Surface (2005) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Previously on Surface Terrance! Terrance! Oh, my God.
The species turned hostile.
Hoping you can identify the animal that did this.
An electrician got bitten yesterday in the marsh by some critter.
Was Nimrod the killer? Really? Miles rushed to find out.
Look, that's him.
You're not Nim.
Miles! Get out of there, man! Oh, my God.
Are you okay? Don't tell Mom.
I'm fine.
Nim did that.
No, it wasn't Nim.
Rich and Daughtery built a submersible to get proof of the species.
And they're breeding.
But on the surface, something went terribly wrong.
Oh, my God.
Jackson, do you copy? We are falling way too fast! You got to pull us back up! You got to stop us! Laura, hang on to something.
They were stranded on the sea floor, until a miraculous recovery.
Hang on, hang on.
We're going up! Now, Surface continues.
Hang onto something! Pull yourself up! Come on! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! You see Jackson? No, I can't see anything.
Here, take the black bag! Come on, it's got the camera! Don't let go of it! Rich! Here, grab my hand! We gotta release it or it's gonna pull us down! Oh, God, it's pulling us down! Do you see him? No! Do you? Huh-uh! This isn't far from the launch site! Emergency beacon.
Emergency beacon.
Now, come on! Hey, come on! All right, all right.
Damn it, the contacts are corroded! So, what? It's not gonna work? No, I don't think so.
It's 121.
5 megahertz, it's like, at least 10 years old.
It's okay, it's okay.
Jackson will come.
Jackson will come.
And hey, hey, if he doesn't, it's okay.
It's not like he's the only one who knew we're out here.
Only Sean.
He's the only one I told.
Yeah, but that's good.
He's a smart guy.
Sean's a smart guy.
He'll figure it out.
Yeah, but it'll take four days for him to even think that we're overdue.
And then another two days before rescue operations start, and that's Two Six days.
Did you hear that? Did you hear that? What? What? Did you hear that, Rich? Look! Look! Look! Flares! Get the flares! Hey! Over here! Hey! Hey! Hey! Did they see us? They see it.
They're gonna see it.
They're gonna see it.
Hey! They didn't see it.
They didn't see it.
Oh, no.
Hell, we got a leak.
What? We got We got a leak.
There should be a repair kit in there.
Okay! Okay! Okay? Something must have popped out off that flare and burned through the hull.
Okay, okay.
Oh, no! What? Oh, the stupid thing's got dry rot! What? Oh, God.
Here's another.
Oh, no! This son of a bitch! No, don't go back in the water, Rich! This is Northern Pacific in mid-November.
It's The boat is sinking.
Rich, I'm telling you, it's not worth it! No, you can't go in there.
You're gonna get hypothermia in there! Rich, you've got to come back! Rich! The flood's gonna pull you away, Rich.
Rich! Get back in the boat! Rich, get back here! Come on! Keep swimming! Give me your hand, please.
Hold my hand.
Come on.
Come on.
You okay? Yeah.
Did you get it? No! Why not? It's okay.
It's all right.
It's all right, it's okay.
Miles! You up? Seven minute warning if you want a ride! Better not be in bed! Oh, great.
Look, I know you've been pulling all-nighters looking for Nim, Nod, or whatever His name is Nimrod.
So when did he come back? Last night.
You planning on telling Mom and Dad? When the time's right.
My opinion? That's not today.
Savannah! I mean, let's not give them an excuse to stay, you know.
Hey, is your brother up yet? Yeah.
He even dressed himself.
Come on, we'll miss our plane.
You're the adult while we're gone, understand? Yes, of course.
Okay, you and Miles have a second chance to prove you can be on your own here.
Okay, let's not blow it.
We won't, Dad.
We wouldn't be taking off if, you know, we had a choice, but you know how it is.
Please, you guys, just go have fun.
At a law firm retreat? Look, the hotel doesn't have phones, it's that swanky, so if you need to reach us, use our cell phones.
What's wrong with your leg? Nothing.
It just fell asleep.
Well, you should put it to bed earlier.
Come on.
I don't want to have to explain why we're the only ones to miss the flight.
So everybody okay? Yes, Mom.
All right, don't be late for school.
We love you.
SYLVIA: We'll be back soon, bye.
Your leg's hurt, isn't it? Where those things bit you.
I'm fine.
Then why are you walking like you're 80 years old? I'm practicing.
For when I am.
You know he can't stay, right? Sip? No.
Don't be ridiculous, Rich.
Where the hell is Jackson? What's he gonna do? That tether broke.
He'd have to assume we were dead.
He would never assume that.
Why not? Because his ego's too big to think that he couldn't save us.
What you don't You don't think that he's going to come? I don't know why he would if he thought we were dead.
I wouldn't be surprised if he went on and called up your ex and told him we didn't make it.
Then there'd be nobody to mount any kind of rescue operation.
Don't talk like that.
Like what? Like my life's in the past tense.
If it wasn't for you, I'd be at home picking up Jesse.
Oh, come on! Don't blame this all on me, now.
Why not? You're the one that brought us down to the bottom You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into! Yeah, I did and I'm gonna get myself out of it, too.
So quit being such a baby and take some responsibility! You know, I have kids, too! All right? I got a wife! I know! You're not the only one losing something here! Supposedly the party's going to be off the hook.
Like, her parents are renting out the whole restaurant just for us.
Dude, you're gimping.
What did I tell you? Does it hurt? Maybe a little.
It looks like more than a little.
It's from getting bit, isn't it? I don't know.
What else could it be? What if that thing had rabies? What if? Then you have to get shots in our stomach with a 10-inch needle.
It's not rabies.
I don't know, you look kind of sweaty.
I don't have rabies, Phil! Stop saying that! Well, something's definitely wrong, homes.
Dude, that's infected.
You got to put something on that.
He won't stop following me, Nim won't.
Something must have happened to him when he was gone.
Maybe he imprinted, like a duck? No, no.
It's way beyond that.
He wants to sleep with me, he follows me in the shower Dude, we're in a locker room.
Make it clear we're talking about a lizard.
Whoa, dude, that's so disgusting.
Doesn't it hurt, bro? Yeah.
But it's okay.
Doctor Phil on the case.
This'll kill the germs.
Ready? One, two, three.
We did the right thing.
I don't know.
I guess.
We did.
I mean, hey, we got what we came for, right? Video of the species.
That definitely counts for something.
If we live.
Yeah, that's the catch, ain't it? Yeah, that damn fine print.
Shark! Hmm? Shark.
Where? Shark.
White shark.
A 20-footer.
He's circling.
Now that's just 'cause he's He's just checking us out.
It's circling because it's gonna strike in about 20 minutes.
We've got to scream.
We've got to scream as loud as You scream.
I'm gonna shoot the son of a bitch.
What are you doing? No, that's the last flare we have.
You can't.
Who cares if it's the last flare if the shark's gonna eat us? Listen to me! Listen to me! It's your turn to have faith in me.
Look at me.
Seriously, put it down.
Put it down.
We can scream and scare it away.
Okay? Okay.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
All right, all right.
Let's just scream.
Okay, okay.
What do we do? Scream.
You ready? Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization.
What does that mean? What happened there 5,000 years ago that changed the world practically overnight? Some sudden breakthrough in human intelligence? Absolutely not.
It was an animal.
What animal was it? Dude, wake up.
What allowed for the cultivation of vast acreage Miles!creating food surpluses for the first time in history? Miles? Are you with us? Guess an animal, dude, any animal.
Try an ox.
Miles, stand up.
What's that on your leg? I don't know.
Come up here so I can get a look at it.
I'm fine.
It's nothing.
Miles, get up here now.
I want you to go to the infirmary.
So, when's the party? What party? There's no party.
With your parents out of town? Are you kidding me? You know my house is not a frat for you and your Neanderthal friends every time my parents go out of town.
Yes, it is.
Oh, Savannah.
They want you in the office.
Something about your brother.
Miles? Miles? Savannah, thank God.
You look terrible.
Are you okay? He's been trying to convince me that he is, but he's not.
I am okay.
No, you're not.
Miles, sit down! Put the thermometer back in your mouth.
I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't get a family member at all.
I tried six different numbers for your parents and didn't get They're out of town.
Home alone.
So your brother said.
I'm almost 18, Mrs.
Fine, then you're in charge.
You are not going anywhere, okay? So, be the bigger sister and talk some sense into him.
Tell him to lie down and take it easy.
Let me see the flesh wound.
Savannah, I Let me see it.
I don't think Show me.
All right, here.
I really think it's not that big of a deal.
I mean Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
It got bigger.
Would someone like to tell me what caused this? Savannah? She doesn't know.
Let me talk to my brother for a second.
Thank you.
I'm okay.
I cannot believe you did not tell Mom and Dad.
You were the one who said don't tell them.
Yeah, that Nim came back.
I didn't know you had gangrene.
Miles? Miles? Promise you won't tell anyone.
Miles, stop it.
Miles? Stop it! Stop it! Miles! Miles! Mrs.
Bowen! Come help! Raymond.
Raymond, call an ambulance! Right away! Miles! Miles! You know, I think it's gone.
I think the shark's gone.
I think we scared it away, you know? Well, that's good.
I just hope it was us that did it.
Hey, don't splash around like that with that thing in the water.
Hey! What do you want with that? It's a bunch of seaweed.
No, it's Chondrus crispus.
It's edible seaweed.
You want some? No.
I'm all right.
Why? It's really not that bad.
You should eat.
I'm good.
I ain't that hungry.
Hey, I thought Cajuns would eat anything.
I tell you, I think it's gonna be another cold one tonight.
26 hours! 26 hours, and still no Jackson! This ocean should be crawling with rescue vehicles.
I think something happened to him.
It's tachypnea.
His respirations are 40 and shallow.
BP's at 132 over 94.
What's his name? Miles Barnett.
He's my brother.
Miles? You wanna tell me how you're feeling? Miles? What's his temperature? We didn't get a read, our unit broke.
But he's burning up.
Miles! When did this start? A couple hours ago, in school.
Please do something.
He's seizing.
Let's get a lumbar puncture.
What's the temperature? 108.
You ready? Get him in there.
Okay, go, go, go, go, go! Get set.
One, two, three! What is he doing? We've got to get his temperature down.
Please, miss, just stay back.
We're doing everything we can for your brother Stop it! Just stay back! Get out of my way! Nim? Nim? Nim! Help me! Help.
Hey, Miles, Miles.
It's okay.
It's okay, I'm here.
Somebody help me! Don't worry.
It's okay, it's okay.
Dried blood.
We got something here.
Shell casings.
About a dozen.
Must've been a hell of a fight.
You were having a nightmare.
It's so cold.
I know.
It's killing me.
You know, there is something that we could be doing that would keep us a little warmer.
What? We We could spoon.
What? I think that under the circumstances, my wife would understand.
Okay, yeah, that's good Fine, under the circumstances Okay then.
Laura, look.
You see? It kind of makes you feel a little small, don't it? What do you think they're doing? I don't know.
They're communicating? It's sort of a migratory ritual or something.
I don't know what the apocalypse is supposed to look like, but I imagine it to be something like that.
Mom? Dad? I've been leaving messages everywhere I can think of.
Miles is sick.
Really sick.
He's in the hospital and you have to come home.
I guess your cells are off or whatever, but I just hope you get this.
So call.
Okay? Call.
Any luck? No.
We're moving your brother to ICU.
What? What's wrong with him? Well, that's the problem.
We don't know exactly.
The precise medical term is "a fever of unknown origin.
" I told you the origin, that bite on his leg.
The lesions on his leg have none of the indicators of an animal bite.
There's no tissue tearing, no punctures No, I told you and no infection.
His white counts are normal.
His labs are clean.
Whatever's causing that fever is not a normal inflammatory response.
The only diagnostic issue we've found is a severe electrolyte imbalance.
I'm gonna be real honest with you.
I'm at a loss here.
With a fever that high What? Your brother's life is in danger.
Is there anything you can think of to give us some context? What if I showed you one like the thing that bit Miles? Would that help? I hate the rain.
I hate it.
It's strange, but it reminds me of my grandmother.
Every time I visited her, it was always raining out.
She was a horrible woman.
Actually, she was very vain and manipulative.
I remember this one time she, she was watching over me and it was raining, and we went to the store right as it was closing, you know, when the lights were being turned off.
And we were rushing through the store and all of a sudden she started just trashing my mother, saying that my mother wasn't worthy of my father.
She was a horrible woman to say that to such a little kid, and I didn't really understand at the time.
Rich! I'm here! Rich! No, don't you move! Come on, swim to me.
Get the bag! The bag has the camera in it! Rich, the camera bag.
I got it! Come on.
Come on! Come on! Swim! Swim! It's coming! Come on.
Grab on.
Grab on.
Nim? Nim.
Nim? Nimmy? Nim? Nim? Nim, Nim, come back! Come back! Nim.
Nim, come back! Nim! Who let you in? I knocked.
How's Miles? Not good.
I gotta find Nimrod.
I didn't know you knew his name.
Nimmy? So you know, Miles doesn't really call him like that.
Then why don't you tell me how, Phil, huh? I don't know, you gotta ask Miles.
I thought you both related.
No, that's Miles.
He has the ESP.
I don't think he needs to call him.
Find him.
Mom? Dad? No, I'm sorry, this is Paul Bloom from over at the aquarium.
Is Miles there? No.
Well, he wasn't at work today.
I just wanted to check to see if everything was okay.
Miles is in the hospital.
Why? They don't have any idea.
Something bit him when he was in the water.
Wait a minute.
I'm, I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Are you telling me Miles was bitten? Got him.
I gotta go.
What's going on? Stay there.
You stay there.
What're you doing? I'm just gonna redistribute the weight.
No, no.
Don't get off of the raft.
I'm not getting off, I'm just redistributing.
Get some more over here to you.
There you go.
There you go.
She was just protecting her eggs.
Let's get the hell out of here.
No, stay here, they work as a shield.
Huh? They might keep us from getting killed.
Take it easy, we're right here.
No, honey, it's not your mother.
She'll be here soon.
Tell her Tell her that it wasn't Nim's fault.
Wasn't whose fault? Nim.
It It wasn't Nim's fault.
He's not the one who bit me.
He didn't He didn't do it.
I'm gonna get you something so you can rest.
Tell her.
Okay, okay.
Excuse me.
Can you please get Dr.
Kellino for me? She's with a patient right now.
Well, then, can you tell her that I have it? I'm sorry.
Who are you? My name is Savannah Barnett.
My brother is Miles Savannah? I'm Paul Bloom.
Bloom? Please come with me quickly.
I have one of the things that bit Miles.
Miles is keeping one of these things? For weeks, he didn't want anyone to know.
We're going to die.
Don't say that.
What are you doing? What are you doing? Can you see that light? Look at that.
You see that? Look at that light.
See it? The eggs! Well, someone's gonna see us from the light from the eggs.
So this animal thing, whatever it is, is now loose in my hospital, is responsible for two attacks? That's great.
Is there a reason why local ERs weren't notified? We were just beginning to investigate.
So what's the story with this other victim, that guy from Southport? The attack was fatal.
Get security.
Tell them we've got an animal loose in ICU.
Yes, doctor.
Stay back.
Get a crash cart in here! He's going flatline! Miles! Miles! Hey! Hey! Hey! Visibility's really limited.
I Wait, hold that.
I got something.
I got something.
It's Get here.
Get up fast! It's not a vessel, it's some kind of green light.
Are you seeing this? It's hard to tell what I'm seeing.
Hey! Hey! All right, Command, I'm gonna take it down, get a closer look.
He sees it! He's coming! He's coming! He's coming here to get us! All right, I've got him.
Look, there's two of them at least, a guy and a girl.
Call the radio, get the rescue gear out.
Roger that.
Over here! Hey! Hey! Get out of the way! What the hell was that? I don't know, but I am backing off.
Backing off! What? You can't leave us, please! Please, no! Please! Hey! Charge to 200.
Clear! So where is it? I don't know.
You don't know? It went this way.
No, no, no, no, no, gun.
I just want you to stand guard until I can get a tranq gun.
Clear! There it is.
Now stay back.
It's dangerous.
No, God.
Please, I'm asking you, don't.
You're worried about an animal, we've got a building full of patients here.
Now, stand back, please.
Where's that eppy? We need those meds! Oh, please do something.
Help him! Stand back against the wall.
Here she comes.
Where is he? What? Where's Nim? What's he doing? Where is he? No, no, no.
Hold him.
Get him back.
Hold him! No, no! Miles, Miles, Miles.
He's okay.
Where is he? Help! Somebody help, please? Where is he? No, no.
It's okay.
No, no, no, no! No! Don't go.
Stay back.
Stay back.
Oh, my God.
Your wound is healed.
Nim healed you, didn't he? Daughtery.
Hey, hey, hey! Wake up.
Come on! Get up! Come on, he's coming back! He's coming back for us! Come on.
You just gotta hang in there.
There he is! That's it.
Come on.
Hey! Come on! Get up there! He's coming! There he is! Help! Hey, down here, you son of a bitch! What're you waiting for? We're dying! Hey! Come on.
Hey! You can't do that or we're both going to die.
Now wake up! Fight! Kick.
Come on, this is it! This is it! Kick it! Kick! Kick! This is humidified air, it's gonna help regulate your core temperature.
In the meantime, let me get this out of the way for you.
No! We need to keep this with us.
We got it.
We got the proof.
The camera's still dry.
I told you we'd make it.
Just gotta have a little faith.

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