Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The Stand-ins

[bird screeches]
[plane whistles]
[theme music playing]
[sirens wailing]
[intense music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[Si-o] Which hospital
has she been taken to?
[Gang-su] Geumju Hospital.
Of course, she owns a hospital too.
[Gang-su] Yes.
Check to make sure she's dead.
I'll do it now.
[truck squeaks to a halt]
[air hissing]
[tense music playing]
For the time being,
there's no visitors allowed.
[Guk-jong] Oh, my god!
Oh, my god! I'm gonna die!
-Oh, it hurts!
Would you cut it out
with the moaning and groaning?
Or I'll give you something to cry about.
[Guk-jong sobbing]
[dramatic music playing]
It doesn't matter if you want to.
You can't go around killing people.
Are you taking my side
or hers?
Your side, naturally.
So this person, is she dead or what?
When I confirm it, you'll know.
Even if she survives,
she'll be dead soon enough.
This woman [deep inhale]
She gets under my skin.
[dark music playing]
No one I've set out to kill
has ever escaped me before.
So that's what you hired me for?
Si-o, do you want me to kill?
What's wrong?
Don't think you could?
Why wouldn't I?
I'll do it if you want me to. I will.
[intense music playing]
[line ringing]
What could she be doing right now?
[operator] The person you are trying
Hey, Hwang Geum-ju.
[Joong-gan] I'm in the VIP ward
of your hospital.
I was so happy to see
your father again after all these years.
I'm afraid words
weren't enough to express my joy.
I gave him a little tap.
You can barely tell. It was nothing.
[Guk-jong] Oh, god!
I think I'm dying.
It hurts so much.
After ten years,
I returned to my homeland.
I'm nearly killed in one minute.
[doctor] It's an L1 fracture.
He needs emergency surgery.
If you take a look,
this is the L1 right here.
The fracture in the tailbone
has in turn caused compression of the L1.
And physiotherapy won't be enough.
This will require screws be put in.
Forget the screw.
I want you to drive a stake
right through the guy's heart!
I mean, if you're operating,
at least do it right.
Of course. We'll do it right.
By the way, Ms. Hwang Geum-ju
has been admitted to the hospital, I hear.
-[doctor] That's right.
My daughter?
-Visitors are not allowed.
-What do you mean?
She's my daughter.
Visitors aren't allowed. No exceptions.
You little
I said it's my daughter!
[both groan and thud]
[machine beeping]
Oh, my Geum-ju
Oh, my god!
What's happened to you? Poor thing.
Who did this to you?
You've gotta be okay, Geum-ju.
Oh, Geum-ju, what am I gonna do now?
I won't survive.
I swear to you.
I'm gonna get you through no matter what.
Tell me. Who did this to you?
I'll smash in their skulls
[deep inhale]
and I'm gonna rip them limb from limb!
-Those bastards!
-[phone vibrates]
Oh, who the hell is calling me right now?
Oh, no.
The brat?
[Geum-ju] Hi, Mom.
What are you doing in there?
Just stay by Dad's side for now.
Didn't you win the Model Citizen Award?
Aren't you ashamed
to be beating up innocent civilians?
[cunning music playing]
-Who are you?
-[Geum-ju] Who do you think?
My stand-in Hwang Geum-ju.
[deep exhale]
Ryu Si-o won't take this lying down.
Aren't you worried
about what he'll do in revenge?
I wouldn't put anything
past that guy though.
Nam-soon, hey. I may be reckless,
but I'm not oblivious
to the danger we're in.
I know what these people are capable of.
I'm the leather boots
of Gangnam, after all.
I've dealt with all kinds
of evil people in my time.
I'm not afraid. For your information,
I've already prepared myself
for his response.
Wait, you're prepared?
It was always my intention
to provoke Ryu Si-o.
When people lose control
of their emotions,
that's when they start making mistakes.
I'm hoping Ryu Si-o shows his hand.
When you're dealing
with a very clever mouse,
a little slice of cheese in a trap
won't be enough.
What we really need
is something big to rile him up.
Don't worry, honey.
I know what I'm doing, hmm?
[phone vibrates]
[Geum-ju] Nam-soon,
it's just like I thought.
Our mouse is good and furious now.
I'm fine.
[relieved sigh]
I knew you were, Mom.
[maniacal laughter]
[Nam-soon] Ryu Si-o.
You're really in for it now.
Mark my words.
Do you think you can go after my mom?
[deep breath]
I swear I'll tear you apart
inch by inch. Watch it.
From the hair on your head
to the scum on your toe.
[humming merrily]
Hi, unnie.
-[humming merrily]
-[deep exhale]
-[Nam-soon] Oh, my god!
-What's happening?
[Nam-soon] Oh, my god!
Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
Unnie, what happened?
This is terrible. You poor thing.
Oh, my god!
-My face.
-[zipper rasps]
I need to redo my makeup.
You know, you're pretty
even without all that.
And CTA4885, where is it again?
In the warehouse.
Where else would a package be?
In the warehouse? Where?
There are so many sections.
It could be in a separate area
only the CEO knows about.
Then how would I know about it?
Maybe ask the logistics manager.
Mr. Heo?
[man 1] How did that
[man 2] Who was in here?
[Yu-gwang] Yeah, sounds good.
[Yu-gwang] Oh, what brings you here, huh?
White-collar job. New threads.
You seem pleased with yourself.
You think? It's too bad
I can't say the same thing about you.
Has life got you down?
Practicing your fancy Korean, I see.
Down 'cause you told me
to eat 100 raw eggs.
I was blasting out of both ends.
I thought I was dying.
You really took me for a fool, huh?
It's not my fault you'd do
whatever you're told.
Anyway, what's with all this chaos?
[Yu-gwang sighs]
Someone broke the goddamn rebar, so.
Wait, did you?
-Why would I?
-This has you written all over it.
[Yu-gwang] Getting caught stealing stuff.
Beating up An Eun-ji.
I mean, Lee Myung-hee. Whatever.
The support's been completely destroyed.
You gotta admit,
you're a strong suspect, Tsetseg.
Who else at Doogo
is as strong as you are, huh?
And of course, the CCTVs
have been switched off too.
Goddamn it.
Anyway, what are you here
to steal this time?
Nothing. I'm done with stealing.
So you guys really have
no idea who it was?
No clue.
And I'm keeping it quiet,
because Mr. Ryu told me to.
[dramatic music playing]
[Nam-soon] 4885?
Are you just gonna stand here or what?
That one, 4885.
That's an export product, right?
You know what's inside?
What does it matter
to you what's inside? Huh?
All right, go. Get out.
I get nervous with you around.
What's inside?
[sharp exhale]
-[Seok-ho] Hey, Hee-sik.
Take a look at this.
Medical drug report.
It attacks the sphenoid bone
that controls hormones.
And it shrinks, causing
the cerebrospinal fluid to dry up,
making people thirsty.
The cerebrospinal fluid
is usually clear and colorless.
In the people who died from the fluid,
it was deep red, though.
There's an update on Hong Jeong-ho,
the guy who was temping at Doogo.
The drug killed him.
[vehicle honking]
[Young-tak] The case file
from the investigation
stated that he'd been consuming
lots of water, so I looked into it.
Water. That's what alerted me.
And as I guessed, it's the drug.
Then you mean the drug
has already spread this much so quickly?
The drug is being distributed
all throughout Korea in many forms,
including this,
this bogus health tonic here.
Apparently, this guy wasn't tired
staying up three nights in a row.
[Sun-kyu] We found the license
plate number of the dump truck!
-You got it?
-[Sun-kyu] Yeah.
Just as we thought.
It's a private vehicle
with a fake license plate.
This here was captured
on Macheon-daero 35-gil
on the CCTV, after the accident.
We caught the moment
the license plate number switched.
-[key clacks]
This alone would be enough
to arrest the person.
Traffic Act violation.
Problem is that we don't see
the driver's face.
And I'm almost positive
the truck's final destination
would be a CCTV blind spot.
Plus, we have to assume
they changed license plates again, so.
[sneaky music playing]
Mind telling me
the point of this nonsense?
Are we in a spy movie or what?
[deep breath]
Look, Mom.
Right now, I'm in the middle
of something big.
Which would be?
Fighting evil is one way to say it.
She's out of her goddamn mind.
Look, why don't you focus on your kids?
Nam-in hasn't been coming to the café.
Something's going on.
There's nothing going on.
He's just on a diet.
It's a good thing, a very good thing.
He really should lose a few pounds.
Okay. Even if that is true,
what on earth are you up to in here?
Body doubles? For real?
I'm here 'cause some asshole
tried to kill me today.
Who did?
Who is this asshole, huh?
[tense music playing]
[tires screech]
[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
Listen up. It's like we expected.
Dump truck, license number 05M 3554.
I'm approaching the intersection
of Macheon-daero.
[Geum-ju] Secure the traffic cam footage.
Will you be okay alone?
Who said I was alone?
Don't worry, I'll be fine.
[tires screech]
[engine roars]
[intense music playing]
Dispatch an agent to Geumju Hospital.
[sirens wailing in distance]
[engine revs]
You should be attacking right now,
not showing weakness.
So what's with the performance?
Check a history book.
Great generals have always sown confusion
around their deaths.
When the enemy lets his guard down,
I'll be poised to strike.
It's all so much fun.
Really, I was born to do this.
You're sick in the head. Christ Almighty.
Anyway, I have things to do, so I'm off.
Ah! [sharp inhale]
You know, Mom.
I can't believe you attacked our father.
What did you always say to me
when I was growing up?
You said to me that if I ever use
my strength irresponsibly,
I would risk losing my powers forever.
-[Joong-gan] See this?
I still have my strength.
I must not have used it irresponsibly.
Our ancestors must think
your dad deserved it.
[can clanks]
You're right.
[serious music playing]
[Na-young] Our CEO, Ms. Hwang Geum-ju,
has been admitted to the hospital.
As it appears,
her recovery will take some time.
It is inevitable that our business
will be affected.
Any important business matters
should be posted on the Geumju website.
[knocks on door]
-Finished your rounds?
-Yes, unnie.
Make sure you follow up.
[Jeong-suk] Ultimately,
our business is in the antidote.
-[Jeong-suk] That means you deal
only with people rich enough to pay up
when their life is on the line.
[Tae-ri] Of course. I know that.
[uneasy music playing]
[deep exhale]
[water splashes]
[heels clacking]
Ms. Hwang,
the announcement has been posted.
I'm handling everything.
[line ends]
Mr. Hwang.
My poor dad
He's finally returned to my side.
But now
But now, my mom had
to hit him out of nowhere.
[Geum-dong] So he has to
He's having surgery now!
Oh my
Well, you should go to the hospital.
What are you still doing here?
It's been
It's been tormenting me.
Go to the hospital. Don't wallow.
Oh, please. [sniffles]
Please take me there.
I have no energy whatsoever.
Just go alone! Why would I take you?
Why? Why couldn't she control
her strength better?
Oh, my poor dad.
[door closes]
Can you believe this guy?
Will we be seeing you again, sir?
I think not. Thank you!
Seems our boss
only takes on female clients.
Can't they see all he's doing
is preying on loneliness?
What's even worse is the fact
some women actually fall for it.
Ji-hye, are you gonna quit?
How did you know?
Because you've always known
what our boss was like.
But you've never complained before.
-[clears throat]
-[phone vibrates]
Ms. Hwang has been admitted
to the hospital, sir!
Has she? What happened?
Appendix burst or something?
No, sir. She's been
in a car accident. A terrible one.
That's what you get
from butting in everywhere.
You should go see her.
Why should I?
Because it was a hit-and-run.
I wouldn't be surprised
if you are on the list of suspects.
Why would I be?
You had an argument.
You even banished her.
[button clicks]
[imitating Bread] "Banish that lady
from our premises immediately."
You little prick.
-Look, Mr. Nam
-[Hong-do] Mr. Song.
If the police think you're a suspect
and start investigating,
that wouldn't be particularly good
for you at the moment.
[uneasy music playing]
-Mr. Kwon, let's grab a soju.
-[Kwon] Yes, sir.
[door slides open]
[Nam-soon] 4885, 4885,
how am I gonna get it out of there?
Maybe I can butter up Mr. Heo,
blackmail him somehow.
Would that work? He hates me.
Or maybe I should just hit him
with an "I love you." Bam!
Yeah, according to every K-drama
I've seen, this works.
-Hillary, not going home?
-I love you.
I didn't know you felt that way.
[giggles] I'm heading out, okay? Bye.
See you.
-[door slides open]
[phone rings]
[dark music playing]
You called?
I did.
Would you have dinner with me?
[Nam-soon] Asshole.
I have to go out with you now too?
-Are you hungry?
-If we plan on becoming a team,
we should get to know each other better.
That's a good idea.
What kind of food?
Mongolian food, if that's okay?
Sure thing.
You know, I like how decisive you are.
That's just the way I am.
What happened with that one kid?
-[Tae-ri] Oh, him. He was really funny.
-Can I order something expensive?
-[Tae-ri] I went into the café.
-[Si-o] Yes.
-And he was so much uglier
-[Nam-soon] Here you are.
I can't listen to two separate
conversations anymore. I'm going crazy.
Oh, my head.
Hey, I'll take one, then.
Give me Nam-soon's wire.
No, take this one instead.
Hey, you think Ryu Si-o
has the hots for Agent Gang?
You see the way he looks at her?
What the hell are you talking about, dude?
What would that jerk want with Nam-soon?
Who are you dissing here,
Agent Gang or Ryu Si-o?
-[Nam-soon] Let's go.
-[Si-o] Hang on a sec.
[Hee-sik breathes deeply]
Take your hands off of her now!
You just keep those hands to yourself
before I rip them off myself!
-[Si-o] Let's go.
-[Hee-sik grumbles]
-[phone vibrates]
[Hong-do] Are you unconscious?
Which hospital are you in?
How could anyone
be so out of touch as this man?
Sending me a text when I'm unconscious?
Of course. Bread Song.
I'm certain he's part of Ryu Si-o's crew.
Here's what I'll do.
I'll set a trap.
This is Ms. Hwang Geum-ju's secretary.
Ms. Hwang is currently
in Room 707 at Geumju Hospital.
I need a snack. [gasps]
[delighted moan]
Oh, Dad!
Oh, you poor thing.
All right, one, two, three.
Careful, careful.
[Geum-ju] Thank you.
Oh, how could she do this to you, Pa?
Oh, for goodness sake.
Here you go.
Oh, Dad.
Why, Dad?
[Geum-dong] Why, Dad?
[Geum-ju] Hwang Geum-dong, that's enough.
He just got out of surgery.
At least wait until he wakes up.
Where did Mom run off to?
She must be ashamed.
[sirens wailing in distance]
[emotional music playing]
Grilled lamb chops? Khorkhog?
We'll take one of everything.
Appreciate it.
How about Bolor to drink?
That's my favorite
Mongolian vodka, you know.
-We'll have that.
-[server] Sure.
[satisfied exhale]
[Nam-soon moans]
So, um, tell me where you are from, Si-o?
Where were you born again?
I wish I knew.
Somewhere in Korea.
I was abandoned.
I went to Russia when I was five.
You're adopted, then?
Something like that.
I see. Well, somebody
must have raised you. Um
I mean, I'm sure you didn't grow up
alone in the mountains like a wolf.
[Nam-soon chuckles]
That might have been better, actually.
I have to know.
Your extraordinary strength, I mean,
where does it come from?
[deep inhale]
Strong women
have been running in our family.
Take my mother. She is incredibly strong.
Back in Mongolia,
she'd lift Ppappa, my horse,
up with her bare hands to wash him.
All her life, she ate mostly lamb
and long-tailed goral milk.
And that's what made her strong.
Made me strong too.
Tsetseg, I envy you.
You were born with such strength.
You have parents who took care of you.
Do you wanna be strong too?
Then eat this.
Grilled lamb meat.
[Nam-soon] This one's for me, though.
Let me see you really dive in. Come on.
Just rip it apart with your hands.
Man, Ryu Si-o's
really good-looking, don't you think?
What are you talking about?
Even his face reminds me of drugs.
That's why he's so good-looking.
He hooks you like a drug.
Well, Nam-soon sure
is a great actress, huh?
I think she's a natural.
She should pursue it.
I think she's holding back.
Speaking of,
I can't hold it back any longer.
See how she smiles at the guy
who tried to kill her mom?
Ugh, she's something else.
She's gonna go far. I can tell.
Remember when she said to the bodyguard,
"You know Ryu Si-o uses drugs."
Oh, picking the right moment
to strike then pulling back.
These guys must have some kind
of codeword for the drug.
-Oh, Paul?
Oh. My god, you're listening to two wires.
How did you manage to pick that up?
Officer Yeo at the precinct
transcribed all the recordings.
-I read them last night.
-All right.
Our M&A with the precinct guys.
Hey, you know how the Chief
went to Busan to help the Drug Unit?
Well, the unit chief there just called.
He never showed.
-He never showed?
-[Young-tak] Yeah.
That's what he said.
Oh, his phone's turned off.
I left a message, but he hasn't called.
[dark music playing]
[waves crashing]
[man 1] I saw him once. It was impressive.
Let's just have a drink.
[tense music playing]
[man 2] Hey, Mister! Hang on!
Hey, Mister!
Are you okay? Hold on! Hey, Mister!
Hey, sir! What do you think you're doing?
Hang on a sec! [gasps]
[man 3] Hey, man! Stop!
Come back with us.
[man 4 grunts] Please stop!
[all grunting]
Over there.
-We gotta call the police.
[man 2] Something's seriously wrong
with this guy.
-Hey, this guy is the police.
What's up with that guy?
Hey, Si-o, you know about all
the export products at Doogo, right?
-[phone vibrates]
-My apologies.
[in Russian] Hello?
It will be shipped out sometime tomorrow.
[Si-o] Don't worry.
The shipment of CTA4885
will reach you safe and sound.
[thrilling music playing]
-[in English] You all done?
I'll take you home. My treat.
Home? To my home?
[phone vibrates]
[Hee-sik] Go to my place.
You know the address and door code, right?
-After you.
-Sure thing.
[vehicle hums]
After dark, it's so much prettier.
[Nam-soon] Look how it sparkles.
Do you know why?
It's because a lot of bad things happen
out there in the dark.
In order to hide those bad things,
the city has to sparkle like that.
But it's not real light, is it?
It's fake.
Yeah, I think I can distinguish
between real light and fake light.
Then, am I a real light
or am I a fake?
[Nam-soon] I need to say
the right thing here.What do I say?
Wondering how to answer that?
[Nam-soon] Wow, what a genius.
[both chuckle]
I don't think you know if you are
a real light or a fake light
but with a little effort,
I know you could be a real light.
[somber music playing]
So, uh, this is your house?
Not mine, my friend's.
I've just been couchsurfing.
[chuckles] "Couchsurfing"?
Which unit?
Uh, just there, fifth floor.
Go, go.
[Nam-soon] Go, go.
-Good night.
-Mm-hmm. Bye.
[engine starts]
[seat belt clicks]
[Nam-soon] I don't think you know
if you are a real light or a fake light
but with a little effort,
I know you could be a real light.
[in Russian] Kill him.
Traitors are killed
by their former comrades.
That's the Pavel way.
[shaky breathing]
Kill him!
Kill him already!
[anxious breathing]
[deep exhale]
[gun fires]
[door lock beeps]
[comical music playing]
[in English]
I should drink more often. I feel great.
Pa, are you starting to wake up?
Hi, Pa.
Yes, Pa.
Yes, Pa?
You guys
have aged so much.
Oh, my.
Oh, but Dad
Why were you away for so long?
My Geum-ju, my Geum-dong
Your Papa is sorry.
What on earth? What have you
been doing all these years?
At first, I was traveling
to find Nam-soon.
[Guk-jong] That's why I went to Mongolia.
I knew my granddaughter
was crazy about high places.
So I climbed higher and higher,
higher and higher,
searching the highest places in the world.
Lhasa, Tibet is said to be
the highest place on earth.
So I thought this was it.
Given what my granddaughter is like,
this could be where she is.
But once I arrived there, I met a guru.
And suddenly, I realized
this was the will of God.
God had taken me to His bosom
and intended for me
to stay there, praying for Nam-soon.
But sadly, in the end, even God
couldn't cure my digestive issues.
That's when I had one more realization.
God's true plan
is for me to eat Korean food.
So I came back here as fast as I could.
Hang on.
You were searching for Nam-soon?
And that's the reason
you've been in Tibet all this time?
Well, if that's true, why not tell us?
We thought you abandoned us, Dad.
We thought you left us forever.
He was off being a monk.
Who would have thought that?
And our poor mother.
That's why she resents you so much, Dad.
I swore I'd find Nam-soon
or never come home.
But we have found Nam-soon, Dad.
-[Geum-ju] He's right, Dad.
Nam-soon has finally come back.
Are you serious?
-[bones crackle]
Have you truly found Nam-soon?
Oh, yes, it's true.
We found her, Dad.
Om benza sato samaya manu palaya.
What? What's he saying?
Oh, great Vajrasattva, protect the samaya.
Finally, at last, I could take
your mother's hand in mine
and live out the rest
of my days in happiness.
-Why don't you lie down?
-All right.
Ow! [moans in pain]
My sweet beautiful Joong-gan
whose name means "middle of the road"
yet who can't be contained.
I can't
I mean it. I simply won't let you go.
I can't.
And I won't.
I'll handle it. Say the word.
Really, I'll take care of it all.
[emotional music playing]
-[door opens]
-[door lock chimes]
[door closes]
[enchanting music playing]
Oh [coughs]
I was just, uh
There, there was something on your
-something on your mouth.
I Yeah, okay.
-Yeah. What was it by the way?
My point is that it wasn't deliberate
is what I'm saying.
Of course. And you know, me neither.
[phone vibrates]
You got a text.
It's Ryu Si-o.
[Si-o] Good night.
That bastard texted "good night"?
Listen, Ryu Si-o is using the drug.
I'm sure of it.
I saw proof that he keeps
on getting stronger.
-[boxes clattering]
[Yu-gwang sighs]
Someone broke the goddamn rebar.
Then the question is how he survives.
He never drinks that much water.
[Jeong-suk] Ultimately,
our business is in the antidote.
An antidote, I heard them discuss it.
An antidote?
[Hee-sik] Yeah.
I suspect it's part of their business.
[deep exhale]
Anyway, CTA4885 ships tomorrow.
Let's make sure we get it.
Exactly. I've got a plan.
[determined exhale]
[romantic music playing]
Well, I'm
I'm pretty hungry. I haven't had dinner.
Is there ramen?
You want a bite?
I don't know.
I sort of had a bite just now.
Is everything a joke to you?
[cheeky chuckle]
You sure I couldn't have one more?
Come on, give me one, bruh.
Come sit next to me.
[excited squeal]
Ask me one more time.
"Could I, please?"
Could I have one?
There, you got it.
Now get back. This ramen's for me.
I see that.
-[keyboard clacking]
DONGHWA BANK 110-385-82385
What the hell did he take?
[hopeless sigh]
[eerie music playing]
[Na-young] You should know
Ms. Hwang has arranged for you
to have a place to stay.
[gentle music playing]
And this is a driving range
Ms. Hwang owns as well.
For the time being,
this is where you'll be working.
You can stay here for as long
as you need until you sort things out.
[club clacks]
[Hwa-ja] This place is amazing.
She also got you an attorney.
We're going to do everything in our power
to prevent you from being arrested.
[Na-young] We've submitted
a motion to dismiss the case,
but because of the weapon you had,
I don't think you can avoid the charges.
I had a visit from the CEO of Doogo.
I think he knows that Gang Nam-soon
and Tsetseg are the same person.
He asked me who Hwang Geum-ju's
daughter was. Stuff like that.
What did you say?
I said it wasn't her.
[relieved sigh]
You did well.
If there's anything at all you need,
you can contact me anytime.
Which room?
Good lucky number.
No one's allowed, except family.
Bread Song is like family.
[line dials, rings]
[security] A Mr. Bread Song
is here to visit Ms. Hwang.
All right, understood.
Please go ahead.
[knocks on door]
So, Myung-hee, she's settling in the
accommodation you've arranged for her.
But she told me Doogo's CEO
asked her about Nam-soon's identity.
He suspected Tsetseg
and Nam-soon were the same.
Myung-hee told him that it wasn't true.
[relieved sigh]
I see.
Let her know I'll come visit
in a few days.
All right.
Also, Bread Song
has just entered your hospital room.
Don't you think he'll notice?
-Even with all the bandages
-He won't notice.
They're even stupider
than you think they are.
[sharp exhale]
[Hong-do sighs]
She's been badly hurt.
Her face is enormous now.
Hey, get me a can, Mr. Nam.
[Bread] Ms. Hwang, you poor thing.
What a devastating accident you've had.
My heart is heavy for you.
Here you go.
Especially given
that I banished you the other day.
[Bread gulping]
[Bread exhales]
How could you allow yourself
to get so badly injured?
You should've been more careful.
[funky music playing]
[curious music playing]
I hope you recover quickly,
and I look forward to seeing you
after you've recovered.
Well, I think
we'll say goodbye for now. So I
Why are we leaving so soon?
Hurry up.
I've heard of a dummy CEO
and a shell corporation,
but never a stand-in patient.
A stand-in patient?
Hwang Geum-ju is not here.
-She was a fake.
How could you tell?
I only need to see a woman one time
to draft a detailed
mental portrait of her entire body.
Maybe I can't draw a map of Korea,
but I can draw a woman
with my eyes closed.
What makes you so sure it's not her?
Hwang Geum-ju
Her nostrils are completely different.
Her nostrils?
Yes. I pay very close attention
to the nostrils of a woman.
I'm sorry.
That's where I look
to judge how wealthy a person is.
When did you look
at her nostrils so closely?
That wasn't her. I'm sure of it.
But why is she going through the trouble
of doing something so odd?
I really don't understand.
What's with this chick?
-[knocks on door]
-[door opens]
What's this? Big day at work?
Today, I have a very important mission.
So I heard.
You know Inspector Kang
reports back to me every day.
[Geum-ju] Come, sit down.
I also heard you stayed out last night.
Perhaps. Why?
Ryu Si-o was apparently asking Myung-hee
if Tsetseg was Gang Nam-soon.
The moment they see you
and me together, you'll be found out.
Continue staying at his place if you can.
Of course, I should mention
this gives you the opportunity
to stealthily move in at some point.
Kill two birds with one stone.
Have your cake and eat it too
and make sure to make plenty
of hay while the sun shines.
Listen, Mom. I'll make
an honest man out of Kang Home-sik.
Leave it to me.
But I'll do it properly.
Well, the apple
doesn't fall far from the tree.
I could eat her up.
Right, if we get there first,
we'll hold position here.
Can you handle Agent Gang's escape route?
-I'll keep an eye on the truck.
Inspector Kang,
someone's looking for you downstairs.
[phone rings]
-Mr. Gang.
What brings you here?
Uh, well, I
Oh, come this way.
Nam-in's been taking
this weight-loss pill.
But something's wrong.
[Bong-go] Since he started taking it,
he's not eating
and just drinking water all day.
When I found him unconscious,
I saw his lips were cracked and dry,
like someone who hadn't had water in days.
Since when?
How much has he been drinking?
At least two liters at a time.
He's looking worse by the day,
and I'm convinced these pills
have something to do with it.
Could you find out
what's inside it by chance?
I came to ask for a favor.
[mysterious music playing]
Inspector Kang, Drug Unit.
There's a substance I need analyzed.
Yes, could you perform it right away?
-[GM Yang] Mr. Kwon.
-[Kwon] Yes?
-[GM Yang] Let's go review this.
-[Kwon] Of course.
[GM Yang] Look at this.
All of this is wrong. It's not like
this is your first time doing this.
Any chance you know what time
today's delivery starts shipping?
-Let me take a look.
-[mouse clicking]
12:30 p.m. today.
Great. Um, I'm gonna step out for a while.
If Si-o asks for me, mind covering?
-Mm-hmm, our boss.
Ah, Mr. Ryu.
[chuckles] So informal.
It's crazy. You're really something.
Anyway, I won't be gone long.
I appreciate you.
I'll bring king-size dumplings with me.
How did you know dumplings
were my favorite thing in the world?
That's basically all you post about
on social media.
Even your dog is named Dumpling.
I'm your number one follower.
[serious music playing]
-Kimchi dumplings?
-Sounds good.
[action music playing]
That's not the way to the outbound docks.
[serious music playing]
-[doors close]
-[lock clangs]
[engine revs]
[thrilling music playing]
Hey, he's turning left.
I'll cut him off.
[rips, rustles]
[man] What the hell? Are you crazy?
Hey, you wanna die?
[moans] Oppa.
Oppa, help me?
[sexy music playing]
Well, what is it?
-[man] What is it?
[Hee-sik] I don't know.
I think my car's broken.
It's not starting at all.
-I'm really busy right now, so
-Oppa, please?
You can help.
Can't you?
Let's have a look.
[sneaky music playing]
[Young-tak] What is that?
What is this?
Oppa, I'll try turning the engine on.
Thank you so much, hmm?
Duck feathers?
[thrilling music playing]
[Ms. Baek] Mr. Ryu
was desperately looking for you.
He asked me where you were.
So I told him I'd sent you off
to see a doctor
because I thought you were sick.
[line rings]
[dramatic music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[phone vibrates]
-Yes, hello?
-[scientist] We rushed it through.
The weight-loss pill, it's a drug.
The same substance
as the baby formula, that synthetic drug.
[phone vibrates]
Yes, Inspector Kang. How can I help you?
I saw Mr. Gang today.
Nam-in's been taking
some weight-loss pills
and his dad asked me
to figure out what's inside them.
Yes, and?
[Hee-sik] The weight-loss pill
It's the drug.
[dramatic music playing]
Well, you sure called me enough times.
Did something happen?
Why do you think I called you here?
[glass clanks]
[soft music playing]
Would you
like to go out with me?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Geum-ju] Get him to the hospital.
Whoever it is that did this to Nam-in,
I'm going to kill them!
[Geum-ju] It's me. Get me the antidote.
I really don't understand your mom!
[GM Yang] About Tsetseg,
she hasn't even come in to work today.
[Si-o] Why didn't you come in
to work today?
[Dong-seok] Come to my place now.
Brown diary, second column
on the bookcase.
[Hee-sik] Do you know
the most pissed-off cops
are the ones who've lost a colleague?
If you don't want to die,
I suggest you just come.
It's a search and seizure warrant
for Doogo.
You had better watch out.
[Jeong-suk] He was a detective!
[Si-o] Do you take me for an amateur?
That audacious bastard.
[Hee-sik] Ryu Si-o, I'm coming for you.
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