Running Point (2025 s01e10 Episode Script

Game Seven

It's been a month
since my fiancé left me.
And to quote
the great American poet Kelly Clarkson,
my life has sucked without Lev.
Ooh, when you swept me off… ♪
Charlie's Angels.
We were so fucking cute.
Who knew you could move
Such a heavy, heavy heart like mine ♪
And you got me thinkin' ♪
Fuck solid ground ♪
Ali, look.
A Waterpik. Love those.
It's like a bidet for your mouth.
No, it's Lev's. He left it at our place.
You don't leave a Waterpik behind
unless you plan on getting back together.
Oh my God, you're right.
It's like the male version
of leaving your earring at a guy's house.
Exactly. How do you think
I landed him in the first place?
Little Van Cleef diamond earring
on the nightstand.
-That's really expensive.
-I know. It was very stressful.
Well, this is the kind of energy you need
headed into Game 7.
Hey. Is it okay if I head over
to Lincoln Heights this afternoon?
I go to this restaurant, Maya's,
once a year for this thing I gotta do.
Honestly, Jackie? No! We have
the biggest game of my life tonight.
What could be more important than that?
Well, it's…
Sorry, bud.
- Ali can Postmate it for you, though.
- Not on my dime.
How we feeling, Coach?
What's the game plan for tonight?
Well, uh, I'm trying to figure out
how to contain Reynolds,
but I think Badrag and Dyson
can double him in the post.
As long as Dyson doesn't leave
the corner three open when he helps.
Not to add another thing
to your plate there,
but, uh, you know what
you're gonna say tonight?
-To Bituin? Because she unfollowed me?
-To the team.
Before the game.
-I have to give a pep talk?
-Oh no. No.
Yeah, it's tradition before Game 7.
Your pops did it, Cam…
The players kind of expect it.
They need me to give a speech
to motivate them?
Isn't that what the money's for?
Look, I think it is important to remember
where we started and where we are.
Plus, coaches come and go.
-But you'll be here next season.
What do I say? What are they into?
Well, uh, strippers,
Call of Duty, John Wick.
Great. I barely know
one and a half of those things.
Hey, you got this.
Cheat day activated.
Hey, Reggie, working on something
really important. Can't really talk.
After the playoffs,
I want to talk details about Jay leaving.
-Wait, Jay Brown?
-Yeah, when he heads to Boston.
He's going where?
What the hell do I say to the team?
Can't they just FaceTime Tony Robbins?
-He's a friend.
-Look, you are their president.
It needs to come from you.
Look, you need to speak from the heart.
Let's pop it into AI.
I use it all the time to write
my weekly status reports.
No, I cherish my paperwork.
-Holy fucking shit.
-Lev is moving to Minnesota?
"Excited to be joining Lakeland Pediatrics
in Minneapolis."
"DM me with good parka recommendations."
What the fuck?
I know, just get a North Face.
You don't have to post about it.
Lev's moving to Minneapolis?
That means we're done.
What about his Waterpik?
Maybe he bought another one.
Please leave me.
-Please leave me. I just need a minute.
I do have a staff meeting to run.
But I love you.
Look, I'm here if you need anything.
-Um, Ness and Sandy are looking for you.
-Jackie, tell them to fuck off.
They're already here, so they heard that.
Are you fucking demented?
Jay has three years left on his contract.
Yeah, are you fucking demented?
I forgot what I was gonna say
so I copied Sandy.
Don't just come in here and yell at me!
We will stop yelling at you
when you stop acting like a total moron.
Total moron! God…
Sorry, Jackie. This one's family only.
I had to let Jay go because his ex-wife is
moving across the country with his kids.
Can't he just visit them in the offseason
like every other
successful absentee father?
Yeah, we've got Zoom, FaceTime,
Microsoft Teams is working out the kinks.
I can't deal with this shit right now!
Lev is really done with me,
and I'm falling apart,
and I fucking love that little guy.
Should have told him more often.
I'm always at work with you idiots.
Are you okay?
Lev is moving to Minneapolis.
He's gonna meet some giant Norwegian woman
and have tall Jewish kids
that play hockey.
Isla, Lev is a handsome,
kind doctor in his forties
that has never been married
and is interested
in dating women his own age.
In Los Angeles, you will never
meet a man like this ever again.
Why… why are you saying that?
Because it's true, okay?
You need to get yourself together,
throw on a push-up bra,
and go get your man back.
Do not let him go to the Midwest.
Those women are way more low-maintenance.
I'm still very mad about the Jay thing,
but Ness is right.
You should go.
Okay, I'm leaving.
I promise we'll talk about Jay
when I get back.
-Don't be afraid to undo a button or two!
-Stop talking about our sister's breasts.
Happy birthday, dear Akshara ♪
Happy… ♪
-I need to talk to you.
-Um, we're in the middle of something.
-It'll only take a moment. Um…
Dear Lev, Webster's Dictionary
defines relationships as…
Isla, please tell me you're not
starting this with a definition.
-No, I'm speaking from the heart.
-Well, don't litter.
- It's okay…
- Okay, fine.
Here it is.
I love you, Lev Levenson.
I know I fucked up.
I took you for granted,
and it was the biggest mistake of my life.
And I've been living with myself.
I'm selfish and work-obsessed…
The entire house
is covered in pudding lids.
I am disgusting, okay?
I wouldn't date me.
But somehow,
I tricked this beautiful pediatrician
with a heart of gold
into loving me.
My cake is mostly candle wax now.
Only people under 16 and over 90
are allowed to care about birthdays.
Okay. Hey, guys,
do you mind giving us a minute?
-Be strong.
-Okay, thank you.
I know.
Look, it took a lot of guts
to come out here
during the height of chicken pox season
and knowing how much
my coworkers dislike you.
I didn't know about those things.
Big time on both accounts.
You can't move to Minnesota.
Your life is here. It's with me.
I mean, I don't know
what I would do without you, Lev.
The other day,
I sat on the universal remote.
Now the TV is all in Spanish.
Isl… Isla, I just need a minute
to process this, okay?
-I get it--
-Can you just give me some time?
Of course.
Like, in a minute? Like under an hour…?
You're gonna have to do
your least favorite thing.
-You're gonna have to wait.
-I get it.
So, this is a private rehearsal, and we
have a strict no sleazy dickheads policy.
Oh Sofia, wait.
Look, I know, I blew it.
But this isn't about us.
I just need a friend.
No one wants your friendship
or your chlamydia, fuckboy. Now, bounce.
Okay, yes, I got chlamydia,
which I took doxycycline for,
and it's totally gone, for the record.
I have a problem, and… I don't feel like
anybody I know would understand but you.
I'll just go.
No, Jackie, wait.
Hey, Jackie!
How do you feel about writing
a little speech for the team?
I'll give you, like, 50 bucks.
Hey, have you seen Jackie?
No, I can't find him anywhere.
He told me he'd look at this mole
on my back today.
What the hell?
Every day at 2 p.m. he brings me
a green juice with a new fun straw.
It's 2:30.
What am I supposed to do now? Drink water?
Something's wrong. We need to find him.
It's weird that he's not here.
Where else would he be?
I've never seen him talk to anyone but us.
I have.
Sofia, thank you so much
for talking to us.
The Wave City Dancers
are an integral part of this organization.
-Can we get health insurance?
-No. Look, do you know where Jackie is?
-Why would I tell you?
-We're his family.
-You have a funny way of showing it.
-Here's the deal. Tell us or you're fired.
He's joking.
He doesn't mean that.
That's illegal.
Everyone's job is safe.
After how you treated him,
you don't deserve to know.
Sandy, you're ungrateful.
Ness objectifies him,
and Isla, you take him for granted.
All he has ever wanted was a family,
and none of you know what that is.
Sofia, we get it, but we need
to make this right. So where is he?
He's where he is every year
on his mom's birthday.
It's his mom's birthday?
I know where he is.
Thank you, Sofia.
Hey, sorry about almost firing you.
We're gonna get you the health insurance.
Nope. No, no, no, we won't.
It's not possible. He's joking.
-Hi, we're--
-D… D… D… I got this.
I need a boy.
Very young and very sad.
Found him.
Can we sit with you?
If you want.
Don't try and get me to come back.
We know we messed up,
and we're not trying
to convince you otherwise.
I'm so sorry you lost your mom, Jackie.
You shouldn't have to be here alone
on her birthday.
And if you're up for it,
we'd love to know something about her.
She was…
She was really funny.
You know, like, way funnier than me
or any of my friends.
She used to walk us to school,
like, every day, and…
I used to get embarrassed.
But then I realized
that everyone loved her.
That's awesome, man.
Could we see a picture of her?
She's beautiful.
She was.
Inside and out.
What about you guys?
I always hear about your dad.
What about your moms?
Uh, they had really big personalities.
-Deeply problematic.
-Totally insane.
You'll meet them at some point,
but they didn't really teach us
how to be good at family.
And your mom did.
So maybe…
Maybe you could teach us.
I'll help you guys.
But only because you're so fucked up.
We're really fucked up.
Hey, you know, we haven't
had a family hang in a while.
What about this weekend?
I was gonna go see the new John Wick.
Sandy and I saw the last one
blasted on edibles.
-Very stoned.
-Wait, you like John Wick?
Yeah. Everybody likes John Wick.
I mean, if somebody killed my cat,
I would also kill 400 people.
Everybody likes John Wick.
Shit! It's 40 minutes till tip-off.
We gotta get out of here.
- Shit.
- Wanna come with us?
- Yeah.
- Okay, let's go.
-Wait, someone needs to pay.
-I have cash. We'll pay at the front.
Ness, where the hell is your car?
Shit! Must have gotten towed again.
Goddammit, Ness,
you have to pay your parking tickets!
I will not! I pay my taxes.
That should cover parking!
- Stop. How are we gonna get to the arena?
- Dammit.
The nearest Uber's 45 minutes away.
Traffic's crazy because of the game.
Fuck it.
- No.
- I've got a speech to give!
Guys, it… it's four miles away.
And Ness does not do cardio.
Welcome to Copilot Arena.
We're 30 minutes away from Game 7
of the Western Conference Semifinals.
Win or lose, it's what I do ♪
-It's what I do! ♪
-Hey! ♪
All right, fellas.
Ten minutes. Let's lock in.
Okay. We got 1.3 miles left.
Still nothing from Lev?
Not even three dots.
It'll happen.
- Why are you stopping? Keep going!
- No.
I can't run barefoot anymore.
I think I just stepped on a loose needle.
Oh God.
I'm gonna miss it.
They needed me, and I'm gonna miss it.
- Take mine.
- What are you doing?
Take mine.
-They're your dress shoes. They won't fit.
-Just do it.
Oh my God.
Oh my God, they fit!
-Bro, why are your feet so small?
-I have delicate features.
Don't want you stepping on a needle.
Get on my back.
-Your legs are-- Oh my God.
-Get on my back!
Oh my God!
Let's go!
That's the Achilles! That's the Achilles!
All right, fellas. Let's, uh…
Let's bring it in. Come on, let's go.
I'm here! I'm here!
- Get to your seats.
- I'm here!
I just… did a dead sprint.
From… Lincoln… Lincoln Heights.
Give me a second.
Just give me a second.
Oh shit.
When I first took this job…
it was really tough.
People said a lot of shitty things
about me.
Called me a bitch. Slut.
Let's not add to it.
But I got through it.
Because of you guys.
You never stopped playing hard.
-Is Travis dead?
No, no, he went north.
To rehab.
In a lot of ways,
this team is exactly like John Wick.
Forgotten about.
Counted out.
Left for dead.
But then they had to go fuck with us.
They killed your dog, Badrag.
It was a Beagle puppy.
They fucked with your car, Dyson.
I'd just paid it off.
-They burned your house down, Victor.
-Just installed that home theater.
And that team
in the other locker room, Marcus.
They are the syndicate,
and they have labeled you excommunicado.
Damn. She even saw the third one.
Yeah. Of course I saw Parabellum.
Because people have been asking me
if the Waves are back.
And I haven't really had an answer.
But now? Yeah. I'm thinking we're back!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- John Wick!
- Yeah!
John Wick! John Wick!
John Wick! John Wick! John Wick!
- Let's go!
- Let's go!
- John Wick! John Wick!
- John Wick.
John Wick! John Wick!
Don't leave me standing here ♪
I'm just watching… ♪
It seems like the speech went well.
Every once in a while… ♪
Okay. Let's do this.
You got us here.
…everything turns out right ♪
It all comes down to Game 7.
Can the Waves advance
to the Western Conference Finals?
We'll know the answer
in a couple of hours.
You can feel it
in the arena.
Easily the biggest game
the Waves franchise has had in five years.
Can Isla Gordon's squad pull this off?
All right, fellas, let's go. Bring it in.
Bring it in. Bring it in.
You guys know what to do, all right?
Waves on three. One, two, three.
Are you ready?
It's put-up-or-shut-up time.
Win or go home.
Make some noise!
Go, go, worldwide
We don't stop ♪
From the bottom to the top
We don't stop ♪
From the burbs to the block
We don't stop ♪
You gotta keep them off
the three-point line.
Let's go, Waves! Let's go, Waves!
Let's go, Waves! Let's go, Waves!
Winfield drives
for the easy two.
Badrag and Ralston are mixing it up.
-They've never gotten along.
They are fired up.
You can see it.
Ralston goes up
for the alley-oop.
Hold it down, Badrag!
And Badrag slips the screen
for a little payback.
That's how you do it!
Let's go Waves! Let's go Waves!
Half winding down.
Victor rises. And it's good!
You talk about momentum
going into the half.
That's what you want to see.
What a half.
The Waves are throwing
everything they've got at the Storm,
but Portland leads by six.
Make some noise
for your Wave City Dancers!
I got you snacks that won't upset people
by the way you eat them.
I can't eat this rabbit food.
I need good shit, like… like, tenders
with a separate bowl of ranch
and then, like,
a dozen unwrapped Starburst, no yellows.
DEFCON 1. Got it.
Yeah ♪
Watch your back in my spotlight ♪
All they eyes on me
On me, on me ♪
Pick a lane, be a smart guy
This the A1 team ♪
I'm the queen of this town
'Round here, we like to get down ♪
Freak it up to this sound like… ♪
You fucked up, man.
And Portland's come out
on fire to start this third quarter.
And Badrag loses it. Delemose for three.
It's good.
Step it up
to hang in this one.
-Slow them down.
-It's all right. This is what it's about.
Let's go, Coach.
We got to get back on D.
These bullshit refs
don't call nothing on Ralston.
Listen, everybody calm down, all right?
Take a breath.
They made a run. So what?
Let's get back to our game.
We will make a run. All right?
We know what to do. Yeah?
Double side out for Marcus. Let's go.
Waves on three. One, two, three.
-Let's go, LA!
-Come on!
Badrag finds Winfield
in the corner.
Bucket. It's good.
Coming out of that time-out,
that's exactly what we needed.
Waves have turned up
the defensive pressure.
-And there's a steal by Winfield.
-Come on, Marcus!
He pumps, resets.
Three. It's good!
Marcus is feeling it.
- That's gonna be on Marcus.
- That was not a fucking foul!
-Bernard, come on.
-Jay, Jay, that's five on Marcus.
Edwards. Edwards, come here.
Come get Marcus.
Travis is out,
and Winfield has to go to the bench.
This is a critical stretch for the Waves.
LA down four, 82-78,
only eight minutes to go.
With Marcus out,
let's see if they keep this thing tight.
Badrag cleans up
the rebound.
- Victor, hey.
- Now Jay's calling a play.
Dyson, it's coming to you.
It's gonna be Dyson.
For three.
All day.
It's good.
I fucking knew he could shoot.
Badrag with the block.
Up the court to Atkins,
who leaves it for Edwards. Wow!
What a play!
They're locked in.
Time out, Portland.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
I don't know if I can take this.
Well, that's not gonna help you. Easy.
Fifty-eight seconds left.
Both teams out of timeouts.
Two out. Two out.
This is where
heroes are made, John.
Marcus controls it
on the wing.
Around the screen for three.
- And it's good!
- Yes!
It is Winfield o'clock!
Ride the wave!
Defense! Defense!
Portland looking
to regain the lead.
Here's the jumper. It's no good,
but Ralston has the rebound.
-He clears out Badrag, and he dunks it.
-Come on!
Jesus Christ. Basketball is intense.
I'm gonna die.
Portland regains the lead.
This is officially
a barn-burner.
Winfield's trapped.
Four seconds. To Gibbs.
Shoots, and he's fouled.
Three seconds left,
and undrafted rookie Dyson Gibbs
going to the line to shoot two.
Oh God. God damn. Dyson has free throws.
It's okay. He's got this. Granny-style.
It's good! Tied game!
The Waves have the lead.
Pandemonium in the arena.
Pick up! Pick up! Let's go! Let's go!
Watch 11!
- Delemose takes a dribble.
- Defense.
Finds Ralston.
Half-quarter for the win!
And it's good!
That is not one in a billion.
That is one in a trillion. A trillion.
Guys, I don't think it's safe
for Ness to drive.
Well, he's right. I think we should all
be together right now.
-Maybe hit a strip club or something.
Or a nice restaurant or bar.
I could go for, like,
four espresso martinis.
- Isla.
- Yeah?
You wanna come?
You guys go ahead. I'll meet you.
I just need a minute.
Ali, bring it. Everyone together.
- That's not our car.
- This is somebody's Uber.
My life is not a good sports movie.
In a good sports movie, the heroine,
who was underestimated,
punched in the face,
would have won the big game.
What's not supposed to happen
is the other team makes
a 60-foot fucking prayer
at the goddamn fucking buzzer.
I thought that you could, uh, use this.
Oh, thank God.
This sucks.
Will it always hurt like this?
It never gets better.
And even when you win,
it's the losses you remember the most.
I'm sorry I let you down.
Are you serious?
No, come on. We couldn't have
gotten this far without you.
As much as I hate Portland right now,
you know who I hate more?
'Cause they get you.
I think I know you well ♪
Your best intentions ♪
But this really fucks me up ♪
I know it would be my way ♪
I, uh…
I should go.
Why does it hurt me? ♪
Why does it hurt me? ♪
Why does it hurt me? ♪
Okay. Last night was kind of weird.
A lot of stuff I didn't see coming.
I don't know where I stand with Lev.
But in life, as in sports,
the minute one season ends,
the next one begins.
You know, I got this. This is mine now.
I can do it.
Isla! Uh, Isla!
Hey, what's up, sis?
I'm back.
What the…?
All aboard
Time for the bad bitch check-in ♪
Un, deux, trois, quatre,
That's how many I'll let in ♪
Soph take the aux
While Tuck do the driving ♪
I'll be in the back
While I do the riding ♪
Mo fe se nkan buru si e ♪
I spent the summer locked down
So I'm juicy, yeah ♪
Now I glow head to toe
And I know you know ♪
That I like to be on top
And in control ♪
You, hey ♪
I see you tryna climb in my sunroof
Hey ♪
I guess it's a good thing
I'm waterproof, hey ♪
I'm gonna make you ♪
I'll make you woof, hey ♪
I'll make you woof ♪
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