Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Visitor's Day/The Growing Green Danger

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
Master Zia should be just up here.
Thanks for helping me transport
my sculpture for Visitor's Day, kids.
Can't wait to see it.
[speaking Poobian]
Master Zia's been planning this special
day in Kublop Springs for a long time.
It's really important to her, so I want
to make sure everything goes perfectly.
[speaking Poobian]
[datapad beeps]
You can put them right over there.
Thank you.
We've got the Visitor's Day sculpture,
Perfect timing, Lys.
-[Nubs coos]
There are people here
from all over the galaxy.
[Zia] That's what Visitor's Day
on Tenoo is all about.
We've got a lot to do
to make everyone feel welcome.
You can count on us, Master Zia.
Just one more person to check in.
This way.
The sculpture is nearby,
and I must have it.
It will make a great addition
to your collection, sir.
-[droid chirps]
-[gasps] Sir!
-Jedi approaching.
Now's the perfect time
to steal the statue.
No one's watching it.
-I'll distract the Jedi.
-Yes, sir.
Come, R4-13.
[R4-13 chirps]
Hi there. Are you Draiven Bosh?
Master Zia!
Our gracious host.
Such a joy to meet you.
Yes. Yes, I am Draiven Bosh.
Adventurer, explorer, collector.
At your service.
Great. Everyone's here.
Thank you for coming.
These are my Jedi younglings.
And this is Marlaa,
one of our local artists.
Ah, an artiste!
Are you the genius behind the Visitor's
Day sculpture that will be unveiled later?
Oh, no.
I was just the one that put it together.
Everyone here brought something from home
to contribute to it.
It's everyone's sculpture.
-[R4-13 chirps]
-Shh, quiet.
-Oh, delightful.
-[Marlaa] Hmm.
Can I tempt you all with
a tour of my collection?
I've brought only the finest pieces
to share today.
Thank you for the offer, Draiven,
but we've got a lot to do.
[grunts] Of course.
A pleasure, my friends.
[Lys] Can we see the sculpture, Marlaa?
Well, just a quick peek.
Don't let anyone see.
It's a surprise.
[button beeps]
[Nubs chuckles]
-It's empty.
-[Nubs, Lys gasp]
[gasps] The sculpture! It's gone!
-[Nubs exclaims]
-[Lys gasps]
We have to find it.
I worked so hard on it.
We should tell Master Zia.
[Lys] She's got enough to worry about
for Visitor's Day already.
We can do this ourselves.
Don't worry, Marlaa.
We'll help you find the sculpture.
Yeah, yeah!
Thanks, kids.
I'll stay here and look around the square.
Hey. Where did Draiven go?
He sure left in a hurry.
[wind whistling]
Huh. Something's not right.
Come on. Let's go check it out.
[R4-13 chirps]
[button beeps]
[Draiven chuckles]
Finally, a magnificent piece from Tenoo.
The perfect addition
to my Outer Rim collection.
He's stealing the sculpture!
-Mr. Draiven, sir.
-The younglings!
-Go! Now!
[grunts] Come on! Come on!
Get to our speeders.
I will not be stopped by children!
We gotta unhook the sculpture
from the speeder.
[speaking Poobian]
[Force rumbling]
[Nubs growls, strains]
Oh, no, you don't!
-[Nubs screams]
[both] Nubs!
[Nubs exclaiming]
So close, Nubs!
[all exclaim]
Look out!
[all screaming, grunting]
Draiven Bosh always gets his prize.
Everybody okay?
[speaking Poobian]
They got away!
Maybe not.
Part of the droid's speeder broke
and left this trail.
If we follow it, we'll find Draiven!
Great idea, Lys. We'd better hurry.
Quick! Let's get the sculpture
before they take off.
[Kai] Draiven sure has a lot of stuff.
There it is!
The sculpture's in that crate.
[all gasp]
[Lys] Uh-oh!
[all] Whoa!
The ship's taking off.
Let's get that sculpture first
and then we'll find a way to get out.
Maybe we can work together
and use the Force to lift it.
-Worth a try.
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Force rumbling]
-[all straining]
Just a little more.
[straining continues]
-[alarm blares]
-[all exclaim]
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Lys] Oh, no!
[speaking Poobian]
Well, well, well.
Look who tripped my security system.
We're not going to let you steal
this sculpture, Draiven!
I grow tired of this backwater planet.
Time to find a place to ditch you kids.
Maybe now we can call Master Zia?
I really thought we had this.
I mean we've stopped pirates
and villains worse than Draiven Bosh.
[sighs] I'm just embarrassed, I guess.
Master Zia does so much for us.
I thought I could help her.
You've done so much
for Visitor's Day already.
I mean,
you figured out who stole the sculpture.
Everybody needs help sometimes.
Even Jedi.
[sighs] You're right.
Let's call her.
[Zia] All right.
Everything's coming along perfectly.
You can put that right over there.
[holoprojector beeps]
Lys, is everything all right?
Master Zia, we, uh, need some help.
Draiven Bosh stole
the Visitor's Day sculpture.
He what?
We found him and the sculpture
but we're stuck in his ship.
Can you help us get out?
Of course.
I've got a lock on your comm signal now.
I'm on my way.
In the meantime,
I need you to distract Draiven.
Keep him from leaving before I get to you.
Thanks, Master.
Distract Draiven, huh?
Hmm. I think I know just what to do.
All right, this is your stop.
-Wait. Children?
-[R4-13 chirps]
[droid] Where are they?
[Kai] Draiven!
You have the most incredible collection.
This stuff is like nothing I've ever seen.
[speaking Poobian]
Oh! Well,
it-it is quite impressive, isn't it?
And you should see my whole collection
back home.
I don't know, Kai.
I don't think this stuff
is all that great.
-[Kai, Nubs gasp]
-[R4-13 chirps]
I will have you know that I gathered these
masterpieces from all over the galaxy.
Or did you steal everything like you stole
the Visitor's Day sculpture?
I am not some common thief.
These precious artifacts are safe with me.
Much more so than they were
with their previous owners.
That's why I took 'em.
Aha! So you did steal them!
[grunts, speaking Poobian]
You three have tested my patience
long enough.
Get them off my ship.
-Yes, sir.
-[R4-13 chirps]
We've gotta give Master Zia
more time to get here.
Um, Mr. Draiven?
[grunts] Is this thing valuable?
My Alderaanian royal crystal vase?
Yes. Yes, it's very valuable.
-Get that vase!
-Ooh! [grunts]
I don't know.
This doesn't look very valuable.
[scoffs] What would you know?
-[droid groans]
-[Kai grunting]
-[R4-13 chirping]
Hey, Nubs? Does this look valuable to you?
Put that down, you furry rascal!
-[Nubs grunts]
-Got ya! [laughs]
-[Nubs exclaims]
Ha! Nice work, droids.
-[Nubs coos]
I believe you have something
that doesn't belong to you, Draiven.
-Master Zia!
-Master Zia!
[speaking Poobian]
[droid] Uh-oh! [screams]
Come on, come on.
[screams, grunts]
what's this I hear about stolen goods?
It's all of this stuff, Master.
-His entire collection was stolen.
Do something!
[R4-13 chirping]
[all exclaim, scream]
[all grunt]
[screams] Not my collection!
What are you doing?
-[droid] You told us to do something!
-[R4-13 chirps]
No! My statue!
Younglings, together!
-[Force rumbling]
-[all straining]
[all] Whew!
I'll get those pieces of art back, Jedi!
My collection will be complete!
Is everyone all right?
We're fine, Master. Thanks.
I'm just sorry we had to pull you away
from Visitor's Day.
Lys, I'm proud of you for asking for help.
You did the right thing.
I will always be here to help
if you need me.
But Draiven still got away.
At least we got back the sculpture.
Next time we see Draiven,
we'll see what we can do about the rest.
[speaking Poobian]
Can we help return these things
to their real owners?
I think that would be a great mission.
You've been a big help
to me for Visitor's Day, Lys.
Would you like to unveil the sculpture?
[squeals] Yes!
Draiven Bosh tried to steal
this sculpture today.
I thought my friends and I could get it
back on our own, but I was wrong.
We needed help.
Kublop Springs has always been a place
where people help each other,
no matter where they come from.
I'll remember that whenever I see this.
[all cheering]
[cheering continues]
[Nubs coos, chuckles]
Oh, Nubs,
that Vreenak Bloom is looking lovely.
I can tell you're quite good
at taking care of plants.
[speaking Poobian]
Nubs couldn't stop talking
about how excited he was
to come here to planet Langsha-Raang.
Yeah! A whole planet that's a garden
for unusual plants from around the galaxy?
[chuckles] I don't think
we'll ever get Nubs to leave.
[speaking Poobian]
[chuckles] Well,
I'm delighted you've enjoyed
your time here, younglings.
Now, uh, before you have to go back home,
I have one last lesson.
Nubs, will you be my helper?
[gasps, speaking Poobian]
for our last lesson I want to talk about
an important part of caring for plants.
-[Nubs groans]
-Each plant is different.
They need different things
to keep them healthy.
It's important to take your time,
observe and look at the plants,
and learn what they need.
Nubs, this Albeekian Sun Grass grows
on a planet where it's always sunny,
but it's looking unhealthy.
What do you think it needs?
[coos, speaking Poobian]
[teacher] Remember, Nubs,
our job is to take our time and observe
and look at the plants carefully.
It didn't need more water.
It needs sunlight.
[all exclaim]
[speaking Poobian]
-[Lys] Huh?
-[Kai] Hmm?
-[exclaims] Oh, no.
-[Nubs grunts]
-[teacher] Ooh. Whoa there.
This Grumble Vine comes from a planet
without much sunlight and so
[Dee] Uh, Ms. Varish.
The children are late
for their shuttle back to Tenoo.
Oh! I must have lost track of the time.
We'll talk about the Grumble Vine
on your next visit.
-[Nubs chuckles]
-[Ms. Varish] Nubs,
for being my helper,
I have a gift for you.
Here are some seeds that should grow
and be happy on Tenoo.
Make sure they get lots of sunlight.
[coos, speaking Poobian]
[cheers, vocalizes]
[speaking Poobian]
I can't wait to see you
when you visit again soon.
Okay. Follow me to your shuttle.
[Nubs vocalizes]
Okay, Lys.
You can turn on the water.
Hmm. Whew.
When Master Zia gets back from her trip,
she's gonna be thrilled
to see how much our seeds
from Ms. Varish have grown
in just a few days.
Except that one.
Wonder why it hasn't started to grow yet.
[speaking Poobian]
We've given it water, and dirt to grow in.
What else do you think it needs, Nubs?
[speaking Poobian]
Ms. Varish did say all the seeds
should have plenty of sunlight.
[speaking Poobian]
Uh, N-Nubs!
[Nubs speaks Poobian]
[all screaming]
[Lys] Kai, look out!
[Lys] Whoa! [grunts]
What kind of plant is this?
[speaking Poobian]
[screams, grunts]
Ms. Varish said the seeds she gave Nubs
would grow and be happy on Tenoo.
But this plant is not happy.
We gotta get this thing under control
before it makes a big mess.
[speaking Poobian]
You think less water might help?
Could make it grow slower.
-[Nubs exclaims]
-[Lys] Whoa!
Okay. Water's off.
It's still growing!
And it's still not happy!
Maybe we should call Ms. Varish?
[speaking Poobian]
You're right, Nubs. There's no time.
It's moving too fast.
We need to stop it now.
[all gasp]
-[Lys] Whoa!
-[Kai] Uh, what's it doing?
We've gotta find a way to stop 'em.
[all scream]
[grunting] Back you, uh, plant!
[Nubs grunts]
[speaking Poobian]
Right, Nubs.
With our training sabers we can push
the vines back without hurting the plant.
[Nubs exclaims]
So keep swinging!
Maybe we can keep the vines
from destroying anything else.
[Kai grunting]
[speaking Poobian]
It's working!
Let's remove the plant from the dirt.
Maybe that'll stop it from growing.
[chuckles] Hi, nice plant.
I'm just gonna pull you out of the dirt.
[screams] Whoa!
[both groaning]
I can't hold them back!
-The vine is headed toward the Temple!
That could be bad. Real bad.
[speaking Poobian]
We've gotta stop it!
Help me pull it down!
[all grunting]
-[Lys grunts]
This plant could really damage the Temple.
We've gotta warn everybody inside.
[Nubs exclaiming]
What's going on?
Is that a plant?
[Kai chuckles]
We're having a bit of gardening situation.
[all gasp]
Oh! I'm not programmed to handle
this kind of emergency.
I need to go call Master Zia right away.
Good idea, Dee.
We'll get everyone else out of the Temple.
[Kai] Uh, watch out!
[all screaming]
[Kai] It's in the building!
Nubs, hold it back!
We'll go warn the others.
[speaks Poobian, whimpers]
[gasps, groans]
You know more about plants
than anyone here.
I know you'll figure out
what this plant needs.
The Force is with you.
We'll be right back.
[speaking Poobian]
[gasps] Huh?
[speaking Poobian]
[coos] Huh.
It's important to take your time, observe
the plants and learn what they need.
[speaking Poobian]
[grunts, speaking Poobian]
[coos, speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
[Kai, Lys grunt]
Okay. We've warned everyone
in the Temple and
[gasps] There are more vines?
[speaking Poobian]
You have a plan?
[speaking Poobian]
Oh! This plant likes shade, not sunlight.
[speaking Poobian]
Good idea, Nubs. If you cover
the center of the plant with shade,
maybe it will stop growing and
[Lys, Kai exclaim]
[Nubs exclaims]
Hurry, Nubs!
[both straining]
[speaks Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
[straining continues]
[exclaims, speaking Poobian]
[Lys] Nubs!
[growling, straining]
[gasps, grunts]
[gasps, coos]
[gasps] It's working!
[speaking Poobian]
You did it, Nubs!
It's just like Ms. Varish said.
You observed the plant
and learned what it needed.
And it needed shade.
[speaking Poobian]
[gasps] The Temple.
Oh, no.
I am definitely not programmed for this.
[Lys giggles]
We're gonna have a lot to explain
to Master Zia when she comes back.
[Kai] Yeah.
She's gonna be in for quite a surprise.
We'd better find a safe new home
for this little plant.
[speaks Poobian]
Thankfully the droids are almost finished
repairing the Temple,
and the younglings have done
a marvelous job cleaning the garden.
That's a relief.
Oh, I still feel terrible
that a Grumble Vine seed
accidentally got out of my garden.
At least Nubs figured out how to stop it.
[Ms. Varish] I'm very proud of you, Nubs.
I know it wasn't easy
but you didn't give up.
You observed the plant
and learned what it needed.
[speaking Poobian]
And I'll have you know, your Grumble Vine
made the trip here safely.
I'll make sure to take great care of it.
[speaking Poobian]
[Ms. Varish chuckles]
Now, Nubs, care to show me how
the rest of your garden's doing?
[speaking Poobian]
Oh! Look how that one's growing!
[Nubs speaking Poobian]
-Oh! Beautiful!
[speaking Poobian]
[Ms. Varish]
Ah! I wish I could smell them from here.
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