.
This place gives me the creeps.
Yeah, I can understand that now.
There's something I really have to show you.
You know the drawing you showed me last night? - Stop talking about it so loudly.
- It's been bugging me where I've seen something like it, so I came here I looked around, and that's what I saw.
It's this place.
It's called Machu Picchu, right? It's in Peru.
And it's full of stufflike this.
I mean, exactly like in your drawing.
Next you're gonna tell me that spacemen came here thousands of years ago to share all their secrets with cavemen, right? Forget it, Alex.
Don't you think we've checked all this stuff out? It's just some stupid rumor like those ridiculous crop circles and the rest of the lies people tell to make a buck.
- Just let it go, okay? - [Loudly.]
But what if this could help you find your planet? [People Murmuring.]
What did you just say? - [Laughs.]
- Evans's sister, right? Yeah.
I don't appreciate your attempt at humor, young man.
We UFOlogists don't joke about things like that.
Yes, sir.
Of course not.
I apologize.
I'm sorry.
Do you understand what a mistake like that would do in front of somebody who mattered? I'm sorry.
I slipped.
It won't happen again.
- God, Alex.
- [Crowd Gasps.]
- I'm sorry.
- All right, let us through, please.
- Excuse me.
- We're in charge.
- Max.
- Get Max Evans.
- I'm here.
I'm here.
Keep 'em closed.
- Someone call an ambulance.
! - No, no.
I got him.
I got him.
It's your friend.
The one that broke in here.
- What's going on, Evans? - Migraines.
He gets really bad migraines.
My God.
- Oh, my God, Max.
- Help me get him out of here, quick.
- Michael.
- Here, let me help.
Just leave us alone.
Okay, so once you're done with the sugars will you just make sure the salt and pepper shakers are full too? - You are letting this whole manager thing get to your head.
- [Knocking.]
Oh, Max, um, what are you doing? - We came through the back.
We need your help.
- Maria.
- Michael.
Is he okay? - [Isabel.]
Does he look okay to you? - What's wrong with him? - God, how should I know? Nothing like this has ever happened before.
We need to keep him someplace safe.
Liz, can we keep him here? Yeah, uh, but let's just take him upstairs.
- It will be safer there.
- We'll have to carry him.
Yeah, I'll go first.
It only goes up to 112.
We're gonna need some ice and towels.
We need to cool him down.
Um, they're in the kitchen, and then there's some in the bathroom too.
- Are you okay? - Has this ever happened before? - I mean, to you? - Never.
- What's he saying? - I don't I don't know.
It's some kind of chant.
- Michael, can you hear me? - [Chanting.]
What are you saying? What are you trying to tell us? Michael, it's me, Max.
Please let me help you.
[Exhales Sharply.]
River Dog.
[Chanting Continues.]
You're not welcome here anymore.
We just want to find out what happened.
You told someone what you found here! River Dog is really angry.
It is really important that we talk to him about what he did to Michael.
He tested him.
Your friend didn't pass.
- What do you mean? - That's all I know.
That's not enough.
I want to know exactly what River Dog did to him.
He wants nothing to do with you.
You betrayed his trust and that's something he won't forgive.
I don't want forgiveness.
I want answers before my friend dies.
Look, Max.
Michael's really sick, Eddie and we don't know what to do.
We need River Dog.
I'm sorry.
But he's gone.
I'm waiting here until he comes back.
- What are you doing? - Well, he's so cold, l Are you kidding? He's burning up.
Right before I had the chicken pox, I had a really high fever and my mom had to put me in an ice bath.
- This isn't the chicken pox, and he was fine.
- [Knocking.]
- Knock, knock.
- I thought you said you locked the door.
The key's always under the mat.
Hey, look, everything's going fine downstairs.
I just wanted to come up, see if there's anything that I could do.
Yes, there's something you can do.
You can get out of here, both of you! And let me take care of Michael.
God, he needs me right now not strangers.
I remember the first time I saw Michael.
It was in the desert the night we first came out of the pods.
The sky was bright with stars and this full moon.
Isabel and I found each other first.
We didn't know how to speak, but we could communicate anyway.
We walked for a while but we could both feel someone else.
He said he saw us, but that he was afraid.
So he just watched us for a long time.
When he finally revealed himself he was standing on this rock.
Just like you'd expect from Michael.
- "Here I am.
Deal with me.
" - [Laughs.]
He said it was the hardest thing he's ever had to do to trust us.
So, um, how did you guys end up getting separated? We all saw the headlights at the same time.
Isabel took my hand.
We knew we'd be safe as long as we stayed together.
I held my hand out for Michael.
I knew he wanted to, but he just wouldn't take it.
So we just looked at each other for a long time.
Wouldn't see him again for three years.
Isabel would cry every night, wondering where he was.
You all right? Uh, yeah, it it's just kinda sad, you know thinking of being separated like that.
You're wondering if it could happen to me, aren't you? - If I could get sick like Michael.
- No.
I've been thinking about it a lot too.
Whether this is just our life cycle.
And then maybe this is how we die.
Max, it's Come on, it's not.
I can understand if you have doubts about us.
I mean, second thoughts.
Because committing to someone is hard enough without having to wonder if they're even gonna be here tomorrow.
You should eat.
Um [Chuckles.]
I didn't know how much you like, so Thank you.
I care about him too, you know.
I know you do.
But Max and Michael are all I have.
- And if I lose them - You won't.
- What's happening? - I don't know.
I don't know! But he's strong he'll hurt himself.
Go get Alex.
Michael! - [Line Ringing.]
- They're not answering.
- [Drums Beating.]
- We should get back.
[Man Chanting.]
That's what Michael's been saying over and over.
It's coming from that tent.
[Drums, Chanting Continue.]
Let's give him more water.
That helped him before.
[Chanting Continues.]
[Chanting, Drumming.]
What are they doing? I'm not sure.
I mean, what's happening to Michael isn't natural at all.
Bring him here.
We might not have much time.
Thank God you're here.
Oh, my God, Max.
This is really happening, isn't it? [River Dog.]
The man who lived in this cave when I was a boy was not like us.
Some of the elders believed he was an evil spirit, so they decided to test him.
He was invited into the sweat, just like I invited your friend.
His reaction was quick and severe.
Within a minute, his eyes were white, and he developed a fever.
Just like Michael.
Only it took the symptoms longer to show up in your friend.
That's why I dismissed him at first.
But when you told me he was sick I knew he was another visitor.
That's an interesting way to put it.
Well, that's what he called himself.
In my language, the word is nasedo.
So that's what I called him.
And you knew Nasedo well? I saved his life.
After the sweat, he ran out into the desert.
And we were told not to follow him.
But I was a boy, and I didn't listen.
I found him in this cave, dying.
He had to trust me with his secret so that I could heal him.
- And you'll do the same to heal Michael.
- I'll try.
But I'll need the help of all of you.
- Even me? - Healing requires energy.
The more we have, the faster we heal.
Now everyone take your place in the circle.
There's a line for each of you leading to the center.
[River Dog.]
Nasedo gave me these stones.
They're from his place.
And they carry an energy inside them.
- You mean, these are from - Wherever you are from.
He said that his body carried the same energy that's in these stones.
He called it "the balance".
He said that the heat from the sweat disrupted it in some way.
How? He told me to hold the stones until my energy activated them.
And the balance would be restored.
- And if you didn't? - He would die.
So let's get going.
He warned me, though, there was a risk.
The balance can pull you in.
It's a force that can change both your body and your mind unless you navigate it properly.
Now, clear your mind.
Drink from the bowl.
Don't change the way you feel about your friend and you'll come out on the right side.
- What is it? - Water.
Something in common with all of us.
By drinking from the same bowl, we begin the connection.
You're afraid.
Not of the healing.
Your fear runs deeper.
You fear for someone else someone you care for a great deal.
You must take a step back.
You cannot stop the flow.
I'm sorry.
[All Chanting.]
She'll find her own path.
- You take yours.
- [Chanting Continues.]
[Chanting Continues.]
[Cocoon Tearing.]
You all right? I went someplace, Max - and I saw things.
- But you came back - for good this time.
- Yeah, I came back.
Thank you, Maxwell.
No more running.
No matter what.
Give me your rocks.
It's a map.
I've always been the one who comes through in the time of crisis.
I do what's necessary, and I don't panic.
But seeing Michael so sick and having no way of knowing what was wrong or how to help It made me scared scared that one day something could happen to Max and I wouldn't know how to help this person who means so much to me - who means everything.
- Is this a bad time? No, it's not.
- Just, uh I wanted to see how you were doing.
- I'm fine.
Yeah, um - how's Michael? - Same as ever.
That's That's really good.
But I'm not, Liz.
What do you mean? I mean, one day it will be me, and I can't keep pretending that I'm normal.
Max, look.
You know, I didn't I didn't mean to have doubts.
I didn't I didn't mean to let you down in the cave.
I don't blame you.
You had every right to feel that way because what you felt is true.
We don't belong together.
Don't say that.
The other night, you know, when we went out and the whole day before ever since we kissed I've been off balance.
You made me forget that anything else existed.
But that's not real.
It is the only real thing that I've ever felt.
Sometimes you have to take a step back to see what's really going on.
Maybe that's what we both really need to do right now find our balance again.
You know, Max, I thought that, uh I thought that we'd found it.
You don't know how much I wish that could be true.
Max how is it possible that I could be [Chuckles.]
I could be the happiest that I've ever been in my entire life you know, and now the saddest all at all at one time? I think that's what being in love is.
Yeah, I think so too.
So we'll just take a step back for a while.
Well, uh you know, if that's what - if that's what you want, l - That's what I need.
'Cause I'm just as scared as you are.
No, wait, Max.
#[Woman Singing.]
I just wanted to remember.
Good-bye, Liz.
Good-bye, Max.

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