The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The Trials of an A-Rank Adventurer

That can't be!
Cain, were you really with the first king?
Yes. He created a separate world,
and he's been living there
as its God of Creation.
How can that be? It's impossible!
Also, he gave me this.
The so-called "katana" that the
first king is said to have used?!
I see You really did see him
And it says in this letter that
the first king trained you?
Yes, and it was incredibly tough training!
He made me traverse a forest that
was teeming with vicious monsters,
fight mock battles until
I collapsed every single day
I was forced to train day and night.
For five years!
F-Five years?!
Cain, what did you just say?!
How could it have been five years?!
You truly are amusing, Cain,
even after five years.
By the way, while you were gone, a notice
came in from the adventurers' guild.
You forgot to accept the quest
needed to advance to Rank A.
If you don't act on it,
your registration will be canceled.
I'm a reincarnated noble who came back
after some off-the-charts training
to learn that my A-rank registration
was in danger of cancellation.
But that careless part of
me hasn't changed a bit.
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"The Trials of an A-Rank Adventurer"
Guild Master,
Master Cain is here to see you.
Um, what's all this about my
registration being canceled?!
I've been worried since you haven't
come by to accept any quests.
I'm sorry. I haven't had many free days
since starting at the academy.
Plus, various other things happened
You stayed somewhere unannounced, did you?
Tijuana was so sad you were gone.
She said since she couldn't fight mock battles,
her bottled-up love might explode.
Anyway, um About you
canceling my registration
When I promoted you to A-rank,
I told you there was a quest
you needed to complete, didn't I?
The time limit on it is almost up.
You need to hurry, or your guild
registration will be canceled.
Please don't do that!
So you'll accept the quest right away, then?
Huh? Right now?
Or should I cancel your registration?
Please let me do it!
As I told you before, I need
you to subjugate some bandits.
And all I need to do is capture them, right?
The bandits in question show up on the
route from Gracia to the royal capital.
They're a group of ten or so.
Think you can handle it?
Well, I guess it's silly to ask that, huh?
You're the strongest guy in the capital.
Well, I'll look into it, anyway.
Please do.
Is that
Found them!
Let me help you!
Maestra Nina?!
And Sabinos and Maestra Millie?!
You're hurt!
You little brat!
High Heal!
Thanks. I guess there were
a few too many for us.
And how's one more on
your side gonna help you?
Little kids should just stay home
suckling on their mommy's teat!
Is that all you'd like to say?
You'll pay dearly for
injuring Maestra Millie.
Say that again, brat!
Damn you!
Hey, you!
Get him!
Holding back really is hard.
Isn't it?
Thank you so much, Master Cain.
Not at all. I'm just glad you're all safe.
What are you doing out here, though?
I accepted a subjugation
quest from the guild!
Accepted a
Wait a minute!
You're still twelve, aren't you?!
Didn't you only just
register with the guild?!
Subjugation quests are only for
those with C-rank or higher
Cain, you skipped C- and B-rank?!
You're A-rank already?!
Some things happened, and I got
a compulsory promotion to A-rank.
That's a really big deal, isn't it?
Of course it is!
Oh So that's how he took
out the bandits so easily.
Still, it's great that they're captured,
but what do we do with them?
No need to worry about that!
I'm A-rank, after all!
Do they feel no shame?
Those boys are already done for.
Thank you very much.
Please escort them safely home, as well.
Master Cain is with you?
Hi, Parma.
What in the world is this?!
Bandits I captured for a quest
from the adventurers' guild.
He saved us when we were attacked
on the way to the capital.
You did that? Really?
Well, the guys attacking him just happened
to be the ones I needed for the quest.
We're off school today,
and you still had to work so hard.
I'm sure you have baron work to do, too.
Cain, you're a baron now?
Well, yeah
Then I shouldn't talk to you like
an old friend anymore, should I?
I have to call you Baron Cain!
You, too, Nina!
He's a gold digger's dream.
Huh? Please don't do that.
You two are still my maestras.
You can just call me "Cain," as usual.
Really? We appreciate that!
That's what we'll do, then.
Still, you really grew up
in just a few years, huh?
You're practically an adult now!
Please stop playing around!
I need to go report to the guild now!
Bye, Parma! See you at school!
Hey! Cain!
We'll go with you! Wait!
Here you go.
I also got Sabinos's testimony
confirming the subjugation.
The bandits are being held
in a carriage out front.
What?! You finished it already?
I'll let the guild master
know right away, then.
Please do!
Hey, hey, hey!
If it isn't Millie!
Let me show you around the capital.
Hmph. You guys again, huh?
Not interested.
Aw, why not?
Come hang out for a while!
Would you leave them alone
and go away, please?
Who the hell are Wait
You're that kid from before!
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I wondered who was emitting
such a murderous aura.
So it's you, Cain.
It's him!
Most adventurers would have a
tough time with a group like that.
Well, they were bothering my friends!
Your friends? Who?
That'd be us, bro!
Wait, your "friends" are
Millie and Nina?!
What? How do you two know my maestras?
Your maestras?
Millie is my kid sister.
I'm more surprised that you know them. How?
How? Nina and I were Cain's tutors
starting when he was five.
Oh, so that's why he called you his maestras.
I remember you mentioning
that in a letter now.
Awesome! Talk about a coincidence!
All right! This calls for drinks—
You'll turn anything into an excuse to drink.
But it's a happy occasion.
Why were you guys all together today?
Because Cain showed up while
we were on an escort mission,
and when bandits showed up, he clobbered
them! Wham, wham, wham, wham!
Cain is A-rank already.
How did you get to A-rank so quickly?
Didn't you just register days ago?
Though, as strong as you are,
I shouldn't be surprised.
You were the only student who really
kept up with me during the exams, too.
What?! You actually kept up with my brother?!
But he got to A-rank using his
sword alone, without using magic!
And you were a match for him?
Cain isn't just some margrave's son.
He's already been appointed
his own domain as a baron.
He's a gold digger's dream.
A baron?!
And you just said something
really rude to him!
I'm sorry! Please don't have me
charged with insulting a noble!
I won't!
You're just one surprise after another, Cain.
How did you get so strong?
I can't tell her
that I was trained by the gods!
Well, you were killing red
dragons even as a little kid.
Red dragons? Those are SS-rank level.
You're taking out some real beasts.
And he gave me this magic bag!
Me, too.
Hang on a second!
What is that? You got it from Cain?
How much does it hold?
Uh How much, actually?
Mine's never been full, so I'm not sure.
Tell me the truth.
Where did those things come from?
I made them.
And how much do they actually hold?
Uh well
Cain told us that a mansion
would fit in them.
Th-That makes them
national treasure class?!
How are you able to make something like that?
Our bags don't hold very much at all.
Okay, I understand!
I'd be happy to make one for you!
Thank you, Cain!
Sorry about that. Lina can't hold her liquor.
Don't worry. She won't remember
any of this tomorrow.
So by tomorrow
I forgot! I have school tomorrow!
I don't have time for this!
I took all of last week off!
I have to be there this week!
Why does a noble with his own
domain need to go to school?
Don't you feel like you don't fit in?
Well, yes, I do
But there's still a lot I don't know,
so I think I need to study
Good boy.
I'll give you a hug.
I-I've gotta get to school!
He's definitely having a rough time.
If only we could do something for him
Retia? What's up?
Well, the instructor who
was supposed to teach
an adventuring class tomorrow
for a quest is injured,
so we're looking for a
last-minute substitute.
A substitute at the school? Hmm
Could you tell me a bit more about this?
Our magic class will now begin.
Hit the targets with whatever
spell you think you're best at.
Yes, ma'am.
If you do anything wrong,
I'll tell you once everyone is done.
Okay, here we go! I'll show her
what training with Yuuya taught me!
But first, is Cain von Silford here?
Yes, ma'am!
You are forbidden from using
attack magic on school grounds.
You will only observe this lesson.
All teachers in the academy
have been notified of this.
Even your beginner-level magic is
more than the barrier can handle.
You're kidding!
The headmaster told me to just go ahead
and give you the credit for this class,
so you don't need to worry about anything.
Cain really doesn't fit
in with the rest of them.
I'm worried about him.
Poor thing.
I guess it's up to us to give him a hand.
Ready? We'll do as we discussed.
I'm Bogan, your adventuring teacher.
I specialize as a vanguard swordsman.
I've asked an adventurer from
the guild to join us today.
Oh! I know them!
They're from Ice Flame.
That's his partner, Lina.
Their aura is totally different
from the other two.
The plan was to have a
C-rank adventurer come,
but the adventurers' guild did us a favor.
These are A-rankers Claude and Lina,
and these are B-rankers Millie and Nina.
They're here to teach you today.
They should've told me yesterday
that they were coming.
How many of you are registered adventurers?
Me! Me! Me!
All of you, huh? Makes sense that you
chose the adventuring course, then.
Okay! Anyone who has a
guild card, let's see it.
What's wrong?
Do you not have a guild card?
C'mon, take it out.
Claude! Everyone in here is newly registered!
If I just whip out my gold card right now
What?! How do you have a gold card?!
They'll be even more put off!
What's wrong, little boy? Where's your card?
I forgot it.
Are you serious?
I see. Can't help that, then.
But from now on, keep it
with you at all times.
It'll serve as your ID if anything happens.
Make absolutely sure you don't forget it.
Did you see how they all looked at him?
Cain really is pretty heavily isolated.
This'll be tough.
We'll have to use our trump card.
Let's get right into the mock battles.
The most basic element of these battles
is physical enhancement, or Boost.
Make sure you learn it.
We'll start with whoever is ready.
Let me go first, please!
And me!
Everyone else, please stand
back a bit and wait your turn.
All right!
I can show at least a little bit of what
I can really do if I'm fighting Claude!
Thank you, sir!
Okay, I'll go next—
My turn!
Okay, come at me!
Here I go!
Well, then, Lina
We're using magic only.
You're not allowed to use attack magic.
I'm missing out on the mock battles
This is just like how things always go.
It's not your time yet.
We need to show the students
how strong we are first.
Then, once we've built up
some anticipation, you're up.
If you can prove an even match for us
They'll be so stunned by your strength
that by the time this lesson's over
You'll be the hero of the whole class!
Darn it, we're gonna run out of time!
Thank you, sir!
Fidget, fidget
Who's next?
Me! Me!
Me, please!
What? Why?
No cutting in line.
Thank you, sir!
Yes, sir!
Is it my turn yet?
Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
Hurry! Hurry!
Yes, sir!
Just one more!
Let's go!
What?! Wait a minute, please!
I still haven't
Yes, but this class period is over.
Sorry, Cain. I got the time allotment wrong.
Next time! Next time we're here, okay?
There won't be a next time.
Calling in special teachers for adventuring
is off our schedule for a while.
We don't have the budget.
Repairing the damage you did
cost us a lot of money.
Everyone, be sure to thank
Claude and the others.
Thank you very much!
No way
Well, bye!
Claude, you Claude, you
Claude, you
Claude, you
Claude, you jerk!
Whoa! Bad news!
The Prince of Darkness!
It's the Prince of Darkness!
Oh, gods
Hurry! Don't fall behind!
Follow me! It's the Prince of Darkness!
Follow me! Follow me!
I feel better now.
Follow me! Follow me! Follow me!
What is this?!
A hole?!
I received an urgent message from
Garm as he was returning to Gracia.
He said the Prince of Darkness
appeared in the Forest of Monsters.
The forest was razed,
burning rocks rained down from the sky,
and several large craters
were left in the ground.
Cain, did you not receive a warning
from the gods as their Chosen?
Uh No, not really
Your Majesty, this is a
disaster for our kingdom.
It may become necessary to
work with other nations
No! I don't think we need to do that!
What makes you think that?
Uh well just a hunch
Are you hiding something from me?
Uh, no
Your Majesty!
I'm sorry! That was
The seal has weakened, has it?
It's still just one part of my body
But I suppose it'll have to do.
Just watch,
you old geezers!
You know what this means, don't you?!
I told you not to make me
keep nagging you about this,
and you're making me nag you again!
Next time, "Omen of an Onslaught"!
"Omen of an Onslaught"
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