T.P BON (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Gunfight Near the O.K. Corral

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[sharp ping]
[tense spaghetti western music playing]
[Tetsuo breathing nervously]
[Bon grunts]
[wind gusts]
[Tetsuo gasps]
- [fires]
- [yelps]
[Tetsuo] You got me.
Let's go one more round.
Just face it. You're never gonna beat me.
[Tetsuo] Aw, man. I guess everyone has
the one thing they're good at.
Hmm? And what's that supposed to mean?
I think if you'd been alive
in the time of the Wild West,
you'd have gone down in history
as an outstanding gunslinger.
Uh Yeah. That's probably true.
- [mother] Tetsuo!
- [both murmur nervously]
Did you take
your little brother's toys again?
Guh Hi, Mom.
Look at you. Two junior high school boys,
and you're acting like children.
[old-timey gunshot]
[birds chirping]
[Bon] I guess I was born
in the wrong time period.
[lock clacks]
I'd love to visit the Wild West
and see real gunslingers.
Then let's go.
Really? Cool!
- [tense music playing]
- [Ream] This is our new rescue target.
[Bon] A little kid?
[Ream] He might be small
and look like a child,
but according to our Research Office,
he's a grown man.
Unfortunately, we don't know his name
or where he was born.
How come?
I thought headquarters always knew
basic stuff like that.
There appear to be
space-time discontinuities
happening in this area,
so the images aren't clear.
We only have this one clip of him,
due to sheer luck.
[Bon] Oh no! Behind him!
[static crackling]
[Ream] Yep. Looks like
this wasn't much of a fair fight.
He was ambushed and murdered.
- [Bon] So brutal.
- [static crackles]
I want to save him! Let's go!
It's not gonna be so easy this time.
Well, why not?
We don't know precisely
when or where this happened.
What we do know is it was May 1881,
and it happened somewhere
near the town of Tombstone.
So how are we gonna find him?
[Ream] We'll just have to go there
and search for him ourselves.
That doesn't sound like a very solid plan.
Ah, but what if this time,
we do an undercover investigation?
You pretend to be one of the locals
to find our target.
Yeah! I'm down for that!
[old-timey gunshot]
[Bon] I can't wait to get there!
- I'm pretty fast at quick-draw, you know.
- [dryly] Oh, yeah?
I'm so good,
I could have even become famous,
if I'd been alive
in the Wild West that is.
That's what the word
on the street is, anyway.
- [Buyoyon] No one is saying that.
- [Bon] I mean, one person did.
[Time Boats whir]
[Ream] Here we are. Tombstone.
Cochise County, Arizona.
[Bon] It's like being on a movie set.
Okay, so we're going to pretend
to be locals here.
We'll then investigate
by interacting with the residents.
So that's how we'll be undercover, yeah?
Well, we also need to acquire
general knowledge about the United States
in this time period.
Oh, yeah. Good idea.
But don't you already know everything
you need to know about the United States,
seeing as you're from the US
in the future?
I only learn about certain
historical events in middle school,
so I still need to know
about the lifestyle and culture
of this time period.
Tombstone was a town founded in 1879
in the American frontier.
People came to this town from all over
to mine for silver, which was found
in the nearby San Pedro hills.
In just two years,
the population grew to 5,600 inhabitants.
[Bon] Not only was the town
full of cowboys and miners,
there were also scammers, gamblers,
livestock rustlers, and wanted criminals.
It was a pretty dangerous place.
[Ream] This is also where the Gunfight
at the O.K. Corral took place,
the most famous gunfight
in the history of the American frontier.
The O.K. Corral?
Oh yeah! I knew I'd heard
the name Tombstone somewhere before.
So you've heard the story, then?
There's a bunch of movies about it!
My dad loves the old westerns,
so we always watch them together.
Am I really gonna see the big gunfight
that's in all the movies?
That's not gonna happen, I'm afraid.
Why not?
[Buyoyon] It doesn't go down
for another five months.
Now for the next part of being undercover.
Come. Give me your arm.
Wait. What's that? I'm afraid of needles!
Don't worry. We use this device
to temporarily alter appearances.
Right now, you can't totally blend in
with the locals the same way I can.
I guess. But still
- [clack]
- Ow!
[whimsical music playing]
[tinkling ascending whir]
- [Bon murmurs nervously]
- Yep, that should definitely work.
- Huh.
- All right. Next, put these on.
I have to change my underwear?
[Ream] You betcha.
Your modern synthetic underwear
didn't exist yet in this time period.
[old-timey gunshot]
- What do you think?
- [Bon] Oh, wow. I think you look great.
Why, thank you.
So how about me?
You certainly fit the part.
- [gasps]
- [Buyoyon] Buyo.
- Hmm.
- Wait a minute.
What gives?
Is something wrong?
[Buyoyon] Hmm
- Oh!
- This could work perfectly!
- Huh? What could?
- [beep]
[Ream] Headquarters,
we need a custom-built gun.
It has to look identical
to our rescue target's gun.
[Bon] Huh?
- [horse whinnies]
- [hooves galloping]
[intriguing guitar music playing]
Whoa. This is wild.
Yeah, this is totally different
from the United States that I'm used to.
Feels like a theme park.
We should get a room there.
- [horse whinnies, snorts]
- [stagecoach clatters]
This hotel is right
on the corner of Main Street,
and there's a stagecoach station below us.
We might get a lead
if we keep an eye out from here.
You were right. I really do look like him.
I want you to walk around the town
so people can get a good look at you.
Good idea.
If anyone recognizes this face,
they'll most likely come and talk to me.
[Buyoyon] Do you realize
you've got your best tracker in a bag?
- [Ream] Uh, sorry. My bad.
- [Buyoyon mutters]
I will not forget this!
- Hmm.
- It's a shockwave gun.
It knocks people unconscious.
That's it? That's not fun at all.
Hey, you! This isn't a movie!
If you used a real gun,
you could actually kill someone!
That's right. It's our duty
as Time Patrol agents to save lives.
So let's try not to murder anyone.
Well, yeah, I know that.
Okay. Then why don't we split up
and try to gather some information?
- [Bon] Mm-hmm.
- Oh.
And make sure you leave your Forgetter
and your Timeceiver in this bag.
Huh? Even the Timeceiver?
Yep. Anything that might arouse suspicion.
[Buyoyon] That means
your Time Controller too, Ream.
[Ream] All right, then.
[Bon] So what exactly
are you going to do, Buyoyon?
I'm going to use my intuition
and eavesdrop.
Cool. Happy trails.
Hey! This isn't a game!
You stay out of trouble, okay? Humph.
[horse neighs]
Of course I'm going to
stay out of trouble.
But since I'm actually in the Wild West,
I hope I get at least one chance
to show off my gunslinger skills.
[gun clacks]
[chuckles] Hmm-hmm.
- [gun whizzes]
- Uh.
- [descending whistle]
- [clang]
[ascending whistle]
Hey, you! That hurt!
[murmurs] I'm so sorry!
It just slipped out of my hand!
You think I'm gonna fall for Uh!
- [Bon] Uh
- Y-You. You're that fella.
Huh? Oh, right! Do you happen
to know who I am by any chance?
Here. Take a good close look
at this face. Are you sure?
No! I don't know you!
- We never met before!
- [Bon] Are you positive?
That was weird.
[old-timey gunshot]
[Buyoyon] Tippy-toe, tippy-toe, here I go.
Hmm? Ha-ha.
[man 1] The sheriff's never gonna
listen to us.
[man 2] People 'round here say
he's being bribed.
[man 3] Yep. That's Tombstone for ya.
So there's no law here.
- [snorts]
- Huh? Aah!
- [whinnies]
- [man 1] What's the matter, girl?
[murmurs nervously]
- [man 3] Uh
- [man 2] Huh?
- Oh. It's just horse shit.
- [gasping in terror]
- [grumbles]
- [horse neighs]
[Buyoyon] Ooph! Ow!
Get your dirty hooves off of me,
you vile beasts! [whimpers]
How dare those western jerks
call me horse shit!
[grunts, grumbles]
It's true, I tell ya!
That scoundrel Jim?
He's here in town?
Come on, Danny,
you are full of crap, and you know it.
[Danny] I almost jumped
outta my skin when I saw him!
That kid's here for me.
Morgan, you should get out of town now.
Nah. Let's tell the sheriff
to bring him in.
[grunts] Yeah, good idea.
- [man 4] Wait!
- [all] Huh?
He's mine.
You sure about that, Kirk?
Everyone knows his skill
at being quick on the draw.
[Kirk] Hmm.
I've got a score to settle with that guy.
- [yawns]
- [stagecoach rumbling]
[horses snort, nicker]
- [Buyoyon] Ream!
- [gasps]
[breathless] I have news.
What the heck happened to you?
Did you get trampled on?
Yes, but that's not important right now.
- Look.
- What is this? [gasps]
Our target is wanted dead or alive?
He's accused of committing
stagecoach robberies and prison breaks!
That's strange.
Why would headquarters send its agents
on a mission to save the life
of a wanted criminal?
I just don't understand it at all.
- [whines] What's going on?
- [gasps]
Wait a minute.
- [gasps]
- Hey! Where are you going?
- [bell clanging]
- [Ream panting]
This is bad.
[breathes heavily]
[murmuring nervously, panting]
[Bon] The O.K. Corral,
five months from this day,
October 26th, 1881,
Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday are going to
have the showdown of the century
against the Clanton brothers right here!
Huh. I thought it would be bigger.
And shouldn't a ranch have
a bunch of cattle running around?
Wait a minute.
I remember this
from the compressed learning.
This place wasn't a traditional ranch.
They didn't raise livestock.
Cattle were only brought here
to be sold off.
- [Kirk] It's been a while, Jim.
- [Bon] Huh?
Talking to me?
Don't play games, boy.
You're James Wright,
known to most folks around here
as Babyface Jim.
This is so cool!
You exposed me for cheatin' at poker.
- Don't you go trying to deny it, y'hear?
- Hmm
I'm not really looking for any trouble.
How about you tell me
more about me instead? Sound good?
[Kirk grumbles]
Guess that's a no.
[Kirk grunts]
All right, then. Looks like it's on.
[both gasp]
[man 1 gasps]
[Bon] The duel is a go.
It's me or him.
[suspenseful music playing]
[sharp ping]
Aw, man. The sun, it's blinding me.
What's wrong with you?
Go ahead and draw already,
you little worm.
[Kirk grumbles]
[gunshot echoes]
- [murmuring anxiously]
- [thud]
- [Kirk groans]
- Wait. Did I
I won! Yes! I won!
- [man 2] Freeze!
- [gasps]
Keep those hands up!
Babyface Jim,
you're under arrest.
Ooh! Hey, missy. Come and have a drink.
- May I ask you something?
- Huh? What do you wanna know?
I'd like you to tell me
everything you know
about the man in this poster.
[man 3] Hmm
Bartender, get this man
another round of drinks.
I reckon that will buy enough
to get me drunk for quite a while.
[slurps, exhales]
So you'll tell me what I need to know?
I saw a boy this afternoon
who looked just like him,
walking without a horse
along the San Pedro River.
Looked like he was headed
toward Tombstone.
- [Ream] Thank you.
- [man 3] You betcha.
[Danny grumbles]
[Bon] But I I had no idea!
Don't give me that.
You were arrested for stagecoach robbery,
but you broke out of prison
that very same night.
And it's definitely your face
on the wanted poster.
Robbery? A prison break?
It makes no sense.
How am I such a bad guy?
I had absolutely no clue.
You're one odd fella.
[suspenseful music playing]
[birds squawking]
[Jim] Pardon the intrusion.
[crickets chirping]
[Buyoyon] That guy's the real Jim.
I'll go talk to him.
No! Have you forgotten
he's a wanted criminal?
[Ream] He doesn't look like one to me.
[Buyoyon] You can't judge people
by looks alone.
I know, but I need to find out
why headquarters wanted us
to save a criminal,
especially one like him.
Wait! You shouldn't go!
[Ream] Don't worry, Buyoyon.
- You should find Bon.
- [grumbles]
[footsteps approaching]
[Jim] Who's there?
[Ream] Oh. Um
Oh. Hi there. I didn't mean to scare you.
- [Ream] I didn't mean to scare you either.
- That's all right.
So why's a young lady
traveling by her lonesome out here?
Oh, well, it's a long story,
but now I'm making my way
back to the ranch on foot.
Long story, huh?
I got one of those too.
Have a seat
and get some rest, if you like.
Much obliged.
It's true, I swear!
Don't you give me this crap again!
But it is. The coachman himself
said he saw him earlier!
That so? Then who was that varmint
who knocked me unconscious this morning?
Look, I arrested him and put him in jail.
Well, maybe he managed to break out again?
- We should go check on him.
- Good idea, big brother.
[horse whinnies]
I'm I'm the best gunslinger in the world.
[Buyoyon] Hey!
- And nobody is quicker than me.
- [Buyoyon grumbles]
- Wake up, you lazy bum!
- [Bon gasps] W-W-What?
I was looking all over town for you.
Well, you found me.
And I found out who I look like.
I'm actually quite a bad guy.
[Buyoyon] Babyface Jim. I know.
Time to go.
What? You know?
[horse whinnies]
[Kirk] Where the hell is he?
There's no one here. This place is empty.
You sure you arrested him, Sheriff?
Of course I did. I locked him in.
So are you saying he just vanished?
Is Is he a ghost?
Now we know that coachman
was telling the truth after all.
Calm down, Danny. He's just a stupid kid.
[Morgan] Yeah, but this is starting
to give me the creeps.
Look here. The Clanton brothers
ain't the sort to abandon a friend.
That's right. Don't you worry.
We'll protect you by hook or by crook.
You can count me in too.
I'll be happy to get another shot at him.
Much obliged, gentlemen.
- [Buyoyon whizzes]
- [hurried footsteps]
[Buyoyon] I finally found him!
- Huh?
- Hey! How's it going?
- Jump on. We gotta go.
- [Bon pants]
One second I was reaching for my gun,
and the next thing I knew,
he was on the ground.
So maybe I am an amazing gunslinger.
Seems obvious.
- [flatly] Yeah, sure.
- Mm.
Are you mad? I was just kidding.
It's not that.
There's just something
I can't stop thinking about.
Actually there's something
I've been thinking about too.
[Ream] What is it?
Our job is really
to save a dangerous criminal?
I mean, even if headquarters
really didn't know who he was,
something's not right.
Here's the thing.
I'm pretty positive
Babyface Jim is innocent.
What? Why do you think that?
I've been awful reckless
since I was 17 years old,
but I stay away from trouble now.
Although there is something I have to do.
Over in Tombstone?
I'll have a showdown
with the fella who set me up.
Then I'll be all done.
[Ream] The real robber was Glen Morgan.
He gave a false testimony
and used it to set Jim up.
So Jim broke out of prison with the hope
of catching Morgan on his own.
[Bon] So where is Morgan now?
He's at the Clanton Ranch.
You see, Morgan and the Clanton brothers
have been acquaintances for years.
Why don't we go to the Sheriff
and tell him what we know,
and then he can arrest Morgan himself?
Because the sheriff who arrested you
is also a member of the Clanton gang.
- Man, what a town.
- I know.
Plus, tomorrow, Morgan and his friends
are gonna have a gunfight with Jim.
That's what we saw
in the video from headquarters.
Well, if we can't trust the sheriff,
then why don't you just
tell Jim about it now?
I'm afraid it's not as simple as that.
[Bon] Why not?
A gunfight means
they'll try to kill each other.
Yeah, of course.
If we help Jim,
then he's gonna kill those five men.
[Bon] Hmm.
But that won't support
what the history books say.
In five months, the Clanton brothers
are at the O.K. Corral.
You're right.
If Wyatt Earp's enemies
get killed by Jim now,
there won't be a movie.
Yeah, not really what I meant,
but you and your gunslinging skills
are gonna make sure that doesn't happen.
[sharp ping]
So here I am, about to have a gunfight
with a gang in the Wild West.
This should be a dream, but really
it's a nightmare.
[Buyoyon] You think he'll be okay?
Oh, he'll be fine.
When the gunfight is about to start,
I'll just use my Time Controller.
What are you doing?
Get me the Time Controller
from out of the bag.
What? Wait. Don't you have it on you?
I thought you had it.
Well, I do not. I thought you had it.
Wait. Hang on.
Then, does that mean
we left it back at the hotel?!
What?! How are you so careless?
You said to leave it behind
in the first place!
What are you going to do?
We're running out of time!
- Um Think, Ream.
- I'm sure I told you to bring it!
- I said it three times!
- I'll go get it.
What? No, wait. What about Bon?
I promise, I won't be long.
Just buy me some time, okay?
[hawk screeches]
Why does it feel like
I've been here before?
This is the scene I saw in the video!
[murmurs nervously]
Hey, uh, Ream! You there?
Shh! Keep quiet.
They might get suspicious.
I'm not sure about this.
[Buyoyon] Don't worry.
Ream will make it back here in no time.
Uh "Maybe"?
Where is Ream?
Hmm. Well, she just had
a quick errand to run.
- What?
- Just try to buy some time, okay?
- [murmurs anxiously]
- [Morgan] Jim!
- [gasps]
- Buyo!
[tense music playing]
I've been waitin' for ya.
What the heck?
I believe you've been lookin'
for my esteemed self?
Uh. So you're Morgan, yeah?
You know who I am. Stop acting a fool!
I've gotta buy time somehow.
[Morgan] You and I have
some business to settle, don't we?
Oh, really?
- What business is that?
- [Morgan] Now drop the act!
I know you broke outta prison
just to face me here and now.
Uh Thanks for the reminder.
Now, I'll give you what you want.
Let's fight.
[Bon murmurs nervously]
This is it.
[tense music continues]
[murmurs nervously]
[murmuring builds]
Help me, Ream!
- Hee!
- [gunshots]
- [Bon groans] I've been shot.
- [gun clatters]
[gasps] Huh?
- [panting breathlessly]
- [Time Boat whirs]
I can't believe I made it in time.
All right, Ream!
I'm alive.
Since you're up against five men,
I'll even out the odds a bit
and make you five times faster than them.
Let the fight resume!
- [thrum]
- [zap]
[bullets ricochet]
Huh? He's gone.
- Hey, Morgan!
- What in tarnation?
[Morgan grunts]
- What the?
- Where'd he go?
- [Bon] I'm right here.
- [both] Huh?
- [both grunt]
- What the hell's going on here?
- He really is a ghost! Aah!
- [Kirk murmurs]
And now, the final shot!
- [blasting]
- [both groan]
[Danny grunts]
[music crescendoes]
- [blows]
- [music fades out]
Woo! He won!
Great work, gunslinger Bon!
All that's left to do now
is move Morgan to an hour later
so that the real Jim
will eventually find him.
[Buyoyon] And then,
he'll catch Morgan himself.
The Clanton brothers and their friends
will regain consciousness soon,
and in five months' time
They'll be fighting against Wyatt Earp
and Doc Holliday at the O.K. Corral.
[Ream] Mission accomplished!
I still would have liked to have seen
that famous gunfight though.
It wouldn't be that much fun.
A real gunfight only lasts a few seconds
and then it's over.
[Buyoyon] In reality, it's pretty sad.
- Okay, then. Let's go home.
- [Buyoyon] Mm.
It is pretty sad. That's true.
[Time Boat whirs, whooshes]
[bird calling]
[birds chirping]
[Tetsuo] Hey, Bon.
I'm ready to face you in another gunfight.
- [Bon] I'm out.
- Huh? How come?
- Playing with toy guns is just immature.
- [Tetsuo] Hmm?
It just feels childish
after you've experienced a big gunfight
out near the O.K. Corral.
[Tetsuo] Uh
[Bon] Forget about it. Let's just go home.
[old-timey gunshot]
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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