Talentless Nana (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

The Invisible Blade

Well, then. Whom were
you trying to call just now?
Stay calm. Think this through.
Jin Tachibana may be the most
powerful monster I've met so far,
but he's not invincible.
They ended the call immediately.
Call ended
Maybe you needed a password?
If he really could wield all
the powers of all the Talented,
he wouldn't need to bother dealing with me.
He could time-travel,
teleport, manipulate people,
and he'd have already
discovered the Committee by now.
Why didn't you transform into me?
I will apologize for making light of you.
But you have been cautiously sniffing
out my true power since last night.
If you want to know what my power is,
you should just transform into me.
You can, after all, harness the powers
of those you've transformed into.
"Potential Kill Count"?
"Talentless Nana"
Jin Tachibana doesn't belong here. I could run
back to the dorm and get the class on my side.
Episode 10: The Invisible Blade
While I can copy people's powers,
I can't control them well unless I practice.
Five years ago, there was a kid in
my class with a common affliction.
They believed they were a crusader,
chosen by an archangel
sent to kill us, "the minions of Satan."
They righteously shoved this
"potential kill count" delusion in our faces,
which makes me suspect
you are this person's partner.
But I cannot ignore the fact that
somebody provided you with this device.
Perhaps it's best that
you ask this person for help?
Can't you transform into Yuka Sasaki?
As you probably already know,
she was able to draw out memories from a corpse.
If you want to learn more about me,
why don't you just turn me into a zombie?
You're a lovely girl.
Even though you're cornered,
you're still trying to sniff out my weakness.
What's your family situation?
Why do you want to know?
I know that intimidation or
torture won't get you to talk.
So I think it would be beneficial for
both of us to patiently build some trust.
If I talk, will you let me go?
For tonight, yes.
Nana. I really like you.
Five years ago, I killed all my peers
without getting to know them first.
As you know, murderers
must possess one key quality:
They must be able to dehumanize other people.
I don't want you to force me
to make the same mistakes again.
I had a father, a mother, and a brother
much older than me, apparently.
Why the hearsay?
Because I don't remember.
My brother left home before
I could make any memories of him.
And what about your parents?
My father worked in a Talented-related
department in the ministry of general affairs.
My mother was a kindergarten teacher.
They were both murdered.
By whom?
By a diabolical monster.
An enemy of humanity killed them.
Considering you're talking about your trauma,
it's odd that you aren't batting an eye.
It's in the past; it's out of my hands.
We're only human.
We mustn't turn back time or raise the dead.
I don't suppose the "enemies of humanity"
of which you speak are the Talented?
Before you fall asleep,
let me give you some advice in good faith.
This island is full of children whose
powers have made them arrogant.
And the adults here don't teach them
how to deal with failure or frustration,
so I suppose it's rather unavoidable.
But when the bodies start piling up,
the psychopaths will come out of the woodwork.
Be careful.
You may not be the only murderer on this island.
Michi ru
Oh! Nana- shan !
I was so worrieeed!
Wh-What am I doing here?
So, uh! I heard this bump in the night!
And there you were! Unconscious by my door!
Did Tachibana carry me all the way back here?
Were you attacked by the enemies of humanity?
Uh, yeah.
I got terribly sleepy this morning
before it was time to go to class.
When I woke up, it was already night.
Something seemed off, and
Huh? But you were in class today.
An impostor went to school in my place all day!
Yeah, I went after that impostor
and almost got myself killed.
Huh? Oh no, really?
Thanks, Michiru.
You were up all night taking care of me, right?
I'm so glad you're okay!
Yes. This is why I'm keeping Michiru alive.
You really are a strong person.
You lost Nakajima, you lost Yuka, but
you're still fighting the good fight all alone.
Well, I am the leader after all.
What gives you the strength to carry on?
Aren't you scared of the enemies of humanity?
Those villains don't scare me one bit.
Damn. I slipped.
The truth is my parents were
killed by the enemies of humanity.
While a part of me is scared, a much bigger
part of me is determined to defeat them.
After all these years,
I feel no resentment or sadness.
But still
I should make personal stories
like this as relatable as possible.
So that when I act recklessly,
the others will assume it's
because of my noble vendetta.
I-I'm so sorry! I didn't
mean to re-traumatize you!
I-It's cool, Michiru. I know you meant well.
I'm going to go wash my face!
Nana- shan !
I'm so I didn't know
Please, somebody
Help my!
My daddy and my mommy!
Please, help us!
I'm sorry I fell to pieces.
But if you want to talk, I'm here to listen!
You've been fighting hard ever
since you transferred here.
Like last night! You almost died,
but you're still going strong today.
It must be hard sometimes,
going at it all alone.
So I'd gladly help
if you're okay with that
The short version is:
A burglar broke into our house at night.
When I woke up that morning,
my parents were already dead.
A burglar?
Was this burglar an enemy of humanity?
Yeah, well, let's just say
it was disguised as a human.
So that's why you're so determined.
Too determined.
Kyoya's convinced I'm a serial killer.
That burglar was evil.
Now I get it.
That must be why you act so reckless sometimes.
You really are a good person, Michiru.
Michiru Inukai
Potential kill count:
Michiru Inukai
Potential kill count:
I'm tempted to give her a pass.
But she must have a dark side
just like Yuka.
I think the real evil one
was me, not the burglar.
My parents are dead because it's my fault.
Sorry. My back still hurts a little.
Oh, uh, okay!
Tsunekichi died of natural causes,
but this one's a murder.
Doesn't it scare you at all?
I'm canceling class until
the next supply boat comes.
We'll just have to wait and see
what the higher-ups say and--
The next time you get those
higher-ups on the phone, come get me.
I'm going to tell them everything.
Got it?
Hey, you're being a bit too pushy.
Who do you think you are?
I'm the teacher here, kid!
Tell us, Nana,
did you forget to lock your window that night?
I always check to make sure my
window's locked before bedtime.
Daddy always got mad at me if I forgot.
So you're certain the burglar entered
through the child's open window?
You idiot! She's right there.
First, I let myself confess too much to Michiru,
and now, I'm having unwelcome flashbacks.
What's wrong?
Oh, it's nothing.
Are you ill?
Oh, no.
I'm just a little sad. If only I'd trained
harder, maybe I could have saved them.
She said using her power shortens her lifespan.
Her symptoms might have
something to do with that.
But if she insists she's okay, I'll let her be.
What should my next move be?
Unlike before,
there aren't currently any
Talenteds that are hot on my tail.
No, that's right. There's still that one weirdo.
I'm glad to see you're all healed up.
If you were going to save my life anyway,
you could have just healed me yourself.
You wanted me to lick you all over?
A tempting offer, to be sure.
But Michiru's regenerative power
is like an angel's touch.
An impressionist like me might die
from attempting to mimic such a feat.
In other words, you can use the
powers of the person you turn into,
but you also suffer their weaknesses.
Can I assume I'm right?
Now you know one of my weaknesses.
Does that satisfy you?
I'd be even more satisfied,
if you returned my phone.
Fair enough.
I'll return it, if you let me
see into another part of your soul.
Hey, Nana- shan .
Do you have a minute?
Sorry to bother you at night.
I was just wondering how your back feels.
It feels good as new.
Could I come in for a minute?
All these deaths are making me feel uneasy.
Sure, I don't mind
I thought I heard you talking
to someone. It was the kitty!
You know, I think this is the
first time I've come over to visit.
Yeah. You're the first visitor I've had.
What's come over her?
Did she pick up on something?
Seems unlikely in her case.
You sure keep your room tidy.
It looks like, you know, the kind of room
a really smart person would have.
Have you always kept your room neat?
I just heard your inner-voice.
You came here to ask me more
about my childhood, didn't you?
I'm sorry. I just couldn't get what you
said this morning out of my head.
You said your parents' deaths were
your fault and I keep wondering why.
Sorry. That was pretty cryptic of me.
You're always so cheerful, but you
seemed kind of different this morning.
I would tell you
but it might make you hate me.
But I would never hate you!
I just want to help you.
See? Kitty wants to hear your story, too.
I'm sure he does.
I was just your typical little girl.
So, you played house and played with dolls?
No, when I was a kid, I preferred games.
Like video games?
Shogi, Go, and chess.
Every birthday, my parents
would buy me a new set.
Wow That's pretty old-fashioned.
Did your friends enjoy those games?
No, I played alone.
Whenever I'd play with the boys at school,
they'd throw fits and
refuse to play with me again.
Ideally, I would have also
taken up poker or Mahjong,
but those can't be played solo,
so I had to abandon the idea.
I invented my own game once using game tiles.
For a solo game, I certainly went
to such laborious lengths creating it.
Just your typical little girl, huh
I had a horrible habit of
not cleaning up my games.
My room was always a mess.
My floor was always littered
with tiles, Shogi, and chess pieces
There was no room to walk.
It sounds like you were the obsessive type.
I was pretty obsessed with manga, too.
That's what happened that night.
That night?
The night my parents were killed.
I was up late, playing games
by myself and losing track of time.
Near midnight, I waited until my parents
went to bed, then I snuck out my window.
You sneaked out your window?
Where were you going? And why?
I was going to the convenience store.
The magazine that ran this manga
I loved was always delivered there first.
I'd often sneak out at night to run to
that store with coins jingling in my pocket.
I already sort of knew you were a night owl.
But you shouldn't have gone out at
night by yourself like that. It's dangerous.
When I got home, I read the manga start
to finish, then I went to bed in my clothes.
Anyway, I was sloppy.
That's why I forgot
I forgot to lock my window.
Lock your window?
I overheard the police later.
They said the burglar entered
the house through my open window.
I was so stupid, right?
The burglar probably scouted out
our house when they frequently saw
a girl alone on the street at night.
They noticed our house wasn't secure
and probably planned the whole thing out.
My parents would often say things like:
"Clean your room." "Make sure your
window is locked before you go to bed."
But I didn't listen to them.
I cared more about my games
or the next plot twist in my manga.
I was a hopeless case.
When I woke up I thought
the living room was awfully quiet.
Usually my dad would be
watching the news on the TV.
And my mom was supposed
to be cooking breakfast.
But instead of the smell of breakfast
the smell of blood and a silent
severed head were waiting for me.
So that's why It's my fault
If only I hadn't
I'm coming in.
Kyoya! I keep telling you,
this is the girls dorm--
Tell me, kid were you with Inukai all night?
Huh? Uh, yes. Isn't that right, Michiru?
Yes, I stayed the night.
I think you'd better come with me.
What happened?
It can't be
Oh, he's back.
You didn't let anyone in his room, right?
I did just as you said
and waited for you to come back.
As you can see, we have another
dead body. What do we do, Leader?
I didn't do it.
There's another murderer besides me?
Next episode: The Invisible Blade Part 2
The Invisible Blade Part 2.
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