Teenage Bounty Hunters (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Something Sour Patch

[hard rock music playing]
Okay, you were right.
We're not talking.
I'm still extremely mad at you.
Fine. Then I'm still mad at you, too.
-Your hair looks stupid by the way.
face looks bad.
-No, it doesn't. My face rules.
[both growl]
[tires screech]
-[Debbie gasps]
-Thank the Lord!
Glad you're alive, but oh, boy,
are you dead meat.
Your father and I have been sick,
worried about y'all,
and you did not even have
the decency to answer your cell phones!
-Cell phones are a privilege!
-That is right!
Mom, Dad, cut the crap.
-Blair, do not sass me!
-Yeah, cut the crap!
[Anderson gasps]
What has gotten into you, young lady?
We know about you!
The real whole dang serious truth!
Yes, and where to begin, Mom?
Well, let's see.
You're not from Savannah,
you're from Nandina, Georgia.
Where you belong to
Tabernacle Church of Christ the Reindeer--
-Redeemer, Redeemer
Where you might be sad to learn that
one of your childhood snakes just died.
And, oh, yeah, you're wanted
for first-degree arson!
That's enough, Blair! That's enough.
Mom, you have to tell us the truth.
All right, yes.
Yes, I have not been entirely truthful
about my past.
But it was because she--
we needed to protect you.
From what?
All right, girls. Just listen. It
It was a different time in my life.
I was very young and impressionable
and I fell in with an extreme crowd,
and I acted out of hate, not love.
And that is not what God intended.
I can see that now.
So, you did this.
You set fire to an abortion clinic!
That is not very Christian of you!
But at the time,
I thought it was very Christian.
Obviously, I was wrong.
-Was anyone hurt?
-No. No.
Thank the Lord. No one was hurt.
This is not an excuse
because we should always
take responsibility for our actions,
but I was acting under the influence
of some very persuasive people.
They were saying, uh,
provocative things about the Lord,
things that are not true
knowing God the way I do now,
how he forgives and loves all people.
I'm ashamed I fell so far off the path.
Who are these people?
Were you in a cult?
Why did you do it?
Are people after you?
Did the police question you?
-Did you feel cool in the moment?
Girls, the details are not important.
What you need to know is
that from the moment we had you,
we have done everything in our power
to make sure that you do not wind up
like I did those many years ago.
All right, we have--
We have worked so hard
to give you this life.
We both have.
-Are you in danger?
-Are we safe?
I'm not in danger and we are safe.
We have a plan, and lawyers.
Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
-And everything is gonna be just fine.
[exhales deeply] Okay.
[chuckles] Wow.
Our, uh-- Our big family secret is out.
-It is a lot
-A lot.
but it's out, there it is.
So, here's what we're gonna do.
I am gonna pack y'all some snacks to-go
while you put on your PJs,
and y'all are gonna go
to that lock-in tonight
and enjoy being teenagers
while you still can.
All right. Come on, girls, let's go.
Chop chop!
Hummus and veggies?
-And Oreos.
Oh. All right. Go, go, go.
[theme music]
I need cash to deposit,
our bank account is low.
Gas, lock-in pizza.
How much?
Two hundred.
Mom's a wanted fugitive.
Mom is a wanted fugitive, happy Friday.
It's like she was living
this whole double life
that we didn't know about.
We can't exactly judge her.
We're living a double life, too.
Putting bad guys away.
She was being a bad guy.
Is that lip gloss?
You're really pulling out
all the stops for April.
Shove it. I want to look nice tonight,
in general.
You're not gonna bail, right?
I kind of need you there
with the whole me and April situation,
for, like, moral support.
Bailing is your thing, not mine.
[cell phones bleep]
Is he even here?
-Bowser, what's happening?
No offense, but we're slammed.
I have 30 pizzas that are about to go live
and I gotta be there when they land.
Why do y'all work for me?
You said you needed money
to fix your daddy's truck.
You got that taken care of weeks ago.
-[Bowser] Hm?
-Wait! No, Bowser, that's not--
It's, like, not what you think.
How could you have known this whole time,
and not told me that
your mama was some nutjob fugitive?
Is that why you got in this business
in the first place, hm?
To learn how to help somebody
evade the law?
No, we didn't know, we promise.
We just found out, like, today.
Yeah, and our mom is not a nutjob.
She only made a mistake,
like, a long time ago.
How am I supposed to believe you?
You're a couple of liars.
That is a nasty allegation.
Never to you, Bowser.
[exhales deeply]
Your folks came to see me yesterday,
looking for you two.
Lyin' is bad.
But lying to your family
that's unforgivable.
No, but we only skipped school
so that we could figure out
what's going on with our mom.
We swear we didn't know about her before.
I ain't got time for all your excuses.
This shit done got too complicated
with the two of you.
Now I'm playing boss
and babysitter and bestie, apparently.
You didn't have to answer my call today.
I know I didn't have to.
I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming myself.
Running with y'all got me soft.
So soft, I threw a skip.
It reminded me why
I only look out for myself, and that's it!
Well, I think
that's a really shitty approach to life.
[Bowser] Yeah, well,
why don't you finish high school
before you talk to me about life?
You're fired.
-We're fired?
Just because we're, like,
friends with you?
No! You're fired because
I should have never got involved with you
in the first place!
A couple of kids in pajamas, even.
I was doing just fine.
And you came in
and you convinced me to change things.
You mean be happy?
Do I look happy to you, right now?
And the mochi on the motherfucking
non-fat yogurt sundae
Now, I know the whereabouts
of a wanted fugitive.
You're not gonna turn our mom in, are you?
I'm not going to turn her in.
Because of you!
Because you put me
in an impossible situation here.
So, now I'm forced to forgo my ethics
and leave 90,000 dollars on the table.
So, yeah, sorry, girls.
I'm gonna need you to get up out of here.
[Blair sighs]
Are you okay?
Just, you know
I've been thinking about
what you said in Nandina.
About me creating drama, or whatever.
I'm sorry I said all that stuff, Blair,
but you said mean stuff, too.
That you have blonde hair
and that you're gonna go to UGA?
Whoo. How will you ever forgive me?
You said I was boring.
You were harsh and you know it.
Well, I was pissed, okay?
But what sucks and makes me want to
punch you in the face, lightly
is that, uh
I think you're kinda right.
I'd rather
stir things up, so
life feels bad because of my actions,
rather than
just life feeling bad.
And I want to want
to go with you to the lock-in, but
I just don't.
I want to be with Miles.
I think I love him.
Blair, it's gonna be really hard,
and it's gonna take some time,
but you're gonna get over it.
Like I did with Luke.
I don't love him the way you loved Luke.
I love him the way Luke loves you.
Oh. Um
That's the real deal.
Is it for you with April?
I don't know.
It could be.
Soon you'll be scissoring our enemy.
Girls don't actually scissor each other.
What do they do?
I don't know, but I guess I'll find out.
You know I don't care
if you're, like, gay, or whatever.
I'm more undefined than that.
if sexuality was a color wheel,
I'd be in the blue-pink-purple part.
I said, "Or whatever."
You could bang a ficus, for all I care,
just don't hide stuff.
-Twin swear.
-Twin swear.
Okay. [sniffs]
[exhales deeply] Time to go get your girl.
Time to get yours-- boy.
No [sighs] Sterling.
[sighs] He dumped me.
I'm not gonna go to him.
You love him, right?
Like, the full, real,
sick to your stomach kind of love?
Yeah. Like--
Like I want to throw up all the time.
Then you've gotta tell him how you feel.
Okay? Life is too short to love in secret.
"The truth will set you free."
Oh, no, no.
Love has made you too cheesy.
Drive safe. Don't get pulled over,
and call the second
you get across the border.
[tires screech]
-[Blair] Good luck!
-You, too. Bye!
Thank the high, beautiful Heavens
you are here, Sterling.
[groans] Coach Esposito has athlete's foot
running up and down both his legs,
so I'm flying solo.
People showed up early,
April texted me that she's running late,
and now Hannah B and Ezequiel
are having a little bit
of a power struggle.
What for?
Over whether we're watching
Prince of Egypt
or Davey and Goliath's
Snowboard Christmas.
I prefer Prince of Egypt myself,
so I can save Davey and Goliath
for the holidays with my nana,
but I have been getting emails
from parents
who are concerned that this lock-in
is gonna promote sexual activity.
And that animated Moses,
I mean, he certainly promotes
something deep within, right?
With the dark hair and the bronze calves,
so I don't know what to do.
It's your call.
-Prince of Egypt.
Yes. Because I had a hard time
really believing
that you kids would ever
be thinking about sexual activity
at an innocent event
like an overnight lock-in.
[all chattering]
Look, see?
This is just good, clean fun.
Um, I'm gonna double check
and see if the scavenger hunt clues
-are all in the right places.
[Sterling] I'll be back in a few.
Oh, wow.
I love your PJs, Lorna.
Well, there you are.
-Sorry, family stuff.
Willingham students,
welcome to the 12th annual
Willingham Academy overnight lock-in!
[all cheer]
Now, I'm excited to announce
that the doors are officially locked
from the inside.
-Fire! Fire!
-[girl] Where?
[muffled giggling]
I got you guys.
I'm just kiddin'!
-[students groan]
-Oh, I love y'all.
[cell phone rings]
-Hey, when you gonna get here?
-[rock music playing]
An hour.
Vamos, amiga.
[disconnects call]
[tapping on cell phone]
Lock-in pizza, get it while it's hot.
[Hanna B] The movie should start at 11
when people have finished their pizza.
And what will they do while they eat?
Listen to all the chewing,
stare into each other's eyeballs?
Maybe they'll have
meaningful conversations
with their friends, Ezequiel.
I wouldn't know what that's like.
Hey, guys. Have you seen April?
Uh, she snagged the good sleeping corner.
Typically, seniors get that.
She must have pulled some strings.
-So, the movie's gonna start at 11:00.
We're going to have
a little bit of prayer time.
I saw you guys on the Twister mat earlier.
You are very flexible.
[people chattering]
[April] You have to be careful, though.
Twister is the devil's doorway.
Hey, April. I thought
you were gonna save me a spot.
Really? I don't remember that.
Uh No, remember you were--
you were gonna save me a spot
because we were gonna hang out tonight?
You must be thinking of someone else.
[Luke] Oh, hey, Sterling.
Do you like my guitar-shaped sleeping bag?
I love your sleeping bag, Luke.
I think it's just
[Luke] Wow, thanks.
It was really expensive,
and it's super small and hard to get into.
I tried to zip it up earlier,
but it couldn't get past my quads.
"Do, or do not."
"There is no try."
[both laugh]
April, I need to speak to you, right now!
It's about the-- the scavenger hunt.
There's a clue missing.
I'm sure it'll work itself out.
Got it.
[doorbell rings]
[bluesy jazz music playing]
May I help you, Miss?
I need to speak with Miles.
My apologies, but Mr. Taylor's
enjoying dinner with his family.
Would you mind waiting
in the formal tea room
until the meal is complete?
Actually uh, I do. Sorry!
Hi uh, dining room, please.
I need to speak with Miles.
Well, my apologies, but Mister Taylor
is enjoying dinner with his family.
Would you mind waiting
in the guest living room--
Again, I do.
-[woman] Oh.
Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
I have heard such good things
about you all.
And I hate
to interrupt this lovely spread,
but I need to talk to Miles.
Blair, what the hell?
Please come outside.
No, Blair.
Then, I'm gonna say it all here,
[Miles sighs]
in front of everyone.
Miles, this whole boyfriend thing
is new to me.
And I have realized
that I don't totally deserve you
because you are more thoughtful than me,
kinder more patient,
I feel like I belong with you.
And I would kick myself
every day in the butthole
if I didn't tell you that--
I love you, Miles.
And I think that you love me, too.
Miles, who is this?
You didn't tell them about me?
Sorry to have interrupted you.
[Miles sighs]
Hey, Blair.
Blair, stop!
No, I'm good. I'm nobody, anyway.
Well, look, I'm sorry.
I am sorry.
What do you want?
My mom is mid-campaign.
All right. You're the daughter
of white Republicans.
All this time,
when I was ashamed of myself,
it turns out you were ashamed of me, too.
No, I wasn't. Uh
It's got to fit in with my family.
I know I wasn't
really easy to be with all the time,
but I came here tonight
because I wanted to change for you.
Because I thought that I loved you.
Listen, Blair
you think you want this,
but you can't really know what you want.
Not until you know who you are.
You don't know what I want.
And I know who I am.
I'm a passionate
thoughtful, artistic, badass,
super hot woman in training.
And I'm sorry that you're not
gonna get to experience
all the cool shit
that I'm gonna get to do in this world.
[sobs quietly]
Oh, honey, are you upset
that the scavenger hunt's over?
-Oh, Sterling,
anticipation is sometimes
even more exciting than the actual event.
Yes, Ellen, that must be it.
Hey, I know what'll cheer you up.
Why don't you throw in that playlist
that you and April have been working on?
My fingers are crossed there's
some Good Charlotte on there
so that I can rock out, too.
Come on.
["Slow Burn" playing]
Born in a hurry ♪
Always late ♪
Haven't been early since '88 ♪
[tapping volume button]
Texas is hot ♪
I can be cold ♪
Grandma cried when I pierced my nose ♪
Good in a glass
Good on green ♪
Oh, sorry, y'all!
Have fun. Be safe.
[door shuts]
I'm alright with a slow burn ♪
[rattles door]
Taking my time, let the world turn ♪
I'm gonna do it my way ♪
It'll be alright ♪
If we burn it down
And it takes all night ♪
It's a slow burn ♪
Yeah ♪
Sterling, wait.
Will you sit with me?
What is wrong with you?
What was all that flirting with Luke?
I'm not ready to come out.
[Sterling sighs]
I don't get you.
What changed?
I changed my mind.
It's allowed.
But I thought we--
As long as my dad is my dad,
I can't be all, you know, "out there,"
sexually speaking.
I'm not asking you
to headline a gay pride parade.
I'm asking you to hold
my hand at the lock-in.
He would never even know.
Rumors travel fast.
To prison?
He got cleared of his charges.
He's home
and surprise, surprise,
he's not a big fan of the gays.
I have to focus on my family, Sterling.
Why don't you understand that?
He's He's out?
He's got a lot of stuff
he wants to explain.
And he wants to
He asked about you and Blair,
which was so random
considering we've been
sworn enemies since the fifth grade,
but it made me so freaked out
that he heard something already.
But I was probably just being paranoid.
Maybe someday, though?
Actually, I don't know.
Bye, Sterl.
There will be other boys.
I love him, but now I hate him.
It's like my head and my heart
are at chemical warfare.
I know, sweetie. I know. I know. I know.
I don't want to eat nachos anymore.
-Well, can I have some?
[cell phone bleeps]
Hi, Sterling.
I don't mean to pry or anything,
but I saw you through the window.
It looked like you might be crying.
Oh, that's sweet.
I guess I am crying.
I'm fine.
I've just got a lot going on right now.
You don't have to tell me.
Just know that I'm here for you.
As a friend.
Luke is patient, Luke is kind
What's in your hair?
I was trying to do a man bun,
but, uh, my hair's not long enough,
so it's more like a high pony.
It's my last hurrah
before I start golf again on Monday.
Yeah? You're back on the team?
My brother, and my dad, and my grandfather
had an intervention for me last weekend.
Surprise drop at the Bobby Jones
fairway bunker
with a wedge after church.
Perfect approach, straight onto the green.
I'm so good at golf.
But Franklin's gonna stay captain
-since he's still a virgin and all
but he couldn't deny that
The Crusaders need me on the team.
So, no more guitar?
Oh, no-- [chuckles]
I plan to keep shreddin'.
Just privately.
So, you're becoming friends
with April, huh?
I guess so.
She was really nice to me
at school the other day.
And I thought about how you said
we were together just
because of circumstance.
And I was wondering,
do you think it'd be okay if I
if I asked her out?
Just to test out another circumstance.
Oh, um
Yeah, you should--
You should do what you want.
I bet she says yes.
I know you two don't get along.
But I really do think
if you gave her a shot,
you might be surprised.
People change, Sterl.
But they also change back.
[sighs] I really miss you, Luke.
Things with you were so easy.
[sighs] Yeah, I mi-- I miss
I miss you a lot, too.
[car approaching]
Oh. Found you.
This school's so dang big.
Come on, get in.
Text me later, maybe.
Okay, maybe.
[country western music
playing on car stereo]
Hey, Mom.
How did you know I needed picking up?
Oh, I don't know, just a mama's intuition.
Well, I'm really glad you're here
because this has been
one of the worst nights
in the history of America.
What happened?
That handsome boy with the
ponytail giving you trouble?
-Yeah, Luke.
I don't want to talk about it.
I just want to be sad.
Well, can I hug you?
Yeah, Mom.
Hey, I'm gonna go pick up Sterling.
She's having a bad night
and she doesn't want to stay
at the lock-in.
She says she's with you.
She said that? That she's with me?
Mom, why didn't you turn on Mount Paran?
Where we going?
On a on a big special adventure.
What kind of adventure?
Where are Blair and Dad?
Well, they're gonna meet us there.
Meet us where?
They're gonna meet us just over--
you know, where we're--
On the adventure. [chuckles]
All right, just trust me, Muffin.
You're acting so weird, Mom.
What's going on?
Did you have an afternoon Diet Coke?
["Honky Tonk Badonkadonk"
playing on car stereo]
Hey, don't you ever feel like singing?
[turns music louder]
[sighs and sings along] Lord have mercy
How'd she even get them britches on ♪
With that honky tonk badonkadonk ♪
My God, Mom!
[giggles] How do you know this song?
Honey, you can't blame her ♪
For what her mama gave her ♪
It ain't right to hate her ♪
- For working that moneymaker ♪
- Moneymaker ♪
Band shuts down at two
But we're hanging out till three ♪
We hate to see her go ♪
But love to watch her leave ♪
But what
what are we gonna do about Queso?
He's gonna need to be fed
and walked and everything.
Well, your daddy and Blair
are gonna bring Queso with them.
[both scream]
Our dog's name is Chloe! Who are you?
All right! All right!
-[Sterling gasps]
-[turns off music]
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Calm down! Calm down. Calm down.
Well, you're just too smart, ain't ya?
Must be that private school education.
All right, what gave it away, huh?
Was it the fingernails?
Debbie has all the money in the world
to keep that shit tight as hell,
don't she?
Guess you got me. [chuckles]
I'm your mama's sister.
You have a twin?
Are y'all identical?
Of course!
Go ahead and have everything, Mom--
Perfect hair, adorable nose,
more impressive twin type.
-This is insane!
I can't believe
you kept a secret like this from us!
What is wrong with you people?
Blair, we-- we can explain--
But after we find her.
We have to find her now.
-This is an emergency.
-[Sterling] Where have you--
What are you-- Who are you?
I'm your aunt.
Your favorite aunt.
Where have you been the last 16 years?
[sighs] Well
Alright, while ago I did something
a lot of people didn't like.
But I-- you know,
I still think it's the right thing.
But we knew the police would not agree,
so I've had to lay low.
So, you're, like, a criminal?
Why do you smoke?
You know smoking is, like,
really bad for you, right?
And Dana was the one
that set fire to that abortion clinic.
And now, we have helped her out
here and there over the years,
but lately she--
she's been threatening us for more,
which we don't have.
So, we're trying to get rid of her.
You were trying to kill her?
Oh, Lord, Blair, no.
We wanted her to get out of the country.
God, and now she has your sister,
and who knows where she's going
or what she's doing with her.
Is she, like, dangerous?
[sighs] In so many ways.
Hey, hold the wheel.
-My hair looks like hog shit.
[tires rumbling]
There. Yeah.
Oh, that's cute, ain't it?
Looks like yours.
Okay, you're, like,
really starting to seriously freak me out.
Oh, no, Muffin, don't be scared.
I got a plan, all right?
I'm just gonna quick
call my mom and check in, 'cause--
How would you like it
if I threw out your belongings?
Lord, girl.
Hey! Hey! Do not touch my stuff!
[exhales deeply]
Now, you listen,
I don't know what it was like
in your house growing up.
You probably had everything you ever
wanted. No one ever told you no, huh?
your Aunt Dana does things different.
I'm not all fancy like Debbie.
[sighs] Damn.
All right.
Just trust me, okay?
You do exactly as I say
and everything will be just fine.
My suspicions were correct.
You were lying!
You know, this is very traumatic,
making me not trust my own instincts.
-I am going to be in therapy for years!
-Okay, Blair.
I'm gonna have to take a gap year,
at least!
Okay, I know that it's very important
to find Sterling right now,
but please don't forget,
-I'm really super mad at you.
No, we won't, we won't, we won't. Um
Debbie, just keep trying Dana
and I'm gonna try Sterling, okay.
I am. Goshdang it,
she's still not picking up.
I think we need to call the police.
There's no "buts." I'm calling the police.
Wait, Anderson--
Sterling is our daughter
and I am calling the goddamn police!
What are you doing here so late?
You don't need it anymore?
Do you want to come in?
No, no. Here.
Going out of town for a little bit.
Maybe a while.
Going where?
Down to Florida.
I reconnected with Tim, and Jordy,
and D. Brad, and those guys.
They got a couple of skips
I brought in before,
they could use my help.
-You know you left Florida for a reason.
What about Yogurtopia?
I'm letting Miss Cathy take over.
Yeah, she damn near fainted
when I told her,
or she was just really tired.
Are you coming back to Atlanta?
Just feel like
there isn't much here for me now.
[scoffs] Guess I'm just chopped liver?
You're with someone else.
So, what? You're leaving?
Because you got your feelings hurt?
I thought we were friends.
Ah, look, here
I'm leaving because
it's feeling like a dead end.
What about your team?
My teenage white saviors?
Yeah, they're kind of your family now.
They are not my family, okay?
They're little girls
with attitude problems.
Actually, that's just Blair,
but they're annoying
and they ask too many questions,
and they talk with their mouths full.
If I have to listen to one more--
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone buzzes]
[sighs] Shit.
Hey. Got held up, but I'm on my way.
-[Levi] You almost here?
We gotta go!
Yes, yes, yes, just be patient, baby.
Hey, can we pull up at this rest stop?
I gotta pee real bad.
No, don't have time. Hold it.
Okay, I would hold it,
but there's this guy, Declan Wright,
in Blair's study hall
who held his pee
and his testicle exploded,
which is weird because
urine is in the bladder,
but that's what the doctor said.
If you hold your pee
for a really long time
your bladder actually expands,
which at first sounds like
it would be a good thing
because it's like, you know,
a greater surface area,
greater ability to house a larger volume,
but in actuality, it's, um-- uh
[Dana clears throat]
Jeez, you're just like my mom.
Okay, we're pulling over.
Hey. Stay close, Muffin.
Whoa. What the hell are you doing?
I thought you had to piss.
[machine beeps]
Oh, I do, but I'm also starving.
It's been two hours since I ate
and I'm growing like a weed. [chuckles]
I gotta have a snack,
something Sour Patch.
That shit's disgusting.
You know kids and their candy. [giggles]
My mom would never let me get this much.
Thank you, so much, Mom's sister.
Aunt Dana. [chuckles]
You're the best!
-Thank you.
-Oh, yeah, well.
[breathing deeply]
Dear Lord, what up? It's me, again.
I'm really scared right now,
but I know you have a plan.
[breathing deeply]
Please help keep me
and the people I love safe.
Please help me be brave.
Please help me kick butt.
And then, something for later,
when I'm not being kidnapped anymore.
Please help Dana figure out
how to have a peaceful, more happy life.
It seems like she's got a lot of, like
I think that's it.
[exhales deeply] Amen.
Come on.
You done pissin'?
Don't forget to wipe-- front to back.
All right?
Come on.
Oh, right. Uh, good idea. Wiping now.
And she's been missing
for less than an hour?
-[Debbie] Yes.
-Someone picked her up at the school
in a gray pickup truck,
uh, license plate GT9684J.
-And how do you know that?
-It's our car.
Do you have any ideas
about the person in question?
Well, yes.
It's her aunt.
So, her aunt picked her up at school
in the family vehicle?
I'm sorry, is there any reason to believe
that this family member
is a danger to your daughter?
[officer] Okay, what is it?
Oh, um You-- n-- n--
-N-- Nothing specific comes to mind.
-[cell phone bleeps]
[Anderson] Ju-- Just generally
kind of a bad influence.
The text message came in at 10:32 p.m..
The school is 1.2 miles northeast of here
and based on the truck's
Peach Pass time stamps,
they're heading southwest
of Atlanta on I-85.
My guess is that they have
a 35 minute lead on us.
Good work.
I'm really good at this,
-like a prodigy.
-Okay, stop annoying me.
I've been checking
her Instagram and her TikTok,
there's been nothing.
I emailed her and I texted her,
like, 60 times and there's still nothing.
[cell phone bleeps]
Hey! Bank account!
Sterling just used her debit card,
like, a bunch of times at
What does that mean?
VEN: vending machine.
RS: rest stop. Look up those numbers.
Okay Um
-It's right off Hawkins Ridge!
-Hold on.
-[tires screech]
-[Blair screams]
[horns honk]
Sour Patch Kids!
Sterling hates them,
but she knows I love them,
even when they cut my mouth up
like little razor blades.
It's a sign.
[door opens]
Hey, hey, message.
"Dana, Mom's twin. Levi, white man,
croc tat, forties."
License plate. I can run this
through the Georgia registry.
Then we can do Florida and Alabama
if we come up short.
No, "I love you so much, Sis."
-Okay, kid. No, no, no, no, no
We're gonna get her, okay?
Come on. Come on. Come on.
-We're gonna get her.
-All right? Let's go.
We gotta dig up those names.
Only cops can do that, right?
Stop saying stuff I know.
So, we need to talk to somebody
who knows cops, right?
I said, stop saying stuff I know.
Get in the car.
Hey, my man, Bowser.
Look, I got a lot of hits on that vid.
No hard feelings, right?
Yeah, my feelings are not hard.
Just give me the info, Terrance.
Okay, my man, Arnold,
from the 16th Precinct hooked me up.
What do we have here?
Nothing on a Dana Culpepper.
Nada, zip.
It's like she's a ghost or something,
but I do have a record
on a white male, Levi, in his forties
with a crocodile tattoo on his neck.
Levi Yates, 44, brown hair.
Ooh, he's been busy.
What do we have here?
We got trespassing, B and E,
aggravated assault,
assault again, drug possession,
two attempts to traffic over the border,
and the list goes on.
You got a last known address?
Bluebird RV Park,
13 West Alpharetta Parkway,
out in the middle of nowhere.
That's out by 141.
Makes sense
with the direction they're heading in.
Dana's going to pick him up.
Yep, all right.
Hey, Terrance, um
thank you.
Oh, you got it, my man.
Anything you need, just let me know.
Besides my girlfriend.
Yeah, okay. Jesus.
-[cell phone rings]
-Oh, God.
-Hi, Mom.
-God, where the heck are you, sweetie?
Are you out of your mind?
-Your sister is missing and we--
-Yeah, no duh.
-Sorry, I didn't mean to sass you,
but Mom, the guy who Sterling
and I work for, Mr. Bowser,
he's been helping me track Sterling
through the truck's Peach Pass
and Sterling's bank account,
and we think we know where they're headed.
-Oh, Blair--
-Mom, you have to trust me on this.
I'll text you the address, okay?
No, just wait--
[disconnect tone]
-[cell phone bleeps]
[male police officer]
You said she's dangerous.
What do you mean by that?
We have a few questions
about the person of interest.
Sure, you know, if I could just have
one moment with my husband.
-[chuckles and clears throat]
-Excuse me.
Oh, God. Oh.
I know where Dana may be taking Sterling.
-We have to go.
-All right, go. Let's just go. Quietly.
-[person clears throat]
[Anderson] Yee-haw!
-[chuckling] Heck, yeah!
-[Debbie] Oh! Anderson!
[tires screech]
[buzzer sounds]
This is where you're from.
Your roots.
Your mama's been
trying to hide it from you,
but Aunt Dana's here to show you
where you really come from.
This could have been you in another life.
Hey, baby.
What the hell is this?
Sterling, meet Levi.
You got Sterling.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Dana, this was not part of the plan.
Oh, well, if it's too much trouble,
then I'm happy to be on my way.
You know what, I'll just hoof it.
Don't worry about driving me.
Aunt Dana. I will see you at Christmas.
I'm good at adapting to new situations.
Since you went and made this decision
all by your little self
Oh, come on.
I got a better idea.
We're gonna ask for more money.
Money from who?
From the Richie Rich Wesleys.
You made a dumb bitch move,
but you stumbled
into a golden goose opportunity.
Shit, the gate's locked.
All right.
[both laugh]
-[Levi] What the hell was that?
-Help! I'm in here!
Shut it, blondie.
Do not call her that.
It's our thing, baby.
Come on, let's just put that gun down
and talk about it, all right?
And how do you suggest
I handle this situation, huh?
Back off.
I will not stand for you
putting Sterling at risk.
You're all confident today.
You takin' the pill again
without tellin' me?
You know that's murder.
I'm just mad 'cause you're acting
all irresponsible.
Enough, all right?
I'm sorry, baby.
Let's say a quick prayer,
and then we'll lock her in the bathroom
till the shit dies down outside.
-All right.
Let's go. Come on up, little girl.
Bow your heads.
Dear Lord, please help Dana and Sterling
not screw this whole thing up.
In Christ's name, Amen.
All right, in the bathroom.
Now. Get her in the bathroom.
You don't have to do this, you know.
That guy seems kinda mean!
No, he's not mean, he's passionate.
Besides, I owe him some grace,
he's given me so much.
What do you mean?
When I was lost, down, real empty handed,
he gave me a place to sleep,
you know, and food to eat.
A reason to keep going, keep on hidin'.
Wow, you really put all your eggs
into one poorly woven basket.
[sighs] You're so sweet.
Why don't we just leave?
The two of us,
just sneak out and don't look back.
I can't.
I can't leave him, I don't have a choice.
No, you do have a choice.
We always have a choice.
Be a good Christian,
the real kind, with love in your heart.
Do it for me.
[voice wavering]
Look, I'm just a kid, do the right thing.
It's easier said than done.
[coughs and gags] Do you Nair?
-Of course.
-[rattles door knob]
[Bowser] Sterling!
[Blair] Sterling!
- [Bowser] Sterling Wesley!
-[Blair] Sterling!
Shit. Hey! Hey!
[Blair] Sterl!
[Bowser] Sterling!
[Blair] Sterling, where are you?
[Bowser] Sterling!
I'm right here!
Oh, my Gosh, you came! You really came!
Of course, I came. Are you okay?
Did she hurt you?
Also, oh, my fucking jeez, Mom is a twin!
It's insane. I'm really scared.
They're armed and they're standing
on the inside of the door.
The walls are like aluminum foil,
so you got to be really careful
of gunshots.
I'm gonna get you out of there.
I love you so much!
I love you so much.
Also, I'm sorry I said
that your hair looks stupid.
It actually looks really pretty like that.
I feel like you don't do
half up-half down enough.
Thank you! And I'm sorry I said
your face looks bad.
Your face is so beautiful!
Yeah, it really is.
Okay, now, please save me!
Oh, yeah!
Dana and Levi are by the door
and they're armed.
-How you know that?
-I just do.
It's a twin thing.
Oh. That make sense. Come on.
[dog barking]
[Bowser breathes heavy]
All right, hey, hey, hey, back up.
Get down.
Dana Culpepper!
You're surrounded,
come out with your hands up!
That goes for you, too, Mr. Yates!
I'm not fucking around!
Stay there.
["Run Like the River" playing]
I said, get down!
Get in there! Get in there!
Go, come on, go.
Don't you move!
I didn't know ♪
Back there and then
She released me free ♪
From that patched up shackle
Down my pa was handed ♪
She said, "Tyrone ♪
Go be the king you're meant to be ♪
Like a stone roll on your mission ♪
-[gunfire continues]
-Hurry now son ♪
There are songs need to be sung ♪
And you're the one
To which the heart it is releasin' ♪
Go ahead run baby run ♪
Muffin? Okay, come on!
Get up, let's go.
-I hate you're making me do this.
-[gun trigger clicking]
-[Levi] Shit!
Oh, shit!
Run baby run ♪
-[gun blast]
-[agonized screams]
[continues screaming]
[Sterling whimpers]
Son of a bitch!
He ain't going nowhere.
Get out of the fridge. We got him!
[Debbie] Hey!
Put it down, Dana. Now.
Come on, get out.
Sterl! It's okay. It's okay.
-You're okay.
-[continues sobbing]
[Anderson] Oh, we're okay.
We gave you everything you asked for,
but I would never let you
take my daughter from me.
-You gonna tell her or should I?
Seems like you're working
on your own timeline.
-I'm surprised you're even checking in.
-Oh, you're such a know-it-all.
You are an ungrateful jerk.
All I've done for you, all I've given you.
[scoffs] Lot of good it's done.
Sweater looks like shit!
You're wearing it wrong,
it looks great on me.
-Debbie, listen to the sirens.
-[distant sirens]
This is it for me.
You can go back to living
your perfect little life
without me bothering you.
No, you're not bothering me,
you are destroying me!
This is my family, and nothing you do
can take that away from me.
Then let me have this
one last moment of truth
before it all turns to absolute hog shit!
-[sirens approaching]
you are my daughter.
["Idioteque" playing]
Who's in a bunker?
Who's in a bunker? ♪
Women and children first ♪
And the children first
And the children ♪
I'll laugh until my head comes off ♪
I'll swallow till I burst ♪
Until I burst
Until I ♪
Who's in bunker?
Who's in bunker? ♪
I have seen too much ♪
I haven't seen enough
You haven't seen it ♪
I'll laugh until my head comes off ♪
Women and children first ♪
And children first
And children ♪
Here I'm alive ♪
Everything all of the time ♪
Here I'm alive ♪
Everything all of the time ♪
Ice age coming ice age coming ♪
Let me hear both sides ♪
Let me hear both sides
Let me hear both ♪
Ice age coming
Ice age coming ♪
Throw it in the first ♪
Throw it in the fire
Throw it in the ♪
We're not scaremongering ♪
This is really happening ♪
Happening ♪
We're not scaremongering ♪
This is really happening ♪
Happening ♪
Mobiles squerking
Mobiles chirping ♪
Take the money and run ♪
Take the money and run
Take the money ♪
Here I'm alive ♪
Everything all of the time ♪
Here I'm alive ♪
Everything all of the time ♪
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