Shattered (2017) s01e10 Episode Script

Out of Sorrow

Previously on Shattered Don't make me come out there.
You know what that means! So you remember swinging in your own backyard? And the next recollection you have is you on a swing in a public park a year later? Why am I having blackouts again? No.
Hey! I felt relieved that he might die and that I might finally be rid of him.
But in your case There's chapters missing.
I got called in early.
Dinner's on the stove.
Have you seen my keys? Nope.
You're not even looking.
Oh, for God's sake, Malcolm.
Raymond's going to be home any minute.
He's sleeping over at a friend's house tonight.
Just lock the door behind me, okay? You forget something? What are you watching? I can explain.
I told you.
Please I'm sorry.
I'm sorry Ah! Forgive me! Forgive me! Malcolm Jones.
His wife came home from her night shift to find the burnt remains of dinner on the stove and her husband, well One shot to the chest, one to the shoulder, last shot, close range to the head.
Anything missing? Doesn't look like it.
So we can rule out robbery.
Vina, over there.
What's that? Where's his computer? It was password protected, and everything was encrypted on top of that.
But you did retrieve what was in there, right, Cody? 15 minutes, and I was in.
Someone pilfered my juice.
Wow, you actually said "pilfered.
" Yeah, I've been working with Justin on expanding his vocabulary beyond "gimme" and cuss words.
What you're about to see here is, uh, not pleasant.
Malcolm Jones was a pedophile? Yeah, there's more.
Each one of these photos represents at least two to three more videos.
Can you enlarge those? We're going to need to identify those kids.
No problem.
Stop! Stop That's Adam.
My son.
That's my son.
We're getting close, very close.
Ben, just take a breath, all right? You saw him, right? He is out there.
We going somewhere, Ben? I'm good, I got this one.
You're not going to do a murder investigation without your partner, right? You're not, Ben.
You're off his case.
We have a murder to investigate.
Let's not forget that, please.
Lynch, pick up the wife.
Grieving widow or not, get anything you can from her.
I'll look into Malcolm Jones's work life.
I'm seeing a therapist.
That's great, Nick.
Twice a week.
It's pretty intense.
You know, when I, uh, talk about how angry I got, and how we used to fight, it's, um It's shocking.
Well, I'm glad you're doing it.
Yeah, I can tell.
Well, anyway, part of the process is making amends.
It's like AA, I know.
See, the thing is is that, uh I have to say I'm sorry to you, and Have us you know, put away the bad stuff try to remember the good I accept your apology.
Can I take you out for dinner? I'm just, I'm just on a really brutal case right now.
I appreciate the gesture, but Aren't they all brutal? I just can't.
What the hell are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here? We need to talk! Not now, not now! Lynch was worried.
She said she thought you might be here.
I heard about Adam.
Ben, if you're thinking about going after him on your own, I don't think it's a good idea.
You don't get a vote.
Let the other detectives Let your friends do their job and help you.
They're investigating a homicide.
They're doing their job.
Why'd you come back here? Ben Ben! Why'd you come back? He came into my head again.
Who? My stepfather.
Well, then we have to talk about that.
Ben, don't you see these things could be related? You see a picture of your son, your stepfather comes into your head.
What was his name? Roland.
Roland Miller.
I just wanted to talk to you.
Okay if I sit? No, it's not okay.
Please? Not okay.
You got every reason to hate me Don't flatter yourself.
I don't think about you.
I just wanted to tell you that your mother died last week, in her sleep, peacefully.
No matter what you think of me, I loved your mother.
Just thought you might want to know about her passing, that's all.
Now you've told me, now you can leave.
Get out of here.
Well, I I was hoping that we That you could find some forgiveness.
I know I did things, but I've changed.
I've changed.
I've found the right way.
Listen, son, I'm near my end now.
I need to know I can go before him with a clear heart.
You want me to forgive you.
You found God? Go ask him.
I don't know.
He must have done something to you to make you hate him like that.
Did he abuse you? Ben, listen to me.
You saw an image of your son on that computer screen next to that pedophile, the next thing that came into your head was your stepfather.
Now, I know how painful this is for you to look at, but maybe putting these pieces together is exactly what you need to find your son.
Is this the last place you saw Roland? No.
He showed up later at my house.
Vanessa, what do you know about the child porn we found on your husband's computer? No idea what you're talking about.
Really? You're his wife.
You're telling me you had no idea that your husband had an affection for young boys? Men do things they don't always tell their wives about.
You're a woman.
You must know what that's like.
We found those on your husband's memory stick.
Malcolm had sex with all of these boys! The youngest one looks like he's eight! Eight! That's just a baby! It's got nothing to do with me.
You see this one? This was recorded two nights ago.
The night before your husband was killed.
My partner's son might be one of the kids in your videos.
I want to know about this one! It was raining.
I had just gotten him a ball and a glove for his birthday, and we were standing out here, and we were Chucking the ball back and forth.
Good catch, Adam.
You're a natural.
Is that the best you can do? I told you I I said I didn't want anything to do with you.
I just want to talk, Ben, that's all.
Just talk.
Come here, Adam.
Come here.
Is this your son? Adam? Adam, Adam No! .
No! Don't touch him! No! Hurry! Run! He's gonna hurt us, come on! My partner's son was in your house, and you're going to tell me where he is! We went through Malcolm's office.
You have a son.
Your husband may have been abusing him.
You don't care about that? Of course I care, I love my son.
Go in there.
She's getting nowhere.
If your husband was abusing your son, then it is your duty to protect him! Adam! Adam Where are you? If you're hiding somewhere, it's not funny! I can handle this, Terry.
No one thinks you can't, Amy.
She just may respond better to a new approach.
What? Rumor has it you guys have a strong lead on Ben's missing son.
You can't write a word about that.
You'll scare them off.
Oh, yeah? Detective's son missing for two years is located? That sounds like front-page material.
Just don't, Nick, okay? Not until we've found him.
I'll go to dinner with you.
Okay? I'll talk about your anger.
I'll dredge up some happy memories.
You make it sound like a chore.
Just, you'll keep this story on ice, right? Nick? I'll call you for the when and where.
And wear something nice.
You know what really sticks in my craw? How young they are.
You see what I'm saying? I have three sons of my own.
Any one of them could be mine.
So here's the thing.
If one of my sons were in those photos, or the son of someone that I knew, and you were holding back on me, I would forget that I was a cop And I would come after you, and I would hurt you.
I would hurt you as much or more than those children hurt, and there wouldn't be a goddamn thing that you could do about it, because I am a cop, and I can do anything that I want with shit like you and your degenerate husband.
Do you hear what I am saying to you? Now, I want to know about that boy, and you're going to tell me.
My husband found him through a network.
Malcolm didn't operate alone.
There were other men.
Other fathers.
Give me a name.
Leo Baines.
Get in touch with your contacts in sex crimes.
See if they have anything on Leo Baines.
Pull any favors you got coming.
Adam! Adam! Where are you? Adam! Adam! Adam! This is bullshit, and you know it! We're wasting time.
He took my son! Okay, Ben, we got guys out looking for him right now.
Look, I'll tell you again.
Roland was here, I chased him off, I went in the house to get something and when I came out, Adam was gone.
Did you hear anything when you were in the house? He took my son! Ben, we're going to find him.
He took him! We're going to find him.
Ben! Where's Adam? Did something happen to Adam? Missing.
Missing? What does that mean, "missing?" I I was playing with him in the front yard.
I went into the house to get some water, and I came out, he was gone.
Gone? He can't be gone, you were with him.
You were supposed to be looking out for him.
How can he be gone? You were supposed to be looking after him! Don't touch me! Oh, I can't believe this is happening.
I can't believe this is happening.
I feel sick.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay We'll find him.
Oh, God.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no It's okay, we'll find him.
We'll find him.
Ella, what are you doing? What are you doing? You and Adam wanted these plants, remember? I wanted monochrome plants, not flowers Stop.
"You don't have to tend them," I said, but you two prevailed.
"We'll take care of them, " you said Ella but since he's been gone, I keep waiting for them to die, but they won't.
You couldn't keep our son safe, you-you couldn't foresee the danger, and you bought these flowers that are supposed to take work And, in the end, they don't need anything at all! Screw you! Something's not tracking here.
What do you mean? You told the cops that you chased Roland off the property, you went inside the house to get some water, you came out, Adam was gone.
Makes no sense you'd leave Adam out here alone.
Do you think it's possible that this confrontation with Roland triggered a blackout? I don't know.
How would I know that? I want to know, okay? It's Lynch.
They got a guy.
Leo Baines.
Sex crimes have been running a sting on Leo for over six months.
What the hell they waiting for? Look, these guys are intrinsically paranoid.
You push too hard, they scurry away like rats.
The good news is they were just about to make a meet.
With a young boy? Leo likes to set up the meet in a public place, then send the kid in alone.
The guy he's expecting to meet goes by the name of Vincent.
Terry'll go undercover and make the meet, get an intro to Leo.
Lynch, I need you here to sweep the names that we got from Vanessa and tr track them down.
Um I got profile notes in my apartment.
Might help.
This our guy? Mm-hmm.
Ben Got a minute? Have you told Ella yet? No.
Not until we know for sure.
Look, if this thing hits the news, do you really want her to find out that way? Come on, go home, be with your wife.
What if this was one of your boys? Terry, really.
Look, we've done this dance before.
We know how it ends.
Let's talk, you son of a bitch.
What did you do with my son? What did you do with my son? Huh? Ben, if you kill him, we can't question him.
Why did you go to Ben's house? I just wanted to talk.
What about? His mother died, I thought maybe Ben would want to know about that But you told him that at the diner, all right? So, it was about something else.
Why did you go there? Was it to pick up Adam? Ben grabbed the kid and ran off.
I never even touched Adam That's a bullshit! All right, that's bullshit.
Why would he take off with his own kid? I'm telling you the truth.
He ran away with the kid.
I've told you a million times! He's lying.
Maybe, maybe not.
It could be in those moments that you chased him off and went inside the house, someone else came along.
No Look, it's possible, Ben.
You know how this thing goes, all right? You look away for a moment, and bam.
These guys are like wolves! Press him some more.
I've been in there for two and a half hours.
This guy is sticking to his story.
And you believe him.
I can't get a bead on him one way or another, all right? I just don't know.
So you're just going to let him walk out of here? We got nothing to hold him for.
I'll get something.
You really think you're something, don't you? What, you gonna keep me here all night? So you just stood in that room and you stared at him, and you froze.
It won't happen again.
This is a murder investigation.
So We're going to be cool.
Right? So you're going to go out there and you're going to do whatever it is you need to do to convince them that you are just going to go home now.
Think anyone will buy that? Solid work, Detective idiot.
He's late.
Ben, you know you shouldn't be here, man.
Rock and roll.
Vincent? I understand you're a kindred spirit.
I have needs that most people don't understand, if that's what you mean.
You bring photos of your kids like we talked about online? Ages? The eldest is 15 and the youngest is 10.
15's a little bit old, but these younger ones You should introduce them to our family.
It would cut your rates.
Well, we'll see how it goes.
Can I have those pictures back? Someone will meet you here in a few minutes.
You can do whatever you want to him, but no pictures, no video.
Understood? Enjoy.
All right, we got him.
No, wait for the kid.
There's a kid coming.
Can you see his face? It's not him.
That's him, that's Adam.
It's not him, Ben.
Ben, it's not him.
Hey, Adam, Adam Adam? My name's Thomas.
I'm sorry.
You okay? You know him? This boy! This boy, you've seen him? Where he is, you sick piece of shit? I don't know! Where's my son? I don't know Where is he? Where is he? Let me go No! That's enough, man.
Okay, hit it.
Okay, there you go, root beer.
Just like you ordered.
You like baseball? Nah, baseball's stupid.
I just like the cap.
It's a good cap, I like it.
Okay, well, I just got one more question I want to ask you, and then we'll get something to eat, okay? Okay.
Have you seen that boy before? Is he why you were calling me Adam? Yeah.
I-I thought you were him for a second.
That's-that's my son.
We were hoping you could help us find him.
That's his name, Adam? Yeah.
Y-y-you've seen him? You know who he is? Not sure, maybe.
People don't tell me stuff like that.
He's gonna be mad at me for talking to you.
Who, Leo? No, he won't hurt you anymore.
Why? He's going to jail.
Where do I go? Well, we'll, uh, we'll contact your parents, and we'll let them know that you are safe, and then they'll come take you home.
But I came from home.
I don't understand.
Me neither.
He's my dad.
That man, Leo, is your father? Hey.
We were supposed to meet at the restaurant in an hour.
Yeah, I know.
I thought it would be more cozy here.
Vegetarian pizza with anchovies and pineapple.
Your favorite I can't do this right now, Nick.
I know, you're busy, right? Yeah, I'm in the middle of something.
This is, uh fancy.
Wine? No, I'm working.
You know, I like your place.
It's much better than the shoebox that we had.
Remember that? We couldn't even take a shower when the guys downstairs were washing dishes, you remember? Thank you.
This'll relax you.
Look, I'm sorry I didn't, uh I'm sorry I didn't come visit you in the hospital.
It was insensitive of me.
That's okay.
Forget it, you know? You're busy.
I forgive you.
Yeah, you make it hard sometimes, but, uh, I forgive you.
Now, why'd you do that? You know it's bad luck not to take a drink after a toast.
'Cause I gotta work and I gotta go.
You know, Amy, I'm here, okay? I'm trying.
I just I just want to talk.
And I'll listen.
I just can't right now Get the Get out! I forgave you.
Get out I just need you to forgive me now, okay? I love you.
Forgive me! Get off! Please Get out! Forgive me, forgive me Forgive me! I love you.
I love you, I've always loved you.
What I remember the most about him is the way that he smelled.
I hated it.
That's the first thing I noticed when he walked into the diner two years ago.
It's what made me look up To see him standing there, hat in hand Begging for forgiveness.
I can't remember everything that he did.
Sometimes, I'm not sure it Actually happened, or if it was a dream But the feeling My hate for him Is real.
That I know.
I remember him taking me into the basement, tying me to the chair, and making me promise that if I told anyone He would kill my mother and me.
I believed him.
I don't remember what it's like to be a kid What that means, what that meant.
Please don't hurt me anymore I was sure my stepfather took Adam.
And every day I pray I pray every day since he's gone missing that I was wrong.
Please don't hurt me.
I gotta go.
You okay? Hall.
We've got a situation at Lynch's house.
Tell me what happened.
He was threatening to write about you and your son.
I couldn't let him do that.
The only way he would agree not to is if I said I would go to dinner with him, but he just showed up here.
He went crazy.
I hate you! I hate you! He punched me, and he said, "I love you!" "Forgive me!" "I love you and I've always loved you!" Forgive me! I love you I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Do you understand me! I hate you! I hate everything about you Forgive me, Ben.
I hate you, you son of a bitch.
I love you, Ben.
I've always loved you.
What have you done with my son? What have you done with my son? What have you done with my son? What have you done with him? Where is my son? What have you done to my son? Where is my son Ben, Ben! Ben! Stop.
I remember something.
Good catch, Adam.
You're a natural.
I just want to talk, Ben.
That's all, just talk.
Come here, Adam.
Come here.
Adam? Adam No! No, don't touch him! Don't No! Hurry! Run! He's gonna hurt us, come on! Run! Come on.
It's this way.
Dad Come on, it's this way.
Where are we going? Come on! Where are we going? Come on.
That man's evil.
He wants to hurt us, all right? I'm tired, and I don't like this game, dad.
Don't call me dad.
That's not my name.
My name is Ted.
What are we doing here? It's okay, we'll be safe here.
Come on.
Oh, my goodness, Ted! Look at you Is it okay if he stays here for a little while, please? Of course! And who is this? Adam.
I'm Carol.
I used to look after Ted when he was your age.
I I forgot my glove.
Oh, you don't need your glove here 'cause there's lots of nice stuff to do.
There's books upstairs, there's a ladder on wheels.
Come on, take a look.
Sun room, look, here, that's the kitchen in there, and then upstairs is where all the books are And look out here, look out here.
There's all these trees to climb, and there's Roy.
Actually, that's Roy's grandson.
He's back.
He's back, he's out there.
He tried to grab Adam's hand.
Oh thank heaven's for you then.
Adam I'm going to go back and get you glove and I'll make sure that he's gone.
Who? That man.
The one we saw in the yard.
He's bad.
But you won't let him hurt us and mom won't either.
She can't help us.
She can't help us.
She's scared of him, too.
No, she wants us to be here where it's safe.
I'll take good care of you, Adam.
Can I go home? No, you have to wait here.
You have to do what I say, okay? Okay.
You promise me.
I promise.
I'm scared.
That's it.
The house? Hello? Ted! I'm not Ted.
I'm Ben.
I'm Ben Sullivan.
Where's Adam? I-I kept watching the news About you, and about your son being missing, and I kept telling myself, "there's got to be a reason.
"He's-he's trying to protect Adam.
"He's He'll come here when it's safe.
" He's in the library.
It's where we stay.
It's his favorite room.
He's very and .
He might be nervous.
He hasn't seen you in a long time.
Adam It's me.
You don't have to be afraid.
I've come for you.
I've come to take you home.
I know it's been a long time.
Maybe one day you'll understand.
Maybe one day I'll understand.
Maybe we'll figure it out together.
How does that sound? That's really good.
Did Carol teach you how to paint? No? How'd you learn to make such, uh Beautiful art? I just do it, that's all.
You do know who I am, right, Adam? Okay.
Well, I'm here to take home, if that's okay with you.
That's good.

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