The A List (2018) s01e10 Episode Script


Just remembering how I kicked off
when my mum said I was coming here.
What? Yelling and door slamming?
That's for amateurs.
My rage burns in icy silence.
I look forward to it.
You sure you can handle it?
I'm pretty terrible.
Maybe you'd be better off with Midge.
I know she asked you out.
[sighs] And I let her down gently.
Come on, Mia, you're better than this.
I'm really not.
I'm selfish, and I'm angry
and my mum doesn't want me,
and my dad just phones it in
on birthdays and Christmas,
and my life is so perfect,
and I hate everyone.
I love you, Mia.
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[narrator] I see
the beauty of this island.
But in nature, beauty can hide poison.
And the most beautiful things
can be the most deadly.
I love you, Amber.
I love you, too.
[sighs deeply]
Hey, Mia.
Looking for your little friends?
The freak and the geek?
Poor, Mia that it's come to this.
I don't have any friends.
There's just me. You won.
So convincing.
Such talent.
But I know about
your plucky band of rebels.
I see what you've done to Kayleigh.
I didn't do anything
she didn't want me to.
But no matter how many people
you control
you can't scare me, Amber.
I can
and I will.
We need to get away.
Amber's planning something
and I do not wanna be around
when it happens.
Or we find out what it is and stop her
by finding Midge.
Midge is Amber's big secret, right?
And last night she said,
"I'm still alive."
Maybe she's telling us
she's locked up on the island,
communicating by telepathy.
And if there's even a chance
she really is alive, we can't leave her.
It's a big island, where would we start?
We received three messages from Midge
in three different places.
Her cabin, the woods,
and right here in this camp.
If those messages are all radiating
from one central spot
Then Midge would be here.
It's no more ridiculous than any
of the other impossible things we've seen.
Look, whether we find Midge or not,
we still need an escape plan.
There's one person on this island
who didn't arrive by ferry,
which means there must be
another way on and off.
And he owes us a favor.
I packed my towel in here for you.
And I asked Dave
to mark the path on the map.
Thanks. I know the way.
So, you guys
It just happened.
It's funny, we're so in love,
but we hardly know each other.
I'll see you later. I'll grab my stuff.
Hello, Harry.
It's so kind of you to support Zac
during his time of heartbreak.
What did you say to him, exactly?
-[stammering] I didn't, I--
Don't lie to me, Harry.
I swear, I never said anything to him.
Relax, Harry.
You're going to worry yourself sick.
[Mia] Luka, time to go
Gone. I have to find him.
-[Harry] We have a situation.
-We have a lot of situations.
We have a new one. It's Zac.
He was so upset about
Brendan and Kayleigh last night,
he left the bro tent and stayed in mine.
So? Does he snore? Who cares?
Because he knows.
Not everything, but
he has the photo from last year,
which is hugely freaky by the way.
He says he found it in his pocket.
-Thanks, Kayleigh.
-What did you tell him?
Nothing. I just said, "Oh, that's weird."
But he's not gonna let it go.
And Amber's suspicious.
She's watching Zac and me.
[Mia] We don't have time for this.
Just keep Zac away from Amber
and get that photo back.
It's the only proof we have.
-All right, Zac?
-You know I liked Kayleigh.
You were happy for me!
You're supposed to be my best friend.
You always said, "Mates before dates."
That's a bit childish, though, isn't it?
We're not in junior school anymore.
I can't keep carrying you, Zac.
Truth is I've outgrown you.
-Hey, Zac.
-What's up?
-[Zac] "What's up?"
What is wrong with you?
Yesterday, you said you cared about me.
As a friend.
And you put this photo in my pocket.
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
-Not now, Harry, this is private.
-Please, I have to talk to you.
-[Brendan] Yeah, go on, Zac.
-You're part of the losers team now.
-[Kayleigh laughing]
[Amber] Relax, Harry.
You're going to worry yourself sick.
[grunts in frustration]
[twig snaps]
[footsteps approaching]
[Petal] We have to stop meeting like this.
-[Alex] Petal
-It's all right.
I misread things.
We don't have to keep avoiding each other.
I wanted to talk to you.
I just didn't know what to say.
You don't have to say anything.
I get it.
[Petal] Hey
did you solve your ghost mystery?
You kind of left me hanging with that.
Would you believe me if I told you
our ghost might still be alive?
-[Dev] Where are we going?
-[Amber] You'll see.
Beautiful, right?
I just need to rest for a minute.
See, this is why men die
younger than women.
-You refuse to admit when you're hurt.
-It's nothing.
I just caught my arm on some brambles.
Let me take a look.
There's something in it.
[Luka] Ow!
Also, ow!
Sorry, very ticklish.
[Luka groans]
That's why it wouldn't heal.
-[unzipping bag]
-What are you doing?
I'll get some fresh water
so you can clean it up.
Biscuit? Found them in your bag.
[Mia] Everyone's phones.
Dumped in the stream.
We're completely cut off.
What were you hoping for?
A princess locked in a tower?
Hadn't ruled it out.
No sign of an underground dungeon, either.
You think someone kidnapped Midge?
I don't know. We only had one message.
What did you mean, Midge?
Why did you say, "I'm still alive"?
Remember that tooth we found in a tree?
What if Midge's message meant,
"I'm alive in the island."
Like she lives on in the plants,
in the trees
The research in the lab.
Mia and I found a way in.
There were papers that said
the island has high levels of a chemical
that plants use to communicate.
So if Midge's spirit
is trapped in the island
Then maybe she's tapping
into that plant network.
-It all makes sense.
-I wouldn't go that far.
Well, we all need
to keep a bit of mystery.
Better get back.
Mags has me on potato duty.
thanks for still talking to me.
[scoffs] Of course.
We'll just be friends
so long as that's what you want.
I do want us to be friends.
[Luka] Someone dropped a bag of phones,
so what?
-[Mia] You don't think that's weird?
-I don't think anything at all.
You owe me.
I could have left you there to rot.
We both know you're only helping me
because you think
I can get you off the island.
Well, it's not because
of your sparkling personality.
I'm in real danger here.
So am I
if I go back.
It's funny.
I nearly didn't come to the island.
But I'm glad I did.
Me, too.
It's perfect here, isn't it?
Whispers' Run.
They say the water carries
hushed words of lovers' secrets.
You need to be careful of Amber.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Everything's perfect.
You're perfect.
I'm really not.
I don't always get on with people.
I'm a perfectionist, like my mum.
I only want the best.
I only want what's true.
You're shivering. I'll get the towels.
We can use them as blankets.
You have to stay away
from Kayleigh and Brendan.
They're, uh they're not themselves.
Nor's anyone else who gets close to Amber.
You better give me that photo.
The least you know, the safer you are.
[Amber] You're going to
worry yourself sick.
-What's wrong with your arm?
-[Harry] It's spreading.
-It looks fine. Just stop scratching it.
I can't!
[Luka groaning]
I'd invite you in,
but this place is a mess, so
see ya.
That's it?
I help you all the way across this island
and then it's just, "Okay, bye"?
Okay, bye, and
don't tell anyone I'm here.
-I should check that arm before I go.
-Save it, nurse. You're stalling.
Hoping I'll fall asleep
so you can search through my stuff,
-see if I have a phone.
-Well, do you?
I just need to make one call.
No phone.
And no boat.
I got a ride over with a fisherman.
I don't have a way out.
I'm sorry.
Okay. See you around.
In case you get hungry on your way back.
-[Dev] Hey, what are you doing?
-I thought someone had lost their bags,
-so I was seeing whose they were.
-They're mine and Amber's.
[Alex] Okay, sorry.
I was just trying to help.
You never found this.
You don't own a watch.
You haven't remembered anything.
[Amber] Dev?
What's taking so long?
Sorry, uh
Trust me. She's dangerous.
I suddenly got scared.
Of what?
Of how I feel about you.
I've never felt this way
about anyone before.
Oh, Dev. You make me so happy.
Harry, stop, you're gonna hurt yourself.
[Harry] They're gone?
Are you gonna tell me what's going on?
[narrator] I watch this island.
I watch and I wait.
And I see all the fights for survival.
But how do you defend
against deadly beauty?
Some choose camouflage.
Some band together because they think
there is safety in numbers.
And some choose flight
because they know the fight is hopeless.
I have good news and bad news.
I hate "good news and bad news."
Just tell me all the news.
Fine. I found Luka's boat
but it's got a massive hole in it.
-Told you it was good news-bad news.
-Can we fix it?
Yes, we can, but we'll need tools.
I found something, too. Not Midge.
That was a dead end.
But I saw Amber's bag and I searched it.
-For what? Midge's shrunken head?
-I was looking for clues.
And I think I found one.
This is just a flyer for Camp Peregrine.
"Make new friends,
crown the midsummer queen,
hike to Peregrine Peak,
hike to Moonloch"
They're all crossed out
except for this last one.
"Peregrine Hunt."
It's Amber's messed-up to-do list.
Remember, Kayleigh said
she was all excited about the hunt.
We need to be gone before then.
[Alex] What happened?
-Did you tell him?
-Yeah, I told him.
He had a right to know
what we're up against!
You two went off on your secret missions,
but Zac was there for me when
When Amber did something to me.
Made me think I was ill again.
But how? How did she do that?
Amber has powers.
She can make you see things
that aren't really there.
She can control people.
If Amber sees Zac with us,
he'll be on her hit list, too.
Zac, stay out of her way.
When the time comes, we'll get you.
Come on.
[narrator] Fight or flight?
It nearly always comes down to that.
[Zac] I know it was you.
You made Kayleigh stop liking me.
Because I can.
Then you can make her like me again.
I don't think so.
But I can make it
so you don't care anymore.
I can help you, Zac.
I can take away all your pain.
I just need something from you first.
Something you got from Kayleigh.
[narrator] There's one other way
to survive, adapt
so you can live alongside the danger.
-Hi, guys.
Yeah, good, thank you.
[narrator] Because if you don't
you may end up gone forever.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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