The Assassins (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Castle siege

The Sultan, Malik-Shah's army
is one night away from the castle
The Sultan, Malik-Shah's army
is one night away from the castle
Hassan has taken over the Alamut Castle
turned it into a fortified fortress
no one can access it
You couldn't handle him when
he was a prisoner in your jail
can you handle him now when he owns a
castle thousands of miles away from you?
Castle atop a high mountain, too difficult
to assault or target with a catapult
or by elite squad of soldiers
an invincible castle
within it chosen ones and warriors
who don't fear death or pain
and are prepared to die for their master
and are prepared to die for their master
Hassan Al-Sabbah
Hassan began to become
brutal within the Seljuk State
and began to send the chosen ones and
fedayeen to kill Sultan Malik-Shah's men
and the state's
Grand Vizier, Nizam Al-Mulk
Hassan Al-Sabbah isn't a threat
to Nizam Al-Mulk alone, my Lord
Hassan Al-Sabbah is
a threat to the entire Sultanate.
A form of intimidation
and self-affirmation
asserting that atop mountain Alamut
resides a strong man
capable of changing the entire world
capable of changing the entire world
while he's in his place
letters and correspondences between
Hassan Al-Sabbah and the Sultan
could not extinguish
the flames of war between them
Prepare a campaign to
bring Hassan Al-Sabbah
and his followers to the Sultan's court!
and indeed
The Sultan launched a massive campaign
to besiege Alamut Castle
and to surround Hassan Al-Sabbah
The Sultan Malik-Shah's armies
are among the strongest on earth.
Where is your faith?
Your faith is the strongest army on earth.
A significant test
You are going out to fight falsehood
and heresies
you are the army of Islam
in the face of a false sect.
A true test of Hassan Al-Sabbah’s power
An existential test of
his existence and his dawah
Be reassured!
"Episode Ten"
"Siege of the Castle"
The siege doesn't alter
anything within the castle
the believers continue their
lessons, prayers, and fasting
nothing will halt or be delayed.
From where does our
master derive this confidence?
I closed my eyes and saw
he opened the door, and with my own feet,
I stepped into the house of the future
I am over there now, and you are here
from over there, I see myself
standing among you two atop the castle
there is no army besieging Alamut.
Of course, you don't know who I am
I am Arslan Tash
leader of our lord,
the Sultan Malik-Shah's campaign.
against the rouge in Alamut Castle
and you are the leaders of
shepherds and tribes here
I always prefer to begin my speech
with politeness and good manners
I always prefer to begin my speech
with politeness and good manners
this means if you provide
the castle's entrances and exits
and number of its inhabitants
and who the key men are
this is the only solution
that will keep you safe
but if you oppose me
I will treat you as a traitor enemy
this implies that I'll behead you all
this is your final warning.
Are the Seljuk surrounding us alone?
We, and another castle.
My son, Hussein!
No, another castle.
Anyway, you shouldn't be this frightened
you know we will win.
How would I know?
How would I know?
From faith and certainty, Donia
besides, do you think anyone
can beat Hassan Al-Sabbah!
You didn't ask about Al-Hady
nor your heart yearned for Hussein!
Al-Hady grew up and has
his own bedchamber next to you
he doesn't need to sleep in your arms
And Hussein will grow into a
man and a knight and return to you
It's like he's your enemy or rival
It's like he's your enemy or rival
how could you banish him?
Every boy needs a journey and a migration.
to learn to be a fighter.
You know that your son is observed
-and You've a thousand enemies who might…
-I told you not to be scared!
I miss him!
I want to see him.
We'll see him after victory.
I'm talking to you.
being the son of the Great Preacher
or being sent here to learn
roughness and horsemanship
doesn't justify defiance.
No one gives me orders.
Then you should know that I
have full authority to discipline you
to the point of prison punishment
and torture if you like.
You also should know that
your lord, Hassan Al-Sabbah
tried to punish me many times,
but it didn't matter to me.
-Because I'm stubborn
-and because I'm not under anyone's rule
Do you know your father and everyone
with him is under siege at Alamut Castle?
Do you know your father and everyone
with him is under siege at Alamut Castle?
If you are a wise man, you would
let me return to the castle there
I'll stay with them and
fight alongside my father
I wish I could do that.
I wish you had learned something
I could send you back with.
horsemanship and manhood
don't need to be taught
I can teach myself.
Save yourself trouble and send me back.
There are no such orders.
The orders are to follow
instructions and say yes.
-I won't do so!
-Is that so?
Then there will be no food
and no movement from
your place for three nights
I will leave, the food doesn't matter
others might miss the food
others might miss the food
but I won’t allow you to imprison me.
Fine, we'll see.
Enough, enough, please, for God's sake!
Enough! Enough!
There is no power and no strength
except with God! Please stop!
There is no power and no strength
except with God! Stop, my son!
Stop, stop! There is no god but Allah!
What's going on, guys?
Why this severe beating?
Damned Esoteric!
we didn't even start! We
won't leave until he's dead!
This's Imam Al-Ghazali, have some respect.
This's Imam Al-Ghazali, have some respect.
When one of us deviates
we teach and guide him
or we should beat and insult
him, leaving him scarred
and seeking revenge?
Does that mean we should let him be, lord?
How could you say that, lord?
You railed against the Esoterics
and their false beliefs the most
Yes, I railed against
the Esoterics and I'm still doing so
but I rail against their ideas
with knowledge.
and with evidence
and with argument.
I seek the forgiveness of God.
I seek the forgiveness of God.
Hold this, son.
Get up son, get up. Come on.
What's your name?
My name is…
See, Bejan here, for instance
heard something and believed it
You should have presented
more reasonable arguments to him
to believe it
instead of beating him
and insulting him
and torturing him
until all this internal pain
becomes not just personal vendetta
until all this internal pain
becomes not just personal vendetta
but a vendetta stemming from faith
he believes he is right, while
asserting that you are in the wrong
My fear of falling into your hands
is greater than my fear of their torment.
Why, my son?
Because you are our greatest enemy.
I am an enemy to the false idea
and a hater of the act
generated by the false idea.
Young men
you must know
you must know
that one false idea
is a thousand times more
dangerous than a plague
and that the youth who were fooled
and adopted these ideas
shouldn't be tortured
or beaten up
you must enlighten them
you must convince them
with irrefutable evidence
with real knowledge
so they can come back
and whoever can make a self come back
and whoever can make a self come back
to the path of truth
it's as if he revived him.
There is no power and no
strength except with God!
Don't leave me, they
will beat me up if you left.
Don't be afraid
is under my protection
is under my protection
I am the servant who is in need of God
Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali.
There is no god but Allah.
This is the devil's castle
this is our camp.
It's a long way, we can
start moving tomorrow.
It's a long way, we can
start moving tomorrow.
It's dangerous
because they know the
castle's entrances better
this could lead our vanguard into a trap
You'll be a reconnaissance unit
near the castle
yes, your number isn't large
and you may face the Esoterics
but you must know that
you are my best soldiers
and I appreciate the gravity of this well.
Tomorrow, their doom will be on our hands!
If we make it through until tomorrow
They will likely set up camp here
and refrain from advancing closer to us.
The numbers are indeed vast,
as the shepherds have mentioned
"How many a small company
has overcome a large company"
"How many a small company
has overcome a large company"
There must be a plan for escape
to secure our escape and our lord's
home in case of defeat, God forbid.
Run away from my house!
There is no escaping nor defeat!
Bring me three girls
from the shepherds' daughters.
Be tough, you weak!
If your sword drops before
The assassins, you'll look bad
They will assume we are all of your ilk
What's in your hand is poisonous.
He saved you.
Do you now see that
I embody half the army?
Who makes the fire structure
that you're happily using?
Who rescues you when you get wounded?
Why are you so upset with Tayfour?
Just because he is standing afar, if
he were here, I wouldn't say this.
are you standing there, Tayfour?
The girls here are way prettier than ours.
What girls? Go back,
return to your duty, Tayfour!
What girls? Go back,
return to your duty, Tayfour!
Would I go back alone?
Return to your duty, Tayfour!
Hurry up!
is a gift every girl is born with
but not every girl
knows how to be feminine.
How come?
When Alinar speaks,
everyone else falls silent!
The mountain shepherd has a daughter
the prince has a maid
The Sultan has maids, and the Caliph
has what's most important and valuable
they're all girls
but there must be a difference.
Femininity goes beyond
appearance and allure.
No, femininity
is whispering
a movement
who knows how to play the Oud?
and you consider yourselves girls?
who knows how to do anything?
who knows how to do anything?
I can sing and recite poetry.
Learning here is not a choice
there are two things that
will bring death upon you
that one of you doesn't learn
or that she reveals the secret I
tell you under any circumstances
if someone else knows
about it other than Alinar
will be doomed to die.
Playing music, reciting
poetry, singing, and dancing
you will learn and master
them at the earliest
you will learn and master
them at the earliest
we will go to the bathtub
to start with a lesson on smoothness.
Come here
I can't go to that smoothness lesson.
You must, otherwise
she'll kill you! Come on.
The river is poisoned.
Those girls from yesterday.
Nobody drinks from the river
the river is poisoned
we'll rely on the reserve.
Inform the leader
about what happened.
In the name of God, the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful
It's clear, there are new faces,
honoring us for the first time.
It's evident from their appearances
they are among the leading scholars
and it's their first time visiting us.
Would our lord be pleased
to have an disbeliever
in the Sultan's court?
to have an disbeliever
in the Sultan's court?
God forbid, to have
a disbeliever in the Sultan's court.
-Omar Khayyam, our lord.
-What about him?
His poetry is full of disbelieve
and denial of God's existence
and denial of heaven,
hell and resurrection.
Oh God
I haven't read his poetry
in order to pass judgment on it.
Besides, to my knowledge, poetry
is an art subject to wide interpretation
due to its various meanings
so, I can't
accuse a poet
of heresy just because he wrote poetry.
of heresy just because he wrote poetry.
His poetry is available
and judgment is based
on its surface meanings.
Declaring a Muslim as an disbeliever
is a big deal.
It's easier for me to say,
that I didn't understand his poetry
than to accuse him of disbelief.
We thought we'd tell you first
so that your students would witness that
but, we will take action.
Peace be upon you.
Peace, mercy, and blessings
of God be upon you
There is no god but Allah.
Prince Mahmoud managed to cover a
great distance with his horse today.
He kept practicing how to hold a sword
with his private tutor for hours
to the extent that he forgot his lunchtime
May Allah protect him, and I hope
to see him become a great leader.
He's a piece of you
When he is looking far
away and lost in thought
as if he himself is Malik-Shah.
May Allah bless my lord
what does this smile mean?
It means that Mahmoud is still a child
and that I have other children besides him
and it's too early for me to die
Don't try to convince me
Mahmoud is most deserving
to become the Sultan after me, from now on
May Allah prolong the life of my lord
and remains a strong Sultan
until he is a hundred years old.
A hundred years? I would be an old Sultan.
My lord will always be young
My lord, the Sultan is forever
the strongest man in my eyes
There you are, the Terken Khatun I love
There you are, the Terken Khatun I love
and love her eyes
that are free from any purposes
be the enamored Sultana, cherishing her
lord's love, which is a far better thing
than the mother who is plotting
for her son's future from now.
Enamored, infatuated, and in love
with my lord, the Sultan
my only purpose is your happiness.
isn't Terken Khatun your wife!
Our son Mahmoud is a part of you
which means that both of us
Light from the radiance
of your light, my lord.
The cares of the day, my enemies
the wars of the Sultanate are
enough for me outside the bedroom
inside the bedroom, here I don't
want to hear anything but sweet talking
or silence.
Your satisfaction is my life
your look at me with satisfaction
means that I'm in heaven.
I want supply exercise of all
types of food in the entire castle
the amount of bread
the amount of water
poultry, meats
give each believer a loaf
for the first two weeks
and half a loaf for another two weeks.
You and stranded preachers will fast daily
excluding Fridays
and inferior to them, every other day
I fast every day.
How long will the siege last?
Even if it lasts a thousand years
I don't want any word
of fear or submissiveness
I want only those who
believe that we will win
Did you send messages
requesting help to the distant castles?
Did you send messages
requesting help to the distant castles?
Amide is on the move.
Just fifty believers
would be enough.
Importantly, before dawn,
at an appropriate time
when the entire universe is quiet
-we will be behind the Seljuk.
My Lord, you must eat
and regain your strength
fasting has worn you out
we have a supply that can save you.
How can I eat and believers are starving!
These are your shares
that you have not touch
These are your shares
that you have not touch
It's rightfully yours, my lord
My right is to be the most patient, Zaid.
Okay, you have to sleep and rest
you hardly sleep.
Especially tonight,
there'll be no sleeping
This is the decisive night.
I am at my full strength
gather all the fedayeen believers
tell them my lord wants
to give an important speech.
-Praise the lord!
-Praise the lord!
-Praise the lord!
-Praise the lord!
-Praise the lord!
-Praise the lord!
In the name of God, the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful
The joy of seeing the faces
of the believers is the greatest joy
know that
just as we see each other now
we will see each other in heaven indeed
but with faces free of the fatigue
of late nights and the hunger of fasting
know, youth of heaven
that God did not grant me the
appearance or the ability to speak to you
that God did not grant me the
appearance or the ability to speak to you
except for great news
and an even greater herald
our lord, the Imam informed
me about our lord, the martyr
about God
that we will triumph
and they will retreat from around
the castle, defeated and humiliated
and know
the key to heaven was
our Imam's gift to me
I can allow anyone I choose to enter
I've asked him to allow
each of you to enter
I've asked him to allow
each of you to enter
victory comes with signs
and steps
and a plan
the first sign of victory
is your sighting of me
The second sign is your hearing of me
third sign is your adherence to my orders,
which are those of our lord, the Imam
from the skies of the castle, hellish
arrows will rain down upon oppressive army
from the hidden gate of the castle
The head of the army of believers
will move in an unguarded moment
The head of the army of believers
will move in an unguarded moment
from the distant outskirts
reinforcements arrive
with the rest of the believers.
Gather all the chosen
ones from the castle.
Tomorrow morning
the stones and trees will speak
about the miracle of our lord, the Imam
about the miracle of our lord, the Imam
and about Hassan Al-Sabbah's
few fasting followers
who defeated the largest
oppressive army on earth
delight your eyes with the stars
because in their light,
my words with the Imam remain
wash your faces with the dew of victory
and grip your swords with God's power
with God's blessing, march
triumphantly and well-guarded
with the blessing of your lord,
the Imam, Hassan Al-Sabbah.
-For our master!
-Praise the lord!
-For our master!
-Praise the lord!
-Praise the lord!
-Praise the lord!
The observation point.
The cold is harsh today.
-Stay alert, Murad.
Look up!
Look up!
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