Snowdrop (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Everyone stop.
Comrade Kang.
Don't move.
If anyone moves…
What is this?
You want us all to die together?
Damn it.
What the hell.
A situation occurred. Sector 2 reporting.
An explosion at Area 2-5.
Sector 3 reporting.
An explosion at Area 2-3 too.
Damn it!
How are the hostages?
Snipers, report.
Suppression team, stand by.
-Suppression team, stand by!
-Are you insane?
All units stand by
until we find out what's going on!
Drop the gun.
Drop the gun.
Everyone, hands over your heads.
Hands over your heads!
What, the whole dorm would explode?
I was a fool to believe you.
Everyone get up.
Get up!
Go to the lobby.
Go to the lobby!
It was you, wasn't it?
Where did you hide the money bag?
Is that important right now?
Can't you see they failed to escape?
You little…
I don't know where it is either.
I know you hid it.
Do you have a death wish?
Why don't we go get the bag now?
Keep your heads down.
Damn it!
I'll go check the second floor.
You little bastard.
Follow me.
Isn't that Sang-beom?
Sang-beom, what's going on?
Are you okay?
What did you do this time?
Where's Eung-cheol?
Once everything's settled,
block the secret passage first.
Yes, ma'am.
You fool.
We released 30 hostages,
yet you tried to escape?
Who put you up to it?
Or the hall director?
It was me.
The students just did as I said.
Is that so? You.
Were you hiding as she told you?
That's not true.
I suggested escaping first.
Be quiet, Yeong-ro.
My brother's being buried today.
I wanted to go there.
I really wanted to be there,
so I asked her.
It was you again.
Because of you…
my cover's been blown.
Are you really a Northern spy?
Trying to help us and caring for us…
Were you putting on an act?
Wake up, Eung-cheol!
Eung-cheol! Wake up!
I can't hear you! Please speak louder!
Eung-cheol. Can you get up?
Hold me!
Let's go.
Our bag we hid in the lounge disappeared.
Move Eung-cheol first. Hurry!
Comrade. Where are the hostages?
Did they escape?
Everything's okay.
Don't worry.
Hang in there!
Sector 2-3 reporting.
We see Lim Soo-ho moving by the windows.
Sniping him is possible. Over.
Hold fire.
Hold fire unless ordered otherwise.
Keep an eye on Lim Soo-ho
and keep me posted. Over.
Move the phone to room 207
and set booby traps in front of
the cafeteria and between 204 and 211.
We must find our bag to set any bombs.
You know the guy who was after our money.
Why do they keep telling us
just to watch him?
How would I know?
Just do as told.
They have no intention of breaking in
despite the explosion.
Send in every unit available
and suppress them right away.
The bombs exploded in the cafeteria
where the hostages were kept
and in room 203
where the ANSP agent was kept.
If anyone is injured,
we must get them out first.
The bomb exploded in the cafeteria
where the students were kept!
There's no way
they would've killed the hostages.
Think about it. They obey
the orders even if they have to die.
You think they'd kill them?
Someone must have touched
the booby traps by mistake.
Listen, you bastard.
My son's being buried today.
Are you going
to get my daughter killed too?
The burial isn't important right now.
What if something happens to Yeong-ro?
You should go to the scene yourself. Now.
Only 13 must die.
Exactly 13.
No more, no less. Exactly 13.
Exactly 13. Please.
Sir. Please.
I'm telling the truth.
I'd open up my heart
and show you if I could.
I did find the money bag.
But I don't know where it is now.
Gye Bun-ok!
That wench hid it away!
That damn wench!
Bun-ok, please!
Just tell them.
You don't want to die, do you?
The habit of stealing from the students
must've made you steal their money too!
Did you see it?
I didn't do it.
You didn't?
-I'll ask you one last time.
Answer on the count of three.
Or he dies.
-Bun-ok, please!
You fool. Will you come clean
after someone dies because of you?
Bun-ok… Please, Bun-ok.
No. Please!
It's in the restroom!
Where the cleaning supplies are.
I saw it.
I saw it clearly with my own eyes.
He was hiding the bag
in the restroom, and I saw it.
You b.
I'll rip your mouth--
You saw him threatening and telling me
not to tell anyone, right?
Comrade Joo!
Set the booby traps first. Hurry up.
Eung-cheol's hurt.
I laid him down in room 212.
I told you…
I clearly told you
I didn't want to hurt anyone.
Now you will
never be released.
Dead or alive,
we're in the same boat now.
No casualties have yet to be confirmed.
People are deeply concerned
that the late initial response might
lead to injured hostages, if any,
-missing the golden hour…
-My goodness.
What if the hostages all died?
Bombs exploded. I don't think
only 13 people died.
But exactly 13 girls might have died
just like the fortuneteller said.
Come on, ma'am.
When did the fortuneteller say
13 girls would die?
He said 13 should die.
You think I don't know that?
I'm so worried
because I have a feeling
that exactly 13 girls died.
Exactly 13.
Darn it.
Chief An just came out.
Let's hear from him!
We can't rule out additional explosions.
So we're approaching very carefully…
Is that your husband?
It looks perfect.
Your husband must be a natural on TV.
I mean, he had so little presence,
he was practically invisible.
But when he's in front of the cameras,
he becomes a different person.
My husband
mentioned that too.
Mr. An's really popular these days.
Even his fashion style is popular now.
Thanks to that, Ms. Choi has been
getting a lot of interview requests.
I'm not surprised.
Charlotte styles him after all.
I heard the sunglasses he wears sell well
even though it's winter. Right?
Those sunglasses?
The hostages' lives are put…
They're popular?
Try them on.
Rescuing the hostages safely is
our top priority.
The President has already
instructed us to do everything
in our power
to rescue all of them safely…
I'm sure I've seen that bastard somewhere.
In any case,
I owe you big time.
Don't mention it.
The ANSP exists
to protect sovereignty.
Then it's also your job to protect me
to make my dad feel at ease, right?
You are right, sir.
That's the single
most important job for me,
An Gyeong-hui.
It's him!
He was quite clumsy back then.
Hey, give me the phone.
You bastard. Are you an idiot?
Did you forget about the plan?
I told you it must look like
you guys are making this drag on!
But what do you do?
You go ahead and blow up bombs?
Maybe I should've let them go.
The ANSP team leader was
about to escape with all of the hostages.
God, Lee Gang-mu, that bastard.
You're meddling here again?
-Again? Huh?
-Get the suppression team ready.
All units stand by!
Lee Gang-mu, one of your men, was
about to escape with all of the hostages,
so they had no choice
but to blow up the bombs.
This is Eun Chang-su.
Once the suppression team goes in,
you'll all die in five minutes.
So tell me the truth.
Is Yeong-ro safe? And any casualties?
Calm down. I know this is a scheme.
All of the hostages
including your daughter are all safe.
Listen carefully. Seeing how
you unexpectedly blew up some bombs,
I can't let my daughter stay there.
Release her now.
Are you insane?
Are you going to show
rescuing your daughter only
when all of the press cameras are here?
You were against it earlier!
Our agreement doesn't say
my daughter must be held hostage!
What about you?
You said we'd just rescue my daughter
if things got dangerous.
Why are you so worked up?
But we need some kind of insurance.
In case the word gets out.
If they find out your daughter is
also being held hostage,
who'll suspect it might be a scheme?
You son of a--
I, the ANSP director,
guarantee your safe return.
So release my daughter right now.
To return safely,
we need your daughter here.
Release her right this instant!
Be patient. I will in eight days.
You're lying
about my daughter's safety, aren't you?
I can prove that your daughter is safe.
All right. In exactly five minutes,
bring her to the cafeteria.
She'll stand by the windows in the lounge.
The press is watching us. They'll
see me only checking my daughter's safety.
Bring her to the cafeteria!
Or I'll send in the suppression team!
Get the snipers ready. Tell them to
kill him as soon as he brings my daughter!
Sniper team, this is Captain.
What are you doing?
Are you going to break in?
They even blew up bombs. We should act.
If we hesitate,
people will find it suspicious.
They might find out it's a scheme!
That's just what you think.
I already told our boss
this will drag on until the election.
Order them!
Kill Taedong River 1
as soon as he brings the hostage.
Without my permission?
You'll show Yeong-ro to them
without my permission?
Because of the explosion,
Eun's taking an offensive approach.
We should calm him down--
The bombs exploded
because Gang-mu tried to escape!
And even my cover--
Eun should be begging us for forgiveness,
so why do what he demands?
Comrade Kang.
We may be in the South
and occupying this place,
but we're in a third zone where
we must respect both countries' agreement.
In here, the ANSP director
isn't the leader of our enemies.
He's a friend who will send us back safely
by fooling the people in the South.
We can't trust him completely, of course.
we can't release Yeong-ro.
That's why we need to let him see
that his daughter is safe.
Are you sure
you can handle the consequences?
Yeong-ro's such a daring girl.
You think she won't try something?
The election is in eight days.
Calming Eun Chang-su and buying time
takes priority for now.
All right. Do as you wish, then.
How dare you lock me in the basement?
You want to die?
Do you want to die?
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, sir!
I'm sorry.
I didn't do it because I wanted to.
He told me to do it,
so I had no other choice.
In the South,
you must do as the ANSP says,
or you die.
Please don't kill us.
We had no idea.
You know why I'm beating you.
How dare you lock me in there?
Let go.
Let go!
Stop it!
So someone got your back?
You think I'll go easy on you
like comrade Lim?
Eun Yeong-ro.
Follow me.
Get on my nerves again, and I'll kill you.
Eun Yeong-ro.
If Yeong-ro tries to tell them who I am,
you can shoot her.
But don't kill her.
Your father wants to see if you're safe.
My dad?
Let me talk to him over the phone.
Let me talk to him.
Do as I say.
If you say anything stupid,
you'll die.
-Give me the field glasses.
-Here, sir.
That's enough.
I'm okay!
Okay, Yeong-ro!
My brother…
Send Yeong-u off well!
Come here now.
Do you want to die?
Come here now.
Save us!
I can't trust anyone!
Hold fire!
Hey! Hold fire!
Hold fire!
Stop shooting!
Don't shoot!
She said she couldn't trust anyone
and was about to say who you were.
We're okay.
I told you to do as I said!
Comrade Lim, move aside.
Comrade Joo.
Lock this brat in the basement.
Don't even give her water.
Go calm Eun Chang-su down first.
The spies fired first, so we fired back.
No casualties confirmed.
Why did he even go there? That soft idiot.
You couldn't kill anyone, right?
Anyway, it was an attempt at suppression.
Let's leave it at that.
How dare you fire a gun? How dare you!
Release my daughter right now!
We can't release her
until our mission's over.
I'm warning you.
If you're planning to break in,
you should be prepared for her death.
You lunatic!
If you even lay a finger on my daughter…
If this is how you're playing it,
I have no choice but to talk to your boss.
Talking to their boss or not,
just leave this to me.
Just go see your son off.
I mean, you need to go cry
while burying your son
for us to get more sympathy votes.
God damn it!
-You bastard!
My son died and my daughter's being
held hostage because of this operation!
If this ends up failing,
I'll kill you first!
Stop thinking about the sympathy vote
and take care of that clamor first!
What if this hostage situation
ends up doing us harm?
We must win it by a landslide!
Am I wrong?
You're right.
Hye-ryeong! Your mom's here!
Let me go see if she's okay!
Why is this happening to us? Seol-hui!
-Seol-hui! Dad's here!
-If something happened to my daughter,
what will you do?
-This is crazy!
-What are you doing?
I'm in front of Hosu University where
explosions and a gunfight took place.
As you can see, the parents' cries
and rage are filling the place.
The hostages' families are
desperate to know if they're safe,
the ANSP keeps
telling them to trust them and wait.
There is a public uproar
against the government's lousy response
because it might cause more casualties.
How dare he?
Hey, who's that bastard's boss?
I'll go wring his neck.
Leave that to me, sir.
I think you should
calm the parents down first.
…more prompt response
-is needed at the moment…
-God, it's a pain in the neck.
Turn that off.
Hey, are you sure all 34 are safe?
I can prove it if you want.
I'll send in a camcorder,
so film every one of them.
Don't leave out Dr. Kang. Okay?
Have Han-na bring it.
Hello? Have whom? Hey!
I can't even laugh it off anymore.
My goodness.
We need Han-na to come in here
as soon as possible.
Roll up your sleeve.
You're bleeding!
You still don't take care of your body.
We need Han-na to come in here
as soon as possible.
He threatened me
saying they can kill us all
and that they have an astronomical amount
of money the North can never refuse.
That Nam Tae-il.
Threatening to kill Gang-mu,
I had Han-na obtain proof
of their true intentions.
But the party guaranteed our safe return.
Do you doubt our party?
Stop using my loyalty to the party
to put down my reasonable doubt.
I had to risk my life
trying to abduct Professor Han.
I never imagined it was
for the ruling party of the South
to regain power.
Comrade Park Geum-cheol took
his own life by taking cyanide.
And our agents died
during the engagement in the West Sea.
I'm sure they never imagined
they died for the South administration
to regain power.
The party will secure
a huge amount of money.
With that money, Geum-cheol and the others
-will become heroes--
-If they do
become heroes of our republic,
I'm sure their families will live well.
But what parent can live happily
with money they got
for their children's deaths?
I must go back alive.
And Eung-cheol must go back alive
to live happily with his mother.
That's all the more reason
why I need to know…
what kind of deal
the North and the South made,
and if that huge amount of money
includes the price of our lives.
I must find out.
Do you know who helped me get in here?
The President's favorite guy,
the ruling party's secretary-general,
Nam Tae-il.
He's a future presidential candidate.
To become his doctor…
To have him wrapped around my finger,
it took me as many as 17 years.
And yet,
the party ordered me to risk my life
to come in here and send you,
Taedong River 1, back to the North safely.
Now tell me.
Will the party abandon you guys?
I will not condone any more doubt.
Those who led the escape,
take them to the hall director's office.
You ANSP agent,
how did you find out about me?
You just came out of that room.
You still don't know?
Through wiretapping?
A hall director of a women's dorm
put a bug on her students
and reported to the ANSP?
How did our lofty hall director
end up spying for the ANSP?
The doctor the ANSP sent in
turned out to be a Northern spy.
I can't hold a candle to you.
We were really going
to let you all go in eight days.
Now that my cover's blown,
I wonder what instructions
the party will give me.
What kind of order regarding security,
Mr. ANSP Agent?
Don't tell me
you'll kill all the students.
If they want to keep everyone quiet,
they'll have to kill every single one.
But do you think
that'll keep your cover hidden forever?
Your true identity
will be revealed someday like me.
And when that happens,
you'll realize you've lived for nothing.
If you kill the innocent students,
how will you carry that guilt
for the rest of your life?
I wonder if you can keep being
hypocritical when faced with death.
Should I test it?
I'm the one who planned the escape.
I coaxed them into it.
She didn't do anything wrong.
She tried to stop me.
Shut up.
If we must kill a hostage,
you're the first.
Lock them in the basement for now.
Ms. Pi.
Are you okay?
Mr. Lee.
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
The Chief of Surgery
at Hankuk Central Medical Center
is an undercover spy?
And the ANSP sent her in here.
It means she even penetrated the agency.
You think so too, right?
To keep her cover hidden,
she'll kill all the hostages.
You tried to escape knowing all that?
Should I have done nothing
trusting a frustrating enemy?
So what difference did it make?
Your stupidity has put
the hostages in more danger.
You want to save Yeong-ro too, right?
I want to save her too.
I know you don't want
the hostages to get killed. Neither do I.
She must be still loyal to the North
like any veteran spy would be.
But if she finds out they traded
their agents' lives for money,
I'm sure she'll change her mind.
Bring Han-na in.
She obtained the proof.
I know they locked her up,
but if you specifically ask for her,
they'll have to send her in.
Even if they took her recording,
she must've heard something.
Bring her in
and listen to what she has to say.
You're the only one I can trust.
Please save the students' lives.
You know they're innocent,
don't you?
Help us.
Lim Soo-ho!
Comrade Lim!
My eardrums ruptured.
But it's temporary!
That's a relief!
The partition
must've blocked the blast.
The hostages are
in the prayer room, right?
I keep being a burden to you.
I'm so ashamed, Comrade.
That's not true!
You must be hungry.
Is there anything you want to eat?
Oh, something I want to eat?
I think a bowl of chicken soup
will heal me. No, it's okay!
Wait just a moment. I'll get it for you!
No. It's okay!
A camcorder?
They want to see
if all 34 of the hostages are safe.
So Nam Tae-il said
he'll send a camcorder in.
I'll make sure
your true identity doesn't get leaked.
Let them send it in.
don't bring Han-na in.
But it must be Jang Han-na.
I clearly warned you.
am the leader,
and my men's lives depend on me.
Even if I end up being punished
for doubting the party,
I must find out the truth.
Must you?
Answer me!
You bastard. Are you joking with me?
Send Han-na in with a camcorder.
I'll film all 34 of them.
She was caught with Reporter Gal.
Wait, Han-na is not
at the scene right now.
I'll send in another agent.
No. If you want to check their safety,
send in Han-na.
Listen to this guy.
Do you have a thing for her or something?
In 30 minutes, I'll be at the shrine.
In 30 minutes? That's not going to happen!
Give me an hour.
In return, make sure to film Dr. Kang.
Got it?
He hung up on me again. God, this bastard.
I hate this guy.
Han-na, wait!
These are the students' dorm records
you asked for.
She's a telephone operator?
She's perfect for watching the hostages.
They're just 34 people.
I can watch them by myself. Why--
You need you to keep an eye on Soo-ho.
Leave it to me
if you need to get rid of Lim Soo-ho.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
That's not what I meant.
I was given a secret order.
To keep a close watch on him
and kill him without mercy
if I sense any change in his ideology.
Kill him without mercy?
Not just observe each other's ideology?
She said Lim Soo-ho
could commit treason any moment.
Who said that?
The Ministry of State Security,
Deputy Director Choi Su-ryeon.
Deputy Director Choi did?
And he seems to know
I'm allowed to kill him.
Despite knowing that, he still
sticks up for Yeong-ro in front of me.
I understand.
Go bring her to me for now.
Choi Su-ryeon…
She's not even in charge of Soo-ho. Why?
Moran Hill 1's cover has been blown.
Action needed for security.
If we want Moran Hill 1's cover
to stay hidden,
we must kill all of the hostages.
But the South won't let it slide.
The deal is to let the hostages live
in return for 300 million dollars.
Since when did we
only do as agreed with the South?
Besides, the South's goal is
to win the election,
not to save the hostages' lives.
Because of your son,
I reported to the party that
you were not fit to make a wise decision.
Until the presidential election is over,
I'm the director
of the United Front Department!
I make decisions--
The socialism in Eastern Europe
is in crisis.
If this deal goes wrong, our party
will also face a crisis. You know that.
You'll remain as director
of the UFD until the election is over.
But I'll make all operational decisions.
That's the party's decision.
Do you understand?
Don't worry about your son.
If he sacrifices his life for the country,
he'll be titled a Hero of the Republic.
And if that happens,
you'll be acquitted
of failing this mission.
Aren't you happy?
I should be happy
to be acquitted
thanks to my child's sacrifice?
If one of our spies in the dorm
were your son,
would you have made the same decision?
Of course.
As a revolutionary warrior
of our dignified independent country,
that's the most honorable death
anyone could ask for.
Send Taedong River 1 a message.
To protect Moran Hill 1's identity,
the day before the presidential election,
he is to kill all of the hostages.
Right away, Comrade Deputy Director.
Most people wouldn't
even dare to touch Northern spies' money.
I guess you really needed money.
I'm so sorry. Please spare me.
Do you want to live?
Then from now on,
manage and keep an eye on the hostages.
You mean,
What? Do you not want to?
I wasn't giving you a choice.
I was ordering you.
I had an older sister.
She was smart enough for the country
to send her abroad to study.
So my parents treated me
like some good-for-nothing.
They only…
cared about my sister.
But when she was in Germany,
a Northern spy--
A North Korean persuaded her to join them.
Then while she was questioned
for espionage, she died.
My dad collapsed because of the shock
and has been in the hospital
for seven years.
So if I help you
and end up getting arrested
for espionage too…
No one outside the dorm will ever find out
that you've helped us. Don't worry.
But the kids will know.
As I said, don't worry.
To show that I appreciate
the value of your labor…
Comrade Joo.
Give her ten years' salary all at once.
This will
keep you safe.
No one outside the dorm will ever find out
that you've helped us. Don't worry.
She must be planning to kill all of them.
I don't accept this offer…
I'm sure she'll kill me.
Hey, is Jang Han-na not here yet?
What's taking her so long?
She left there ages ago!
Why isn't she here yet?
Do you want to die?
-Do you? I'll kill you!
-No, sir.
Just ten minutes ago,
they said she passed the main gate.
-Ten minutes ago?
-Yes, sir.
Ten minutes? You bastard!
You let your subordinate
walk all over you,
but you want to stand out
in front of cameras?
-Huh? Is that it?
-Mr. An.
This is the Rhine.
Hey, Pi.
She cut me off.
She cut me off!
How dare she!
You bastard! Go bring Han-na now!
Bring Han-na!
Damn it.
God damn it!
This belongs to Pi?
Was it
because of Yeong-ro?
Since she's the director's daughter,
they made you
a tapping room for security reasons?
In case he joined a protest,
they asked you to watch her?
Did my agency threaten you
to make you do that,
Ms. Pi?
Ms. Pi.
-Was it really because of me?
-Of course not.
Don't try so hard to understand.
An inflexible stickler for the rules
turned out to be spying for the ANSP.
That's the truth.
Jeong-min's been protesting,
but you let her be.
Repeat after me.
Spies come in chaos,
and prosperity comes in peace.
You tenacious wench.
How many more times do I have to tell you?
If we… No, if I say
you're a spy, then you are a spy.
A trial? That's just a formality.
What are you doing? Look down properly!
If you don't change your mind,
you'll get swept away down there
without a trace.
It's so cold, isn't it?
Let's make it quick.
All right. You've been
to Pyongyang.
With your boyfriend. Right?
As I make someone a spy,
I feel like I'm lovesick.
I've been only watching you
for the last few months.
I've been working so hard
to make you a spy!
You're a spy, right?
You're the one, aren't you?
You're the one who went to Pyongyang
with your lover! Who else would it be?
Tell me!
I'll tell you.
I'll tell you everything! I swear!
I'll tell you.
I'll tell you everything!
I swear!
I get the feeling
that you have
an ill-fated relationship with the ANSP.
A relationship? Being pestered
by evil men isn't a relationship.
After framing two innocent people
for espionage and getting them killed,
you people were awarded medals
and prize money!
For serving the country loyally!
You think I'll ever forget it?
For serving…
The one who tortured me the most cruelly…
shed tears in front of the people
on the day I was released.
With the look on his face just like yours.
Starting today, Bun-ok
will manage and watch all of you.
-What? Why?
-She'll manage us?
What's going on?
Why Gizzard?
You must obey Bun-ok's orders.
Don't talk back to her.
Whoever disobeys her
is disobeying me.
So I'll kill them without mercy.
That vicious wench.
-What's going on?
-Tell me about it.
-What does she think she is?
-Are you
on the spies' side now?
On their side?
Watch what you say.
I'm just supervising you in Pi's place.
Supervising, whatever.
Who is she to supervise us?
What are we, kindergarteners?
You've now even become
a lackey for the Northern spies?
Listen. This is way worse than stealing.
Once we're all released,
I'm sure you'll go to jail
for helping the spies.
People will throw stones at your family.
That crazy wench.
I'm a thieving wench.
Countless rings that you got
from this guy and that guy.
Pairs of dress shoes
you bought but wouldn't wear.
Designer clothes you wore once
on a blind date and forgot about.
I'm a thief who didn't feel guilty
about stealing them.
What are you jabbering about?
Boasting about stealing?
When did you ever treat me like a human?
You treated me like some machine
that took calls for you without any
emotions or desires, and laughed at me.
Like I wasn't human
since I wasn't a college student.
-When did we do that?
-We didn't.
-No, we didn't.
-No way.
I'll return the favor.
See how it feels like
to be bullied by Gizzard.
You should feel it.
That's only fair.
Don't you agree?
Ko Hye-ja?
Hands over your head with your face down.
Heads down, all of you!
Film every single hostage
including the doctor.
An hour will be enough, right?
I'll radio you once I'm done.
What about the proof?
I need to see my team leader first.
Your fiancé is safe, so don't worry.
It'll only take a minute.
I risked my life to get this.
You can't even allow me a minute?
All right, fine. I'll just give it to you.
In order to obtain this, a person is
dying in the interrogation room
of the ANSP.
So listen to it carefully.
I've brought this to you
because I think you're different
from Geum-cheol
who killed himself with cyanide.
Shouldn't you at least give water
to Yeong-ro and Ms. Pi?
How long will you keep us tied up?
Comrade Kang wants to see you.
Tell her I'll radio the party first.
Lim Soo-ho.
We're rats in a trap!
Rats in a trap.
Did you forget about the agreement?
We agreed to killing all the spies
and saving the hostages. Right?
Did you forget about the agreement?
We agreed to killing all the spies.
Enemies are everywhere.
Those who have power
all thanks to their family name
have their guns pointed at me.
You're my last weapon
that I can kill them with.
Don't forget that.
If my father has been suspended…
That must be it.
It must have been someone else's decision.
There's no way my father would…
Ryesong River 1, can you hear me?
Ryesong River 1, loud and clear.
Any change in the location
of Mount Myohyang?
What were you doing?
I radioed the message about your cover
being blown and asked what to do about it.
But there was no reply,
so I was about to do it again.
It's an important matter,
so it must be taking them
quite a while to discuss.
Oh, right.
Does the party know
the ANSP director's daughter is here?
They do.
This is Eun Chang-su.
You know my daughter's
being held hostage, right?
Could you order your agents
to release my daughter right away?
Then meet our demand first.
Send us 300 million dollars in three days.
But you agreed to receive it
after the operation was over.
If you don't send it to us in three days,
all of the hostages will die.
Are you kidding me?
Remember. You have three days.
God damn it!
No change in Mount Myohyang's location.
No change in Mount Myohyang's location.
My father is still
the director of the UFD.
Then he has…
abandoned me?
Please give me a ride to Pyongyang.
My sister's sick. Please help her!
Come on.
-We have no time for that.
-Yes, sir.
My father died trying to save other people
when the mine collapsed.
So in my father's place,
shouldn't the party save my sister?
What are you doing? Go away!
Please give me a ride to Pyongyang.
We even got kicked out
of the train because we had no pass!
If you give us a ride,
I'll make sure to repay you.
-Come here!
-Please help us!
Please! My sister's sick!
Please help her!
If you give us a ride,
I'll make sure to repay you.
Repay me?
I will do anything.
If you tell me to die, I will!
You're hungry, aren't you?
This won't do. Demand some more food.
Stand up.
Put your hands up.
You son of a b.
Did you forget about the agreement?
We agreed to killing all the spies
The more likely
the ruling party is to win the election,
the less likely we're to live.
I feel like I can hear
the approval rating going up.
How is it in there?
Lim Soo-ho the spy…
Who ordered to kill me?
You were a card to discard to begin with.
Be careful.
If you don't send
300 million in three days…
Your daughter will be killed first.
I must get out of here alive.
I'll check the food first.
You may go in.
My, my. You guys did
a variety of drugs here.
Look who's here.
Isn't this Ms. Lee Yu-rim,
the most popular singer?
Nice to meet you!
Miss, over there. Strike a pose!
Our handsome Crown Prince,
strike a pose too!
Hey, you two,
you look great.
Damn it!
Hey. Kick him out.
Are you insane?
Whether the President's son does meth
or his wife cheats,
we'll take care of it, so stay out of it.
Who are you? How did you know I was here?
There are so many
other news stories to write.
So stop here.
No… Don't do it!
Ripped and synced by
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