The Astronauts (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Day 85

Talk about what?
You deliberately missed
our escape window.
It's okay.
We're good, all right?
The escape vector
comes up again
after another full orbit.
That gives us enough time
to just sort this out.
Sort what out, Samy?
We were supposed
to go home!
Yeah, I wanna
go home now!
Why didn't you
flip the switch?
- You guys are coming home!
- We knew you could do it!
LIND: You have no idea
how fantastic it is
to see your faces!
Really great job, guys.
Hi, Dad.
Dad, guess what?
We're still alive.
Nice work, guys.
- Awesome!
- You crushed it!
I don't even
have any words.
For once.
- Will
Okay, guys, status?
We're in a stable orbit,
and all systems are go
for an escape thrust,
we didn't make
the escape window.
Why not?
What happened?
we're getting some weird
fuel pressure readings.
Scrubbed to run
LIND: Okay, good call.
Better safe than sorry,
but you're only good
for one more orbit
based on your fuel reserves,
so it's critical
you punch out
at the next window,
SAMY: Roger that.
There is one more thing.
Oh, my God.
That can't possibly be
It's an extraterrestrial
It's a fragment of one,
at least.
I think we should
at least consider
completing the mission.
- What?
- Get out!
- Cool
- I wanna go home!
I know.
I wanna go home, too,
but we gotta at least
talk about this.
Just hear me out.
see this bluish trail here?
That's an exhaust plume.
This part is an engine,
and it hasn't run out of fuel
in what, thousands,
maybe millions
of years?
A limitless energy source
that not only could improve
billions of lives
back on Earth,
but enable us to explore
new solar systems.
It's the warp drive
from an alien starship!
Oh, my god, if we were
to bring that bad boy home,
that'd be the biggest thing
anyone has done since
We'd make history.
ELLIOT: Or be history.
That's true.
It is super dangerous,
and it's a miracle
we've gotten this far
and survived,
but Kamohoali'i's
within reach, you guys,
and once she's gone,
she's gone forever.
This isn't
their mission anymore.
It's ours.
This is on us.
We've come all this way,
and for what?
To only run half the race?
To not cross the finish line?
It does make it all
seem kinda pointless.
so is this conversation
without exit coordinates
to Kamohoali'i,
and without them,
we'll never
lock into its position.
We could restart Matilda.
I still have the instructions
Singer sent up.
All we'd have to do
is run it backwards
She already smoked you once.
Do you really think
she's gonna be
in a good mood
when she wakes up?
My guess is that
she'll be super cranky.
- Right.
- She won't hurt me.
She's changed, guys.
Yeah, sure, she already
zapped me once,
but she also brought me back,
and in the end,
she let me pull the plug.
Matilda can
get us there.
I understand that, but
we can't trust her.
Not completely,
not with our lives.
After what she did
to you, I just
We can't.
It's too dangerous.
We're out of options, Samy.
Unless you can think
of something else.
Why don't we just ask
Mission Control
for the coordinates?
Our parents?
What do we have to lose?
I mean, the worst
they could say is
Absolutely not!
- Excuse me?
- Are you kidding?
That's crazy.
We want to complete
the mission.
We've decided that
as a crew.
Oh, so you've decided.
The answer is still
Let her finish.
Go on.
We're listening.
You've all been with us
every step of the way,
and you've seen
what we've faced together.
How we've worked together
and grown as a team,
and we know the rendezvous
with Kamohoali'i is dangerous,
but we also know
what's at stake,
for everyone back on Earth,
I think you guys do, too.
Forget it.
Hey, hold on.
Uh, baby, you've just thrown
a lot at us,
and we're gonna need
some time to process it
Oh, I don't need
to process anything.
-(WHISPERING) That was good.
-The answer is no!
Okay, guys,
we're gonna contact you
as soon as
we've made a decision
one way or the other.
- This is insanity!
- Mission Control, out.
That was not great.
The answer
is still no.
Okay, everybody, hold on!
We're down here,
they're up there.
They've earned their wings.
We need to respect that,
and maybe we need to let them
make this decision
for themselves.
You call that parenting?
I mean, maybe
if you had enforced
a little bit of discipline,
your son wouldn't have
dragged our kids
into that ship
in the first place
Whoa, whoa, what makes you
think it was Elliot's fault
Okay, enough!
That is enough.
This isn't helping.
The fact is,
everything Samy said is true.
This is about more
than just our kids.
Not for me.
Or me.
I get that.
I do, but they
made a decision,
a rational, selfless, informed,
adult decision,
to put themselves
in harm's way
for the greatest discovery
in the history of humankind,
and not because we didn't
do our jobs as parents
but because we did them
too well.
That's a very nice speech,
and I do appreciate
the sentiment, Becca,
but I'm not in the
For All Humankind business.
None of us are.
They're our kids,
and it's our job
to protect them.
It's time to bring them home.
Okay, then.
They only have one set
of exit coordinates
and one option
to come home.
Come on, come on,
let us be heroes
We're less than a minute out
from the dark side,
and we'll lose
ground communications.
They're leaving us with
no choice but to go home.
Incoming text message
from your mom.
Are those?
Exit coordinates
to Kamohoali'i.
Let's go! I can't believe it!
I knew they'd see it our way.
Oh, please.
High five, over here!
Okay, guys, guys
escape coordinates.
This chair sucks.
Confirming coordinates,
Auto re-entry?
What's that mean?
I dunno, like autopilot?
Um, trajectory reset, I guess.
What? No!
Whoa! This does not feel right.
This feels seriously wrong.
El, are you sure
you entered
the right coordinates?
Yes, I entered the exact
that your mom sent.
See for yourself.
What's happening?
We're losing altitude.
We're dropping out of orbit.
We're gonna crash!
920 meters per second.
Altitude 700 kilometers
and falling.
Projected impact
with planet
46 minutes.
We're gonna die in 46 minutes?
At this speed?
We burn up way before we crash.
Not helpful!
Sorry, it's just physics.
Can you exit?
Override auto-sequence?
I'm trying.
Flight controls are dead.
Avionics are all locked up.
Martin, how about you,
any luck with comms?
No. Communication dead.
Zero bars.
We're on our own.
I don't understand.
Why would my mom send up
the wrong coordinates?
It doesn't make any sense!
It was a transmission
from the Helios network.
It could have been sent
by anybody with access.
Someone down there
wants us dead.
WILL: It must be a hack!
It could've been a mistake.
It's crazy Uncle Singer!
What are you doing?
We have to
reactivate Matilda.
Just ten minutes ago,
you said it was too dangerous.
Ten minutes ago,
we weren't crashing!
She's the only one who can
override the auto-pilot.
Watch the systems.
If anything goes sideways,
coordinate fixes.
The rest of you are with me.
- Copy that.
- Copy that.
Good luck.
SAMY: Doria? Martin?
Stand ready in the hub
and await orders as needed.
Roger that!
Will, I'll do the reconnect.
Reverse Singer's steps
on your tablet.
Talk me through
each step.
But, I can
Will, no!
You're not going back in there.
If anyone's gonna get zapped,
it's me.
I'm sorry,
but that's an order.
Are you sure?
There's another suit.
I can help!
SINGER: All right, Samy,
we're almost there.
Step 17.
At the center of the core
She's inside.
Checking the systems
we still have online.
980 meters per second.
Altitude 625 kilometers.
Projected impact,
36 minutes.
Samy, you in position?
Yeah. Will?
Let's roll.
There's a big 64-pin plug.
Do you see it?
Okay I'm going.
I can't hear you.
The socket is dead center.
It's dead center
of the main board.
Tell me that you've got it.
I got it, I got it!
please don't hurt her
Au clair de la lune
Mon ami Pierrot
- Prête-moi ta plume ♪
- Yes.
she's coming back to life!
Martin and Doria!
We got a fire in the galley
and critical pressure spikes
in Hydroponics.
DORIA: Copy that!
We're on our way!
Good luck.
Good luck, Martin.
Elliot, what's going on?
We're going deeper
into the atmosphere,
and it's getting
pretty intense up here.
Samy, you've gotta
speed it up.
We've got 19 minutes
and eight more steps to go.
Okay, I'm working
as fast as I can.
is that you?
Yeah, Matilda, it's me!
Yeah, it's me.
I could see and hear you,
but I couldn't talk.
WILL: Samy,
this feels
We're crashing.
MATILDA: Are we?
I can't feel the ship
anymore, Samy.
I've been dreaming.
I missed you.
I missed you, too,
but Matilda, I really
have to finish
what I'm doing here, okay?
Au clair de la lune
Mon ami Pierrot
Prête-moi ta plume ♪
I'm in Hydroponics! Aah!
Where's the (SCREAMING)
Guys, there's a fire
in the galley!
I'm turning off the fuse!
Turning off the valves now!
Galley clear.
System check?
Systems go.
ELLIOT: Martin, report.
Fried a few green beans.
Who likes green beans, anyway?
Not the tomatoes
WILL: Martin, I didn't want
to have to tell you this.
Your tomatoes suck!
Elliot, flight status!
Velocity 1080.
Altitude 512 kilometers.
Projected impact
Oh, my god.
12 minutes!
Samy, we're almost
out of time,
and we still have
five steps to go!
I know! I'm trying!
I'm working as fast as I can
- Whoa!
WILL: Samy, that's it,
there's not enough time!
You've gotta out of there.
Matilda, can you hear me?
MATILDA: Yes, Samy?
We need your help.
Can you help us?
I'm sorry.
Sorry for turning you off,
for all of it.
I shouldn't have lied
to you.
I shouldn't have
betrayed you.
Will taught me
what it means to forgive.
There is a way to reconnect me
more efficiently,
but it will require
a simultaneous reboot
of the OBC subsystems
in the spine, the habitat,
and adjacent to the ladder
in the CPU chamber.
Adjacent to the ladder,
Will, do you see it?
Yeah! On my way.
get Doria and Martin
into position.
Martin, you need to crack
the OBC subsystem
in the greenhouse!
If you look up, you should
be able to find it.
We don't have a lot of time,
you've gotta do it right now.
I'm on it.
Doria, head down to the spine.
Access the OBC substation
and wait for instructions.
Copy that.
External temperature,
2700 degrees Kelvin and rising!
She's breaking up!
Time to impact?
Four minutes and 13 seconds!
Guys, there's
nothing else more I can do!
Oh, my god.
Elliot, get a grip!
Martin, Doria!
Are you guys in position?
Access panels open?
I've got it open!
Almost there.
I'm in!
Will, are you in position?
WILL: Opening it now.
I've got it open.
each of you should see
a heat shield
with black and yellow stripes.
You mean like the one
that says, "Danger, heat shield,
do not remove?"
Now, remove it.
I knew she was going
to say that.
I see the switch.
All set. What now?
Now what do we do?
MATILDA: Throw the switches
into the off position.
Okay, we have to switch it off.
- What?
- She says to switch it off.
Copy that.
SAMY: Hold on, guys!
coordination is critical.
Margin for error, zero.
Two minutes,
37 seconds to impact.
MATILDA: On my mark,
you must all throw the switches
into the "on" position
God, oh, my god, okay.
Guys, we have to turn them
back on together!
Stand by for my mark!
-Doria, I love you.
-MATILDA: Ten, nine
I love you too, big brother.
Six, five
What about me?
I love you guys!
MATILDA: Two mark.
Fuel pressure is pegging out!
1.55 kilometers per second!
Altitude 270 kilometers.
One minute and 12 seconds
to impact!
No response!
Heat passing redline!
Fuel pressure pegged.
Structural failure
Where's Samy?
Leveling off!
300 altitude
Guys, she's holding.
2,500 degrees
What did you do?
How did you do that?
I didn't do anything.
MATILDA: No. I did.
I thought we were going to die.
What maniac
was flying this thing, anyway?
Are you okay?
DORIA: We made it!
MATILDA: No one was piloting
the spacecraft, Samy.
A malicious ignition sequence
was engaged
that placed us
on an impact trajectory
with Venus.
SAMY: You mean
somebody sent
those numbers up
on purpose?
Like sabotage?
MATILDA: Yes, Samy.
It was a deliberate attempt
to destroy Odyssey II.
- Destroy us?
- Crazy Uncle Singer!
It was crazy Uncle Singer!
But I've overridden it
and set coordinates for Earth.
Due to the increased speed
we gained
in the low-orbit slingshot,
you'll be safely home
in 68 days.
I thought you were
all about the mission.
MATILDA: Yes, I was,
but I've learned that
there are more important things
than the mission.
To take a life
is the greatest wrong.
I am so sorry.
I was wrong
to bring you all here
against your will.
But we don't want
to go home!
We wanna finish
the mission.
MATILDA: I'm sorry, Martin,
but I can't.
I've calculated
the crew's odds of survival,
and the risk to your lives
is unacceptable.
Prepare for gravity thrust.
You're right.
Life is important,
but so is the right to choose.
You said it yourself.
You were wrong
to bring us up here
against our choice.
MATILDA: Yes. Very wrong.
Yes, but sometimes
people choose
to risk their own lives
to save others.
We've come so far.
This mission
could save many lives
back on Earth.
We choose to do this.
This is your choice?
To endanger yourselves
for the sake of others?
We totally wanna do it!
Ditto! Double ditto.
Is this true for all of you?
Uh, yeah, Matilda?
MATILDA: Yes, Elliot?
Just out of curiosity,
what are the odds of survival?
- Oh, man!
- Really?
Come on!
MATILDA: 54.7%.
That's good.
I mean, that's great.
That's only a 45.3% death rate.
Well, it's better than even.
MATILDA: Way better.
Who can argue with that?
Yeah, I'm in.
Done deal!
WILL: Awesome!
MARTIN: I knew
you had it in you.
What is that supposed to mean?
You're like one of
my little plant babies.
I've been able to, like,
watch you grow,
and, like, you know,
you've really
been evolving
on the course
of this mission
into this amazing
human being.
Hold on, guys.
We have to remember,
it's all of us,
or it's none of us.
do you want
to complete the mission?
All of us or none of us?
You think I'm
one of us?
MARTIN: Definitely.
Yeah, totally one of us.
MATILDA: Then my choice
is to follow your lead.
- Yes!
Guys, we're going
to Kamohoali'i!
That's some sad stuff.
Matilda, set a course
for Kamohoali'i.
Yes, Captain.
the escape vector.
All right, then.
Let's do this.
Copy that.
WILL: Copy.
I'm ready to just sit here
and watch.
Copy that
Will! Again?
Sorry, I just gotta do this.
I don't know
about your mom,
but my dad's head
is totally gonna explode.
Biggest thing since ever.
Retracting outriggers.
DORIA: Oh, yeah.
Brace for engine ignition
in T-minus five
Five kids all amazed
by the wonders ♪
Of unexplainable factors
That go beyond the skies
We are the astronauts
On the voyage of a lifetime
With a mission far from Earth
and all we trust ♪
Oh, we are the astronauts
Matilda is no longer
piloting the ship,
and neither are we.
- Guys, check it out.
- That can't be.
Yeah, it is.
ELLIOT: That is
definitely no asteroid.
We're inside the orbital
escape window.
Time to go home.
Guys, we need to talk.
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