Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Ruby Ring Jeong Ruby Jeong Runa Episode 10 Chorim, why are you here so early? You must be tired.
I was up all night.
I dozed off briefly early morning, and when I woke up, Gilja was gone.
She must've gone to the hospital.
The girls are one thing, but I'm scared Gilja will get sick too.
I can't even imagine how upset she must be.
Both her daughters were in an accident.
Shouldn't you go to the hospital? They won't be discharged any time soon.
This will be long-term, so what's the point in my being there? I can be of greater help by selling a lot of chicken and making money.
I can't have you do everything.
You're right.
I can't do it alone.
Chorim, I heard Ruby's face is mangled.
It was so badly cut up, I couldn't tell what was what.
And those glass shards I couldn't even ask how many stitches she got.
But she's the lucky one.
Runa has fractures all over.
Gilja's been crying, worried Runa won't make it.
What if she doesn't? Soyeong! Don't even say that.
I know Runa.
She's very strong.
Oh, do we need to make new stock? I prepared the ingredients yesterday.
I'll go and put it on the stove.
We're not open.
What are you doing here? I heard about the accident.
I stopped by to see how you were.
Though I hear about it, I can't believe what happened.
Chin up, Chorim.
The surgeries went well, and Runa will soon wake up from her coma.
Why did this have to happen? Ruby had her wedding date set, and Runa was going to and a show in Seoul.
It should've been me.
My poor nieces.
Would you like coffee? Yeah.
Make it strong for me.
Are you the Incredible Hulk? I thought you broke my back.
Why are you such a wimp? You must've put on a front.
I wasn't fronting.
Who wouldn't topple over from your monstrous force? Were you a wrestler in your past life? Or a shot putter? What? Settle down, you two.
How strange.
Are both Ms.
Seo and Ms.
Jeong going to be late today? No.
Seo's here.
Her purse is there.
Oh, right.
Jeong won't be coming in for a while.
What? Why not? Didn't she say she won't be resigning? She must've changed her mind.
It's not that.
She was in an accident yesterday.
Pardon? What kind of an accident? She got into a car accident on her way to Seoul.
Oh, no.
I just spoke with the director.
Her life isn't in danger, but she suffered a brain hemorrhage and multiple fractures on her face.
That's terrible.
And her wedding's coming up.
I know.
It was especially bad timing.
So you both drive safe, okay? You're Ms.
Jeong Ruby's family, right? Yes.
She's in room 510.
Ruby, it's me, your mom.
Wake up.
How could this have happened? What did we do to deserve this? Here.
You have to wake up and get married.
How can this be happening? Yes? Have you calmed down a bit? You were so worried.
Thank you.
The surgery went well.
She's unconscious now, but she'll wake up some time today, so don't worry.
What about Runa, doctor? Ms.
Jeong Runa is not doing well.
The brain hemorrhage was severe, and she has fractures everywhere, including her pelvis and knees.
Doctor, please save our Runa.
I can't make any promises, but we're doing our best, so please try not to worry.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, right.
Is Ms.
Jeong Ruby our last patient for the day? Yes, doctor.
Then could we have a word in my office? Pardon? That can't be.
You didn't know? No.
Not at all.
She was with child.
The accident led to a miscarriage though.
I wasn't sure whether you knew, but you didn't mention anything, so I had no idea.
She never told me.
The thing is, she was about to get married.
It's just I thought I'd let you know just in case.
I thought she was single, but she suffered a miscarriage, so I didn't want to tell you about it in front of other people.
She had a miscarriage.
The poor thing.
I didn't know that was why she was rushing her wedding.
Does Gyeongmin know? No, I don't think so.
He wouldn't have let her drive to Seoul on her own if he knew.
He's such a considerate man.
I heard Ruby's been moved from intensive care.
Why aren't you in her room? Oh, um I'm popping in to see Runa.
Go ahead to Ruby's room.
What should I do? Should I tell him or not? I should.
It was their baby after all.
I'm sorry, but we have to cancel our reservation.
It's still hard to believe.
We'll be in touch once we reschedule.
I canceled the reservation at the hotel wedding hall.
I feel so bad for Gyeongmin.
What's he going to do? It's up to him.
What choice do we have? Maybe they weren't meant to be.
Gyeongmin says he knew she was the one the moment he laid eyes on her.
It's because of her that he returned before he got his degree abroad.
But given what's happened Stop your nonsense and get dressed.
We're going to Chuncheon.
Pardon? Aren't you going to visit the hospital? Dr.
Kim in Yeouido will get a room for Ruby and Runa.
Are you going to move them to Seoul? I have to.
I'm partly responsible for what happened.
I feel guilty.
Yes? Oh.
Oh, my goodness.
She's so badly hurt.
Hello, Mrs.
You've come.
Ma'am, I'm so sorry about what happened.
Thanks for coming.
Ruby will make it through this.
Try not to worry.
The wedding has to be postponed, right? Hello? You're good at art too, Ruby.
- Who's this? - You.
- And this? - Me.
This is wonderful, Ruby.
Keep working on it.
How about this one? - This one? - Yup.
Draw whatever you want to.
All set.
We don't have time.
How about a ponytail? I want my hair done like hers.
Hold still.
Runa, you look really pretty.
All set.
Look at how well you've done in math too.
You got a 100%.
Good job.
Runa, what is this? What will you do about her face? What are you going to do? Huh? Her face is scarred.
You're always stirring up trouble.
Stop it, mom.
You're hurting Runa.
Don't hurt her.
You have yours.
Give it back to her.
Let's share.
Don't worry, Gyeongmin.
Things will only get better.
The doctor said she had no other major injuries, right? Yes, ma'am.
Pardon? Ruby, are you awake? Yes.
It's me.
It's mom.
Jeong Ruby, know where you are? Nurse Kim, raise the bed.
Yes, doctor.
Why can't she speak, doctor? Ruby.
It's me.
Her vocal cords were damaged too.
She won't be able to speak for some time.
Good heavens.
Ruby, do you recognize me? Ms.
Jeong Ruby, are you awake? Good.
She won't be able to speak or eat for some time, so make sure she doesn't overexert herself.
Relax and get some rest.
Think of this as a vacation, okay? Excuse us.
Has Ruby regained consciousness? Ruby.
Gilja! Gilja! I heard Ruby's woken up.
Oh, Ruby.
You've survived.
You've survived.
Jeong Ruby.
Ruby, you did well.
Ruby, does it hurt anywhere? This is odd.
Why's everyone calling me Ruby? Mom, I'm not Ruby.
I'm Runa, Jeong Runa.
What is it, Ruby? Are you in pain? Don't try to speak.
You'll get better soon.
You almost died, you poor thing.
There was a car crash.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Not my face.
Ruby, calm down.
I'm not Ruby, you idiot.
I'm Runa, your sister-in-law.
Let go.
Let go.
Leave me alone.
Ruby, you poor thing.
Jeong Runa Gyeongmin, I have something to tell you.
Go ahead.
Ruby was Sorry.
Hang on.
Yes, dad.
We're at the front entrance.
I'm nearby.
I'll be right there.
You were saying? You see, perhaps you already know about it, but Ruby Gyeongmin.
I'm so sorry about what happened.
You must be so upset.
I'm sorry that Ruby has caused you concern.
Please don't say that.
I'm partly to blame.
I have everything arranged at a hospital I know well, so don't worry, and let me take care of everything.
We're taking her to Seoul.
To Seoul? She's regained her consciousness, so I think we should have her get specialized tests and treatments.
We don't want to impose.
It's not an imposition.
Although they're not married yet, Ruby is my one and only daughter-in-law.
Be strong.
And don't worry about her sister either.
He's made arrangements at the same hospital for her as well.
Runa too? Oh, no.
We can take care of her here.
Let me take care of everything.
I don't know what to say.
Thank you very much.
What? Move? Yes.
Gyeongmin's family will have Ruby and Runa taken care of at Korea's top hospital.
As their mother, I can't just stay here and sell chicken.
Yes, but I'm not that shameless.
Runa's still in a coma.
I can't be here, miles away from her.
If you can't move with me, I'll do it alone.
Don't be like that.
You can't leave me all alone here.
You have Dongpal.
Good grief, Gilja.
He's younger than you and has never been married.
Make up your mind before it's too late.
Being indecisive is your loss.
It's not easy finding a younger man.
Someone like him won't come along again.
What am I going to do? My face is my asset.
What am I going to do? What's this? Just take it off.
I'm not going to keep it.
That's right.
I was on my way to Seoul for an audition, and Ruby Yes.
That expensive car her father-in-law got her.
So what happened to Ruby? Did she die? Did she die? Ruby! Ruby! It's all my fault.
This is my fault.
Ruby, what's the matter? Ruby.
There, there.
You have me, Jeong Ruby.
I'll take care of you.
I'll be by your side until all the scars are completely gone.
Have faith in me, Ruby.
You trust me, right? I'm not Ruby.
Don't worry about Runa either.
I'll take good care of her too.
I'll make sure you and Runa go back to looking exactly like you did before the accident.
That means.
Ruby is alive.
She's not dead.
So why? Is her face unrecognizable like mine? Ruby, get better soon so we can get married.
Married? With me? So does he really think I'm Ruby? Mom, Aunt Chorim, and everyone else too? I love you, Ruby.
Thank you for surviving.
You need to get some rest too.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll do that.
I'll be right back.
You poor thing, why didn't tell me you were pregnant? The wedding was coming up.
You had nothing to be ashamed of.
You could've told me.
You lost the baby.
It's okay.
You can have another one later.
Does Gyeongmin know? I see.
Given what's happened, what's the point in letting him know? It'll be painful for the both of you.
Ruby? You? Ruby You must still be in a daze.
That's right.
Your name is Jeong Ruby.
Runa Runa? She's fine.
Runa's fine.
How is she? Runa's in intensive care.
She got surgery for a severe head injury, but she may never wake up.
She may even die.
Ruby, don't.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it, Ruby.
Have faith in me, Ruby.
You trust me, right? Don't worry about Runa either.
I'll take good care of her too.
I'll make sure you and Runa go back to looking exactly like you did before the accident.
Ruby, get better soon so we can get married.
I love you, Ruby.
This is absurd.
Why do they think I'm Ruby? Why? Runa's in intensive care.
She got surgery for a severe head injury, but she may never wake up.
She may even die.
What am I going to do? What am I to do? Everyone thinks I'm Ruby.
If I can undergo a perfect transformation If only I can do that, I could live her life.
If I can make that happen No.
That's not possible.
Are you nuts? Have you lost it, Jeong Runa? But I want Ruby's life.
I really want it.
Jeong Runa I'm sorry.
This is fate.
It's fate that I took the wheel and that we got into an accident.
It's also fate that the ruby ring was on my finger.
We don't know when you'll wake up.
You may never wake up.
So what would be the harm in your young sister taking your place? If you're no longer around, someone else will take your place away, so let that be me.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me, Ruby.
But for once, I will have it all no matter what.
This is an opportunity heaven has given me.
From now on, I'm Ruby, Jeong Ruby! Jeong Ruby! I'm Jeong Ruby.
You can't even speak.
My dear Ruby's become a baby.
Gyeongmin, she wasn't meant for you.
Is the baby okay? She was pregnant.
We should go our separate ways.
I thought your family was better than this.
This isn't fair.
Poor Ruby.
Without Ruby, I'm nothing.
I'm here to see Runa.
You're Runa.
You're Runa, aren't you? See you next time
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