The Apothecary Diaries (2023) s01e10 Episode Script


I heard that the palace woman
who drowned and died killed herself,
she was the maid for the Garnet Pavilion.
She was the one
who poisoned Lady Lishu
at the garden party.
Maybe she did it for her master,
Concubine Ah-Duo.
The Pure Concubine?
It was rumored that she'd be removed
from the four ladies
and replaced by a younger concubine.
Concubine Ah-Duo, at age 35,
is a year older than the Emperor.
She lost a boy that she had
when the Emperor was still
the Eastern Palace.
The rear palace exists to have as many
children as possible. It can't be helped
A mother of a dead baby boy, huh?
If Lady Lihua continues to not have
children, will she have the same fate?
Same with Lady Gyokuyou.
You never know for how long
she will be the Emperor's favorite.
Even beautiful flowers will wilt one day.
Flowers of the rear palace
must bear fruit to have value.
I have to go back soon.
Take this, too.
It's leftovers
from the tea party yesterday.
Thank you!
You have so many snacks
that you have leftovers?
Tea parties are amazing!
You think?
Tea parties are duties
that concubines must fulfill.
Maomao, you get ready, too!
There's another one?
Everyone seems to be especially energized.
Of course we are.
The Virtuous Concubine,
Lady Lishu, is coming!
The microcosm of the rear palace
can be found in this one room.
Welcome, Concubine Lishu.
Thank you.
Poking at each other's hidden motives.
Is it the fate of all women to be on edge
when facing other women?
it's more tense
than when the Emperor comes to visit.
Lady Gyokuyou is gathering information
even in a friendly conversation.
She may look gentle,
but she's still a concubine.
She apparently sends
the information she collects back home.
Her home is a resting point for trade,
so it must be important to understand
the flow of people and the times.
The food taster at the garden party?
I'm glad she hadn't been punished
that harshly.
I won't bite, you know.
The other attendants aren't
paying attention to their lady at all.
But it doesn't seem
that they're bullying her for now.
If my report to Sir Gaoshun was a mistake,
then that's great news.
You don't dislike sweets, do you?
I love sweets.
I'm glad.
It's cold, so I thought
something like this would be nice.
I brewed citrus peels with honey.
It'll warm you up.
I hope you like it.
Oh? She can't have honey, either?
She's being picky again?
She won't even have what's offered to her?
Twitch, twitch.
Lady Gyokuyou.
Oh, my mistake.
I'm sorry, Ailan.
It looks like we need to soak it
a little longer.
I'll offer something else.
Can you have ginger tea?
Yes, I can.
Unfortunately, it looks like
the bullying rumors were true.
Leave the cleaning up to us.
You go rest, Maomao.
I can clean up, you know.
How was the tea party
with Concubines Gyokuyou and Lishu?
I thought it was weird
to suddenly invite Lady Lishu
for a tea party.
It was his plan all along.
They seemed to enjoy themselves.
We're not finished talking.
Will you let me go?
About the poisoning incident
at the garden party.
Did you know that it was done by the
Garnet Pavilion maid that killed herself?
I have heard rumors.
Do you really think she killed herself?
That's not for me to decide.
Why would a mere maid want to
put poison on Lady Lishu
the Virtuous Concubine's plate?
I have no idea.
Then, could you go help
at the Garnet Pavilion starting tomorrow?
"Could you?"
He says that,
as if I have any other choice.
Yes, sir.
A pavilion's atmosphere
is determined by its master.
Lady Gyokuyou's Jade Pavilion is homey,
and Lady Lihua's
Crystal Pavilion was
noble and refined.
And the Garnet Pavilion
where Lady Ah-Duo lives is
efficient, elegant, and practical.
Sorry for making you come so suddenly.
I look forward to working with you
for the next three days.
I haven't been instructed by Sir Jinshi
to do anything.
Might as well work, then.
I haven't seen you around.
Who are those girls, Fengming?
They're here to help
with the spring cleaning.
I see. Thank you for your work.
The Pure Concubine, Lady Ah-Duo.
She's neither flashy nor plump,
but she's both feminine, masculine,
and dignified. She's beautiful.
So she's 35, huh?
If she wore the robe, one could
mistake her for a young civil servant.
She might look better in hufu,
rather than the robe and skirt
for concubines.
Looks like they're into her.
She reminds me of someone.
Ms. Fengming, the head lady-in-waiting.
She must come from a good family
based on her position,
but she's very friendly.
First, can you hang these books
out to dry?
If anything is too heavy,
just give it to a eunuch.
As expected of a veteran
high-ranking concubine.
Though the mansion is clean,
it's packed with things.
Similar to the Jade Pavilion,
the Garnet Pavilion attendants
are hard workers.
I'd like to show this to the ladies
who are all talk, no work.
We're finished here.
You already got this much done?
And everything is so neat.
You're a big help.
Can you help at the reception room, too?
Yes, ma'am.
She's friendly, observant,
and praises others well.
She's skilled in employing others
as the head lady-in-waiting.
I haven't done physical labor in a while.
I'm tired.
- Good work. Thank you for helping today.
- Not at all.
You're spending the night
at the Garnet Pavilion, right?
Come with me.
A sweet scent?
Use this. It'll be cold tonight.
Thank you, ma'am.
Rest well.
I haven't been told by Sir Jinshi
to do anything,
Would I really find the mastermind
behind the poisoning here?
Everyone truly works hard.
Not just the attendants, but
Ms. Fengming!
We can do the wiping down there.
It's all right, it's nothing.
I just noticed it, that's all.
Ms. Fengming is the leader of the pack.
She's past the age to get married,
but if she had,
she would've been a good wife.
Did she not consider getting married?
Maybe she chose to dedicate
her whole life to Concubine Ah-Duo.
A strong sense of loyalty
could very well be the motive
for the poisoning.
Now that a new concubine may be coming,
Lady Ah-Duo's position is at the
highest risk.
But what if another seat opens up
before that?
The Emperor only reacts positively
to ripened fruits.
As such, he does not visit Lady Lishu.
This is great news,
considering her age of 14,
but she's also not fulfilling her duties
as a concubine.
If the poison attempt was done
for Concubine Ah-Duo,
Lady Lishu is a reasonable target.
Can someone help here?
Ms. Fengming's home runs a bee farm.
That's why you have so much
high-quality honey.
So the sweet scent yesterday was honey.
Lady Lishu?
She's only here with the food taster?
Why is she at the Garnet Pavilion?
Oh, right. At the tea party
That's all that happened
at the Garnet Pavilion.
I see.
There's nothing else for me to say.
I don't know what he's looking for,
but I'm just a regular apothecary.
It's not my job to be a spy.
Anyways, isn't he a little too laid back
these days?
Let me rephrase my question.
If anyone were to use special methods
to contact the outside,
who would it be?
What a mean question.
Someone who could possibly do that is
the head lady-in-waiting, Ms. Fengming.
Why do you say that?
She had bandages
wrapped around her left wrist.
The colored wood tablet from before
was wrapped around a woman's robe
with burnt sleeves.
Someone made the effort
to burn different colored flames.
If the flames meant anything,
it would be code.
Honestly, I can't imagine
a calm head lady-in-waiting like that
scheming anything like that, but
That's only my personal speculation.
I guess you pass.
He took the chance to eat some honey.
I'm sure he knew this much.
I have to give treats to good girls.
- No thank you!
- No need for that.
I don't need it. Do that for someone else.
Just because he's good-looking,
he thinks he'd get away with anything!
That's the kind of pervert he was!
Sir Gaoshun!
I'll poison you with laxatives!
- You don't like sweets?
- I like salt and spice.
But you can eat it, right?
Shit. I can't get through to him.
If he wasn't a higher-up,
I would kick him in the crotch.
No. I can't kick what's not there.
Should I just obey his orders,
or run away and keep my dignity?
Only if this was an aconite syrup
You don't dislike sweets, do you?
I hope you like it.
Ms. Fengming's home
- runs a bee farm.
- Lady Lishu?
What are you doing to my lady-in-waiting?
Concubine Gyokuyou, this is
Whose permission do you have to do that?
he just got carried away.
Will you forgive Sir Jinshi?
In that case, you should lick him
next time, Sir Gaoshun.
Lick? Well, that's
Do you get it now?
I have a few things I need to confirm.
Excuse us.
Welcome Oh?
Sir Jinshi isn't here?
No. Sorry for barging in like this.
So? What does a Jade Pavilion attendant
need from me?
I need to ask you something.
You're from the garden party
What is it?
Do you dislike honey?
How do you know?
It's pretty obvious.
Have you ever had an upset stomach
from consuming honey?
It's common to dislike
a certain food after
experiencing food poisoning.
That's not what happened.
I don't remember. I was just a baby.
I hear my life was at risk at one point.
My wet nurse told me never to eat it.
You're being quite rude.
These are intrusive questions.
You didn't even protect your lady
at the tea party. You're one to talk.
What are those eyes?
You don't need to listen
to an attendant like that.
Yes. It's rude to you, Lady Lishu,
the Pure Concubine.
You should kick her out!
They must make outsiders
out to be the villain this way
to make her think
they're her only friends.
- Lady Lishu
- A sheltered rich girl like her
would easily get tricked.
An isolated concubine
must rely on her attendants.
She doesn't even realize
she's being bullied.
It's a vicious cycle.
I was ordered to come here. If you have
any complaints,
say them directly to Sir Jinshi.
To Sir Jinshi?
I should be able to get away
with this much.
I'm excited to think how these attendants
would approach that pervert eunuch.
Another question for you.
Have you ever met Ms. Fegming,
the head lady-in-waiting
at the Garnet Pavilion?
- Xiaomao?
- Sir Gaoshun,
is there a way to learn about past events
in the rear palace?
I'll look in the court archives.
Thank you, sir.
What did she find out this time?
She's a clever girl.
I can't believe that she's just 17.
She's knowledgeable and calm.
She thinks things through rationally,
and can process information well.
She can be a bit strange,
but also somewhat impressive.
Seventeen years ago,
when the current Emperor was still
the Eastern Palace,
he had a baby boy
with Concubine Ah-Duo.
The boy has since died.
The boy was born around the same time
as the Emperor's brother,
the child of the former Emperor
and the Empress Dowager.
He only had that one child
as the Eastern Palace.
His only concubine was Lady Ah-Duo.
The current Emperor and Lady Ah-Duo
are foster siblings,
so I get that he's attached
to Lady Ah-Duo, but
I can't believe that lustful old man
only had one concubine.
The baby boy died 16 years ago.
It was investigated by
I had imagined
that this might be the case.
The medicinal herbs growing
in the rear palace
are ones I've been using for a long time.
Someone must have transported them here.
A man who drags his foot
like an old woman.
A man so skilled in medicine
that it's a waste
he's an apothecary
in the pleasure district.
A man with one of his knee bones removed.
A former eunuch.
What the hell are you doing?
Old man?
Next Episode, "Reducing Two to One."
Subtitle translation by: Yukimi Ohashi
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