The Baby-Sitters Club (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Hello, Camp Moosehead! Part 1

Poison ivy!
Worst case I've seen in 15 years.
Did you wrestle in it or something?
Ugh, the show's tonight.
I can't go on like this.
I can't even see out of my left eye.
I'll get more compresses.
That bad, huh?
What are we gonna do about the show?
You look like you have leprosy.
Mignonette can't have leprosy.
I'd have to rewrite the whole show
to make her a leper,
and there's just no time.
No time!
Claudia is a political prisoner!
I'm her eyes and ears on the outside.
The only way to free her is to subvert
the entire system and start a revolution!
Yes, and if it's a long imprisonment,
I might need three more bags
of Cool Ranch Doritos.
Oh, God, I'm so itchy!
Stacey, no.
No scratching.
Kristy, do something.
There's only one thing to do.
Call an emergency meeting
of The Baby-Sitters Club.
Another one.
In here. Second bed.
What are you doing here?
- What does it look like?
- The curse. The curse is real.
Girls, patients need quiet,
and visiting hours are over.
No, no, no.
We cannot leave Stacey alone with her.
Absolutely not.She can't be trusted.
And I hope you've confiscated
all electronic devices.
Guys, just go. None of this is making me
feel better anyways.
I'm sorry, Stace.
We'll come visit you later.
Oh, my God.
Look, can we just talk?
And so our heroine must bravely go off
to the woods to reverse the curse.
I know this is a hard time
for the entire cast and crew.
The political climate at camp is fraught,
and we've lost both our producer
and star to personal issues.
Who can take over the leading role?
And the light board?
I'll run the board.
Mary Anne, it's obvious.
There's only one person
who knows this show inside and out. You.
KRISTY: Logan's right.
You've been to every rehearsal,
you know every line.
You're the only one
that can save the show now.
Kristy, what are you doing here?
Offering moral support, since there's
nothing else to do in this stupid place.
But we need to do a full run-through ahead
of the performance,
and we need to do it immediately.
So, what do you say?
What do I say?
Orphan waifs, make sure
you're sweeping in unison.
Monsieur Croquet,
don't actually kick the general,
and, Karen, when you come in
for the act one finale
Where's Karen?
I think I saw her at breakfast.
Maybe she's running late.
we don't have a moment to spare.
Vanessa, you're up.
Don't hold back.
Pretend like it's opening night
on Broadway.
That's a lot of pressure.
Fine, a Sunday matinee. And, Kristy.
I'll go find Karen.
Finally, a purpose.
Jessi and I can help.
Yeah, we're not on till act two anyways.
This unfair system's got to go!
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
This unfair system's got to go!
Attention, campers!
This is a lie-in.
We will continue our peaceful protest
until old Meanie changes
the unfair pay system
or lets Claudia continue
her free art classes for all.
Everybody, join hands.
We are stronger together.
Well, well, well.
I see you've come to negotiate.
Actually, I'm on my way to my car.
But this whole protest thingy
is against protocol,
and I am over this mishigas.
You are all remanded back to your cabins
until further notice.
Until I'm back from the dentist. Move.
Move, move.
Does "remanded" mean
we're missing afternoon activities?
We won't be missing activities
if there are no activities.
Thank you, sister in arms.
BOTH: Days!
- MAN: These are the days of our lives.
Bathroom's all clear.
A witchy but glamorous decoy.
Obviously Karen's work.
Where could she be?
Well, let's think.
Karen often gives verbal cues
about her current preoccupations.
Has she been talking a lot
about something recently?
Witches, gnomes, a contagious disease?
A curse.
She thinks there's a hermit
in the Old Camp
who put a curse on the theater.
Put on your tick spray.
We're going into the woods.
Into the woods and out of the woods
and home before--
- KRISTY: Not now, Mallory.
- Okay.
I traveled back in time ♪
And love has come my way ♪
A dream I dreamed
From in the present day♪
At last I found you, Mignonette ♪
After spending so long alone ♪
No longer am I lost ♪
No longer on my own ♪
I think you should save the kiss
for the real performance.
To keep it fresh.
Bonjour, Monsieur
Why don't you rest at my inn? ♪
I'll bring a pound of sausage
Would you like a pint of gin? ♪
Vanessa, that's not this part.
Can I go to the restroom?
Take five, everyone.
It's 2:52, so be back by 2:57.
You okay?
My leading lady and producer
are both disfigured.
Everyone wants to take breaks
all the time.
No one remembers their cues.
I tried to be bossy like Kristy,
but maybe that's just not me.
Maybe I'm not a leader.
Are you kidding?
You're an amazing leader.
The show is falling apart.
Mary Anne, when you're directing,
you know exactly what your vision is
and how to make people see it.
I wish I could talk to people
the way you do.
- Really?
- Really.
You're not bossy like Kristy.
You're bossy like Mary Anne.
All right, everyone, back to work.
It's only 2:56.
Attention, fellow humans.
This is Dawn Schafer,
your organizer but not your superior.
Today I'm asking every camper
to make a sacrifice.
Not for yourself, not for me
For justice.
I'm officially calling for a camp-wide
general strike.
Lay down your eggs.
Disarm your bows.
Fold your hand of Crazy Eights.
We must abstain from activities
until we are all equal.
Wait, everyone, stay!
Sorry, Mary Anne, I'm a union guy.
But the best way to protest
is to make great art.
Isn't that what Paris Magic is all about?
Maybe we should cancel the performance
in solidarity.
Or we can all stay
and celebrate the spirit of revolt
through musical theater!
I will stay to continue the play.
After all, it's my big break,
and stardom will be mine to take.
This way.
The Old Camp was straight north
of the lake,
so we should reach
any remaining structure soon.
Mallory, I didn't know you were
such a wilderness expert.
Well, I identify as more of a horse girl,
but there's a lot of overlap.
This must be it.
I'll go in first.
I am the oldest.
What does "hermit" mean, anyway?
Is that some kind of sexist slang
for old maid?
Why isn't it "him-et"?
Personally, I think some peace
and quiet would be nice.
Do you guys think she's okay?
I know Karen seems like
a confident, mature woman,
but she's only seven, and she's missing.
We're gonna find her, Kristy.
Maybe she just ran away for a little bit.
My brother Byron does that
when he gets anxious.
It helps him reset.
Guys, look.
This milk carton's from camp, and these
granola bars were served this morning.
She was here.
It's getting late.
Maybe she left to get more food?
Or maybe she just left.
There's a bus stop
about a half a mile from here. Come on.
Why are we building a fort?
It's not a fort, it's a barricade.
Activism is about using whatever
platform you have to make change.
[SIGHS] And sometimes that means yelling
loudly on a pile of old furniture.
What are you guys doing?
Hey, aren't you the girl
that's supposed to be in her cabin?
We're engaging in civil disobedience.
Meanie's not even here.
Just don't hurt yourselves.
Where do you think Meanie went?
She said the dentist,
but she probably went
to go get reinforcements.
So anyone who isn't down
for a confrontation should go.
Are you with me?
I'll stay.
Oh, I'm proud of you.
You found me.
What are you doing?
Waiting for the bus.
Where do you think it's gonna take you?
I don't know anyone in my cabin.
I wanted to be in the play
so I'd have friends, but
Mary Anne's so busy all the time,
and all the kids think I'm weird.
And David Michael said
I'm only his stepsister.
I thought if I broke the curse,
people would like me,
but there is no curse.
I was in a bunk with strangers last year.
I know it's hard.
But we're here.
And we're your friends.
You are?
Hey, if you really want to leave camp,
we'll go back and we'll call
Mom and Watson right now.
But I know I'd be pretty sad to miss out
on spending the rest of the summer
with my sister.
My real sister.
Speaking of sisters, Vanessa's gonna go on
for you in the musical
if we don't make it back in time.
Vanessa Pike stole my role?
Let's go. Now!
Isn't that her dad?
He was.
I think you fell asleep when they revealed
the last face-switching.
- Stacey
I'm so sorry about what happened
last year.
I've moved on.
I've never had the chance
to actually apologize because
I didn't know what was going on.
You completely shut me out,
even before what happened with the video
in the cafeteria.
Why didn't you tell me you were sick?
It was a scary time.
I didn't know who I could trust.
And then, when I started missing school
and all the popular kids shut me out,
I felt like I needed
to be even more secretive,
like I couldn't let anyone know
what was going on.
I was your best friend.
That means you're supposed to trust me
with the scary stuff.
I think I've started to understand that.
Your new friends seem pretty awesome.
They are.
But they don't know how to get
last-minute reservations
- at a hot restaurant.
I miss you, too.
Where's the justice?
What is all this, and why are you
building it so close to the theater?
We just want people who are participating
in camp activities
to think about what they're doing and
reflect on the injustices all around us.
Dawn, the show is really important to me,
and you're messing with it.
Well, it's not about your show, Mary Anne.
You're my friend.
So maybe it should be.
Mary Anne, listen.
I'm not trying to hurt your feelings
or your show.
I respect you too much for that.
But when you're working on your play,
you feel great, right?
Like you're connected
to what you really care about?
Like you're the best version of yourself?
I feel like I can talk to people
and not be shy,
because it's not about me.
It's about something way bigger.
That's what this protest is for me.
I'm not trying to shut down your show.
I'm trying to make a difference.
Kids are being left out
because they have less.
If there's anything I can do
to change that,
that's what I have to do.
Because that's my best version of me.
I guess I can understand that.
You're trying to make the world better
your way, and I'll do mine.
And we'll still be best friends.
- Okay.
And if any of you need to take a breather
for a few minutes,
feel free to come sit inside
while the show's going on,
in the audience!
Good luck.
You, too.
It's actually "break a leg."
- We can't afford another curse.
Did we just cross a picket line?
I think it's more of a picket suggestion.
And Mary Anne needs butts in seats.
Red leather, yellow leather.
Red leather, yellow leather.
Red leather
Nice try, Vanessa.
1815-- 26 years after the start
of the Revolution,
a king is once again
on the throne of France.
2019-- two weeks
after the last day of school,
a 16-year-old boards a plane to Paris
for the first time.
She's back!
Meanie's Jeep is heading towards us.
Time to take a stand.
Long live the Revolution!
Counselors, collect your campers now!
Now or you'll all be remanded
to your cabins,
and camp will be shut down
for the rest of session.
Three weeks remanded to your cabins.
Think about it.
BOY: All right, let's roll.
Schafer, Kishi, my office now.
Are you really gonna call our parents?
No, I'm gonna send you home. Both of you.
We can't let this happen.
I'm going after them.
If she's gonna send Claudia and Dawn home,
she can send me home, too.
Ditto. I've already done
everything I needed to at camp.
And I kind of want to sleep
in my own bed. Is that bad? [LAUGHS]
Wait up. I'm coming, too.
What about the show?
It's already ruined.
We'll just pretend
this was a dress rehearsal.
Plus, I can't stand by
and not be there for my friends.
Mary Anne, wait.
I'm sorry, Logan, I have to do this.
I know. You're really brave.
But you're gonna miss our kiss.
No, I'm not.
Got to go. I have work to do.
Oh, my God! Mary Anne!
We weren't trying to ruin anything
or make trouble.
We just wanted things to be fair,
and they are not fair.
This can't be the first time
you're realizing that.
Please, hear us out.
You've run Camp Moosehead for 26 years,
and I know you care about the campers.
Everyone here just wants
to feel like they belong,
whether they have money or not.
I would love to make everything free.
I can't.
We would go out of business.
Even though you two are driving me crazy,
and I had to drive off campus today
to get a root canal, finally,
for the tooth that's been bothering me
for weeks, not that you guys noticed
I am not oblivious to the fact
that you're learning about yourselves
and the way you want to be in the world,
and that's what this time away
from your parents is supposed to be about.
So we can stay?
There are liability issues,
and I have to set an example.
I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess.
As much as I love camp,
being your comrade has been the best part.
So if this is how it ends, so be it.
Drop the phone!
Oh, not this one.
You can't send Claudia and Dawn home.
Oh, yeah? Why's that?
Because I spent the whole afternoon
hunting down a missing camper.
Oh, so you're saying I can't do my job?
With all due respect, kind of.
You need more help.
My stepsister Karen,
she wandered off today,
and none of your staff noticed.
Is Karen okay?
Luckily, she's fine,
but she was trying to catch a bus
at an out-of-service bus stop,
and the reason why I know that is because
I was the one that had to go find her.
Look, I know you want camp to be great.
But that's why you need more people,
more people like us,
who pay attention
and understand what kids need.
Don't you agree?
KRISTY: Counselors in training, baby!
This is the best summer ever.
Did I mention that I love this camp?
Me, too! Now that I've shaken the ivy
and we're back to our daily activities,
I'm sleeping like a baby,
post sleep-training. [LAUGHS]
Long live the revolution!
Long live the BSC!
And come to our free art class
after rest hour!
Today we're pressing flowers!
I'll be there.
And you guys can all attend Paris Magic
on whatever night works best for you,
because Meanie is letting us do it
on three consecutive nights.
Congrats, Mary Anne!
You deserve it, especially after
everything that happened
during your first performance.
- We're calling that an invited dress.
- Hi.
- Hey!
DAWN: Hi, Meanie.
Philomena, I'd like to discuss
how our horseback riding helmets
create a major lice liability.
I propose a four-pronged plan.
Oh, feel free to talk to those CITs
about that.
And go into a lot of detail.
Excuse me! CITs.
Hey, guys. What are you doing here?
We have a surprise for you.
See, I was so impressed
by how you guys helped me find Karen,
that we decided
we want you to be junior CITs.
Wow, I can't believe Meanie's letting
11-year-olds do this.
Well, it's sort of unofficial.
But we were also thinking,
back in Stoneybrook,
maybe you could help us out
with babysitting sometimes.
See, we have this club.
Oh, my God, The Baby-Sitters Club?
- You guys are, like, world-famous.
We thought you two could be
junior members, if you want.
Oh, my God!
I never thought this day would come!
- So you're in?
- We're in.
Then there's only only one thing left
to do. Come on.
KRISTY: So, yeah, camp didn't quite
turn out the way we planned.
It turned out better.
Hey, can you take a picture of us?
Because we'd learned something.
No matter where we were
or who we met along the way,
we were still us.
ALL: One, two, three!
- Baby-Sitters Club!
- Mm-hmm ♪
I know everything's gonna be fine ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
'Cause I got all my friends with me ♪
When I'm in trouble, need some help
And I feel all by myself ♪
Know exactly who to call ♪
I know to make it all right ♪
I got all my friends with me ♪
And after all my money's spent
And I can't afford my rent ♪
They walk me in the house
Saying "you can take the couch, yeah" ♪
That's the only friends I need ♪
And everybody say ♪
No one understands me
No one understands me like they do ♪
Like they do ♪
No one's gonna love me
No one's gonna love me ♪
Like they do, like they do ♪
I know we about to have a good time ♪
Mmm! ♪
'Cause I got all my friends with me ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
I know everything's gonna be fine ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
'Cause I got all my friends with me ♪
- Hey, hey! ♪
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