Taxi Driver (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

Mr. Wang And Madam Lim

Lim Bok-ja is the tenant.
She has foreign nationality.
There's no deposit,
but the rent is really high.
Her restaurant isn't doing well,
so why would she keep it for that money?
Business is bad during the day…
…but it thrives at night.
It's a gambling den.
When did you take those?
They do this on top of everything else?
Do these people ever sleep?
Gambling is the easiest way
to launder money.
-It's a win-win situation for them.
Let's get started.
On what?
The grand opening.
"The grand opening"? What grand opening?
-Did he open a business?
-No idea.
What did he open?
If he wants to get started, we will.
They say the hands are faster
than the eyes.
Let's see if my hands are indeed faster
than your eyes.
All right. If you win this round,
I'll pay triple.
What are you waiting for? Take your pick.
-This one!
-I won this time.
I got this one.
All right. Let's check now.
Gosh, what a shame.
I'll take…
What are you trying to pull?
Hey, that hurts.
It hurts. Let go!
Are you messing with me right now?
Open your hand.
Why do we have
so many troublemakers today?
What's going on here?
Everyone, out!
Are you in charge here?
Before you begin to shout at me,
open this crook's hand and check.
What's going on?
Damn it.
Don't you dare try to lie to me.
Tell the truth.
He suddenly grabbed my arm
and started talking nonsense.
Hey, asshole.
Have you gone insane?
-You little jerk--
We're still open.
Everyone here came to have fun.
Don't be so menacing.
Are you sure you didn't deceive me?
I'm telling you.
Then let's do this.
If you were holding an extra yellow ball,
then there has to be a yellow ball
in one of these cups, correct?
I'm here to make some money anyway.
Let's end it with one round.
I say there is no yellow ball
in either of these cups.
All in.
No, wait.
I said it'll be this one round.
It's 100 burner phones up and running.
How much collateral can I be guaranteed?
Stop calculating numbers in your head.
Be a man and tell me how much!
Forget it.
-I'm done.
-You stupid idiot.
You're fired.
I'm off to a wonderful start tonight.
I'm scared.
Of course, you are.
These guys are no joke.
Can't we report them to the police
and arrest them?
No! Sorry. I didn't mean it.
Stay strong.
Even Mr. Kim said
money comes before people this time.
But why?
Let's report them and get them arrested.
Can you at least ask Mr. Jang?
Of course, I can.
We can't.
Even if we raid them and arrest them,
we can't get people's money back.
They already withdrew the money
and hid it away.
Even if they sue them,
they'll barely manage to pay the lawyer.
Right? Goodness.
He kept insisting that I ask you.
I thought I made myself clear.
Just do as Do-gi says.
Oh, can you go into the office tomorrow
to work on the payroll?
Just stay calm.
As long you're calm, you won't get caught.
Trust me.
Yes. You can do it, Jin-eon!
-You can do it!
-I can do it.
Hey, kid.
-You can do it!
-I can do it!
You can do it!
-They're all telling me I can do it.
Yes, I'm calling today on behalf of…
Okay. I can't just sit here like this.
No, it's a makeup product.
-I'm from Seoul Prosecutors' Office…
-My name is Wang Min-ho--
Hello? Don't hang up. I'm Wang Min-ho from
the Northern District Prosecutors' Office.
Get lost, you fraud.
I'm seriously about to cry.
Should I write up a summons?
All I need to do is
ask a few questions on the phone.
Do I really need a summons?
Those voice phishing scammers
completely ruined our trade.
By the way, where did Prosecutor Kang go?
-Thank you.
Does Mr. Kim Do-gi take leaves often?
I wouldn't know.
You should ask the office staff.
I went there, but no one was around.
You'll find their numbers over there.
I guess they took time off together again.
They must be taking a vacation
another vacation together.
What do you mean, slacking off?
Mr. Jang can't come in,
so he sent me here.
I guess you didn't go.
-Do you remember me?
We've met a few times.
Your style changed a lot.
Yes, right?
We've met a few times,
so it'd be odd if I ignored you.
No, nothing. Just talking to myself.
Anyway, what brings you here?
Mr. Kim Do-gi's phone has been turned off.
I see.
Mr. Kim. Kim Do-gi.
He's on vacation. Yes, he's away.
It's very natural to turn your phone off
while on vacation.
See? Mine is off too…
No, I just talked to someone.
Why is this on?
Are you on leave too?
No, that's not the case.
I'm not on leave.
I'm here at the office,
so I should get to work.
-I'm sorry. I'll be traveling a bit far.
-No problem.
Whether it's far or near,
we take you everywhere.
-We never refuse to take passengers.
-That's awesome.
-A pick-up from a cab company is a first.
It's a bit of an emergency.
-Let's go.
-All right.
Come over here.
We have a new product.
The last four digits are 4, 6, 2, 5.
It's 4, 6, 2, 5. Yes.
Did you deposit it?
Yes, we'll contact you
when the investigation is over. Thank you.
Also, don't tell anyone any information
about this investigation.
If you switch banks…
-My gosh.
-Hey, he's pretty good.
He's as experienced as he looks.
Hello. Is this Ms. Jung Ji-yun?
I'm Prosecutor Kim Min-su
from the Seoul Prosecutors' Office.
Goodness, Prosecutor Kim Min-soo.
Give me your account number,
and I'll wire it.
Hello? Are you Mr. Jang Du-bong?
Yes, I understand.
Why didn't you give him proper training?
It says 50,000 won, 110,000 won,
and 24,000…
How much is the total?
He got 17 people and made 650,000 won.
It's not even enough
to cover the cost of burner phones!
You don't have to be scared.
It's his fault for not training you right.
Give me your phone.
Here it is.
If I go there now,
how many burner phones can I get?
Are you kidding me?
Next week?
Do you expect us to sit around until then?
Bok-ja, please spare me this once.
I'll train him again from page one.
Do you remember
the phone dealer who made a scene?
That stupid jerk came
to eat at the restaurant right now.
I didn't order these…
Are these on the house?
Where did you come from?
I ran a business there.
My father's hometown is Tonghe, Harbin.
I grew up there too.
How do I read this name?
I was in Suibin, Hegang.
The beef soup place
in front of the station
is particularly good.
Do you know it?
Which one is she talking about?
Everything's under construction,
so I can't see a thing.
Wait, you don't know?
I finally realized how young you look.
It has been over 20 years
since that soup place was closed down.
So if you remember that place,
you must be at least
in your early or mid-40s.
You don't look like you're that age.
I was just shocked to find out
how old you were.
My goodness.
What's your name?
Just call me Madam Lim.
That's what everyone calls me.
I'm Mr. Wang.
Nice to meet you.
Sell me the stuff you have.
I can't do that.
What do you mean?
I already made a deal with a person
who made an offer first.
How much is he offering?
I'll give you 10% more per phone.
A man doesn't go back on his words
once he makes a decision. I'm sorry.
We're from the same hometown.
Just give it to me instead.
What the hell are you talking about?
Why you…
Sit down.
Why bring connections
from school and hometown into business?
Oh, right.
You never went to school.
Weren't you homeless?
How dare you walk in here?
I didn't want to come in here either.
I have some business with him,
and I need to get some money
for my boys' hospital bills.
You should order something too.
It's on me.
I'm hungry,
but look at her.
-I've lost my appetite.
-Why you little prick!
I won't repeat myself.
-Get lost when you can.
-Don't tell me what to do!
What are you doing?
There are three things
a man must never show a woman.
Menacing eyes.
Menacing words.
a menacing fist.
But you just showed
all three to her at once.
Gosh. I'm fine.
You son of a bitch.
What the hell is this phone dealer saying?
Look at that squid.
Hey, wait. Hold on…
-Gosh. You!
-I am greatly disappointed in you.
I'm calling off our deal.
That little…
Wait, that hurts.
Let's go. Hurry.
There's no need to remember
everything that petty man said.
I will…
sell these to you, Madam Lim.
Did you take good care of Cho Do-cheol?
Yes, everything went well.
You cannot leave behind any impurities.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Three mess-ups mean you're a mess-up.
Do you understand?
Yes, ma'am.
What do the VIPs think?
They were all suspicious at first,
but once the news
of Chairman Choi's surgery got out,
their secretaries have been contacting us.
Why haven't I thought of this before?
I just needed to become a bridge
between supply and demand.
Right? My goodness.
Are you sure
it'll be all right with Mr. Jang?
So what if he finds out?
Will he move them all out?
That'd be a funny sight to see.
Wouldn't it?
I can get out of here soon, right?
Of course.
Mr. Kim said it'll be over very soon.
This awful life…
It's all over now.
What's over now?
Oh, my!
We're in trouble! Mr. Park got caught.
What should we do?
Shouldn't we call off our plan
to save him first?
It's better that way.
We'll just help him quit.
Weren't you listening?
Those jerks have Mr. Park!
-How can we help him quit?
-Let's kill him.
Who were you talking to so sweetly?
No, I was just…
I have a habit of talking to myself. So…
I see.
Tell me.
Who are you?
Please spare my life.
You'll end up dead
one way or another.
If you talk,
I'll kill you without any pain.
If you don't, you'll die a painful death.
Make your choice.
How do you wish to die?
If you do something like that yourself,
it'll make your hands rough.
I brought the phones you wanted,
but I didn't see anyone in the hall.
You and I can talk out there.
It's all right.
I heard everything out there.
You don't have to mind me and…
Hey, it's you.
So? Do you know who he is?
I know him very well.
He's a cop.
A cop?
-The police?
-You're a cop?
You jerk!
Mr. Choi. Did you hear about Mr. Park?
-Yes, I did.
-Then why aren't you here? Where are you?
I'm fishing.
-This is an emergency.
-I can't go there.
I didn't come here alone.
I'm with someone.
You should've lost her.
Why did you bring her here?
What now?
Mr. Park will die soon.
Please tell Jin-eon that I'm sorry.
-This is driving me insane.
Isn't the weather nice?
You're right.
It's a great day to die.
If it's all right,
may I have a sip of water?
I'll die when I have to,
but just let me have a sip of water.
I'll shove you deep into the water.
So you can
drink all you want.
Let's get started.
Wait, be easy on me.
-Go easy on me.
-Don't worry.
Don't worry.
-Get in there.
Hey, you. I'm a police officer!
-Get in.
When I ran a business back home,
my bank accounts
were suddenly emptied out
without a warning.
All of my boys got arrested on that day.
I was the only one who managed to escape.
I found out later…
that it was…
all his doing.
Stop it, jerks.
-Get in here.
-I'm sorry!
-I'm sorry!
-Get in.
-I'm sorry!
-Get in there. Close it.
-I'm sorry!
Cops these days are
very quick and persistent.
Don't worry, okay?
Ma'am, we're all ready to go.
It's not good
to see something so awful
with such beautiful eyes.
This is wrong.
This is so wrong.
-This is just wrong.
-Great work, Mr. Park.
There was too much sea fog,
so it took too long to find you.
All I did was ask for a sip of water.
But he pushed me into the ocean.
They didn't give you water?
Those mean jerks!
-I just wanted…
I'm sorry.
I'm an idiot for trusting him.
Goodness, throw up here.
Right here.
All done.
This is as far I'll go.
Reinstate me as Assistant Manager Park
of Rainbow Taxi.
What do you mean?
Once we're done with this operation,
you'll be promoted to manager.
It's the quickest promotion.
The first out of all your peers.
Are you kidding me?
I almost died, Gyeong-gu!
I saved you.
I'm from Busan.
The dolphin of Haeundae.
You'd have died if it hadn't been for me.
Give me five million won.
You're doing this again.
There's nothing more to puke out.
If you've eaten,
get back to work!
Great work, ma'am.
Go earn your keep!
I should start working too.
Yes, sir.
If you switch to our bank,
you can cut down on your interest rate.
Let's eat jjamppong for lunch.
Make mine a double.
You want jjamppong again?
Number two is used by Gnat,
and number eight by Fruit Fly.
Eight, Fruit Fly.
Two, Gnat.
What's with their names?
Are these their real names?
Yes, sir.
I'll assist you with the banking process.
Do you know the PIN for your account?
Yes, tell me what it is.
Yes, my PIN is…
Don't be fooled, Grandpa.
Hello? Sir? Darn it.
Number eleven, Boss.
-Number two, Fruit Fly.
You can transfer your balance
to the state safe account right now--
Did you hang up on me?
You son of a bitch!
What's wrong with today?
Number eight, number eleven.
Fruit Fly is calling Boss right now.
Hello? Bok-ja.
It's me. Fruit Fly.
I lost everything after changing my phone.
-Can you send me the account number?
-You stupid idiot.
Memorize the important stuff!
Are you a moron?
I know I memorized it before.
Okay, I got the account number.
Now I just need to find out the PIN,
and my mission's complete.
Mr. Kim, did you hear that?
Why aren't you answering me?
Right, are you on a date right now?
Gosh, have a lovely date.
Madam Lim, this is yours.
It was a pretty big one,
so the shell was rather tough.
Stop acting so cutesy in front of others.
I don't trust you, Mr. Wang.
I don't trust you either.
That's also how I managed
to survive to this day.
There's no need
for you to trust me either.
eat this snow crab for me.
The shell was tough,
so it was hard to peel.
Enjoy it.
Hello. Are you not coming in today, ma'am?
I'm somewhere far away.
Where are you?
I came to where Kim Do-gi is vacationing,
but I don't see him.
Prosecutor Kang.
I totally trust you,
but I must say this.
You once told me
when a prosecutor investigates
someone as a culprit without evidence,
they will look guilty.
That's why confirmation bias is dangerous.
I'm sorry. I was out of line.
No. You're right.
But at the moment, I'm…
I'll call you later.
Okay, take it easy.
Am I possessed or something?
I guess they took time off together again.
They take time off together?
The day Cho Do-cheol was released.
Choi Jong-suk,
Cho Jong-geun, and Park Ju-chan
went missing.
The day Park Yang-jin's villa exploded.
They match precisely.
Kim Do-gi.
The phone is turned off.
Please leave a message after…
The phone is turned off.
Please leave a message after…
If she followed us here,
she must know something.
I have a bad feeling about it too.
-What does she know?
-What do we do now?
What can we do?
We got busted, so we should run.
We'll tell Madam Lim and sail far away.
What are you talking about?
We just need to find out
the PIN for the bank account, right?
But that's the hard part.
Let's end this tomorrow.
I like your new hairstyle.
I'm glad you changed it.
You like it?
Is it nice?
Excuse me. May I ask you a question?
Didn't a man just walk in here?
There are many men
who come into a Chinese restaurant.
Then have you seen this man by any chance?
I don't think so.
Thank you for your help.
Hello, Mr. Wang.
-Mr. Cho is looking for you.
-Mr. Cho? Why?
We got the blood analysis results.
It is Park Yang-jin.
Make sure you arrive on time.
If you miss the boat,
you won't get your money back.
See you.
Who is that man?
Oh, right.
He's a stowaway broker.
Is everything okay?
I'm leaving today.
A prosecutor is on my tail.
So I must leave right away.
It's yours.
Since I have to leave unexpectedly,
I don't need it.
That look on your face…
Am I the only one who's sad?
That hurts.
Stop pestering me!
Can't you wait a few hours to get paid?
Who is this scumbag
that's messing with my bank account?
Oh, my. Mr. Wang?
Madam Lim, what brings you here?
-Didn't you say you were leaving?
-Right, I'm leaving in a few hours.
I have to pay my fare,
so I came to get some cash.
My gosh. I was sad
because I thought I'd never see you again.
It's nice to see you again.
Oh, wait inside.
I'll meet you inside
as soon as I take out some cash.
What are you doing after this?
If you have some time,
could you see me off at the port?
If you do,
I'll give you a surprise gift.
A surprise gift?
To be honest,
I forgot to give it to you earlier.
Oh, right.
I guess I can't call it a surprise gift.
It's a forgotten gift.
Hold on.
I need to go to the bathroom.
Could you watch my bag?
I was told my PIN wasn't working.
Can I have your ID and bankbook?
I have to go pay my fare.
Wait here for a minute.
What will you do
if they take the money
but don't book a boat?
If they do that,
I'll be upset.
I have to say,
it feels nice having you see me off.
Here's the forgotten gift.
There's a video on it.
If the cops come to you
and give you trouble about it,
show them this.
Then they won't bother you at all.
Don't you want my number?
I'll save it under my real name.
Whenever I'm with you,
I hear this music,
which is why I made it my ringtone.
You're such a smooth talker.
I can't help that I hear it.
Wang Taozhi is my real name.
Take care of yourself.
If you ever come back,
make sure you stop by.
It's payday.
Why didn't you deposit our pay?
-Pay us.
-My money!
What happened? What's going on?
-Where's my money?
-Calm down.
I forgot.
how could you forget that of all things?
Look at him. He's already going crazy.
-I want my money.
-I'll send it now.
Stop hounding me.
Man up.
You look like mutts waiting to be fed.
Get back to work.
Who the hell
keeps messing with my account?
What did you just say?
I said you don't have
any money left in your account.
Where did all my money go?
How would we know?
My three billion won
was in my account just earlier.
How did it just disappear into thin air?
Why haven't you deposited the money yet?
These guys are all flipping out!
The money in my account…
All the money is…
Answer me! Hey!
Damn it!
-My money!
-Something must've happened.
Where is she now?
Calm down and sit.
I'll handle this.
-Hey, put that knife down!
-You can't do this.
-Why not?
My bank accounts were suddenly
emptied out without a warning.
Cops these days
are very quick and persistent.
Where are you?
I'm on the boat.
What's wrong? Did something happen?
They got me too.
Just like you,
my bank account was emptied out.
Listen to me carefully,
Madam Lim. Do not trust anyone.
You must run away.
Right now.
Can you turn the boat around
and come back?
Turning it around now will cost a lot.
-Do you have any money on the side?
-I do.
I can pay as much as they want.
I left the fare in the locker as you said.
Come quickly.
You guys…
What are you doing here?
Can you turn the boat around
and come back?
Turning it around now will cost a lot.
-Do you have any money on the side?
-I do.
I can pay as much as they want.
Give me my money!
I want my money!
My money!
How dare you gnash your teeth at me
for not getting paid just once?
Shut your mouth. I want my money!
Take it from me if you can!
If you won't give me my money,
I need to get money for the meat!
What are you saying? We need to get paid.
What did you say, asshole?
Don't take it out on me!
-Let go.
-Shut up, you idiots!
-What's your problem?
-You weasel!
-I never liked you.
-I never liked you either, you idiot.
-Get over here!
-Hit me!
We're here to get our money!
These morons…
You asshole!
What a beautiful sight.
Let go first!
What are you doing?
You, idiots, are useless.
-I'm going to get mine!
-I'm talking, you idiot!
-You idiots.
You like money too.
Wang Taozhi.
Was this all a part of your scheme?
Who is Wang Taozhi?
I'm Kim Do-gi.
Who is that man?
Oh, right. He's a stowaway broker.
Two, two, two, two.
Three, three…
Five, five, five, five. All done!
I need to go to the bathroom.
Could you watch my bag?
I was told my PIN wasn't working.
What will you do
if they take the money
but don't book a boat?
If they do that, I'll be upset.
Don't I look legit?
Can you enter your new PIN?
Please enter it one more time.
I can see everything
even if you do it just once.
Got the PIN.
We're on standby now.
Don't you want my number?
I'll save it under my real name.
Whenever I'm with you,
I hear this music,
which is why
I made it my ringtone.
You're such a smooth talker.
Here it comes.
I can't help that I hear it.
I trusted you.
I'm sure the countless people you scammed
trusted you too.
I hope this gave you
a little taste of what they went through.
I thought of you
as my man.
We're here to get our money!
-I don't regret anything.
Regret everything you did
for the rest of your life.
Let me ask you one thing.
Did you actually mean…
any of the things you told me?
No, not even once.
Wang Taozhi.
Will we ever meet again?
I'm sorry,
but this boat is going pretty far.
-We need to talk about what happened!
-Wang Taozhi.
Wang Taozhi!
-We have to talk it out.
-Wang Taozhi!
Wang Taozhi!
Don't go.
Don't leave me!
-Wang Taozhi! Don't go!
-You said…
How come my money
hasn't been deposited yet?
Goodness, wait your turn.
Stop pestering her, will you?
That was one nice transfer.
Yes! I got the money.
My five million won!
Am I getting anything?
Some premium-grade beef, perhaps?
Let's go have some sundaeguk.
What? After all I went through!
What? They're letting you go home already?
I can move, so I should return to work.
I have something to ask you.
Can you ask another time?
I'm really tired today.
Oh, okay.
Are you headed home? I'll drive you.
No, it's okay. They're sending me a taxi.
I'll take that.
-I'll carry this for you.
Let's go.
Don't you think you're moving too quickly?
What did you say?
Cho Do-cheol is dead?
Yes. That's what happened.
I told you not to lay a hand on him.
I spent it well.
I made a donation,
and I even saved your life.
Are you being serious right now?
Let's just call it even.
Come on!
Follow me!
-Get in.
-Get in the car.
-We'll talk at the precinct.
-Get in!
Go on. Hurry.
What's going on?
A voice phishing ring
was based out of this place.
A voice phishing ring?
Only the underlings were here.
The higher-ups have already fled.
Yesterday was payday,
but they can't reach anyone.
Obviously, they ran off with the money.
I think so too.
More people disappeared?
-Congratulations, Manager Park.
-Thank you, Mr. Choi.
Good work, everyone.
Ending service.
How have you been, ma'am?
My gosh.
Thank you for your help.
No problem at all.
It's the million won they took from you.
You said it was
for your granddaughter's tuition.
Thank you.
Please don't mention it. It's nothing.
My gosh, thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-Stay healthy, ma'am.
It's a search warrant for Jang Seong-cheol
of Bluebird Foundation.
Search every nook and cranny!
I trust you, but not Kim Do-gi.
Do you think you're bringing justice?
-You have authority, so why couldn't you?
-Don't kid yourself.
You're a criminal, like them.
Why aren't you arresting me
if I'm a criminal?
He's the suspect in this one.
The prosecution is investigating
a bodiless murder.
The suspect is one of your boys.
We're not involved. Don't worry.
Stay in your lane.
I need to find out what they're up to.
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