Tell Me Your Secrets (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

The Dead Come Back

Abel says
there's a swamp monster.
[Jess] Well,
you don't know this place.
There's stuff there
bad stuff.
It was our eggs.
They took our eggs.
Some of us got infected.
Some of us became sterile.
[Mary] It's not her.
The body in Minnesota.
It's someone else.
She's not dead.
[Rose] She already hurt
a girl here. Jess Cairns.
She will never hurt
anyone else again.
[Emma] I'm making sense
of things,
and I'm starting to remember.
Can you tell me about Theresa?
[both grunt]
You think I'm gonna let you
keep his baby?
Before it was you and him,
it was me and him,
and it's always
gonna be me and him.
[theme music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[breathing heavily]
It's okay.
No, no, no.
[both groan]
That won't help you.
Get away from me.
I'll kill you. I'll kill you!
I will tear you to pieces!
Quiet, quiet, quiet.
I just want to talk to you.
And then
And then I'm I'm gonna go.
[breathing heavily]
It doesn't have to be so bad,
Just tell me
what I want to know.
[breathes deeply]
Hey, hey. Just open your eye.
-Alright? [sushing]
-[muffled scream]
Let me get in this peeper.
Okay. Okay, that's good,
that's good.
That's good.
People with nothing to hide
don't wear lenses, Emma-Karen.
[breathing shakily]
[voice muffled]
You don't have any options
This will all be so much easier
if you just
You want to start?
My boss has a lot
of questions for you.
Your boss?
So, you took
Mrs. Barlow's daughter,
and you killed her
with your boyfriend?
-Yeah. You did.
You You helped him
with all of his women.
No. I never helped him.
Who are you?
Why are you doing this?
You've been lied to.
She doesn't lie.
Misled. She's misled you.
I loved Kit.
-I loved him.
That's all I did.
I never took her daughter.
-Oh, shut up.
-I didn't help him.
I didn't know.
I didn't do anything.
Shut up!
It's true.
Everything she's told you
about me
-It's her daughter.
-Shut up!
You don't have to
be this person.
You don't have to do this.
Yeah, but, look.
If I let you go,
you're gonna tell on me.
Yes, Emma-Karen, yes, you will.
You'll pick up the phone
the minute I walk out that door.
You're gonna call the police.
You're gonna say
what I look like and where I am,
and then they're gonna
put me back
in that stinking place again.
I won't do that.
I won't.
Because I know what it's like
to be on the inside
of that place
when you don't deserve to be.
I know that, John.
I wouldn't do that to you.
I wouldn't do that to you.
Do you promise?
I promise.
That's a frightened promise.
Don't lie to me.
[brakes squeak]
[suspenseful music playing]
[metal creaking]
[floorboards creaking]
[Mary] Oh, my God.
Karen? Karen? Can you hear me?
[Kit] Karen?
Look who I brought to see you.
[Freya fusses]
Come with us.
We can be a family.
[Mary] Karen, can you hear me?
Karen, wake up.
He's here.
No, no one's here. It's just me.
[tape crinkling]
[floorboards creak]
He's here.
It's gonna be okay.
[crying] Don't leave.
Don't leave. No.
[suspenseful music continues]
[door latches]
[insects chirping]
[floorboards creak]
[breathing shakily]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[dramatic music intensifies]
[both grunting]
[both breathing heavily]
[object thuds]
[Emma] Pick him up.
I can't.
Pick him up.
I can't touch him anymore.
You sent a rapist
to hunt me down?
You were a monster.
I needed another one
to find you.
Yeah, well, you found me, too.
[breathing heavily]
[door closes]
[lock clicks]
[Mary] Did you take her?
My daughter?
'Cause I can't go on
without knowing.
Tell me the truth.
[Emma] What do you think
I'm gonna do?
I'm a hair stylist.
I braid and highlight
and cut bangs.
I don't murder and abduct women.
You can love someone
and not know.
Or you can love him
and love what he did.
I'm talking about you.
You love your daughter.
You don't know anything
about her.
Everything you put
at my door everything
Everything you thought was me
was her.
You said you didn't know her.
She walked into my salon.
She'd been watching me.
[scoffs] So, you're the victim?
[Emma] You want
to know the truth?
She was with Kit
before he was with me.
Your picture,
the gas station in Nevada,
that was them
falling in love.
No cellphone, no credit card,
no bank withdrawals,
no contact with anyone
at anytime.
She didn't need it!
You think my daughter
just fell in love
and ran away
and didn't bother to call me?
You think I believe that
for a second?
That is not who she was!
That's who she became!
That's who she became.
[breathing shakily]
[Emma] Mary.
She's a murderer.
She killed that missing girl.
Amy Walker. I walked in on it.
-I saw it.
-My daughter is a murderer?
My daughter is the kindest girl
you would ever know.
You think I'm gonna believe that
for a minute?
You're just saying that
to save yourself.
She tried to kill me.
-She did.
And what happened that night,
it's what blocked my memories.
But they've come back to me now
[stammers] in pieces,
in these, like, nightmares.
If your daughter is still
out there, Mary,
God help anyone
who comes across her.
Don't say that.
Don't you say that.
Your daughter,
she's the monster.
She ruined my life.
You ruined your own life
when you fell for him.
All those people you talked to
about Theresa
did they tell you
what she would say?
How she How she tried to
quit swimming
and you wouldn't let her?
I didn't make her swim.
[Emma] No, you did. You did.
You liked being the booster.
You liked her being
[stammers] a champion.
For her.
Not for me.
She was 13 when it started.
She was eight.
You don't even have
your story straight.
I'm not talking about swimming.
And every time
she wanted to quit,
you made her go back.
You made her go back to it.
Not my daughter.
Not my daughter.
You think you lost her
seven years ago.
I think it was a long time
before that.
Go ask.
Ask Honey.
She said she left everything
with someone named Honey.
I don't know what that means.
All I know is I had
to fight for my life
because of your daughter.
The truth is the only
way forward.
What you do,
your work,
it's about compassion.
Tell the truth, Mary.
Tell the truth.
[ominous music playing]
[birds chirping]
[object thuds]
[Kit] "Beloved Theresa
I wonder how nose piercings
would affect a blow
to the face.
of tattooing butterflies
on drunk girls.
She picked the jewelry
imagine how their bones
would snap
after a sudden blow
only for me
to crush it to death.
i This doesn't mean
that I don't love you
smashed straight
into her sinuses
suppose I express my loving.
I'll draw you a picture
in different ways.
If you ever feel down,
just think about
how much better
you feel in a few months,
when you leave it all behind.
Hope love
is treating you better.
With love, your Kit."
[briefcase closes]
[Mary] Hey, Jakey, it's Mom.
Where are you?
I'm, uh
I'm about to bury her,
just like Daddy wanted.
[clears throat]
But I can't do it without you.
I need you.
Finally we have the truth.
Please come.
Please be here.
[fireworks exploding]
[lock beeps]
[breathing shakily]
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Tom. Tom.
-Okay. Okay, okay.
Oh, God.
We got to go.
No, he's gone. He's gone.
It's okay. Okay.
Come here.
Okay. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
[crowd cheering and applauding]
[cheering stops]
For 300 years,
this night has commemorated
the saints who watch over us
St. Jerome,
who protects our children,
and St. James,
who protects our dead.
And now,
the queen of our festival
and of our hearts.
[crowd cheering and applauding]
Light it up, baby!
[crowd cheering and applauding]
[mimics wolf howling]
[cheering and applause fades]
[Abel] You did this!
[crowd screaming]
Where you been?
I was with a patient.
You going somewhere?
I'm gonna take a break
for a while.
A break?
What are you talking about?
Like a vacation?
'Cause if
if you need a vacation,
-you should discuss it
-A break from you, Pete.
I need a break from you.
She isn't lying
and she isn't crazy.
It's still happening there,
at St. Jerome.
You told me it was over.
We made a promise to walk away
and to never
let ourselves go back.
But I don't think you ever left,
did you, Pete?
I was never
in that storm shelter.
And you never lived there
as a kid,
so I don't know
how you would have played
war games in there.
It's not my book.
So, if it's not my book
and I was never there,
then whose is it
and who was in the shelter?
I know you don't believe
any of this
because it's crazy.
You're building these stories
in your head
that make absolutely no sense.
[book thuds]
I don't know if we'll be back.
[Mary] For seven years,
I have turned to you
and shared every hope,
every fragile
shred of information
that could lead to the truth
about Theresa.
Four years ago,
when Christopher Parker
and Karen Miller were arrested,
I thought, "Finally
Finally, I would have
my answer."
And when Christopher Parker
took his own life, I was
I was scared that the truth
would die with him.
[camera shutter clicks]
But I didn't
I couldn't give up.
So, I kept I kept going,
I kept believing that, uh,
that the woman
who shared his life
had to know something more,
had had to know
what happened.
And I was right.
Because today I got my answer.
Karen Miller
Karen Miller
brutally attacked me
after confessing
to the killing of Amy Walker
and many, many others.
She was not only complicit
in the crimes
of Christopher Parker,
she was willing and active.
Who knows how many other acts
of violence she has committed?
Karen Miller is is
is dangerous and violent
and living in the town
of St. James, Louisiana,
under the new name of Emma Hall.
And I demand justice now
for Karen Miller
to answer for these crimes
and for the disappearance
of my daughter,
Theresa Elizabeth Barlow.
[reporters clamoring]
[sirens wailing]
[growls, screams]
[Mary] She was not
only complicit in the crimes
of Christopher Parker,
she was willing and active.
Karen Miller is dangerous
and violent
and living in the town
of St. James, Louisiana,
under the new name
of Emma Hall.
She's lying.
No, she's lying. She's lying.
She's lying.
No, I have to go. Oh, God.
Oh, God! She's lied!
And we'll prove it.
-We'll prove it.
No, I have to go.
I can't be here anymore.
No. No. No. No.
Emma, you're not leaving me.
You can't go.
I can keep you safe.
Trust me.
I will keep you safe.
You can't.
No one can.
[line ringing]
This is Emma.
Leave me a message.
She's come back.
Jess. She's all wet
and she's bloated
from the swamp,
and I didn't want to hurt her.
I just wanted to shut her up
and make her stop talking
about my daddy.
You don't need to talk to her.
I'm gonna make
everything go away.
You understand me?
I did it for you, Daddy.
I know you did.
She was saying
those terrible things about you,
about things you've done.
You brought pain on yourself
to honor your daddy.
And now I'm gonna honor you.
They were all lies,
weren't they, Daddy?
They were all lies.
God forgive you
for what you've done.
Get away from her.
Don't you take her.
You are not fit to raise her.
You said they were all lies.
[insects chirping]
[Mary] Oh, Saul.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, Jakey
Oh, no, no, no.
You swore her body
would never come back.
But here she is,
back up for all to see.
Now I got to put things right.
I got to go see your girl
'cause she's gonna take
the fall, you understand me?
She's gonna take the fall
for how you messed this up.
What do you mean "my girl"?
You brought a child-killer
to the bayou, Peter.
Who do you think I mean?
Don't you touch her.
I've done everything
you ever asked me to do.
I want out of this.
I want out of this, Bodie.
You're never getting out.
Neither is she.
[Bodie] Karen Miller?
Come on, now.
It's gonna be alright.
I know you can't live with what
you did to that little girl,
so I'm gonna deliver you.
Come on now, Karen Miller.
It's gonna be alright.
Come to Jesus, baby.
No, you come to Jesus
Wasn't sure you'd come.
Last time I saw you,
you were so
angry at me and my actions.
Mary, that was about you
in the context of the swim team,
not you as a person.
So, you were just
protecting the girls, huh?
Yeah, that's all
I ever try to do.
But none of that matters.
I saw the press conference.
My God.
Just tell me
what you need from me.
I want to show you something.
It's, um, it's a journal
of my daughter's.
[Ed] Theresa kept a journal?
[knock on door]
Can I help you?
I'm Karen.
Esther said that
that you would keep her safe,
and I am so grateful.
I just
I just want to see her.
Even if it's just five minutes.
You don't have to tell her
who I am.
I don't want to unsettle her.
I just need to
I just need to see her. Please.
No, no, she warned me
about this.
She said you'd come
and you'd say this.
Who Who said that? Esther?
I'm taking about
Freya's birth mother, Karen.
No, I'm Karen.
I'm Karen. No. No. No.
-Karen came last week
-I'm Karen.
to take her home,
just like Esther wanted.
I'm Karen.
-This is Karen.
-I'm Karen.
-No, I'm Ka--
-This is Karen.
Karen's been visiting Freya
since she was tiny.
Freya's gone.
[Emma] Freya!
[Kit] Where is she? Our baby?
I asked you to bring her.
She's safe.
Well, I need to see her.
[exhales sharply]
You can't.
Kit, I saw her.
I saw that woman.
Her skull was
[voice breaking]
was beaten in.
You can't ever tell.
Then we lose everything.
You, me, our baby girl.
Karen, promise me
you have her safe.
[whispers] Now you need
to forget her.
Forget us.
[siren wailing]
[officer over speaker] Suspect,
get on the ground.
Face down. Stay down.
[Kit] Then you'll never be safe.
Neither will she.
[dramatic music playing]
[Emma] You are what I lost
all those years ago.
You are what I've been
trying to get back to.
I won't lose you again.
I won't have you hear the lies,
have you believe
what others say about me.
I'm not the person
they've made me into.
Their lies have made
a nightmare of my life,
and now I'll make
a nightmare of theirs.
And I will find you,
no matter what I have to do.
[engine starting]
[Theresa humming]
Did I ever tell you
you look just like your daddy?
You say that every time.
[Theresa] It's just you
and me now, for always.
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