Survive (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

What Does This Say About Us?

- [screams]
- Paul.
- [strains]
- OK.
Look at me. Just breathe, OK?
- I'm trying. I can't.
Jane, I can't feel my arm.
- JANE: Breathe.
- I can't feel my arm.
Is it broken? Is it
- JANE: Don't think about your arm.
Just look at me.
- Is it bad?
- JANE: Here. Lift, lift, lift.
- PAUL: Jane, you have to set it.
I'm gonna lose my arm, Jane.
Just--Just grab a stick--
a straight stick so we can tie
the bones together.
I'm here. I'm here. I'm here.
- PAUL: Jane.
Jane, you have to be quick.
- I know. I know.
- PAUL: It doesn't matter
how much pain I'm in, OK?
You gotta do it quick, OK?
- You have to do it quick.
[Paul screams]
- OK. OK.
In the count of three.
- JANE: Ready? Three two, one.
[stick snaps]
I got you. I got you. Take some of these.
It'll help the pain. Here.
Here you go. It's OK.
It's OK. It's OK.
Keep talking to me. You're gonna be OK.
- JANE: Shh!
- Did you-- Did you see the river?
Did you see it?
- Yeah, yeah.
We'll get there. I promise.
[Paul groans]
["Wake me up, I'm drowning"
by Noah Gundersen]
I can't talk ♪
No mouth to scream ♪
I can't run ♪
On my broken feet ♪
Pressing in ♪
Overwhelming ♪
It's just a dream ♪
I'm drowning ♪
Wake me up ♪
Wake me up again ♪
- Hey. I need you.
I'm gonna keep talking
'cause I know you can hear me.
I heard you under all that snow.
I know you can hear me now.
You're gonna be OK.
[wind howling]
Wake me up again ♪
- Paul?
Oh, God. I thought you were dead.
[sighs] OK.
- Still alive.
- Still alive [grunts] Sit.
- Just gotta--
- We gotta get going. OK?
- Yeah.
- Come on. We can make it down there.
Almost there.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What's
Are you OK? What's happening?
- I gotta stop.
You gotta get help.
- OK. Uh
Let's go here, let's go here, OK?
Let's lay you down. You gotta lay down.
Lemme see.
Hey, hey, hey.
- Jane
I think I'm dying.
- You're not. No, you're not.
- Jane, I need you to get to the river.
- No, I'm not going without you.
- Jane!
I can't go.
I can't go on, OK?
Does this count as drama?
- No, I don't think so.
You're still breathing.
[chuckles but in pain]
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- It's OK.
It's OK.
You gotta go.
- No, Paul, I'm not leaving without you.
- You have to go I can't
I can't move.
I can't breathe. I just
Jane, you gotta go, OK?
You gotta leave now.
- PAUL: OK, Jane
if I die.
- Don't say that.
- PAUL: Listen to me.
- Will you stop saying that?
- PAUL: Listen to me.
If I die, just
just know it wasn't because of you,
I don't want you to spend one minute
thinking about it, OK?
I don't want you to feel guilty.
- OK. OK.
I love you, Paul.
- [whispers] I love you.
- If the pain gets too much
take these.
Whatever you do, don't say goodbye.
- Hey, come back for me.
- I will.
- What does it say about us?
This was our time and place.
We're pretty unlucky, right?
- No.
No, I think
[sniffles] I think
we're pretty goddamn lucky.
[soft groan]
I'm coming back.
I'm coming back.
- Go.
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